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Epiphytic lichen diversity on Fagus orientalis Lipsky and Fagus sylvatica L. in the Marmara region Turkey

Year 2011, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 134 - 143, 15.04.2011


In the present study, epiphytic lichens were investigated on Fagus orientalis Lipsky and Fagus sylvatica L. at 27 localities and a total of 76 lichenized fungi and 1 lichenolous fungi belonging to 39 genera were determined. 76 taxa were found on F. orientalis and 8 taxa were found on F. sylvatica. Arthonia stellaris Kremp. and Pertusaria leioplaca DC. were recorded for the first time from Marmara region. In addition, some morphological, anatomical, ecological peculiarities and phytogeographical properties of the recorded lichen taxa were evaluated. The majority of the lichen species were determined rather hygrophytic and mesophytic. Also, rather low tolerance to eutrophication was observed in the lichen taxa recorded on beech trees. Temperate and suboceanic species were the most frequent species in the study area


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  • Akman, Y. 1995. Türkiye Orman Vejetasyonu. Ankara Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi Botanik Anabilim Dalı, Ankara.
  • Asan, A., Yarcı, C. 1993. Trakya’da Botanik Gezileri. Ekoloji Çevre Dergisi. 2/7: 26-29.
  • Bartók, K. 1999. Pecticide usage and epiphytic lichen diversity in Romanian orchards. Lichenologist. 31/1: 21-25.
  • Brodo, I.M., Sharnoff, S.D., Sharnoff, S. 2001. Lichens of North America. Yale University Press, New Haven.
  • Brummitt, R.K, Powel, C.E. 1992. Authors of plant names. Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew.
  • Clauzade, G., Roux, C. 1985. Likenoj De Okcidenta Eûropo Ilustrita Determinlibro. Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre, Royan.
  • Çobanoğlu, G., Sevgi, E., Sevgi, O. 2008. Lichen mycota along Uludağ fir (Abies bornmuelleriana Mattf.). Univ. of Craiova, Biologie. XIII/XLIX: 15-19.
  • Çobanoğlu, G., Sevgi, O. 2009. Analysis of the distribution of epiphytic lichens on Cedrus libani in Elmali Research Forest (Antalya, Turkey). Journal of Environmental Biology. 30/2: 205-212.
  • Ezer, T., Kara, R., Düzenli, A. 2010. Musa Dağı’ndaki epifitik vejetasyonu oluşturan briyofitlerin yaşam stratejileri. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 3/3: 75-84.
  • Güvenç, G., Oran, S., Öztürk, Ş. 2009. The Epiphytic Lichens on Anatolian Black Pine [Pinus nigra Arnd. subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe] in Mt. Uludag (Bursa-Turkey). Journal of Applied Biological Sciences. 3/2: 143- 147.
  • Mataracı, T. 2004. Ağaçlar. Doğa Severler İçin Rehber Kitap. Marmara Bölgesi Doğal-Egzotik Ağaç ve Çalıları. TEMA Vakfı Yayını No: 39, İstanbul.
  • Mežaka, A., Brūmelis, G., Piterāns, A. 2008. The distribution of epiphytic bryophyte and lichen species in relation to phorophyte characters in Latvian natural old-growth broad leaved forests. Folia Cryptog. Estonica. 44: 89-99.
  • Nimis, P.L., Scheidegger, C., Wolseley, P.A. 2002. Monitoring with Lichens-Monitoring Lichens. IV. Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 7, NATO Science Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London.
  • Nimis, P.L., Martellos, S. 2008. ITALIC - The Information System on Italian Lichens. Version 4.0. University of Trieste. online at
  • Örjan, F., Niklasson, M., Churski, M. 2008. Tree age is a key factor for the conservation of epiphytic lichens and bryophytes in beech forest. Applied Vegetation Science. 12: 93-106.
  • Özdemir, A. 1992. Bilecik Şehri Epifitik Likenlerinin Kükürtdioksit (SO2) Kirliliğine Bağlı Olarak Dağılışı. Doğa-Tr. J. of Botany. 16: 177-185.
  • Öztürk, Ş., Güvenç, G., Aslan, A. 1997. Distribution of Epiphytic Lichens and Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Pollution in the City of Bursa. Tr. J. of Botany. 21: 211-215.
  • Öztürk, Ş., Güvenç, G. 2010. The distribution of epiphytic lichens on Uludag fir (Abies nordmanniana (Steven) Spach subsp. bornmuelleriana (Mattf.) Coode & Cullen) forests along an altitudinal gradient (Mt. Uludag, Bursa, Turkey). Ekoloji. 19/74: 131-138.
  • Pirintsos, S.A., Diamantopoulos, J., Stamou, G.M. 1995. Analysis of the distribution of epiphytic lichens within homogeneous Fagus sylvatica stands along an altitudinal gradient (Mount Olympos, Greece). Vegetatio. 116: 33- 40.
  • Purvis, O.W., Coppins, B.J., Hawksworth, D.L., James, P.V., Moore, M. 1992. The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland. Natural History Museum Publications, London.
  • Will-Wolf, S., Esseen, P.A., Neitlich, P. 2002. Monitoring Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Forests. In (Eds.), Nimis, P.L., Scheidegger, C., Wolseley, P.A., Monitoring with Lichens-Monitoring Lichens. IV. Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 7, NATO Science Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London.
  • Wirth, V. 1995. Die Flechten Baden-Württembergs. Teil 1-2. Ulmer, Stuttgart.
  • Yazıcı, K., Aslan, A. 2006. Distribution of epiphytic lichens and air pollution in the city of Trabzon, Turkey. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 77: 838-845.
  • Zedda, L. 2002. The epiphytic lichens on Quercus in Sardinia (Italy) and their value as ecological indicators. Englera. 24: 1-457.

Marmara bölgesinde Türkiye Fagus orientalis Lipsky ve Fagus sylvatica L. üzerindeki epifitik liken çeşitliliği

Year 2011, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 134 - 143, 15.04.2011


Bu çalışmada, toplam 27 lokalitedeki Fagus orientalis Lipsky ve Fagus sylvatica L. üzerindeki epifitik likenler araştırılmış ve 39 cinse ait 76 likenize mantar ve 1 likenikol mantar taksonu belirlenmiştir. 76 takson F. orientalis, 8 takson ise F. sylvatica üzerinden bulunmuştur. Arthonia stellaris Kremp. ve Pertusaria leioplaca DC. Marmara bölgesinden ilk kez kaydedilmiştir. Ayrıca, kaydedilen taksonların bazı morfolojik, anatomik, ekolojik özellikleri ve fitocoğrafik özelllikleri de değerlendirilmiştir. Liken türlerinin büyük çoğunluğunun higrofitik ve mezofitik olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, kayın ağaçları üzerinden kaydedilen liken taksonlarının ötrofikasyona duyarlılıklarının oldukça düşük olduğu gözlenmiştir. Çalışma alanında en sık olarak temperate ve suboceanic türlere rastlanmıştır


  • Akman, Y. 1990. İklim ve Biyoiklim (Biyoiklim Metodları ve Türkiye İklimleri). Palme Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • Akman, Y. 1995. Türkiye Orman Vejetasyonu. Ankara Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi Botanik Anabilim Dalı, Ankara.
  • Asan, A., Yarcı, C. 1993. Trakya’da Botanik Gezileri. Ekoloji Çevre Dergisi. 2/7: 26-29.
  • Bartók, K. 1999. Pecticide usage and epiphytic lichen diversity in Romanian orchards. Lichenologist. 31/1: 21-25.
  • Brodo, I.M., Sharnoff, S.D., Sharnoff, S. 2001. Lichens of North America. Yale University Press, New Haven.
  • Brummitt, R.K, Powel, C.E. 1992. Authors of plant names. Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew.
  • Clauzade, G., Roux, C. 1985. Likenoj De Okcidenta Eûropo Ilustrita Determinlibro. Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre, Royan.
  • Çobanoğlu, G., Sevgi, E., Sevgi, O. 2008. Lichen mycota along Uludağ fir (Abies bornmuelleriana Mattf.). Univ. of Craiova, Biologie. XIII/XLIX: 15-19.
  • Çobanoğlu, G., Sevgi, O. 2009. Analysis of the distribution of epiphytic lichens on Cedrus libani in Elmali Research Forest (Antalya, Turkey). Journal of Environmental Biology. 30/2: 205-212.
  • Ezer, T., Kara, R., Düzenli, A. 2010. Musa Dağı’ndaki epifitik vejetasyonu oluşturan briyofitlerin yaşam stratejileri. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 3/3: 75-84.
  • Güvenç, G., Oran, S., Öztürk, Ş. 2009. The Epiphytic Lichens on Anatolian Black Pine [Pinus nigra Arnd. subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe] in Mt. Uludag (Bursa-Turkey). Journal of Applied Biological Sciences. 3/2: 143- 147.
  • Mataracı, T. 2004. Ağaçlar. Doğa Severler İçin Rehber Kitap. Marmara Bölgesi Doğal-Egzotik Ağaç ve Çalıları. TEMA Vakfı Yayını No: 39, İstanbul.
  • Mežaka, A., Brūmelis, G., Piterāns, A. 2008. The distribution of epiphytic bryophyte and lichen species in relation to phorophyte characters in Latvian natural old-growth broad leaved forests. Folia Cryptog. Estonica. 44: 89-99.
  • Nimis, P.L., Scheidegger, C., Wolseley, P.A. 2002. Monitoring with Lichens-Monitoring Lichens. IV. Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 7, NATO Science Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London.
  • Nimis, P.L., Martellos, S. 2008. ITALIC - The Information System on Italian Lichens. Version 4.0. University of Trieste. online at
  • Örjan, F., Niklasson, M., Churski, M. 2008. Tree age is a key factor for the conservation of epiphytic lichens and bryophytes in beech forest. Applied Vegetation Science. 12: 93-106.
  • Özdemir, A. 1992. Bilecik Şehri Epifitik Likenlerinin Kükürtdioksit (SO2) Kirliliğine Bağlı Olarak Dağılışı. Doğa-Tr. J. of Botany. 16: 177-185.
  • Öztürk, Ş., Güvenç, G., Aslan, A. 1997. Distribution of Epiphytic Lichens and Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Pollution in the City of Bursa. Tr. J. of Botany. 21: 211-215.
  • Öztürk, Ş., Güvenç, G. 2010. The distribution of epiphytic lichens on Uludag fir (Abies nordmanniana (Steven) Spach subsp. bornmuelleriana (Mattf.) Coode & Cullen) forests along an altitudinal gradient (Mt. Uludag, Bursa, Turkey). Ekoloji. 19/74: 131-138.
  • Pirintsos, S.A., Diamantopoulos, J., Stamou, G.M. 1995. Analysis of the distribution of epiphytic lichens within homogeneous Fagus sylvatica stands along an altitudinal gradient (Mount Olympos, Greece). Vegetatio. 116: 33- 40.
  • Purvis, O.W., Coppins, B.J., Hawksworth, D.L., James, P.V., Moore, M. 1992. The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland. Natural History Museum Publications, London.
  • Will-Wolf, S., Esseen, P.A., Neitlich, P. 2002. Monitoring Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Forests. In (Eds.), Nimis, P.L., Scheidegger, C., Wolseley, P.A., Monitoring with Lichens-Monitoring Lichens. IV. Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 7, NATO Science Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London.
  • Wirth, V. 1995. Die Flechten Baden-Württembergs. Teil 1-2. Ulmer, Stuttgart.
  • Yazıcı, K., Aslan, A. 2006. Distribution of epiphytic lichens and air pollution in the city of Trabzon, Turkey. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 77: 838-845.
  • Zedda, L. 2002. The epiphytic lichens on Quercus in Sardinia (Italy) and their value as ecological indicators. Englera. 24: 1-457.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Seyhan Oran This is me

Publication Date April 15, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Oran, S. (2011). Marmara bölgesinde Türkiye Fagus orientalis Lipsky ve Fagus sylvatica L. üzerindeki epifitik liken çeşitliliği. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 4(1), 134-143.

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