Eleştirinin Sefaleti: Batı’dan 15 Temmuz Darbe Girişimini Okumak
Year 2017,
Issue: 83 - Special Issue on Eurasian Political Economy, 53 - 77, 31.10.2017
Ali Balcı
Yıldırım Turan
Bu çalışma Türkiye’deki başarısız 15 Temmuz Darbe Girişimi
ve sonrasında yaşananların Batı’da nasıl temsil edildiği ile ilgilidir. Çarpıtılmış bir temsilin Batı medyasına egemen olduğu göz
önüne alınırsa, bu çalışma temelde neden Sağ ve Sol 15 Temmuz darbe girişimi hakkında aynı resmi sundu sorusunu sormaktadır. Bu soruyu cevaplamak için bu çalışma “iyi Müslüman
Kütü Müslüman’a karşı” ve “direniş sevdası” gibi iki kavramı
kullanmaktadır. İlkine göre, Sağ darbe girişimi hakkında böylesine çarpık bir resim sundu çünkü “iyi Müslüman Kütü Müslüman’a karşı” üzerine temellenen mantalitesi darbe yapmasına
rağmen Gülen’in masum, Erdoğan’ı kötülüklerin kaynağı olarak
okumaya endeksli. Sol’a gelince Erdoğan’ı mutlak lider ve diğer
geri kalanı ise muhalif hareketler olarak gördü. Bu varsayımdan
kaynaklanan 'ya Erdoğan darbeyi daha büyük bir iktidar için
kullanırsa' korkusu Sol’un bakışını zehirledi.
- “Erik-Jan ZÜRCHER in Nieuwsuur over de zuiveringen in Turkije”. www.universiteitleiden.nl/nieuws/2016/07/erik-jan-zurcher-in-nieuwsuur-over-de-zuiveringen-in-turkije [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- “Obama: ISIL is ‘perverting one of the world’s greatest religions’”. http://www.euronews.com/2014/09/24/obama-isil-is-perverting-one-of-the-world-s-greatest-religions , [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- “President Erdogan’s Turkey is modelled on the Third Reich”. Independent. July 23, 2016.
- Abu‐Lughod, Lila (1990). “The romance of resistance: Tracing transformations of power through Bedouin women”. American Ethnologist 17 (1): 41-55.
- Anadolu Ajansı (2016). Dakika Dakika FETÖ’ nün Darbe Girişimi. İstanbul: Anadolu Ajansı Yayınları.
- Anglin, Andrew (2016). “Was the Turkish Coup an Erdogan Hoax?”.
http://www.dailystormer.com/was-the-turkish-coup-an-erdogan-hoax/ July 16. [Erişim: 17.07.2016].
- Auken, Bill Van (2016). “The Turkish coup, US militarism and the collapse of democracy”. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2016/07/22/pers-j22.html 22 July. [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- Balcı, Ali (2014). “İŞİD ve Doğu’yu Kuşatan ‘Barbarlık’: Batı’nın Yeni Temsil ve Yönetim Stratejilerine Dair”. Ortadoğu Analiz 6 (65): 38-41.
- Bayraklı, Enes (2014). “Orientalism Reloaded: How Western Media Covered the Coup Attempt in Turkey”. Seta Perspective.
- The Economist (2016). “The sultan survives, In Turkey, a failed coup against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan”. The Economist. July 15.
- Bell, Steve (2013). “Steve Bell on Recep Tayyip Erdoğan – cartoon”. The Guardian. 13 June.
- Bell, Steve (2014) “Steve Bell on the unrest after the Turkish mine disaster – cartoon”. The Guardian. 15 May.
- Berktay, Halil (2016). “Fox News’dan, başarısız darbeye hayıflanma kılavuzu”.
http://serbestiyet.com/yazarlar/halil-berktay/fox-newsdan-basarisiz-darbeye-hayiflanma-kilavuzu-704633 [Erişim: 19.07.2016].
- Cockburn, Patrick (2016). “President Erdogan could be using the coup against him to turn Turkey towards full-scale Islamisation” Independent. 18 July.
- Denkler, Thorsten (2016). “Türkei nach dem Putschversuch: Erdoğan allmächtig”. Süddeutsche Zeitung. 16. Juli. Erişim: 20.10.2016.
- Editorial (2016). “The Guardian view on the week in Turkey: coup – and counter-coup?”. The Guardian. 21 July.
- Erem, Onur (2016). “Samir Amin: AKP ile IŞİD’in zihniyeti farksız” (Röportaj). Birgün. 4 Eylül.
- Fisk, Robert (2016). “Erdogan’s meeting with Putin will tell us what the future holds for Syria”. Independent. August 9.
- Fisk, Robert (2016a). “The Sultan and the Tsar: Erdogan Travels to Russia”. http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/08/09/the-sultan-and-the-tsar-erdogan-travels-to-russia/ . August 9. [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- Foucault, Michel (1995). Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison. İngilizceye Çev. Alan Sheridan. New York: Vintage Books.
- Friedman, Thomas L. (2016). “Trump and the Sultan”. The New York Times. July 20.
- Fuller, Graham E. (2016). “The Gulen Movement Is Not a Cult — It’s One of the Most Encouraging Faces of Islam Today”. Huffington Post. July 22.
- Gulen, Fethullah (2016). “I Condemn All Threats to Turkey’s Democracy”. New York Times. July 25.
- Hammy, Cihad (2016). “Two visions of politics in Turkey: authoritarian and revolutionary”. https://www.opendemocracy.net/arab-awakening/cihad-hammy/two-visions-of-politics-in-turkey-authoritarian-and-revolutionary 20 August. [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- Hannah, John (2016). “How Do You Solve a Problem Like Erdogan?”.
http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/06/15/how-do-you-solve-a-problem-like-erdogan/ June 15. [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- Inden, Ronald (1986). “Orientalist constructions of India”. Modern Asian Studies
20 (3): 401-446.
- Kadıoğlu, Ayşe (2016). “Coup d’état attempt: Turkey’s Reichstag fire?”.
https://www.opendemocracy.net/ay-e-kad-o-lu/coup-d-tat-attempt-turkey-s-reichstag-fire July 16. [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- Kardaş, Tuncay and Ali Balcı (2016). “Why does the West love the Gülen movement so much?”. Middle East Monitor. 29 July.
- Khan, Amana Fontanella (2016). “Fethullah Gülen: Turkey coup may have been ‘staged’ by Erdoğan regime”. The Guardian. 16 July.
- Kilpatrick, William (2016). “A Nuclear-Armed Caliphate?”. http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/263722/nuclear-armed-caliphate-william-kilpatrick August 3. [Erişim: 10.09.2016].
- La Porte, Amy vd. (2016). “Who is Fethullah Gulen, the man blamed for coup attempt in Turkey?”. http://edition.cnn.com/2016/07/16/middleeast/fethullah-gulen-profile/ July 16. [Erişim: 17.07.2016].
- Luttwak, Edward (2016). “Why Turkey’s Coup d’État Failed”. http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/07/16/why-turkeys-coup-detat-failed-erdogan/ July 16. [Erişim: 17.07.2016].
- Mamdani, Mahmood (2005). Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: America, the Cold War, and the Roots of Terror. New York: Harmony Books.
- Peters, Ralph (2016a). “Istanbul terror: Turkey’s president pays the price for trying to be friend fanatics” http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/06/29/istanbul-terror-turkey-s-president-pays-price-for-trying-to-befriend-fanatics.html June 29. [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- Peters, Ralph (2016b). “Turkey’s last hope dies”. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/07/16/turkeys-last-hope-dies.html July 16. [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- Peters, Ralph (2016c). “Turkey and Erdogan: Here comes the (real) caliphate”. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/07/21/turkey-and-erdogan-here-comes-real-caliphate.html July 21. [Erişim: 22.07.2016].
- Reynolds, Glen Harlan (2016). “Turkey’s new sultan”. http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2016/07/20/turkey-coup-islam-erdogan-sharia-sultan-caliphate-crackdown-democracy-column/87344676/ July 20. [Erişim:
- Reynolds, Michael A. (2016). “Damaging Democracy: The U.S., Fethullah Gülen, and Turkey’s Upheaval”. The Foreign Policy Research Institute. September 26. http://www.fpri.org/article/2016/09/damaging-democracy-u-s-fethullah-gulen-turkeys-upheaval/ [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- Rubin, Michael (2015). “Reconsidering Fethullah Gülen”. commentarymagazine.com May 20.
- Rubin, Michael (2016). “Will There Be a Coup Against Erdogan in Turkey?”. Newsweek. March 24.
- Rubin, Michael (2016a). “Erdogan Has Nobody to Blame for the Coup But Himself”. http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/07/15/erdogan-has-nobody-to-blame-for-the-coupbut-himself/ July 15. [Erişim: 30.09.2016].
- Rubin, Michael (2016b). “Why the coup in Turkey could mean hope”.
http://nypost.com/2016/07/15/why-the-coup-in-turkey-could-mean-hope/ July 15. [Erişim: 30.09.2016].
- Rubin, Michael (2016c). “Turkey’s Reichstag Fire Explaining Erdogan’s long game”.
https://www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/turkeys-reichstag-fire/ August 16. [Erişim: 18.08.2016].
- Said, Edward W. (1978). Orientalism. New York: Pantheon Books.
- Sayarer, Julian (2016). “Turkey’s failed coup hands Erdoğan the pretext for further repression”. New Statesman. 16 July.
- Special Report: Turkey. “Erdogan’s new sultanate”. The Economist. February 6. 2016.
- Spinelli, Barbara (2016). “An open letter on the attempted coup in Turkey”.
https://www.opendemocracy.net/barbara-spinelli-et-al/open-letter-on-attemptedcoup-in-turkey 24 July. [Erişim: 24.07.2016].
- Stone, Norman (2016). “Modernity’s first mistake was to take on religion in the July heat”. The Times. July 16.
- The Editorial Board. “Let Mr. Erdogan Fight His Own Battles”. New York Times. May 2. 2014.
- The Editorial Board (2016). “The Counter-Coup in Turkey”. New York Times. July 16.
- Tugal, Cihan (2016). “Turkey coup aftermath: between neo-fascism and Bonapartism”. https://www.opendemocracy.net/cihan-tugal/turkey-coup-aftermath-between-neo-fascism-and-bonapartism 18 July. [Erişim: 18.07.2016].
- Tures, John A. (2016). “Extraditing Gulen to Turkey Would Ruin America’s Middle East Policy”. Huffington Post. July 19.
- Veren, Nurettin (2007). Kuşatma. İstanbul: Siyah Beyaz Yayınları.
- Veren, Nurettin (2016). FETÖ: Cemaate Dair Duyulmayan, Konuşulmayan, Bilinmeyen Her şey. İstanbul: Destek Yayınları.
- Rustow, D. A. (1977). “The Political Impact of the West”. Political Modernization in Japan and Turkey. Ed. R. E. Ward ve D. A. Rustow. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Whitney, Mike (2016). “The Coup in Turkey has Thrown a Wrench in Uncle Sam’s
“Pivot” Plan”. http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/07/20/the-coup-inturkey-has-thrown-a-wrench-in-uncle-sams-pivot-plan/ July 20. [Erişim: 20.07.2016].
Year 2017,
Issue: 83 - Special Issue on Eurasian Political Economy, 53 - 77, 31.10.2017
Ali Balcı
Yıldırım Turan
- “Erik-Jan ZÜRCHER in Nieuwsuur over de zuiveringen in Turkije”. www.universiteitleiden.nl/nieuws/2016/07/erik-jan-zurcher-in-nieuwsuur-over-de-zuiveringen-in-turkije [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- “Obama: ISIL is ‘perverting one of the world’s greatest religions’”. http://www.euronews.com/2014/09/24/obama-isil-is-perverting-one-of-the-world-s-greatest-religions , [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- “President Erdogan’s Turkey is modelled on the Third Reich”. Independent. July 23, 2016.
- Abu‐Lughod, Lila (1990). “The romance of resistance: Tracing transformations of power through Bedouin women”. American Ethnologist 17 (1): 41-55.
- Anadolu Ajansı (2016). Dakika Dakika FETÖ’ nün Darbe Girişimi. İstanbul: Anadolu Ajansı Yayınları.
- Anglin, Andrew (2016). “Was the Turkish Coup an Erdogan Hoax?”.
http://www.dailystormer.com/was-the-turkish-coup-an-erdogan-hoax/ July 16. [Erişim: 17.07.2016].
- Auken, Bill Van (2016). “The Turkish coup, US militarism and the collapse of democracy”. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2016/07/22/pers-j22.html 22 July. [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- Balcı, Ali (2014). “İŞİD ve Doğu’yu Kuşatan ‘Barbarlık’: Batı’nın Yeni Temsil ve Yönetim Stratejilerine Dair”. Ortadoğu Analiz 6 (65): 38-41.
- Bayraklı, Enes (2014). “Orientalism Reloaded: How Western Media Covered the Coup Attempt in Turkey”. Seta Perspective.
- The Economist (2016). “The sultan survives, In Turkey, a failed coup against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan”. The Economist. July 15.
- Bell, Steve (2013). “Steve Bell on Recep Tayyip Erdoğan – cartoon”. The Guardian. 13 June.
- Bell, Steve (2014) “Steve Bell on the unrest after the Turkish mine disaster – cartoon”. The Guardian. 15 May.
- Berktay, Halil (2016). “Fox News’dan, başarısız darbeye hayıflanma kılavuzu”.
http://serbestiyet.com/yazarlar/halil-berktay/fox-newsdan-basarisiz-darbeye-hayiflanma-kilavuzu-704633 [Erişim: 19.07.2016].
- Cockburn, Patrick (2016). “President Erdogan could be using the coup against him to turn Turkey towards full-scale Islamisation” Independent. 18 July.
- Denkler, Thorsten (2016). “Türkei nach dem Putschversuch: Erdoğan allmächtig”. Süddeutsche Zeitung. 16. Juli. Erişim: 20.10.2016.
- Editorial (2016). “The Guardian view on the week in Turkey: coup – and counter-coup?”. The Guardian. 21 July.
- Erem, Onur (2016). “Samir Amin: AKP ile IŞİD’in zihniyeti farksız” (Röportaj). Birgün. 4 Eylül.
- Fisk, Robert (2016). “Erdogan’s meeting with Putin will tell us what the future holds for Syria”. Independent. August 9.
- Fisk, Robert (2016a). “The Sultan and the Tsar: Erdogan Travels to Russia”. http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/08/09/the-sultan-and-the-tsar-erdogan-travels-to-russia/ . August 9. [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- Foucault, Michel (1995). Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison. İngilizceye Çev. Alan Sheridan. New York: Vintage Books.
- Friedman, Thomas L. (2016). “Trump and the Sultan”. The New York Times. July 20.
- Fuller, Graham E. (2016). “The Gulen Movement Is Not a Cult — It’s One of the Most Encouraging Faces of Islam Today”. Huffington Post. July 22.
- Gulen, Fethullah (2016). “I Condemn All Threats to Turkey’s Democracy”. New York Times. July 25.
- Hammy, Cihad (2016). “Two visions of politics in Turkey: authoritarian and revolutionary”. https://www.opendemocracy.net/arab-awakening/cihad-hammy/two-visions-of-politics-in-turkey-authoritarian-and-revolutionary 20 August. [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- Hannah, John (2016). “How Do You Solve a Problem Like Erdogan?”.
http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/06/15/how-do-you-solve-a-problem-like-erdogan/ June 15. [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- Inden, Ronald (1986). “Orientalist constructions of India”. Modern Asian Studies
20 (3): 401-446.
- Kadıoğlu, Ayşe (2016). “Coup d’état attempt: Turkey’s Reichstag fire?”.
https://www.opendemocracy.net/ay-e-kad-o-lu/coup-d-tat-attempt-turkey-s-reichstag-fire July 16. [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- Kardaş, Tuncay and Ali Balcı (2016). “Why does the West love the Gülen movement so much?”. Middle East Monitor. 29 July.
- Khan, Amana Fontanella (2016). “Fethullah Gülen: Turkey coup may have been ‘staged’ by Erdoğan regime”. The Guardian. 16 July.
- Kilpatrick, William (2016). “A Nuclear-Armed Caliphate?”. http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/263722/nuclear-armed-caliphate-william-kilpatrick August 3. [Erişim: 10.09.2016].
- La Porte, Amy vd. (2016). “Who is Fethullah Gulen, the man blamed for coup attempt in Turkey?”. http://edition.cnn.com/2016/07/16/middleeast/fethullah-gulen-profile/ July 16. [Erişim: 17.07.2016].
- Luttwak, Edward (2016). “Why Turkey’s Coup d’État Failed”. http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/07/16/why-turkeys-coup-detat-failed-erdogan/ July 16. [Erişim: 17.07.2016].
- Mamdani, Mahmood (2005). Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: America, the Cold War, and the Roots of Terror. New York: Harmony Books.
- Peters, Ralph (2016a). “Istanbul terror: Turkey’s president pays the price for trying to be friend fanatics” http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/06/29/istanbul-terror-turkey-s-president-pays-price-for-trying-to-befriend-fanatics.html June 29. [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- Peters, Ralph (2016b). “Turkey’s last hope dies”. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/07/16/turkeys-last-hope-dies.html July 16. [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- Peters, Ralph (2016c). “Turkey and Erdogan: Here comes the (real) caliphate”. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/07/21/turkey-and-erdogan-here-comes-real-caliphate.html July 21. [Erişim: 22.07.2016].
- Reynolds, Glen Harlan (2016). “Turkey’s new sultan”. http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2016/07/20/turkey-coup-islam-erdogan-sharia-sultan-caliphate-crackdown-democracy-column/87344676/ July 20. [Erişim:
- Reynolds, Michael A. (2016). “Damaging Democracy: The U.S., Fethullah Gülen, and Turkey’s Upheaval”. The Foreign Policy Research Institute. September 26. http://www.fpri.org/article/2016/09/damaging-democracy-u-s-fethullah-gulen-turkeys-upheaval/ [Erişim: 20.10.2016].
- Rubin, Michael (2015). “Reconsidering Fethullah Gülen”. commentarymagazine.com May 20.
- Rubin, Michael (2016). “Will There Be a Coup Against Erdogan in Turkey?”. Newsweek. March 24.
- Rubin, Michael (2016a). “Erdogan Has Nobody to Blame for the Coup But Himself”. http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/07/15/erdogan-has-nobody-to-blame-for-the-coupbut-himself/ July 15. [Erişim: 30.09.2016].
- Rubin, Michael (2016b). “Why the coup in Turkey could mean hope”.
http://nypost.com/2016/07/15/why-the-coup-in-turkey-could-mean-hope/ July 15. [Erişim: 30.09.2016].
- Rubin, Michael (2016c). “Turkey’s Reichstag Fire Explaining Erdogan’s long game”.
https://www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/turkeys-reichstag-fire/ August 16. [Erişim: 18.08.2016].
- Said, Edward W. (1978). Orientalism. New York: Pantheon Books.
- Sayarer, Julian (2016). “Turkey’s failed coup hands Erdoğan the pretext for further repression”. New Statesman. 16 July.
- Special Report: Turkey. “Erdogan’s new sultanate”. The Economist. February 6. 2016.
- Spinelli, Barbara (2016). “An open letter on the attempted coup in Turkey”.
https://www.opendemocracy.net/barbara-spinelli-et-al/open-letter-on-attemptedcoup-in-turkey 24 July. [Erişim: 24.07.2016].
- Stone, Norman (2016). “Modernity’s first mistake was to take on religion in the July heat”. The Times. July 16.
- The Editorial Board. “Let Mr. Erdogan Fight His Own Battles”. New York Times. May 2. 2014.
- The Editorial Board (2016). “The Counter-Coup in Turkey”. New York Times. July 16.
- Tugal, Cihan (2016). “Turkey coup aftermath: between neo-fascism and Bonapartism”. https://www.opendemocracy.net/cihan-tugal/turkey-coup-aftermath-between-neo-fascism-and-bonapartism 18 July. [Erişim: 18.07.2016].
- Tures, John A. (2016). “Extraditing Gulen to Turkey Would Ruin America’s Middle East Policy”. Huffington Post. July 19.
- Veren, Nurettin (2007). Kuşatma. İstanbul: Siyah Beyaz Yayınları.
- Veren, Nurettin (2016). FETÖ: Cemaate Dair Duyulmayan, Konuşulmayan, Bilinmeyen Her şey. İstanbul: Destek Yayınları.
- Rustow, D. A. (1977). “The Political Impact of the West”. Political Modernization in Japan and Turkey. Ed. R. E. Ward ve D. A. Rustow. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Whitney, Mike (2016). “The Coup in Turkey has Thrown a Wrench in Uncle Sam’s
“Pivot” Plan”. http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/07/20/the-coup-inturkey-has-thrown-a-wrench-in-uncle-sams-pivot-plan/ July 20. [Erişim: 20.07.2016].