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Türk Dış Politikasında Libya İç Savaşı ve Doğu Akdeniz Meselesi Arasındaki Bağ: Tehdidin Dengelenmesi

Year 2023, Issue: 104, 95 - 122, 30.01.2023


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’nin geleneksel dış politikasından bir farklılaşma olarak görülebilecek olan 2019 yılından itibaren Libya İç Savaşı’na aktif bir taraf olarak dahil olmasının arkasında yatan motivasyonu tespit etmektir. Çalışmada Türkiye’nin 2011 yılından itibaren benzer bir nitelik gösteren Libya çatışmalarına ancak Doğu Akdeniz’de hayati çıkarlarını tehdit ettiğine inandığı Doğu Akdeniz Gaz Forumu’nun kurulmasından sonra dahil olduğu
iddia edilmektedir. Bu dönüşüm çalışmada, Walt’un tehdit dengesi kuramı bağlamında açıklanmakta ve Türkiye’nin Libya politikasının esasında Doğu Akdeniz bölgesinde kendisine karşı oluşan ittifakın yarattığı tehdide yönelik bir dengeleme politikası olduğu savunulmaktadır. Ayrıca, Ulusal Mutabakat Hükümeti öncülüğündeki Libya’da istikrarın sağlanmasının, Türkiye tarafından bölgede kendi ittifak politikasının çok önemli bir parçası olarak görüldüğü de
alışmanın temel bulgularındandır.


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  • AlJazeera. “Largest Drone War in the World: How Airpower Saved Tripoli.” 28.05.2020,
  • AlJazeera. “Libya: Haftar Bans Flights, Boats from Turkey.” 29.06.2019, https://
  • AlMarsad. “Turkey Sends Weapons and Armoured Vehicles to Tripoli.” 18.05.2019,
  • Aydın, Mustafa, and Cihan Dizdaroğlu. “Levantine Challenges on Turkish Foreign Policy.” Uluslararası İlişkiler, vol. 15, no. 60, 2018, pp 89-103.
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  • Bilgin, Mert. “Energy and Turkey’s Foreign Policy: The Link Between State Strategy, Regional Cooperation and Private Sector Involvement.” Turkish Policy Quarterly, vol. 9, no. 2, 2010, pp. 81-92.
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  • Bowlus, John V. “Eastern Mediterranean Gas: Testing the field”. ECFR. Cooper, Scott. “State-Centric Balance of Threat Theory.” Security Studies, vol. 13, no. 2, 2003, pp. 306-349.
  • Coşkun, Bezen Balamir, and Richard Carlson. “New Energy Geopolitics: Why does Turkey Matter?” Insight Turkey, vol. 12, no. 3, 2010, pp. 205-220.
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  • Erşen, Emre, and Mitat Çelikpala. “Turkey and the Changing Energy Geopolitics of Eurasia.” Energy Policy, no. 128, 2019, pp. 584-592.
  • Euronews. “AB, Doğu Akdeniz Nedeniyle Türkiye’ye Yaptırım Uygulamak İçin Düğmeye Bastı.” 11.11.2019,
  • Evaghorou, Evaghoras L. “Energy Developments in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and Geostrategic Implications on the Cyprus Issue.” International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies, vol. 13, no. 1, 2020, pp. 109-133.
  • France24. “Greece Announces Major Arms Purchase as Turkey Tension Rises.” 12.09.2020,
  • Gause III, Gregory. “Balancing What? Threat Perception and Alliance Choice in the Gulf.” Security Studies, vol. 13, no. 2, 2003, pp. 273-305.
  • GreekCityTimes. “Greece to sign defence deal with France.” 16.02.2020,
  • Grigoriadis, Ioannis. “Energy Discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean: Conflict or Cooperation?” Middle East Policy, vol. 21, no. 3, 2014, pp. 124-133.
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Joint Declaration adopted by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece and the United Arab Emirates.” 11.05.2020, 11052020.html.
  • İşeri, Emre, and Ahmet Çağrı Bartan. “Turkey’s Geostrategic Vision and Energy Concerns in the Eastern Mediterranean Security Architecture: A View from Ankara.” Zenonas Tziarras (ed.) The New Geopolitics of the Eastern Mediterranean: Trilateral Partnerships and Regional Security. PRIO Cyprus Centre, 2019, pp. 111-124.
  • Janković, Slobodan. “The South and East Mediterranean Power Struggle: Cases of Libya and Syria.” The Review of International Affairs, vol. 71, no. 1178, 2020, pp. 79-97.
  • Joffé, George. “Libya: The New Geopolitical Arena.” The Journal of North African Studies, vol. 25, no. 5, 2020, pp. 681-688.
  • K., Vinayaraj V. “India as a Threat: Bangladeshi Perceptions.” South Asian Survey, vol. 16, no. 1, 2009, pp. 101-118.
  • Kekilli, Emrah. “Anatomy of the Libyan Crisis.” Insight Turkey, vol. 19, no. 3, 2017, pp. 160-162.
  • Lacher, Wolfram. Libya’s Fragmentation Structure and Process in Violent Conflict. I.B. Tauris, 2020.
  • LibyaHerald. “Increased Turkish, Maltese Italian Diplomacy with Libya.” 07.08.2020,
  • Lindenstrauss, Gallia et al. “The Perils of the Turkey-Libya Maritime Delimitation Deal.” INSS Insight, no. 1238, 2019.
  • Málnássy, András. “Change of Direction in Turkey’s Africa Policy. What is Behind the Turkish Intervention in Libya?” Strategic Impact, no. 1, 2020, pp. 74-84.
  • MED Dialogues. “Dialogue with Anwar Gargash.” 26.11.2020,
  • MiddleEastEye. “Jets Hit Libyan Airbase Recently Captured by Turkish-Backed Forces.” 05.07.2020, watiya-airbase-where-turkey-may-build-base-sources-say.
  • MiddleEastMonitor. “Libya’s Defence Minister Announces Military Agreement with Italy.” 05.12.2020,
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  • Ministry of National Defense. “Millî Savunma Bakanı Hulusi Akar, Video Telekonferans Yöntemiyle Toplantı Yaptı.” 30.11.2020,
  • Newsbeezer. “Israel’s Invitation to UAE to Participate in Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum!” 24.09.2020,
  • Özdemir, Çağatay. “The United States-Backed Containment of Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean.” Insight Turkey, vol. 22, no. 2, 2020, pp. 111-126.
  • Press and Information Office of Republic of Cyprus. “Joint Declaration of the 7th Egypt – Cyprus – Greece Trilateral Summit.” 08.10.2019,
  • Priess, David. “Balance of Threat Theory and the Genesis of the Gulf Cooperation Council: An Interpretative Case Study.” Security Studies, vol. 5, no. 4, 1996, pp. 143-171.
  • Prontera, Andrea, and Mariusz Ruszel. “Energy Security in the Eastern Mediterranean.” Middle East Policy, vol. 24, no. 3, 2017, pp. 145-162.
  • Resmi Gazete. 03.01.2020,
  • Resmi Gazete. 07.12.2019,
  • Reuters. “Eastern Mediterranean Countries to form Regional Gas Market.”14.01.2019,
  • Reuters. “Turkish Blockade of Ship off Cyprus is out of Eni’s Control: CEO.” 16.02.2018,
  • Roberts, John. “Turkey as a Regional Energy Hub.” Insight Turkey, vol. 12, no. 3, 2010, pp. 39-48.
  • Rose, William, and Eliza Van Dusen. “Sudan’s Islamic Revolutions as a Cause of Foreign Intervention in its Wars: Insights from Balance of Threat Theory.” Civil Wars, vol. 5, no. 3, 2002, pp. 1-64.
  • Snyder, Glenn H. “Alliance Theory: A Neorealist First Cut.” Journal of International Affairs, vol. 44, no. 1, 1990, pp. 103-123.
  • Szczepankiewicz-Rudzka, Ewa. “Patterns of Libya’s Instability in the Aftermath of the Collapse of Gaddafi’s Regime.” African Studies, no. 42, 2016, pp. 227-246.
  • Tagliapietra, Simone. “Turkey as a Regional Natural Gas Hub: Myth or Reality?”FEEM Working Paper, no 2, 2014.
  • Tarus, Triinu, and Matthew Crandall. “Is Russia a Threat to Estonian Energy Security?” Baltıc Journal of Political Science, no. 1, 2012, pp. 77-91.
  • Taş, Hakkı. “The Formulation and Implementation of Populist Foreign Policy: Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean.” Mediterranean Politics, 2020 (Online first).
  • TBMM Tutanak Dergisi. 02.01.2020,
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  • TBMM Tutanak Dergisi. 21.12.2019,
  • TPAO. “Faaliyet Alanları.”
  • TRNC Public Information Office. “Çavuşoğlu: EU’s position in the Eastern Mediterranean is Unjust.” 11.09.2020,
  • TRTWorld. “Is Turkey-Egypt Rapprochement in the Eastern Mediterranean Possible?” 14.10.2020,
  • UN. “Letter Dated 18 March 2019.” 2019,
  • UN. “The Berlin Conference on Libya Conference Conclusions.” 2020,
  • Walt, Stephen M. “Alliance Formation and the Balance of World Power.”International Security, vol. 9, no. 4, 1985, pp. 3-43.
  • Walt, Stephen M. “Testing Theories of Alliance Formation: The Case of Southwest Asia.” International Organization, vol. 42, no. 2, 1988, pp. 275-316.
  • Walt, Stephen M. “Alliances in Theory and Practice: What Lies Ahead?” Journal of International Affairs, vol. 43, no. 1, 1989, pp. 1-17.
  • Walt, Stephen M. The Origins of Alliance, Cornell University Press, 1990.
  • Walt, Stephen M. “Alliances, Threats, and U.S. Grand Strategy: A Reply to Kaufmann and Labs.” Security Studies, vol. 1, no. 3, 1992, pp. 448-482.
  • Walt, Stephen M. “The Progressive Power of Realism.” The American Political Science Review, vol. 91, no. 4, 1997, pp. 931-935.
  • Waltz, Kenneth N. Theory of International Politics. Addison-Wesley, 1979.
  • Winrow, Gareth M. “Discovery of Energy Reserves in the Levant and Impacts on Regional Security.” Uluslararası İlişkiler, vol. 15, no. 60, 2018, pp. 45-57.
  • Wivel, Anders. “Balancing Against Threats or Bandwagoning with Power?” Cambridge Review of International Affairs, vol. 21, no. 3, 2008, pp. 289-305.
  • Yaycı, Cihat, and Zeynep Ceyhan. “Israel is Turkey’s Neighbor Across the Sea: Delimitation of the Maritime Jurisdiction Areas between Turkey and Israel.” Turkeyscope, vol. 4, no. 8, 2020, pp. 1-9.
  • Yılmaz, Şuhnaz, and Duygu Sever-Mehmetoğlu. “Linking Foreign Policy and Energy Security: An Asset or a Liability for Turkey?” Uluslararası İlişkiler, vol. 13, no.52, 2016, pp. 105-128.
  • Yılmaz-Bozkuş, Remziye. “Analysis of Turkey’s Role as a Possible Energy Hub.” GeoJournal, vol. 84, no. 5, 2018, pp. 1353-1364.

The Link between Libyan Civil War and the Eastern Mediterranean Issue in Turkish Foreign Policy: Balancing the Threat

Year 2023, Issue: 104, 95 - 122, 30.01.2023


This article aims to determine the main motivation behind Türkiye’s involvement in the Libyan Civil War as an active actor since 2019 which can be seen as a deviation from its traditional foreign policy. Türkiye has involved in the Libyan conflict following the establishment of the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum (EMGF) which it believes threatens its vital interests in the region. In this study, this involvement is described in the context of Stephen M. Walt’s balance of threat theory. It is argued that Türkiye’s Libyan policy is essentially a balancing policy against the threat posed by the alliance against its interests in the Eastern Mediterranean region. It is further argued that maintaining stability in Libya led by the Government of National Accord (GNA)


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  • Adler-Nissen, Rebecca, and Vincent Pouliot. “Power in practice: Negotiating the international intervention in Libya.” European Journal of International Relations, vol. 20, no. 4, 2010, pp. 889-911.
  • AlJazeera. “Largest Drone War in the World: How Airpower Saved Tripoli.” 28.05.2020,
  • AlJazeera. “Libya: Haftar Bans Flights, Boats from Turkey.” 29.06.2019, https://
  • AlMarsad. “Turkey Sends Weapons and Armoured Vehicles to Tripoli.” 18.05.2019,
  • Aydın, Mustafa, and Cihan Dizdaroğlu. “Levantine Challenges on Turkish Foreign Policy.” Uluslararası İlişkiler, vol. 15, no. 60, 2018, pp 89-103.
  • Başeren, Sertaç Hami. Doğu Akdeniz Deniz Yetki Alanları Uyuşmazlığı. Türk Deniz Araştırmaları Yayınları, 2010.
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  • Bilgin, Mert. “Energy and Turkey’s Foreign Policy: The Link Between State Strategy, Regional Cooperation and Private Sector Involvement.” Turkish Policy Quarterly, vol. 9, no. 2, 2010, pp. 81-92.
  • Bilgin, Mert. “Energy Policy in Turkey: Security, Markets, Supplies and Pipelines.” Turkish Studies, vol. 12, no. 3, 2011, pp. 399-417.
  • Bock, Andreas M. et al. “If You Compress the Spring, It will Snap Back Hard: The Ukrainian Crisis and the Balance of Threat Theory.” International Journal, vol. 70, no. 1, 2015, pp. 101-109.
  • Bowlus, John V. “Eastern Mediterranean Gas: Testing the field”. ECFR. Cooper, Scott. “State-Centric Balance of Threat Theory.” Security Studies, vol. 13, no. 2, 2003, pp. 306-349.
  • Coşkun, Bezen Balamir, and Richard Carlson. “New Energy Geopolitics: Why does Turkey Matter?” Insight Turkey, vol. 12, no. 3, 2010, pp. 205-220.
  • Çubukçuoğlu, S. Süha. “Energy Alliance in a Turbulent Region.” 2020,
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  • Erşen, Emre, and Mitat Çelikpala. “Turkey and the Changing Energy Geopolitics of Eurasia.” Energy Policy, no. 128, 2019, pp. 584-592.
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  • Evaghorou, Evaghoras L. “Energy Developments in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and Geostrategic Implications on the Cyprus Issue.” International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies, vol. 13, no. 1, 2020, pp. 109-133.
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  • Gause III, Gregory. “Balancing What? Threat Perception and Alliance Choice in the Gulf.” Security Studies, vol. 13, no. 2, 2003, pp. 273-305.
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  • Grigoriadis, Ioannis. “Energy Discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean: Conflict or Cooperation?” Middle East Policy, vol. 21, no. 3, 2014, pp. 124-133.
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Joint Declaration adopted by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece and the United Arab Emirates.” 11.05.2020, 11052020.html.
  • İşeri, Emre, and Ahmet Çağrı Bartan. “Turkey’s Geostrategic Vision and Energy Concerns in the Eastern Mediterranean Security Architecture: A View from Ankara.” Zenonas Tziarras (ed.) The New Geopolitics of the Eastern Mediterranean: Trilateral Partnerships and Regional Security. PRIO Cyprus Centre, 2019, pp. 111-124.
  • Janković, Slobodan. “The South and East Mediterranean Power Struggle: Cases of Libya and Syria.” The Review of International Affairs, vol. 71, no. 1178, 2020, pp. 79-97.
  • Joffé, George. “Libya: The New Geopolitical Arena.” The Journal of North African Studies, vol. 25, no. 5, 2020, pp. 681-688.
  • K., Vinayaraj V. “India as a Threat: Bangladeshi Perceptions.” South Asian Survey, vol. 16, no. 1, 2009, pp. 101-118.
  • Kekilli, Emrah. “Anatomy of the Libyan Crisis.” Insight Turkey, vol. 19, no. 3, 2017, pp. 160-162.
  • Lacher, Wolfram. Libya’s Fragmentation Structure and Process in Violent Conflict. I.B. Tauris, 2020.
  • LibyaHerald. “Increased Turkish, Maltese Italian Diplomacy with Libya.” 07.08.2020,
  • Lindenstrauss, Gallia et al. “The Perils of the Turkey-Libya Maritime Delimitation Deal.” INSS Insight, no. 1238, 2019.
  • Málnássy, András. “Change of Direction in Turkey’s Africa Policy. What is Behind the Turkish Intervention in Libya?” Strategic Impact, no. 1, 2020, pp. 74-84.
  • MED Dialogues. “Dialogue with Anwar Gargash.” 26.11.2020,
  • MiddleEastEye. “Jets Hit Libyan Airbase Recently Captured by Turkish-Backed Forces.” 05.07.2020, watiya-airbase-where-turkey-may-build-base-sources-say.
  • MiddleEastMonitor. “Libya’s Defence Minister Announces Military Agreement with Italy.” 05.12.2020,
  • MiddleEastMonitor. “France joins east Mediterranean gas forum.” 11.03.2021,
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  • Ministry of National Defense. “Millî Savunma Bakanı Hulusi Akar, Video Telekonferans Yöntemiyle Toplantı Yaptı.” 30.11.2020,
  • Newsbeezer. “Israel’s Invitation to UAE to Participate in Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum!” 24.09.2020,
  • Özdemir, Çağatay. “The United States-Backed Containment of Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean.” Insight Turkey, vol. 22, no. 2, 2020, pp. 111-126.
  • Press and Information Office of Republic of Cyprus. “Joint Declaration of the 7th Egypt – Cyprus – Greece Trilateral Summit.” 08.10.2019,
  • Priess, David. “Balance of Threat Theory and the Genesis of the Gulf Cooperation Council: An Interpretative Case Study.” Security Studies, vol. 5, no. 4, 1996, pp. 143-171.
  • Prontera, Andrea, and Mariusz Ruszel. “Energy Security in the Eastern Mediterranean.” Middle East Policy, vol. 24, no. 3, 2017, pp. 145-162.
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  • Resmi Gazete. 07.12.2019,
  • Reuters. “Eastern Mediterranean Countries to form Regional Gas Market.”14.01.2019,
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  • Roberts, John. “Turkey as a Regional Energy Hub.” Insight Turkey, vol. 12, no. 3, 2010, pp. 39-48.
  • Rose, William, and Eliza Van Dusen. “Sudan’s Islamic Revolutions as a Cause of Foreign Intervention in its Wars: Insights from Balance of Threat Theory.” Civil Wars, vol. 5, no. 3, 2002, pp. 1-64.
  • Snyder, Glenn H. “Alliance Theory: A Neorealist First Cut.” Journal of International Affairs, vol. 44, no. 1, 1990, pp. 103-123.
  • Szczepankiewicz-Rudzka, Ewa. “Patterns of Libya’s Instability in the Aftermath of the Collapse of Gaddafi’s Regime.” African Studies, no. 42, 2016, pp. 227-246.
  • Tagliapietra, Simone. “Turkey as a Regional Natural Gas Hub: Myth or Reality?”FEEM Working Paper, no 2, 2014.
  • Tarus, Triinu, and Matthew Crandall. “Is Russia a Threat to Estonian Energy Security?” Baltıc Journal of Political Science, no. 1, 2012, pp. 77-91.
  • Taş, Hakkı. “The Formulation and Implementation of Populist Foreign Policy: Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean.” Mediterranean Politics, 2020 (Online first).
  • TBMM Tutanak Dergisi. 02.01.2020,
  • TBMM Tutanak Dergisi. 05.12.2019,
  • TBMM Tutanak Dergisi. 21.12.2019,
  • TPAO. “Faaliyet Alanları.”
  • TRNC Public Information Office. “Çavuşoğlu: EU’s position in the Eastern Mediterranean is Unjust.” 11.09.2020,
  • TRTWorld. “Is Turkey-Egypt Rapprochement in the Eastern Mediterranean Possible?” 14.10.2020,
  • UN. “Letter Dated 18 March 2019.” 2019,
  • UN. “The Berlin Conference on Libya Conference Conclusions.” 2020,
  • Walt, Stephen M. “Alliance Formation and the Balance of World Power.”International Security, vol. 9, no. 4, 1985, pp. 3-43.
  • Walt, Stephen M. “Testing Theories of Alliance Formation: The Case of Southwest Asia.” International Organization, vol. 42, no. 2, 1988, pp. 275-316.
  • Walt, Stephen M. “Alliances in Theory and Practice: What Lies Ahead?” Journal of International Affairs, vol. 43, no. 1, 1989, pp. 1-17.
  • Walt, Stephen M. The Origins of Alliance, Cornell University Press, 1990.
  • Walt, Stephen M. “Alliances, Threats, and U.S. Grand Strategy: A Reply to Kaufmann and Labs.” Security Studies, vol. 1, no. 3, 1992, pp. 448-482.
  • Walt, Stephen M. “The Progressive Power of Realism.” The American Political Science Review, vol. 91, no. 4, 1997, pp. 931-935.
  • Waltz, Kenneth N. Theory of International Politics. Addison-Wesley, 1979.
  • Winrow, Gareth M. “Discovery of Energy Reserves in the Levant and Impacts on Regional Security.” Uluslararası İlişkiler, vol. 15, no. 60, 2018, pp. 45-57.
  • Wivel, Anders. “Balancing Against Threats or Bandwagoning with Power?” Cambridge Review of International Affairs, vol. 21, no. 3, 2008, pp. 289-305.
  • Yaycı, Cihat, and Zeynep Ceyhan. “Israel is Turkey’s Neighbor Across the Sea: Delimitation of the Maritime Jurisdiction Areas between Turkey and Israel.” Turkeyscope, vol. 4, no. 8, 2020, pp. 1-9.
  • Yılmaz, Şuhnaz, and Duygu Sever-Mehmetoğlu. “Linking Foreign Policy and Energy Security: An Asset or a Liability for Turkey?” Uluslararası İlişkiler, vol. 13, no.52, 2016, pp. 105-128.
  • Yılmaz-Bozkuş, Remziye. “Analysis of Turkey’s Role as a Possible Energy Hub.” GeoJournal, vol. 84, no. 5, 2018, pp. 1353-1364.
There are 85 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Sami Kiraz 0000-0002-6987-9856

Publication Date January 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 104


APA Kiraz, S. (2023). The Link between Libyan Civil War and the Eastern Mediterranean Issue in Turkish Foreign Policy: Balancing the Threat. Bilig(104), 95-122.
AMA Kiraz S. The Link between Libyan Civil War and the Eastern Mediterranean Issue in Turkish Foreign Policy: Balancing the Threat. Bilig. January 2023;(104):95-122. doi:10.12995/bilig.10404
Chicago Kiraz, Sami. “The Link Between Libyan Civil War and the Eastern Mediterranean Issue in Turkish Foreign Policy: Balancing the Threat”. Bilig, no. 104 (January 2023): 95-122.
EndNote Kiraz S (January 1, 2023) The Link between Libyan Civil War and the Eastern Mediterranean Issue in Turkish Foreign Policy: Balancing the Threat. Bilig 104 95–122.
IEEE S. Kiraz, “The Link between Libyan Civil War and the Eastern Mediterranean Issue in Turkish Foreign Policy: Balancing the Threat”, Bilig, no. 104, pp. 95–122, January 2023, doi: 10.12995/bilig.10404.
ISNAD Kiraz, Sami. “The Link Between Libyan Civil War and the Eastern Mediterranean Issue in Turkish Foreign Policy: Balancing the Threat”. Bilig 104 (January 2023), 95-122.
JAMA Kiraz S. The Link between Libyan Civil War and the Eastern Mediterranean Issue in Turkish Foreign Policy: Balancing the Threat. Bilig. 2023;:95–122.
MLA Kiraz, Sami. “The Link Between Libyan Civil War and the Eastern Mediterranean Issue in Turkish Foreign Policy: Balancing the Threat”. Bilig, no. 104, 2023, pp. 95-122, doi:10.12995/bilig.10404.
Vancouver Kiraz S. The Link between Libyan Civil War and the Eastern Mediterranean Issue in Turkish Foreign Policy: Balancing the Threat. Bilig. 2023(104):95-122.

Ahmet Yesevi University Board of Trustees