Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 223 - 238, 01.06.2020


Yönetim inovasyonu son yıllarda örgütsel performansa pozitif etki yaratması ve sürdürülebilir rekabet avantajı yaratması dolayısıyla araştırma ve uygulama alanında önemli bir kavram haline gelmiştir. Özellikle teknoloji devrimi karşısında rekabette üstünlük yaratan yönetim inovasyonu, firmaların pazar yönelimine sahip olmaları halinde daha yüksek çıktılar oluşturmaktadır. İş karmaşıklığı kavramı ise bir ekibin, iş görevlerinin gerektirdiği zihinsel kapasite ve iş becerisi düzeyini ifade etmektedir. Karmaşık işler daha yoğun odaklanma, daha yüksek beceri ve zihinsel kapasite gerektirmektedir. İş karmaşıklığının gerektirdiği bu temel özellikler ise pazar yönelimi etkisiyle yönetim inovasyonu çıktılarını artıracak etki yaratmaktadır. Bu çalışma, pazar yönelimine sahip firmaların yönetim inovasyonu üzerindeki etkisini incelemektedir. Ayrıca iş karmaşıklığının pazar yöneliminin yönetim inovasyonuna etkisindeki pozitif rolünü inceleyen çalışma bu varsayımı ile yönetim literatürüne farklı bir perspektif kazandırmayı hedeflemektedir.


  • Adams, M.E., Day, G.S. & Dougherty, D. (1998). Enhancing New Product Development Performance: An Organizational Learning Perspective. Journal of Product Innovation Management 15, 403–422.
  • Almeida, P., & Kogut, B. (1999). The localization of knowledge and the mobility of engineers in regional networks. Management Science, 45(7), 905–917.
  • Ansari, S.M., Fiss, P.C. & Zajac, E.J. (2010). Made to fit: how practices vary as they diffuse, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 35 No. 1, 67-92.
  • Audenaert, M., Vanderstraeten, A., & Buyens, D. (2017). When innovation requirements empower individual innovation: the role of job complexity. Personnel Review, 46(3), 608-623.
  • Becton, J. B., Carr, J. C., Mossholder, K. W., & Walker, H. J. (2017). Differential effects of task performance, organizational citizenship behavior, and job complexity on voluntary turnover. Journal of Business and Psychology, 32(4), 495-508.
  • Birkinshaw, J. & Mol, M.J. (2006). How management innovation happens, Sloan Management Review, 47 (4), 81-88.
  • Birkinshaw, J. M., Hamel, G., & Mol, M. J. (2008). Management innovation. Academy of Management Review, 33(4), 825–845.
  • Brown, G., Pierce, J. L., & Crossley, C. (2014). Toward an understanding of the development of ownership feelings. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35, 318–338.
  • Carboni, O. A., & Russu, P. (2018). Complementarity in product, process, and organizational innovation decisions: Evidence from European firms. R&D Management, 48(48(2/s)), 210–222.
  • Carroll, J. S. (1998). Organizational learning activities in high‐hazard industries: the logics underlying self‐analysis. Journal of Management studies, 35(6), 699-717.
  • Chae, H., & Choi, J. N. (2018). Contextualizing the effects of job complexity on creativity and task performance: Extending job design theory with social and contextual contingencies. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 91(2), 316-339.
  • Deegahawature, M. M. D. R. (2014). The Effect of Proclivity to Open Innovation, Job Complexity and Technology Turbulence on Creativity: Evidence from Technologically Less Advanced Countries. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 4(4), 125-136.
  • Djanko, S., & Hoekman, B. (2000). Foreign direct investment and productivity growth in Czech enter- prises. The World Bank Economic Review, 14(1), 49–64.
  • Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error: Algebra and statistics.
  • Fosfuri, A., Motta, M., & Ronde, T. (2001). Foreign direct investment and spillovers through workers’ mobility. Journal of International Economics, 53, 205–222.
  • Geldes, C., Felzensztein, C., & Palacios-Fenech, J. (2017). Technological and non-technological innovations, performance and propensity to innovate across industries: The case of an emerging economy. Industrial Marketing Management, 61, 55-66.
  • Guler, I., Guillén, M. F., & Macpherson, J. M. (2002). Global competition, institutions, and the diffusion of organizational practices: The international spread of ISO 9000 quality certificates. Administrative science quarterly, 47(2), 207-232.
  • Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2012). Partial least squares: the better approach to structural equation modeling?. Long Range Planning, 45(5-6), 312-319.
  • Hamel, G. (2006), “The why, what, and how of management innovation”, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 84 No. 2, 72-84.
  • Hamel, G. & B. Bren (2007), The Future of Management, Harvard Business School Press, 3–255.
  • Hammond, M.M., Neff, N., Farr, J.L., Schwall, A. & Zhao, X. (2011), “Predictors of individual-level innovation at work: a meta-analysis”, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, & the Arts, 5(1), 90-105.
  • Hamdoun, M., Jabbour, C. J. C., & Othman, H. B. (2018). Knowledge transfer and organizational innovation: Impacts of quality and environmental management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 193, 759-770.
  • Hecker, A., & Ganter, A. (2013). The influence of product market competition on technological and management innovation: Firm‐level evidence from a large‐scale survey. European Management Review, 10(1), 17-33.
  • Hunter, J. E., & Hunter, R. F. (1984). Validity and utility of alternative predictors of job performance. Psychological Bulletin, 96, 72–98.
  • Janssen, O. (2001). Fairness perceptions as a moderator in the curvilinear relationships between job demands, and job performance and job satisfaction. Academy of Management Journal, 44, 1039–1050.
  • Jaworski, B. J., & Kohli, A. K. (1993). Market orientation: antecedents and consequences. Journal of marketing, 57(3), 53-70.
  • Khosravi, P., Newton, C., & Rezvani, A. (2019). Management innovation: A systematic review and meta-analysis of past decades of research. European Management Journal.
  • Kim, N., & Atuahene‐Gima, K. (2010). Using exploratory and exploitative market learning for new product development. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27(4), 519-536.
  • Kuada, J., & Buatsi, S. N. (2005). Market orientation and management practices in Ghanaian firms: revisiting the Jaworski and Kohli framework. Journal of International Marketing, 13(1), 58-88.
  • Laursen, K., & Salter, A. (2006). Open for innovation: The role of openness in explaining innovation performance among UK manufacturing firms. Strategic Management Journal, 27(2), 131–150.
  • Le Bas, C., Mothe, C., & Nguyen-Thi, T. U. (2015). The differentiated impacts of organizational innovation practices on technological innovation persistence. European Journal of Innovation Management, 18(1), 110e127.
  • Levinthal, D. A., & March, J. G. (1993). The myopia of learning. Strategic management journal, 14(S2), 95-112.
  • Li, J., Burch, T. C., & Lee, T. W. (2017). Intra‐individual variability in job complexity over time: Examining the effect of job complexity trajectory on employee job strain. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(5), 671-691.
  • Liao, Z. (2018). Social capital and firms' environmental innovations: The moderating role of environmental scanning. Business Strategy and the Environment, 27(1), 117–127.
  • Lin, L. H., & Ho, Y. L. (2016). Institutional pressures and environmental performance in the global automotive industry: The mediating role of organizational ambidexterity. Long Range Planning, 49(6), 764–775.
  • Liu, M. L., Lin, C. P., Joe, S. W., & Chen, K. J. (2019). Modeling knowledge sharing and team performance. Management Decision.
  • Lynch, L. M. (2007). Organizational innovation and US productivity. VOX, Research-based policy analisis and commentary from leading economists, 6.
  • March, J.G. (1991), “Exploration and exploitation in organisational learning”, Organisation Science, 2(1), 71–87.
  • McKee, D. (1992). An Organizational Learning Approach to Product Innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 9, 232–245.
  • Mol, M.J. & Birkinshaw, J. (2008). Giant Steps in Management: Innovations That Change the Way We Work, FT Prentice Hall, Dorchester.
  • Morgeson, F. P., & Humphrey, S. E. (2006). The work design questionnaire (WDQ): developing and validating a comprehensive measure for assessing job design and the nature of work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(6), 1321–1339.
  • Nurmi, N., & Hinds, P. J. (2016). Job complexity and learning opportunities: A silver lining in the design of global virtual work. Journal of International Business Studies, 47(6), 631-654.
  • Nunnaly, J.C. and Bernstein, I.H. (1994). Psychometric Theory, McGraw‐Hill, New York, NY.
  • Pauget, B., & Wald, A. (2018). Creating and implementing organizational innovation: The role of professional identity and network embeddedness in healthcare organizations. European Journal of Innovation Management, 21(3), 384-401.
  • Salgado, J. F. (2017). Moderator effects of job complexity on the validity of forced-choice personality inventories for predicting job performance. Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 33(3), 229-238.
  • Shalley, C.E. and Gilson, L.L. (2004). “What leaders need to know: a review of social and contextual factors that can foster or hinder creativity”, The Leadership Quarterly, 15 (1), 33-53.
  • Slater, S.F. and Narver, J.C. (1995). Market Orientation and the Learning Organization. Journal of Marketing 59, 63–74.
  • Teece, D. J. (2007). Explicating dynamic capabilities: The nature and micro- foundations of (sustainable) enterprise performance. Strategic Management Journal, 28(13), 1319-1350.
  • Vaccaro, I.G., Jansen, J.J.P., Van Den Bosch, F.A.J. & Volberda, H.W. (2012). “Management innovation and leadership: the moderating role of organizational size”, Journal of Management Studies, 49(1), 28-51.
  • Wang, A. C., & Cheng, B. S. (2010). When does benevolent leadership lead to creativity? The moderating role of creative role identity and job autonomy. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31(1), 106-121.
  • Wang, C. J., Tsai, H. T., & Tsai, M. T. (2014). Linking transformational leadership and employee creativity in the hospitality industry: The influences of creative role identity, creative self-efficacy, and job complexity. Tourism Management, 40, 79-89.
  • Weerawardena, J. (2003). Exploring the role of market learning capability in competitive strategy. European journal of marketing.
  • Wu, M., Peng, Z., & Estay, C. (2018). How role stress mediates the relationship between destructive leadership and employee silence: The moderating role of job complexity. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 12.
  • Yang, D., Li, L., Jiang, X., & Zhao, J. (2019). The fit between market learning and organizational capabilities for management innovation. Industrial Marketing Management.
  • Zhou, K. Z., & Li, C. B. (2010). How strategic orientations influence the building of dynamic capability in emerging economies. Journal of Business Research, 63(3), 224-231.
Year 2020, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 223 - 238, 01.06.2020



  • Adams, M.E., Day, G.S. & Dougherty, D. (1998). Enhancing New Product Development Performance: An Organizational Learning Perspective. Journal of Product Innovation Management 15, 403–422.
  • Almeida, P., & Kogut, B. (1999). The localization of knowledge and the mobility of engineers in regional networks. Management Science, 45(7), 905–917.
  • Ansari, S.M., Fiss, P.C. & Zajac, E.J. (2010). Made to fit: how practices vary as they diffuse, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 35 No. 1, 67-92.
  • Audenaert, M., Vanderstraeten, A., & Buyens, D. (2017). When innovation requirements empower individual innovation: the role of job complexity. Personnel Review, 46(3), 608-623.
  • Becton, J. B., Carr, J. C., Mossholder, K. W., & Walker, H. J. (2017). Differential effects of task performance, organizational citizenship behavior, and job complexity on voluntary turnover. Journal of Business and Psychology, 32(4), 495-508.
  • Birkinshaw, J. & Mol, M.J. (2006). How management innovation happens, Sloan Management Review, 47 (4), 81-88.
  • Birkinshaw, J. M., Hamel, G., & Mol, M. J. (2008). Management innovation. Academy of Management Review, 33(4), 825–845.
  • Brown, G., Pierce, J. L., & Crossley, C. (2014). Toward an understanding of the development of ownership feelings. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35, 318–338.
  • Carboni, O. A., & Russu, P. (2018). Complementarity in product, process, and organizational innovation decisions: Evidence from European firms. R&D Management, 48(48(2/s)), 210–222.
  • Carroll, J. S. (1998). Organizational learning activities in high‐hazard industries: the logics underlying self‐analysis. Journal of Management studies, 35(6), 699-717.
  • Chae, H., & Choi, J. N. (2018). Contextualizing the effects of job complexity on creativity and task performance: Extending job design theory with social and contextual contingencies. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 91(2), 316-339.
  • Deegahawature, M. M. D. R. (2014). The Effect of Proclivity to Open Innovation, Job Complexity and Technology Turbulence on Creativity: Evidence from Technologically Less Advanced Countries. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 4(4), 125-136.
  • Djanko, S., & Hoekman, B. (2000). Foreign direct investment and productivity growth in Czech enter- prises. The World Bank Economic Review, 14(1), 49–64.
  • Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error: Algebra and statistics.
  • Fosfuri, A., Motta, M., & Ronde, T. (2001). Foreign direct investment and spillovers through workers’ mobility. Journal of International Economics, 53, 205–222.
  • Geldes, C., Felzensztein, C., & Palacios-Fenech, J. (2017). Technological and non-technological innovations, performance and propensity to innovate across industries: The case of an emerging economy. Industrial Marketing Management, 61, 55-66.
  • Guler, I., Guillén, M. F., & Macpherson, J. M. (2002). Global competition, institutions, and the diffusion of organizational practices: The international spread of ISO 9000 quality certificates. Administrative science quarterly, 47(2), 207-232.
  • Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2012). Partial least squares: the better approach to structural equation modeling?. Long Range Planning, 45(5-6), 312-319.
  • Hamel, G. (2006), “The why, what, and how of management innovation”, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 84 No. 2, 72-84.
  • Hamel, G. & B. Bren (2007), The Future of Management, Harvard Business School Press, 3–255.
  • Hammond, M.M., Neff, N., Farr, J.L., Schwall, A. & Zhao, X. (2011), “Predictors of individual-level innovation at work: a meta-analysis”, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, & the Arts, 5(1), 90-105.
  • Hamdoun, M., Jabbour, C. J. C., & Othman, H. B. (2018). Knowledge transfer and organizational innovation: Impacts of quality and environmental management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 193, 759-770.
  • Hecker, A., & Ganter, A. (2013). The influence of product market competition on technological and management innovation: Firm‐level evidence from a large‐scale survey. European Management Review, 10(1), 17-33.
  • Hunter, J. E., & Hunter, R. F. (1984). Validity and utility of alternative predictors of job performance. Psychological Bulletin, 96, 72–98.
  • Janssen, O. (2001). Fairness perceptions as a moderator in the curvilinear relationships between job demands, and job performance and job satisfaction. Academy of Management Journal, 44, 1039–1050.
  • Jaworski, B. J., & Kohli, A. K. (1993). Market orientation: antecedents and consequences. Journal of marketing, 57(3), 53-70.
  • Khosravi, P., Newton, C., & Rezvani, A. (2019). Management innovation: A systematic review and meta-analysis of past decades of research. European Management Journal.
  • Kim, N., & Atuahene‐Gima, K. (2010). Using exploratory and exploitative market learning for new product development. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27(4), 519-536.
  • Kuada, J., & Buatsi, S. N. (2005). Market orientation and management practices in Ghanaian firms: revisiting the Jaworski and Kohli framework. Journal of International Marketing, 13(1), 58-88.
  • Laursen, K., & Salter, A. (2006). Open for innovation: The role of openness in explaining innovation performance among UK manufacturing firms. Strategic Management Journal, 27(2), 131–150.
  • Le Bas, C., Mothe, C., & Nguyen-Thi, T. U. (2015). The differentiated impacts of organizational innovation practices on technological innovation persistence. European Journal of Innovation Management, 18(1), 110e127.
  • Levinthal, D. A., & March, J. G. (1993). The myopia of learning. Strategic management journal, 14(S2), 95-112.
  • Li, J., Burch, T. C., & Lee, T. W. (2017). Intra‐individual variability in job complexity over time: Examining the effect of job complexity trajectory on employee job strain. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(5), 671-691.
  • Liao, Z. (2018). Social capital and firms' environmental innovations: The moderating role of environmental scanning. Business Strategy and the Environment, 27(1), 117–127.
  • Lin, L. H., & Ho, Y. L. (2016). Institutional pressures and environmental performance in the global automotive industry: The mediating role of organizational ambidexterity. Long Range Planning, 49(6), 764–775.
  • Liu, M. L., Lin, C. P., Joe, S. W., & Chen, K. J. (2019). Modeling knowledge sharing and team performance. Management Decision.
  • Lynch, L. M. (2007). Organizational innovation and US productivity. VOX, Research-based policy analisis and commentary from leading economists, 6.
  • March, J.G. (1991), “Exploration and exploitation in organisational learning”, Organisation Science, 2(1), 71–87.
  • McKee, D. (1992). An Organizational Learning Approach to Product Innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 9, 232–245.
  • Mol, M.J. & Birkinshaw, J. (2008). Giant Steps in Management: Innovations That Change the Way We Work, FT Prentice Hall, Dorchester.
  • Morgeson, F. P., & Humphrey, S. E. (2006). The work design questionnaire (WDQ): developing and validating a comprehensive measure for assessing job design and the nature of work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(6), 1321–1339.
  • Nurmi, N., & Hinds, P. J. (2016). Job complexity and learning opportunities: A silver lining in the design of global virtual work. Journal of International Business Studies, 47(6), 631-654.
  • Nunnaly, J.C. and Bernstein, I.H. (1994). Psychometric Theory, McGraw‐Hill, New York, NY.
  • Pauget, B., & Wald, A. (2018). Creating and implementing organizational innovation: The role of professional identity and network embeddedness in healthcare organizations. European Journal of Innovation Management, 21(3), 384-401.
  • Salgado, J. F. (2017). Moderator effects of job complexity on the validity of forced-choice personality inventories for predicting job performance. Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 33(3), 229-238.
  • Shalley, C.E. and Gilson, L.L. (2004). “What leaders need to know: a review of social and contextual factors that can foster or hinder creativity”, The Leadership Quarterly, 15 (1), 33-53.
  • Slater, S.F. and Narver, J.C. (1995). Market Orientation and the Learning Organization. Journal of Marketing 59, 63–74.
  • Teece, D. J. (2007). Explicating dynamic capabilities: The nature and micro- foundations of (sustainable) enterprise performance. Strategic Management Journal, 28(13), 1319-1350.
  • Vaccaro, I.G., Jansen, J.J.P., Van Den Bosch, F.A.J. & Volberda, H.W. (2012). “Management innovation and leadership: the moderating role of organizational size”, Journal of Management Studies, 49(1), 28-51.
  • Wang, A. C., & Cheng, B. S. (2010). When does benevolent leadership lead to creativity? The moderating role of creative role identity and job autonomy. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31(1), 106-121.
  • Wang, C. J., Tsai, H. T., & Tsai, M. T. (2014). Linking transformational leadership and employee creativity in the hospitality industry: The influences of creative role identity, creative self-efficacy, and job complexity. Tourism Management, 40, 79-89.
  • Weerawardena, J. (2003). Exploring the role of market learning capability in competitive strategy. European journal of marketing.
  • Wu, M., Peng, Z., & Estay, C. (2018). How role stress mediates the relationship between destructive leadership and employee silence: The moderating role of job complexity. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 12.
  • Yang, D., Li, L., Jiang, X., & Zhao, J. (2019). The fit between market learning and organizational capabilities for management innovation. Industrial Marketing Management.
  • Zhou, K. Z., & Li, C. B. (2010). How strategic orientations influence the building of dynamic capability in emerging economies. Journal of Business Research, 63(3), 224-231.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yasin Aksoy This is me 0000-0002-3253-5611

Publication Date June 1, 2020
Submission Date February 15, 2020
Acceptance Date May 25, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


AMA Aksoy Y. ÖRGÜTSEL PAZAR YÖNELİMİNİN YÖNETİM İNOVASYONUNA ETKİSİNDE İŞ KARMAŞIKLIĞININ ROLÜ. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi. June 2020;8(1):223-238. doi:10.14514/byk.m.26515393.2020.8/1.223-238
IEEE Y. Aksoy, “ÖRGÜTSEL PAZAR YÖNELİMİNİN YÖNETİM İNOVASYONUNA ETKİSİNDE İŞ KARMAŞIKLIĞININ ROLÜ”, Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 223–238, 2020, doi: 10.14514/byk.m.26515393.2020.8/1.223-238.
MLA Aksoy, Yasin. “ÖRGÜTSEL PAZAR YÖNELİMİNİN YÖNETİM İNOVASYONUNA ETKİSİNDE İŞ KARMAŞIKLIĞININ ROLÜ”. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 1, 2020, pp. 223-38, doi:10.14514/byk.m.26515393.2020.8/1.223-238.