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Determining of performances on different characteristics in Safflower Carthamus tinctorius genotypes under organic and conventional production systems

Year 2016, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 172 - 181, 15.04.2016


All over the world, organic farming has begun to attract attention in recent years. There is an increasing demand for crop cultivars specifically adapted for this system of cultivation. The main objective of this study was to determine the performance, stability of different safflower Carthamus tinctorius L. cultivars to reveal heritability of yield components under conventional and organic farming conditions. Yield components including seed and oil yield were significantly responded to variability in varieties and environmental conditions. Shifa, TAEK and Remzibey in seed yield; TAEK and Shifa in oil content; and Remzibey and Shifa in oil yield seemed to be high yielding and stabile varieties. Yenice was determined as low yielding and instable variety. High heritability in number of branch, 1000 seed weight, oil content, oleic acid content and linoleic acid content assigned that these characters are mostly formed by genotypic performance, whereas having low heritability, plant height, seed yield and oil yield were determined as under genotype x environment interaction


  • Abdolrahmani, B., 2005. Effect of plant density on grain and oil yield of safflower cv Arak 2811 in dryland conditions. Seed Plant 20: 417-428.
  • Arioglu, H.H., Kolsarici, Ö., Göksu, A.T., Güllüoglu, L., Arslan, M., Çaliskan, S., Sögüt, T., Kurt, C. and Arslanoglu, F., 2010. Possibilities to Increase Oil Production. Turkey Agricultural Engineers Association VII. Pub. of Technique Congress I: 361-377. Ankara
  • Bergman, J.W., Flynn, C.R., Kott, R.W., Hatfield, P.G., Van Wagoner, H., Boles, J.A., 2001. Feedlot performance, carcass composition and muscle and fat conjugated linoleic acid concentrations of lambs fed diets supplemented with high linoleic safflower. In: Bergman JW, Mundel HH (eds). Proceedings of the fifth international safflower conference, Williston, ND, Sidney, MO, USA.
  • Beyyavas, V., Haliloglu, H., Copur, O., Yilmaz, A., 2011. Determination of seed yield and yield components of some safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars, lines and populations under the semi-arid conditions. Afr. J. Biotech. 10:527-534.
  • Camaş, N., Esendal, E., 2006. Estimates of broad-sense heritability for seed yield and yield components of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Hereditas. Dec; 143:55-7.
  • Camas, N., Cirak, C., Esendal, E., 2007. Seed yield, oil content and fatty acids composition of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) grown in Northern Turkey conditions. J. Fac. Agric. O.M.U. 22: 98-104.
  • Chauhan, M.P. and Singh, I.S., 1998. Genetic variability, heritability and expected genetic advance for seed yield and other quantitative characters over two years in lentil. LENS News. 25(1/2): 3-6.
  • Christos, A., Dordas, C.A., Sioulas, C., 2008. Safflower yield, Chlorophyll content, photosynthesis, and water use efficiency response to nitrogen fertilization under rainfed conditions. Industrial Crops and Products. 27: 75-85.
  • Comstock, R.E. and Moll, R.H., 1963. Genotype x environment interactions. In: Statistical Genetics and Plant Breeding, p.164-196, NAS-NRC Publ. 982.
  • Dajue, L., Mundel, H.H., 1996. Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). IPGRI, Italy.
  • Dajue, L., 1993. Progress of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) research and production in China. In: Third International Safflower Conference, pp 35-46.Beijing, China.
  • Elfadl, E., Reinbrecht, C., Claupein, W., 2010. Development of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) calibration model for estimation of oil content in a worldwide Safflower germplasm collection. International Journal of Plant Production, 4(4): 259- 270.
  • Er, C. and D. Başalma. 2008. Developments in Organic Agriculture. Nobel Pub. No: 1354, Ankara.
  • Geçit, H.H., Çiftçi, Y.C., Emeklier, Y., Kincikaraya, S., Adak, M.S., Kolsarici, Ö., Ekiz, H., Altunok, S., Sancak, C., Sevimay, C.S. and Kendir, H., 2009. Field Crops. Ankara University Faculty of Agric., Pub. No: 1569, Text Book: 521, Ankara.
  • Ghamarnia, H. and Sepehri, S., 2010. Different irrigation regimes affected water use, yield and other yield components of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) crop in a semi-arid region of Iran. J. Food Agric. Environ. 8: 590-593.
  • Golkar P., Arzani A., Rezaei A. M. 2011. Genetic Analysis of Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition in Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 88: 975-982.
  • Gruber, S., Pekrun, C. and Claupein, W., 2004. Seed persistence of oilseed rape: variation in transgenic and conventionally bred cultivars. Journal of Agricultural Science 142: 29-40.
  • Hamdan, Y.A.S., Pérez-Vich, B., Velasco, L., Fernández-Martínez, J.M., 2009. Inheritance of high oleic acid content in safflower. Euphytica, 168(1): 61-69.
  • Hang, A.N. and Evans, D.W., 1985. Deficit sprinkler irrigation of sunflower and safflower. Agron. J. 77: 588-592.
  • Hu, Z.L., 1987. Genetic anlysis on several quality traits in rapeseed (Brassica napus L). Oil Crop China, 1: 19-22.
  • İlbaş, A.İ., 2009. Organic Farming. Principles and National Legislation. Eflatun Pub., Ankara.
  • Kacar, V. and Katkat, V., 2009. Fertilizers and Fertilization Techniques. Pub. of Nobel Science and Research Center; 46. Ankara. Kafka, S.R., Kearney, T.M., Knowles, P.D. and Miller, M.D., Safflower Production in California. htm (10.01.2007).
  • Kara, N. 2014. Yield and Mineral Nutrition Content of Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench): The Effect of Harvest Times. SDÜ Journal of Agric. Fac., 9/1: 85-94.
  • Kizil, S., Tonçer, Ö. and Sögüt, T. 1999. The effect of seed rows on yield and yield components in Safflower Carthamus tinctorius L.) in Diyarbakır climatic conditions. Turkey 3th Field Crop Congress, 15-18 November, Adana.
  • Lovelli, S., Perniola, M., Ferrara, A. and Di Tommaso T., 2007. Yield response factor to water (Ky) and water use efficiency of Carthamus tinctorius L. and Solanum melongena L. Agric Water Manage. 92: 73-80.
  • Majidi, M.M., Tavakoli, V., Mirlohi, A.and Sabzalian, M.R., 2011. Wild safflower species (Carthamus oxyacanthus Bieb.): A possible source of drought tolerance for arid environments. Aust. J. Crop Sci., 5: 1055-1063.
  • Malleshappa, S.M., Hiremath, I. and Ravikumar, R.I., 2003. Negative associations between important quantitative traits in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Sesame Safflower Newsletter, 18: 80-83.
  • Manju, P.R. and Sreelathakumary, I., 2002. Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in hot chilli (Capsicum chinense Jacq.). J. Trop. Agric., 40: 4-6.
  • Morteza, A.S., 2013. Study on replacement probability of composted organic manure with chemical fertilizer in Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L) organic farming. International J. f Agric. Crop Sci., 6(199): 1304-1311.
  • Mündel, H.H., Morrison, R.J., Blackshaw, R.E. and Roth, B., 2004. Safflower production on the Canadian prairies. Agricultural Research Stations. Lethbridge, Canada.
  • Nabipour, M., Meskarbashee, M. and Yousefpour, Y., 2007. The effect of water deficit on yield and yield components of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Pak. J. Biol. Sci. 10:421-426.
  • Nie, Z., Shi, X.C., Chen, F.T. and Wang, Y., 1987. Hereditary capacity, progress and correlation of major agro-characters of safflower. Chinese Oil Crops, 2: 18-22.
  • Omidi, A.H., Khazaei, H., Monneveux, P. and Stoddard, F., 2012. Effect of cultıvar and water regıme on yıeld and yıeld components ın safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Turkish J. Field Crops, 17/1/: 10-15.
  • Ozturk, E., Ozer, H. and Polat, T., 2008. Growth and yield of safflower genotypes grown under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions in a highland environment. Plant Soil Environ., 54: 453-460.
  • Pai, R. and Kumar, P., 1991. Estimates of gene effects of oil content under normal and late sowing in mustard (Brassica juncea). Indian J. Agron. Sci., 61: 918-921.
  • Pireivatlou, A.S., Masjedlou, B.D. and Aliyev, R.T., 2010. Evaluation of yield potential and stress adaptive trait in wheat genotypes under post anthesis drought stress conditions. African J. of Agricult. Res., 5: 2829-2836.
  • Şahin, M., Akçacik, A. and Aydoğan, S., 2011. The relationship between grain yield and quality characteristics of some bread wheat genotypes and stability potential, Anadolu, J. of AARI, 21/2: 39-48.
  • Sandhu, T.S., Gumber, R.K., Bhatia, R.S. and Singh, K., 1988. Evaluation of disease resistant lines of chickpea. Indian J.Pulses Res., 1/2: 159-161.
  • Schuler, S.F., Bacon, R.K., Finney, P.L. and Gbur, E.E., 1995. Relationship of test weight and kernel properties to milling and baking quality in soft red winter wheat. Crop Sci., 35: 949-953.
  • Singh, V., 2004. Annual Report of Ad Hoc Project on “Biometrical Investigations of Flower Yield and Its Components and Their Maximization in Safflower.” Submitted to ICAR, New Delhi.
  • Singh, V., 2005b. Final Report of Ad Hoc Project on “Identification of Early Plant Growth Male Sterility Marker in Existing GMS Systems and Search for Cytoplasmic Genetic Source of Sterility in Safflower.” Submitted to ICAR, New Delhi, 61 pp.
  • Tonguç, M. and Erbaş, S., 2012. Evaluation of fatty acid compositions and some seed characters of common wild plant species of Turkey. Turk J. Agric. For., 36: 673-679.
  • Velasco, L. and Fernandez-Martinez, J.M., 2001. Breeding for oil quality in safflower. (ed.Bergman JW, Mündel HH),. Proceedings of the 5th International Safflower Conference. Williston, North Dakota and Sidney, Montana.
  • Wachsmann, N., Norton, R., Jochinke, D. and Knights, S., 2003. The comparative growth, yield and water use of safflower, Linola™, mustard, canola and wheat in southern Australia. Paper presented at the 11th Australian Agronomy Conference, Geelong, Victoria, 2-6 February.

Geleneksel ve organik üretim sistemlerinde incelenen unsurlar bakımından farklı Aspir Carthamus tinctorius çeşitlerindeki farklılıklarının belirlenmesi

Year 2016, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 172 - 181, 15.04.2016


Organik tarım tüm dünyada dikkatleri üzerine çekmeye başlamış olup bu sisteme adapte olan çeşitlere olan talep gittikçe artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada organik ve geleneksel üretim sisteminde farklı aspir Carthamus tinctorius L. çeşitlerinin incelenen karakterler yönünden farklılıkları, stabiliteleri ve karakterlerin geniş anlamda kalıtım derecesinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre Şifa, TAEK ve Remzibey çeşitleri verim yönünden, TAEK ve Şifa çeşitleri yağ oranı bakımından, Remzibey ve Şifa çeşitleri ise yağ verimi yönünden üstün performanslı ve stabil belirlenmiştir. Yenice çeşidi ise düşük verimli ve stabil olmayan bir çeşit olarak belirlenmiştir. Yan dal sayısı, 1000 tohum ağırlığı, yağ oranı, oleik asit oranı ve linoleik asit oranı yönünden görülen yüksek kalıtım derecesi bu karakterlerin ortaya çıkmasında genotipik performansın etken olduğunu gösterirken; bitki boyu, tohum verimi ve yağ verimi yönünden görülen düşük kalıtım derecesi ise bu unsurların daha çok genotip x çevre interaksiyonundan etkilendiğini ortaya çıkarmıştır


  • Abdolrahmani, B., 2005. Effect of plant density on grain and oil yield of safflower cv Arak 2811 in dryland conditions. Seed Plant 20: 417-428.
  • Arioglu, H.H., Kolsarici, Ö., Göksu, A.T., Güllüoglu, L., Arslan, M., Çaliskan, S., Sögüt, T., Kurt, C. and Arslanoglu, F., 2010. Possibilities to Increase Oil Production. Turkey Agricultural Engineers Association VII. Pub. of Technique Congress I: 361-377. Ankara
  • Bergman, J.W., Flynn, C.R., Kott, R.W., Hatfield, P.G., Van Wagoner, H., Boles, J.A., 2001. Feedlot performance, carcass composition and muscle and fat conjugated linoleic acid concentrations of lambs fed diets supplemented with high linoleic safflower. In: Bergman JW, Mundel HH (eds). Proceedings of the fifth international safflower conference, Williston, ND, Sidney, MO, USA.
  • Beyyavas, V., Haliloglu, H., Copur, O., Yilmaz, A., 2011. Determination of seed yield and yield components of some safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars, lines and populations under the semi-arid conditions. Afr. J. Biotech. 10:527-534.
  • Camaş, N., Esendal, E., 2006. Estimates of broad-sense heritability for seed yield and yield components of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Hereditas. Dec; 143:55-7.
  • Camas, N., Cirak, C., Esendal, E., 2007. Seed yield, oil content and fatty acids composition of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) grown in Northern Turkey conditions. J. Fac. Agric. O.M.U. 22: 98-104.
  • Chauhan, M.P. and Singh, I.S., 1998. Genetic variability, heritability and expected genetic advance for seed yield and other quantitative characters over two years in lentil. LENS News. 25(1/2): 3-6.
  • Christos, A., Dordas, C.A., Sioulas, C., 2008. Safflower yield, Chlorophyll content, photosynthesis, and water use efficiency response to nitrogen fertilization under rainfed conditions. Industrial Crops and Products. 27: 75-85.
  • Comstock, R.E. and Moll, R.H., 1963. Genotype x environment interactions. In: Statistical Genetics and Plant Breeding, p.164-196, NAS-NRC Publ. 982.
  • Dajue, L., Mundel, H.H., 1996. Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). IPGRI, Italy.
  • Dajue, L., 1993. Progress of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) research and production in China. In: Third International Safflower Conference, pp 35-46.Beijing, China.
  • Elfadl, E., Reinbrecht, C., Claupein, W., 2010. Development of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) calibration model for estimation of oil content in a worldwide Safflower germplasm collection. International Journal of Plant Production, 4(4): 259- 270.
  • Er, C. and D. Başalma. 2008. Developments in Organic Agriculture. Nobel Pub. No: 1354, Ankara.
  • Geçit, H.H., Çiftçi, Y.C., Emeklier, Y., Kincikaraya, S., Adak, M.S., Kolsarici, Ö., Ekiz, H., Altunok, S., Sancak, C., Sevimay, C.S. and Kendir, H., 2009. Field Crops. Ankara University Faculty of Agric., Pub. No: 1569, Text Book: 521, Ankara.
  • Ghamarnia, H. and Sepehri, S., 2010. Different irrigation regimes affected water use, yield and other yield components of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) crop in a semi-arid region of Iran. J. Food Agric. Environ. 8: 590-593.
  • Golkar P., Arzani A., Rezaei A. M. 2011. Genetic Analysis of Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition in Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 88: 975-982.
  • Gruber, S., Pekrun, C. and Claupein, W., 2004. Seed persistence of oilseed rape: variation in transgenic and conventionally bred cultivars. Journal of Agricultural Science 142: 29-40.
  • Hamdan, Y.A.S., Pérez-Vich, B., Velasco, L., Fernández-Martínez, J.M., 2009. Inheritance of high oleic acid content in safflower. Euphytica, 168(1): 61-69.
  • Hang, A.N. and Evans, D.W., 1985. Deficit sprinkler irrigation of sunflower and safflower. Agron. J. 77: 588-592.
  • Hu, Z.L., 1987. Genetic anlysis on several quality traits in rapeseed (Brassica napus L). Oil Crop China, 1: 19-22.
  • İlbaş, A.İ., 2009. Organic Farming. Principles and National Legislation. Eflatun Pub., Ankara.
  • Kacar, V. and Katkat, V., 2009. Fertilizers and Fertilization Techniques. Pub. of Nobel Science and Research Center; 46. Ankara. Kafka, S.R., Kearney, T.M., Knowles, P.D. and Miller, M.D., Safflower Production in California. htm (10.01.2007).
  • Kara, N. 2014. Yield and Mineral Nutrition Content of Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench): The Effect of Harvest Times. SDÜ Journal of Agric. Fac., 9/1: 85-94.
  • Kizil, S., Tonçer, Ö. and Sögüt, T. 1999. The effect of seed rows on yield and yield components in Safflower Carthamus tinctorius L.) in Diyarbakır climatic conditions. Turkey 3th Field Crop Congress, 15-18 November, Adana.
  • Lovelli, S., Perniola, M., Ferrara, A. and Di Tommaso T., 2007. Yield response factor to water (Ky) and water use efficiency of Carthamus tinctorius L. and Solanum melongena L. Agric Water Manage. 92: 73-80.
  • Majidi, M.M., Tavakoli, V., Mirlohi, A.and Sabzalian, M.R., 2011. Wild safflower species (Carthamus oxyacanthus Bieb.): A possible source of drought tolerance for arid environments. Aust. J. Crop Sci., 5: 1055-1063.
  • Malleshappa, S.M., Hiremath, I. and Ravikumar, R.I., 2003. Negative associations between important quantitative traits in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Sesame Safflower Newsletter, 18: 80-83.
  • Manju, P.R. and Sreelathakumary, I., 2002. Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in hot chilli (Capsicum chinense Jacq.). J. Trop. Agric., 40: 4-6.
  • Morteza, A.S., 2013. Study on replacement probability of composted organic manure with chemical fertilizer in Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L) organic farming. International J. f Agric. Crop Sci., 6(199): 1304-1311.
  • Mündel, H.H., Morrison, R.J., Blackshaw, R.E. and Roth, B., 2004. Safflower production on the Canadian prairies. Agricultural Research Stations. Lethbridge, Canada.
  • Nabipour, M., Meskarbashee, M. and Yousefpour, Y., 2007. The effect of water deficit on yield and yield components of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Pak. J. Biol. Sci. 10:421-426.
  • Nie, Z., Shi, X.C., Chen, F.T. and Wang, Y., 1987. Hereditary capacity, progress and correlation of major agro-characters of safflower. Chinese Oil Crops, 2: 18-22.
  • Omidi, A.H., Khazaei, H., Monneveux, P. and Stoddard, F., 2012. Effect of cultıvar and water regıme on yıeld and yıeld components ın safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Turkish J. Field Crops, 17/1/: 10-15.
  • Ozturk, E., Ozer, H. and Polat, T., 2008. Growth and yield of safflower genotypes grown under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions in a highland environment. Plant Soil Environ., 54: 453-460.
  • Pai, R. and Kumar, P., 1991. Estimates of gene effects of oil content under normal and late sowing in mustard (Brassica juncea). Indian J. Agron. Sci., 61: 918-921.
  • Pireivatlou, A.S., Masjedlou, B.D. and Aliyev, R.T., 2010. Evaluation of yield potential and stress adaptive trait in wheat genotypes under post anthesis drought stress conditions. African J. of Agricult. Res., 5: 2829-2836.
  • Şahin, M., Akçacik, A. and Aydoğan, S., 2011. The relationship between grain yield and quality characteristics of some bread wheat genotypes and stability potential, Anadolu, J. of AARI, 21/2: 39-48.
  • Sandhu, T.S., Gumber, R.K., Bhatia, R.S. and Singh, K., 1988. Evaluation of disease resistant lines of chickpea. Indian J.Pulses Res., 1/2: 159-161.
  • Schuler, S.F., Bacon, R.K., Finney, P.L. and Gbur, E.E., 1995. Relationship of test weight and kernel properties to milling and baking quality in soft red winter wheat. Crop Sci., 35: 949-953.
  • Singh, V., 2004. Annual Report of Ad Hoc Project on “Biometrical Investigations of Flower Yield and Its Components and Their Maximization in Safflower.” Submitted to ICAR, New Delhi.
  • Singh, V., 2005b. Final Report of Ad Hoc Project on “Identification of Early Plant Growth Male Sterility Marker in Existing GMS Systems and Search for Cytoplasmic Genetic Source of Sterility in Safflower.” Submitted to ICAR, New Delhi, 61 pp.
  • Tonguç, M. and Erbaş, S., 2012. Evaluation of fatty acid compositions and some seed characters of common wild plant species of Turkey. Turk J. Agric. For., 36: 673-679.
  • Velasco, L. and Fernandez-Martinez, J.M., 2001. Breeding for oil quality in safflower. (ed.Bergman JW, Mündel HH),. Proceedings of the 5th International Safflower Conference. Williston, North Dakota and Sidney, Montana.
  • Wachsmann, N., Norton, R., Jochinke, D. and Knights, S., 2003. The comparative growth, yield and water use of safflower, Linola™, mustard, canola and wheat in southern Australia. Paper presented at the 11th Australian Agronomy Conference, Geelong, Victoria, 2-6 February.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Duran Katar This is me

Yusuf Arslan This is me

Recep Kodaş This is me

İlhan Subaşı This is me

Nimet Katar This is me

Publication Date April 15, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Katar, D., Arslan, Y., Kodaş, R., Subaşı, İ., et al. (2016). Determining of performances on different characteristics in Safflower Carthamus tinctorius genotypes under organic and conventional production systems. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 9(1), 172-181.

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