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Determination of relationships between Cicadellidae population and plant diversity-environmental structure in the Erzurum/Turkey province grasslands

Year 2015, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 42 - 53, 15.12.2015


The purpose of this study was to reveal insect populations belonged to Cicadellidae family, existing in declining, replicator and invasive plant groups, to determine the effect of distance to village, stoniness, slope, grazing level, altitude, erosion, soil depth and grassland quality degree on insect population in grasslands of central district of Erzurum province. Insect population and diversity are commonly different in declining, replicator and invasive plant groups, Circulifer haematoceps, Ulopa trivia, Batrachomorphus irroratus, Handianus procerus, Stenometopiellus angorensis, Doratura stylata Doratura exilis were seen and observed in all three grassland groups. Cicadellidae population are important in productivity of grassland, they are significantly influenced from slope, erosion and grassland quality grade. Plant protecting studies will help improvement of grasslands


  • Anonymous, 1998. Agricultural Structure And Production. T.C. State Institute Of Statistics, Pub. No: 2103. Ankara.
  • Anonymous, 2000. Nrc, Nutrient Requirements Of Beef Cattle (7th Ed.). National Academy Press, Washington, Dc.
  • Anonymous, 2004. Agricultural Structure and Production. T.C. State Institute of Statistics, Pub. No: 3032, Ankara
  • Antonelli, A. A.M. Humphreys, W.G. Lee, H.P. Linder. 2011.Absence Of Mammals And The Evolution Of New Zealand Grasses. P. Roy. Soc. B: Biol. Sci., 278: p. 695.
  • Aygün, C., R, Hayat., Ş, Güçlü., M, Olgun. 2004. The effect of grassland quality on population of Cicadellidae (Homoptera) in Erzurum. Turkey I. Plant Protection Congress, 8-10 September 2004, Samsun, p. 133 .
  • Bakır, Ö. 1970. A Pasture Study In Middle East Technical University. Ankara University, Faculty Of Agriculture, Pub. No: 382, Ankara.
  • Balabanli, C., M. Türk., O. Yüksel. 2005. Relationship of erozyon ve pasture. Süleyman Demirel University, J. Faculty of Forest, 2, 23 (2005).
  • Borror, D. J., D. M.De Long., C. A. Triplehorn. 1981. An Introduction To The Study Of Insects. Hold. Rinerhard And Winston, Usa,p. 827.
  • Çetiner, M., A. Gökkuş., M. Parlak. 2012. Effect Of Grazing On Plant Cover And Soil Properties In Artificial Pasture. Anadolu J. Agric. Sci., 27(2), 80 (2012).
  • Field, T. R. O. 1989. Vegetational Survey Of Management Pastures In New Zealand. Proceedings Of Xvi International Grassland Congress, 1407- 1408, Nice, France .
  • Gillespie, M., S. D. Wratten. 2012. The importance of viticultural landscape features and ecosystem service enhancement for native butterflies in New Zealand vineyards. J Insect Conserv., 16: p.13
  • Gökkuş, A., A. Koç. 2001. Management Of Pasture. Atatürk University, Faculty Of Agriculture, Pub. No: 228, Erzurum, p.329
  • Gökkuş, A., A. Koç., B. Çomakli. 1995. Application Guide of Pasture. Atatürk University, Faculty Of Agriculture, Pub. No, 142, Erzurum., p.12.
  • Hawkins, B.A., E. E. Porter., J. A. F. Diniz-Filho. 2003. Productivity And History As Predictors Of The Latitudinal Diversity Gradient Of Terrestrial Birds. Ecology, 84:, p. 1608
  • Haddad, N.M., M. C. Gregory., G. Kevin., H. John., M. H. K. Johannes., T. David. 2009. Plant Species Loss Decreases Arthropod Diversity And Shifts Trophic Structure. Ecology Letters, 12 (10), p. 1029.
  • Herms, D.A., W. J. Mattson. 1992. The Dilemma Of Plants: To Grow Or Defend. Q. Rev. Biol., 67: p. 283.
  • Holmann. F., D.C. Peck. 2002. Economic Damage Caused By Spittlebugs (Homoptera: Cercopidae) In Colombia: A First Approximation Of Impact On Animal Production In Brachiaria Decumbens Pastures. Neotropical-Entomology, 31 (2):, p. 275.
  • Joern, A. 2005. Disturbance By Fire Frequency And Bison Grazing Modulate Grasshopper Assemblages In Tallgrass Prairie. Ecology, 86:, p.861.
  • Kansu, İ. A. 1982. Entomogy. Ankara University, Faculty Of Agriculture, Department Of Plant Protection, Ankara Univ. Press, p.244.
  • Kirkland, P.H. 2001. Endangered Butterfiles And Moths Of Scottish Woodlands. Scottish Foresty, 56 (1):, p. 21.
  • Kişlalioğlu. M., F. Berkes. 1985. Ecology And Environmental Sciences, Foundation Of Turkey Environmental Problems Pub. No:19, p.132.
  • Koç. A., A. Gökkuş., M. Altın. 2003. Comparison Of Commonly Used Methods On Determination Of Grassland And An Advice To Turkey. 5. Congress Of Field Crops.13-17 September, Diyarbakır, p.36.
  • Kruess. A., T. Tscharntke. 2002. Contrasting Responses Of Plant And Insect Diversity To Variation In Grazing Intensity. Biological Conservation, 3:, p. 293.
  • Lodos, N. 1986. Entomolgy Of Turkey (General, Practical And Faunistic). Ege University Press, Bornova, İzmir, Vol: Ii, p. 105.
  • Maçan, S. 1984. Insect Species Harmful On Vineyards In South Anatolia Region. Studies On Their Description, Diagnosis, Distribution And Economic Importance. Diyarbakır Regional Plant Protection Research Institute. Pub. No. 3, Diyarbakır, p. 47.
  • Malschi. D., D. Mustea. 1998. Entomocoenotic Specific Features Of The Cereal Crop Agroecosystem With Anti-Erosion Protective Forestry Belts. Analele Institutului De Cercetari Pentru Cereale Si Plante Tehnice, Fundulea, 65:,p. 295.
  • Nielson, M.W. 1975.The Leafhooper Vectors Of Phytopathogenic Viruses (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) Taxonomy, Biology, And Virus Transmission. Agricultural Research Service, United States Depertment Of Agriculture. Tech. Bul. No: 13,p. 82.
  • Petit. S., M.B. Usher. 1988. Biodiversity In Agricultural Landscapes: The Ground Beetle Communities Of Woody Uncultivated Habitats Department Of Environmental Science, University Of Striling, Uk. Biodiversity And Conservation, 7 (12):, p. 1549.
  • Pimentel. D., M. Pimentel. 1979. Food, Energy And Society. Resource And Environmental Science Series, Edward Arnold, London. Pimentel (Editor), Handbook Of Energy Utilization, p.53.
  • Pottinger. R.P., M.J. Barbetti., T.J. Ridsdill-Smith. 1993. Invertebrate Pests, Plant Pathogens And Beneficial Organisms Of Improved Temperate Pasture. In: Baker, M.J. (Ed.) Proceedings Of The Xvii International Grassland Congress, New Zealand And Australia, Vol. I. New Zealand Grassland Association Et Al., Palmerston North,.8-11 February: 909.
  • Pykala, J. 2003. Effects Of Restoration With Cattle Grazing On Plant Species Composition And Richness Of Semi-Natural Grasslands. Biodiversity And Conservation, 12: p.2211.
  • Pykala, J. 2005. Cattle Grazing Increases Plant Species Richness Of Most Species Trait Groups In Mesic Semi-Natural Grasslands. Plant Ecology, 175 (2): p. 217.
  • Siemann, E. 1998. Experimental Tests Of Effects Of Plant Productivity And Diversity On Grasslandarthropod Diversity. Ecology, 79 (6): p. 2057.
  • Şimşek, Z. 1988. Studies On Description, Lossess And Growing Areas Of Pests, Harmful In Corns And Sorgums In Eastern And South Anatolia Regions. Diyarbakır Regional Plant Protection Institute, Pub. No:6, Diyarbakır, p.87.
  • Tidmarsh, C. E. M., C.M. Havenga. 1955. The Weel-Point Method Of Survey And Measurement Of Semi-Open Grasslands And Karoo Vegetation In South Africa. Memoirsof. The Botanical Survey Of South Africa, 29:, p. 49.
  • Tokluoğlu, M. 1979. Studies On Morphological, Biological And Agricultural Characters In Some Grassland Plants. Ankara University, Faculty Of Agriculture, Pub. No: 728, Ankara, p.80.
  • Tscharntke. T., et al.,2012. Landscape moderation of biodiversity patterns and processes - eight hypotheses.Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc. 2012 Aug;87(3):661-85. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-185X.2011.00216.x. Epub 2012 Jan 24.Uluocak, N. 1977. Natural Pastures And Forest Pastures. Ministry Of Food-Agriculture And Livestock General Directorate Of Agriculture. No: 6, Ankara. p. 60.
  • Ünal. S., Z. Mutlu., A. Mermer., U. Öztekin., E. Ünal., A. Özaydin., A. Avağ., H. Yildiz., O. Aydoğmuş., B. Şahin., S. Arslan. 2012. Determination Of Pasture Conditions And Health In Çankırı Province. Tabad-Research J. Agric. Sci., 5 (2): p.131.
  • Zechmeister. H.G., I. Schmitzberger., B. Steurer., J. Peterseil., T. Wrbka. 2003. The influence of land-use practices and economics on plant species richness in meadows. Biological Conservation (Impact Factor: 3.76). 12/2003; 114(2):165-177.

Erzurum Meralarında Cicadellidae populasyonu ile bitki çeşitliliği-çevresel koşullar arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi üzerine bir araştırma

Year 2015, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 42 - 53, 15.12.2015


Bu çalışmanın amacı Erzurum ili merkez meralarında azalan, çoğalan ve istilacı bitki türleri üzerinde mevcut olan Cicadellidae familyasına bağlı böcek türlerini ve bunların yoğınluğunu tespit etmek, ayrıca mera özelliklerinin köye uzaklık, taşlılık, eğim, otlatma derecesi, yükseklik, erozyon oranı, toprak derinliği, ve mera kalite derecesi böcek populasyonu üzerine olan etkilerini belirlemektir. Araştırma sonuçlarına gore böcek türleri ve yoğunluğu azalan, çoğalan ve istilacı bitki türlerinde farklılıklar gösterniştir. Circulifer haematoceps, Ulopa trivia, Batrachomorphus irroratus, Handianus procerus, Stenometopiellus angorensis, Doratura stylata Doratura exilis böcek türleri azalan, çoğalan ve istilacı bitki türlerinin her üçünde de en çok görülen böcek türleri olarak belirlenmiştir. Cicadellidae meralarda mera verim üzerinde olumsuz etki yapan önemli böcek familyası olup, bu familyaya ait böceklerin meradaki yoğunlukları eğimden, erozyon derecesinden, mera kalite dercesinde önemli oranda etkilenmektedir. Bitki koruma çalışmalaları meraların iyileştirilmesine önemli oranda katkı sağlayacaktır


  • Anonymous, 1998. Agricultural Structure And Production. T.C. State Institute Of Statistics, Pub. No: 2103. Ankara.
  • Anonymous, 2000. Nrc, Nutrient Requirements Of Beef Cattle (7th Ed.). National Academy Press, Washington, Dc.
  • Anonymous, 2004. Agricultural Structure and Production. T.C. State Institute of Statistics, Pub. No: 3032, Ankara
  • Antonelli, A. A.M. Humphreys, W.G. Lee, H.P. Linder. 2011.Absence Of Mammals And The Evolution Of New Zealand Grasses. P. Roy. Soc. B: Biol. Sci., 278: p. 695.
  • Aygün, C., R, Hayat., Ş, Güçlü., M, Olgun. 2004. The effect of grassland quality on population of Cicadellidae (Homoptera) in Erzurum. Turkey I. Plant Protection Congress, 8-10 September 2004, Samsun, p. 133 .
  • Bakır, Ö. 1970. A Pasture Study In Middle East Technical University. Ankara University, Faculty Of Agriculture, Pub. No: 382, Ankara.
  • Balabanli, C., M. Türk., O. Yüksel. 2005. Relationship of erozyon ve pasture. Süleyman Demirel University, J. Faculty of Forest, 2, 23 (2005).
  • Borror, D. J., D. M.De Long., C. A. Triplehorn. 1981. An Introduction To The Study Of Insects. Hold. Rinerhard And Winston, Usa,p. 827.
  • Çetiner, M., A. Gökkuş., M. Parlak. 2012. Effect Of Grazing On Plant Cover And Soil Properties In Artificial Pasture. Anadolu J. Agric. Sci., 27(2), 80 (2012).
  • Field, T. R. O. 1989. Vegetational Survey Of Management Pastures In New Zealand. Proceedings Of Xvi International Grassland Congress, 1407- 1408, Nice, France .
  • Gillespie, M., S. D. Wratten. 2012. The importance of viticultural landscape features and ecosystem service enhancement for native butterflies in New Zealand vineyards. J Insect Conserv., 16: p.13
  • Gökkuş, A., A. Koç. 2001. Management Of Pasture. Atatürk University, Faculty Of Agriculture, Pub. No: 228, Erzurum, p.329
  • Gökkuş, A., A. Koç., B. Çomakli. 1995. Application Guide of Pasture. Atatürk University, Faculty Of Agriculture, Pub. No, 142, Erzurum., p.12.
  • Hawkins, B.A., E. E. Porter., J. A. F. Diniz-Filho. 2003. Productivity And History As Predictors Of The Latitudinal Diversity Gradient Of Terrestrial Birds. Ecology, 84:, p. 1608
  • Haddad, N.M., M. C. Gregory., G. Kevin., H. John., M. H. K. Johannes., T. David. 2009. Plant Species Loss Decreases Arthropod Diversity And Shifts Trophic Structure. Ecology Letters, 12 (10), p. 1029.
  • Herms, D.A., W. J. Mattson. 1992. The Dilemma Of Plants: To Grow Or Defend. Q. Rev. Biol., 67: p. 283.
  • Holmann. F., D.C. Peck. 2002. Economic Damage Caused By Spittlebugs (Homoptera: Cercopidae) In Colombia: A First Approximation Of Impact On Animal Production In Brachiaria Decumbens Pastures. Neotropical-Entomology, 31 (2):, p. 275.
  • Joern, A. 2005. Disturbance By Fire Frequency And Bison Grazing Modulate Grasshopper Assemblages In Tallgrass Prairie. Ecology, 86:, p.861.
  • Kansu, İ. A. 1982. Entomogy. Ankara University, Faculty Of Agriculture, Department Of Plant Protection, Ankara Univ. Press, p.244.
  • Kirkland, P.H. 2001. Endangered Butterfiles And Moths Of Scottish Woodlands. Scottish Foresty, 56 (1):, p. 21.
  • Kişlalioğlu. M., F. Berkes. 1985. Ecology And Environmental Sciences, Foundation Of Turkey Environmental Problems Pub. No:19, p.132.
  • Koç. A., A. Gökkuş., M. Altın. 2003. Comparison Of Commonly Used Methods On Determination Of Grassland And An Advice To Turkey. 5. Congress Of Field Crops.13-17 September, Diyarbakır, p.36.
  • Kruess. A., T. Tscharntke. 2002. Contrasting Responses Of Plant And Insect Diversity To Variation In Grazing Intensity. Biological Conservation, 3:, p. 293.
  • Lodos, N. 1986. Entomolgy Of Turkey (General, Practical And Faunistic). Ege University Press, Bornova, İzmir, Vol: Ii, p. 105.
  • Maçan, S. 1984. Insect Species Harmful On Vineyards In South Anatolia Region. Studies On Their Description, Diagnosis, Distribution And Economic Importance. Diyarbakır Regional Plant Protection Research Institute. Pub. No. 3, Diyarbakır, p. 47.
  • Malschi. D., D. Mustea. 1998. Entomocoenotic Specific Features Of The Cereal Crop Agroecosystem With Anti-Erosion Protective Forestry Belts. Analele Institutului De Cercetari Pentru Cereale Si Plante Tehnice, Fundulea, 65:,p. 295.
  • Nielson, M.W. 1975.The Leafhooper Vectors Of Phytopathogenic Viruses (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) Taxonomy, Biology, And Virus Transmission. Agricultural Research Service, United States Depertment Of Agriculture. Tech. Bul. No: 13,p. 82.
  • Petit. S., M.B. Usher. 1988. Biodiversity In Agricultural Landscapes: The Ground Beetle Communities Of Woody Uncultivated Habitats Department Of Environmental Science, University Of Striling, Uk. Biodiversity And Conservation, 7 (12):, p. 1549.
  • Pimentel. D., M. Pimentel. 1979. Food, Energy And Society. Resource And Environmental Science Series, Edward Arnold, London. Pimentel (Editor), Handbook Of Energy Utilization, p.53.
  • Pottinger. R.P., M.J. Barbetti., T.J. Ridsdill-Smith. 1993. Invertebrate Pests, Plant Pathogens And Beneficial Organisms Of Improved Temperate Pasture. In: Baker, M.J. (Ed.) Proceedings Of The Xvii International Grassland Congress, New Zealand And Australia, Vol. I. New Zealand Grassland Association Et Al., Palmerston North,.8-11 February: 909.
  • Pykala, J. 2003. Effects Of Restoration With Cattle Grazing On Plant Species Composition And Richness Of Semi-Natural Grasslands. Biodiversity And Conservation, 12: p.2211.
  • Pykala, J. 2005. Cattle Grazing Increases Plant Species Richness Of Most Species Trait Groups In Mesic Semi-Natural Grasslands. Plant Ecology, 175 (2): p. 217.
  • Siemann, E. 1998. Experimental Tests Of Effects Of Plant Productivity And Diversity On Grasslandarthropod Diversity. Ecology, 79 (6): p. 2057.
  • Şimşek, Z. 1988. Studies On Description, Lossess And Growing Areas Of Pests, Harmful In Corns And Sorgums In Eastern And South Anatolia Regions. Diyarbakır Regional Plant Protection Institute, Pub. No:6, Diyarbakır, p.87.
  • Tidmarsh, C. E. M., C.M. Havenga. 1955. The Weel-Point Method Of Survey And Measurement Of Semi-Open Grasslands And Karoo Vegetation In South Africa. Memoirsof. The Botanical Survey Of South Africa, 29:, p. 49.
  • Tokluoğlu, M. 1979. Studies On Morphological, Biological And Agricultural Characters In Some Grassland Plants. Ankara University, Faculty Of Agriculture, Pub. No: 728, Ankara, p.80.
  • Tscharntke. T., et al.,2012. Landscape moderation of biodiversity patterns and processes - eight hypotheses.Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc. 2012 Aug;87(3):661-85. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-185X.2011.00216.x. Epub 2012 Jan 24.Uluocak, N. 1977. Natural Pastures And Forest Pastures. Ministry Of Food-Agriculture And Livestock General Directorate Of Agriculture. No: 6, Ankara. p. 60.
  • Ünal. S., Z. Mutlu., A. Mermer., U. Öztekin., E. Ünal., A. Özaydin., A. Avağ., H. Yildiz., O. Aydoğmuş., B. Şahin., S. Arslan. 2012. Determination Of Pasture Conditions And Health In Çankırı Province. Tabad-Research J. Agric. Sci., 5 (2): p.131.
  • Zechmeister. H.G., I. Schmitzberger., B. Steurer., J. Peterseil., T. Wrbka. 2003. The influence of land-use practices and economics on plant species richness in meadows. Biological Conservation (Impact Factor: 3.76). 12/2003; 114(2):165-177.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Celalettin Aygün This is me

Murat Olgun This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 8 Issue: 3


APA Aygün, C., & Olgun, M. (2015). Determination of relationships between Cicadellidae population and plant diversity-environmental structure in the Erzurum/Turkey province grasslands. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 8(3), 42-53.

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