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Demokrat Partinin Ekonomi Politikası: Kuram ve Uygulamanın İkircikli Yapısı

Year 2016, Issue: 76, 245 - 268, 01.06.2016


Türk merkez sağının ekonomi algısı ile ilgili genel kanı, bu partilerin politika ve söylemlerinde büyük ölçüde liberal bir eğilim içinde olduklarını varsayar ki bu varsayım bir nebze eleştirel bakmayı hak etmektedir. Özellikle Anavatan Partisi dönemiyle birlikte liberalleşen trende rağmen, merkez sağın toy temsilcisi olan Demokrat Parti söylem ve politik ekonomiyi ele alış bakımından ikircikli bir yapı göstermektedir. Demokrat Parti’nin 1950-1960 yılları arasındaki ekonomi politikasını parti programı, hükümet programları ve uygulanan politikalar açısından analiz ederek; bu çalışma, DP’nin aslında mükellef bir liberal anlayışın oldukça gerisinde kaldığına işaret etmektedir. Bununla birlikte, parti, Kemalist dünya görüşünün yok saydığı çıkarların çeşitliliğine dair görüşü değiştirmiş, aynı zamanda ekonomiye kendiliğinden kıymetli bir mesele olarak öncelik vererek, çeşitli ortaklıklar kurmaya başlamıştır.


  • Ahmad, Feroz (1981). “The Political Economy of Kemalism”. Eds. Ali Kazancıgil and Ergun Özbudun. Atatürk: Founder of a Modern State. London: Hurst& Company. 145-164.
  • Albayrak, Mustafa (2004). Türk Siyasi Tarihinde Demokrat Parti (1946- 1960). Ankara: Phoenix Yay.
  • Aydemir, Şevket Süreyya (1976). Menderes’in Dramı? İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Aydın, Zülküf (2005). The Political Economy of Turkey. London: Pluto Press.
  • Bayar, Celal (1969). Başvekilim Adnan Menderes. Ed. İsmet Bozdağ. İstanbul: Baha Matbaası.
  • Boratav, Korkut (1981). “Kemalist Economic Policies and Etatism”. Eds. Ali Kazancıgil and Ergun Özbudun. Atatürk: Founder of a Modern State. London: Hurst& Company. 165-190.
  • Danielson, Michael N. and Ruşen Keleş (1980). “Urbanization and Income Distribution in Turkey”. Eds. Ergun Özbudun and Aydın Ulusan. Political Economy of Income Distribution in Turkey. Holmes & Meier Publishers. 269-310.
  • Demirel, Tanel (2005). “Demokrat Parti ve Liberalizm”. Ed. Murat Yılmaz. Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce Liberalizm. C. 7. İstanbul: İletişim Yay. 480-529.
  • ______. (2011). Türkiye’nin Uzun On Yılı: Demokrat Parti iktidarı ve 27 Mayıs Darbesi. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yay.
  • Demokrat Parti Programı 1946 (1946). Ankara: Devlet Matbaası Yay.
  • DP Tüzüğü ve Program 1951 (1951). Ankara: Güneş Matbaacılık.
  • Derviş, Kemal and Sherman Robinson. (1980). “The Structure of Income Inequality in Turkey: 1950-1973”. Eds. Ergun Özbudun and Aydın Ulusan. Political Economy of Income Distribution in Turkey. Holmes & Meier Publishers. 83-121.
  • Eisenstadt, Shmuel N. and Luis Roniger (1984). Patrons, Clients, and Friends: Interpersonal Relations and the Structure of Trust in Society. Melbourne: Cambridge U. P.
  • Eşiyok, B. Ali (2006). İktisadi Dönemler İtibariyle Türkiye Ekonomisinde Kalkınma: 1923-2004. Ankara: Türkiye Kalkınma Bankası A.Ş. Araştırma Müdürlüğü.
  • Güneş-Ayata, Ayşe (1994a). “Clientelism: Premodern, Modern, Postmodern”. Eds. Luis Roniger and Ayşe Güneş-Ayata. Democracy, Clientelism, and Civil Society. Boulder: Lynne Reinner. 19-28.
  • _______. (1994b). “Roots and Trends of Clientelism in Turkey”. Eds. Luis Roniger and Ayşe Güneş-Ayata. Democracy, Clientelism, and Civil Society. Boulder: Lynne Reinner. 49-63.
  • Hale, William (1980). The Political and Economic Development of Modern Turkey. London: Croom Helm. Heper, Metin (1985). The State Tradition in Turkey (Walkington: Eothen)
  • ________. (1980). “Center and Periphery in the Ottoman Empire: With Special Reference to the Nineteenth Century”. International Political Science Review 1: 81-105.
  • Heper, Metin and Fuat Keyman (1998). “Double-Faced State: Political Patronage and the Consolidation of Democracy in Turkey”. Middle Eastern Studies 34 (4): 259-277.
  • Kazgan, Gülten (1999). Tanzimattan XXI. Yüzyıla Türkiye Ekonomisi: 1.Küreselleşmeden 2. Küreselleşmeye. İstanbul: Altın Kitaplar.
  • Keyder, Çağlar (1979). “The Political Economy of Turkish Democracy”. New Left Review 115(3): 3-44.
  • Mann, Charles K. (1980). “The Effects of Government Policy on Income Distribution: A Case Study of Wheat Production in Turkey Since World War II”. Eds. Ergun Özbudun and Aydın Ulusan. Political Economy of Income Distribution in Turkey. Holmes & Meier Publishers. 197-246.
  • Mardin, Şerif (1973). “Center-Periphery Relations: A Key To Turkish Politics?”. Daedalus 102: 169-190.
  • _______. (1980). “Turkey: Transformation of an Economic Code”. Eds. Ergun Özbudun and Aydın Ulusan. Political Economy of Income Distribution in Turkey. Holmes & Meier Publishers. 23-54.
  • Milliyet (daily newspaper)
  • Özbudun, Ergun. (1981). “Turkey: The Politics of Clientelism”. Eds. S. N. Eisenstadt and René Lemarchand. Political Clientelism, Patronage and Development. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. 249-268.
  • _______. (1980). “Income Distribution as an Issue in Turkish Politics”. Eds. Ergun Özbudun and Aydın Ulusan. Political Economy of Income Distribution in Turkey. Holmes & Meier Publishers. 55-82.
  • Sayarı, Sabri (1975). “Some Notes on the Beginnings of Mass Political Participation in Turkey”. Political Participation in Turkey: Historical Background and Present Problems. Ed. Engin D. Akarlı and Gabriel Ben-Dor. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Pub. 121-133.
  • Sunar, İlkay (1990). Populism and Patronage: The Democrat Party and Its Legacy in Turkey. Il Politico 55(4): 745-757.
  • TBMM Tutanak Dergisi
  • Toprak, Metin, Nasuh Uslu and Judd Daniel King (2009). “Transformation of Turkish Politics: Socio-Political, Economic and Ethnic Peculiarities”. Bilig 50(3): 199-232.
  • Yılmaz, Murat (2005). Çiftçiyi Topraklandırma Kanunu Görüşmeleri. Ed. Murat Yılmaz. Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce. C. 7. Liberalizm. İstanbul: İletişim Yay. 205-212.
  • Zürcher, Eric Jan (2004). Turkey: A Modern History. London: I.B. Tauris.

Political Economy of the Democrat Party: A Dual Employment of Theory and Practice

Year 2016, Issue: 76, 245 - 268, 01.06.2016


A common idea related to Turkish center right parties’ perception of economy presumes that these parties are to a large extent liberal in their policy making processes and discourses – an argument which deserves a little critical thinking on. Despite the considerably liberalized trend especially from the period of the Motherland Party onwards, the naïve agent of the center right, namely the Democrat Party, indicated a duality related to the discourse and employment of political economy. Analyzing the economic policy of DP through their party programme, government programmes and the implemented policies of the DP governments between 1950-1960, this paper argues that the DP in fact lagged behind a full-fledged liberal framework. Nevertheless, the party considerably changed the Kemalist worldview on the non-existence of a variety of interests in the society and began to build partnerships through prioritizing economics as significant ex mero motu


  • Ahmad, Feroz (1981). “The Political Economy of Kemalism”. Eds. Ali Kazancıgil and Ergun Özbudun. Atatürk: Founder of a Modern State. London: Hurst& Company. 145-164.
  • Albayrak, Mustafa (2004). Türk Siyasi Tarihinde Demokrat Parti (1946- 1960). Ankara: Phoenix Yay.
  • Aydemir, Şevket Süreyya (1976). Menderes’in Dramı? İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Aydın, Zülküf (2005). The Political Economy of Turkey. London: Pluto Press.
  • Bayar, Celal (1969). Başvekilim Adnan Menderes. Ed. İsmet Bozdağ. İstanbul: Baha Matbaası.
  • Boratav, Korkut (1981). “Kemalist Economic Policies and Etatism”. Eds. Ali Kazancıgil and Ergun Özbudun. Atatürk: Founder of a Modern State. London: Hurst& Company. 165-190.
  • Danielson, Michael N. and Ruşen Keleş (1980). “Urbanization and Income Distribution in Turkey”. Eds. Ergun Özbudun and Aydın Ulusan. Political Economy of Income Distribution in Turkey. Holmes & Meier Publishers. 269-310.
  • Demirel, Tanel (2005). “Demokrat Parti ve Liberalizm”. Ed. Murat Yılmaz. Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce Liberalizm. C. 7. İstanbul: İletişim Yay. 480-529.
  • ______. (2011). Türkiye’nin Uzun On Yılı: Demokrat Parti iktidarı ve 27 Mayıs Darbesi. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yay.
  • Demokrat Parti Programı 1946 (1946). Ankara: Devlet Matbaası Yay.
  • DP Tüzüğü ve Program 1951 (1951). Ankara: Güneş Matbaacılık.
  • Derviş, Kemal and Sherman Robinson. (1980). “The Structure of Income Inequality in Turkey: 1950-1973”. Eds. Ergun Özbudun and Aydın Ulusan. Political Economy of Income Distribution in Turkey. Holmes & Meier Publishers. 83-121.
  • Eisenstadt, Shmuel N. and Luis Roniger (1984). Patrons, Clients, and Friends: Interpersonal Relations and the Structure of Trust in Society. Melbourne: Cambridge U. P.
  • Eşiyok, B. Ali (2006). İktisadi Dönemler İtibariyle Türkiye Ekonomisinde Kalkınma: 1923-2004. Ankara: Türkiye Kalkınma Bankası A.Ş. Araştırma Müdürlüğü.
  • Güneş-Ayata, Ayşe (1994a). “Clientelism: Premodern, Modern, Postmodern”. Eds. Luis Roniger and Ayşe Güneş-Ayata. Democracy, Clientelism, and Civil Society. Boulder: Lynne Reinner. 19-28.
  • _______. (1994b). “Roots and Trends of Clientelism in Turkey”. Eds. Luis Roniger and Ayşe Güneş-Ayata. Democracy, Clientelism, and Civil Society. Boulder: Lynne Reinner. 49-63.
  • Hale, William (1980). The Political and Economic Development of Modern Turkey. London: Croom Helm. Heper, Metin (1985). The State Tradition in Turkey (Walkington: Eothen)
  • ________. (1980). “Center and Periphery in the Ottoman Empire: With Special Reference to the Nineteenth Century”. International Political Science Review 1: 81-105.
  • Heper, Metin and Fuat Keyman (1998). “Double-Faced State: Political Patronage and the Consolidation of Democracy in Turkey”. Middle Eastern Studies 34 (4): 259-277.
  • Kazgan, Gülten (1999). Tanzimattan XXI. Yüzyıla Türkiye Ekonomisi: 1.Küreselleşmeden 2. Küreselleşmeye. İstanbul: Altın Kitaplar.
  • Keyder, Çağlar (1979). “The Political Economy of Turkish Democracy”. New Left Review 115(3): 3-44.
  • Mann, Charles K. (1980). “The Effects of Government Policy on Income Distribution: A Case Study of Wheat Production in Turkey Since World War II”. Eds. Ergun Özbudun and Aydın Ulusan. Political Economy of Income Distribution in Turkey. Holmes & Meier Publishers. 197-246.
  • Mardin, Şerif (1973). “Center-Periphery Relations: A Key To Turkish Politics?”. Daedalus 102: 169-190.
  • _______. (1980). “Turkey: Transformation of an Economic Code”. Eds. Ergun Özbudun and Aydın Ulusan. Political Economy of Income Distribution in Turkey. Holmes & Meier Publishers. 23-54.
  • Milliyet (daily newspaper)
  • Özbudun, Ergun. (1981). “Turkey: The Politics of Clientelism”. Eds. S. N. Eisenstadt and René Lemarchand. Political Clientelism, Patronage and Development. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. 249-268.
  • _______. (1980). “Income Distribution as an Issue in Turkish Politics”. Eds. Ergun Özbudun and Aydın Ulusan. Political Economy of Income Distribution in Turkey. Holmes & Meier Publishers. 55-82.
  • Sayarı, Sabri (1975). “Some Notes on the Beginnings of Mass Political Participation in Turkey”. Political Participation in Turkey: Historical Background and Present Problems. Ed. Engin D. Akarlı and Gabriel Ben-Dor. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Pub. 121-133.
  • Sunar, İlkay (1990). Populism and Patronage: The Democrat Party and Its Legacy in Turkey. Il Politico 55(4): 745-757.
  • TBMM Tutanak Dergisi
  • Toprak, Metin, Nasuh Uslu and Judd Daniel King (2009). “Transformation of Turkish Politics: Socio-Political, Economic and Ethnic Peculiarities”. Bilig 50(3): 199-232.
  • Yılmaz, Murat (2005). Çiftçiyi Topraklandırma Kanunu Görüşmeleri. Ed. Murat Yılmaz. Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce. C. 7. Liberalizm. İstanbul: İletişim Yay. 205-212.
  • Zürcher, Eric Jan (2004). Turkey: A Modern History. London: I.B. Tauris.
There are 33 citations in total.


Other ID JA64VF43BV
Journal Section Book Reviews

Gülsen Kaya Osmanbaşoğlu This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Issue: 76


APA Kaya Osmanbaşoğlu, G. (2016). Political Economy of the Democrat Party: A Dual Employment of Theory and Practice. Bilig(76), 245-268.
AMA Kaya Osmanbaşoğlu G. Political Economy of the Democrat Party: A Dual Employment of Theory and Practice. Bilig. June 2016;(76):245-268.
Chicago Kaya Osmanbaşoğlu, Gülsen. “Political Economy of the Democrat Party: A Dual Employment of Theory and Practice”. Bilig, no. 76 (June 2016): 245-68.
EndNote Kaya Osmanbaşoğlu G (June 1, 2016) Political Economy of the Democrat Party: A Dual Employment of Theory and Practice. Bilig 76 245–268.
IEEE G. Kaya Osmanbaşoğlu, “Political Economy of the Democrat Party: A Dual Employment of Theory and Practice”, Bilig, no. 76, pp. 245–268, June 2016.
ISNAD Kaya Osmanbaşoğlu, Gülsen. “Political Economy of the Democrat Party: A Dual Employment of Theory and Practice”. Bilig 76 (June 2016), 245-268.
JAMA Kaya Osmanbaşoğlu G. Political Economy of the Democrat Party: A Dual Employment of Theory and Practice. Bilig. 2016;:245–268.
MLA Kaya Osmanbaşoğlu, Gülsen. “Political Economy of the Democrat Party: A Dual Employment of Theory and Practice”. Bilig, no. 76, 2016, pp. 245-68.
Vancouver Kaya Osmanbaşoğlu G. Political Economy of the Democrat Party: A Dual Employment of Theory and Practice. Bilig. 2016(76):245-68.

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