Research Article
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Kırgız Düğününün Sosyo Kültürel Analizi

Year 2019, Issue: 89, 55 - 76, 30.04.2019


Bu çalışmada, Kırgız düğününün kültürel dil bilimi açısından incelenmesi söz konusudur. Kültürel skript teorisi bilişsel konum açısından dilbilimsel anlam bilimini açıklamak için seçilen bir etkili araçtır. Çalışmada Kırgız düğünlerinin birbirine bağlı iletişimsel hareketleri ve bununla birlikte sosyo kültürel olay epizotları belirlenecektir. Çalışmada inceleme yöntemi olarak sosyo kültürel yöntem seçilerek kültürel olay olan Kırgız düğünlerine gelenlerin veya düğün katılımcılarının konuşma ve davranış normlarının etno kültürel özellikleri belirlenecektir. Bu bilişsel kültürel olayı betimlemek için sosyo kültürel olgunun olay şeması olarak incelenmekte olan skriptler kullanılmıştır. Burada Kırgız düğünleri V. İ. Karasik’in yaklaşımına göre incelenerek giriş/başlangıç, kronotop, katılımcı, değerler ve Kırgız düğünlerinin iletişimsel stratejisi belirlenecektir. Böyle bir toplumun stereotiplerini incelemek sadece iletişimcilerin konuşma eylemini değil onların davranış normlarını da açıklayacaktır. Böylelikle bu çalışma, farklı kültürler arası benzerlikler ve farklılıkları tanımlamayı mümkün kılar.


  • Abelson, Roger C. and Robert P. Schank (1977). Scripts, Plans, Goals, and understanding: An inquiry into human knowledge structures. Hillsdale (N.J.).
  • Babushkin, Anatoly P. (1996). Tipy kontseptov v leksiko-frazeologicheskoy semantike yazyka (Types of concepts in the lexico-phraseological semantics of the language.). Voronezh: VGU.
  • Bartlett, Frederic Ch. (1932). Remembering: A study in experimental and social psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Boldyrev, Nikolay N. (2001). Kontsept i znacheniye slova (Concept and meaning of the word). Metodologicheskiye problemy kognitivnoy lingvistiki. Voronezh: VGU.
  • Goddard, Cliff and Anna Wierzbicka (2004). Cultural Scripts. Intercultural Pragmatics 1 (2).
  • Humboldt, Wilhelm v. (1991). Izbrannyye trudy po yazykoznaniyu (Selected Works on Linguistics). Moscow: Nauka.
  • Kais, Dukes. “The Quranic Arabic Corpus”. English translation.
  • Karasik, Vladimir I. (2001). Model’naya lichnost’ kak lingvokul’turnyy kontsept (Model personality as a linguistic culture concept). Tambov: TGU.
  • Karasik, Vladimir I. (2002). Yazykovoy krug: lichnost’, kontsepty, diskurs (Language Circle: Personality, Concepts, Discourse). Volgograd: Peremena.
  • Karasik, Vladimir I. (2007). Yazykovyye klyuchi (Language keys). Volgograd.
  • Kolesov, Vladimir I. (1992). Kontsept kul’tury: obraz-ponyatiye-simvol (Concept of culture: image-concept-symbol). Vestnik Sank-Peterburgskogo Universiteta 2 (3): 9-18.
  • Kubryakova, Yelena S. (1996). Kratkiy slovar’ kognitivnykh terminov (A concise dictionary of cognitive terms). Moscow: Moskovsky Gosudarstvenny Universitet.
  • Likhachev, Dmitry S. (1993). Kontseptosfera russkogo yazyka (Concept of the Russian language). Seriya literatury i yazyka. Izvestiya RAN 3 (1): 5-12.
  • Minsky, Marvin (1975). A framework for representing knowledge. In P. Winston, Ed., The Psychology of Computer Vision . New York: McGraw-Hil.
  • Motorina, Nadezhda V. (2013). Lingvokul’turnyye skripty traditsionnogo kommunikativnogo povedeniya v Rossii i Anglii (Linguistic cultural scripts of traditional communicative behavior in Russia and England). Doctoral Thesis. Volgograd.
  • Pimenova, Marina V. (2004). Vvedeniye v kognitivnuyu lingvistiku (Introduction to cognitive linguistics). Vol. 4. Kemerovo: Nauka.
  • Popova, Zoya D. and Iosif A. Sternin (2007). Kognitivnaya lingvistika (Cognitive linguistics). Moscow: AST: Vostok-Zapad.
  • Research Starters. “Script Theory”. starter (Accessed: 10.09.2017).
  • Sanford, Anthony J. and Simon C. Garrod (1981). Understanding Written Language. (Vol. Wiley). New York.
  • Schank, Roger C. (1990). Tell Me a Story: A New Look at Real and Artificial Memory. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
  • Schank, Roger C. and Robert P. Abelson (1973). “Identification of Conceptualizations Underlying Natural Language”. Computer Models of Thought and Language. Eds. Schank and Colby. W. H. Freeman Press.
  • Slyshkin, Gennady G. (2001). Kontseptologicheskiy analiz institutsional’nogo diskursa (Conceptual analysis of institutional discourse). Moscow: Shkola.
  • Stepanov, Yury S. (1971). Semiotika (Semiotics). Moscow: Znaniye. Visit Kyrgyzstan. “The taste of the Central Asian Cuisine”. (Accessed: 10.09.2017).
  • Vorkachev, Sergey G. (2001). Lingvokul’turologiya, yazykovaya lichnost’, kontsept: stanovleniye antropotsentricheskoy paradigmy v yazykoznanii (Linguoculturology, language personality, concept: the formation of the anthropocentric paradigm in linguistics). Filologicheskiye nauki. 64-72.

Socio-Cultural Analysis of the Script "Kyrgyz Wedding"

Year 2019, Issue: 89, 55 - 76, 30.04.2019


 The research studies the Kyrgyz wedding as a subject of socio-cultural and linguistic analysis. The theory of cultural scripts is selected as an effective tool for describing linguistic semantics from the cognitive perspective. The purpose of the article is identifying the sequences of stages, episodes of the socio-cultural event "Kyrgyz Wedding" along with describing the frames of causally interconnected communicative steps. The script "Kyrgyz Wedding" is studied relying on V.I. Karasik’s approach, which presupposes its analysis through a protocol description, the constituents of which are preamble, chronotope, participants, values, communicative strategies of any ritual action. The advantage of studying consecutive stereotypical actions of any ethnos is that it involves not only the description of the speech acts of communicants, but also their behavioral norms. It enables to identify similarities and differences among different cultures.


  • Abelson, Roger C. and Robert P. Schank (1977). Scripts, Plans, Goals, and understanding: An inquiry into human knowledge structures. Hillsdale (N.J.).
  • Babushkin, Anatoly P. (1996). Tipy kontseptov v leksiko-frazeologicheskoy semantike yazyka (Types of concepts in the lexico-phraseological semantics of the language.). Voronezh: VGU.
  • Bartlett, Frederic Ch. (1932). Remembering: A study in experimental and social psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Boldyrev, Nikolay N. (2001). Kontsept i znacheniye slova (Concept and meaning of the word). Metodologicheskiye problemy kognitivnoy lingvistiki. Voronezh: VGU.
  • Goddard, Cliff and Anna Wierzbicka (2004). Cultural Scripts. Intercultural Pragmatics 1 (2).
  • Humboldt, Wilhelm v. (1991). Izbrannyye trudy po yazykoznaniyu (Selected Works on Linguistics). Moscow: Nauka.
  • Kais, Dukes. “The Quranic Arabic Corpus”. English translation.
  • Karasik, Vladimir I. (2001). Model’naya lichnost’ kak lingvokul’turnyy kontsept (Model personality as a linguistic culture concept). Tambov: TGU.
  • Karasik, Vladimir I. (2002). Yazykovoy krug: lichnost’, kontsepty, diskurs (Language Circle: Personality, Concepts, Discourse). Volgograd: Peremena.
  • Karasik, Vladimir I. (2007). Yazykovyye klyuchi (Language keys). Volgograd.
  • Kolesov, Vladimir I. (1992). Kontsept kul’tury: obraz-ponyatiye-simvol (Concept of culture: image-concept-symbol). Vestnik Sank-Peterburgskogo Universiteta 2 (3): 9-18.
  • Kubryakova, Yelena S. (1996). Kratkiy slovar’ kognitivnykh terminov (A concise dictionary of cognitive terms). Moscow: Moskovsky Gosudarstvenny Universitet.
  • Likhachev, Dmitry S. (1993). Kontseptosfera russkogo yazyka (Concept of the Russian language). Seriya literatury i yazyka. Izvestiya RAN 3 (1): 5-12.
  • Minsky, Marvin (1975). A framework for representing knowledge. In P. Winston, Ed., The Psychology of Computer Vision . New York: McGraw-Hil.
  • Motorina, Nadezhda V. (2013). Lingvokul’turnyye skripty traditsionnogo kommunikativnogo povedeniya v Rossii i Anglii (Linguistic cultural scripts of traditional communicative behavior in Russia and England). Doctoral Thesis. Volgograd.
  • Pimenova, Marina V. (2004). Vvedeniye v kognitivnuyu lingvistiku (Introduction to cognitive linguistics). Vol. 4. Kemerovo: Nauka.
  • Popova, Zoya D. and Iosif A. Sternin (2007). Kognitivnaya lingvistika (Cognitive linguistics). Moscow: AST: Vostok-Zapad.
  • Research Starters. “Script Theory”. starter (Accessed: 10.09.2017).
  • Sanford, Anthony J. and Simon C. Garrod (1981). Understanding Written Language. (Vol. Wiley). New York.
  • Schank, Roger C. (1990). Tell Me a Story: A New Look at Real and Artificial Memory. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
  • Schank, Roger C. and Robert P. Abelson (1973). “Identification of Conceptualizations Underlying Natural Language”. Computer Models of Thought and Language. Eds. Schank and Colby. W. H. Freeman Press.
  • Slyshkin, Gennady G. (2001). Kontseptologicheskiy analiz institutsional’nogo diskursa (Conceptual analysis of institutional discourse). Moscow: Shkola.
  • Stepanov, Yury S. (1971). Semiotika (Semiotics). Moscow: Znaniye. Visit Kyrgyzstan. “The taste of the Central Asian Cuisine”. (Accessed: 10.09.2017).
  • Vorkachev, Sergey G. (2001). Lingvokul’turologiya, yazykovaya lichnost’, kontsept: stanovleniye antropotsentricheskoy paradigmy v yazykoznanii (Linguoculturology, language personality, concept: the formation of the anthropocentric paradigm in linguistics). Filologicheskiye nauki. 64-72.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Gülnura Cumaliyeva This is me 0000-0002-5609-7345

Aida Kasiyeva This is me 0000-0002-9605-7460

Publication Date April 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Issue: 89


APA Cumaliyeva, G., & Kasiyeva, A. (2019). Socio-Cultural Analysis of the Script "Kyrgyz Wedding". Bilig(89), 55-76.
AMA Cumaliyeva G, Kasiyeva A. Socio-Cultural Analysis of the Script "Kyrgyz Wedding". Bilig. April 2019;(89):55-76. doi:10.12995/bilig.8903
Chicago Cumaliyeva, Gülnura, and Aida Kasiyeva. “Socio-Cultural Analysis of the Script ‘Kyrgyz Wedding’”. Bilig, no. 89 (April 2019): 55-76.
EndNote Cumaliyeva G, Kasiyeva A (April 1, 2019) Socio-Cultural Analysis of the Script "Kyrgyz Wedding". Bilig 89 55–76.
IEEE G. Cumaliyeva and A. Kasiyeva, “Socio-Cultural Analysis of the Script ‘Kyrgyz Wedding’”, Bilig, no. 89, pp. 55–76, April 2019, doi: 10.12995/bilig.8903.
ISNAD Cumaliyeva, Gülnura - Kasiyeva, Aida. “Socio-Cultural Analysis of the Script ‘Kyrgyz Wedding’”. Bilig 89 (April 2019), 55-76.
JAMA Cumaliyeva G, Kasiyeva A. Socio-Cultural Analysis of the Script "Kyrgyz Wedding". Bilig. 2019;:55–76.
MLA Cumaliyeva, Gülnura and Aida Kasiyeva. “Socio-Cultural Analysis of the Script ‘Kyrgyz Wedding’”. Bilig, no. 89, 2019, pp. 55-76, doi:10.12995/bilig.8903.
Vancouver Cumaliyeva G, Kasiyeva A. Socio-Cultural Analysis of the Script "Kyrgyz Wedding". Bilig. 2019(89):55-76.

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