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Beytülmakdis Şehri’nin Yahudileştirilmesinde Sağcı Dîni Örgütlerin Rolü: Kudüs Uluslararası Hristiyan Büyükelçiliği Örgütü (ICEJ) Üzerine Bir Vaka Çalışması

Year 2020, , 231 - 252, 15.12.2020


Beytülmakdis Şehri’nin Yahudileştirilmesinde Sağcı Dîni Örgütlerin Rolü: Kudüs Uluslararası Hristiyan Büyükelçiliği Örgütü (ICEJ) Üzerine Bir Vaka Çalışması.


  • Abu-Iliyan, Azmi (2012). Ma‘alim al-Quds al-Hadariyah wa-Siyasat al-Tahweed al-Sahyuniyah (al-Tarikh al-Musawar). Amman: al-Mad.
  • Al-Jazeera Net (2011),السفارة-المسيحية-الدولية , accessed on: 1 June 2019.
  • Al-Taglibi, Suhail (1999). Al-Sahuyniyah Tahrif al-Injeel. Tripoli: Maktabat al-Sa’ih.
  • Ariel, Yaakov (1997). A Christian Fundamentalist Vision on the Middle East: Jan Willem Van Der Hoeven and the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. Ed. Edited by R. Scott Appleby, Spokesmen for the Despised: Fundamentalist Leader of the Middle East. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Ariel, Yaakov (2013). An Unusual Relationship: Evangelical Christians and Jews. New York: New York University Press.
  • Ariel, Yaakov (2014). From the Institutum Judaicum to the International Christian Embassy Christian Zionism with a European Accent. Eds. Göran Gunner and Robert O. Smith, Comprehending Christian Zionism: Perspectives in Comparison. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
  • Ariel, Yaakov (2017). Protestants and Pilgrimages: the Protestant Infrastructure. In ed. Kevin A Griffin and Maria Leppakari, Pilgrimage and Tourism to Holy Cities: Ideological and Management Perspectives. Wallingford (UK): CABI.
  • Ayish, Husni (2006). Amrikya al-Israliliya wa-Israil al-Amrikiyah. Beirut: al-Mu’asasah al-Arabiyah lil-Dirasat wal-Nashir. Clark, Victoria. (2007). Allies for Armageddon: The Rise of Christian Zionism. New Haven: Yale University Press, p. 214.
  • Daniel G. Hummel. (March 2019). Foreign Policy and Religion: U.S. Foreign Policy Toward Israel. In: Oxford Resea rch Encyclopedia of Politics, p.17. 9780190228637.013.988, accessed on: 22 June 2019.
  • Engberg, Aron (2016). Walking on the Pages of the Word of God: Self, Land, and Text Among Evangelical Volunteers in Jerusalem. Lund University: Centre for Theology and Religious Studies.
  • Al-Hassan, Yusuf (1990). Al-Bu‘d al-Dini fi al-Siyashah al-Amrikiyah tijah al-Sira‘ al-‘Arabi al-Sahuyni. Beirut: Markaz Dirasat al-Wihdah al-Arabiyah.
  • Hedding, Malcolm. (n.d.). Biblical Zionism. The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ):, accessed on: 6 June 2019.
  • Hilal, Ridda (2000). Al-Masih al-Yahudi wa-Nihayat al-Alam: al-Masihiyah al-Siyasiyah wal-Usuliyah fi Amrikiya. Cairo: Maktabat al-Shuruq.
  • ICEJ (2019). ICEJ MEDIA. ICEJ:, accessed on: 16 June 2019.
  • ICEJ News. (11 June 2019). Israeli Supreme Court Rules on Church Property Dispute. ICEJ : accessed on: 27 June 2019.
  • ICEJ. (2019). Get Involved: Show your support for Israel, ICEJ:, accessed on: 14 June 2019.
  • ICEJ. (n.d.). About Us: The Work and the Vision of ICEJ. ICEJ:, accessed on: 7 June 2019.
  • Jerusalem Post (2001). Christian embassy issues call to action. Jerusalem Post.
  • Jurgen Buhler. (2018). International leaders Conference. Word from Jerusalem (Global Edition), p.14.
  • Kaplow, Larry (21 July 2000). Christians want in on Mideast talks amid debate over status of Jerusalem, leaders urge peace negotiators to protect church interests. The Atlanta Constitution, B.1.
  • Kiracofe, Jr Clifford A. (2009). Dark Crusade: Christian Zionism and US Foreign Policy. New York: I.B.Tauris.
  • Kirsch, Jonathan (2007). Kitab Tarikh Nihayat al-Alam (A History of the End of the World). Translated by Abdulwahab Alub. Cairo: Maktabat al-Shuruq.
  • Le Leppäkari, Maria (2006). Apocalyptic Representations of Jerusalem. Leiden; Boston: Brill.
  • McConnell, F., Moreau, T. and Dittmer, J. (2012). Mimicking state diplomacy: The legitimizing strategies of unofficial diplomacies. Geoforum, Volume 43, Issue 4.
  • Michael, Susan. (2 June, 2011). The Significance of Jerusalem to Christians: ICEJ:, accessed on: 10 June 2019.
  • Newberg, Eric Nelson (2012). The Pentecostal Mission in Palestine: The Legacy of Pentecostal Zionism. Oregon: PICKWICK Publications.
  • Parsons, David. (1 March 2011). Israel and Fulfillment Theology: Is God finished with the Jewish people? ICEJ:, accessed on: 7 June 2019.
  • Parsons, David. (16 Jan, 2017). The Question of Jerusalem: Seeking God’s mercy upon our nation. ICEJ:, accessed on: 18 June 2019.
  • Right Web (11 January, 1989). embassy_jerusalem, accessed on: 6 June 2019.
  • Al-Samamk, Muhammad (2005). Al-Quds qabl fawat al-Awan. Beirut: al-Dar al-Arabiyah lil-Ulum.
  • Saqir, Muhammad Ibrahim al-Sharbini (2003). Al-Harakah al-Masihiyah al-Usuliyah al-Amrikiyah al-Mu‘asirah wa-‘Alaqatha bil-Sahyuniyah. Cairo: Dar al-Tawzee‘ wal-Nashir al-Islamiyah.
  • Sember, Brette (25 November 2019). Puritanism for Beginners, https://www.thoughtco. com/ puritanism-definition-4146602
  • Sharon Jeremy. (16 Sep, 2015). Chief Rabbis Attack Pro-Israel ICEJ Christian Group Accusing it Of Proselytizing. The Jerusalem Post: accessed on: 25 June 2019.
  • Shindler, Colin (2000) Likud and the Christian Dispensationalists: A Symbiotic Relationship. Israel Studies, No. 1 Vol. 5.
  • Sizer, Stephen (2006). Christian Zionism: Road-map to Armageddon? Westmont: IVP Academic, p.128.
  • Slonim, Shlomo (1998). Jerusalem in America's Foreign Policy: 1947 - 1997. London: Kluwer Law International.
  • Stanley, Brian (2013). The Global Diffusion of Evangelicalism: The Age of Billy Graham and John Stott (History of Evangelicalism, People, Movements and Ideas in the English-Speaking World). Illinois: IVP Academic.
  • Sturm, Tristan. (8 Oct, 2012). Feast of Tabernacles Conference: The Christian Zionists Lobby Has Returned. Palestine Chronicle:, accessed on: 18 June 2019.
  • WAFA - Palestine News & Info Agency (2019). Ru’asa’ al-Kana’is fi al-Quds yuhazirun min Tasfiyat al-Wujud al-Masihi., accessed on: 27 June 2019.
  • Westbrook, Matthew C. (2014). The International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem and Renewalist Zionism: Emerging Jewish-Christian Ethnonationalism, A dissertation submitted to The Graduate Division of Religion. New Jersey: Drew University Periodicals.

أدوار منظمات اليمين الديني في سياسة تهويد مدينة بيت المقدس: دور منظمة السفارة المسيحية الدولية-القدس (ICEJ) أنموذجاً

Year 2020, , 231 - 252, 15.12.2020


ملخص: يهدِف البحث إلى تحليل أدوار منظمات اليمين الديني في سياسة تهويد مدينة القدس، من خلال دراسة دور منظمة السفارة المسيحية الدولية القدس، مستخدماً مقاربة الجماعة. وتناول البحث ظروف النشأة، والتكوين لمنظمة السفارة المسيحية الدولية - القدس، وبنيتها الفكرية، وأهمية القدس بالنسبة لها، والوسائل والأنشطة التي تستخدمها وتساعد الاحتلال في سياسة التهويد لمدينة بيت المقدس، وعلاقتها مع مؤسسات المجتمع الصهيوني. وتوصلت إلى مجموعة من النتائج من أهمها دور حكومة دولة الاحتلال في نشأة المنظمة. وأوصى البحث بضرورة التوجه إلى الأمم المتحدة وإعداد قوائم سوداء لكافة المنظمات التي تساند الاحتلال في سياسة تهويد مدينة القدس، لتعارضها مع القانون الدولي.


  • Abu-Iliyan, Azmi (2012). Ma‘alim al-Quds al-Hadariyah wa-Siyasat al-Tahweed al-Sahyuniyah (al-Tarikh al-Musawar). Amman: al-Mad.
  • Al-Jazeera Net (2011),السفارة-المسيحية-الدولية , accessed on: 1 June 2019.
  • Al-Taglibi, Suhail (1999). Al-Sahuyniyah Tahrif al-Injeel. Tripoli: Maktabat al-Sa’ih.
  • Ariel, Yaakov (1997). A Christian Fundamentalist Vision on the Middle East: Jan Willem Van Der Hoeven and the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. Ed. Edited by R. Scott Appleby, Spokesmen for the Despised: Fundamentalist Leader of the Middle East. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Ariel, Yaakov (2013). An Unusual Relationship: Evangelical Christians and Jews. New York: New York University Press.
  • Ariel, Yaakov (2014). From the Institutum Judaicum to the International Christian Embassy Christian Zionism with a European Accent. Eds. Göran Gunner and Robert O. Smith, Comprehending Christian Zionism: Perspectives in Comparison. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
  • Ariel, Yaakov (2017). Protestants and Pilgrimages: the Protestant Infrastructure. In ed. Kevin A Griffin and Maria Leppakari, Pilgrimage and Tourism to Holy Cities: Ideological and Management Perspectives. Wallingford (UK): CABI.
  • Ayish, Husni (2006). Amrikya al-Israliliya wa-Israil al-Amrikiyah. Beirut: al-Mu’asasah al-Arabiyah lil-Dirasat wal-Nashir. Clark, Victoria. (2007). Allies for Armageddon: The Rise of Christian Zionism. New Haven: Yale University Press, p. 214.
  • Daniel G. Hummel. (March 2019). Foreign Policy and Religion: U.S. Foreign Policy Toward Israel. In: Oxford Resea rch Encyclopedia of Politics, p.17. 9780190228637.013.988, accessed on: 22 June 2019.
  • Engberg, Aron (2016). Walking on the Pages of the Word of God: Self, Land, and Text Among Evangelical Volunteers in Jerusalem. Lund University: Centre for Theology and Religious Studies.
  • Al-Hassan, Yusuf (1990). Al-Bu‘d al-Dini fi al-Siyashah al-Amrikiyah tijah al-Sira‘ al-‘Arabi al-Sahuyni. Beirut: Markaz Dirasat al-Wihdah al-Arabiyah.
  • Hedding, Malcolm. (n.d.). Biblical Zionism. The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ):, accessed on: 6 June 2019.
  • Hilal, Ridda (2000). Al-Masih al-Yahudi wa-Nihayat al-Alam: al-Masihiyah al-Siyasiyah wal-Usuliyah fi Amrikiya. Cairo: Maktabat al-Shuruq.
  • ICEJ (2019). ICEJ MEDIA. ICEJ:, accessed on: 16 June 2019.
  • ICEJ News. (11 June 2019). Israeli Supreme Court Rules on Church Property Dispute. ICEJ : accessed on: 27 June 2019.
  • ICEJ. (2019). Get Involved: Show your support for Israel, ICEJ:, accessed on: 14 June 2019.
  • ICEJ. (n.d.). About Us: The Work and the Vision of ICEJ. ICEJ:, accessed on: 7 June 2019.
  • Jerusalem Post (2001). Christian embassy issues call to action. Jerusalem Post.
  • Jurgen Buhler. (2018). International leaders Conference. Word from Jerusalem (Global Edition), p.14.
  • Kaplow, Larry (21 July 2000). Christians want in on Mideast talks amid debate over status of Jerusalem, leaders urge peace negotiators to protect church interests. The Atlanta Constitution, B.1.
  • Kiracofe, Jr Clifford A. (2009). Dark Crusade: Christian Zionism and US Foreign Policy. New York: I.B.Tauris.
  • Kirsch, Jonathan (2007). Kitab Tarikh Nihayat al-Alam (A History of the End of the World). Translated by Abdulwahab Alub. Cairo: Maktabat al-Shuruq.
  • Le Leppäkari, Maria (2006). Apocalyptic Representations of Jerusalem. Leiden; Boston: Brill.
  • McConnell, F., Moreau, T. and Dittmer, J. (2012). Mimicking state diplomacy: The legitimizing strategies of unofficial diplomacies. Geoforum, Volume 43, Issue 4.
  • Michael, Susan. (2 June, 2011). The Significance of Jerusalem to Christians: ICEJ:, accessed on: 10 June 2019.
  • Newberg, Eric Nelson (2012). The Pentecostal Mission in Palestine: The Legacy of Pentecostal Zionism. Oregon: PICKWICK Publications.
  • Parsons, David. (1 March 2011). Israel and Fulfillment Theology: Is God finished with the Jewish people? ICEJ:, accessed on: 7 June 2019.
  • Parsons, David. (16 Jan, 2017). The Question of Jerusalem: Seeking God’s mercy upon our nation. ICEJ:, accessed on: 18 June 2019.
  • Right Web (11 January, 1989). embassy_jerusalem, accessed on: 6 June 2019.
  • Al-Samamk, Muhammad (2005). Al-Quds qabl fawat al-Awan. Beirut: al-Dar al-Arabiyah lil-Ulum.
  • Saqir, Muhammad Ibrahim al-Sharbini (2003). Al-Harakah al-Masihiyah al-Usuliyah al-Amrikiyah al-Mu‘asirah wa-‘Alaqatha bil-Sahyuniyah. Cairo: Dar al-Tawzee‘ wal-Nashir al-Islamiyah.
  • Sember, Brette (25 November 2019). Puritanism for Beginners, https://www.thoughtco. com/ puritanism-definition-4146602
  • Sharon Jeremy. (16 Sep, 2015). Chief Rabbis Attack Pro-Israel ICEJ Christian Group Accusing it Of Proselytizing. The Jerusalem Post: accessed on: 25 June 2019.
  • Shindler, Colin (2000) Likud and the Christian Dispensationalists: A Symbiotic Relationship. Israel Studies, No. 1 Vol. 5.
  • Sizer, Stephen (2006). Christian Zionism: Road-map to Armageddon? Westmont: IVP Academic, p.128.
  • Slonim, Shlomo (1998). Jerusalem in America's Foreign Policy: 1947 - 1997. London: Kluwer Law International.
  • Stanley, Brian (2013). The Global Diffusion of Evangelicalism: The Age of Billy Graham and John Stott (History of Evangelicalism, People, Movements and Ideas in the English-Speaking World). Illinois: IVP Academic.
  • Sturm, Tristan. (8 Oct, 2012). Feast of Tabernacles Conference: The Christian Zionists Lobby Has Returned. Palestine Chronicle:, accessed on: 18 June 2019.
  • WAFA - Palestine News & Info Agency (2019). Ru’asa’ al-Kana’is fi al-Quds yuhazirun min Tasfiyat al-Wujud al-Masihi., accessed on: 27 June 2019.
  • Westbrook, Matthew C. (2014). The International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem and Renewalist Zionism: Emerging Jewish-Christian Ethnonationalism, A dissertation submitted to The Graduate Division of Religion. New Jersey: Drew University Periodicals.

The Role of Religious Right Organisations in the Judaising Policy in the City of Bayt al Maqdis: Case Study of the Role of the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem (ICEJ)

Year 2020, , 231 - 252, 15.12.2020


The paper aims to analyse the role of religious rights organisations in the Judaisation policy of the city of Bayt al-Maqdis. It studies the role of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ), by using the Group Approach. The paper discusses the establishment of the ICEJ, its intellectual structure, and the importance of Jerusalem to it. Additionally, the paper deals with the means and activities used in support of the occupation’s Judaisation of Bayt al-Maqdis, as well as its relationship with civil society institutions of the Zionists. The paper concludes with a number of outcomes, the most important of which is the role of the Israeli Government in establishing this organisation. The paper recommends the need to engage, amongst others, the United Nations, in making a blacklist of all organisations that support the Judaisation policy in Jerusalem on the grounds that it is against international law.


  • Abu-Iliyan, Azmi (2012). Ma‘alim al-Quds al-Hadariyah wa-Siyasat al-Tahweed al-Sahyuniyah (al-Tarikh al-Musawar). Amman: al-Mad.
  • Al-Jazeera Net (2011),السفارة-المسيحية-الدولية , accessed on: 1 June 2019.
  • Al-Taglibi, Suhail (1999). Al-Sahuyniyah Tahrif al-Injeel. Tripoli: Maktabat al-Sa’ih.
  • Ariel, Yaakov (1997). A Christian Fundamentalist Vision on the Middle East: Jan Willem Van Der Hoeven and the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. Ed. Edited by R. Scott Appleby, Spokesmen for the Despised: Fundamentalist Leader of the Middle East. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Ariel, Yaakov (2013). An Unusual Relationship: Evangelical Christians and Jews. New York: New York University Press.
  • Ariel, Yaakov (2014). From the Institutum Judaicum to the International Christian Embassy Christian Zionism with a European Accent. Eds. Göran Gunner and Robert O. Smith, Comprehending Christian Zionism: Perspectives in Comparison. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
  • Ariel, Yaakov (2017). Protestants and Pilgrimages: the Protestant Infrastructure. In ed. Kevin A Griffin and Maria Leppakari, Pilgrimage and Tourism to Holy Cities: Ideological and Management Perspectives. Wallingford (UK): CABI.
  • Ayish, Husni (2006). Amrikya al-Israliliya wa-Israil al-Amrikiyah. Beirut: al-Mu’asasah al-Arabiyah lil-Dirasat wal-Nashir. Clark, Victoria. (2007). Allies for Armageddon: The Rise of Christian Zionism. New Haven: Yale University Press, p. 214.
  • Daniel G. Hummel. (March 2019). Foreign Policy and Religion: U.S. Foreign Policy Toward Israel. In: Oxford Resea rch Encyclopedia of Politics, p.17. 9780190228637.013.988, accessed on: 22 June 2019.
  • Engberg, Aron (2016). Walking on the Pages of the Word of God: Self, Land, and Text Among Evangelical Volunteers in Jerusalem. Lund University: Centre for Theology and Religious Studies.
  • Al-Hassan, Yusuf (1990). Al-Bu‘d al-Dini fi al-Siyashah al-Amrikiyah tijah al-Sira‘ al-‘Arabi al-Sahuyni. Beirut: Markaz Dirasat al-Wihdah al-Arabiyah.
  • Hedding, Malcolm. (n.d.). Biblical Zionism. The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ):, accessed on: 6 June 2019.
  • Hilal, Ridda (2000). Al-Masih al-Yahudi wa-Nihayat al-Alam: al-Masihiyah al-Siyasiyah wal-Usuliyah fi Amrikiya. Cairo: Maktabat al-Shuruq.
  • ICEJ (2019). ICEJ MEDIA. ICEJ:, accessed on: 16 June 2019.
  • ICEJ News. (11 June 2019). Israeli Supreme Court Rules on Church Property Dispute. ICEJ : accessed on: 27 June 2019.
  • ICEJ. (2019). Get Involved: Show your support for Israel, ICEJ:, accessed on: 14 June 2019.
  • ICEJ. (n.d.). About Us: The Work and the Vision of ICEJ. ICEJ:, accessed on: 7 June 2019.
  • Jerusalem Post (2001). Christian embassy issues call to action. Jerusalem Post.
  • Jurgen Buhler. (2018). International leaders Conference. Word from Jerusalem (Global Edition), p.14.
  • Kaplow, Larry (21 July 2000). Christians want in on Mideast talks amid debate over status of Jerusalem, leaders urge peace negotiators to protect church interests. The Atlanta Constitution, B.1.
  • Kiracofe, Jr Clifford A. (2009). Dark Crusade: Christian Zionism and US Foreign Policy. New York: I.B.Tauris.
  • Kirsch, Jonathan (2007). Kitab Tarikh Nihayat al-Alam (A History of the End of the World). Translated by Abdulwahab Alub. Cairo: Maktabat al-Shuruq.
  • Le Leppäkari, Maria (2006). Apocalyptic Representations of Jerusalem. Leiden; Boston: Brill.
  • McConnell, F., Moreau, T. and Dittmer, J. (2012). Mimicking state diplomacy: The legitimizing strategies of unofficial diplomacies. Geoforum, Volume 43, Issue 4.
  • Michael, Susan. (2 June, 2011). The Significance of Jerusalem to Christians: ICEJ:, accessed on: 10 June 2019.
  • Newberg, Eric Nelson (2012). The Pentecostal Mission in Palestine: The Legacy of Pentecostal Zionism. Oregon: PICKWICK Publications.
  • Parsons, David. (1 March 2011). Israel and Fulfillment Theology: Is God finished with the Jewish people? ICEJ:, accessed on: 7 June 2019.
  • Parsons, David. (16 Jan, 2017). The Question of Jerusalem: Seeking God’s mercy upon our nation. ICEJ:, accessed on: 18 June 2019.
  • Right Web (11 January, 1989). embassy_jerusalem, accessed on: 6 June 2019.
  • Al-Samamk, Muhammad (2005). Al-Quds qabl fawat al-Awan. Beirut: al-Dar al-Arabiyah lil-Ulum.
  • Saqir, Muhammad Ibrahim al-Sharbini (2003). Al-Harakah al-Masihiyah al-Usuliyah al-Amrikiyah al-Mu‘asirah wa-‘Alaqatha bil-Sahyuniyah. Cairo: Dar al-Tawzee‘ wal-Nashir al-Islamiyah.
  • Sember, Brette (25 November 2019). Puritanism for Beginners, https://www.thoughtco. com/ puritanism-definition-4146602
  • Sharon Jeremy. (16 Sep, 2015). Chief Rabbis Attack Pro-Israel ICEJ Christian Group Accusing it Of Proselytizing. The Jerusalem Post: accessed on: 25 June 2019.
  • Shindler, Colin (2000) Likud and the Christian Dispensationalists: A Symbiotic Relationship. Israel Studies, No. 1 Vol. 5.
  • Sizer, Stephen (2006). Christian Zionism: Road-map to Armageddon? Westmont: IVP Academic, p.128.
  • Slonim, Shlomo (1998). Jerusalem in America's Foreign Policy: 1947 - 1997. London: Kluwer Law International.
  • Stanley, Brian (2013). The Global Diffusion of Evangelicalism: The Age of Billy Graham and John Stott (History of Evangelicalism, People, Movements and Ideas in the English-Speaking World). Illinois: IVP Academic.
  • Sturm, Tristan. (8 Oct, 2012). Feast of Tabernacles Conference: The Christian Zionists Lobby Has Returned. Palestine Chronicle:, accessed on: 18 June 2019.
  • WAFA - Palestine News & Info Agency (2019). Ru’asa’ al-Kana’is fi al-Quds yuhazirun min Tasfiyat al-Wujud al-Masihi., accessed on: 27 June 2019.
  • Westbrook, Matthew C. (2014). The International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem and Renewalist Zionism: Emerging Jewish-Christian Ethnonationalism, A dissertation submitted to The Graduate Division of Religion. New Jersey: Drew University Periodicals.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Arabic
Journal Section Articles

Hossam Younis

Publication Date December 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Younis, H. (2020). أدوار منظمات اليمين الديني في سياسة تهويد مدينة بيت المقدس: دور منظمة السفارة المسيحية الدولية-القدس (ICEJ) أنموذجاً. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 20(2), 231-252.

ISSN:1367-1936 , e-ISSN:2514-6009