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Diversity of Lichenized and Lichenicolous Fungi in Kula Volcanic area Uşak-Manisa/Turkey

Year 2015, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 51 - 58, 15.08.2015


Kula Volcanic Area is one of the youngest volcanic activities of Turkey. Lichen and lichenicolous fungi diversity of the area were investigated and 182 infrageneric taxa recorded. One of them, Rinodina terrestris Tomin is recorded first time for Turkey. As a consequence of this study, toether with 8 earlier records, the number of the t axa in Kula volcanic area has been reached to 190


  • Ahti, T., Jorgensen, P.M., Kristinsson, H., Moberg, R., Sochting, U., Thor, G. 2002. Nordic Lichen Flora Volume 2. Physciaceae, Nordic Lichen Society.
  • Alıcı, P., Temel, A., Gourgaud, A., 2002. Pb-Nd-Sr isotope and trace element geochemistry of Quaternary extension- related alkaline volcanism: a case study of Kula region (western Anatolia, Turkey). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 115: 487-510.
  • Aptroot, A., Yazıcı, K. 2012. A new Placopyrenium (Verrucariaceae) from Turkey. Lichenologist 6/44: 739-741.
  • Aslan, A., Yazıcı, K. 2013. New Lecanora, Lecidea, Melaspilea, Placynthium, and Verrucaria records for Turkey and Asia. Mycotaxon 123: 321-326.
  • Aydar, E. 1998. Early Miocene to Quaternary evolution of volcanism and the basin formation in western Anatolia : A review. Jour. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 85: 69-82.
  • Breuss, O., John, V. 2004. New and interesting records of lichens from Turkey. Österr. Z. Pilzk. 13: 281-294.
  • Candan, M., Halıcı, M.G. 2008. Seven new records of lichenicolous fungi from Turkey. Mycotaxon 104: 241-246.
  • Clauzade, G., Roux, C. 1985. Likenoj de Occidenta Europa, Bulletin de la Societe Botanique du Centre Quest Nouvelle Serie-Numero Special, 7, Royan.
  • Ercan, T., Öztunalı, Ö. 1982. Kula Volkanizmasının Özellikleri ve İçerdiği “Base Surge” Tabaka Şekilleri. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 25, 117-125.
  • Güner, H., Özdemir, A. 1987. Likenlein Genel Özellikleri ve Batı Anadolu’dan Önemli Liken Türleri. VIII. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi Bildiri Metinleri, İzmir, 371-373.
  • Güvenç, Ş., Öztürk, Ş. 1997. Spil Dağı’ndan (Manisa) Bazı Saksikol ve Terrikol Liken Türleri, Ot Sistematik Botanik Dergisi 1/4: 73-76.
  • Hafellner, J., John, V. 2006. Über funde lichenicoler nicht-lichenisierter Pilze in der Türkei, mit einer Synopsis der bisher im Landnachgewiesenen Taxa. Herzogia 19: 155-176.
  • Halıcı M.G. 2008. A key to the lichenicolous Ascomycota (including mitosporic fungi) of Turkey. Mycotaxon 104: 253- 286.
  • Halıcı, M.G., Candan, M. 2007. Notes on some lichenicolous fungi from Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 31: 353- 356.
  • Halıcı, M.G., John, V., Aksoy, A. 2005. Lichens of Erciyes Mountain (Kayseri, Turkey), Flora Mediterranea 15: 567- 580.
  • Halıcı, M.G., Özdemir Türk, A., Candan, M. 2007a. New records of pyrenocarpous lichenicolous fungi from Turkey. Mycotaxon 99: 201-206.
  • Halıcı, M.G., Candan, M., Özdemir Türk, A. 2007b. New records of lichenicolous and lichenized fungi from Turkey. Mycotaxon 100: 255-260.
  • Halıcı M.G., Özdemir Türk, A., Candan, M. 2008. Dacampia cladoniicola sp. nov. (Ascomycota, Dacampiaceae), on Cladonia sp. from Turkey. Mycotaxon 103: 53-57.
  • Halıcı, M.G., Hawksworth, D.L., Candan, M., Özdemir Türk, A. 2010. A new lichenicolous species of Capronia (Ascomycota, Herpotrichiellaceae), with a key to the known lichenicolous species of the genus. Fungal Diversity 40: 37-40.
  • John, V. 1992. Das die Türkei betreffende lichenologische Schrifttum/Türkiye likenleri ile ilgili literatür. Pfalzmuseum für Naturkunde, Bad Dürkheim, 1-14.
  • John, V. 1995. Ergänzungen zum die Türkei betreffenden lichenologischen Schrifttum/Türkiye likenleri ile ilgili
  • literatüre ilaveler. Pfalzmuseum für Naturkunde, Bad Dürkheim, 1-8.
  • John, V. 1996. Preliminary catalogue of lichenised and lichenicolous fungi of Mediterranean Turkey, Bocconea 6: 173- 216.
  • John, V. 1999. Lichenes Anatolici Exsiccati, Arnoldia. Fasc. 1-3 (no. 1-75): 1-44.
  • John, V. 2000. Lichenes Anatolici Exsiccati, Arnoldia. Fasc. 4-5 (no. 76-125): 1-28.
  • John, V., Seaward, M.R.D., Beatty, J.W. 2000. A neglected lichen collection from Turkey: Berkhamsted School expedition 1971. Doğa-Turkish Journal of Botany 24: 239-248.
  • Koçman, A. 2004. “Yanık Ülke”nin Doğal Anıtları: Kula Yöresi Volkanik Oluşumları. Ege Coğrafya Dergisi, 13, 5-15.
  • Öner, M., Oflas, S. 1977. Plant Succession on the Kula Volcano ın Turkey. Vegetatio, 1/34: 55-62.
  • Reisch, J. 1985. Methyl B orcincarboxylate from Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf. var. furfuracea. Acta Pharmaceutica Turcica, 27: 57-60.
  • Sheard, J. W. 2010. The lichen genus Rinodina (Ach.) Gray (Lecanoromycetidae, Physciaceae) in North America, north of Mexico. NRC Research Press, Ottawa.
  • Steiner, J. 1905. Lichenes. Ergebnisse einer naturwissensch. Reise zum Erschias-Dagh (Kleinasien) von Dr. Arnold Penter und dr. Emerich Zederbauer im Jahre 1902. Ann.Naturhist. Mus. Wien 4/20: 369-384.
  • Topçuoğlu, S., Zeybek, D., Küçükcezzar, R., Güngör, N., Bayülgen, N., Cevher, E., Güvener, B., John, V., Güven, K.C. 1992. The influence of Chernobyl on the Radiocesium contamination in lichens in Turkey. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 35: 161-165.
  • Uğurlu, E., Seçmen, Ö. 2009. Remarkable dry grassland site Kula volcano. Bulletin of the EDGG 3: 23-25.
  • Wirth, V., Hauck, M., Schultz, M. 2013. Die Flechten Deutschlands: Band 1-2. Ulmer, Stuttgart.
  • Yazıcı, K., Aptroot, A., Aslan, A. 2011. Lecanora wrightiana and Rhizocarpon inimicum, rare lichens new to Turkey and the Middle East. Mycotaxon 117: 145-148.
  • Zeybek, U., John, V., Lumbsch, H.T. 1993. Türkiye likenlerinden Hypogymnia (Nyl.) Nyl. cinsi üzerinde taksonomik araştırma. Doğa, Tr. J. Bot. 17: 109-116.

Kula volkanik arazisi Uşak-Manisa ’nin Liken ve Likenikol mantar çeşitliliği

Year 2015, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 51 - 58, 15.08.2015


Kula Volkanik Arazisi, ülkemizin en genç volkanik faaliyetlerinden birinin ürünüdür. Bu çalışmada, alanın liken ve likenikol mantar çeşitliliği araştırılmış, 182 liken ve likenikol mantar taksonu bulunmuştur. Rinodina terrestris Tomin, Türkiye için yeni kayıttır. Bu çalışma ile, Kula Volkanik Arazisi’nde yayılış gösteren takson sayısı daha önce kaydedilenlerle birlikte 190’a ulaşmıştır


  • Ahti, T., Jorgensen, P.M., Kristinsson, H., Moberg, R., Sochting, U., Thor, G. 2002. Nordic Lichen Flora Volume 2. Physciaceae, Nordic Lichen Society.
  • Alıcı, P., Temel, A., Gourgaud, A., 2002. Pb-Nd-Sr isotope and trace element geochemistry of Quaternary extension- related alkaline volcanism: a case study of Kula region (western Anatolia, Turkey). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 115: 487-510.
  • Aptroot, A., Yazıcı, K. 2012. A new Placopyrenium (Verrucariaceae) from Turkey. Lichenologist 6/44: 739-741.
  • Aslan, A., Yazıcı, K. 2013. New Lecanora, Lecidea, Melaspilea, Placynthium, and Verrucaria records for Turkey and Asia. Mycotaxon 123: 321-326.
  • Aydar, E. 1998. Early Miocene to Quaternary evolution of volcanism and the basin formation in western Anatolia : A review. Jour. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 85: 69-82.
  • Breuss, O., John, V. 2004. New and interesting records of lichens from Turkey. Österr. Z. Pilzk. 13: 281-294.
  • Candan, M., Halıcı, M.G. 2008. Seven new records of lichenicolous fungi from Turkey. Mycotaxon 104: 241-246.
  • Clauzade, G., Roux, C. 1985. Likenoj de Occidenta Europa, Bulletin de la Societe Botanique du Centre Quest Nouvelle Serie-Numero Special, 7, Royan.
  • Ercan, T., Öztunalı, Ö. 1982. Kula Volkanizmasının Özellikleri ve İçerdiği “Base Surge” Tabaka Şekilleri. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 25, 117-125.
  • Güner, H., Özdemir, A. 1987. Likenlein Genel Özellikleri ve Batı Anadolu’dan Önemli Liken Türleri. VIII. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi Bildiri Metinleri, İzmir, 371-373.
  • Güvenç, Ş., Öztürk, Ş. 1997. Spil Dağı’ndan (Manisa) Bazı Saksikol ve Terrikol Liken Türleri, Ot Sistematik Botanik Dergisi 1/4: 73-76.
  • Hafellner, J., John, V. 2006. Über funde lichenicoler nicht-lichenisierter Pilze in der Türkei, mit einer Synopsis der bisher im Landnachgewiesenen Taxa. Herzogia 19: 155-176.
  • Halıcı M.G. 2008. A key to the lichenicolous Ascomycota (including mitosporic fungi) of Turkey. Mycotaxon 104: 253- 286.
  • Halıcı, M.G., Candan, M. 2007. Notes on some lichenicolous fungi from Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 31: 353- 356.
  • Halıcı, M.G., John, V., Aksoy, A. 2005. Lichens of Erciyes Mountain (Kayseri, Turkey), Flora Mediterranea 15: 567- 580.
  • Halıcı, M.G., Özdemir Türk, A., Candan, M. 2007a. New records of pyrenocarpous lichenicolous fungi from Turkey. Mycotaxon 99: 201-206.
  • Halıcı, M.G., Candan, M., Özdemir Türk, A. 2007b. New records of lichenicolous and lichenized fungi from Turkey. Mycotaxon 100: 255-260.
  • Halıcı M.G., Özdemir Türk, A., Candan, M. 2008. Dacampia cladoniicola sp. nov. (Ascomycota, Dacampiaceae), on Cladonia sp. from Turkey. Mycotaxon 103: 53-57.
  • Halıcı, M.G., Hawksworth, D.L., Candan, M., Özdemir Türk, A. 2010. A new lichenicolous species of Capronia (Ascomycota, Herpotrichiellaceae), with a key to the known lichenicolous species of the genus. Fungal Diversity 40: 37-40.
  • John, V. 1992. Das die Türkei betreffende lichenologische Schrifttum/Türkiye likenleri ile ilgili literatür. Pfalzmuseum für Naturkunde, Bad Dürkheim, 1-14.
  • John, V. 1995. Ergänzungen zum die Türkei betreffenden lichenologischen Schrifttum/Türkiye likenleri ile ilgili
  • literatüre ilaveler. Pfalzmuseum für Naturkunde, Bad Dürkheim, 1-8.
  • John, V. 1996. Preliminary catalogue of lichenised and lichenicolous fungi of Mediterranean Turkey, Bocconea 6: 173- 216.
  • John, V. 1999. Lichenes Anatolici Exsiccati, Arnoldia. Fasc. 1-3 (no. 1-75): 1-44.
  • John, V. 2000. Lichenes Anatolici Exsiccati, Arnoldia. Fasc. 4-5 (no. 76-125): 1-28.
  • John, V., Seaward, M.R.D., Beatty, J.W. 2000. A neglected lichen collection from Turkey: Berkhamsted School expedition 1971. Doğa-Turkish Journal of Botany 24: 239-248.
  • Koçman, A. 2004. “Yanık Ülke”nin Doğal Anıtları: Kula Yöresi Volkanik Oluşumları. Ege Coğrafya Dergisi, 13, 5-15.
  • Öner, M., Oflas, S. 1977. Plant Succession on the Kula Volcano ın Turkey. Vegetatio, 1/34: 55-62.
  • Reisch, J. 1985. Methyl B orcincarboxylate from Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf. var. furfuracea. Acta Pharmaceutica Turcica, 27: 57-60.
  • Sheard, J. W. 2010. The lichen genus Rinodina (Ach.) Gray (Lecanoromycetidae, Physciaceae) in North America, north of Mexico. NRC Research Press, Ottawa.
  • Steiner, J. 1905. Lichenes. Ergebnisse einer naturwissensch. Reise zum Erschias-Dagh (Kleinasien) von Dr. Arnold Penter und dr. Emerich Zederbauer im Jahre 1902. Ann.Naturhist. Mus. Wien 4/20: 369-384.
  • Topçuoğlu, S., Zeybek, D., Küçükcezzar, R., Güngör, N., Bayülgen, N., Cevher, E., Güvener, B., John, V., Güven, K.C. 1992. The influence of Chernobyl on the Radiocesium contamination in lichens in Turkey. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 35: 161-165.
  • Uğurlu, E., Seçmen, Ö. 2009. Remarkable dry grassland site Kula volcano. Bulletin of the EDGG 3: 23-25.
  • Wirth, V., Hauck, M., Schultz, M. 2013. Die Flechten Deutschlands: Band 1-2. Ulmer, Stuttgart.
  • Yazıcı, K., Aptroot, A., Aslan, A. 2011. Lecanora wrightiana and Rhizocarpon inimicum, rare lichens new to Turkey and the Middle East. Mycotaxon 117: 145-148.
  • Zeybek, U., John, V., Lumbsch, H.T. 1993. Türkiye likenlerinden Hypogymnia (Nyl.) Nyl. cinsi üzerinde taksonomik araştırma. Doğa, Tr. J. Bot. 17: 109-116.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Yılmaz Yılmaz This is me

Ayşen Özdemir Türk This is me

Mehmet Candan This is me

Yılmaz Yavuz This is me

Publication Date August 15, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Yılmaz, Y., Türk, A. Ö., Candan, M., Yavuz, Y. (2015). Kula volkanik arazisi Uşak-Manisa ’nin Liken ve Likenikol mantar çeşitliliği. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 8(2), 51-58.

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