Research Article
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Investigation of the Enrichment Coefficient for Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni Elements in Prunus armeniaca L. Plant, Hekimhan – Hasançelebi (Malatya)

Year 2024, , 152 - 161, 30.12.2024


Hasançelebi iron (Fe) deposit is located in Hekimhan district of Malatya province. Plants can take up the elements found in the soil they grow on and accumulate them in different organs. Such plants are effectively used in the exploration of mineral deposits and environmental pollution research. For this reason, apricot plant (branch, leaf, fruit) and the soil samples on which this plant grew were taken from the study area and the enrichment coefficient (EC) of Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni elements were examined. The enrichment coefficient is <1 in all locations of Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni elements examined. However, Cu element was calculated as 4.66 ppm in location 1 in branch / soil (D/T); 7.38 ppm, 5.40 ppm, 1.92 ppm and 5.05 ppm in locations 1, 2, 3 and 5 in leaf / soil (Y/T), respectively. When the relationship of sample locations with the elements is examined, Ni; It was observed that branch < fruit < leaf < soil, Mn and Fe; fruit < branch < leaf < soil, Cu; fruit = Branch < soil < leaf.

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Supporting Institution

Yozgat Bozok Üniversitesi


Bu çalışma Yozgat Bozok Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP) FHD-2024-1384 numaralı proje ile desteklenmiştir..


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  • [2] A. Çağatay ve O. Arda, "Hasançelebi demir yalağının titanyum ve alkali sorunları," *Jeoloji Mühendisliği*, ss. 39-46, 1979.
  • [3] C. A. Krohling, F. J. Eutrópio, A. A. Bertolazi, ve diğerleri, "Ecophysiology of iron homeostasis in plants," *Soil Science and Plant Nutrition*, cilt 62, ss. 39–47, 2016.
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  • [6] T. B. Ibañez, L. F. M. Santos, A. M. Lapaz, ve diğerleri, "Sulfur modulates yield and storage proteins in soybean grains," *Scientia Agricola*, cilt 78, e20190020, 2021.
  • [7] G. J. Lei, X. F. Zhu, Z. W. Wang, F. Dong, N. Y. Dong, ve S. J. Zheng, "Abscisic acid alleviates iron deficiency by promoting root iron reutilization and transport from root to shoot in Arabidopsis," *Plant, Cell & Environment*, cilt 37, ss. 852–863, 2014.
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Investigation of the Enrichment Coefficient for Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni Elements in Prunus armeniaca L. Plant, Hekimhan – Hasançelebi (Malatya)

Year 2024, , 152 - 161, 30.12.2024


Hasançelebi iron (Fe) deposit is located in Hekimhan district of Malatya province. Plants can take up the elements found in the soil they grow on and accumulate them in different organs. Such plants are effectively used in the exploration of mineral deposits and environmental pollution research. For this reason, Prunus armeniaca L. (apricot) plant (branch, leaf, fruit) and the soil samples on which this plant grew were taken from the study area and the enrichment coefficient (EC) of Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni elements were examined. The enrichment coefficient is <1 in all locations of Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni elements examined. However, Cu element was calculated as 4.66 ppm in location 1 in branch / soil (D/T); 7.38 ppm, 5.40 ppm, 1.92 ppm and 5.05 ppm in locations 1, 2, 3 and 5 in leaf / soil (Y/T), respectively. When the relationship of sample locations with the elements is examined, Ni; It was observed that branch < fruit < leaf < soil, Mn and Fe; fruit < branch < leaf < soil, Cu; fruit = Branch < soil < leaf.


  • [1] MTA Enstitüsü, "Hasançelebi - Hekimhan – Malatya demir madeni, Maden İşletme zenginleştirme ve peletleme tesisleri ön fizibilite etüdü: Jeolojik, Jeofizik ve Hidrojeolojik etüdler," Cilt 1, Aglomerasyon Projesi, Cilt 7, M.T.A. ön fizibilite raporları, Ankara, 1976.
  • [2] A. Çağatay ve O. Arda, "Hasançelebi demir yalağının titanyum ve alkali sorunları," *Jeoloji Mühendisliği*, ss. 39-46, 1979.
  • [3] C. A. Krohling, F. J. Eutrópio, A. A. Bertolazi, ve diğerleri, "Ecophysiology of iron homeostasis in plants," *Soil Science and Plant Nutrition*, cilt 62, ss. 39–47, 2016.
  • [4] C. Ferousi, S. Lindhoud, F. Baymann, B. Kartal, M. S. Jetten, ve J. Reimann, "Iron assimilation and utilization in anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria," *Current Opinion in Chemical Biology*, cilt 37, ss. 129–136, 2017. [5] J. Balk ve M. Pilon, "Ancient and essential: the assembly of iron–sulfur clusters in plants," *Trends in Plant Science*, cilt 16, ss. 218–226, 2011.
  • [6] T. B. Ibañez, L. F. M. Santos, A. M. Lapaz, ve diğerleri, "Sulfur modulates yield and storage proteins in soybean grains," *Scientia Agricola*, cilt 78, e20190020, 2021.
  • [7] G. J. Lei, X. F. Zhu, Z. W. Wang, F. Dong, N. Y. Dong, ve S. J. Zheng, "Abscisic acid alleviates iron deficiency by promoting root iron reutilization and transport from root to shoot in Arabidopsis," *Plant, Cell & Environment*, cilt 37, ss. 852–863, 2014.
  • [8] B. Y. Pehlivanli, "Doğal jeokimyasal stres altındaki bitki türlerinin iz element ve nadir toprak elementlerin (NTE) birikimi," *Tarım Bilimleri Alanında Multidisipliner Güncel Çalışmalar III*, Ankara: Iksad Publications, 2023, ss. 113–143.
  • [9] B. Y. Pehlivanli ve E. Ergin, "Main and trace element 'content and enrichment' of growing plant species around Eskişehir boron mines in the Western Anatolia Basin of Türkiye," *Medicinal and Economic Importance of Plants*, Ankara: Iksad Publications, 2023, ss. 217–242.
  • [10] J. Morrissey ve M. L. Guerinot, "Iron uptake and transport in plants: the good, the bad, and the ionome," *Chemical Reviews*, cilt 109, sayı 10, ss. 4553–4567, 2009.
  • [11] J. E. Peña-Olmos, F. Casierra-Posada, ve M. A. Olmos-Cubides, "The effect of high iron doses (Fe²⁺) on the growth of broccoli plants (Brassica oleracea var. Italica)," *Agronomía Colombiana*, cilt 32, sayı 1, ss. 22–28, 2014
  • [12] G. de Oliveira Jucoski, J. Cambraia, C. Ribeiro, J. A. de Oliveira, S. O. de Paula, ve M. A. Oliva, "Impact of iron toxicity on oxidative metabolism in young Eugenia uniflora L. plants," *Acta Physiologiae Plantarum*, cilt 35, ss. 1645–1657, 2013
  • [13] N. Zahra, M. B. Hafeez, K. Shaukat, A. Wahid, and M. Hasanuzzaman, "Fe toxicity in plants: Impacts and remediation," *Physiologia Plantarum*, vol. 173, no. 1, pp. 201–222, 2021.
  • [14] A. Meharg, *Marschner's Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants*, P. Marschner (Ed.). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier/Academic Press, 2011, ss. 684. ISBN: 978-0-12-3849052. *Experimental Agriculture*, cilt 48, sayı 2, s. 305, 2012.
  • [15] S. Kumari, R. Kumar, S. Chouhan, ve P. L. Chaudhary, "Influence of various organic amendments on growth and yield attributes of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.)," *International Journal of Plant & Soil Science*, cilt 35, sayı 12, ss. 124–130, 2023. [Çevrimiçi]. Ulaşılabilir:
  • [16] V. Harishet, S. Aslam, S. Chouhan, Y. Pratap, ve S. Lalotra, "*Int. J. Environ. Clim. Change*", cilt 13, sayı 8, ss. 1894–1900, 2023. Makale no. IJECC.101675.
  • [17] "Malatya İli Maden ve Enerji Kaynakları," MTA, 2010. [Çevrimiçi]. Ulaşılabilir:
  • [18] G. Kırat ve A. Vural, "Doğu Anadolu Fay Zonu (DAFZ) ve ilgili maden yatakları," M. Hatipoğlu, Ed., *Yer Bilimleri ve Mühendisliğinde Güncel Çalışmalar*, İstanbul, Türkiye: BİDGE Yayınları, 2024, ss. 49–66.
  • [19] İ. Kuşcu, "Fe-oksit-Cu-Au-REE (Olympic Dam) tipi yataklar: Genel özellikleri-oluşum modeli ve Orta Anadolu potansiyelinin bir değerlendirmesi," *Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü 20. Yıl Jeoloji Sempozyumu, Bildiri Özleri*, TMMOB Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası Yayınları No. 73, s. 176, 2003.
  • [20] H. Yılmaz, Ö. Dumanlılar, Y. Ay, A. Tablacı, ve Ö. Torun, "Hekimhan (Malatya) yöresindeki demir yataklarının jeolojik konumları," *57. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, Bildiri Özleri Kitabı*, ss. 105–106, 2004.
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There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Mineral Stratum and Geochemistry
Journal Section Articles

Güllü Kırat 0000-0002-1167-0574

Esra Ünal Çakır 0000-0002-4196-4303

Early Pub Date December 30, 2024
Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date October 25, 2024
Acceptance Date December 23, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Kırat, G., & Ünal Çakır, E. (2024). Investigation of the Enrichment Coefficient for Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni Elements in Prunus armeniaca L. Plant, Hekimhan – Hasançelebi (Malatya). International Scientific and Vocational Studies Journal, 8(2), 152-161.
AMA Kırat G, Ünal Çakır E. Investigation of the Enrichment Coefficient for Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni Elements in Prunus armeniaca L. Plant, Hekimhan – Hasançelebi (Malatya). ISVOS. December 2024;8(2):152-161. doi:10.47897/bilmes.1573515
Chicago Kırat, Güllü, and Esra Ünal Çakır. “Investigation of the Enrichment Coefficient for Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni Elements in Prunus Armeniaca L. Plant, Hekimhan – Hasançelebi (Malatya)”. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Journal 8, no. 2 (December 2024): 152-61.
EndNote Kırat G, Ünal Çakır E (December 1, 2024) Investigation of the Enrichment Coefficient for Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni Elements in Prunus armeniaca L. Plant, Hekimhan – Hasançelebi (Malatya). International Scientific and Vocational Studies Journal 8 2 152–161.
IEEE G. Kırat and E. Ünal Çakır, “Investigation of the Enrichment Coefficient for Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni Elements in Prunus armeniaca L. Plant, Hekimhan – Hasançelebi (Malatya)”, ISVOS, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 152–161, 2024, doi: 10.47897/bilmes.1573515.
ISNAD Kırat, Güllü - Ünal Çakır, Esra. “Investigation of the Enrichment Coefficient for Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni Elements in Prunus Armeniaca L. Plant, Hekimhan – Hasançelebi (Malatya)”. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Journal 8/2 (December 2024), 152-161.
JAMA Kırat G, Ünal Çakır E. Investigation of the Enrichment Coefficient for Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni Elements in Prunus armeniaca L. Plant, Hekimhan – Hasançelebi (Malatya). ISVOS. 2024;8:152–161.
MLA Kırat, Güllü and Esra Ünal Çakır. “Investigation of the Enrichment Coefficient for Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni Elements in Prunus Armeniaca L. Plant, Hekimhan – Hasançelebi (Malatya)”. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Journal, vol. 8, no. 2, 2024, pp. 152-61, doi:10.47897/bilmes.1573515.
Vancouver Kırat G, Ünal Çakır E. Investigation of the Enrichment Coefficient for Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni Elements in Prunus armeniaca L. Plant, Hekimhan – Hasançelebi (Malatya). ISVOS. 2024;8(2):152-61.

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