Eastern Anatolia region of Turkiye is gene centre and home of many rangeland and forage crop species. Although it is an excellent potential to be benefited in both rehabilitation of natural rangelands and establishment of artificial pastures, studies on the possibilities of cultivation of these genotypes are almost nonexistent. For that reason, such potent source has not been favoured adequately. So there is a need for characterization of those species videly found in the natural rangelands of the region. This is of importance regarding the sustainability and success of new crop development and rangeland rehabilitation studies since these lines and genotypes can easily be taken into cultivation and they can prove high and sustainable yield level especially under the Eastern Anatolia conditions due to the natural selection throughout some thousand years of time period. Therefore, there is an urgent need for collection and characterization of these genotypes which can easily be transferred into advenced plant breeding studies because of above mentioned reasons. In this study, morphological, phonological and agricultural observations of genotypes were aimed and in analysis of the collected data Cluster Analysis method was employed. According to the results 34 cocksfoot Dactylis glomerata L genotypes from the different parts of the regional rangelands were evaluated and transferred into the advenced plant breeding studies in Eastern Anatolia Agricultural Research Institute, Erzurum
Ülkemizin Doğu Anadolu bölgesi birçok mera ve yem bitkisinin kaynağı olmakla birlikte kültüre alınma çalışmaları yok denecek kadar azdır. Bu potansiyelin ülkemiz meralarının rehabilitasyonunda ve doğal alanların ıslahında kullanılması mümkündür. Ama ne yazık ki bu zengin kaynaklar kullanılmamaktadır. Bu yüzden bazı bitkilerin karakterizasyonunun yapılmasına, tanımlanmasına ihtiyaç vardır ki bu bitkiler bölgenin bitkileri olması nedeniyle ıslaha aktarımları kolaydır. Bu çalışmada, Doğu Anadolu bölgesi başta olmak üzere farklı bölgelerden toplanmış 34 adet domuz ayrığı Dactylis glomerata L bitkisi üzerinde morfolojik, fenolojik ve diğer tarımsal gözlemler alınarak kümeleme analizi yoluyla farklılıkları belirlenerek öne çıkan hatların ileri ıslaha aktarılması çalışılmıştır
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | August 15, 2009 |
Published in Issue | Year 2009 Volume: 2 Issue: 2 |
❖ Abstracted-Indexed in
Web of Science {Additional Web of Science Indexes: Zoological Records Indexed] Clavariate Analytic, Medical Reads (RRS), CrossRef;10.46309/biodicon.
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❖ Web of Science {Additional Web of Science Indexes: Zoological Records Indexed] Clavariate Analytic
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❖ Biological Diversity and Conservation/ Biyolojik Çeşitlilik ve Koruma
❖ ISSN 1308-5301 Print; ISSN 1308-8084 Online
❖ Start Date Published 2008
❖ © Copyright by Biological Diversity and Conservation/Biyolojik Çeşitlilik ve Koruma-Available online at www.biodicon.com/All rights reserved
❖ Publisher : ERSİN YÜCEL (https://www.ersinyucel.com.tr/)
❖ This journal is published three numbers in a year. Printed in Eskişehir/Türkiye.
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❖ Editör / Editor-In-Chief : Prof.Dr. Ersin YÜCEL, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8274-7578