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15 Temmuz Darbe Teşebbüsünü Yeni Bir Çerçeveye Oturtmak: Siyasal ve Sosyolojik bir İnceleme

Year 2018, Issue: 87, 179 - 202, 30.10.2018


15 Temmuz 2016’da Türkiye tarihinin en kanlı askeri
darbe teşebbüsü gerçekleşti ve ilk defa toplumun, siyasetin, medyanın ve devlet kurumlarının direnişi ile püskürtüldü. Darbe girişiminin ardından geride bıraktığımız
iki yıl içinde, 15 Temmuz darbe teşebbüsü, Türkiye’nin
darbe geleneği veya asker-siyaset ilişkileri literatürü yerine
çoğunlukla FETÖ ve FETÖ-AK Parti arasındaki iktidar
mücadelesi üzerinden değerlendirmeye tabi tutuldu.
Bu çalışmada, 15 Temmuz darbe teşebbüsünü iki eski
müttefik arasında yaşanan anlaşmazlığa indirgeyen okumanın yüzeyselliğini aşmak üzere, 15 Temmuz’u aynı
anda hem mümkün hem de başarısız kılan siyasal ve sosyolojik bağlam üzerinde durulacaktır. 


  • Akdoğan, Yalçın (2016). Asker-Sivil İlişkileri ve Kumpastan Darbeye FETÖ. İstanbul: Alfa Yay.
  • Aktürk, Şener (2016). “Turkey’s Civil Rights Movement and the Reactionary Coup: Segregation, Emancipation, and the Western Reaction”. Insight Turkey 18 (3): 141–67.
  • Alkan, Haluk (2016). “15 Temmuz’u Anlamak: Parametreler ve Sonuçlar”. Bilig 79: 253–72.
  • Altınordu, Ateş (2017). “A Midsummer Night’s Coup: Performance and Power in Turkey’s July 15 Coup Attempt”. Qualitative Sociology 40 (2): 139–64.
  • Aybars, Ergün (1975) İstiklal Mahkemeleri 1923-1927. Ankara: Bilgi Yay.
  • Azeri, Siyaves (2016). “The July 15 Coup Attempt in Turkey: The Erdogan– Gulen Confrontation and the Fall of ‘Moderate’ Political Islam”. Critique 44 (4): 465–78.
  • Çakır, Ruşen, and Semih Sakallı (2014). 100 Soruda Erdoğan-Gülen Savaşı. İstanbul: Metis Yay.
  • Çalışkan, Koray (2017). “Explaining the End of Military Tutelary Regime and the July 15 Coup Attempt in Turkey”. Journal of Cultural Economy 10 (1): 97–111.
  • Cizre Sakallıoğlu, Ümit (1996). “Parameters and Strategies of Islam–State Interaction in Republican Turkey”. International Journal of Middle East Studies 28 (2): 231–51.
  • Cizre, Ümit (2011). “Disentangling the Threads of Civil-Military Relations in Turkey: Promises and Perils”. Mediterranean Quarterly 22 (2): 57–75.
  • Cizre, Ümit, and Menderes Çınar (2003). “Turkey 2002: Kemalism, Islamism, and Politics in the Light of the February 28 Process”. The South Atlantic Quarterly 102 (2): 309–32.
  • Davutoğlu, Ahmet (2017). Tarihe Kayıtlar. İstanbul: Küre Yay. Demirel, Tanel (2011). Türkiye’nin Uzun On Yılı. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yay.
  • Esen, Berk, and Sebnem Gumuscu (2017). “Turkey: How the Coup Failed.” Journal of Democracy 28 (1): 59–73.
  • Ete, Hatem (2010). “Siyasetin 12 Eylül Referandumu ile İmtihanı.” Türkiye Günlüğü 103: 5-18.
  • ____, (2012). The Legal, Political and Sociological Roots of Tutelary Regime in Single-Party Period. PhD Dissertation. Ankara: Middle East Technical University.
  • ____, (2013). “The Political Reverberations of the Gezi Protests”. Insight Turkey 15 (3): 15-25.
  • ____, (2014). “Gülen’in Dünü, Bugünü, Yarını”. Türkiye Günlüğü 117: 72-84.
  • Ete, Hatem, and Coşkun Taştan (2014). The Gezi Park Protests: A Political, Sociological and Discursive Analysis. Ankara: SETA.
  • Findley, Carter V. (1980). Bureaucratic Reform in the Ottoman Empire: The Sublime Porte, 1789-1922. Princeton, N. J: Princeton University Press.
  • Findley, Carter V. (2010). Turkey, Islam, Nationalism, and Modernity: A History, 1789-2007. New Haven; London: Yale University Press.
  • Göldaş, İsmail (1997) Takrir-i Sükûn Görüşmeleri. İstanbul: Belge Yay.
  • Gunay, Niyazi (2001). “Implementing the ‘February 28’ Recommendations”. Research Notes 10. Policy Analysis. The Washington Institute.
  • Hale, William (1994). Turkish Politics and the Military. London: Routledge.
  • Hanioğlu, M. Şükrü (2010). A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • ____, (2011). Atatürk: An Intellectual Biography. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • İpekçi, Abdi and Ömer Sami Coşar (2010). İhtilalin İçyüzü. İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yay.
  • Jacoby, Tim (2016). “A Historical Perspective on the July 2016 Coup Attempt in Turkey”. Insight Turkey 18 (3): 119–38.
  • Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2008). Türk Siyasetinin Yapısal Analizi - I. Agora Kitaplığı.
  • ____, (2010). Türk Siyasetinin Yapısal Analizi-II (1920-1960). Agora Kitaplığı.
  • Kaynar, Mete Kaan (2015). “Altmışlar Türkiye’sine Ellili Yıllardan Bakmak”. Türkiye’nin 1950’lı Yılları. Ed. Mete Kaan Kaynar. İstanbul: İletişim Yay. 667–88.
  • Khan, Mujeeb R (2018). “The July 15th Coup: A Critical Institutional Framework for Anaylsis”. Turkey’s July 15th Coup. Ed. M. Hakan Yavuz and Bayram Balcı. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press. 46–77.
  • Oğur, Yıldıray, and Ceren Kenar (2017). “15 Temmuz Darbesinin Arkasında Kim Var?”. 15th JULY COUP (blog). Erişim Tarihi: 10 Ağustos 2018.
  • Özbudun, Ergun (2011). Otoriter Rejimler, Seçimsel Demokrasiler ve Türkiye. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Özbudun, Ergun, and Ömer Faruk Gençkaya (2009). Democratization and the Politics of Constitution Making in Turkey. Budapest, New York: Central European University Press.
  • Özhan, Taha (2014). “17 Aralık Süreci: Post-Kemalist Türkiye ve Gülen Grubu”. Türkiye Günlüğü 117: 53–68.
  • Tee, Caroline (2018). “The Gülen Movement and the AK Party: The Rise and Fall of a Turkish Islamist Alliance”. Turkey’s July 15th Coup. Ed. M. Hakan Yavuz and Bayram Balcı. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press. 150–72.
  • Toprak, Binnaz (1981). Islam and Political Development in Turkey. BRILL.
  • Tunçay, Mete (1989). T.C.’nde Tek-Parti Yönetiminin Kurulması (1923–1931). İstanbul: Cem Yay.
  • Uslu, Cennet (2016). “Why Did People Become Human Shields Against The Coup?”. Bilig 79: 197–210.
  • Yavuz, M. Hakan (2000). “Cleansing Islam from the Public Sphere”. Journal of International Affairs 54 (1): 21–42.
  • ____, (2018). “The Three Stages of the Gülen Movement: From Pietistic Weeping Movement to Power-Obsessed Structure”. Turkey’s July 15th Coup. Ed. M. Hakan Yavuz and Bayram Balcı. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press. 20–45.
  • Yavuz, M. Hakan and Bayram Balcı (2018a). Turkey’s July 15th Coup. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press.
  • Yavuz, M. Hakan and Rasim Koç (2016). “The Turkish Coup Attempt: The Gülen Movement vs. the State”. Middle East Policy 23 (4): 136–48.
  • Yayla, Atilla (2016). “July 15: The Glorious Resistance of Turkish Democracy”. Insight Turkey 18 (3): 83–117.
  • Yazıcı, Serap (2009). Demokratikleşme Sürecinde Türkiye. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yay.
  • Zengin, Gürkan (2018). Kuşatma: Türkiye’nin Beka Mücadelesi (2013-2017). İstanbul: İnkılap Yay.

Reframing the July 15 Coup Attempt: A Political and Sociological Examination

Year 2018, Issue: 87, 179 - 202, 30.10.2018


On July 15, 2016, Turkey witnessed the most bloody military
coup attempt in its history, and for the first time it was repulsed
by the resistance of society, political actors, and state institutions. In the two years since then, instead of examining this attempt from the perspective of Turkey’s military coup traditions
or civil-military relations literature, the July 15 coup attempt
has largely been seen through the lens of FETÖ and the power
struggle between FETÖ and the Justice and Development Party
(AK Party).
This study goes beyond this rudimentary and reductionist readings of the July 15 coup attempt that reduce it to a disagreement
between two former allies. Instead, it looks at it through the
political, sociological and institutional contexts that rendered
this attempt first possible and then unsuccessful at the same time.


  • Akdoğan, Yalçın (2016). Asker-Sivil İlişkileri ve Kumpastan Darbeye FETÖ. İstanbul: Alfa Yay.
  • Aktürk, Şener (2016). “Turkey’s Civil Rights Movement and the Reactionary Coup: Segregation, Emancipation, and the Western Reaction”. Insight Turkey 18 (3): 141–67.
  • Alkan, Haluk (2016). “15 Temmuz’u Anlamak: Parametreler ve Sonuçlar”. Bilig 79: 253–72.
  • Altınordu, Ateş (2017). “A Midsummer Night’s Coup: Performance and Power in Turkey’s July 15 Coup Attempt”. Qualitative Sociology 40 (2): 139–64.
  • Aybars, Ergün (1975) İstiklal Mahkemeleri 1923-1927. Ankara: Bilgi Yay.
  • Azeri, Siyaves (2016). “The July 15 Coup Attempt in Turkey: The Erdogan– Gulen Confrontation and the Fall of ‘Moderate’ Political Islam”. Critique 44 (4): 465–78.
  • Çakır, Ruşen, and Semih Sakallı (2014). 100 Soruda Erdoğan-Gülen Savaşı. İstanbul: Metis Yay.
  • Çalışkan, Koray (2017). “Explaining the End of Military Tutelary Regime and the July 15 Coup Attempt in Turkey”. Journal of Cultural Economy 10 (1): 97–111.
  • Cizre Sakallıoğlu, Ümit (1996). “Parameters and Strategies of Islam–State Interaction in Republican Turkey”. International Journal of Middle East Studies 28 (2): 231–51.
  • Cizre, Ümit (2011). “Disentangling the Threads of Civil-Military Relations in Turkey: Promises and Perils”. Mediterranean Quarterly 22 (2): 57–75.
  • Cizre, Ümit, and Menderes Çınar (2003). “Turkey 2002: Kemalism, Islamism, and Politics in the Light of the February 28 Process”. The South Atlantic Quarterly 102 (2): 309–32.
  • Davutoğlu, Ahmet (2017). Tarihe Kayıtlar. İstanbul: Küre Yay. Demirel, Tanel (2011). Türkiye’nin Uzun On Yılı. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yay.
  • Esen, Berk, and Sebnem Gumuscu (2017). “Turkey: How the Coup Failed.” Journal of Democracy 28 (1): 59–73.
  • Ete, Hatem (2010). “Siyasetin 12 Eylül Referandumu ile İmtihanı.” Türkiye Günlüğü 103: 5-18.
  • ____, (2012). The Legal, Political and Sociological Roots of Tutelary Regime in Single-Party Period. PhD Dissertation. Ankara: Middle East Technical University.
  • ____, (2013). “The Political Reverberations of the Gezi Protests”. Insight Turkey 15 (3): 15-25.
  • ____, (2014). “Gülen’in Dünü, Bugünü, Yarını”. Türkiye Günlüğü 117: 72-84.
  • Ete, Hatem, and Coşkun Taştan (2014). The Gezi Park Protests: A Political, Sociological and Discursive Analysis. Ankara: SETA.
  • Findley, Carter V. (1980). Bureaucratic Reform in the Ottoman Empire: The Sublime Porte, 1789-1922. Princeton, N. J: Princeton University Press.
  • Findley, Carter V. (2010). Turkey, Islam, Nationalism, and Modernity: A History, 1789-2007. New Haven; London: Yale University Press.
  • Göldaş, İsmail (1997) Takrir-i Sükûn Görüşmeleri. İstanbul: Belge Yay.
  • Gunay, Niyazi (2001). “Implementing the ‘February 28’ Recommendations”. Research Notes 10. Policy Analysis. The Washington Institute.
  • Hale, William (1994). Turkish Politics and the Military. London: Routledge.
  • Hanioğlu, M. Şükrü (2010). A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • ____, (2011). Atatürk: An Intellectual Biography. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • İpekçi, Abdi and Ömer Sami Coşar (2010). İhtilalin İçyüzü. İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yay.
  • Jacoby, Tim (2016). “A Historical Perspective on the July 2016 Coup Attempt in Turkey”. Insight Turkey 18 (3): 119–38.
  • Kahraman, Hasan Bülent (2008). Türk Siyasetinin Yapısal Analizi - I. Agora Kitaplığı.
  • ____, (2010). Türk Siyasetinin Yapısal Analizi-II (1920-1960). Agora Kitaplığı.
  • Kaynar, Mete Kaan (2015). “Altmışlar Türkiye’sine Ellili Yıllardan Bakmak”. Türkiye’nin 1950’lı Yılları. Ed. Mete Kaan Kaynar. İstanbul: İletişim Yay. 667–88.
  • Khan, Mujeeb R (2018). “The July 15th Coup: A Critical Institutional Framework for Anaylsis”. Turkey’s July 15th Coup. Ed. M. Hakan Yavuz and Bayram Balcı. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press. 46–77.
  • Oğur, Yıldıray, and Ceren Kenar (2017). “15 Temmuz Darbesinin Arkasında Kim Var?”. 15th JULY COUP (blog). Erişim Tarihi: 10 Ağustos 2018.
  • Özbudun, Ergun (2011). Otoriter Rejimler, Seçimsel Demokrasiler ve Türkiye. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Özbudun, Ergun, and Ömer Faruk Gençkaya (2009). Democratization and the Politics of Constitution Making in Turkey. Budapest, New York: Central European University Press.
  • Özhan, Taha (2014). “17 Aralık Süreci: Post-Kemalist Türkiye ve Gülen Grubu”. Türkiye Günlüğü 117: 53–68.
  • Tee, Caroline (2018). “The Gülen Movement and the AK Party: The Rise and Fall of a Turkish Islamist Alliance”. Turkey’s July 15th Coup. Ed. M. Hakan Yavuz and Bayram Balcı. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press. 150–72.
  • Toprak, Binnaz (1981). Islam and Political Development in Turkey. BRILL.
  • Tunçay, Mete (1989). T.C.’nde Tek-Parti Yönetiminin Kurulması (1923–1931). İstanbul: Cem Yay.
  • Uslu, Cennet (2016). “Why Did People Become Human Shields Against The Coup?”. Bilig 79: 197–210.
  • Yavuz, M. Hakan (2000). “Cleansing Islam from the Public Sphere”. Journal of International Affairs 54 (1): 21–42.
  • ____, (2018). “The Three Stages of the Gülen Movement: From Pietistic Weeping Movement to Power-Obsessed Structure”. Turkey’s July 15th Coup. Ed. M. Hakan Yavuz and Bayram Balcı. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press. 20–45.
  • Yavuz, M. Hakan and Bayram Balcı (2018a). Turkey’s July 15th Coup. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press.
  • Yavuz, M. Hakan and Rasim Koç (2016). “The Turkish Coup Attempt: The Gülen Movement vs. the State”. Middle East Policy 23 (4): 136–48.
  • Yayla, Atilla (2016). “July 15: The Glorious Resistance of Turkish Democracy”. Insight Turkey 18 (3): 83–117.
  • Yazıcı, Serap (2009). Demokratikleşme Sürecinde Türkiye. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yay.
  • Zengin, Gürkan (2018). Kuşatma: Türkiye’nin Beka Mücadelesi (2013-2017). İstanbul: İnkılap Yay.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Hatem Ete

Publication Date October 30, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Issue: 87


APA Ete, H. (2018). Reframing the July 15 Coup Attempt: A Political and Sociological Examination. Bilig(87), 179-202.
AMA Ete H. Reframing the July 15 Coup Attempt: A Political and Sociological Examination. Bilig. October 2018;(87):179-202.
Chicago Ete, Hatem. “Reframing the July 15 Coup Attempt: A Political and Sociological Examination”. Bilig, no. 87 (October 2018): 179-202.
EndNote Ete H (October 1, 2018) Reframing the July 15 Coup Attempt: A Political and Sociological Examination. Bilig 87 179–202.
IEEE H. Ete, “Reframing the July 15 Coup Attempt: A Political and Sociological Examination”, Bilig, no. 87, pp. 179–202, October 2018.
ISNAD Ete, Hatem. “Reframing the July 15 Coup Attempt: A Political and Sociological Examination”. Bilig 87 (October 2018), 179-202.
JAMA Ete H. Reframing the July 15 Coup Attempt: A Political and Sociological Examination. Bilig. 2018;:179–202.
MLA Ete, Hatem. “Reframing the July 15 Coup Attempt: A Political and Sociological Examination”. Bilig, no. 87, 2018, pp. 179-02.
Vancouver Ete H. Reframing the July 15 Coup Attempt: A Political and Sociological Examination. Bilig. 2018(87):179-202.

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