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Uygur Diasporasının Dijital Ortamdaki Faaliyetleri: Kimlik ve Anavatan Meselesi

Year 2014, Issue: 69, 143 - 160, 01.12.2014


Uygur diaspora grupları, 1950´lerden bu yana uluslararası platformlarda
anavatan meselesini duyurmak için çeşitli faaliyetlerde
bulunmaktadır. Bu amaçla dernekler kurmak, konferanslar
düzenlemek, basın bildirileri dağıtmak ve kitap, dergi, kitapçık
gibi yazılı basın araçlarından yararlanmak suretiyle sesini duyurmaya
çalışmıştır. Ancak yaklaşık son 10 yıldır, Uygur diasporası
yeni bir iletişim aracından, internetten yararlanmaya baş-
lamıştır. Bu makalede çeşitli diaspora internet siteleri ve forumlarının
incelenmesi suretiyle, Uygur diasporasının internetteki
faaliyetlerinin, Uygur milli kimliği ve diasporanın birlik ve beraberliği
üzerindeki etkileri incelenmektedir. İnternetin anavatan
meselesini uluslararası kamuoyuna duyurmak ve anavatandaki
Uygurların durumlarıyla ilgili kamuoyunu bilgilendirmek
konularındaki katkıları da yine bu makelenin konusunu oluş-
turmaktadır. Makalede bu analiz ilk kuşak Uygur diaspora temsilcilerinin
faaliyetleri ve söylemleriyle karşılaştırmalı olarak yapılacaktır.
Buradaki amaç ise iki kuşak söylemleri arasındaki
benzerliklere ve faaliyet ile söylemlerdeki devamlılığa işaret etmektir.


  • Alptekin, İsa Yusuf (1976). Doğu Türkistan Davası.İstanbul: Otağ Yay.
  • _____, (1967). A Memorandum concerning Great Turkistan (Büyük Türkistan Hakkında). İstanbul: Şehir Matbaası.
  • _____, (1992). Unutulan Vatan: Doğu Türkistan. İstanbul: Seha Neşriyat.
  • _____, (1979). Doğu Türkistan’da Kızıl Çin Vahşeti. İstanbul: Yeni Asya Araştırmaları Merkezi Yay.
  • _____, (1976). Doğu Türkistan’ in Hür Dünyaya Çağrısı.İstanbul: Otağ Yay.
  • Bernal, Victoria (2006). “Diaspora, Cyberspaceand Political Imagination: the Eritrean Diaspora Online”. Global Networks 6 (2): 161-179.
  • Buğra, Mehmet Emin and İsa Yusuf Alptekin (1955). Doğu Türkistan Kızıl Muhtariyeti Reddeder. Ankara: Son Havadis Matbaası.
  • Buğra, Mehmet Emin (1959). Tibet ve Doğu Türkistan Hakkında Bilinmeyen Siyasi Konular. Ankara: Ayyıldız Matbaası.
  • Butler, Kim D. (2001). “Defining Diaspora, Refining a Discourse”. Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies 10 (2): 189-219.
  • Brinkerhoff, M. Jennifer (2006). “Digital Diasporas and Conflict Prevention: the Case of”. Review of International Studies 32: 25–47.
  • Clifford, James (1994). “Diasporas”. Cultural Anthropology 9 (3): 301-338.
  • Hyerg Eric (2006). “China’s Policy towards Uighur Nationalism”. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 26 (1): 75-86.
  • Gladney, C. Dru (2003). Cyber–Separatism and Uyghur Ethnic Nationalism in China. Center for Strategic and International Studies, available at http: // [Accessed 12.06.2010].
  • _____, (2009). Freedom Fighters or Terrorists? Exploring the Case of Uyghur People. Washington D.C.: Testimony to the United States Congress Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on International Organizations.
  • Kanat, Kılıç (2005). Internet by Uyghur Diaspora Ethnic Media and Politics: The Uyghur Diaspora. First Monday, Special Issue: 8 available at http: //
  • Kellner, Thierry (2002) China: The Uyghur Situation from Independence for the Central Asian Republics to the Post 11 September Era. Writenet Paper No. 2 available at[Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • Landau, Jacob (1995). Pan-Turkism: From Irredentismto Cooperation. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • Østergaard-Nielsen, Eva K (2001). The Politics of Migrants’ Transnational Political Practices. Transnational Communities Programme Working Paper WPTC-01-22.Available at http: // 20papers/ WPTC-01-22%20Ostergaard.doc.pdf [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • Petersen, Kristian (2006). “Usurping the Nation: Cyber-Leadership in the Uighur Nationalist Movement”. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 26 (1): 63-73.
  • Rudelson, J. Justin (1997).Oasis Identities: Uyghur Nationalism along China´s Silk Road. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Saunders, Robert (2011). Ethnopolitics in Cyberspace: the Internet, Minority Nationalism and the Web of Identity. Lanham: Lexington Books.
  • Shain, Yossi and Barth Aharon (2003).“Diasporas and International Relations Theory”. International Organization 57 (3): 449-479.
  • Shichor, Yitzhak (2003).“Virtual Transnationalism: Uyghur Communities in Europe and the Quest for Eastern Turkestan Independence”. Muslim Networks and Transnational Communities in and across Europe. Eds. Stefano Allievi and Jørgen S. Nielsen. Leiden, Boston: Brill.
  • _____, (2006). Changing the Guard at the World Uyghur Congress China Brief 6: 25 available at http: // ttnews[tt_news]=4015 [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • _____, (2007). “Limping on Two Legs: Uyghur Diaspora Organizations and the Prospects for Eastern Turkestan Independence" Central Asia and the Caucasus, 6: 48 available at http: // eng/12.shtml [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • _____, (2009). The Uyghurs and China: Lost and Found Nations available at http: // [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • _____, (2010). “Net Nationalism: The Digitalization of the Uyghur Diasporas”. The New Media Age: Identity, Politics, and Community. Eds.Andoni Alonso and Pedro J. Oiarzabal. Reno, Las Vegas: University of Nevada Press.
  • Smith, Joanne (1999). Changing Uyghur Identities in Xinjiang in the 1990s.PhD Dissertation. University of Leeds.
  • Sökefeld, Martin (2006). “Mobilizing in Transnational Space: a Social Movement Approach to the Formation of Diaspora”. Global Networks 6 (3): 265-284.
  • Swain, Ashok and Bahar Baser (2010).“Stateless Diaspora Groups and their Repertoires of Nationalist Activism in Host Countries”. Journal of International Relations 8 (1): 37-60.
  • Taşçı, M. Ali (1985). Esir Doğu Türkistan İçin: İsa Yusuf Alptekin’in Mücadele Hatıraları. İstanbul: Doğu Türkistan Neşriyat Merkezi Yay.
  • East Turkistan Cultureand Solidarity Association (Doğu Türkistan Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği), [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • East Turkestan Migrants Association (Doğu Türkistan Göçmenler Derneği), www.Doğ [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • East Turkestan Foundation (Doğu Türkistan Vakfı), [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • Free Skyblue Flag: Voice of East Turkestan (Hür Gökbayrak: Doğu Türkistan´ın Sesi) [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • Japan Uyghur Association, [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • MeshrepUyghur Forum, [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • Uyghur American Association (UAA), [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • Uyghur American Association Forum, php [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • Uyghur Canadian Association,[Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP), http: //[Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • World Uyghur Congress (WUC), [Accessed 28.02.2012].

The Uyghur Diaspora in Cyberspace: Identity and Homeland Cause

Year 2014, Issue: 69, 143 - 160, 01.12.2014


Since the 1950s, the Uyghur diaspora communities have engaged in a wide array of activities to transnationalize the case of Uyghurs in the homeland. Uyghur diaspora have traditionally organized around associations and worked towards transnationalizing the homeland cause through conferences, press releases, printed materials such as books and journals as well as booklets and pamphlets. For the last decade or so though, Uyghur diaspora groups are benefiting from a new means of communication, the Internet. By analyzing different Uyghur diaspora websites and forums, this article aims to examine how the Internet has helped this community to create awareness about the condition of Uyghurs in the homeland. This article also attempts to analyze how the Internet has contributed to a unified national identity as well as to a greater cohesion within the diaspora. At the same time, I compare this recent Internet activity with the actions and discourse of the earlier Uyghur diaspora in order to find out about the parallels between the two discourses


  • Alptekin, İsa Yusuf (1976). Doğu Türkistan Davası.İstanbul: Otağ Yay.
  • _____, (1967). A Memorandum concerning Great Turkistan (Büyük Türkistan Hakkında). İstanbul: Şehir Matbaası.
  • _____, (1992). Unutulan Vatan: Doğu Türkistan. İstanbul: Seha Neşriyat.
  • _____, (1979). Doğu Türkistan’da Kızıl Çin Vahşeti. İstanbul: Yeni Asya Araştırmaları Merkezi Yay.
  • _____, (1976). Doğu Türkistan’ in Hür Dünyaya Çağrısı.İstanbul: Otağ Yay.
  • Bernal, Victoria (2006). “Diaspora, Cyberspaceand Political Imagination: the Eritrean Diaspora Online”. Global Networks 6 (2): 161-179.
  • Buğra, Mehmet Emin and İsa Yusuf Alptekin (1955). Doğu Türkistan Kızıl Muhtariyeti Reddeder. Ankara: Son Havadis Matbaası.
  • Buğra, Mehmet Emin (1959). Tibet ve Doğu Türkistan Hakkında Bilinmeyen Siyasi Konular. Ankara: Ayyıldız Matbaası.
  • Butler, Kim D. (2001). “Defining Diaspora, Refining a Discourse”. Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies 10 (2): 189-219.
  • Brinkerhoff, M. Jennifer (2006). “Digital Diasporas and Conflict Prevention: the Case of”. Review of International Studies 32: 25–47.
  • Clifford, James (1994). “Diasporas”. Cultural Anthropology 9 (3): 301-338.
  • Hyerg Eric (2006). “China’s Policy towards Uighur Nationalism”. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 26 (1): 75-86.
  • Gladney, C. Dru (2003). Cyber–Separatism and Uyghur Ethnic Nationalism in China. Center for Strategic and International Studies, available at http: // [Accessed 12.06.2010].
  • _____, (2009). Freedom Fighters or Terrorists? Exploring the Case of Uyghur People. Washington D.C.: Testimony to the United States Congress Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on International Organizations.
  • Kanat, Kılıç (2005). Internet by Uyghur Diaspora Ethnic Media and Politics: The Uyghur Diaspora. First Monday, Special Issue: 8 available at http: //
  • Kellner, Thierry (2002) China: The Uyghur Situation from Independence for the Central Asian Republics to the Post 11 September Era. Writenet Paper No. 2 available at[Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • Landau, Jacob (1995). Pan-Turkism: From Irredentismto Cooperation. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • Østergaard-Nielsen, Eva K (2001). The Politics of Migrants’ Transnational Political Practices. Transnational Communities Programme Working Paper WPTC-01-22.Available at http: // 20papers/ WPTC-01-22%20Ostergaard.doc.pdf [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • Petersen, Kristian (2006). “Usurping the Nation: Cyber-Leadership in the Uighur Nationalist Movement”. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 26 (1): 63-73.
  • Rudelson, J. Justin (1997).Oasis Identities: Uyghur Nationalism along China´s Silk Road. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Saunders, Robert (2011). Ethnopolitics in Cyberspace: the Internet, Minority Nationalism and the Web of Identity. Lanham: Lexington Books.
  • Shain, Yossi and Barth Aharon (2003).“Diasporas and International Relations Theory”. International Organization 57 (3): 449-479.
  • Shichor, Yitzhak (2003).“Virtual Transnationalism: Uyghur Communities in Europe and the Quest for Eastern Turkestan Independence”. Muslim Networks and Transnational Communities in and across Europe. Eds. Stefano Allievi and Jørgen S. Nielsen. Leiden, Boston: Brill.
  • _____, (2006). Changing the Guard at the World Uyghur Congress China Brief 6: 25 available at http: // ttnews[tt_news]=4015 [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • _____, (2007). “Limping on Two Legs: Uyghur Diaspora Organizations and the Prospects for Eastern Turkestan Independence" Central Asia and the Caucasus, 6: 48 available at http: // eng/12.shtml [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • _____, (2009). The Uyghurs and China: Lost and Found Nations available at http: // [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • _____, (2010). “Net Nationalism: The Digitalization of the Uyghur Diasporas”. The New Media Age: Identity, Politics, and Community. Eds.Andoni Alonso and Pedro J. Oiarzabal. Reno, Las Vegas: University of Nevada Press.
  • Smith, Joanne (1999). Changing Uyghur Identities in Xinjiang in the 1990s.PhD Dissertation. University of Leeds.
  • Sökefeld, Martin (2006). “Mobilizing in Transnational Space: a Social Movement Approach to the Formation of Diaspora”. Global Networks 6 (3): 265-284.
  • Swain, Ashok and Bahar Baser (2010).“Stateless Diaspora Groups and their Repertoires of Nationalist Activism in Host Countries”. Journal of International Relations 8 (1): 37-60.
  • Taşçı, M. Ali (1985). Esir Doğu Türkistan İçin: İsa Yusuf Alptekin’in Mücadele Hatıraları. İstanbul: Doğu Türkistan Neşriyat Merkezi Yay.
  • East Turkistan Cultureand Solidarity Association (Doğu Türkistan Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği), [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • East Turkestan Migrants Association (Doğu Türkistan Göçmenler Derneği), www.Doğ [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • East Turkestan Foundation (Doğu Türkistan Vakfı), [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • Free Skyblue Flag: Voice of East Turkestan (Hür Gökbayrak: Doğu Türkistan´ın Sesi) [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • Japan Uyghur Association, [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • MeshrepUyghur Forum, [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • Uyghur American Association (UAA), [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • Uyghur American Association Forum, php [Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • Uyghur Canadian Association,[Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP), http: //[Accessed 28.02.2012].
  • World Uyghur Congress (WUC), [Accessed 28.02.2012].
There are 42 citations in total.


Other ID JA68MM58KG
Journal Section Articles

Işık Kuşçu This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Issue: 69


APA Kuşçu, I. (2014). The Uyghur Diaspora in Cyberspace: Identity and Homeland Cause. Bilig(69), 143-160.
AMA Kuşçu I. The Uyghur Diaspora in Cyberspace: Identity and Homeland Cause. Bilig. December 2014;(69):143-160.
Chicago Kuşçu, Işık. “The Uyghur Diaspora in Cyberspace: Identity and Homeland Cause”. Bilig, no. 69 (December 2014): 143-60.
EndNote Kuşçu I (December 1, 2014) The Uyghur Diaspora in Cyberspace: Identity and Homeland Cause. Bilig 69 143–160.
IEEE I. Kuşçu, “The Uyghur Diaspora in Cyberspace: Identity and Homeland Cause”, Bilig, no. 69, pp. 143–160, December 2014.
ISNAD Kuşçu, Işık. “The Uyghur Diaspora in Cyberspace: Identity and Homeland Cause”. Bilig 69 (December 2014), 143-160.
JAMA Kuşçu I. The Uyghur Diaspora in Cyberspace: Identity and Homeland Cause. Bilig. 2014;:143–160.
MLA Kuşçu, Işık. “The Uyghur Diaspora in Cyberspace: Identity and Homeland Cause”. Bilig, no. 69, 2014, pp. 143-60.
Vancouver Kuşçu I. The Uyghur Diaspora in Cyberspace: Identity and Homeland Cause. Bilig. 2014(69):143-60.

Ahmet Yesevi University Board of Trustees