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Traditional uses of medicinal plants and animals of Hatila Valley National Park, Artvin/Turkey

Year 2017, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 33 - 42, 15.04.2017


This study was carried out between 2016 and 2017 to investigate and determine ethnobotanical and ethnozoological utilization of the plant and animal species, including traditional names, uses and preparations, used by the local people living in the Hatila Valley National Park, Artvin, Turkey. Direct interviews of 62 informants were done to define uses and preparations of native medicinal plants and animals. All datas were surveyed with the factor the informant consensus FIC , fidelity level FL and use value UV . As a result of study, %57 of interviewed people use plants or animals as a medicine was determined. We encountered 37 plant species belonging to 22 families and 36 genus utilized by the local people, and 6 animal species for medicinal purposes 1 plant and 2 animals were found to have no literature records. It has been determined for the first time that 11 of the them have an allergic reaction. Lamiaceae, Rosaceae, Asteraceae and Plantaginaceae were the primary families that included medicinally important plant taxa. Bear, calf, goat and bee were the main animals using for medicinal purpose and generally using for bone and skin health. Hormonal Disorders, Respiratoryotic, gastrointestinal and dermatological diseases were the primary categories that were classified as perfactor informant consensus Fic . This study reveal that this enormous richness of medicinal plants and animals played an important role in the health care of the local people in Hatila Valley National Park


  • Alonso-Castro, A.J., Domínguez, F., Maldonado-Miranda, J.J., Castillo-Pérez, L.J., Carranza-Álvarez, C., Solano, E., Isiordia- Espinoza, M.A., del Carmen Juárez-Vázquez, M., Zapata-Morales, J.R., Argueta-Fuertes, M.A., Ruiz-Padilla, A.J., Solorio- Alvarado, C.R., Rangel-Velázquez, J.E., Ortiz-Andrade, R., González-Sánchez, I., Cruz-Jiménez, G., Orozco-Castellanos, L.M. (2017). Use of medicinal plants by health professionals in Mexico. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 198: 81-86.
  • Alves, R.R.N., Rosa, I.L.(2005). Why study the use of animal products in traditional medicines?. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 1, 5.
  • Andrade-Cetto, A. (2009). Ethnobotanical study of the medicinal plants from Tlanchinol, Hidalgo, Mexico. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 122, 163–171.
  • Arıtuluk, Z.., Ezer, N. (2012). Halk Arasında Diyabete Karşı Kullanılan Bitkiler (Türkiye)-II. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi, 32, 179–208.
  • Aziz, M.A., Khan, A.H., Adnan, M., Izatullah, I. (2017). Traditional uses of medicinal plants reported by the indigenous communities and local herbal practitioners of Bajaur Agency, Federally Administrated Tribal Areas, Pakistan. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 23:198,268-281.
  • Barros, F.B., Varela, S.A., Pereira, H.M., Vicente, L. (2012). Medicinal use of fauna by a traditional community in the Brazilian Amazonia. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 8,1-37.
  • Carović-Stanko, K., Petek, M., Grdiša, M., Pintar, J., Bedeković, D., Ćustić, M.H., Satovic, Z. (2016). Medicinal plants of the family lamiaceae as functional foods-A review. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 34, 377-390.
  • Chetia, J., Upadhyaya, S., Bora, D. (2014). Screening of phytochemicals, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of some tea garden weeds. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. 26(1), 193-196.
  • Chiarini, A., Micucci, M., Malaguti, M., Budriesi, R., Ioan, P., Lenzi, M., Fimognari, C., Gallina Toschi, T., Comandini, P., Hrelia, S. (2013). Sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) bark extract: Cardiovascular activity and myocyte protection against oxidative damage. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. doi:10.1155/2013/471790
  • Chivian, E. (1997). Global environmental degradation and biodiversity loss: implications for human health, in: Grifo F, R.J. (Ed.), Biodiversity and Human Health. Washington DC, 7–38.
  • Eminagaoglu, Ö. (2005). Şavşat (Artvin) Yöresinin Tıbbi ve Ekonomik Bitkileri. İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 55, 87–111.
  • Eminagaoglu, Ö., Anşin, R.(2003). The Flora of Hatila Valley National Park and its Close Environs (Artvin). Turkish Journal of Botany, 27, 1–27.
  • Eminağaoğlu, Ö. (2015). Artvin’in Doğal Bitkileri (Native Plants of Artvin). ISBN:978-605-030-854-9, İstanbul: Promat, 456 p.
  • Eminağaoğlu Ö. (2012). Artvin’de Doğa Mirası, Camili’nin Doğal Bitkileri, ISBN:978-605-359-936-4, İstanbul: Promat, 376 p.
  • Ezer, N., Arisan, M. (2006). Folk medicines in Merzifon (Amasya, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany, 30. 223-230.
  • Friedman, J., Yaniv, Z., Dafni, A., Palewitch, D. (1986). A preliminary classification of the healing potential of medicinal plants, based on a rational analysis of an ethnopharmacological field survey among Bedouins in the Negev desert, Israel. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 16, 275–287.
  • Gokturk, T., Bucak, F., Artvinli, T. (2011). Mammalian fauna of Artvin. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6, 1418–1425.
  • Güner, Ö., Selvi, S. (2016). Wild medicinal plants sold in Balıkesir/Turkey herbal markets and their using properies. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 9(2), 96-101.
  • Hakim, G.., Chishti, N.., (1988). The Traditional Healer’s Handbook. Healing Art Press, Vermont.
  • Hamilton, A. (2003). Medicinal Plants and Conservation: Issues and Approaches. UK.
  • Heinrich, M., Ankli, A., Frei, B., Weimann, C., Sticher, O. (1998). Medicinal plants in Mexico: Healers’ consensus and cultural importance. Social Science & Medicine, 47, 1859–1871.
  • Ivanova, D., Gerova, D., Chervenkov, T., Yankova, T. (2005). Polyphenols and antioxidant capacity of Bulgarian medicinal plants. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 4:96, 145-150.
  • Jones, V. (1941). The nature and scope of Ethnobotany. Chronica Botanica, 6, 219–221.
  • Korkmaz, M., Alpaslan, Z. (2014). Ergan Dağı (Erzincan-Türkiye)’nın etnobotanik özellikleri. Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi, 1, 1–31.
  • Kökçü, B., Esen, O., Uysal, I. (2015). Medicinal plants sold in Çanakkale /Turkey city center herbalists. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 8(3), 80-91.
  • Länger, R. (2012). Assessment report on Primula veris L. and/or Primula elatior (L.) Hill, floş. European Medicines Agency.
  • Lev, E. (2003). Traditional healing with animals (zootherapy): Medieval to present-day Levantine practice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 85, 107–118.
  • Melikoğlu, G., Kurtoğlu, S., Kültür, Ş. (2015). Türkiye’de Astım Tedavisinde Geleneksel Olarak Kullanılan Bitkiler. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, 19, 1–11.
  • O’Hara-May, J. (1971). Foods or medicines? A study in the relationship between foodstuffs and materia medica from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. British Society for the History of Pharmacy, 1, 61–97.
  • Ozturk, M., Uysal, I., Gucel, S., Altundag, E., Dogan, Y., Baslar, S. (2013). Medicinal Uses of Natural Dye - Yielding Plants in Turkey. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel information, 17(2), 69-80.
  • Rainer W, B., Narel Y, P.Z., Shalva, S., Zaal, K., David, K. (2016). Medicinal and Food Plants of Svaneti and Lechkhumi, Sakartvelo (Republic of Georgia), Caucasus. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 5,266. doi:10.4172/2167-0412.1000266.
  • Romeu, R., Alves, N., Santana, G.., I.L, R. (2013). The role of Animal- Derived Remedies as Complementary Medicine in Brazil, in: Animals in Traditional Folk Medicine Implications for Conservation. Springher.
  • Satil, F., Kaya, A. (2007). Leaf anatomy and hairs of Turkish Satureja L. (Lamiaceae). Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica, 49(1), 67-76.
  • Sezik, E., Yesilada, E., Shadidoyatov, H., Kulivey, Z., Nigmatullaev, A.M., Aripov, H.N., Takaishi, Y., Takeda, Y., Honda, G. (2004). Folk medicine in Uzbekistan: I. Toshkent, Djizzax, and Samarqand provinces. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 92, 197- 207.
  • Sokołowska-Krzaczek, A., Szewczyk, K., Bawół, Z. (2009). Determination of free and bound phenolic acids in leaves and fruits of Pyracantha coccinea (L.) Roem. (Rosaceae). Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sect. DDD Pharmacology, 22, 107-112.
  • Trotter, R., Logan, M. (1986). Informant consensus : a new approach for identifying potentially effective medicinal plants. Ed. Bedfore Hills, New York.
  • Ullah, S., Khan, M.R., Shah, N.A., Shah, S.A., Majid, M., Farooq, M.A. (2014). Ethnomedicinal plant use value in the Lakki Marwat District of Pakistan. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 158, 412-422.
  • Vahabi, L., Monajemi, R., Shahanipour, K., Moridnia, A., Mortazavifar, F. (2014). Studying the Cytotoxic Effect of Methanolic Extract of Pyracantha coccinea M. Roemer Fruit on HeLa cell Line and Antioxidant Capacities and Total Phenol Contents of Methanolic and Aquatic Extract of this Fruit. Pharmacology and Life Sciences, 3, 206–209.
  • World Health Organization. (2009). WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants - Folium Rosmarini [WWW Document]. (Date of access: 26.06.2017).
  • Yildiz, M., Bozcuk, H., Tokgun, O., Karagur, E.R., Akyurt, O., Akca, H. (2013). Cyclamen exerts cytotoxicity in solid tumor cell lines: A step toward new anticancer agents?. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14, 5911–5913.

Hatila Vadisi Milli Parkı Tıbbi Bitki ve Hayvanlarının Geleneksel Kullanımı

Year 2017, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 33 - 42, 15.04.2017


Bu çalışma 2016 ve 2017 yılları arasında Artvin ili Hatila Vadisi Milli Parkı ve çevresinde yaşayan yerel halk tarafından kullanılan bitki ve hayvan türlerinin geleneksel isimleri, hazırlanması ve kullanımları da dahil olmak üzere etnobotanik ve etnozoolojik kullanımını incelemek ve belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirildi. Yerli tıbbi bitki ve hayvanların kullanımlarını ve hazırlanma aşamalarını belirlemek için 62 kişiyle doğrudan görüşme yapıldı. Veriler, bilgilendirici konsensüs FIC , geçerlik düzeyi FL ve kullanım değeri UV faktörü ile analiz edildi. Çalışma sonucunda, görüşülen kişilerin % 57'sinin bitki veya hayvanları ilaç olarak kullandıkları belirlendi. Yöre halkı tarafından kullanılan 22 familyaya, 36 cinse ait 37 bitki türünün ve 6 hayvan türünün tıbbi amaçla kullanıldığı gözlendi. 1 bitki ve 2 hayvan türünün literatür kayıtları bulunmadığı tespit edildi. Çalışılan örneklerden 11 tanesinin alerjik reaksiyon gösterdiği ilk defa belirlendi. Tıbbi açıdan tespit edilen önemli bitki familyaları Lamiaceae, Rosaceae Asteraceae ve Plantaginaceae. Tıbbi amaçlı olup, genellikle kemik ve cilt sağlığı için kullanılan ana hayvanlar ayı, buzağı, keçi ve arı türleriydi. Hormonal Bozukluklar, Solunum sıkıntısı, gastrointestinal hastalıklar ve dermatolojik hastalıklar bilgilendirici konsensüs Fic analizlerinde ana kategoriler olarak sınıflandırılmışlardır. Mevcut çalışmanın sonuçları, çalışma bölgesindeki bu muazzam bitki ve hayvan zenginliklerinin yerel halkın sağlığı bakımından önemli bir rol oynadığını ortaya koymaktadır


  • Alonso-Castro, A.J., Domínguez, F., Maldonado-Miranda, J.J., Castillo-Pérez, L.J., Carranza-Álvarez, C., Solano, E., Isiordia- Espinoza, M.A., del Carmen Juárez-Vázquez, M., Zapata-Morales, J.R., Argueta-Fuertes, M.A., Ruiz-Padilla, A.J., Solorio- Alvarado, C.R., Rangel-Velázquez, J.E., Ortiz-Andrade, R., González-Sánchez, I., Cruz-Jiménez, G., Orozco-Castellanos, L.M. (2017). Use of medicinal plants by health professionals in Mexico. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 198: 81-86.
  • Alves, R.R.N., Rosa, I.L.(2005). Why study the use of animal products in traditional medicines?. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 1, 5.
  • Andrade-Cetto, A. (2009). Ethnobotanical study of the medicinal plants from Tlanchinol, Hidalgo, Mexico. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 122, 163–171.
  • Arıtuluk, Z.., Ezer, N. (2012). Halk Arasında Diyabete Karşı Kullanılan Bitkiler (Türkiye)-II. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi, 32, 179–208.
  • Aziz, M.A., Khan, A.H., Adnan, M., Izatullah, I. (2017). Traditional uses of medicinal plants reported by the indigenous communities and local herbal practitioners of Bajaur Agency, Federally Administrated Tribal Areas, Pakistan. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 23:198,268-281.
  • Barros, F.B., Varela, S.A., Pereira, H.M., Vicente, L. (2012). Medicinal use of fauna by a traditional community in the Brazilian Amazonia. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 8,1-37.
  • Carović-Stanko, K., Petek, M., Grdiša, M., Pintar, J., Bedeković, D., Ćustić, M.H., Satovic, Z. (2016). Medicinal plants of the family lamiaceae as functional foods-A review. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 34, 377-390.
  • Chetia, J., Upadhyaya, S., Bora, D. (2014). Screening of phytochemicals, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of some tea garden weeds. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. 26(1), 193-196.
  • Chiarini, A., Micucci, M., Malaguti, M., Budriesi, R., Ioan, P., Lenzi, M., Fimognari, C., Gallina Toschi, T., Comandini, P., Hrelia, S. (2013). Sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) bark extract: Cardiovascular activity and myocyte protection against oxidative damage. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. doi:10.1155/2013/471790
  • Chivian, E. (1997). Global environmental degradation and biodiversity loss: implications for human health, in: Grifo F, R.J. (Ed.), Biodiversity and Human Health. Washington DC, 7–38.
  • Eminagaoglu, Ö. (2005). Şavşat (Artvin) Yöresinin Tıbbi ve Ekonomik Bitkileri. İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 55, 87–111.
  • Eminagaoglu, Ö., Anşin, R.(2003). The Flora of Hatila Valley National Park and its Close Environs (Artvin). Turkish Journal of Botany, 27, 1–27.
  • Eminağaoğlu, Ö. (2015). Artvin’in Doğal Bitkileri (Native Plants of Artvin). ISBN:978-605-030-854-9, İstanbul: Promat, 456 p.
  • Eminağaoğlu Ö. (2012). Artvin’de Doğa Mirası, Camili’nin Doğal Bitkileri, ISBN:978-605-359-936-4, İstanbul: Promat, 376 p.
  • Ezer, N., Arisan, M. (2006). Folk medicines in Merzifon (Amasya, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany, 30. 223-230.
  • Friedman, J., Yaniv, Z., Dafni, A., Palewitch, D. (1986). A preliminary classification of the healing potential of medicinal plants, based on a rational analysis of an ethnopharmacological field survey among Bedouins in the Negev desert, Israel. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 16, 275–287.
  • Gokturk, T., Bucak, F., Artvinli, T. (2011). Mammalian fauna of Artvin. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6, 1418–1425.
  • Güner, Ö., Selvi, S. (2016). Wild medicinal plants sold in Balıkesir/Turkey herbal markets and their using properies. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 9(2), 96-101.
  • Hakim, G.., Chishti, N.., (1988). The Traditional Healer’s Handbook. Healing Art Press, Vermont.
  • Hamilton, A. (2003). Medicinal Plants and Conservation: Issues and Approaches. UK.
  • Heinrich, M., Ankli, A., Frei, B., Weimann, C., Sticher, O. (1998). Medicinal plants in Mexico: Healers’ consensus and cultural importance. Social Science & Medicine, 47, 1859–1871.
  • Ivanova, D., Gerova, D., Chervenkov, T., Yankova, T. (2005). Polyphenols and antioxidant capacity of Bulgarian medicinal plants. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 4:96, 145-150.
  • Jones, V. (1941). The nature and scope of Ethnobotany. Chronica Botanica, 6, 219–221.
  • Korkmaz, M., Alpaslan, Z. (2014). Ergan Dağı (Erzincan-Türkiye)’nın etnobotanik özellikleri. Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi, 1, 1–31.
  • Kökçü, B., Esen, O., Uysal, I. (2015). Medicinal plants sold in Çanakkale /Turkey city center herbalists. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 8(3), 80-91.
  • Länger, R. (2012). Assessment report on Primula veris L. and/or Primula elatior (L.) Hill, floş. European Medicines Agency.
  • Lev, E. (2003). Traditional healing with animals (zootherapy): Medieval to present-day Levantine practice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 85, 107–118.
  • Melikoğlu, G., Kurtoğlu, S., Kültür, Ş. (2015). Türkiye’de Astım Tedavisinde Geleneksel Olarak Kullanılan Bitkiler. Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, 19, 1–11.
  • O’Hara-May, J. (1971). Foods or medicines? A study in the relationship between foodstuffs and materia medica from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. British Society for the History of Pharmacy, 1, 61–97.
  • Ozturk, M., Uysal, I., Gucel, S., Altundag, E., Dogan, Y., Baslar, S. (2013). Medicinal Uses of Natural Dye - Yielding Plants in Turkey. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel information, 17(2), 69-80.
  • Rainer W, B., Narel Y, P.Z., Shalva, S., Zaal, K., David, K. (2016). Medicinal and Food Plants of Svaneti and Lechkhumi, Sakartvelo (Republic of Georgia), Caucasus. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 5,266. doi:10.4172/2167-0412.1000266.
  • Romeu, R., Alves, N., Santana, G.., I.L, R. (2013). The role of Animal- Derived Remedies as Complementary Medicine in Brazil, in: Animals in Traditional Folk Medicine Implications for Conservation. Springher.
  • Satil, F., Kaya, A. (2007). Leaf anatomy and hairs of Turkish Satureja L. (Lamiaceae). Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica, 49(1), 67-76.
  • Sezik, E., Yesilada, E., Shadidoyatov, H., Kulivey, Z., Nigmatullaev, A.M., Aripov, H.N., Takaishi, Y., Takeda, Y., Honda, G. (2004). Folk medicine in Uzbekistan: I. Toshkent, Djizzax, and Samarqand provinces. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 92, 197- 207.
  • Sokołowska-Krzaczek, A., Szewczyk, K., Bawół, Z. (2009). Determination of free and bound phenolic acids in leaves and fruits of Pyracantha coccinea (L.) Roem. (Rosaceae). Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sect. DDD Pharmacology, 22, 107-112.
  • Trotter, R., Logan, M. (1986). Informant consensus : a new approach for identifying potentially effective medicinal plants. Ed. Bedfore Hills, New York.
  • Ullah, S., Khan, M.R., Shah, N.A., Shah, S.A., Majid, M., Farooq, M.A. (2014). Ethnomedicinal plant use value in the Lakki Marwat District of Pakistan. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 158, 412-422.
  • Vahabi, L., Monajemi, R., Shahanipour, K., Moridnia, A., Mortazavifar, F. (2014). Studying the Cytotoxic Effect of Methanolic Extract of Pyracantha coccinea M. Roemer Fruit on HeLa cell Line and Antioxidant Capacities and Total Phenol Contents of Methanolic and Aquatic Extract of this Fruit. Pharmacology and Life Sciences, 3, 206–209.
  • World Health Organization. (2009). WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants - Folium Rosmarini [WWW Document]. (Date of access: 26.06.2017).
  • Yildiz, M., Bozcuk, H., Tokgun, O., Karagur, E.R., Akyurt, O., Akca, H. (2013). Cyclamen exerts cytotoxicity in solid tumor cell lines: A step toward new anticancer agents?. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 14, 5911–5913.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Özgür Eminağaoğlu

Temel Göktürk This is me

Hayal Akyıldırım Beğen This is me

Publication Date April 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


APA Eminağaoğlu, Ö., Göktürk, T., & Akyıldırım Beğen, H. (2017). Hatila Vadisi Milli Parkı Tıbbi Bitki ve Hayvanlarının Geleneksel Kullanımı. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 10(3), 33-42.

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