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Dağlık Karabağ Sorununun Çözümü (1991 ve 2002) Azerbaycan Elit Görüşü

Year 2013, Issue: 64, 317 - 342, 01.06.2013


Bu çalışma, Azerbaycan’ın önde gelen seçkinlerinin Dağlık Karabağ sorununun çözümü hakkındaki görüşlerini içermektedir. 1991 yılından 2001 yılının sonuna kadar olan dönem Azerbaycan’daki seçkinlerin gözleriyle incelenmektedir. Burada sunulan tartışma, Aralık 2001 yılında Bakü’de, Azerbaycan’da sözü geçen siyasi seçkinlerle gerçekleştirilen yirmi dokuz derinlemesine mülakat üzerine temellendirilmiştir. Dağlık Karabağ sorununun çözümü konusunda Azerbaycan’ın geliş- tirdiği ulusal politika, Haydar Aliyev hükümetinin Dağlık Karabağ konusundaki duruşu, kaçkınlar ve kaybedilen toprakları savaşarak geri almak fikri bu yazının ana temalarını oluşturmaktadır. Askeri çözüm alternatifi üzerindeki vurgu ve barış sürecinde herhangi bir önkoşul kabul etmeme eğilimi giderek güçleniyor izlenimi vermektedir. Bu yaklaşım, uluslararası toplum tarafından kabul görmeyen bölgedeki mevcut durumun devamına katkıda bulunmaktadır.


  • Akiner, Shirin (2000). “Emerging Political Order in the New Caspian States”. In Gary K. Bertsch, (eds). Crossroads and Conflict: Security and Foreign Policy in the Caucasus and Central Asia. New York: Routledge. 90-129.
  • Altstadt, Audrey L. (1992). The Azerbaijani Turks: Power and Identity Under Russian Rule. California: Hoover Institution Press.
  • _____, (1994). “O Patria Mia: National Conflict in Mountainous Karabagh”. In W. Raymond Duncan and G. Paul Jr. Holman (eds). Ethnic Nationalism and Regional Conflict: The Former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 101-35.
  • _____, (1997). “Azerbaijan’s Struggle toward Democracy”. In Karen Dawisha and Bruce Parrott (eds). Conflict, Cleavage and Change in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 110-155.
  • _____, (2003). “Azerbaijan and Aliyev: A long History and an Uncertain Future”. Problems of Post-Communism 50(5): 3-13.
  • Azerbaijan in 2008 - Sociological Monitoring: Comparative Analysis of Findings of Sociological Survey Held in Republic by Totals of 2006, 2007 and 2008 (2009). Germany and Baku.
  • Azerbaycan Respublikasının Milli Tehlükesizlik Konsepsiyasi (National Security Concept of the Republic of Azerbaijan) (2007). Baku.
  • Balayev, Aydın (2004). “Sosyo-politik Örgütlenme (1988-1997) [Socio-political Organization (1988-1997)]”. In Büşra Ersanlı and Hüsamettin Mehmedov (eds). Sözün, Sazın, Ateşin Ülkesi: Azerbaycan (The Land of Poesy, Lute and Fire: Azerbaijan). Istanbul: Da Yayıncılık. 87-95.
  • Bölükbaşı, Süha (2001). “Nation-building in Azerbaijan: The Soviet Legacy and the Impact of the Karabakh Conflict”. In Willem van Schendel and Erik Jan Zurcher (eds). Identity and Politics in Central Asia and the Muslim world: Nationalism, Ethnicity and Labour in the Twentieth Century. London: I. B. Tauris. 35-65.
  • Brown, Cameron S. (2004). “Wanting to Have Their Cake and Their Neighbor’s too: Azerbaijani attitudes towards Karabakh and Iranian Azerbaijan”. Middle East Journal 58(4): 576-596.
  • Cornell, Svante (1997). “Undeclared War: The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Reconsidered”. Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies 20(4): 1-24.
  • _____, (1998). “Turkey and the Conflict in Nagorno Karabakh: A delicate Balance”. Middle Eastern Studies 34(1): 51-72.
  • _____, (2001). Small Nations and Great Powers: A Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict in the Caucasus. Richmond: Curzon Press.
  • De Waal, Thomas (2003). Black Garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan through Peace and War. New York: New York University Press.
  • Dragadze, Tamara (1990). “Azerbaijanis”. In Graham Smith (ed.). The Nationalities Question in the Post Soviet States. London: Longman. 163-79.
  • Dudwick, Nora (1996). “Nagorno-Karabagh and the Politics of Sovereignty”. In Ronald Grigor Suny (ed.). Transcaucasia, Nationalism and Social Change: Essays in the History of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. 427-440.
  • Goldenberg, Suzanne (1994). Pride of Small Nations: The Caucasus and Post-Soviet Disorder. London: Zed Books Ltd.
  • Hacızade, Hikmet (1998). Azerbaijan: In Searching for a National Idea. Baku.
  • Herzig, E (1999). The New Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. London: RIIA
  • Human Rights Watch/Helsinki, Azerbaijan: Seven Years of Conflict in Nagorno Karabakh (1994). New York: Human Rights Watch.
  • Hunter, Shireen T. (1994). The Transcaucasus in Transition: Nation-building and Conflict. Washington, D.C.: The Center for Strategic and International Studies.
  • Kamrava, Mehran (2001). “State-building in Azerbaijan: The Search for Consolidation”. Middle East Journal 55(2): 216-236.
  • Kechichian, Joseph A. and Karasik, Theodore W. (1995). “The Crisis in Azerbaijan: How Clans Influence the Politics of an Emerging Republic”. Middle East Policy 4 (1/2): 57-71.
  • Kurkchiyan, Marina (2005). “The Karabagh Conflict: From Soviet Past to Post Soviet Uncertainty”. In Edmund Herzig and Marina Kurkchiyan (eds). The Armenians: Past and Present in the Making of National Identity. London: RoutledgeCurzon. 147-165.
  • Laitin, David D. and Suny, Ronald Grigor (1999). “Armenia and Azerbaijan: Thinking a Way Out of Karabakh”. Middle East Policy 7(1): 145- 176.
  • Matveeva, Anna (2002). “Nagorno-Karabakh: A Straightforward Territorial Conflict”. In Paul van Tongeren, Hans van de Veen and Juliette Verhoeven (eds). Searching for Peace in Europe and Eurasia: An Overview of Conflict Prevention and Peace building Activities. Boulder: Lynne Rienner. 445-67.
  • Milanova, Nadia (2003).” The Territory-identity Nexus in the Conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh: Implications for OSCE Peace Efforts”. Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe 2.
  • National Security Concept of Azerbaijan Endorsed (2007). Washington D.C., Baku.
  • Rasizade, Alec (2004). “Azerbaijan after Heydar Aliyev”. Nationalities Papers 32(2): 137-164.
  • Rüstemov, Rafıg (2008). Azerbaycan Dış Politikasında Kimlik, Tehdit Algılaması ve Güvenlik Yaklaşımları (Identity, Threat Perception and Security Approaches in Azerbaijan’s Foreign Policy), PhD Dissertation. Ankara University.
  • Saroyan, Mark (1990). “The ‘Karabakh Syndrome’ and Azerbaijani Politics”. Problems of Communism (September-October): 14-29.
  • Smith, Anthony D. (2004). The Antiquity of Nations. Cambridge: Polity Press Ltd.
  • Tchilingrian, Hratch (1999). “Nagorno Karabagh: Transition and the Elite”. Central Asian Survey 18(4): 435-461.
  • Tokluoglu, Ceylan (2011). “The Political Discourse of the Azerbaijani Elite on the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict (1991-2009)”. Europe-Asia Studies 63(7):1223-1252).
  • Van der Leeuw, Charles (2000). Azerbaijan: A Quest for Identity- A Short History. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
  • Yunusov, Arif (2003). Azerbaijani Security Problems and Policies. The South Caucasus: A Challenge for the EU, Chaillot Papers 65, Institute for Security Studies, European Union, Paris.
  • _____, (2005). Karabakh: Past and present. Baku: Turan Information Agency.
  • Walker, Edward (2000). “No War, No Peace in the Caucasus: Contested Sovereignty in Chechnya, Abkhazia, and Karabakh”. In Gary K. Bertsch et al. (eds). Crossroads and Conflict: Security and Foreign Policy in the Caucasus and Central Asia. New York: Routledge. 152-87.
  • Zinin, Yuri N. and Maleshenko, Alexei V. (1994). “Azerbaijan”. In Mohiaddin Meshabi (ed.). Central Asia and the Caucasus after the Soviet Union: Domestic and International Dynamics. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. 99-115.

Azerbaijani Elite Opinion on the Resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict (1991 and 2002)

Year 2013, Issue: 64, 317 - 342, 01.06.2013


This study is about the views of the leading members of the Azerbaijani elite on the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. It covers the period from 1991 to the end of 2001 through the lenses of the Azerbaijani elite. The discussion presented in this article is based on twenty-nine in-depth personal interviews conducted with the influential members of the Azerbaijani political elite in Baku in December 2001. The focus is on issues like Azerbaijan’s national policy for the settlement of the conflict, the stance of the Heydar Aliyev government on Nagorno-Karabakh, the refugees and the surfacing ideas about renewed warfare. The emphasis on a military option and the tendency for not accepting any preconditions during the peace process appear to be intensifying. This contributes to the protraction of the current status quo in the region, which is inadmissible for the international community


  • Akiner, Shirin (2000). “Emerging Political Order in the New Caspian States”. In Gary K. Bertsch, (eds). Crossroads and Conflict: Security and Foreign Policy in the Caucasus and Central Asia. New York: Routledge. 90-129.
  • Altstadt, Audrey L. (1992). The Azerbaijani Turks: Power and Identity Under Russian Rule. California: Hoover Institution Press.
  • _____, (1994). “O Patria Mia: National Conflict in Mountainous Karabagh”. In W. Raymond Duncan and G. Paul Jr. Holman (eds). Ethnic Nationalism and Regional Conflict: The Former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 101-35.
  • _____, (1997). “Azerbaijan’s Struggle toward Democracy”. In Karen Dawisha and Bruce Parrott (eds). Conflict, Cleavage and Change in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 110-155.
  • _____, (2003). “Azerbaijan and Aliyev: A long History and an Uncertain Future”. Problems of Post-Communism 50(5): 3-13.
  • Azerbaijan in 2008 - Sociological Monitoring: Comparative Analysis of Findings of Sociological Survey Held in Republic by Totals of 2006, 2007 and 2008 (2009). Germany and Baku.
  • Azerbaycan Respublikasının Milli Tehlükesizlik Konsepsiyasi (National Security Concept of the Republic of Azerbaijan) (2007). Baku.
  • Balayev, Aydın (2004). “Sosyo-politik Örgütlenme (1988-1997) [Socio-political Organization (1988-1997)]”. In Büşra Ersanlı and Hüsamettin Mehmedov (eds). Sözün, Sazın, Ateşin Ülkesi: Azerbaycan (The Land of Poesy, Lute and Fire: Azerbaijan). Istanbul: Da Yayıncılık. 87-95.
  • Bölükbaşı, Süha (2001). “Nation-building in Azerbaijan: The Soviet Legacy and the Impact of the Karabakh Conflict”. In Willem van Schendel and Erik Jan Zurcher (eds). Identity and Politics in Central Asia and the Muslim world: Nationalism, Ethnicity and Labour in the Twentieth Century. London: I. B. Tauris. 35-65.
  • Brown, Cameron S. (2004). “Wanting to Have Their Cake and Their Neighbor’s too: Azerbaijani attitudes towards Karabakh and Iranian Azerbaijan”. Middle East Journal 58(4): 576-596.
  • Cornell, Svante (1997). “Undeclared War: The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Reconsidered”. Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies 20(4): 1-24.
  • _____, (1998). “Turkey and the Conflict in Nagorno Karabakh: A delicate Balance”. Middle Eastern Studies 34(1): 51-72.
  • _____, (2001). Small Nations and Great Powers: A Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict in the Caucasus. Richmond: Curzon Press.
  • De Waal, Thomas (2003). Black Garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan through Peace and War. New York: New York University Press.
  • Dragadze, Tamara (1990). “Azerbaijanis”. In Graham Smith (ed.). The Nationalities Question in the Post Soviet States. London: Longman. 163-79.
  • Dudwick, Nora (1996). “Nagorno-Karabagh and the Politics of Sovereignty”. In Ronald Grigor Suny (ed.). Transcaucasia, Nationalism and Social Change: Essays in the History of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. 427-440.
  • Goldenberg, Suzanne (1994). Pride of Small Nations: The Caucasus and Post-Soviet Disorder. London: Zed Books Ltd.
  • Hacızade, Hikmet (1998). Azerbaijan: In Searching for a National Idea. Baku.
  • Herzig, E (1999). The New Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. London: RIIA
  • Human Rights Watch/Helsinki, Azerbaijan: Seven Years of Conflict in Nagorno Karabakh (1994). New York: Human Rights Watch.
  • Hunter, Shireen T. (1994). The Transcaucasus in Transition: Nation-building and Conflict. Washington, D.C.: The Center for Strategic and International Studies.
  • Kamrava, Mehran (2001). “State-building in Azerbaijan: The Search for Consolidation”. Middle East Journal 55(2): 216-236.
  • Kechichian, Joseph A. and Karasik, Theodore W. (1995). “The Crisis in Azerbaijan: How Clans Influence the Politics of an Emerging Republic”. Middle East Policy 4 (1/2): 57-71.
  • Kurkchiyan, Marina (2005). “The Karabagh Conflict: From Soviet Past to Post Soviet Uncertainty”. In Edmund Herzig and Marina Kurkchiyan (eds). The Armenians: Past and Present in the Making of National Identity. London: RoutledgeCurzon. 147-165.
  • Laitin, David D. and Suny, Ronald Grigor (1999). “Armenia and Azerbaijan: Thinking a Way Out of Karabakh”. Middle East Policy 7(1): 145- 176.
  • Matveeva, Anna (2002). “Nagorno-Karabakh: A Straightforward Territorial Conflict”. In Paul van Tongeren, Hans van de Veen and Juliette Verhoeven (eds). Searching for Peace in Europe and Eurasia: An Overview of Conflict Prevention and Peace building Activities. Boulder: Lynne Rienner. 445-67.
  • Milanova, Nadia (2003).” The Territory-identity Nexus in the Conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh: Implications for OSCE Peace Efforts”. Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe 2.
  • National Security Concept of Azerbaijan Endorsed (2007). Washington D.C., Baku.
  • Rasizade, Alec (2004). “Azerbaijan after Heydar Aliyev”. Nationalities Papers 32(2): 137-164.
  • Rüstemov, Rafıg (2008). Azerbaycan Dış Politikasında Kimlik, Tehdit Algılaması ve Güvenlik Yaklaşımları (Identity, Threat Perception and Security Approaches in Azerbaijan’s Foreign Policy), PhD Dissertation. Ankara University.
  • Saroyan, Mark (1990). “The ‘Karabakh Syndrome’ and Azerbaijani Politics”. Problems of Communism (September-October): 14-29.
  • Smith, Anthony D. (2004). The Antiquity of Nations. Cambridge: Polity Press Ltd.
  • Tchilingrian, Hratch (1999). “Nagorno Karabagh: Transition and the Elite”. Central Asian Survey 18(4): 435-461.
  • Tokluoglu, Ceylan (2011). “The Political Discourse of the Azerbaijani Elite on the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict (1991-2009)”. Europe-Asia Studies 63(7):1223-1252).
  • Van der Leeuw, Charles (2000). Azerbaijan: A Quest for Identity- A Short History. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
  • Yunusov, Arif (2003). Azerbaijani Security Problems and Policies. The South Caucasus: A Challenge for the EU, Chaillot Papers 65, Institute for Security Studies, European Union, Paris.
  • _____, (2005). Karabakh: Past and present. Baku: Turan Information Agency.
  • Walker, Edward (2000). “No War, No Peace in the Caucasus: Contested Sovereignty in Chechnya, Abkhazia, and Karabakh”. In Gary K. Bertsch et al. (eds). Crossroads and Conflict: Security and Foreign Policy in the Caucasus and Central Asia. New York: Routledge. 152-87.
  • Zinin, Yuri N. and Maleshenko, Alexei V. (1994). “Azerbaijan”. In Mohiaddin Meshabi (ed.). Central Asia and the Caucasus after the Soviet Union: Domestic and International Dynamics. Gainesville: University Press of Florida. 99-115.
There are 39 citations in total.


Other ID JA78RD47JK
Journal Section Book Reviews

Ceylan Tokluoğlu This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Issue: 64


APA Tokluoğlu, C. (2013). Dağlık Karabağ Sorununun Çözümü (1991 ve 2002) Azerbaycan Elit Görüşü. Bilig(64), 317-342.
AMA Tokluoğlu C. Dağlık Karabağ Sorununun Çözümü (1991 ve 2002) Azerbaycan Elit Görüşü. Bilig. June 2013;(64):317-342.
Chicago Tokluoğlu, Ceylan. “Dağlık Karabağ Sorununun Çözümü (1991 Ve 2002) Azerbaycan Elit Görüşü”. Bilig, no. 64 (June 2013): 317-42.
EndNote Tokluoğlu C (June 1, 2013) Dağlık Karabağ Sorununun Çözümü (1991 ve 2002) Azerbaycan Elit Görüşü. Bilig 64 317–342.
IEEE C. Tokluoğlu, “Dağlık Karabağ Sorununun Çözümü (1991 ve 2002) Azerbaycan Elit Görüşü”, Bilig, no. 64, pp. 317–342, June 2013.
ISNAD Tokluoğlu, Ceylan. “Dağlık Karabağ Sorununun Çözümü (1991 Ve 2002) Azerbaycan Elit Görüşü”. Bilig 64 (June 2013), 317-342.
JAMA Tokluoğlu C. Dağlık Karabağ Sorununun Çözümü (1991 ve 2002) Azerbaycan Elit Görüşü. Bilig. 2013;:317–342.
MLA Tokluoğlu, Ceylan. “Dağlık Karabağ Sorununun Çözümü (1991 Ve 2002) Azerbaycan Elit Görüşü”. Bilig, no. 64, 2013, pp. 317-42.
Vancouver Tokluoğlu C. Dağlık Karabağ Sorununun Çözümü (1991 ve 2002) Azerbaycan Elit Görüşü. Bilig. 2013(64):317-42.

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