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Güvenlik Kültürü ve Türk Dış Politikası

Year 2015, Issue: 72, 223 - 250, 01.03.2015


Bu makale Türk dış politikasında güvenlik kültürünün etkilerini inceliyor. Bunu yaparken güvenlik kültürünü dış politika yapıcılarının tercih ve davranışlarını etkileyen bir bağlam olarak ele alıyor. Güvenlik kültürü üzerine üretilen literatürde güvenlik kültürüne üç farklı şekilde yaklaşılmaktadır. Birinci görüş güvenlik kültürünü bağımsız bir değişken olarak kabul eder ve onun dış politika tercih ve davranışları üzerine olan etkilerini objektif bir şekilde incelemeye çalışır. İkinci yaklaşım güvenlik kültürünü bağımlı bir değişken olarak kabul eder ve asıl amacın bu kültürün nasıl oluşturulduğunun incelenmesi olduğunu ileri sürer. Üçüncü yaklaşım ise güvenlik kültürüne bir bağlam olarak bakar ve söz konusu kültürü verili kabul eder. Bu arka plan ışığında bu çalışma Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin hakim güvenlik kültürünün ana unsurlarını mercek altına alıyor ve bu unsurların karar alıcıların dış politika tercih ve davranışlarını farklı dönemlerde nasıl etkilediğini inceliyor


  • Agnew, John ve S. Corbridge (2003). Mastering Space. London: Routledge.
  • Akçalı, Emel ve M. Perinçek (2009). “Kemalist Eurasianism: an emerging discourse in Turkey”. Geopolitics 14 (3): 550-569.
  • Altınay, Hakan (2012). Yalnız ve Endişeli Ülke: Türkiye. İstanbul: Açık Toplum Vakfı Yay.
  • Aras, Bülent ve Ş. Toktaş (2012). “National Security Culture in Turkey: A Qualitative Study on Think Tanks”. Bilig 61: 245-264.
  • Aras, Bülent ve A. Görener (2010). “National role conceptions and foreign policy orientation: the ideational bases of the Justice and Development Party's foreign policy activism in the Middle East”. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 12 (1): 73-92.
  • Avcı, Gamze (2011). “The Justice and Development Party and the EU: Political Pragmatism in a Changing Environment”. South European Society and Politics 16 (3): 409-442.
  • Aybet, Gülnur ve M. Müftüler-Baç (2000). “Transformations in Security and Identity After the Cold War: Turkey’s Problematic Relationship with Europe. International Journal: 567-582.
  • Aydın, Mustafa (1999). “Determinants of Turkish Foreign Policy: Historical Framework and Traditional Inputs”. Middle Eastern Studies 35 (4): 152-186.
  • _____, (2000). “Determinants of Turkish foreign policy: changing patterns and conjunctures during the Cold War”. Middle Eastern Studies 36 (1): 103-139.
  • _____, (2003). “Securitization of history and geography: understanding of security in Turkey”. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 3 (2): 163-184.
  • Bilgin, Pınar (2005). “Turkey’s changing security discourses: The challenge of Globalisation”. European Journal of Political Research 44: 175-201.
  • _____, (2007). “‘Only strong states can survive in Turkey’s geography’: the uses of “geopolitical truths” in Turkey”. Political Geography 26 (7): 740-756.
  • _____, (2008). “Critical Theory”, in Security Studies An Introduction ed. Paul D. Williams. New York: Routledge. 89-102.
  • Bloomfield, Alan (2012). “Time to Move On: Reconceptualizing the Strategic Culture Debate”. Contemporary Security Policy 33 (3): 437-461.
  • Davison, Roderic H. (1999). “Ottoman Diplomacy and Its Legacy”. Nineteenth Century Ottoman Diplomacy and Reforms. İstanbul: İsis Press.
  • Davutoğlu, Ahmet (2004). Stratejik Derinlik: Türkiye’nin Uluslararası Konumu. İstanbul: Küre Yay.
  • German Marshall Fund Transatlantic Trends Survey 2013,
  • Gray, Colin (1999). “Strategic Culture as Context: The First Generation of Theory Strikes Back”. Review of International Studies 25 (1): 51.
  • Güney, Aylin ve N. Mandacı (2013). “The meta-geography of the Middle East and North Africa in Turkey’s new geopolitical imagination”. Security Dialogue 44 (5-6): 431-448.
  • Güvenç, Serhat ve S. Özel (2012). “NATO and Turkey in the post-Cold War world: between abandonment and entrapment”. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 12 (4): 533-555.
  • Heper, Metin (1993). “Bureaucrats: Persistent Elitists”. Turkey and the West Changing Political and Cultural Identities. Eds. Metin Heper, Ayşe Öncü ve Heinz Kramer. London: I.B. Tauris.
  • Johnston, Alistair Iain (1995). “Thinking about Strategic Culture”. International Security 19 (4): 35.
  • Kaliber, Alper (2005). “Securing the Ground Through Securitized “Foreign” Policy: The Cyprus Case Revisited”. Security Dialogue 36 (3): 297-315.
  • Karaosmanoğlu, Ali L. (1993). “Officers: westernization and democracy”.Turkey and the West Changing Political and Cultural Identities. Eds. Metin Heper, Ayşe Öncü ve Heinz Kramer. London: I.B. Tauris. 19-34.
  • _____, (2000). “The Evolution of the National Security Culture and the Military in Turkey”. Journal of International Affairs 54 (1): 199-216.
  • Kösebalaban, Hasan (2002). “Turkey’s EU Membership: A Clash of Security Cultures”. Middle East Policy 9 (2): 130-146.
  • _____, (2007). “’The Permanent ‘Other’? Turkey and the Question of European Identity”. Mediterranean Quarterly 18 (4): 87-111.
  • McDonald, Matt (2008). “Securitization and the Construction of Security”. European Journal of International Relations 14 (4): 563-587.
  • Murnison, Alexander. (2006). “The strategic depth doctrine of Turkish foreign policy”. Middle Eastern Studies 42 (6): 945-964.
  • Özcan, Gencer (2013). “Türkiyede Uluslararası İlişkiler Eğitimi ve Yabancı Düş- manlığı”, in Yalnız ve Endişeli Ülke: Türkiye. İstanbul: Açık Toplum Vakfı Yay. 49-60.
  • Özpek, Burak B. (2013). “Securing energy or energising security: the impact of Russia’s energy policy on Turkey’s accession to the European Union”. Journal of International Relations and Development 16: 358-379.
  • Oğuzlu, Tarık (2002). “The Clash of Security Identities: The Question of Turkey's Membership in the European Union”. International Journal 57 (4): 579-603.
  • _____, (2003). “An Analysis of Turkey’s Prospective Membership in the European Union from a ‘Security’ Perspective’”. Security Dialogue 34 (3): 285-299.
  • _____, (2008). “Turkey’s Northern Iraq Policy: Competing Perspectives”. Insight Turkey 10 (3): 5-22.
  • _____, (2012). “Turkey and the European Union: Europeanization without membership”. Turkish Studies 13 (2): 229-243.
  • Oğuzlu, Tarık ve Mustafa Kibaroğlu (2008). “Incompatibilities in Turkish and European security cultures diminish Turkey’s Prospects of EU membership”. Middle Eastern Studies 44 (6): 945-962.
  • Taşpınar, Ömer (2008). “Turkeyʼs Middle East Policies between Neo-Ottomanism and Kemalism”. Carnegie Papers 10. (17 November 2013)
  • _____, (2011). “The Rise of Turkish Gaullism: Getting Turkish-American Relations Right”. Insight Turkey 13 (1): 11-17.
  • Türkmen, Füsun (2010). “Anti-Americanism as a Default Ideology of Opposition: Turkey as a Case Study”. Turkish Studies 11 (3): 329-345.
  • Tuathail, Gearòid Ò (2005). Critical Geopolitics: The Politics of Writing Global Space. London: Routledge.
  • Walker, Joshua W. (2007). “Reexamining the U.S.-Turkish Alliance”. The Washington Quarterly 31 (1): 93-109.
  • Wendt, Alexander (1999). Social Theory of International Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Williams, Paul D. (2008). Ed. Security Studies: An Introduction. New York: Routledge.
  • Yanık, Lerna K. (2012). “Atlantik Paktı’ndan NATO’ya: Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi’nde Türkiye’nin konumu ve rolü tartışmalarından bir kesit”. Uluslararası İlişkiler 34: 29-50.

Security Culture and Turkish Foreign Policy

Year 2015, Issue: 72, 223 - 250, 01.03.2015


This article examines the effects of security culture on the formation of Turkey’s foreign policy interests and behaviors. Here security culture is assumed to offer a context in which decision makers interpret various independent variables that shape their foreign policy preferences and actions. In the literature on security culture there exist three different ways as to how to conceptualize security culture. One is to treat security culture as an independent variable. Here the goal is to shed light on the impact of security culture on foreign policy interests and behaviors in an objective manner. The second is to treat security culture as a dependent variable. Here the goal is to account for the formation of security culture in reference to various constitutive factors. The third is to treat security culture as a context through which decision makers try to make sense of various independent variables in the formation of their foreign policy preferences and behaviors. Against this background, this article tries to account for the impact of security culture on Turkish foreign policy in different time periods.


  • Agnew, John ve S. Corbridge (2003). Mastering Space. London: Routledge.
  • Akçalı, Emel ve M. Perinçek (2009). “Kemalist Eurasianism: an emerging discourse in Turkey”. Geopolitics 14 (3): 550-569.
  • Altınay, Hakan (2012). Yalnız ve Endişeli Ülke: Türkiye. İstanbul: Açık Toplum Vakfı Yay.
  • Aras, Bülent ve Ş. Toktaş (2012). “National Security Culture in Turkey: A Qualitative Study on Think Tanks”. Bilig 61: 245-264.
  • Aras, Bülent ve A. Görener (2010). “National role conceptions and foreign policy orientation: the ideational bases of the Justice and Development Party's foreign policy activism in the Middle East”. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 12 (1): 73-92.
  • Avcı, Gamze (2011). “The Justice and Development Party and the EU: Political Pragmatism in a Changing Environment”. South European Society and Politics 16 (3): 409-442.
  • Aybet, Gülnur ve M. Müftüler-Baç (2000). “Transformations in Security and Identity After the Cold War: Turkey’s Problematic Relationship with Europe. International Journal: 567-582.
  • Aydın, Mustafa (1999). “Determinants of Turkish Foreign Policy: Historical Framework and Traditional Inputs”. Middle Eastern Studies 35 (4): 152-186.
  • _____, (2000). “Determinants of Turkish foreign policy: changing patterns and conjunctures during the Cold War”. Middle Eastern Studies 36 (1): 103-139.
  • _____, (2003). “Securitization of history and geography: understanding of security in Turkey”. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 3 (2): 163-184.
  • Bilgin, Pınar (2005). “Turkey’s changing security discourses: The challenge of Globalisation”. European Journal of Political Research 44: 175-201.
  • _____, (2007). “‘Only strong states can survive in Turkey’s geography’: the uses of “geopolitical truths” in Turkey”. Political Geography 26 (7): 740-756.
  • _____, (2008). “Critical Theory”, in Security Studies An Introduction ed. Paul D. Williams. New York: Routledge. 89-102.
  • Bloomfield, Alan (2012). “Time to Move On: Reconceptualizing the Strategic Culture Debate”. Contemporary Security Policy 33 (3): 437-461.
  • Davison, Roderic H. (1999). “Ottoman Diplomacy and Its Legacy”. Nineteenth Century Ottoman Diplomacy and Reforms. İstanbul: İsis Press.
  • Davutoğlu, Ahmet (2004). Stratejik Derinlik: Türkiye’nin Uluslararası Konumu. İstanbul: Küre Yay.
  • German Marshall Fund Transatlantic Trends Survey 2013,
  • Gray, Colin (1999). “Strategic Culture as Context: The First Generation of Theory Strikes Back”. Review of International Studies 25 (1): 51.
  • Güney, Aylin ve N. Mandacı (2013). “The meta-geography of the Middle East and North Africa in Turkey’s new geopolitical imagination”. Security Dialogue 44 (5-6): 431-448.
  • Güvenç, Serhat ve S. Özel (2012). “NATO and Turkey in the post-Cold War world: between abandonment and entrapment”. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 12 (4): 533-555.
  • Heper, Metin (1993). “Bureaucrats: Persistent Elitists”. Turkey and the West Changing Political and Cultural Identities. Eds. Metin Heper, Ayşe Öncü ve Heinz Kramer. London: I.B. Tauris.
  • Johnston, Alistair Iain (1995). “Thinking about Strategic Culture”. International Security 19 (4): 35.
  • Kaliber, Alper (2005). “Securing the Ground Through Securitized “Foreign” Policy: The Cyprus Case Revisited”. Security Dialogue 36 (3): 297-315.
  • Karaosmanoğlu, Ali L. (1993). “Officers: westernization and democracy”.Turkey and the West Changing Political and Cultural Identities. Eds. Metin Heper, Ayşe Öncü ve Heinz Kramer. London: I.B. Tauris. 19-34.
  • _____, (2000). “The Evolution of the National Security Culture and the Military in Turkey”. Journal of International Affairs 54 (1): 199-216.
  • Kösebalaban, Hasan (2002). “Turkey’s EU Membership: A Clash of Security Cultures”. Middle East Policy 9 (2): 130-146.
  • _____, (2007). “’The Permanent ‘Other’? Turkey and the Question of European Identity”. Mediterranean Quarterly 18 (4): 87-111.
  • McDonald, Matt (2008). “Securitization and the Construction of Security”. European Journal of International Relations 14 (4): 563-587.
  • Murnison, Alexander. (2006). “The strategic depth doctrine of Turkish foreign policy”. Middle Eastern Studies 42 (6): 945-964.
  • Özcan, Gencer (2013). “Türkiyede Uluslararası İlişkiler Eğitimi ve Yabancı Düş- manlığı”, in Yalnız ve Endişeli Ülke: Türkiye. İstanbul: Açık Toplum Vakfı Yay. 49-60.
  • Özpek, Burak B. (2013). “Securing energy or energising security: the impact of Russia’s energy policy on Turkey’s accession to the European Union”. Journal of International Relations and Development 16: 358-379.
  • Oğuzlu, Tarık (2002). “The Clash of Security Identities: The Question of Turkey's Membership in the European Union”. International Journal 57 (4): 579-603.
  • _____, (2003). “An Analysis of Turkey’s Prospective Membership in the European Union from a ‘Security’ Perspective’”. Security Dialogue 34 (3): 285-299.
  • _____, (2008). “Turkey’s Northern Iraq Policy: Competing Perspectives”. Insight Turkey 10 (3): 5-22.
  • _____, (2012). “Turkey and the European Union: Europeanization without membership”. Turkish Studies 13 (2): 229-243.
  • Oğuzlu, Tarık ve Mustafa Kibaroğlu (2008). “Incompatibilities in Turkish and European security cultures diminish Turkey’s Prospects of EU membership”. Middle Eastern Studies 44 (6): 945-962.
  • Taşpınar, Ömer (2008). “Turkeyʼs Middle East Policies between Neo-Ottomanism and Kemalism”. Carnegie Papers 10. (17 November 2013)
  • _____, (2011). “The Rise of Turkish Gaullism: Getting Turkish-American Relations Right”. Insight Turkey 13 (1): 11-17.
  • Türkmen, Füsun (2010). “Anti-Americanism as a Default Ideology of Opposition: Turkey as a Case Study”. Turkish Studies 11 (3): 329-345.
  • Tuathail, Gearòid Ò (2005). Critical Geopolitics: The Politics of Writing Global Space. London: Routledge.
  • Walker, Joshua W. (2007). “Reexamining the U.S.-Turkish Alliance”. The Washington Quarterly 31 (1): 93-109.
  • Wendt, Alexander (1999). Social Theory of International Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Williams, Paul D. (2008). Ed. Security Studies: An Introduction. New York: Routledge.
  • Yanık, Lerna K. (2012). “Atlantik Paktı’ndan NATO’ya: Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi’nde Türkiye’nin konumu ve rolü tartışmalarından bir kesit”. Uluslararası İlişkiler 34: 29-50.
There are 44 citations in total.


Other ID JA75PV28RE
Journal Section Book Reviews

Tarık Oğuzlu This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Issue: 72


APA Oğuzlu, T. (2015). Güvenlik Kültürü ve Türk Dış Politikası. Bilig(72), 223-250.
AMA Oğuzlu T. Güvenlik Kültürü ve Türk Dış Politikası. Bilig. March 2015;(72):223-250.
Chicago Oğuzlu, Tarık. “Güvenlik Kültürü Ve Türk Dış Politikası”. Bilig, no. 72 (March 2015): 223-50.
EndNote Oğuzlu T (March 1, 2015) Güvenlik Kültürü ve Türk Dış Politikası. Bilig 72 223–250.
IEEE T. Oğuzlu, “Güvenlik Kültürü ve Türk Dış Politikası”, Bilig, no. 72, pp. 223–250, March 2015.
ISNAD Oğuzlu, Tarık. “Güvenlik Kültürü Ve Türk Dış Politikası”. Bilig 72 (March 2015), 223-250.
JAMA Oğuzlu T. Güvenlik Kültürü ve Türk Dış Politikası. Bilig. 2015;:223–250.
MLA Oğuzlu, Tarık. “Güvenlik Kültürü Ve Türk Dış Politikası”. Bilig, no. 72, 2015, pp. 223-50.
Vancouver Oğuzlu T. Güvenlik Kültürü ve Türk Dış Politikası. Bilig. 2015(72):223-50.

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