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Application of water quality index method for assessing the surface water quality status of Mert Stream in Turkey

Year 2018, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 115 - 121, 15.12.2018


In this study, the water quality data obtained from 6 sampling stations between July 2011 and June 2012 monitoring period at Mert stream was evaluated. In order to assess the present water quality of Mert stream, different WQI approach modified WQImin was applied to a data set expressly collected for the present study. The mean WQI value of the stream is 81.9, which lies on the mid water classification region, so the water is considered at fair quality. The resulted WQI shows that 91.6, 92.5, 74.3, 91.6, 75.2 and 62.5 for sites St1, St2, St3, St4, St5 and St6 respectively. Among stations, there was significant variations in water quality index from poor quality to good quality that St5 and St6 in urban part and St3 in rural part of the stream are under the pressure of pollution. While the reason of the low water quality in 5th and 6th stations is based on domestic and industrial wastes, the reason of poorness in 3th station arises from poultry farm wastes poured intensely from chicken farms near the station into the stream in Kavak district. The most effective water quality parameters are pH, electrical conductivity EC and total suspended solids TSS on the determination of WQI for the present study


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  • APHA (American Public Health Association), (1995). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 19th Ed., Washington DC, USA.
  • Bektaş, S. (2016). Investigations on The Algal Flora of Samsun Mert Stream [Master’s Thesis]. Ondokuz Mayıs University, 85 p. [in Turkish]
  • Bordalo, A. A., Nilsumranchit, W., Chalermwat, K. (2001). Water quality and uses of the Bangpakong River (Eastern Thailand). Water Research, 35, 3635‒3642. doi:10.1016/ S0043-1354(01)00079-3
  • Çiçek, N. L., Ertan, Ö. O., Erdoğan, Ö., Didinen, H., Boyacı Y. Ö., Kara D., Zeybek M., Diken G. (2017). Distribution of phytoplankton and its relationship with physicochemical parameters in Lake Eğirdir (Isparta/Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation, 10 (3), 150-162. [in Turkish]
  • Dixon, W., Chiswell, B. (1996). Review of aquatic monitoring program design. Water Research, 30, 1935-1948. doi:10.1016/0043-1354(96)00087-5.
  • Fent, K. (2004). Ecotoxicological effects at contaminated sites. Toxicology, 205, 223-240. doi:10.1016/j.tox.2004.06.060
  • Qadir, A., Malik, R. N., Husain, S. Z. (2007). Spatio-temporal variations in water quality of Nullah Aik-tributary of the river doi:10.1007/s1066100798464 · Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 140 (1-3), 43-59.
  • Quilbe, R., Rousseau, A. N., Duchemin, M., Paulin, A., Gangbazo, G., Villeneuve, J. P. (2006). Selecting a calculation method to estimate sediment and nutrient loads in streams: Application to the Beaurivage River (Quebec, Canada). Journal of Hydrology, 326 (1-4), 295-310. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2005.11.008
  • Said, A., Stevens, D. K., Sehlke, G. (2004). An innovative index for evaluating water quality in streams. Environmental Management, 34(3), 406-414.
  • Shrestha, S., Kazama, F. (2007). Assessment of surface water quality using multivariate statistical techniques: A case study of the Fuji river basin, Japan. Environmental Modelling and Software, 22 (4), 464-475. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2006.02.001.
  • Simeonov, V., Stratis, J. A., Samara, C., Zachariadis, G., Voutsa, D., Anthemidis, A. (2003). Assessment of the surface water quality in Northern Greece. Water Research, 37, 4119-4124. doi:10.1016/S0043-1354(03)00398-1
  • Singh, K. P., Malik, A., Mohan, D., Sinha, S. (2004). Multivariate statistical techniques for the evaluation of spatial and temporal variations in water quality of Gomti River (India): A case study. Water Research, 38, 3980-3992. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2004. 06.011.

Türkiye’deki Mert Irmağı’nın Yüzey Suyu Kalitesini Değerlendirmek için Su Kalite İndeksi Metodunun Uygulanması

Year 2018, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 115 - 121, 15.12.2018


Bu çalışmada, Mert Irmağı’ndaki 6 istasyondan Temmuz 2011 ve Haziran 2012 tarihleri arasında yapılan izleme çalışmasından elde edilen su kalitesi bilgileri değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Mert ırmağının mevcut su kalitesini değerlendirmek için toplanan verilere farklı bir WQI yöntemi modifiye WQImin uygulanmıştır. Hesaplanan ortalama WQI değeri 81.9 olup bu değer su sınıflandırma açısından orta-kaliteye karşılık gelmekte ve buda ırmak suyu için çokta kötü olmayan bir kalitede olduğunu göstermektedir. İst1, İst2, İst3, İst4, İst5 ve İst6 için ölçülen WQI değerleri sırasıyla 91.6, 92.5, 74.3, 91.6, 75.2 ve 62.5’dır. İstasyonlar arasındaki su kalite indeksi değerlerinde, düşük kaliteden iyi su kalitesine kadar çeşitlenme vardır. Buna göre ırmağın şehir bölümünde kalan 5. ve 6. istasyonları ile ırmağın kırsal kesiminde kalan 3. istasyonları kirlilik baskısı altındadır. 5. ve 6. istasyonlarda ırmak suyundaki düşük su kalitesinin nedeni evsel ve endüstriyel atıklar olmasına karşın 3. istasyondaki kalite düşüklüğünün nedeni, Kavak ilçesinde istasyonun yakınında bulunan tavuk çiftliklerinden ırmağa dökülen atıklardan kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada su kalite indeksini WQI belirlemede en etkili su kalitesi parametreleri pH, elektriksel iletkenlik ve toplam askıda katı madde olmuştur


  • Akkoyunlu, A., Akiner, M. E. (2012). Pollution evaluation in streams using water quality indices: A case study from Turkey’s Sapanca Lake Basin. Ecological Indicators, 18, 501-511. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.12.018
  • APHA (American Public Health Association), (1995). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 19th Ed., Washington DC, USA.
  • Bektaş, S. (2016). Investigations on The Algal Flora of Samsun Mert Stream [Master’s Thesis]. Ondokuz Mayıs University, 85 p. [in Turkish]
  • Bordalo, A. A., Nilsumranchit, W., Chalermwat, K. (2001). Water quality and uses of the Bangpakong River (Eastern Thailand). Water Research, 35, 3635‒3642. doi:10.1016/ S0043-1354(01)00079-3
  • Çiçek, N. L., Ertan, Ö. O., Erdoğan, Ö., Didinen, H., Boyacı Y. Ö., Kara D., Zeybek M., Diken G. (2017). Distribution of phytoplankton and its relationship with physicochemical parameters in Lake Eğirdir (Isparta/Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation, 10 (3), 150-162. [in Turkish]
  • Dixon, W., Chiswell, B. (1996). Review of aquatic monitoring program design. Water Research, 30, 1935-1948. doi:10.1016/0043-1354(96)00087-5.
  • Fent, K. (2004). Ecotoxicological effects at contaminated sites. Toxicology, 205, 223-240. doi:10.1016/j.tox.2004.06.060
  • Qadir, A., Malik, R. N., Husain, S. Z. (2007). Spatio-temporal variations in water quality of Nullah Aik-tributary of the river doi:10.1007/s1066100798464 · Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 140 (1-3), 43-59.
  • Quilbe, R., Rousseau, A. N., Duchemin, M., Paulin, A., Gangbazo, G., Villeneuve, J. P. (2006). Selecting a calculation method to estimate sediment and nutrient loads in streams: Application to the Beaurivage River (Quebec, Canada). Journal of Hydrology, 326 (1-4), 295-310. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2005.11.008
  • Said, A., Stevens, D. K., Sehlke, G. (2004). An innovative index for evaluating water quality in streams. Environmental Management, 34(3), 406-414.
  • Shrestha, S., Kazama, F. (2007). Assessment of surface water quality using multivariate statistical techniques: A case study of the Fuji river basin, Japan. Environmental Modelling and Software, 22 (4), 464-475. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2006.02.001.
  • Simeonov, V., Stratis, J. A., Samara, C., Zachariadis, G., Voutsa, D., Anthemidis, A. (2003). Assessment of the surface water quality in Northern Greece. Water Research, 37, 4119-4124. doi:10.1016/S0043-1354(03)00398-1
  • Singh, K. P., Malik, A., Mohan, D., Sinha, S. (2004). Multivariate statistical techniques for the evaluation of spatial and temporal variations in water quality of Gomti River (India): A case study. Water Research, 38, 3980-3992. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2004. 06.011.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Faruk Maraşlıoğlu

Arif Gönülol This is me

Serdar Bektaş This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 11 Issue: 3


APA Maraşlıoğlu, F., Gönülol, A., & Bektaş, S. (2018). Application of water quality index method for assessing the surface water quality status of Mert Stream in Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 11(3), 115-121.

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