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Taxonomic revision of the genus Convolvulus L. Convolvulaceae in Turkey

Year 2014, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 10 - 37, 15.08.2014


The genus Convolvulus, which is represented with 33 species 36 taxa in the Flora of Turkey, was evaluated to be comprised of 39 taxa, three of which are hybrid, in this study. Morphological characters of the 39 Convolvulus taxa, which were collected and examined in situ at different localities in Turkey during the period of 2006-2010, were investigated. Additionally, the threat categories of each taxon according to IUCN were evaluated. C. pulvinatus was indicated as a synonym of C. phrygius in the List of Turkey Plants Vascular Plants ; the reasons for the combination of these species were discussed in the present study. Keys to species, subspecies and varieties, and synonymy, detailed morphometric descriptions, illustrations and distribution maps are provided for most of the taxa


  • Al-Alawi. A. 1987. Systematic Studies of the Genus Convolvulus L. in the Arabian Peninsula. Reading University, Reading.
  • Austin, D. F. 1998. Parallel and convergent evolution in the Convolvulaceae. In: Mathews P. & Sivadasan M. (ed.), Biodiversity and taxonomy of tropical flowering plants. Calicut, Mentor Books.
  • Aykurt, C. 2012. Convolvulus. In: Güner. A., Aslan. S., Ekim. T., Vural. M., Babaç. M.T. (eds), Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını. İstanbul.
  • Aykurt, C., Sümbül, H. 2010. Varieties and chorology of Convolvulus oleifolius Desr. (Convolvulaceae) in Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 3/2: 155–162.
  • Aykurt, C., Sümbül. H. 2011a. A new natural hybrid of Convolvulus L. (Convolvulaceae) from the Central Anatolia. Annales Botanici Fennici. 48/5: 428–434.
  • Aykurt, C., Sümbül, H. 2011b. New natural hybrids of Convolvulus (Convolvulaceae) from Turkey. Nordic Journal of Botany. 39/4: 408-416.
  • Aykurt, C., Sümbül, H. 2011c. Rediscovery of Convolvulus germaniciae Boiss. & Hausskn.(Convolvulaceae). Biological Diversity and Conservation. 4/2: 55-59.
  • Boissier, E. 1879. Flora Orientalis. Vol. 4: 84–111. Geneve Botany Press, Geneve.
  • Carine, M. A., Ruseel, S. J., Santos-Guerra, A., Francisco-Ortega, J. 2004. Relationships of the Macaronesian and Mediterranean Floras: Molecular evidence for multiple colonisations into Macaronesia and subsequent back-colonisation of the continent in Convolvulus (Convolvulaceae). American Journal of Botany. 91: 1070–1085.
  • Cronquist, A. 1981. An Integrated System of ClassiŞcation of Flowering Plants. Columbia University Press, NewYork.
  • Danin, A. 2004. Flora of Israel Online. published at
  • Davis, P. H., Mill, R. R., Tan, K. 1988. Convolvulus L. in: Davis, P. H., Mill, R. R., Tan, K. (eds), Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands 10: 182. Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh.
  • Feinburn-Dothan, N. 1978. Convolvulus L. Flora Palaestina 3: 33–43.. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities Press, Jerusalem.
  • IUCN Species Survival Commission. 2001. IUCN Red List Categories. 3.1. Gland, Switzerland.
  • IUCN Standards and Petitions Working Group. 2008. Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version 7.0. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Working Group of the IUCN SSC Biodiversity Assessments Sub-Committee in August 2008.
  • Karamanoğlu, K. 1964. The Species of Convolvulus L. in Turkey. De la Faculte des Sciences de L’Universite D’Ankara. 13: 225– 251.
  • Meikle, R. D. 1985. Convolvulus L. in: Meikle R. D. (ed.), Flora of Cyprus 2: 1163–1179. The Bentham-Moxon Trust: Royal Botanic Garden, Kew.
  • Mouterde, P. 1986 Convolvulus L. Nouvelle Flore Du Liban et de la Syrie 2: 334–344. Dar El-Machreq Éditeurs, Beyrouth, Liban.
  • Munz, P. A., Keck, D. D. 1975. A California Flora and Supplement. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
  • Parris, B. S. 1978. Convolvulus L. in: Davis P. H. (ed.), Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands 6: 198-221. Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh.
  • Post, G. E. 1932. Convolvulus L. in: Dinsmore, J. E. (ed), Flora of Syria, Palestine and Sinai (2nd Edition). American Press, Beirut.
  • Rechinger K. H. 1979: Convolvulus L. – in: Rechinger, K. H. (ed.), Flora des Iranischen Hochlandes und der Umrahbenden Gebirge. – Graz-Austria.
  • Rhui-cheng, F., Staples G. 1995. Flora of China. 16: 271–325: published at
  • Sa’ad, F. 1967. Convolvulus species of the Canary Isles, the Mediterranean region and the Near and Middle East. Bronder-Offset, Rotterdam.
  • Stace, C. A. 1971. Notes on the European species of Convolvulus. Journal Linnean Society (Botanic). 64: 56–59.
  • Stace, C. A. 1972. Convolvulus L. in: Tutin T. G., Heywood V. H., Burges N. A., Moore D. M., Valentine D. H., Walters S. M. & Webb D. A. (eds.), Flora Europaea 3: 79–82. Cambridge, Cambridge University.
  • Staples, G. W., Yang, S. Z. 1998. Convolvulaceae in: Editorial Committee of the Flora of Taiwan (ed), Flora of Taiwan (2nd Edition). 4: 341–384. Department of Botany, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Stefanović, S., Krueger, L., Olmstead R. G. 2002. Monophyly of the Convolvulaceae and circumscription of their major lineages based on DNA sequences of multiple chloroplast loci. American Journal of Botany. 89: 1510–1522.
  • Thiers B. 2008+ [continuously updated]: Index herbariorum. New York Botanical Garden: published at

Türkiye Convolvulus L. Convolvulaceae cinsinin taksonomik revizyonu

Year 2014, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 10 - 37, 15.08.2014


Türkiye Florası’nda 33 tür 36 takson ile temsil edilen Convolvulus cinsi, bu çalışmayla 3 tanesi hibrit olmak üzere toplam 39 takson olarak değerlendirildi. Türkiye’nin farklı lokasyonlarından 2006-2010 yıllarında arasında toplanan Convolvulus cinsine ait 39 taksona ait morfolojik karakterler incelendi. Ayrıca, her taksonun tehlike kategorisi IUCN kriterlerine göre belirlendi. Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi Damarlı Bitkiker ’nde C. phrygius türünün sinonimi olarak belirtilen C. puvinatus türünün, sinonim yapılma nedenleri bu çalışmada ayrıntılı biçimde tartışıldı. Türlere, alttürlere ve varyetelere ait teşhis anahtarları, bu taksonların sinonimleri, ayrıntılı morfolojik betimleri, çizimleri ve çoğu taksona ait yayılış haritaları sunuldu


  • Al-Alawi. A. 1987. Systematic Studies of the Genus Convolvulus L. in the Arabian Peninsula. Reading University, Reading.
  • Austin, D. F. 1998. Parallel and convergent evolution in the Convolvulaceae. In: Mathews P. & Sivadasan M. (ed.), Biodiversity and taxonomy of tropical flowering plants. Calicut, Mentor Books.
  • Aykurt, C. 2012. Convolvulus. In: Güner. A., Aslan. S., Ekim. T., Vural. M., Babaç. M.T. (eds), Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını. İstanbul.
  • Aykurt, C., Sümbül, H. 2010. Varieties and chorology of Convolvulus oleifolius Desr. (Convolvulaceae) in Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 3/2: 155–162.
  • Aykurt, C., Sümbül. H. 2011a. A new natural hybrid of Convolvulus L. (Convolvulaceae) from the Central Anatolia. Annales Botanici Fennici. 48/5: 428–434.
  • Aykurt, C., Sümbül, H. 2011b. New natural hybrids of Convolvulus (Convolvulaceae) from Turkey. Nordic Journal of Botany. 39/4: 408-416.
  • Aykurt, C., Sümbül, H. 2011c. Rediscovery of Convolvulus germaniciae Boiss. & Hausskn.(Convolvulaceae). Biological Diversity and Conservation. 4/2: 55-59.
  • Boissier, E. 1879. Flora Orientalis. Vol. 4: 84–111. Geneve Botany Press, Geneve.
  • Carine, M. A., Ruseel, S. J., Santos-Guerra, A., Francisco-Ortega, J. 2004. Relationships of the Macaronesian and Mediterranean Floras: Molecular evidence for multiple colonisations into Macaronesia and subsequent back-colonisation of the continent in Convolvulus (Convolvulaceae). American Journal of Botany. 91: 1070–1085.
  • Cronquist, A. 1981. An Integrated System of ClassiŞcation of Flowering Plants. Columbia University Press, NewYork.
  • Danin, A. 2004. Flora of Israel Online. published at
  • Davis, P. H., Mill, R. R., Tan, K. 1988. Convolvulus L. in: Davis, P. H., Mill, R. R., Tan, K. (eds), Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands 10: 182. Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh.
  • Feinburn-Dothan, N. 1978. Convolvulus L. Flora Palaestina 3: 33–43.. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities Press, Jerusalem.
  • IUCN Species Survival Commission. 2001. IUCN Red List Categories. 3.1. Gland, Switzerland.
  • IUCN Standards and Petitions Working Group. 2008. Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version 7.0. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Working Group of the IUCN SSC Biodiversity Assessments Sub-Committee in August 2008.
  • Karamanoğlu, K. 1964. The Species of Convolvulus L. in Turkey. De la Faculte des Sciences de L’Universite D’Ankara. 13: 225– 251.
  • Meikle, R. D. 1985. Convolvulus L. in: Meikle R. D. (ed.), Flora of Cyprus 2: 1163–1179. The Bentham-Moxon Trust: Royal Botanic Garden, Kew.
  • Mouterde, P. 1986 Convolvulus L. Nouvelle Flore Du Liban et de la Syrie 2: 334–344. Dar El-Machreq Éditeurs, Beyrouth, Liban.
  • Munz, P. A., Keck, D. D. 1975. A California Flora and Supplement. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
  • Parris, B. S. 1978. Convolvulus L. in: Davis P. H. (ed.), Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands 6: 198-221. Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh.
  • Post, G. E. 1932. Convolvulus L. in: Dinsmore, J. E. (ed), Flora of Syria, Palestine and Sinai (2nd Edition). American Press, Beirut.
  • Rechinger K. H. 1979: Convolvulus L. – in: Rechinger, K. H. (ed.), Flora des Iranischen Hochlandes und der Umrahbenden Gebirge. – Graz-Austria.
  • Rhui-cheng, F., Staples G. 1995. Flora of China. 16: 271–325: published at
  • Sa’ad, F. 1967. Convolvulus species of the Canary Isles, the Mediterranean region and the Near and Middle East. Bronder-Offset, Rotterdam.
  • Stace, C. A. 1971. Notes on the European species of Convolvulus. Journal Linnean Society (Botanic). 64: 56–59.
  • Stace, C. A. 1972. Convolvulus L. in: Tutin T. G., Heywood V. H., Burges N. A., Moore D. M., Valentine D. H., Walters S. M. & Webb D. A. (eds.), Flora Europaea 3: 79–82. Cambridge, Cambridge University.
  • Staples, G. W., Yang, S. Z. 1998. Convolvulaceae in: Editorial Committee of the Flora of Taiwan (ed), Flora of Taiwan (2nd Edition). 4: 341–384. Department of Botany, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Stefanović, S., Krueger, L., Olmstead R. G. 2002. Monophyly of the Convolvulaceae and circumscription of their major lineages based on DNA sequences of multiple chloroplast loci. American Journal of Botany. 89: 1510–1522.
  • Thiers B. 2008+ [continuously updated]: Index herbariorum. New York Botanical Garden: published at
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Candan Aykurt This is me

Hüseyin Sümbül This is me

Publication Date August 15, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Aykurt, C., & Sümbül, H. (2014). Türkiye Convolvulus L. Convolvulaceae cinsinin taksonomik revizyonu. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 7(2), 10-37.

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