التغلغل الغربي المبكر في بيت المقدس نهاية الفترة العثمانية: الدور البريطاني
Year 2020,
Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 1 - 18, 30.06.2020
Khalid El-awaisi
Emine Yiğit
- (11, 1826) London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews. The Jews Expositor and Friend of Israel: Containing monthly communications respecting the Jews and the proceedings of the London Society (London: Printed at the London Society’s Office).
- Abu Manneh, Butrus (1990) Jerusalem in the Tanzimat Period: The New Ottoman Administration and the Notables, Die Welt des Islams, New Series, Bd. 30, Nr. 1/4 (New Series ) 1-44.
- Al-Kayyali, A. (1990) Palestine: A Modern History (Tarikh Filistin al-Hadith) (Beirut: Al-Mu’sasahalabu-Arabiyahlli-Dirasatwal-Nashir).
- Avci, Yasemin (2004) Değişim Sürecinde Bir Osmanlı Kenti: Kudüs (Ankara: Phoenix).
Bar-Yosef, Eitan (2005) The Holy Land in English Culture 1799-1917: Palestine and the Question of Orientalism (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
- Buzpınar, S. Tufan (2003) Suriye ve Filistin’de Avrupa Nüfuz Mücadelesinde Yeni Bir Unsur: 19. Yüzyıl İngiliz Misyonerleri. İslami Araştırmalar Dergisi, 10: 107-120.
- Carmel, Alex (1986) A Note on the Christian Contribution to Palestine’s Development in the 19th Century. In D. Kushner, (Ed.), Palestine in the late Ottoman Period Political Social and Economic Transformation (Leiden: Brill): 302-309.
- Crombie, Kelvin (1998) Anzacs, Empire and Israel’s Restoration 1798-1948 (Western Australia, Vocational Education & Training Publications).
- D'Alonzo, Alphonse (1901) La Russieen Palestine (USA: Boyer).
- Delaney, Carol (2006) Columbus’s Ultimate Goal: Jerusalem. 0010_4175/06/260-292 Society for Comparative Study of Society and History.
- Dowty, Alan (2014) Prelude to the Arab–Israel Conflict: European Penetration of Nineteenth-century Ottoman Palestine, Contemporary Review of the Middle East (London: SAGE Publications):1(1):3–24.
- El-Awaisi, Khalid. The origins of the idea of establishing a “Zionist Client-State” in Islamicjerusalem. Journal of Al-Tamaddun, v. 14/1, pp. 13-26, June 2019.
- Eliav, Mordechai (1997) Britain and the Holy Land 1838-1914 (Jerusalem: The Magnes Press).
- Finlayson, Geoffrey (2004) The Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury 1801-1885 (Vancouver: Regent College Publishing).
- Friedman, Isaiah (1968) Lord Palmerston and the protection of Jews in Palestine 1839-1851Jewish Social Studies, 30/1: 23-41.
- Hillenbrand, Carole (2004) The Legacy of The Crusades, In T.F. Madden (Ed.) Crusades: the Illustrated History (Michigan: University of Michigan Press).
- Hodder, Edwin (1887) The Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury (London: Cassell & Company Ltd): Vol.1.
- Hofman, Yitzak (1975) The Administration of Syria and Palestine Under Egyptian Rule (1831–1840) in M. Ma’oz, (Ed.) Studies on Palestine During the Ottoman Times (Jerusalem: The Magnes Press): 311-334.
- Ilhami, Mohammad (2016) The Formation of foreign influence in Islamicjerusalem during the period of Muhammad Ali Pasha (al-Ta’sisilil-Nufudh al-Ajnabi fi Bayt al-Maqdis fi Ahd Muhammad Ali Pasha). Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 16 (2): 1-18.
- Joseph, Sabrina (1995) Britain’s Social, Moral and Cultural Penetration of Palestine: British Travelers in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth- Century Palestine and their Perception of the Jews. Arab Studies Journal: 45-67.
- Leest, Charlotte van der (2008). Conversion and Conflict in Palestine the Mission of the Church Missionary Society and the Protestant Bishop Samuel Gobat (PhD thesis) (Leiden University: Netherlands).
- Levine, Gary (2003) The Merchant of Modernism: The Economic Jew in Anglo-American Literature 1864-1939 (London: Routledge).
- Madox, John (1834) Excursions in the Holy Land, Egypt, Nubia, Syria &c (London: Richard Bentley); vol. 2.
- Mochon, Jean-Philippe (1996) Le Consulat Général de France à Jérusalem: Aspects historiques, juridiques et politiques de ses fonctions. Annuaire Français de Droit International: 929-945.
- Owen, Roger (1981) The Middle East in the World Economy 1800-1914 (Reprinted: 2009) (London: I.B. Tauris).
- Perry, Yaron (2003) British Mission to the Jews in Nineteenth Century Palestine (London: Frank Cass).
- Salhieh, Mohammad (2006) al-Quds, al-Ardwa-Sukkan: Dirasah fi al-Wathaiq al-Uthmaniyah min khilal al-Sijjilat al-Uthmaniyah Dafatir al-Tabowa Dafatir Ihsa’ al-Nufus (1525-1914), In Uluslararası Türk Arşivlerleri Sempozyumu 17-19 Kasım 2005 (International Symposium on Turkish Archives) (Istanbul: Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry General Directorate of State Archives).
- Satış, Ihsan (2013) Tanzimat Döneminde Kudüs ve Çevresinde Avrupalı Devletlerin Nüfuz Mücadelesinden Bir Kesit: Hristiyan Cemaatlerin İmar Faaliyetleri. OTAM: 34: 185-221.
- Schölch, Alexander (1990) Jerusalem in the 19th Century (1831-1917 AD) in KJ. Asali (Ed.) Jerusalem in History (Great Britain: Olive Branch Press): 228-249.
- Talbot, Michael (2013) Divine Imperialism: The British in Palestine 1753-1842 In M. Farr & X. Guégan (Ed.), The British Abroad Since the Eighteenth Century Vol-2 Experiencing Imperialism (New York: Palgrave Macmillan): 36-54.
- Tibawi, Abdul Latif (1961) British Interest in Palestine 1800-1901: A Study of Religious and Educational Enterprise (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
- Vereté. Mayir (1970) Why was a British Consulate established in Jerusalem The English Historical Review: 85: 316-345.
- Ze’evi, Door (1996) An Ottoman Century the District of the Jerusalem in the 1600s (USA: New York. State University of New York Press, Albany).
Osmanlı Son Dönem Beytülmakdis’inde Erken Yabancı Nüfuzu: Britanya’nın Rolü
Year 2020,
Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 1 - 18, 30.06.2020
Khalid El-awaisi
Emine Yiğit
Uzun dönemler boyunca İslam hâkimiyetinde kalan Beytülmakdis’i tarih boyunca kontrol etme hususunda batılı dış ilgi, haçlı seferleri ve 20. Yüzyılın başlangıcında İngiliz işgali gibi örnekler ile birçok kez başarılı olmuştur. Bununla birlikte, Osmanlı son dönemi için yeni sayılan Beytülmakdis’i işgal etmeye yönelik batı ilgisi, Napolyon’un Mısır’ı işgal etmesi üzerine Beytülmakdis’e harekâtı ve bu süre zarfında Yahudi’lerden yardım talebini onların Filistin’e restorasyonu (dönüşü) için daveti ile desteklemek istediği başarısız işgal girişimi ile başladı. Onun bu çağrısı, Britanya’nın Mesih’in gelişine hazırlık için Filistin’e “Yahudi Restorasyonu” gibi uzun vadeli iki sebebi harmanlanmasıyla sonuçlandı. Böylece Evanjelik Hıristiyan gruplar, Osmanlı’nın Mısır valisi Mehmet Ali Paşa'nın Mısır ve Suriye’yi işgali ettiği süreçte Kudüs'te bir İngiliz konsolosluğunun açılmasına yol açan resmi bir siyasi temsil fikrini destekleyen ilk kişilerdi. Bunu Batılı diğer güçlerin, etkilerini pekiştirme ve bölgeye nüfuz etme amacı izledi. İngilizlerin bölgedeki etkileri ve nüfuzlarını pekiştirmek için başlangıç olarak Kudüs’te bir konsolosluk kurabilmelerini, 1917’de Kutsal Toprakları işgaline ve bölgede batı ilgisine hizmet edecek Siyonist tampon devlet kurmasındaki değerlendirmeye kadar birçok adım takip etti
- (11, 1826) London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews. The Jews Expositor and Friend of Israel: Containing monthly communications respecting the Jews and the proceedings of the London Society (London: Printed at the London Society’s Office).
- Abu Manneh, Butrus (1990) Jerusalem in the Tanzimat Period: The New Ottoman Administration and the Notables, Die Welt des Islams, New Series, Bd. 30, Nr. 1/4 (New Series ) 1-44.
- Al-Kayyali, A. (1990) Palestine: A Modern History (Tarikh Filistin al-Hadith) (Beirut: Al-Mu’sasahalabu-Arabiyahlli-Dirasatwal-Nashir).
- Avci, Yasemin (2004) Değişim Sürecinde Bir Osmanlı Kenti: Kudüs (Ankara: Phoenix).
Bar-Yosef, Eitan (2005) The Holy Land in English Culture 1799-1917: Palestine and the Question of Orientalism (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
- Buzpınar, S. Tufan (2003) Suriye ve Filistin’de Avrupa Nüfuz Mücadelesinde Yeni Bir Unsur: 19. Yüzyıl İngiliz Misyonerleri. İslami Araştırmalar Dergisi, 10: 107-120.
- Carmel, Alex (1986) A Note on the Christian Contribution to Palestine’s Development in the 19th Century. In D. Kushner, (Ed.), Palestine in the late Ottoman Period Political Social and Economic Transformation (Leiden: Brill): 302-309.
- Crombie, Kelvin (1998) Anzacs, Empire and Israel’s Restoration 1798-1948 (Western Australia, Vocational Education & Training Publications).
- D'Alonzo, Alphonse (1901) La Russieen Palestine (USA: Boyer).
- Delaney, Carol (2006) Columbus’s Ultimate Goal: Jerusalem. 0010_4175/06/260-292 Society for Comparative Study of Society and History.
- Dowty, Alan (2014) Prelude to the Arab–Israel Conflict: European Penetration of Nineteenth-century Ottoman Palestine, Contemporary Review of the Middle East (London: SAGE Publications):1(1):3–24.
- El-Awaisi, Khalid. The origins of the idea of establishing a “Zionist Client-State” in Islamicjerusalem. Journal of Al-Tamaddun, v. 14/1, pp. 13-26, June 2019.
- Eliav, Mordechai (1997) Britain and the Holy Land 1838-1914 (Jerusalem: The Magnes Press).
- Finlayson, Geoffrey (2004) The Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury 1801-1885 (Vancouver: Regent College Publishing).
- Friedman, Isaiah (1968) Lord Palmerston and the protection of Jews in Palestine 1839-1851Jewish Social Studies, 30/1: 23-41.
- Hillenbrand, Carole (2004) The Legacy of The Crusades, In T.F. Madden (Ed.) Crusades: the Illustrated History (Michigan: University of Michigan Press).
- Hodder, Edwin (1887) The Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury (London: Cassell & Company Ltd): Vol.1.
- Hofman, Yitzak (1975) The Administration of Syria and Palestine Under Egyptian Rule (1831–1840) in M. Ma’oz, (Ed.) Studies on Palestine During the Ottoman Times (Jerusalem: The Magnes Press): 311-334.
- Ilhami, Mohammad (2016) The Formation of foreign influence in Islamicjerusalem during the period of Muhammad Ali Pasha (al-Ta’sisilil-Nufudh al-Ajnabi fi Bayt al-Maqdis fi Ahd Muhammad Ali Pasha). Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 16 (2): 1-18.
- Joseph, Sabrina (1995) Britain’s Social, Moral and Cultural Penetration of Palestine: British Travelers in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth- Century Palestine and their Perception of the Jews. Arab Studies Journal: 45-67.
- Leest, Charlotte van der (2008). Conversion and Conflict in Palestine the Mission of the Church Missionary Society and the Protestant Bishop Samuel Gobat (PhD thesis) (Leiden University: Netherlands).
- Levine, Gary (2003) The Merchant of Modernism: The Economic Jew in Anglo-American Literature 1864-1939 (London: Routledge).
- Madox, John (1834) Excursions in the Holy Land, Egypt, Nubia, Syria &c (London: Richard Bentley); vol. 2.
- Mochon, Jean-Philippe (1996) Le Consulat Général de France à Jérusalem: Aspects historiques, juridiques et politiques de ses fonctions. Annuaire Français de Droit International: 929-945.
- Owen, Roger (1981) The Middle East in the World Economy 1800-1914 (Reprinted: 2009) (London: I.B. Tauris).
- Perry, Yaron (2003) British Mission to the Jews in Nineteenth Century Palestine (London: Frank Cass).
- Salhieh, Mohammad (2006) al-Quds, al-Ardwa-Sukkan: Dirasah fi al-Wathaiq al-Uthmaniyah min khilal al-Sijjilat al-Uthmaniyah Dafatir al-Tabowa Dafatir Ihsa’ al-Nufus (1525-1914), In Uluslararası Türk Arşivlerleri Sempozyumu 17-19 Kasım 2005 (International Symposium on Turkish Archives) (Istanbul: Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry General Directorate of State Archives).
- Satış, Ihsan (2013) Tanzimat Döneminde Kudüs ve Çevresinde Avrupalı Devletlerin Nüfuz Mücadelesinden Bir Kesit: Hristiyan Cemaatlerin İmar Faaliyetleri. OTAM: 34: 185-221.
- Schölch, Alexander (1990) Jerusalem in the 19th Century (1831-1917 AD) in KJ. Asali (Ed.) Jerusalem in History (Great Britain: Olive Branch Press): 228-249.
- Talbot, Michael (2013) Divine Imperialism: The British in Palestine 1753-1842 In M. Farr & X. Guégan (Ed.), The British Abroad Since the Eighteenth Century Vol-2 Experiencing Imperialism (New York: Palgrave Macmillan): 36-54.
- Tibawi, Abdul Latif (1961) British Interest in Palestine 1800-1901: A Study of Religious and Educational Enterprise (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
- Vereté. Mayir (1970) Why was a British Consulate established in Jerusalem The English Historical Review: 85: 316-345.
- Ze’evi, Door (1996) An Ottoman Century the District of the Jerusalem in the 1600s (USA: New York. State University of New York Press, Albany).
Year 2020,
Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 1 - 18, 30.06.2020
Khalid El-awaisi
Emine Yiğit
Western foreign interest in controlling the Holy Land throughout history has been successful on several occasions, such as during the crusades and the British occupation in the twentieth century. However, modern interest in occupying this land began in earnest with Napoleon’s occupation of Egypt and with his failed attempt to occupy the Holy Land during which he called for the ‘restoration’ of Jews to Palestine. His campaign had two long-term consequences: it instigated British interest, which in turn, mingled with the idea of “Jewish Restoration” to Palestine in preparation for the Second Coming of Christ. Evangelical Christian groups were the first to promote the idea of an official political representation, which led to the opening of a British consulate in Jerusalem during the occupation of Muhammad Ali Pasha. Other Western powers followed suit, with the aim of consolidating their influence and penetrating the region. The British were able to consolidate their influence and penetration of the region through initially establishing a consulate in Jerusalem and this was followed by many steps until the occupation of the Holy Land in the fall of 1917 and the subsequent establishment of a Zionist client-state that would serve Western interests in the region.
- (11, 1826) London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews. The Jews Expositor and Friend of Israel: Containing monthly communications respecting the Jews and the proceedings of the London Society (London: Printed at the London Society’s Office).
- Abu Manneh, Butrus (1990) Jerusalem in the Tanzimat Period: The New Ottoman Administration and the Notables, Die Welt des Islams, New Series, Bd. 30, Nr. 1/4 (New Series ) 1-44.
- Al-Kayyali, A. (1990) Palestine: A Modern History (Tarikh Filistin al-Hadith) (Beirut: Al-Mu’sasahalabu-Arabiyahlli-Dirasatwal-Nashir).
- Avci, Yasemin (2004) Değişim Sürecinde Bir Osmanlı Kenti: Kudüs (Ankara: Phoenix).
Bar-Yosef, Eitan (2005) The Holy Land in English Culture 1799-1917: Palestine and the Question of Orientalism (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
- Buzpınar, S. Tufan (2003) Suriye ve Filistin’de Avrupa Nüfuz Mücadelesinde Yeni Bir Unsur: 19. Yüzyıl İngiliz Misyonerleri. İslami Araştırmalar Dergisi, 10: 107-120.
- Carmel, Alex (1986) A Note on the Christian Contribution to Palestine’s Development in the 19th Century. In D. Kushner, (Ed.), Palestine in the late Ottoman Period Political Social and Economic Transformation (Leiden: Brill): 302-309.
- Crombie, Kelvin (1998) Anzacs, Empire and Israel’s Restoration 1798-1948 (Western Australia, Vocational Education & Training Publications).
- D'Alonzo, Alphonse (1901) La Russieen Palestine (USA: Boyer).
- Delaney, Carol (2006) Columbus’s Ultimate Goal: Jerusalem. 0010_4175/06/260-292 Society for Comparative Study of Society and History.
- Dowty, Alan (2014) Prelude to the Arab–Israel Conflict: European Penetration of Nineteenth-century Ottoman Palestine, Contemporary Review of the Middle East (London: SAGE Publications):1(1):3–24.
- El-Awaisi, Khalid. The origins of the idea of establishing a “Zionist Client-State” in Islamicjerusalem. Journal of Al-Tamaddun, v. 14/1, pp. 13-26, June 2019.
- Eliav, Mordechai (1997) Britain and the Holy Land 1838-1914 (Jerusalem: The Magnes Press).
- Finlayson, Geoffrey (2004) The Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury 1801-1885 (Vancouver: Regent College Publishing).
- Friedman, Isaiah (1968) Lord Palmerston and the protection of Jews in Palestine 1839-1851Jewish Social Studies, 30/1: 23-41.
- Hillenbrand, Carole (2004) The Legacy of The Crusades, In T.F. Madden (Ed.) Crusades: the Illustrated History (Michigan: University of Michigan Press).
- Hodder, Edwin (1887) The Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury (London: Cassell & Company Ltd): Vol.1.
- Hofman, Yitzak (1975) The Administration of Syria and Palestine Under Egyptian Rule (1831–1840) in M. Ma’oz, (Ed.) Studies on Palestine During the Ottoman Times (Jerusalem: The Magnes Press): 311-334.
- Ilhami, Mohammad (2016) The Formation of foreign influence in Islamicjerusalem during the period of Muhammad Ali Pasha (al-Ta’sisilil-Nufudh al-Ajnabi fi Bayt al-Maqdis fi Ahd Muhammad Ali Pasha). Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 16 (2): 1-18.
- Joseph, Sabrina (1995) Britain’s Social, Moral and Cultural Penetration of Palestine: British Travelers in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth- Century Palestine and their Perception of the Jews. Arab Studies Journal: 45-67.
- Leest, Charlotte van der (2008). Conversion and Conflict in Palestine the Mission of the Church Missionary Society and the Protestant Bishop Samuel Gobat (PhD thesis) (Leiden University: Netherlands).
- Levine, Gary (2003) The Merchant of Modernism: The Economic Jew in Anglo-American Literature 1864-1939 (London: Routledge).
- Madox, John (1834) Excursions in the Holy Land, Egypt, Nubia, Syria &c (London: Richard Bentley); vol. 2.
- Mochon, Jean-Philippe (1996) Le Consulat Général de France à Jérusalem: Aspects historiques, juridiques et politiques de ses fonctions. Annuaire Français de Droit International: 929-945.
- Owen, Roger (1981) The Middle East in the World Economy 1800-1914 (Reprinted: 2009) (London: I.B. Tauris).
- Perry, Yaron (2003) British Mission to the Jews in Nineteenth Century Palestine (London: Frank Cass).
- Salhieh, Mohammad (2006) al-Quds, al-Ardwa-Sukkan: Dirasah fi al-Wathaiq al-Uthmaniyah min khilal al-Sijjilat al-Uthmaniyah Dafatir al-Tabowa Dafatir Ihsa’ al-Nufus (1525-1914), In Uluslararası Türk Arşivlerleri Sempozyumu 17-19 Kasım 2005 (International Symposium on Turkish Archives) (Istanbul: Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry General Directorate of State Archives).
- Satış, Ihsan (2013) Tanzimat Döneminde Kudüs ve Çevresinde Avrupalı Devletlerin Nüfuz Mücadelesinden Bir Kesit: Hristiyan Cemaatlerin İmar Faaliyetleri. OTAM: 34: 185-221.
- Schölch, Alexander (1990) Jerusalem in the 19th Century (1831-1917 AD) in KJ. Asali (Ed.) Jerusalem in History (Great Britain: Olive Branch Press): 228-249.
- Talbot, Michael (2013) Divine Imperialism: The British in Palestine 1753-1842 In M. Farr & X. Guégan (Ed.), The British Abroad Since the Eighteenth Century Vol-2 Experiencing Imperialism (New York: Palgrave Macmillan): 36-54.
- Tibawi, Abdul Latif (1961) British Interest in Palestine 1800-1901: A Study of Religious and Educational Enterprise (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
- Vereté. Mayir (1970) Why was a British Consulate established in Jerusalem The English Historical Review: 85: 316-345.
- Ze’evi, Door (1996) An Ottoman Century the District of the Jerusalem in the 1600s (USA: New York. State University of New York Press, Albany).