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المسجد الثاني على الآرض الذي نسيته بيت المقدس: الكشف عن المسجد الأقصى العتيق

Year 2013, Volume: 13 , 23 - 52, 01.08.2013


المسجد الثاني على الآرض الذي نسيته بيت المقدس: الكشف عن المسجد الأقصى العتيق

, هيثم فتحي الرطروط , باللغة الإنجليزية


  • Abu ‘Ubaid, al-qāsim Bin Salām. (1986). Kitāb al-Amwāl (The book of the money) (كتاب الأموال). Ed. Mohammad Khalīl Harās. Dār al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah. Beirut.
  • Abu Halabiyyah, Ahmad. (1998). ‘Takhrīj Ahadīth Fada’il Bayt al-Maqdis wal-masjid al-Aqsa (تخريج أحاديث فضائل بيت المقدس والمسجد الأقصى) . From the Journal of Islamicjerusalem studies, vol.2, no.1, (winter), pp.1-36.
  • Al-‘Ulaimī, Mujīr al-Dīn. (1995). Al-‘Uns al-Jalīl Bi-Tarīkh al-Quds wal-Khalīl (Al-‘Uns al-Jalīl in the history of Islamicjerusalem and Hebron) (الانس الجليل بتاريخ القدس والخليل). 2 parts. Maktabat al-Nahdah, Bagdad.
  • Al-Abed, Badi Yousef. (1992). Aspects of Arabic Islamic Architectural Discourse, (Jafa).
  • al-'Asqalānī, Ahmad Ibn Hajar. (1997). Fath al-Bārī Sharh Sahīh al-Bukhārī (Commentary on the collection of Authentic Hadīth al-Bukhārī ) (فتح الباري بشرح صحيح البخاري). Riyād: Maktabah Dār al-Fīhā'.
  • Al-Azraqī, A. (1969). Kitāb Akhbār Makkah (Book of information of Makkah). (كتاب أخبار مكة) . 2vol. Maktabat al-Thaqāfah, Makkah.
  • Al-Bukhārī, A. (d. 256 AH) (1979). Sahīh al-Bukhārī (صحيح البخاري). 11 vol., al-Maktab al-Islāmī bi Istānboūl.
  • Al-Damashqī (Ibn Kathīr), H. (d. 1372 AH) (1994). Tafsīr al-Qur’ān al-‘Azīm (Interpreting the Great Qur’ān). (تفسير القرآن العظيم). Part3. Dār al-Salām, Riyadh.
  • Al-Fākihī, Abu ‘Abullah Muhammad Ibn Ishaq. (1998). Akhbār Makkah fi qadīm al-Dahr wa Hadīthuh (The information of Makkah in the old and new times). (أخبار مكة في قديم الدهر وحديثه) 3vol., 3rd ed. Dar Khadir litiba’ah wal-Nashr, Bairut, Lebanon.
  • Al-Fayrūz Abādī, M. (No date). Al-Qāmoūs al-Muhīt (القاموس المحيط). 4vol. Mu'assasat al-Halabī, Cairo.
  • Al-Hamawī, Shihāb ad-Dīn. (No date). (d. 11th century AH, 17th century C.E.). Tuhfat al-Akyās Fī Tafsīr Qulih Ta'ālā Aen Awal Bayt Wudia' lil-Nās ((تحفة الأكياس في تفسير قوله تعالى ان أول بيت وضع للناس, Manuscript, Al-Maktaba az-Zāhiriyyah, No. 44, Damascus.
  • Al-Huwaimel, Ibrahīm. (1998). Hadīth al-Qur’ān ‘An al-Mashi (The Qur’ān statement on the Mosque). (حديث القرآن عن المسجد). From the Islamic studies. vol.3, no.2.
  • Al-Jawharī (No date). Al-Sihāh (الصحاح). Part1.Dār al-Kitāb al-‘Arabī, Egypt.
  • Al-Naisābourī, A. (d. 611 AH/ 1162 C.E.) (1980). Sahīh Muslim (صحيح مسلم). Tub'at Idarat al-Buhoūth al-'Ilmiyyah, Riyadh.
  • Al-Nasfī, ‘Abullah bin Ahmad bin Mahmoūd. (1995). Tafsīr al-Nasfī (Al-Nasfi’s interpretation (of Holy Qur’ān). (تفسير النسفي). Part.1. Dār al-Kutub al-‘ilmiyyah, Beirut.
  • Al-Ratrout, Haithem. (2002). Nazariyyah Jadīdah li Tafsīr al-Tasmīm wa al-Takhtīt al-Handasī li Qubbat al-Sakhrah (A new theory to interpret the design and the Planning of the Dome of the Rock) (نظرية جديدة لتفسير التصميم والتخطيط الهندسي لقبة الصخرة). Islamic Research Academy (ISRA), London, UK.
  • Al-Ratrout, Haithem. (2004). The architectural development of al-Aqsa Mosque in the early Islamic Period. Al-Maktoum Institute Academic Press, UK.
  • Al-Ratrout, Haithem. (2005). ‘Al-Masjid al-Aqsa fi al-Athār al-Qur’āniyyah’ "Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Qur'anic Archaeology" "المسجد الأقصى قي الآثار القرآنية". From the Journal of Islamicjerusalem studies, vol.6, no.1, (summer), pp.1-36.
  • Al-Tabarī (1983). Jami’ al-Bayān fi Tafsīr al-Qur’ān (جامع البيان في تفسير القرآن). 1,4vol. Dār al-Ma’rifah, Beirut.
  • Al-Wāqidī, Muhammad Bin ‘Umar. (No date). Futūh al-Shām (the Conquests of al-Shām) (فتوع الشام). Part1, Dār Ibn Khaldūn, Alexandria.
  • Al-Zubaidī, M. (No date). Taj al-'Arūs min Jawahir al-Qamūs (تاج العروس من جواهر القاموس). Dār Maktabat al-Hayāh.
  • Armstrong, Karen. (1997). "Sacred Space: The holiness of Islamic Jerusalem". Journal of Islamic Jerusalem Studies, Vol.1, No 1, (winter). pp. 5-20.
  • Bahat, Dan. (1994). “The Western Wall Tunnels.” In Ancient Jerusalem Revealed. Ed. Hillel Geva. IES, Jerusalem.
  • Basalamah, Husein Abdullah. (No date). Tarīkh al-Ka’bah al-Mu’athamah (The history of the great Ka'bah) (تاريخ الكعبة المعظمة). Maktabat al-Thaqafah, p.5.
  • Ben-Dov, Meir. (1985). In the Shadow of the Temple. Keter Publishing House, Jerusalem.
  • Burckhardt, Titus. (1976). Art of Islam: Language and meaning. World of Islam festival trust, England.
  • Clermount-Ganneau, Charles. (1899). Archaeological Researches in Palestine During the Years 1873-1874. Vol.I, PEF, London.
  • Conder, C. R. (1909). The City of Jerusalem. London.
  • Creswell, K.A.K. (1969) Early Muslim Architecture. 2vol, Oxford University press, Oxford.
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2007). Mapping Islamicjerusalem. Al-Maktoum Institute Academic Press, Dundee, Scotland.
  • Frishman, Martin. (1994). "Islam and the Form of the Mosque". In The Mosque: History, Architectural development & Regional Diversity. Martin Frishman and Husan Uddin Khan (eds.). Thames and Hudson, London.
  • Geva, Hillel. (1994). “Twenty Five Years of Excavations in Jerusalem, 1967-1992: Achievements and Evaluation.” In Ancient Jerusalem Revealed. Ed. Hillel Geva. IES, Jerusalem.
  • Grabar, Oleg. (1973). The Formation of Islamic Art. Yale University Press, USA.
  • Grabar, Oleg. 1985. "Upon Reading al-Azraqī". In Muqarnas III: an Annual Journal on Islamic Art and Architecture. Oleg Grabar, ed. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
  • Hamilton, R. W. (1949). The Structural History of the Aqsa Mosque. Oxford University press, London.
  • Ibn Hanbal, A. (1955). Musnad al-Imām Ahmad (مسند الإمام أحمد). Tahqīq: Shaker, A. M., 15 vol., 3rd edition, Dār al-Ma'ārif, Cairo.
  • Ibn Hishām, A. (d. 213 or 218 AH) (1987). Al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah (السيرة النبوية). 2 parts, Dar al-Rayyān li- al-Turāth, Cairo.
  • Ibn Manthūr. (No date). Lisān al-'Arab al-Muhīt (لسان العرب المحيط). Dār lisān al-'Arab.
  • Kenyon, Kathleen (1974). Digging up Jerusalem. Ernist Benn Limited, London, pp.205-236.
  • Martin, Ernest (2000). The Temples that Jerusalem Forgot. ASK Publications, Portland, USA.
  • Mazar, B.(1969). The Excavations in the Old city of Jerusalem: Preliminary Report of the first season. IES, Jerusalem.
  • Qutub, Sayyed. (1979). Fi Zhilāl al-Qur’ān (In the Shadow of the Qur’ān). (في ظلال القرآن). Vol.4. Dār al-Shoroūq, Riyadh.
  • Rozen-Ayalon, Myriam. (1989). The Early Islamic Monuments of Al-Haram Al-Sharif: An Iconographic Study. The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
  • Sagiv, Tuvia (nd.).The Temples of Mount Moriah. pp.1-36. The Holy Bible. (No date). Wm Collins Sons & Co Ltd, Glasgow, GB.
  • The Holy Qur'ān. (1410 AH). The Presidency of Islamic Researches, IFTA, Call and Guidance (eds.). King Fahd Holy Qur'ān Printing Complex, Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah.
  • Van-Berchem, Marguerite. (1969). “The Mosaic of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and the Great Mosque in Damascus”. In Creswell, K.A.K. (1969). Early Muslim Architecture. 2vol, Oxford University press, Oxford. pp.200-372.
  • Warren, Charles (1970). The Survey of Western Palestine. Kedem Publishing, Jerusalem.
  • Wright, Thomas. (No date). Early Travels in Palestine. London.

Yeryüzünde Unutulan İkinci Cami: Kadim Mescid-i Aksa'nın Ortaya Çıkarılması

Year 2013, Volume: 13 , 23 - 52, 01.08.2013


Yeryüzünde Unutulan İkinci Cami: Kadim Mescid-i Aksa'nın Ortaya Çıkarılması

HAITHEM F. AL-RATROUT , Dil: İngilizce


  • Abu ‘Ubaid, al-qāsim Bin Salām. (1986). Kitāb al-Amwāl (The book of the money) (كتاب الأموال). Ed. Mohammad Khalīl Harās. Dār al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah. Beirut.
  • Abu Halabiyyah, Ahmad. (1998). ‘Takhrīj Ahadīth Fada’il Bayt al-Maqdis wal-masjid al-Aqsa (تخريج أحاديث فضائل بيت المقدس والمسجد الأقصى) . From the Journal of Islamicjerusalem studies, vol.2, no.1, (winter), pp.1-36.
  • Al-‘Ulaimī, Mujīr al-Dīn. (1995). Al-‘Uns al-Jalīl Bi-Tarīkh al-Quds wal-Khalīl (Al-‘Uns al-Jalīl in the history of Islamicjerusalem and Hebron) (الانس الجليل بتاريخ القدس والخليل). 2 parts. Maktabat al-Nahdah, Bagdad.
  • Al-Abed, Badi Yousef. (1992). Aspects of Arabic Islamic Architectural Discourse, (Jafa).
  • al-'Asqalānī, Ahmad Ibn Hajar. (1997). Fath al-Bārī Sharh Sahīh al-Bukhārī (Commentary on the collection of Authentic Hadīth al-Bukhārī ) (فتح الباري بشرح صحيح البخاري). Riyād: Maktabah Dār al-Fīhā'.
  • Al-Azraqī, A. (1969). Kitāb Akhbār Makkah (Book of information of Makkah). (كتاب أخبار مكة) . 2vol. Maktabat al-Thaqāfah, Makkah.
  • Al-Bukhārī, A. (d. 256 AH) (1979). Sahīh al-Bukhārī (صحيح البخاري). 11 vol., al-Maktab al-Islāmī bi Istānboūl.
  • Al-Damashqī (Ibn Kathīr), H. (d. 1372 AH) (1994). Tafsīr al-Qur’ān al-‘Azīm (Interpreting the Great Qur’ān). (تفسير القرآن العظيم). Part3. Dār al-Salām, Riyadh.
  • Al-Fākihī, Abu ‘Abullah Muhammad Ibn Ishaq. (1998). Akhbār Makkah fi qadīm al-Dahr wa Hadīthuh (The information of Makkah in the old and new times). (أخبار مكة في قديم الدهر وحديثه) 3vol., 3rd ed. Dar Khadir litiba’ah wal-Nashr, Bairut, Lebanon.
  • Al-Fayrūz Abādī, M. (No date). Al-Qāmoūs al-Muhīt (القاموس المحيط). 4vol. Mu'assasat al-Halabī, Cairo.
  • Al-Hamawī, Shihāb ad-Dīn. (No date). (d. 11th century AH, 17th century C.E.). Tuhfat al-Akyās Fī Tafsīr Qulih Ta'ālā Aen Awal Bayt Wudia' lil-Nās ((تحفة الأكياس في تفسير قوله تعالى ان أول بيت وضع للناس, Manuscript, Al-Maktaba az-Zāhiriyyah, No. 44, Damascus.
  • Al-Huwaimel, Ibrahīm. (1998). Hadīth al-Qur’ān ‘An al-Mashi (The Qur’ān statement on the Mosque). (حديث القرآن عن المسجد). From the Islamic studies. vol.3, no.2.
  • Al-Jawharī (No date). Al-Sihāh (الصحاح). Part1.Dār al-Kitāb al-‘Arabī, Egypt.
  • Al-Naisābourī, A. (d. 611 AH/ 1162 C.E.) (1980). Sahīh Muslim (صحيح مسلم). Tub'at Idarat al-Buhoūth al-'Ilmiyyah, Riyadh.
  • Al-Nasfī, ‘Abullah bin Ahmad bin Mahmoūd. (1995). Tafsīr al-Nasfī (Al-Nasfi’s interpretation (of Holy Qur’ān). (تفسير النسفي). Part.1. Dār al-Kutub al-‘ilmiyyah, Beirut.
  • Al-Ratrout, Haithem. (2002). Nazariyyah Jadīdah li Tafsīr al-Tasmīm wa al-Takhtīt al-Handasī li Qubbat al-Sakhrah (A new theory to interpret the design and the Planning of the Dome of the Rock) (نظرية جديدة لتفسير التصميم والتخطيط الهندسي لقبة الصخرة). Islamic Research Academy (ISRA), London, UK.
  • Al-Ratrout, Haithem. (2004). The architectural development of al-Aqsa Mosque in the early Islamic Period. Al-Maktoum Institute Academic Press, UK.
  • Al-Ratrout, Haithem. (2005). ‘Al-Masjid al-Aqsa fi al-Athār al-Qur’āniyyah’ "Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Qur'anic Archaeology" "المسجد الأقصى قي الآثار القرآنية". From the Journal of Islamicjerusalem studies, vol.6, no.1, (summer), pp.1-36.
  • Al-Tabarī (1983). Jami’ al-Bayān fi Tafsīr al-Qur’ān (جامع البيان في تفسير القرآن). 1,4vol. Dār al-Ma’rifah, Beirut.
  • Al-Wāqidī, Muhammad Bin ‘Umar. (No date). Futūh al-Shām (the Conquests of al-Shām) (فتوع الشام). Part1, Dār Ibn Khaldūn, Alexandria.
  • Al-Zubaidī, M. (No date). Taj al-'Arūs min Jawahir al-Qamūs (تاج العروس من جواهر القاموس). Dār Maktabat al-Hayāh.
  • Armstrong, Karen. (1997). "Sacred Space: The holiness of Islamic Jerusalem". Journal of Islamic Jerusalem Studies, Vol.1, No 1, (winter). pp. 5-20.
  • Bahat, Dan. (1994). “The Western Wall Tunnels.” In Ancient Jerusalem Revealed. Ed. Hillel Geva. IES, Jerusalem.
  • Basalamah, Husein Abdullah. (No date). Tarīkh al-Ka’bah al-Mu’athamah (The history of the great Ka'bah) (تاريخ الكعبة المعظمة). Maktabat al-Thaqafah, p.5.
  • Ben-Dov, Meir. (1985). In the Shadow of the Temple. Keter Publishing House, Jerusalem.
  • Burckhardt, Titus. (1976). Art of Islam: Language and meaning. World of Islam festival trust, England.
  • Clermount-Ganneau, Charles. (1899). Archaeological Researches in Palestine During the Years 1873-1874. Vol.I, PEF, London.
  • Conder, C. R. (1909). The City of Jerusalem. London.
  • Creswell, K.A.K. (1969) Early Muslim Architecture. 2vol, Oxford University press, Oxford.
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2007). Mapping Islamicjerusalem. Al-Maktoum Institute Academic Press, Dundee, Scotland.
  • Frishman, Martin. (1994). "Islam and the Form of the Mosque". In The Mosque: History, Architectural development & Regional Diversity. Martin Frishman and Husan Uddin Khan (eds.). Thames and Hudson, London.
  • Geva, Hillel. (1994). “Twenty Five Years of Excavations in Jerusalem, 1967-1992: Achievements and Evaluation.” In Ancient Jerusalem Revealed. Ed. Hillel Geva. IES, Jerusalem.
  • Grabar, Oleg. (1973). The Formation of Islamic Art. Yale University Press, USA.
  • Grabar, Oleg. 1985. "Upon Reading al-Azraqī". In Muqarnas III: an Annual Journal on Islamic Art and Architecture. Oleg Grabar, ed. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
  • Hamilton, R. W. (1949). The Structural History of the Aqsa Mosque. Oxford University press, London.
  • Ibn Hanbal, A. (1955). Musnad al-Imām Ahmad (مسند الإمام أحمد). Tahqīq: Shaker, A. M., 15 vol., 3rd edition, Dār al-Ma'ārif, Cairo.
  • Ibn Hishām, A. (d. 213 or 218 AH) (1987). Al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah (السيرة النبوية). 2 parts, Dar al-Rayyān li- al-Turāth, Cairo.
  • Ibn Manthūr. (No date). Lisān al-'Arab al-Muhīt (لسان العرب المحيط). Dār lisān al-'Arab.
  • Kenyon, Kathleen (1974). Digging up Jerusalem. Ernist Benn Limited, London, pp.205-236.
  • Martin, Ernest (2000). The Temples that Jerusalem Forgot. ASK Publications, Portland, USA.
  • Mazar, B.(1969). The Excavations in the Old city of Jerusalem: Preliminary Report of the first season. IES, Jerusalem.
  • Qutub, Sayyed. (1979). Fi Zhilāl al-Qur’ān (In the Shadow of the Qur’ān). (في ظلال القرآن). Vol.4. Dār al-Shoroūq, Riyadh.
  • Rozen-Ayalon, Myriam. (1989). The Early Islamic Monuments of Al-Haram Al-Sharif: An Iconographic Study. The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
  • Sagiv, Tuvia (nd.).The Temples of Mount Moriah. pp.1-36. The Holy Bible. (No date). Wm Collins Sons & Co Ltd, Glasgow, GB.
  • The Holy Qur'ān. (1410 AH). The Presidency of Islamic Researches, IFTA, Call and Guidance (eds.). King Fahd Holy Qur'ān Printing Complex, Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah.
  • Van-Berchem, Marguerite. (1969). “The Mosaic of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and the Great Mosque in Damascus”. In Creswell, K.A.K. (1969). Early Muslim Architecture. 2vol, Oxford University press, Oxford. pp.200-372.
  • Warren, Charles (1970). The Survey of Western Palestine. Kedem Publishing, Jerusalem.
  • Wright, Thomas. (No date). Early Travels in Palestine. London.


Year 2013, Volume: 13 , 23 - 52, 01.08.2013



by: HAITHEM F. AL-RATROUT , Language: English


  • Abu ‘Ubaid, al-qāsim Bin Salām. (1986). Kitāb al-Amwāl (The book of the money) (كتاب الأموال). Ed. Mohammad Khalīl Harās. Dār al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah. Beirut.
  • Abu Halabiyyah, Ahmad. (1998). ‘Takhrīj Ahadīth Fada’il Bayt al-Maqdis wal-masjid al-Aqsa (تخريج أحاديث فضائل بيت المقدس والمسجد الأقصى) . From the Journal of Islamicjerusalem studies, vol.2, no.1, (winter), pp.1-36.
  • Al-‘Ulaimī, Mujīr al-Dīn. (1995). Al-‘Uns al-Jalīl Bi-Tarīkh al-Quds wal-Khalīl (Al-‘Uns al-Jalīl in the history of Islamicjerusalem and Hebron) (الانس الجليل بتاريخ القدس والخليل). 2 parts. Maktabat al-Nahdah, Bagdad.
  • Al-Abed, Badi Yousef. (1992). Aspects of Arabic Islamic Architectural Discourse, (Jafa).
  • al-'Asqalānī, Ahmad Ibn Hajar. (1997). Fath al-Bārī Sharh Sahīh al-Bukhārī (Commentary on the collection of Authentic Hadīth al-Bukhārī ) (فتح الباري بشرح صحيح البخاري). Riyād: Maktabah Dār al-Fīhā'.
  • Al-Azraqī, A. (1969). Kitāb Akhbār Makkah (Book of information of Makkah). (كتاب أخبار مكة) . 2vol. Maktabat al-Thaqāfah, Makkah.
  • Al-Bukhārī, A. (d. 256 AH) (1979). Sahīh al-Bukhārī (صحيح البخاري). 11 vol., al-Maktab al-Islāmī bi Istānboūl.
  • Al-Damashqī (Ibn Kathīr), H. (d. 1372 AH) (1994). Tafsīr al-Qur’ān al-‘Azīm (Interpreting the Great Qur’ān). (تفسير القرآن العظيم). Part3. Dār al-Salām, Riyadh.
  • Al-Fākihī, Abu ‘Abullah Muhammad Ibn Ishaq. (1998). Akhbār Makkah fi qadīm al-Dahr wa Hadīthuh (The information of Makkah in the old and new times). (أخبار مكة في قديم الدهر وحديثه) 3vol., 3rd ed. Dar Khadir litiba’ah wal-Nashr, Bairut, Lebanon.
  • Al-Fayrūz Abādī, M. (No date). Al-Qāmoūs al-Muhīt (القاموس المحيط). 4vol. Mu'assasat al-Halabī, Cairo.
  • Al-Hamawī, Shihāb ad-Dīn. (No date). (d. 11th century AH, 17th century C.E.). Tuhfat al-Akyās Fī Tafsīr Qulih Ta'ālā Aen Awal Bayt Wudia' lil-Nās ((تحفة الأكياس في تفسير قوله تعالى ان أول بيت وضع للناس, Manuscript, Al-Maktaba az-Zāhiriyyah, No. 44, Damascus.
  • Al-Huwaimel, Ibrahīm. (1998). Hadīth al-Qur’ān ‘An al-Mashi (The Qur’ān statement on the Mosque). (حديث القرآن عن المسجد). From the Islamic studies. vol.3, no.2.
  • Al-Jawharī (No date). Al-Sihāh (الصحاح). Part1.Dār al-Kitāb al-‘Arabī, Egypt.
  • Al-Naisābourī, A. (d. 611 AH/ 1162 C.E.) (1980). Sahīh Muslim (صحيح مسلم). Tub'at Idarat al-Buhoūth al-'Ilmiyyah, Riyadh.
  • Al-Nasfī, ‘Abullah bin Ahmad bin Mahmoūd. (1995). Tafsīr al-Nasfī (Al-Nasfi’s interpretation (of Holy Qur’ān). (تفسير النسفي). Part.1. Dār al-Kutub al-‘ilmiyyah, Beirut.
  • Al-Ratrout, Haithem. (2002). Nazariyyah Jadīdah li Tafsīr al-Tasmīm wa al-Takhtīt al-Handasī li Qubbat al-Sakhrah (A new theory to interpret the design and the Planning of the Dome of the Rock) (نظرية جديدة لتفسير التصميم والتخطيط الهندسي لقبة الصخرة). Islamic Research Academy (ISRA), London, UK.
  • Al-Ratrout, Haithem. (2004). The architectural development of al-Aqsa Mosque in the early Islamic Period. Al-Maktoum Institute Academic Press, UK.
  • Al-Ratrout, Haithem. (2005). ‘Al-Masjid al-Aqsa fi al-Athār al-Qur’āniyyah’ "Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Qur'anic Archaeology" "المسجد الأقصى قي الآثار القرآنية". From the Journal of Islamicjerusalem studies, vol.6, no.1, (summer), pp.1-36.
  • Al-Tabarī (1983). Jami’ al-Bayān fi Tafsīr al-Qur’ān (جامع البيان في تفسير القرآن). 1,4vol. Dār al-Ma’rifah, Beirut.
  • Al-Wāqidī, Muhammad Bin ‘Umar. (No date). Futūh al-Shām (the Conquests of al-Shām) (فتوع الشام). Part1, Dār Ibn Khaldūn, Alexandria.
  • Al-Zubaidī, M. (No date). Taj al-'Arūs min Jawahir al-Qamūs (تاج العروس من جواهر القاموس). Dār Maktabat al-Hayāh.
  • Armstrong, Karen. (1997). "Sacred Space: The holiness of Islamic Jerusalem". Journal of Islamic Jerusalem Studies, Vol.1, No 1, (winter). pp. 5-20.
  • Bahat, Dan. (1994). “The Western Wall Tunnels.” In Ancient Jerusalem Revealed. Ed. Hillel Geva. IES, Jerusalem.
  • Basalamah, Husein Abdullah. (No date). Tarīkh al-Ka’bah al-Mu’athamah (The history of the great Ka'bah) (تاريخ الكعبة المعظمة). Maktabat al-Thaqafah, p.5.
  • Ben-Dov, Meir. (1985). In the Shadow of the Temple. Keter Publishing House, Jerusalem.
  • Burckhardt, Titus. (1976). Art of Islam: Language and meaning. World of Islam festival trust, England.
  • Clermount-Ganneau, Charles. (1899). Archaeological Researches in Palestine During the Years 1873-1874. Vol.I, PEF, London.
  • Conder, C. R. (1909). The City of Jerusalem. London.
  • Creswell, K.A.K. (1969) Early Muslim Architecture. 2vol, Oxford University press, Oxford.
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2007). Mapping Islamicjerusalem. Al-Maktoum Institute Academic Press, Dundee, Scotland.
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There are 48 citations in total.


Subjects Religious Studies
Journal Section Articles

Haithem F. Al-ratrout This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 13



ISSN:1367-1936, e-ISSN:2514-6009

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