Research Article
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Interpretation of the Establishment of Israel as a State According to the Barakah Circle Theory of Bayt Al-Maqdis

Year 2020, , 207 - 220, 15.12.2020


Bayt al-Maqdis has witnessed the birth of three Abrahamic religions. The city is also unique for long being the place in which members of these religions have lived together as neighbours. However, it has always been a targeted territory in which Western powers desired power and domination over the region. The Crusaders’ period (1098-1187) and the ongoing Israeli occupation are dark pages in the history of the city and region. This is especially with respect to the establishment of the Zionist Israeli state in the Middle East, which has led to several, economic, cultural, and political conflicts affecting the region to this day. With reference to this uniqueness of Bayt al-Maqdis, this paper aims to interpret the occupation of Bayt al-Maqdis and the establishment of Israel as a state in the heart of the Muslim East, along with its multi-dimensional consequences, according to the Barakah Circle Theory of Islamicjerusalem introduced by Abd al-Fattah Muhammad El-Awaisi.


  • Abd Rahman, F. (2004). Political, Religious and Social Changes in Islamicjerusalem from the First Islamic Conquest until the End of Umayyad Period (637-750CE): An Analytical Study. Unpublished MA dissertation). University of Abertay Dundee.
  • Barakat, H. (1993). The Arab world: Society, culture, and state. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.
  • Cargill, W. (1840). Mehemet Ali, Lord Palmerston, Russia, and France: Position of England, Turkey, and Russia... Treaty of July 15, 1840. London: J. Reid and Company.
  • El-Awaisi, A. A. F. M. (1998). The significance of Jerusalem in Islam: an Islamic reference. Journal of Islamic Jerusalem Studies, 1(2).
  • El-Awaisi, A. A. F. M. (2000). Umar’s Assurance of Safety to the people of Aelia (Jerusalem): A Critical Analytical study of the Historical Source. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 3 (2), 47-89.
  • El-Awaisi, A. A. F. M. (2006). Introducing Islamicjerusalem. UK: Al-Maktoum Institute Academic Press.
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2007) Mapping Islamicjerusalem. Dundee: ALMI Press.
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2007). The names of Islamicjerusalem in the Prophetic period. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, vol. 8, summer 2007.
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2011). From Aelia to Al-Quds: The Names of Islamicjerusalem in the Early Muslim Period. Mukaddime, 4(4).
  • El-Khatib, A. (2001). Jerusalem in the Qur'an. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 28(1), 25-53.
  • Gibbon, E. (1846). The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire (Vol. 6). London: J. Murray.
  • Golding, William. (1959) Lord of the Flies. New York: Berkley.
  • Haggman, B. (1998). Rudolf Kjellén and modern Swedish geopolitics. Geopolitics, 3(2), 99-112.
  • Harkabi, Y. (2017). Arab attitudes to Israel. New York: Routledge.
  • Kalın, İbrahim (2016). Ben, Öteki Ve Ötesi. İstanbul: İnsan.
  • Kazmouz, M. M. (2011). Multiculturalism in Islam: the document of Madīnah & Umar's assurance of safety as two case studies (Doctoral dissertation, University of Aberdeen).
  • Marks, J. H. (1970). The Problem of Palestine. The Muslim World, 60(1), 25-46.
  • Masalha, N. (2018). Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History. London: Zed Books.
  • Öke, M. K. (1982). Siyonizm ve Filistin Sorunu (1880-1914). İstanbul: Üçdal Neşriyat.
  • Said, E. W. (1978). The idea of Palestine in the west. MERIP Reports, (70), 3-11.
  • Said, E. W. (1992). The question of Palestine. Chicago: Vintage.
  • Weider, B. (1998). Napoleon and the Jews. Napoleonic Scholarship Montreal: International Napoleonic Society, 41-45.
  • Xypolia, I. (2011). Orientations and Orientalism: The Governor Sir Ronald Storrs. Journal of Islamic Jerusalem Studies, 11:25-43.
  • Yaşar, F. T., Özcan, S. A., & Kor, Z. T. (2003). Siyonizm Düşünden İşgal Gerçeğine Filistin. İstanbul: İHH İnsani Yardım Vakfı.
  • Yazar, Y. (1991). Ortadoğu Değişen Dengeler, Ankara: Rehber Yayıncılık.

Baytülmakdis Bereket Daireleri Teorisine göre İsrail Devletinin Kurulmasına dair bir Değerlendirme

Year 2020, , 207 - 220, 15.12.2020




  • Abd Rahman, F. (2004). Political, Religious and Social Changes in Islamicjerusalem from the First Islamic Conquest until the End of Umayyad Period (637-750CE): An Analytical Study. Unpublished MA dissertation). University of Abertay Dundee.
  • Barakat, H. (1993). The Arab world: Society, culture, and state. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.
  • Cargill, W. (1840). Mehemet Ali, Lord Palmerston, Russia, and France: Position of England, Turkey, and Russia... Treaty of July 15, 1840. London: J. Reid and Company.
  • El-Awaisi, A. A. F. M. (1998). The significance of Jerusalem in Islam: an Islamic reference. Journal of Islamic Jerusalem Studies, 1(2).
  • El-Awaisi, A. A. F. M. (2000). Umar’s Assurance of Safety to the people of Aelia (Jerusalem): A Critical Analytical study of the Historical Source. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 3 (2), 47-89.
  • El-Awaisi, A. A. F. M. (2006). Introducing Islamicjerusalem. UK: Al-Maktoum Institute Academic Press.
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2007) Mapping Islamicjerusalem. Dundee: ALMI Press.
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2007). The names of Islamicjerusalem in the Prophetic period. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, vol. 8, summer 2007.
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2011). From Aelia to Al-Quds: The Names of Islamicjerusalem in the Early Muslim Period. Mukaddime, 4(4).
  • El-Khatib, A. (2001). Jerusalem in the Qur'an. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 28(1), 25-53.
  • Gibbon, E. (1846). The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire (Vol. 6). London: J. Murray.
  • Golding, William. (1959) Lord of the Flies. New York: Berkley.
  • Haggman, B. (1998). Rudolf Kjellén and modern Swedish geopolitics. Geopolitics, 3(2), 99-112.
  • Harkabi, Y. (2017). Arab attitudes to Israel. New York: Routledge.
  • Kalın, İbrahim (2016). Ben, Öteki Ve Ötesi. İstanbul: İnsan.
  • Kazmouz, M. M. (2011). Multiculturalism in Islam: the document of Madīnah & Umar's assurance of safety as two case studies (Doctoral dissertation, University of Aberdeen).
  • Marks, J. H. (1970). The Problem of Palestine. The Muslim World, 60(1), 25-46.
  • Masalha, N. (2018). Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History. London: Zed Books.
  • Öke, M. K. (1982). Siyonizm ve Filistin Sorunu (1880-1914). İstanbul: Üçdal Neşriyat.
  • Said, E. W. (1978). The idea of Palestine in the west. MERIP Reports, (70), 3-11.
  • Said, E. W. (1992). The question of Palestine. Chicago: Vintage.
  • Weider, B. (1998). Napoleon and the Jews. Napoleonic Scholarship Montreal: International Napoleonic Society, 41-45.
  • Xypolia, I. (2011). Orientations and Orientalism: The Governor Sir Ronald Storrs. Journal of Islamic Jerusalem Studies, 11:25-43.
  • Yaşar, F. T., Özcan, S. A., & Kor, Z. T. (2003). Siyonizm Düşünden İşgal Gerçeğine Filistin. İstanbul: İHH İnsani Yardım Vakfı.
  • Yazar, Y. (1991). Ortadoğu Değişen Dengeler, Ankara: Rehber Yayıncılık.

تفسير إقامة "إسرائيل" كدولة حسب نظرية دوائر البركة لبيت المقدس

Year 2020, , 207 - 220, 15.12.2020


شهدت بيت المقدس ولادة الثلاث ديانات الإبراهيمية. وتعد المدينة المقدسة فريدة من نوعها لكونها المكان الذي يعيش فيه أتباع هذه الديانات معًا. ومع ذلك، فقد كانت هذه المنطقة دائمًا مستهدفة؛ وأرادت القوى الغربية بسط قوتها وهيمنتها عليها. ففي فترة الصليبيين (1098-1187) والاحتلال الإسرائيلي الحالي صفحات مظلمة في تاريخ المدينة والمنطقة. هذا بشكل خاص فيما يتعلق بإقامة دولة الاحتلال الإسرائيلي الصهيوني في الشرق الأوسط ، والتي أدت إلى العديد من الصراعات السياسية والثقافية والاقتصادية والتي تؤثر على المنطقة حتى يومنا هذا. بالإشارة إلى خصوصية بيت المقدس، تهدف هذه الورقة إلى تفسير احتلال بيت المقدس وإقامة دولة إسرائيل كدولة في قلب المشرق الإسلامي، إلى جانب تداعياته المتعددة الأبعاد، بحسب نظرية دوائر البركة لبيت المقدس التي أطرها الأستاذ عبد الفتاح محمد العويسي.


  • Abd Rahman, F. (2004). Political, Religious and Social Changes in Islamicjerusalem from the First Islamic Conquest until the End of Umayyad Period (637-750CE): An Analytical Study. Unpublished MA dissertation). University of Abertay Dundee.
  • Barakat, H. (1993). The Arab world: Society, culture, and state. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.
  • Cargill, W. (1840). Mehemet Ali, Lord Palmerston, Russia, and France: Position of England, Turkey, and Russia... Treaty of July 15, 1840. London: J. Reid and Company.
  • El-Awaisi, A. A. F. M. (1998). The significance of Jerusalem in Islam: an Islamic reference. Journal of Islamic Jerusalem Studies, 1(2).
  • El-Awaisi, A. A. F. M. (2000). Umar’s Assurance of Safety to the people of Aelia (Jerusalem): A Critical Analytical study of the Historical Source. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 3 (2), 47-89.
  • El-Awaisi, A. A. F. M. (2006). Introducing Islamicjerusalem. UK: Al-Maktoum Institute Academic Press.
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2007) Mapping Islamicjerusalem. Dundee: ALMI Press.
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2007). The names of Islamicjerusalem in the Prophetic period. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, vol. 8, summer 2007.
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2011). From Aelia to Al-Quds: The Names of Islamicjerusalem in the Early Muslim Period. Mukaddime, 4(4).
  • El-Khatib, A. (2001). Jerusalem in the Qur'an. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 28(1), 25-53.
  • Gibbon, E. (1846). The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire (Vol. 6). London: J. Murray.
  • Golding, William. (1959) Lord of the Flies. New York: Berkley.
  • Haggman, B. (1998). Rudolf Kjellén and modern Swedish geopolitics. Geopolitics, 3(2), 99-112.
  • Harkabi, Y. (2017). Arab attitudes to Israel. New York: Routledge.
  • Kalın, İbrahim (2016). Ben, Öteki Ve Ötesi. İstanbul: İnsan.
  • Kazmouz, M. M. (2011). Multiculturalism in Islam: the document of Madīnah & Umar's assurance of safety as two case studies (Doctoral dissertation, University of Aberdeen).
  • Marks, J. H. (1970). The Problem of Palestine. The Muslim World, 60(1), 25-46.
  • Masalha, N. (2018). Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History. London: Zed Books.
  • Öke, M. K. (1982). Siyonizm ve Filistin Sorunu (1880-1914). İstanbul: Üçdal Neşriyat.
  • Said, E. W. (1978). The idea of Palestine in the west. MERIP Reports, (70), 3-11.
  • Said, E. W. (1992). The question of Palestine. Chicago: Vintage.
  • Weider, B. (1998). Napoleon and the Jews. Napoleonic Scholarship Montreal: International Napoleonic Society, 41-45.
  • Xypolia, I. (2011). Orientations and Orientalism: The Governor Sir Ronald Storrs. Journal of Islamic Jerusalem Studies, 11:25-43.
  • Yaşar, F. T., Özcan, S. A., & Kor, Z. T. (2003). Siyonizm Düşünden İşgal Gerçeğine Filistin. İstanbul: İHH İnsani Yardım Vakfı.
  • Yazar, Y. (1991). Ortadoğu Değişen Dengeler, Ankara: Rehber Yayıncılık.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Şirin Cengiz

Publication Date December 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Cengiz, M. Ş. (2020). Interpretation of the Establishment of Israel as a State According to the Barakah Circle Theory of Bayt Al-Maqdis. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 20(2), 207-220.

ISSN:1367-1936 , e-ISSN:2514-6009