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Sağlık Harcamaları ve Yaşam Beklentisi İlişkisi Üzerine Bir İnceleme: Türkiye ve Türki Cumhuriyetler Örneği

Year 2019, , 27 - 52, 22.10.2019


Sağlık ekonomisi literatüründe temel sağlık çıktılarından birisi olarak kabul edilen yaşam beklentisinin iyileşmesi, iktisadi büyüme performansını pozitif yönde etkileyen değişkenlerden birisidir. Dolayısıyla, hayat beklentisini belirleyen faktörlerin araştırılması ilgili literatürdeki birçok araştırmanın konusu olmuştur. Bu araştırmaların bir bölümünde yaşam beklentisinin sağlık harcamalarını pozitif yönde etkilendiğine dair bulgular elde edilmiştir. Söz konusu bulgular, sağlık politikalarının belirlenmesinde veri olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, 2000-2015 dönemine ait veriler kullanılarak, Türkiye, Azerbaycan, Kazakistan, Kırgızistan, Tacikistan Türkmenistan ve Özbekistan’da sağlık harcamaları ile yaşam beklentisi arasındaki ilişkiyi analiz etmektir. Çalışmada panel veri analizi yöntemi tercih edilmiştir. Panel eş bütünleşme testi sonuçları, iki değişken arasında anlamla çift yönlü uzun dönemli ilişkilerin varlığını göstermektedir.


  • Aísa, Rosa, JesÚs Clemente & Fernando Pueyo (2014). “The influence of (public) health expenditure on longevity”. International Journal of Public Health 59: 867-875.
  • Arthur, Eric & Hassan E. Oaikhenan (2017). “The Effects of Health Expenditure on Health Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)”. African Development Review 29 (3): 524-536.
  • Barlow, Robin & Bilkis Vissandjée (1999). “Determinants of National Life Expectancy”. Canadian Journal of Development Studies 20 (1): 9-29.
  • Bidzha, Lucas, Talita Greyling & Jugal Mahabir (2017). “Has South Africa’s Investment in Public Health Care Improved Health Outcomes?”. ERSA Working Paper 663: 1-27.
  • Bloom, David & David Canning (2003). “The Health & Poverty of Nations: From theory to practice”. Journal of Human Development 4 (1): 47-71.
  • Bloom, David E., David Canning & Jaypee Sevilla (2004). “The effect of health on economic growth: a production function approach”. World Development 32 (1): 1-13.
  • Breusch, T. S., & A. R. Pagan (1980). “The Lagrange Multiplier Test & its Applications to Model Specification in Econometrics”. The Review of Economic Studies 47 (1): 239.
  • Crémieux, Pierre‐Yves, Crémieux, Ouellette Pierre & Pilon Caroline (1999). “Health care spending as determinants of health outcomes”. Health Economics 8 (7): 627-639.
  • Engle, R. F., & C. W. J. Granger (1987). “Co-Integration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation, and Testing”. Econometrica 55 (2): 251. (Accessed: 20.08.2019).
  • Ilori Isaac A , S. Sunday Olalere and M. Adeleye Babatola (2016). “An Empirical Analysis of Public Health Expenditure on Life Expectancy: Evidence from Nigeria”. British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade 17 (4): 1-17.
  • Jaba, Elisabeta, Christiana Brigitte Balan & Ioan-Bogdan Robu (2014). “The relationship between life expectancy at birth and health expenditures estimated by a cross-country and time-series analysis”. Procedia Economics and Finance 15: 108-114.
  • Kar, Muhsin & Sami Taban (2003). “Kamu Harcama Çeşitlerinin Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkileri”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 58 (3): 145-169.
  • Linden, Mikael & Deb Ray (2017). “Life expectancy effects of public and private health expenditures in OECD countries 1970-2012: Panel time series approach”. Economic Analysis and Policy 56: 101 - 113.
  • McCoskey, S. & C. Kao (1998). “A residual-based test of the null of cointegration in panel data”. Econometric Reviews 17 (1): 57-84.
  • Mushkin, Selma J. (1962). “Health as an Investment”. Journal of Political Economy 70 (5): 129-157.
  • Nixon, John & Philippe Ulmann (2006). “The relationship between health care expenditure and health outcomes: Evidence and caveats for a causal link”. The European Journal of Health Economics 7: 718.
  • Novignon, Jacob, Solomon A. Olakojo & Justice Nonvignon (2012). “The effects of public and private health care expenditure on health status in sub-Saharan Africa: New evidence from panel data analysis”. Health Economics Review 2: 1-8.
  • Pesaran, M. Hashem (2004). “General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels”.
  • Pesaran, M. Hashem & R. Smith (1995). “Estimating long-run relationships from dynamic heterogeneous panels”. Journal of Econometrics 68 (1): 79-113.
  • Pesaran, M. Hashem, A. Ullah & T. Yamagata (2008). “A bias-adjusted LM test of error cross-section independence”. The Econometrics Journal 11 (1): 105-127.
  • Pesaran, M. Hashem. & T. Yamagata (2008). “Testing slope homogeneity in large panels”. Journal of Econometrics 142 (1): 50-93.
  • Rana, Rezwanul Hasan, Alam Khorshed & Jeff Gow (2018). “Health expenditure, child and maternal mortality nexus: A comparative global analysis”. BMC International Health and Human Rights 18 (29): 1-15.
  • Schultz, Theodore W. (1961). “Investment in Human Capital”. American Economic Review 51: 1-17.
  • Sede, Peter I. & Williams Ohemeng (2015). “Socio-economic determinants of life expectancy in Nigeria (1980 – 2011)”. Health Economics Review 5: 1-11.
  • Shahbaz, Muhammad et al. (2016). “Determinants of Life Expectancy and its Prospects Under the Role of Economic Misery: A Case of Pakistan”. Social Indicators Research 126: 1299 – 1316.
  • Smith, L. V. et al. (2004). “More powerful panel data unit root tests with an application to mean reversion in real exchange rates”. Journal of Applied Econometrics 19 (2): 147–170. (Accessed: 20.08.2019).
  • Swamy, P. A. V. B. (1970). “Efficient Inference in a Random Coefficient Regression Model”. Econometrica 38 (2): 311.
  • Şanlısoy, Selim (2019). “A Critical Approach to the Human Development Index in the Case of Turkic Republics”. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 69: 1580-1591.
  • The World Bank (2019). “World Bank Open Data”. Retrieved February 14. from (Accessed: 20.08.2019).
  • Westerlund, J. & D. L. Edgerton (2007). “A panel bootstrap cointegration test”. Economics Letters 97 (3): 185–190. (Accessed: 20.08.2019).
  • Yerdelen Tatoğlu, F. (2013). Panel Veri Ekonometrisi: Stata Uygulamalı. İstanbul: Beta Pub.

An Analysis of Relationship between Health Expenditures and Life Expectancy: The Case of Turkey and Turkic Republics

Year 2019, , 27 - 52, 22.10.2019


As one of the fundamental health outputs in the health economics literature, the improvement of life expectancy is one of the variables that positively affect economic growth. Many papers, investigating the relationship between health expenditure and life expectancy indicated that life expectancy has a positive effect on health expenditures. This study aims to investigate the relationship between life expectancy and health expenditures for the period of 2000-2015 in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Panel data approach was used for the study. The results of panel cointegration analysis indicate that there is a significant bidirectional long-term relationship between the two variables.


  • Aísa, Rosa, JesÚs Clemente & Fernando Pueyo (2014). “The influence of (public) health expenditure on longevity”. International Journal of Public Health 59: 867-875.
  • Arthur, Eric & Hassan E. Oaikhenan (2017). “The Effects of Health Expenditure on Health Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)”. African Development Review 29 (3): 524-536.
  • Barlow, Robin & Bilkis Vissandjée (1999). “Determinants of National Life Expectancy”. Canadian Journal of Development Studies 20 (1): 9-29.
  • Bidzha, Lucas, Talita Greyling & Jugal Mahabir (2017). “Has South Africa’s Investment in Public Health Care Improved Health Outcomes?”. ERSA Working Paper 663: 1-27.
  • Bloom, David & David Canning (2003). “The Health & Poverty of Nations: From theory to practice”. Journal of Human Development 4 (1): 47-71.
  • Bloom, David E., David Canning & Jaypee Sevilla (2004). “The effect of health on economic growth: a production function approach”. World Development 32 (1): 1-13.
  • Breusch, T. S., & A. R. Pagan (1980). “The Lagrange Multiplier Test & its Applications to Model Specification in Econometrics”. The Review of Economic Studies 47 (1): 239.
  • Crémieux, Pierre‐Yves, Crémieux, Ouellette Pierre & Pilon Caroline (1999). “Health care spending as determinants of health outcomes”. Health Economics 8 (7): 627-639.
  • Engle, R. F., & C. W. J. Granger (1987). “Co-Integration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation, and Testing”. Econometrica 55 (2): 251. (Accessed: 20.08.2019).
  • Ilori Isaac A , S. Sunday Olalere and M. Adeleye Babatola (2016). “An Empirical Analysis of Public Health Expenditure on Life Expectancy: Evidence from Nigeria”. British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade 17 (4): 1-17.
  • Jaba, Elisabeta, Christiana Brigitte Balan & Ioan-Bogdan Robu (2014). “The relationship between life expectancy at birth and health expenditures estimated by a cross-country and time-series analysis”. Procedia Economics and Finance 15: 108-114.
  • Kar, Muhsin & Sami Taban (2003). “Kamu Harcama Çeşitlerinin Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkileri”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 58 (3): 145-169.
  • Linden, Mikael & Deb Ray (2017). “Life expectancy effects of public and private health expenditures in OECD countries 1970-2012: Panel time series approach”. Economic Analysis and Policy 56: 101 - 113.
  • McCoskey, S. & C. Kao (1998). “A residual-based test of the null of cointegration in panel data”. Econometric Reviews 17 (1): 57-84.
  • Mushkin, Selma J. (1962). “Health as an Investment”. Journal of Political Economy 70 (5): 129-157.
  • Nixon, John & Philippe Ulmann (2006). “The relationship between health care expenditure and health outcomes: Evidence and caveats for a causal link”. The European Journal of Health Economics 7: 718.
  • Novignon, Jacob, Solomon A. Olakojo & Justice Nonvignon (2012). “The effects of public and private health care expenditure on health status in sub-Saharan Africa: New evidence from panel data analysis”. Health Economics Review 2: 1-8.
  • Pesaran, M. Hashem (2004). “General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels”.
  • Pesaran, M. Hashem & R. Smith (1995). “Estimating long-run relationships from dynamic heterogeneous panels”. Journal of Econometrics 68 (1): 79-113.
  • Pesaran, M. Hashem, A. Ullah & T. Yamagata (2008). “A bias-adjusted LM test of error cross-section independence”. The Econometrics Journal 11 (1): 105-127.
  • Pesaran, M. Hashem. & T. Yamagata (2008). “Testing slope homogeneity in large panels”. Journal of Econometrics 142 (1): 50-93.
  • Rana, Rezwanul Hasan, Alam Khorshed & Jeff Gow (2018). “Health expenditure, child and maternal mortality nexus: A comparative global analysis”. BMC International Health and Human Rights 18 (29): 1-15.
  • Schultz, Theodore W. (1961). “Investment in Human Capital”. American Economic Review 51: 1-17.
  • Sede, Peter I. & Williams Ohemeng (2015). “Socio-economic determinants of life expectancy in Nigeria (1980 – 2011)”. Health Economics Review 5: 1-11.
  • Shahbaz, Muhammad et al. (2016). “Determinants of Life Expectancy and its Prospects Under the Role of Economic Misery: A Case of Pakistan”. Social Indicators Research 126: 1299 – 1316.
  • Smith, L. V. et al. (2004). “More powerful panel data unit root tests with an application to mean reversion in real exchange rates”. Journal of Applied Econometrics 19 (2): 147–170. (Accessed: 20.08.2019).
  • Swamy, P. A. V. B. (1970). “Efficient Inference in a Random Coefficient Regression Model”. Econometrica 38 (2): 311.
  • Şanlısoy, Selim (2019). “A Critical Approach to the Human Development Index in the Case of Turkic Republics”. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 69: 1580-1591.
  • The World Bank (2019). “World Bank Open Data”. Retrieved February 14. from (Accessed: 20.08.2019).
  • Westerlund, J. & D. L. Edgerton (2007). “A panel bootstrap cointegration test”. Economics Letters 97 (3): 185–190. (Accessed: 20.08.2019).
  • Yerdelen Tatoğlu, F. (2013). Panel Veri Ekonometrisi: Stata Uygulamalı. İstanbul: Beta Pub.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Ayfer Gedikli This is me 0000-0002-7128-1976

Seyfettin Erdoğan 0000-0003-2790-4221

Mustafa Kırca 0000-0002-5630-7525

İdris Demir 0000-0002-1541-1983

Publication Date October 22, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Gedikli, A., Erdoğan, S., Kırca, M., Demir, İ. (2019). An Analysis of Relationship between Health Expenditures and Life Expectancy: The Case of Turkey and Turkic Republics. Bilig(91), 27-52.
AMA Gedikli A, Erdoğan S, Kırca M, Demir İ. An Analysis of Relationship between Health Expenditures and Life Expectancy: The Case of Turkey and Turkic Republics. Bilig. October 2019;(91):27-52. doi:10.12995/bilig.9102
Chicago Gedikli, Ayfer, Seyfettin Erdoğan, Mustafa Kırca, and İdris Demir. “An Analysis of Relationship Between Health Expenditures and Life Expectancy: The Case of Turkey and Turkic Republics”. Bilig, no. 91 (October 2019): 27-52.
EndNote Gedikli A, Erdoğan S, Kırca M, Demir İ (October 1, 2019) An Analysis of Relationship between Health Expenditures and Life Expectancy: The Case of Turkey and Turkic Republics. Bilig 91 27–52.
IEEE A. Gedikli, S. Erdoğan, M. Kırca, and İ. Demir, “An Analysis of Relationship between Health Expenditures and Life Expectancy: The Case of Turkey and Turkic Republics”, Bilig, no. 91, pp. 27–52, October 2019, doi: 10.12995/bilig.9102.
ISNAD Gedikli, Ayfer et al. “An Analysis of Relationship Between Health Expenditures and Life Expectancy: The Case of Turkey and Turkic Republics”. Bilig 91 (October 2019), 27-52.
JAMA Gedikli A, Erdoğan S, Kırca M, Demir İ. An Analysis of Relationship between Health Expenditures and Life Expectancy: The Case of Turkey and Turkic Republics. Bilig. 2019;:27–52.
MLA Gedikli, Ayfer et al. “An Analysis of Relationship Between Health Expenditures and Life Expectancy: The Case of Turkey and Turkic Republics”. Bilig, no. 91, 2019, pp. 27-52, doi:10.12995/bilig.9102.
Vancouver Gedikli A, Erdoğan S, Kırca M, Demir İ. An Analysis of Relationship between Health Expenditures and Life Expectancy: The Case of Turkey and Turkic Republics. Bilig. 2019(91):27-52.

Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi Mütevelli Heyet Başkanlığı