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Taxonomic situations of two subspecies of Pistacia P. terebinthus subsp. terebinthus and P. terebinthus subsp. palaestina by morphological and area remarks

Year 2009, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 100 - 109, 15.08.2009


This study was carried out in order to determine the taxonomic situation of subspecies of terebinth Pistacia terebinthus L. . Pistacia terebinthus is represented by two subspecies in Flora of Turkey. These subspecies are P. terebinthus subsp. terebinthus and P. terebinthus subsp. palaestina Boiss. Engler. Although, these subspecies resemble each other, they are discriminated clearly aspects of morphology of leaf and fruit, and colour of stem. P. terebinthus subsp. terebinthus has got terminal leaflet which are obtuse, ovoid and oblong. But, the leaflets of terminal are absent or reduced in P. terebinthus L. subsp. palaestina which are acute and pendulous downward. Both of these two subspecies are distributed same localities. In this paper, taxonomic situation of two subspecies were carried out, and the results were discussed


  • Anwar, R. and Rabbani, M.A. 2001. Natural Occurence, distribution and eses of Pistacia species in Pakistan, Pistacia towards a comprehensive documentation of distributipn and use its genetic diveristy in Central & West Asia, North Africa and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), pp. 45-48, 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Atlı, H.S.; Arpaci, S.; Ayanoglu, H.; Ak, B. E. (ed.) 1999. Comparison of seedling characteristics of some Pistacia species, XI GREMPA seminar on pistachios and almonds, Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes (France). 1022- 1379, v. 56
  • Atlı, H.S., Arpacı, S., Kaşka, N., Ayanoğlu, H. 2001. Willd Pistacia Species in Turkey, Pistacia towards a and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Barazani and Golan- Goldhirsh, A. 2004. Germplasm collection of Pistacia at the Jacop blaustein research. Phenotypic traits and molecular markers, FAO-CIHEAM, Nucis- Newsletter, No:12.
  • Batlle, I., Romero, M.A., Rovira, M., Vargas, F.J. 2001. Pistacia consrvation, characterization and use at IRTA: current situation and prospects in Spain. Pistacia towards a comprehensive documentation of distributipn and use its genetic diveristy in Central & West Asia, North Africa and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), pp. 77-87, 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Bilgen, A.M. 1968. Memleketimizde Bulunan antepfıstığı anaçları ve Aşılama Tekniği, Tarım Bakanlığı Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Davis, P.H. 1965-1988. Flora of Turkey and Aegean Islands, Vol. 2, Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh.
  • El-Oqlah, A.A. 1996. Biosystematic researc on the genus Pistacia in Jordan, p. 12-19. In: S. Padulosi, T. Caruso and E. Barone (eds.). Taxonomy, distribution, conservation and uses of Pistacia genetic resources IPGRI, Palermo, Italy.
  • Engler, A. 1883. Pistacia. In: A.C. De Condole (eds.) Monographiae Phanerogamarum, Vol. 4, pp. 284-293. Paris.
  • Esmail-Pour, A. 2001. Distribution, use and conservation of Pistachio in Iran, Pistacia towards a comprehensive documentation of distributipn and use its genetic diveristy in Central & West Asia, North Africa and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Ghorbel, A., Salem-Fnayou, A. Ben, Chatibi, A. And Twey, M. 2001. Genetic Resources of Pistacia in Tunisia, Pistacia towards a comprehensive documentation of distributipn and use its genetic diveristy in Central & West Asia, North Africa and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Golan-Goldhirish, A., Barazani, O., Wang, Z. S., Khadka, D. K., Saunders, J. A. 2004. Genetic relationships among Mediterranean Pistacia species evaluated by RAPD and AFLP Markers. Plant Syst. Evol. 246: 9-18, DOI 10.1007/s00606-004-0132-4.
  • Gregoriou, C. 2001. Colection, Conservation and Utilazation of Pistacia genetic resources in Cyprus. Pistacia towards a comprehensive documentation of distributipn and use its genetic diveristy in Central & West Asia, North Africa and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), pp. 41- 44, 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Grundwag, M. and Werker, W. 1976. Comparative wood anatomy as an to identification of Pistacia species. Ist. J. Bot. 25:152-167.
  • Hadj-Hassan, A. 2001. Cultivated Syrian Pistachio Varieties. Pistacia towards a comprehensive documentation of distributipn and use its genetic diveristy in Central & West Asia, North Africa and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Hussein, I.A. 2001. Pistacia Species in Egypt. Pistacia towards a comprehensive documentation of distributipn and use its genetic diveristy in Central & West Asia, North Africa and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), pp. 75-76, 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Kafkas, S., Çetiner, M.S. and Treves, R. Perl (2001). Molecular variation between and within wild pistacia species in Turkey, Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes, Volume 56, XI. Grempa Seminar on Pistachios and Almonds, Harran Üniveristesi, Şanlıurfa-Turkiye.
  • Kaskas, S. and Perl- Treves R. 2001. Morphological and molecular phylogeny of Pistacia species in Turkey, Theor Appl Genet. (2001) 102:908-915, Verlag.
  • Kafkas, S., Kafkas, E. and Perl- Treves, R. 2002. Morphological diversity and a germplasm survey of three wild Pistacia species in Turkey, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolation 49:261-270, Netherlands.
  • Kafkas, S. and Perl- Treves, R. 2002. Interspecific relationships in Pistacia based on RAPD fingerprinting, Hortscience, 37(1): 168-171.
  • Kafkas, S. 2006. Phylogenetic analysis of genus Pistacia by AFLP markers, Plant Systematics Evolation, 262: 113-124, Austria.
  • Kokwaro, J.O. and Gillett, J.B. 1980. Notes on the Anacardiaceae of Eastern Africa. Kew Bull. 34:745-760.
  • Kuru, C. ve Özsabuncuoğlu, I.H. 1990. Yabani Pistacia türlerinin aşılanmasında sorunlar ve çözüm yolları. Türkiye I. Antepfıstığı Sempozyumu, 11-12 Sept. 1990, Gaziantep, Turkiye, sy. 51-57.
  • Loudyi, W. 2001. Pistacia genetic rresources and Pistachio nut production in Morocco, Pistacia towards a and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), pp. 56- 61, 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Okay, Y., Büyükkartal, N. ve Çölgeçen, H. 2000. Bazı pistacia türlerinde yaprak anatomisi üzerinde bir araştırma, Ot sistematik Botanik Dergisi, 7,1, 161-177, Ankara.
  • Onay, A. 1996. In Vitro Organogenesis and Embryogenesis of Pistachio, Pistacia vera L. Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, Daniel Rutherford Building, University of Edinburg, Edinburgh.
  • Özbek, S. 1978. Special Fruit Growing. University of Cukurova, Agr. Dept., No. 128, Adana.
  • Özuslu, E., Iskender, E., Özaslan M. and Zeynalov, Y. 2005. The Investigation of the Flora Sof Mountain (Gaziantep, Turkey) in Flora Mediterranea, 15: 359-391.
  • Parfitt, D.E. and Badenes, M.L. 1987. Phylogeny of the genus Pistacia as determined from analysis of the chloroplast genome. Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. USA 94: 7987-7992.
  • Pignatti, S. 1982. Flora D’Italia, Vol. 2, Bologna, Italy.
  • Post, G.E. and Dinsmore, J.E. 1932. Flora of Syria, Palastine and Sınai, Vol. 1, American Univ. Press, Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Rechinger, K.H. 1982. Flora Iranica. Akademische Druck und Verlagsanstalt.
  • Talhouk, S.N., Nehme, G.A., Baalbaki, R., Zurayk, R. and Adham, Y. 2001. Ecogeographic characterization of Pistacia spp. In Lebanon, Pistacia towards a comprehensive documentation of distributipn and use its genetic diveristy in Central & West Asia, North Africa and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Tutin, T.G and Heywood, V.H. 1968. Flora Europaea, Vol. 2, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.
  • Yaltırık, F. 1967. Türkiye Florası İçin Yeni Bir Tür., İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, Seri A, Cilt XVII, Sayı 1, İstanbul.
  • Yaltırık, F. 1967a. Pistacia L. In: P.H. Davis (Ed.) Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. 2, pp.544-549. Edinbrugh Univ. Press, Edinburgh, UK.
  • Yaltırık, F. 1967b. Anacardiaceae. In: Contributions to the Taxonomy of woody Plants in Turkey, Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinbrugh, 28: 11-12.
  • Zakyntinos, G. and Rouskas, D. 2001. Willd and Cultivated Pistacia species in Greece, Pistacia towards a comprehensive documentation of distributipn and use its genetic diveristy in Central & West Asia, North Africa and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Zohary, D. 1996. The Genus Pistacia L. In: S. Padulosii T. Caruso and E. Barone (eds.). Taxonomy, distribution, conservation and uses of Pistacia genetic resources, IPGRI, pp.1-11, Palermo, Italy.
  • Zohary, D. 2000. The Taxonomic ranking of Pistacia terebinthus and P. palaestina. Fao-Ciheam- Nucis- Newsletter, Number 9, pp. 39-40.
  • Zohary, M. 1952. A Morphological study of the genus Pistacia, Palaestine Journal of Botany, Jerusalem Series, 5(1):187-228.
  • Zohary, M. 1972. Pistacia L. Flora Palastine. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanites, Jerusalem 2:297-300.
  • Zohary, M. 1987. Pistacia L. In: Flora Palaestina. Publications of the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities,Juraselam, Vol. 2, pp. 296-300.

Menengic’in iki alttürünün P. terebinthus subsp. terebinthus ve P. terebinthus L. subsp. palaestina morfolojik ve saha gözlemlerine göre taksonomik durumları

Year 2009, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 100 - 109, 15.08.2009


Bu çalışma, Menengiç’in Pistacia terebinthus L. alttürlerinin taksonomik durumunu belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Pistacia terebinthus Türkiye Florası’nda iki attür ile temsil edilmektedir. Bu alttürler P. terebinthus subsp. terebinthus ve P. terebinthus subsp. palaestina Boiss. Engler’dir. Bu alttürler birbirlerine benzemekle birlikte yaprak morfolojisi ve gövde rengi bakımından birbirlerinden bariz olarak ayrılmaktadır. P. terebinthus subsp. terebinthus alttürü terminal yaprakçığa sahiptir. Yaprakçıklar yumurtamsı-dikdörtgenimsi şekilli olup yaprak uçları küttür. Alttür P. terebinthus subsp. palaestina’da ise terminal yaprakçığı yoktur veya oldukça indirgenmiştir. Yaprakçıklar sivri uçlu ve aşağı doğru sarkık vaziyettedir. Her iki alttür aynı lokalitelerde yayılış göstermektedir. Bu makalede iki alttürün taksonomik durumu ortaya konmuş ve elde edilen bulgular tartışılmıştır


  • Anwar, R. and Rabbani, M.A. 2001. Natural Occurence, distribution and eses of Pistacia species in Pakistan, Pistacia towards a comprehensive documentation of distributipn and use its genetic diveristy in Central & West Asia, North Africa and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), pp. 45-48, 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Atlı, H.S.; Arpaci, S.; Ayanoglu, H.; Ak, B. E. (ed.) 1999. Comparison of seedling characteristics of some Pistacia species, XI GREMPA seminar on pistachios and almonds, Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes (France). 1022- 1379, v. 56
  • Atlı, H.S., Arpacı, S., Kaşka, N., Ayanoğlu, H. 2001. Willd Pistacia Species in Turkey, Pistacia towards a and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Barazani and Golan- Goldhirsh, A. 2004. Germplasm collection of Pistacia at the Jacop blaustein research. Phenotypic traits and molecular markers, FAO-CIHEAM, Nucis- Newsletter, No:12.
  • Batlle, I., Romero, M.A., Rovira, M., Vargas, F.J. 2001. Pistacia consrvation, characterization and use at IRTA: current situation and prospects in Spain. Pistacia towards a comprehensive documentation of distributipn and use its genetic diveristy in Central & West Asia, North Africa and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), pp. 77-87, 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Bilgen, A.M. 1968. Memleketimizde Bulunan antepfıstığı anaçları ve Aşılama Tekniği, Tarım Bakanlığı Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Davis, P.H. 1965-1988. Flora of Turkey and Aegean Islands, Vol. 2, Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh.
  • El-Oqlah, A.A. 1996. Biosystematic researc on the genus Pistacia in Jordan, p. 12-19. In: S. Padulosi, T. Caruso and E. Barone (eds.). Taxonomy, distribution, conservation and uses of Pistacia genetic resources IPGRI, Palermo, Italy.
  • Engler, A. 1883. Pistacia. In: A.C. De Condole (eds.) Monographiae Phanerogamarum, Vol. 4, pp. 284-293. Paris.
  • Esmail-Pour, A. 2001. Distribution, use and conservation of Pistachio in Iran, Pistacia towards a comprehensive documentation of distributipn and use its genetic diveristy in Central & West Asia, North Africa and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Ghorbel, A., Salem-Fnayou, A. Ben, Chatibi, A. And Twey, M. 2001. Genetic Resources of Pistacia in Tunisia, Pistacia towards a comprehensive documentation of distributipn and use its genetic diveristy in Central & West Asia, North Africa and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Golan-Goldhirish, A., Barazani, O., Wang, Z. S., Khadka, D. K., Saunders, J. A. 2004. Genetic relationships among Mediterranean Pistacia species evaluated by RAPD and AFLP Markers. Plant Syst. Evol. 246: 9-18, DOI 10.1007/s00606-004-0132-4.
  • Gregoriou, C. 2001. Colection, Conservation and Utilazation of Pistacia genetic resources in Cyprus. Pistacia towards a comprehensive documentation of distributipn and use its genetic diveristy in Central & West Asia, North Africa and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), pp. 41- 44, 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Grundwag, M. and Werker, W. 1976. Comparative wood anatomy as an to identification of Pistacia species. Ist. J. Bot. 25:152-167.
  • Hadj-Hassan, A. 2001. Cultivated Syrian Pistachio Varieties. Pistacia towards a comprehensive documentation of distributipn and use its genetic diveristy in Central & West Asia, North Africa and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Hussein, I.A. 2001. Pistacia Species in Egypt. Pistacia towards a comprehensive documentation of distributipn and use its genetic diveristy in Central & West Asia, North Africa and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), pp. 75-76, 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Kafkas, S., Çetiner, M.S. and Treves, R. Perl (2001). Molecular variation between and within wild pistacia species in Turkey, Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes, Volume 56, XI. Grempa Seminar on Pistachios and Almonds, Harran Üniveristesi, Şanlıurfa-Turkiye.
  • Kaskas, S. and Perl- Treves R. 2001. Morphological and molecular phylogeny of Pistacia species in Turkey, Theor Appl Genet. (2001) 102:908-915, Verlag.
  • Kafkas, S., Kafkas, E. and Perl- Treves, R. 2002. Morphological diversity and a germplasm survey of three wild Pistacia species in Turkey, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolation 49:261-270, Netherlands.
  • Kafkas, S. and Perl- Treves, R. 2002. Interspecific relationships in Pistacia based on RAPD fingerprinting, Hortscience, 37(1): 168-171.
  • Kafkas, S. 2006. Phylogenetic analysis of genus Pistacia by AFLP markers, Plant Systematics Evolation, 262: 113-124, Austria.
  • Kokwaro, J.O. and Gillett, J.B. 1980. Notes on the Anacardiaceae of Eastern Africa. Kew Bull. 34:745-760.
  • Kuru, C. ve Özsabuncuoğlu, I.H. 1990. Yabani Pistacia türlerinin aşılanmasında sorunlar ve çözüm yolları. Türkiye I. Antepfıstığı Sempozyumu, 11-12 Sept. 1990, Gaziantep, Turkiye, sy. 51-57.
  • Loudyi, W. 2001. Pistacia genetic rresources and Pistachio nut production in Morocco, Pistacia towards a and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), pp. 56- 61, 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Okay, Y., Büyükkartal, N. ve Çölgeçen, H. 2000. Bazı pistacia türlerinde yaprak anatomisi üzerinde bir araştırma, Ot sistematik Botanik Dergisi, 7,1, 161-177, Ankara.
  • Onay, A. 1996. In Vitro Organogenesis and Embryogenesis of Pistachio, Pistacia vera L. Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, Daniel Rutherford Building, University of Edinburg, Edinburgh.
  • Özbek, S. 1978. Special Fruit Growing. University of Cukurova, Agr. Dept., No. 128, Adana.
  • Özuslu, E., Iskender, E., Özaslan M. and Zeynalov, Y. 2005. The Investigation of the Flora Sof Mountain (Gaziantep, Turkey) in Flora Mediterranea, 15: 359-391.
  • Parfitt, D.E. and Badenes, M.L. 1987. Phylogeny of the genus Pistacia as determined from analysis of the chloroplast genome. Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. USA 94: 7987-7992.
  • Pignatti, S. 1982. Flora D’Italia, Vol. 2, Bologna, Italy.
  • Post, G.E. and Dinsmore, J.E. 1932. Flora of Syria, Palastine and Sınai, Vol. 1, American Univ. Press, Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Rechinger, K.H. 1982. Flora Iranica. Akademische Druck und Verlagsanstalt.
  • Talhouk, S.N., Nehme, G.A., Baalbaki, R., Zurayk, R. and Adham, Y. 2001. Ecogeographic characterization of Pistacia spp. In Lebanon, Pistacia towards a comprehensive documentation of distributipn and use its genetic diveristy in Central & West Asia, North Africa and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Tutin, T.G and Heywood, V.H. 1968. Flora Europaea, Vol. 2, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.
  • Yaltırık, F. 1967. Türkiye Florası İçin Yeni Bir Tür., İ.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, Seri A, Cilt XVII, Sayı 1, İstanbul.
  • Yaltırık, F. 1967a. Pistacia L. In: P.H. Davis (Ed.) Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. 2, pp.544-549. Edinbrugh Univ. Press, Edinburgh, UK.
  • Yaltırık, F. 1967b. Anacardiaceae. In: Contributions to the Taxonomy of woody Plants in Turkey, Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinbrugh, 28: 11-12.
  • Zakyntinos, G. and Rouskas, D. 2001. Willd and Cultivated Pistacia species in Greece, Pistacia towards a comprehensive documentation of distributipn and use its genetic diveristy in Central & West Asia, North Africa and mediterranean Europe, Report of The IPGRI Workshop (Editors, S. Padulosi and A. Hadj- Hassan), 14-17 December 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  • Zohary, D. 1996. The Genus Pistacia L. In: S. Padulosii T. Caruso and E. Barone (eds.). Taxonomy, distribution, conservation and uses of Pistacia genetic resources, IPGRI, pp.1-11, Palermo, Italy.
  • Zohary, D. 2000. The Taxonomic ranking of Pistacia terebinthus and P. palaestina. Fao-Ciheam- Nucis- Newsletter, Number 9, pp. 39-40.
  • Zohary, M. 1952. A Morphological study of the genus Pistacia, Palaestine Journal of Botany, Jerusalem Series, 5(1):187-228.
  • Zohary, M. 1972. Pistacia L. Flora Palastine. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanites, Jerusalem 2:297-300.
  • Zohary, M. 1987. Pistacia L. In: Flora Palaestina. Publications of the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities,Juraselam, Vol. 2, pp. 296-300.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ergün Özuslu This is me

Elman İskender This is me

Ahmet Zafer Tel This is me

Ahmet İlçim This is me

Publication Date August 15, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Özuslu, E., İskender, E., Tel, A. Z., İlçim, A. (2009). Menengic’in iki alttürünün P. terebinthus subsp. terebinthus ve P. terebinthus L. subsp. palaestina morfolojik ve saha gözlemlerine göre taksonomik durumları. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 2(2), 100-109.

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