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A new lichen record for Turkey and contributions to lichens of İğneada Kırklareli

Year 2012, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 85 - 88, 15.08.2012


In this study, a list of 35 lichen taxa is reported from İğneada located in the Thrace region of Turkey in the province of Kırklaereli. Among the identified taxa, 32 are epiphytic lichens collected on a variety of 11 tree species and 3 are terricolous. Arthonia anombrophila Coppins & P.James is a new record for Turkish lichen mycota and 13 lichen taxa are new for Kırklareli province


  • Branquinho, C., Catarino, F., Brown, D.H., Pereira, M.J., Soares, A. 1999. Improving the use of lichens as biomonitors of atmospheric metal pollution. The Science of the Total Environment. 232. 67-77.
  • Brodo, I.M., Sharnoff, S.D., Sharnoff, S. 2001. Lichens of North America. —Yale University Press. New Haven and London.
  • Brummitt, R.K., Powell, C.E. 1992. Authors of Plant Names. Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew.
  • Coppins, A.M., Coppins, B.J. 2002. Indices of Ecological Continuity for Woodland Epiphytic Lichen Habitats in the British Isles. British Lichen Society. Intype London Ltd. Wimbledon.
  • Çobanoğlu, G. 2005. Lichen Collection in the Herbarium of the University of İstanbul (ISTF). Turk J Bot. 29. 69-74.
  • Çobanoğlu, G. 2011. Türkiye Likenoloji Literatürü Listesi - A– 2000–2010 Kronolojik Bibliyografya B– John (1992, 1995)–2000 Yayınlar. Türk Liken Topluluğu Bülteni. Sayı 9/Ocak: 11-47.
  • Çobanoğlu, G., Sevgi, O. 2009. Analysis of the Distribution of Epiphytic Lichens on Cedrus libani in Elmali Research Forest (Antalya, Turkey). Journal of Environmental Biology. 30/2. 205-212.
  • Fabiszewski, J., Szczepańska, K. 2010. Ecological indicator values of some lichen species noted in Poland. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae. 79/4. 305-313.
  • Feige, G.B., Niemann, L., Jahnke, S. 1990. Lichens and mosses silent chronists of The Chernobyl accident. Contributions to Lichenology. In honour of A. Hessen. Bibl. Lichenol. 38. 63-77.
  • Garty, J. 2001. Biomonitoring Atmospheric Heavy Metals with Lichens: Theory and Application. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 20/4. 309-371.
  • Hawksworth, D.L., Rose, F. 1970. Qualitative Scale for estimating Sulphur Dioxide Air Pollution in England and Wales using Epiphytic Lichens. Nature. 227. 145-148.
  • Kavgacı, A. 2007: Sand-dune vegetation of Igneada coast in the Thracian part of Turkey. Hacquetia 6/2: 171-182.
  • Kavgacı, A., Čarni, A., Tecimen, H.B., Özalp, G. 2010. Diversity And Ecological Differentiation Of Oak Forests In Nw Thrace ( Turkey). Archives of Biological Sciences, Belgrade. 62/3. 705-718.
  • Nash III, T.H. 2008. Lichen Biology. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
  • Oran, S., Öztürk, Ş. 2011. The diversity of lichen and lichenicolous fungi on Quercus taxa found in the Marmara region (Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation 4/2. 204-223.
  • Özdemir Türk, A., Güner, H. 1998. Lichens of the Thrace Region of Turkey. Tr. J. of Botany. 22/6. 397-407.
  • Szatala, Ö. 1940. Adatok A Balkanfelsziget Es Kıs-Azsia Zuzmoflorajanoak Ismeretehez. Contribution a La Connaissance De La Flore Lichenologigue de la peninsule Des Balkans Et De L’ Asie Mineure. Borbasia, Budapest. 2. 33-50.
  • Türk Özdemir, A., Güner, H. 1995. The Lichens of the Yıldız (Istranca) Mountain in Turkey. 4th Plant Life of Southwest Asia Symposium 21-28 May 95, İzmir.
  • John, V. 1992. Flechten der Turkei I. (Türkiye Likenleri I.). Das die Türkei betreffende lichenologische Shrifftum (Türkiye Likenleri ile ilgili Literatür), Pfalzmuseum für Naturkunde (Pollichia-Museum). 1-14. Bad Dürkheim.
  • John, V. 1995. Flechten der Türkei IV. (Türkiye Likenleri IV.). Das die Türkei betreffende lichenologische Shrifftum (Türkiye likenleri ile ilgili literatürlere ilaveler), Pfalzmuseum für Naturkunde (Pollichia-Museum). 1-10. Bad Dürkheim.
  • Purvis, O.W., Coppins, B.J., Hawksworth, D.L., James, P.W., Moore, D.M. 1992. The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland — Natural History Museum Publications. London.
  • Smith, C.W., Aptroot, A., Coppins, B.J., Fletcher, A., Gilbert, O.L., James, P.W., Wolseley, P.A. 2009. The Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland. The British Lichen Society. London.
  • Wirth, V. 1995. Die Flechten Baden-Württembergs. 2 vols. Eugen Ulmer. Stuttgart.

Türkiye için yeni bir liken kaydı ve İğneada Kırklareli likenlerine katkılar

Year 2012, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 85 - 88, 15.08.2012


Bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin Trakya bölgesinde yer alan Kırklareli iline bağlı İğneada’dan kaydedilen 35 liken türünün listesi rapor edilmiştir. Tespit edilen türlerden 32 tanesi çeşitli 11 ağaç türlerinin kabukları üzerinden, 3 tanesi ise toprak üzerinden toplanmıştır. Arthonia anombrophila Coppins & P.James Türk liken mikotası için yeni bir kayıt olup 13 liken taksonu ise Kırklareli ilinden ilk defa kaydedilmiştir


  • Branquinho, C., Catarino, F., Brown, D.H., Pereira, M.J., Soares, A. 1999. Improving the use of lichens as biomonitors of atmospheric metal pollution. The Science of the Total Environment. 232. 67-77.
  • Brodo, I.M., Sharnoff, S.D., Sharnoff, S. 2001. Lichens of North America. —Yale University Press. New Haven and London.
  • Brummitt, R.K., Powell, C.E. 1992. Authors of Plant Names. Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew.
  • Coppins, A.M., Coppins, B.J. 2002. Indices of Ecological Continuity for Woodland Epiphytic Lichen Habitats in the British Isles. British Lichen Society. Intype London Ltd. Wimbledon.
  • Çobanoğlu, G. 2005. Lichen Collection in the Herbarium of the University of İstanbul (ISTF). Turk J Bot. 29. 69-74.
  • Çobanoğlu, G. 2011. Türkiye Likenoloji Literatürü Listesi - A– 2000–2010 Kronolojik Bibliyografya B– John (1992, 1995)–2000 Yayınlar. Türk Liken Topluluğu Bülteni. Sayı 9/Ocak: 11-47.
  • Çobanoğlu, G., Sevgi, O. 2009. Analysis of the Distribution of Epiphytic Lichens on Cedrus libani in Elmali Research Forest (Antalya, Turkey). Journal of Environmental Biology. 30/2. 205-212.
  • Fabiszewski, J., Szczepańska, K. 2010. Ecological indicator values of some lichen species noted in Poland. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae. 79/4. 305-313.
  • Feige, G.B., Niemann, L., Jahnke, S. 1990. Lichens and mosses silent chronists of The Chernobyl accident. Contributions to Lichenology. In honour of A. Hessen. Bibl. Lichenol. 38. 63-77.
  • Garty, J. 2001. Biomonitoring Atmospheric Heavy Metals with Lichens: Theory and Application. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 20/4. 309-371.
  • Hawksworth, D.L., Rose, F. 1970. Qualitative Scale for estimating Sulphur Dioxide Air Pollution in England and Wales using Epiphytic Lichens. Nature. 227. 145-148.
  • Kavgacı, A. 2007: Sand-dune vegetation of Igneada coast in the Thracian part of Turkey. Hacquetia 6/2: 171-182.
  • Kavgacı, A., Čarni, A., Tecimen, H.B., Özalp, G. 2010. Diversity And Ecological Differentiation Of Oak Forests In Nw Thrace ( Turkey). Archives of Biological Sciences, Belgrade. 62/3. 705-718.
  • Nash III, T.H. 2008. Lichen Biology. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
  • Oran, S., Öztürk, Ş. 2011. The diversity of lichen and lichenicolous fungi on Quercus taxa found in the Marmara region (Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation 4/2. 204-223.
  • Özdemir Türk, A., Güner, H. 1998. Lichens of the Thrace Region of Turkey. Tr. J. of Botany. 22/6. 397-407.
  • Szatala, Ö. 1940. Adatok A Balkanfelsziget Es Kıs-Azsia Zuzmoflorajanoak Ismeretehez. Contribution a La Connaissance De La Flore Lichenologigue de la peninsule Des Balkans Et De L’ Asie Mineure. Borbasia, Budapest. 2. 33-50.
  • Türk Özdemir, A., Güner, H. 1995. The Lichens of the Yıldız (Istranca) Mountain in Turkey. 4th Plant Life of Southwest Asia Symposium 21-28 May 95, İzmir.
  • John, V. 1992. Flechten der Turkei I. (Türkiye Likenleri I.). Das die Türkei betreffende lichenologische Shrifftum (Türkiye Likenleri ile ilgili Literatür), Pfalzmuseum für Naturkunde (Pollichia-Museum). 1-14. Bad Dürkheim.
  • John, V. 1995. Flechten der Türkei IV. (Türkiye Likenleri IV.). Das die Türkei betreffende lichenologische Shrifftum (Türkiye likenleri ile ilgili literatürlere ilaveler), Pfalzmuseum für Naturkunde (Pollichia-Museum). 1-10. Bad Dürkheim.
  • Purvis, O.W., Coppins, B.J., Hawksworth, D.L., James, P.W., Moore, D.M. 1992. The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland — Natural History Museum Publications. London.
  • Smith, C.W., Aptroot, A., Coppins, B.J., Fletcher, A., Gilbert, O.L., James, P.W., Wolseley, P.A. 2009. The Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland. The British Lichen Society. London.
  • Wirth, V. 1995. Die Flechten Baden-Württembergs. 2 vols. Eugen Ulmer. Stuttgart.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Gülşah Çobanoğlu This is me

Orhan Sevgi This is me

Publication Date August 15, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Çobanoğlu, G., & Sevgi, O. (2012). Türkiye için yeni bir liken kaydı ve İğneada Kırklareli likenlerine katkılar. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 5(2), 85-88.

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