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Morphological, anatomical and karyological investigations on the genus Paris in Turkey

Year 2014, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 57 - 68, 15.08.2014


This study presents morphological, anatomical and karyological characteristics of the genus Paris L. represented by 2 species in Turkey: P. incomplete M. Bieb. and P. quadrifolia L. Taxonomically detailed description of the species are based on collected and examined specimens; distributions and illustrations are presented along with anatomical cross sections of leaves, stems, rhizomes and roots and leaf surfaces. The differing anatomical structure of studied plant parts is suitable for use as an additional tool in their identification. Karyotypes of the species are determined, P. incompleta, as 2n = 10, diploid, chromosome formula is 2m+4sm+2st+2t and P. quadrifolia as 2n = 20, tetraploid, chromosome formula is 4m+8sm+2st+2t. Photographies of species in naturel habitat, distribution map of species in Turkey, detailed drawing of flowers and general view of species, drawings and microphotographies of the karyotypes are also presented


  • Bjerketvedt, D., Laane, M.M. 1982. Accessory chromosomes in Norwegian populations of Paris quadrifolia L. Cytologia. 47. 391-398.
  • Cutter, E.G. 1971. Plant anatomy: Experiment and interpretation, part 2, Organs. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, London, England.
  • Dane, F. 2006. Cytological and Histological Studies on Repruductive System of Hexaploid Bellevalia edirnensis Özhatay & Mathew (Hyacinthaceae). Acta Biologica Hungarica. 57 /3. 339-354.
  • Darlington, C.D. 1941. Polyploidy crossing-over and heterochromatin in Paris. Annals of Botany-London 5. 203-216.
  • Doğu, S., Dinç, M., Ünal, A. 2011. Anatomical characteristics of Bellevalia mathewii Özhatay & Koçak (Liliaceae). Biological Diversity and Conservation. 4/3. 14-18.
  • Farmer, S.B., Schilling, E.E. 2002. Phylogenetic analyses of Trilliaceae based on morphological and molecular data. Systematic Botany. 27. 674- 692.
  • Gagnidze R.I., Gviniaschvili C.N., Pataraia M.G., Dzindzolia L.D. 1985. Chromosome numbers in some high–elevation species from the Big Caucasus. Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 70. 1698-1699.
  • Gotoh, K. (1933). Karyologische Studien an Paris and Trillium. The Japanese Journal of Genetics. 8. 197-203.
  • Gotoh, K. 1937. Studies on the chromosome number in Paridae. The Japanese Journal of Genetics. 13. 209-210.
  • Gürsoy, M., Şık, L. 2010. Comparative anatomical studies on Muscari armeniacum Leichtlin ex Baker and Muscari neglegtum Guss. in west Anatolia. C.B.U. Journal of Science. 6/1. 61-72.
  • Haga, T. 1934. The comparative morphology of the chromosome complement in the tribe Parideae. Journal of the Faculty of Science of the Hokkaido Imperial University. Series botany. 5/ 3. 1-32.
  • Hara H. 1969. Variations in Paris polyphylla Smith with reference to other Asiatic species. Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section III. Botany. 3/10. 141-180.
  • Jacquemyn, H., Brys, R., Hutchings, M.J. 2008. Biological Flora of the British Isles: Paris quadrifolia L. Journal of Ecology. 96. 833-844.
  • Ji, Y.H., Fritsch, P.W., Li, H., Xiao, T.J., Zhou, Z.K. 2006. Phylogeny and classification of Paris (Melanthiaceae) inferred from DNA sequence data. Annales Botany-London. 98. 245-256.
  • Kahraman, A., Celep, F., Doğan, M., Koyuncu, M. 2010. Morpho-anatomical studies on Bellevalia paradoxa Boiss. belonging to Liliaceae. Australian Journal of Crop Science. 4/3. 150-154.
  • Kozlova, A.A. 1979. Rezul, taty kariotipicheskogo analiza Paris guadrifolia L. v. refugiumakh Kuzneckogo Alatau i Altaja. Chernevaja Tajga i Problema Reliktov. Tomsk. 47-51.
  • Laane, M.M. 1990. Cyto-genetic problems in the allopolyloid species Paris quadrifolia L. Blyttia. 48. 73-76.
  • Levan, A., Fredga, K. & Sandberg, A.A. 1964. Nomenclature for centromeric position on chromosomes. Hereditas. 52. 201-220.
  • Li, H., Gu, Z.J., Yang, Y.P. 1998. Cytogeography of the genus Paris. In: Li H (ed.) The genus Paris (Trilliaceae). Science Press, Beijing, China, 117-140.
  • Liang, S.Y., Soukup, V.G. 2000. Paris L. In: Wu ZY, Raven PH (Eds). Flora of China 24. Flagellariaceae through Marantaceae. Science Press and St Louis, MO: Botanical Garden Press, Beijing, China, 88-95.
  • Love, A., Love, D. 1982. IOPB chromosome number reports LXXVI. Taxon. 31. 583-587.
  • Miller, R.R. 1984. Paris L. In Davis PH, Mill RR, Tan K (Eds.). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol. 8. 355. Edinburg University Press, Edinburgh, England.
  • Ocak, A., Alan, S., Ataşlar, E. 2004. Morphological, anatomical and ecological studies on Tulipa armena Boiss. var. lycica (Baker) Marais (Liliaceae). Turkish Journal of Botany, 28, 427-434.
  • Osaloo, S.K., Kawano, S. 1999. Moleculer systematics of Trilliaceae II. Phylogenetic analyses of Trillium and its allies using sequence of rbcL and matK genes of cpDNA and internal transcribed spaces of 18S – 26S nrDNA. Plant Species Biology. 14. 75-94.
  • Punina, E.O., Myakoshina, Y.A., Efimov, A.M., Rodionov, A.V. 2000. Chromosome map of Trilliaceae plants: heterochromatin nucleotide composition and mapping of 18S – 26S rRNA genes in Paris quadrifolia L. Genetika 36/5. 673- 677.
  • Reveal, J.L., Chase, M.W. 2011. APG III: Bibliographical Information and Synonymy of Magnoliidae. Phytotaxa. 19. 71-134.
  • Seberg, O., Petersen, G., Davis, J.I., Pires, C., Stevenson, D.W., Chase, M.W., Fay, M.F., Devey, D.S., Jİrgensen, T., Sytsma, K.J., Pillon, Y. 2012. Phylogeny of The Asparagales Based on Three Plastid and Two Mitochondrial Genes. American Journal of Botany. 99. 875-889.
  • Schneeweiss, H.W., Schneeweiss, G.M. 2003. Karyological Investigations of Selected Angiosperms from Georgia and Azerbaijan. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica. 45. 49-56.
  • Takhtajan, A. 1983. A revision of Daiswa (Trilliacea). Brittonia. 35. 255-270.
  • Terzioğlu, S., Coşkunçelebi, K., Baskent, E.Z. 2008. Paris quadrifolia L. (Liliaceae): A New Record fort the Flora of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany. 32. 175-177.
  • Xue, D., Yin, H., Li, J., Zhang, H., Peng, C. 2009. Application of Microscopy in Authentication and Distinguishing of 11 Paris Species in West Sichuan. Microscopy Research and Technique.72. 744-754.
  • Uysal, İ. 1999. Morphological, Anatomical and Ecological studies on the two Turkish endemic species collected from
  • Kaz Dağı (B1 Balıkesir) “Allium sibthorpianum Schultes & Schultes fill. and Allium reuterianum Boiss. Turkish Journal of Botany. 23. 137-148.
  • Yue, H.-X., Chun-Bang, D., Rui-Wu, Y., Li, Z., Yong-Hong, Z., Yan, L. 2011. Karyomorphology of Some Taxa of Paris (Melanthiaceae) from Sinchuan Province, China. Caryologia. 64. 288-296.
  • Zomlefer, W.B., Judd, W.S., Whitten, W.M., Williams, N.H. 2006. A Synopsis of Melanthiaceae (Liliales) With Focus on Character Evolution in Tribe Melanthieae. Aliso.22. 566-578.

Türkiye’deki Paris cinsi üzerinde morfolojik, anatomik ve karyolojik araştırmalar

Year 2014, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 57 - 68, 15.08.2014


Bu çalışma Türkiye’de 2 tür P. incomplete M. Bieb. ve P. quadrifolia L. ile temsil edilen Paris L. cinsinin morfolojik, anatomik ve karyolojik özelliklerini içermektedir. Türlerin toplanan ve incelenen örneklere dayanarak yapılan detaylı tanımlamaları, dağılımları ve çizimleri ve yaprak, gövde, rizom ve köklerin enine kesitleri ve yaprakların yüzeysel kesitleri de yer almaktadır. Çalışılan bitki kısımlarının farklılık gösteren anatomik yapıları bitkileri ayırmak için kullanılabilmektedir. Türlerin karyotip özellikleri belirlenmiştir, P. incomplete kromozom sayısı 2n=10 diploid, kromozom formülü 2m+4sm+2st+2t, P. quadrifolia’nın kromozom sayısı 2n=20 tetraploid, kromozom formülü 4m+8sm+2st+2t olarak tespit edilmiştir. Türlerin doğal ortamda çekilmiş fotoğrafları, Türkiye’deki yayılışını gösteren harita, bitkilerin çiçekleri ve genel görünüşlerinin detaylı çizimleri, karyotiplerinin çizimleri ve mikrofotoğrafları da ayrıca yer almaktadır


  • Bjerketvedt, D., Laane, M.M. 1982. Accessory chromosomes in Norwegian populations of Paris quadrifolia L. Cytologia. 47. 391-398.
  • Cutter, E.G. 1971. Plant anatomy: Experiment and interpretation, part 2, Organs. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, London, England.
  • Dane, F. 2006. Cytological and Histological Studies on Repruductive System of Hexaploid Bellevalia edirnensis Özhatay & Mathew (Hyacinthaceae). Acta Biologica Hungarica. 57 /3. 339-354.
  • Darlington, C.D. 1941. Polyploidy crossing-over and heterochromatin in Paris. Annals of Botany-London 5. 203-216.
  • Doğu, S., Dinç, M., Ünal, A. 2011. Anatomical characteristics of Bellevalia mathewii Özhatay & Koçak (Liliaceae). Biological Diversity and Conservation. 4/3. 14-18.
  • Farmer, S.B., Schilling, E.E. 2002. Phylogenetic analyses of Trilliaceae based on morphological and molecular data. Systematic Botany. 27. 674- 692.
  • Gagnidze R.I., Gviniaschvili C.N., Pataraia M.G., Dzindzolia L.D. 1985. Chromosome numbers in some high–elevation species from the Big Caucasus. Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 70. 1698-1699.
  • Gotoh, K. (1933). Karyologische Studien an Paris and Trillium. The Japanese Journal of Genetics. 8. 197-203.
  • Gotoh, K. 1937. Studies on the chromosome number in Paridae. The Japanese Journal of Genetics. 13. 209-210.
  • Gürsoy, M., Şık, L. 2010. Comparative anatomical studies on Muscari armeniacum Leichtlin ex Baker and Muscari neglegtum Guss. in west Anatolia. C.B.U. Journal of Science. 6/1. 61-72.
  • Haga, T. 1934. The comparative morphology of the chromosome complement in the tribe Parideae. Journal of the Faculty of Science of the Hokkaido Imperial University. Series botany. 5/ 3. 1-32.
  • Hara H. 1969. Variations in Paris polyphylla Smith with reference to other Asiatic species. Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section III. Botany. 3/10. 141-180.
  • Jacquemyn, H., Brys, R., Hutchings, M.J. 2008. Biological Flora of the British Isles: Paris quadrifolia L. Journal of Ecology. 96. 833-844.
  • Ji, Y.H., Fritsch, P.W., Li, H., Xiao, T.J., Zhou, Z.K. 2006. Phylogeny and classification of Paris (Melanthiaceae) inferred from DNA sequence data. Annales Botany-London. 98. 245-256.
  • Kahraman, A., Celep, F., Doğan, M., Koyuncu, M. 2010. Morpho-anatomical studies on Bellevalia paradoxa Boiss. belonging to Liliaceae. Australian Journal of Crop Science. 4/3. 150-154.
  • Kozlova, A.A. 1979. Rezul, taty kariotipicheskogo analiza Paris guadrifolia L. v. refugiumakh Kuzneckogo Alatau i Altaja. Chernevaja Tajga i Problema Reliktov. Tomsk. 47-51.
  • Laane, M.M. 1990. Cyto-genetic problems in the allopolyloid species Paris quadrifolia L. Blyttia. 48. 73-76.
  • Levan, A., Fredga, K. & Sandberg, A.A. 1964. Nomenclature for centromeric position on chromosomes. Hereditas. 52. 201-220.
  • Li, H., Gu, Z.J., Yang, Y.P. 1998. Cytogeography of the genus Paris. In: Li H (ed.) The genus Paris (Trilliaceae). Science Press, Beijing, China, 117-140.
  • Liang, S.Y., Soukup, V.G. 2000. Paris L. In: Wu ZY, Raven PH (Eds). Flora of China 24. Flagellariaceae through Marantaceae. Science Press and St Louis, MO: Botanical Garden Press, Beijing, China, 88-95.
  • Love, A., Love, D. 1982. IOPB chromosome number reports LXXVI. Taxon. 31. 583-587.
  • Miller, R.R. 1984. Paris L. In Davis PH, Mill RR, Tan K (Eds.). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol. 8. 355. Edinburg University Press, Edinburgh, England.
  • Ocak, A., Alan, S., Ataşlar, E. 2004. Morphological, anatomical and ecological studies on Tulipa armena Boiss. var. lycica (Baker) Marais (Liliaceae). Turkish Journal of Botany, 28, 427-434.
  • Osaloo, S.K., Kawano, S. 1999. Moleculer systematics of Trilliaceae II. Phylogenetic analyses of Trillium and its allies using sequence of rbcL and matK genes of cpDNA and internal transcribed spaces of 18S – 26S nrDNA. Plant Species Biology. 14. 75-94.
  • Punina, E.O., Myakoshina, Y.A., Efimov, A.M., Rodionov, A.V. 2000. Chromosome map of Trilliaceae plants: heterochromatin nucleotide composition and mapping of 18S – 26S rRNA genes in Paris quadrifolia L. Genetika 36/5. 673- 677.
  • Reveal, J.L., Chase, M.W. 2011. APG III: Bibliographical Information and Synonymy of Magnoliidae. Phytotaxa. 19. 71-134.
  • Seberg, O., Petersen, G., Davis, J.I., Pires, C., Stevenson, D.W., Chase, M.W., Fay, M.F., Devey, D.S., Jİrgensen, T., Sytsma, K.J., Pillon, Y. 2012. Phylogeny of The Asparagales Based on Three Plastid and Two Mitochondrial Genes. American Journal of Botany. 99. 875-889.
  • Schneeweiss, H.W., Schneeweiss, G.M. 2003. Karyological Investigations of Selected Angiosperms from Georgia and Azerbaijan. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica. 45. 49-56.
  • Takhtajan, A. 1983. A revision of Daiswa (Trilliacea). Brittonia. 35. 255-270.
  • Terzioğlu, S., Coşkunçelebi, K., Baskent, E.Z. 2008. Paris quadrifolia L. (Liliaceae): A New Record fort the Flora of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany. 32. 175-177.
  • Xue, D., Yin, H., Li, J., Zhang, H., Peng, C. 2009. Application of Microscopy in Authentication and Distinguishing of 11 Paris Species in West Sichuan. Microscopy Research and Technique.72. 744-754.
  • Uysal, İ. 1999. Morphological, Anatomical and Ecological studies on the two Turkish endemic species collected from
  • Kaz Dağı (B1 Balıkesir) “Allium sibthorpianum Schultes & Schultes fill. and Allium reuterianum Boiss. Turkish Journal of Botany. 23. 137-148.
  • Yue, H.-X., Chun-Bang, D., Rui-Wu, Y., Li, Z., Yong-Hong, Z., Yan, L. 2011. Karyomorphology of Some Taxa of Paris (Melanthiaceae) from Sinchuan Province, China. Caryologia. 64. 288-296.
  • Zomlefer, W.B., Judd, W.S., Whitten, W.M., Williams, N.H. 2006. A Synopsis of Melanthiaceae (Liliales) With Focus on Character Evolution in Tribe Melanthieae. Aliso.22. 566-578.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Yeter Yeşil This is me

Fatma Neriman Özhatay This is me

Publication Date August 15, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Yeşil, Y., & Özhatay, F. N. (2014). Türkiye’deki Paris cinsi üzerinde morfolojik, anatomik ve karyolojik araştırmalar. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 7(2), 57-68.

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