Virtual Reality Training Intervention to Reduce Pain and Anxiety: A Quasi-Experimental Study
Year 2024,
, 250 - 260, 27.08.2024
Dilvan Sultan Öskan
Arzu Tuna
Dilek Soylu
Bu çalışma, laparoskopik kolesistektomi ameliyatı geçirecek hastalara uygulanan sanal gerçeklik eğitiminin yaşamsal belirtiler, ağrı ve kaygı durumlarına etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapıldı. Deney ve kontrol gruplarıyla planlanmış yarı deneysel bir çalışmadır. Ameliyat öncesi kontrol grubuna (31 hasta) broşür destekli eğitim, deney grubuna (31 hasta) ise sanal gerçeklik gözlükleriyle görsel müzik eğitimi verildi. Veriler için hasta bilgi formu, Beck anksiyete skalası, vital bulgular görsel analog skala ve ağrı değerlendirme formu kullanıldı. Kontrol ve deney grubundaki hastaların verileri operasyon öncesi ve sonrası1,8,24 toplandı. Ameliyat öncesinde VR ile verilen eğitimin, ameliyat sonrası 1. saatte verilen braşür eğitimine göre ağrı ve kaygıyı daha fazla azalttığı, ayrıca solunum, tansiyon, nabız, ateş gibi hayati değerleri de olumlu etkilediği belirlendi. Bu değerler istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı. Ameliyat öncesi veya sonrası VR ile verilen eğitim ve müzikle görsel efektler hastaların ağrı, anksiyete ve yaşamsal belirtilerini olumlu yönde etkileyebilmektedir. Bu bağlamda başka faaliyetler de önerilmektedir.
Duncan CB, Riall TS. Evidence-Based Current Surgical Practice: Calculous Gallbladder Disease. J Gastrointest Surg. 2012;16(11):2011–25.
- Aykas A, Karasu Z. Comparison of Laparoscopic and Open Cholecystectomy in Treatment of Cholelithiasis in the Context of Current Knowledge. KSU Med J [Internet]. 2018;13(2):51–3. Available from:
- Nazemroaya B, Keleidari B, Arabzadeh A, Honarmand A. Comparison of Intraperitoneal Versus Intravenous Dexamethasone on Postoperative Pain, Nausea, and Vomiting After Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Anesthesiol Pain Med. 2022;12(2).
- Mitchell M. Anxiety management in minimal stay surgery. Nurs Times [Internet]. 2011;108(48):14–6. Available from:
- Carlomagno N, Tammaro V, Scotti A, Candida M, Calogero A, Santangelo ML. Is day-surgery laparoscopic cholecystectomy contraindicated in the elderly? Results from a retrospective study and literature review. Int J Surg [Internet]. 2016;33:S103–7. Available from:
- Kanan, N., Aksoy G. Surgical diseases and care of the metabolic and endocrine system. In: Akyolcu N, Kanan N AG, editor. Surgical Nursing. II, 1st Ed. Istanbul: Nobel Medicine Bookstores; 2017. p. 245–321.
- Li YP, Wang SN, Lee KT. Robotic versus conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A comparative study of medical resource utilization and clinical outcomes. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2017;33(4):201–6.
- Saritaş S, Kavak F, Savaş B. The effect of lavender oil on anxiety levels of patients before laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018;32(August 2018):51–4.
- Youssef NFA, Hassan ADA. The Effect of hand and foot massage on alleviating pain and anxiety of abdominal post-operative patients at a University Hospital: A randomized control trial. IOSR J Nurs Heal Sci. 2017;6(3):56–65.
- Okutan Ş. The Effect of Virtual Reality and Music on Vital Signs, Pain and Comfort after Laparoscopic Abdominal Surgery [Internet]. Inonu University; 2021. Available from:
- Mavridou P, Manataki A, Arnaoutoglou E, Damigos D. A Survey of Patients’ Preoperative Need for Information About Postoperative Pain—Effect of Previous Surgery Experience. J Perianesthesia Nurs. 2017;32(5):438–44.
- Vaughn F, Wichowski H, Bosworth G. Does Preoperative Anxiety Level Predict Postoperative Pain? AORN Journa. 2007;85(3):589–604.
- Venkateswaran R, Prasad KN. Management of postoperative pain. Indian J Anaesth. 2006;50(5):345–54.
Monga D. To compare the Diclofenac versus Different Paracetamol for Post- Operative Analgesia After Laparoscopic Cholecystectom. J Adv Med Dent Scie Res
- Morris LD, Louw QA, Grimmer-Somers K. The effectiveness of virtual reality on reducing pain and anxiety in burn injury patients: A systematic review. Clin J Pain. 2009;25(9):815–26.
- Chittaro L, Ranon R. Web3D technologies in learning, education and training: Motivations, issues, opportunities. Comput Educ. 2007;49(1):3–18.
- John NW. The impact of Web3D technologies on medical education and training. Comput Educ. 2007;49(1):19–31.
- Tashjian VC, Mosadeghi S, Howard AR, Lopez M, Dupuy T, Reid M, et al. Virtual reality for management of pain in hospitalized patients: Results of a controlled trial. JMIR Ment Heal. 2017;4(1):1–11.
- Scapin S, Echevarría-Guanilo ME, Boeira Fuculo Junior PR, Gonçalves N, Rocha PK, Coimbra R. Virtual Reality in the treatment of burn patients: A systematic review. Burns. 2018;44(6):1403–16.
- Beck AT, Epstein N, Brown G, Steer RA. An Inventory for Measuring Clinical Anxiety: Psychometric Properties. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1988;56(6):893–7.
- Ulusoy M, Sahin NH, Erkmen H. Turkish version of the Beck Anxiety Inventory: Psychometric properties. J Cogn Psychother An Int Q. 1998;12(2):163–72.
- Das DA, Grimmer KA, Sparnon AL, McRae SE, Thomas BH. The efficacy of playing a virtual reality game in modulating pain for children with acute burn injuries: A randomized controlled trial [ISRCTN87413556]. BMC Pediatr. 2005;5:1–10.
- Hoffman HG, Patterson DR, Seibel E, Soltani M, Jewett-Leahy L, Sharar SR. Virtual reality pain control during burn wound debridement in the hydrotank. Clin J Pain. 2008;24(4):299–304.
- Oneal BJ, Patterson DR, Soltani M, Teeley A, Jensen MP. Virtual Reality Hypnosis In The Treatment Of Chronic Neuropathic Pain: A Case Report. Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2008;56(4):451–62.
- Asl Aminabadi N, Erfanparast L, Sohrabi A, Ghertasi Oskouei S, Naghili A. The Impact of Virtual Reality Distraction on Pain and Anxiety during Dental Treatment in 4-6 Year-Old Children: a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects [Internet]. 2012;6(4):117–24.
- Hudson BF, Ogden J. Exploring the Impact of Intraoperative Interventions for Pain and Anxiety Management During Local Anesthetic Surgery-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Perianesthesia Nurs. 2016;31(2):118–33.
- Bakır GK, Yurt S. Evaluation of the Comfort Level of the Post-Surgical Patients. Sağlık ve Toplum [Internet]. 2020;3:158–65.
Virtual Reality Training Intervention to Reduce Pain and Anxiety: A Quasi-Experimental Study
Year 2024,
, 250 - 260, 27.08.2024
Dilvan Sultan Öskan
Arzu Tuna
Dilek Soylu
This study was carried out to determine the effect of virtual reality training an patients who will undergo laparoscapic cholecystectomy an their vital sings, pain and anxiety. It is a quasi-experimental study planned with experimental and control groups. Brochure supported education was given to the control group (31 patients), and a visual musical education with virtual reality glasses was given to the experimental group (31 patients) before the surgery. Patient information form, Beck anxiety scale, vital sings form visual analogue scale and pain assessment form were used for data. The data of the patients in the control and experimental groups were collected before and After the operation 1,8,24. It was found that the training given with VR before the operation reduced pain and anxiety more than the brachure training in the 1st hour After the operation, and also positively affected vital sings such as respiration, blood pressure, pulse, temparature. These values were statisti cally signifıcant. Training given with VR before or after surgery, and visual affects with music can positively affect patients pain, anxiety and vital signs. Other activities are recommended in this regord.
Ethical Statement
Approval for the study was given by the SANKO University noninvasive ethics committee (decision no: 2021/03, dated: 22.03.2021).
Supporting Institution
No financial support was received from any source for this study.
Duncan CB, Riall TS. Evidence-Based Current Surgical Practice: Calculous Gallbladder Disease. J Gastrointest Surg. 2012;16(11):2011–25.
- Aykas A, Karasu Z. Comparison of Laparoscopic and Open Cholecystectomy in Treatment of Cholelithiasis in the Context of Current Knowledge. KSU Med J [Internet]. 2018;13(2):51–3. Available from:
- Nazemroaya B, Keleidari B, Arabzadeh A, Honarmand A. Comparison of Intraperitoneal Versus Intravenous Dexamethasone on Postoperative Pain, Nausea, and Vomiting After Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Anesthesiol Pain Med. 2022;12(2).
- Mitchell M. Anxiety management in minimal stay surgery. Nurs Times [Internet]. 2011;108(48):14–6. Available from:
- Carlomagno N, Tammaro V, Scotti A, Candida M, Calogero A, Santangelo ML. Is day-surgery laparoscopic cholecystectomy contraindicated in the elderly? Results from a retrospective study and literature review. Int J Surg [Internet]. 2016;33:S103–7. Available from:
- Kanan, N., Aksoy G. Surgical diseases and care of the metabolic and endocrine system. In: Akyolcu N, Kanan N AG, editor. Surgical Nursing. II, 1st Ed. Istanbul: Nobel Medicine Bookstores; 2017. p. 245–321.
- Li YP, Wang SN, Lee KT. Robotic versus conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A comparative study of medical resource utilization and clinical outcomes. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2017;33(4):201–6.
- Saritaş S, Kavak F, Savaş B. The effect of lavender oil on anxiety levels of patients before laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018;32(August 2018):51–4.
- Youssef NFA, Hassan ADA. The Effect of hand and foot massage on alleviating pain and anxiety of abdominal post-operative patients at a University Hospital: A randomized control trial. IOSR J Nurs Heal Sci. 2017;6(3):56–65.
- Okutan Ş. The Effect of Virtual Reality and Music on Vital Signs, Pain and Comfort after Laparoscopic Abdominal Surgery [Internet]. Inonu University; 2021. Available from:
- Mavridou P, Manataki A, Arnaoutoglou E, Damigos D. A Survey of Patients’ Preoperative Need for Information About Postoperative Pain—Effect of Previous Surgery Experience. J Perianesthesia Nurs. 2017;32(5):438–44.
- Vaughn F, Wichowski H, Bosworth G. Does Preoperative Anxiety Level Predict Postoperative Pain? AORN Journa. 2007;85(3):589–604.
- Venkateswaran R, Prasad KN. Management of postoperative pain. Indian J Anaesth. 2006;50(5):345–54.
Monga D. To compare the Diclofenac versus Different Paracetamol for Post- Operative Analgesia After Laparoscopic Cholecystectom. J Adv Med Dent Scie Res
- Morris LD, Louw QA, Grimmer-Somers K. The effectiveness of virtual reality on reducing pain and anxiety in burn injury patients: A systematic review. Clin J Pain. 2009;25(9):815–26.
- Chittaro L, Ranon R. Web3D technologies in learning, education and training: Motivations, issues, opportunities. Comput Educ. 2007;49(1):3–18.
- John NW. The impact of Web3D technologies on medical education and training. Comput Educ. 2007;49(1):19–31.
- Tashjian VC, Mosadeghi S, Howard AR, Lopez M, Dupuy T, Reid M, et al. Virtual reality for management of pain in hospitalized patients: Results of a controlled trial. JMIR Ment Heal. 2017;4(1):1–11.
- Scapin S, Echevarría-Guanilo ME, Boeira Fuculo Junior PR, Gonçalves N, Rocha PK, Coimbra R. Virtual Reality in the treatment of burn patients: A systematic review. Burns. 2018;44(6):1403–16.
- Beck AT, Epstein N, Brown G, Steer RA. An Inventory for Measuring Clinical Anxiety: Psychometric Properties. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1988;56(6):893–7.
- Ulusoy M, Sahin NH, Erkmen H. Turkish version of the Beck Anxiety Inventory: Psychometric properties. J Cogn Psychother An Int Q. 1998;12(2):163–72.
- Das DA, Grimmer KA, Sparnon AL, McRae SE, Thomas BH. The efficacy of playing a virtual reality game in modulating pain for children with acute burn injuries: A randomized controlled trial [ISRCTN87413556]. BMC Pediatr. 2005;5:1–10.
- Hoffman HG, Patterson DR, Seibel E, Soltani M, Jewett-Leahy L, Sharar SR. Virtual reality pain control during burn wound debridement in the hydrotank. Clin J Pain. 2008;24(4):299–304.
- Oneal BJ, Patterson DR, Soltani M, Teeley A, Jensen MP. Virtual Reality Hypnosis In The Treatment Of Chronic Neuropathic Pain: A Case Report. Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2008;56(4):451–62.
- Asl Aminabadi N, Erfanparast L, Sohrabi A, Ghertasi Oskouei S, Naghili A. The Impact of Virtual Reality Distraction on Pain and Anxiety during Dental Treatment in 4-6 Year-Old Children: a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects [Internet]. 2012;6(4):117–24.
- Hudson BF, Ogden J. Exploring the Impact of Intraoperative Interventions for Pain and Anxiety Management During Local Anesthetic Surgery-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Perianesthesia Nurs. 2016;31(2):118–33.
- Bakır GK, Yurt S. Evaluation of the Comfort Level of the Post-Surgical Patients. Sağlık ve Toplum [Internet]. 2020;3:158–65.