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Essential oil characterization of Cousinia sivasica Hub.-Mor. Asteraceae

Year 2018, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 16 - 21, 15.08.2018


In this study, essential oil properties of an endemic plant of Turkey, Coucinia sivasica Hub.-Mor. were studied for the first time. Essential oil of C. sivasica was obtained by using Clevenger apparatus with hydrodistillation technique. The essential oil was analyzed by GC-FID and GC/MS techniques on a polar column and total 44 compounds were identified representing 98.3%. Fatty acids, their esters, methyl-branched carboxylic acids and aromatic acid esters predominated 66.3% in the oil with hexadecanoic acid 42.8% , 1-isobutyl 4-isopropyl 3-isopropyl-2,2dimethyl succinate 12.2% and methyl salicylate 7.1% as major constituents


  • Abbas, A., Tabanca, N., Özek, G., Özek, T., Aytaç, Z., Bernier, U.R., Agramonte, N.M., Başer, K.H.C., Khan, I.A. (2015). Essential oils of Echinophora lamondiana (Apiales: Umbelliferae): A Relationship between chemical profile and biting deterrence and larvicidal activity against mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). Journal of Medical Entomology, 52(1), 93-100.
  • Anonymous. (1994). Species Survival Commission IUCN Red List Categories, Gland, Switzerland.
  • Attar, F., Djavadi, S.B. (2010). A taxonomic revision of Cousinia sect. Cynaroides (Asteraceae, Cardueae) in the flora of Iran. The Iranian Journal of Botany, 16(1), 130-184.
  • Attar, F., Maroofi, H. (2010). Cousinia (sect. Albidae) iranshahriana (Asteraceae, Cardueae), a new endemic species from Kurdistan province, Iran. The Iranian Journal of Botany, 16(2), 197-199.
  • Barry-Ryan, C., Devereux, M., Lonchamp, J. (2009). Identification of volatile quality markers of ready-to-use lettuce and cabbage. Food Research International, 42, 1077-1086.
  • Christensen, L.P., Jakobsen, H.B., Paulsen, E., Hodal, L., Andersen, K.E. (1999). Airborne Compositae dermatitis: monoterpenes and no parthenolide are released from flowering Tanacetum parthenium (feverfew) plants. Archieves of Dermatological Research, 291(7-8), 425-431.
  • Doğan, B., Duran, A., Martin, E., Hakkı, E.E. (2009). Chromosome numbers of species of the genus Jurinea Cass. (Asteraceae) in Turkey. Caryologia, 62, 16-23.
  • De Feo, V., De Simone, F., Senatore, F. (2002). Potential allelochemicals from the essential oil of Ruta graveolens. Phytochemistry, 61(5), 573-578.
  • Ekim, T., Koyuncu, M., Vural, M., Duman, H., Aytac, Z., Adıgüzel, N. (2000). Red Data Book of Turkish Plants. Turkish Association for the Conservation of Nature, Ankara.
  • Formisano, C., Rigano, D., Senatore, F., Çelik, S., Bruno, M., Rosselli, S. (2008). Volatile constituents of aerial parts of three endemic Centaurea species from Turkey: Centaurea amanicola Hub.-Mor., Centaurea consanguinea DC. and Centaurea ptosimopappa Hayek and their antibacterial activities. Natural Product Research, 22(10), 833-839.
  • Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M., Babaç, M.T. (eds.). (2012). Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını. İstanbul.
  • Hardie, J., Isaacs, R., Pickett, J.A., Wadhams, L.J., Woodcock, C.M. (1994). Methyl salicylate and (−)-(1R, 5S)- myrtenal are plant-derived repellents for black bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scop. (Homoptera: Aphididae). Journal of Chemical Ecology, 20(11), 2847-2855.
  • İlçim, A., Özçelik, H., Çenet, M. (2013). A new natural hybrid of Cousinia Cass. (Asteraceae) from Türkiye. Biological Diversity and Conservation 6(1): 71-75.
  • Köse, Y.B., Demirci, B., Başer K.H.C., Yücel E. (2008). Composition of the essential oil of three endemic Centaurea species from Turkey. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 20(4), 335-338.
  • Lindberg, C.M., Melathopoulos, A.P., Winston, M.L. (2000). Laboratory evaluation of miticides to control Varroa jacobsoni (Acari: Varroidae), a honey bee (Hymeoptera: Apidae) parasite. Journal of Economic Entomology, 93(2), 189-198.
  • Özek, G., Demirci, F., Özek, T., Tabanca, N., Wedge, D.E., Khan, S.I., Başer, K.H.C., Duran A., Hamzaoglu E. (2010). Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of volatiles obtained by four different techniques from Salvia rosifolia Sm., and evaluation for biological activity. Journal of Chromatography, 1217, 741-748.
  • Öztürk, B., Özek, G., Özek, T., Başer, K.H.C. (2014). Chemical diversity in volatiles of Helichrysum plicatum DC. subspecies in Turkey. Records of Natural Products, 8(4), 373-384.
  • Plekhanova, N.V., Turdumambetov, K., Sudnitsyna, I.G. (1983). Carbohydrates of Cousinia. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 19(5), 603-604.
  • Radulovic, N., Blagojevic, P., Palic, R., Zlatkovic, B. (2010). Volatiles of Telekia speciosa (Schreb.) Baumg. (Asteraceae) from Serbia. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 22(3), 250-254.
  • Senatore, F., Arnold-Apostolides, N., Bruno, M. (2005). Volatile components of Centaurea eryngioides Lam. and Centaurea iberica Trev. var. hermonis Boiss. Lam., two Asteraceae growing wild in Lebanon. Natural Product Research, 19(8), 749-754.
  • Stevens, P.F. (2001 onwards). Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Version 8, June 2007 [and more or less continuously updated since]. (Accessed March 27, 2008).
  • Tareen, R.B., Bibi, T., Khan, M.A., Ahmad, M., Zafar, M. (2010). Indigenous knowledge of folk medicine by the women of Kalat and Khuzdar regions of Balochistan, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 42(3), 1465-1485.
  • Turdumambetov, K., Rakhimov, D.A., Malikova, M.K. (2007). Oligo-and Polysaccharides from Cousinia umbrosa. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 43(3), 308-309.
  • Wu, S., Zorn, H., Krings, U., Berger, R.G. (2005). Characteristic volatiles from young and aged fruiting bodies of wild Polyporus sulfureus (Bull.:Fr.) Fr. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53, 4524-4528.
  • Yaşar, A., Üçüncü, O., Güleç, C., İnceer, H., Ayaz, S., Yaylı, N. (2005). GC-MS analysis of chloroform extracts in flowers, stems, and roots of Tripleurospermum callosum. Pharmaceutical Biology, 43(2), 108-112.
  • Youn, K., Kim, J.Y., Yeo, H., Yun, E.Y., Hwang, J.S., Jun, M. (2012). Fatty acid and volatile oil compositions of Allomyrina dichotoma larvae. Preventive Nutrition and Food Science, 17, 310-314. .

Cousinia sivasica Hub.-Mor. Asteraceae ’nın uçucu yağ karakterizasyonu

Year 2018, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 16 - 21, 15.08.2018


Bu çalışmada Türkiye için endemik bir bitki olan Coucinia sivasica Hub.-Mor.’nın uçucu yağı ilk defa çalışılmıştır. C. sivasica’nın uçucu yağı hidrodistilasyon yöntemi ile Clevenger apareyi kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen uçucu yağın analizi GC-FID and GC/MS teknikleri kullanılarak polar kolonda gerçekleştirilmiş ve yağın %98.3’ünü oluşturan 44 bileşik tespit edilmiştir. Yağ asitleri, onların esterleri, metil bağlı karboksilik asitler ve aromatic asit esterleri yağın %66.3’ünü oluştururken ana bileşikler olarak hekzadekanoik asit %42.8 , 1-izobütil 4-izopropil 3izopropil-2,2-dimetil süksinat %12.2 ve metil salisilat %7.1 bulunmuştur


  • Abbas, A., Tabanca, N., Özek, G., Özek, T., Aytaç, Z., Bernier, U.R., Agramonte, N.M., Başer, K.H.C., Khan, I.A. (2015). Essential oils of Echinophora lamondiana (Apiales: Umbelliferae): A Relationship between chemical profile and biting deterrence and larvicidal activity against mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). Journal of Medical Entomology, 52(1), 93-100.
  • Anonymous. (1994). Species Survival Commission IUCN Red List Categories, Gland, Switzerland.
  • Attar, F., Djavadi, S.B. (2010). A taxonomic revision of Cousinia sect. Cynaroides (Asteraceae, Cardueae) in the flora of Iran. The Iranian Journal of Botany, 16(1), 130-184.
  • Attar, F., Maroofi, H. (2010). Cousinia (sect. Albidae) iranshahriana (Asteraceae, Cardueae), a new endemic species from Kurdistan province, Iran. The Iranian Journal of Botany, 16(2), 197-199.
  • Barry-Ryan, C., Devereux, M., Lonchamp, J. (2009). Identification of volatile quality markers of ready-to-use lettuce and cabbage. Food Research International, 42, 1077-1086.
  • Christensen, L.P., Jakobsen, H.B., Paulsen, E., Hodal, L., Andersen, K.E. (1999). Airborne Compositae dermatitis: monoterpenes and no parthenolide are released from flowering Tanacetum parthenium (feverfew) plants. Archieves of Dermatological Research, 291(7-8), 425-431.
  • Doğan, B., Duran, A., Martin, E., Hakkı, E.E. (2009). Chromosome numbers of species of the genus Jurinea Cass. (Asteraceae) in Turkey. Caryologia, 62, 16-23.
  • De Feo, V., De Simone, F., Senatore, F. (2002). Potential allelochemicals from the essential oil of Ruta graveolens. Phytochemistry, 61(5), 573-578.
  • Ekim, T., Koyuncu, M., Vural, M., Duman, H., Aytac, Z., Adıgüzel, N. (2000). Red Data Book of Turkish Plants. Turkish Association for the Conservation of Nature, Ankara.
  • Formisano, C., Rigano, D., Senatore, F., Çelik, S., Bruno, M., Rosselli, S. (2008). Volatile constituents of aerial parts of three endemic Centaurea species from Turkey: Centaurea amanicola Hub.-Mor., Centaurea consanguinea DC. and Centaurea ptosimopappa Hayek and their antibacterial activities. Natural Product Research, 22(10), 833-839.
  • Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M., Babaç, M.T. (eds.). (2012). Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını. İstanbul.
  • Hardie, J., Isaacs, R., Pickett, J.A., Wadhams, L.J., Woodcock, C.M. (1994). Methyl salicylate and (−)-(1R, 5S)- myrtenal are plant-derived repellents for black bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scop. (Homoptera: Aphididae). Journal of Chemical Ecology, 20(11), 2847-2855.
  • İlçim, A., Özçelik, H., Çenet, M. (2013). A new natural hybrid of Cousinia Cass. (Asteraceae) from Türkiye. Biological Diversity and Conservation 6(1): 71-75.
  • Köse, Y.B., Demirci, B., Başer K.H.C., Yücel E. (2008). Composition of the essential oil of three endemic Centaurea species from Turkey. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 20(4), 335-338.
  • Lindberg, C.M., Melathopoulos, A.P., Winston, M.L. (2000). Laboratory evaluation of miticides to control Varroa jacobsoni (Acari: Varroidae), a honey bee (Hymeoptera: Apidae) parasite. Journal of Economic Entomology, 93(2), 189-198.
  • Özek, G., Demirci, F., Özek, T., Tabanca, N., Wedge, D.E., Khan, S.I., Başer, K.H.C., Duran A., Hamzaoglu E. (2010). Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of volatiles obtained by four different techniques from Salvia rosifolia Sm., and evaluation for biological activity. Journal of Chromatography, 1217, 741-748.
  • Öztürk, B., Özek, G., Özek, T., Başer, K.H.C. (2014). Chemical diversity in volatiles of Helichrysum plicatum DC. subspecies in Turkey. Records of Natural Products, 8(4), 373-384.
  • Plekhanova, N.V., Turdumambetov, K., Sudnitsyna, I.G. (1983). Carbohydrates of Cousinia. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 19(5), 603-604.
  • Radulovic, N., Blagojevic, P., Palic, R., Zlatkovic, B. (2010). Volatiles of Telekia speciosa (Schreb.) Baumg. (Asteraceae) from Serbia. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 22(3), 250-254.
  • Senatore, F., Arnold-Apostolides, N., Bruno, M. (2005). Volatile components of Centaurea eryngioides Lam. and Centaurea iberica Trev. var. hermonis Boiss. Lam., two Asteraceae growing wild in Lebanon. Natural Product Research, 19(8), 749-754.
  • Stevens, P.F. (2001 onwards). Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Version 8, June 2007 [and more or less continuously updated since]. (Accessed March 27, 2008).
  • Tareen, R.B., Bibi, T., Khan, M.A., Ahmad, M., Zafar, M. (2010). Indigenous knowledge of folk medicine by the women of Kalat and Khuzdar regions of Balochistan, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 42(3), 1465-1485.
  • Turdumambetov, K., Rakhimov, D.A., Malikova, M.K. (2007). Oligo-and Polysaccharides from Cousinia umbrosa. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 43(3), 308-309.
  • Wu, S., Zorn, H., Krings, U., Berger, R.G. (2005). Characteristic volatiles from young and aged fruiting bodies of wild Polyporus sulfureus (Bull.:Fr.) Fr. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53, 4524-4528.
  • Yaşar, A., Üçüncü, O., Güleç, C., İnceer, H., Ayaz, S., Yaylı, N. (2005). GC-MS analysis of chloroform extracts in flowers, stems, and roots of Tripleurospermum callosum. Pharmaceutical Biology, 43(2), 108-112.
  • Youn, K., Kim, J.Y., Yeo, H., Yun, E.Y., Hwang, J.S., Jun, M. (2012). Fatty acid and volatile oil compositions of Allomyrina dichotoma larvae. Preventive Nutrition and Food Science, 17, 310-314. .
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Mehmet Tekin This is me

Gülmira Özek This is me

Esra Martin This is me

Temel Özek This is me

Gülden Yılmaz This is me

Kemal Hüsnü Can Başer This is me

Publication Date August 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


APA Tekin, M., Özek, G., Martin, E., Özek, T., et al. (2018). Essential oil characterization of Cousinia sivasica Hub.-Mor. Asteraceae. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 11(2), 16-21.

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