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Taxonomical and morphological studies on the genus Calamintha Miller Lamiaceae in Turkey

Year 2009, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 125 - 143, 15.08.2009


The genus Calamintha Miller is represented in the Flora of Turkey by 9 species and altogether 13 taxa six of which are endemic. In this study, 13 taxa belonging to the genus Calamintha have been examined taxanomical and morphological properties and the relationships of the following species were investigated: Calamintha grandiflora L. Moench, C. betulifolia Boiss. & Bal., C. tauricola P. H. Davis, C. pamphylica Boiss. & Heldr. subsp. pamphylica, C. pamphylica subsp. davisii Quezel & Contandr. Davis end. , C. pamphylica subsp. alanyense S. Alan & A. Ocak end. , C. piperelloides Stapf end. , C. sylvatica Bromf. subsp. sylvatica, C. sylvatica subsp. ascendens Jordan P. W. Ball, C. nepeta L. Savi subsp. nepeta, C. nepeta subsp. glandulosa Req. P. W. Ball, C. incana Sm. Boiss., C. caroli-henricana Kit Tan & Sorger. In morphological studies, descriptions of each taxon have been given and general appearance of plants and their, leaf, bract, flower, calyx, corolla and fruit shapes have been illustrated. According to the results, a new identification key widening the limits for Calamintha species has been prepared and presented in the section of morphological results


  • Alan, S. & Ocak, A., 2005. Taxonomical, Morphological Anatomical and Chemical Studies on Calamintha (Lamiaceae)
  • Genus in Turkey, Doctora Thesis, Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Eskişehir.
  • Alan, S., Ocak, A. & Duman, H. 2007. Calamintha pamphylica Boiss. et Heldr. subsp. alanyense (Labiatae), a new subspecies from South Anatolia, Turkey, Annales Botanici Fennici, 44, 309-314.
  • Anzalone, B., Becherer, A., Ehrendorfer, F., Merxmüller, H., Metlescis, H., Montelgucci, G., Rasetti, F., Reichstein, T. & Sedelberg, I. 1982. Flora D’Italia, Vol. 2, 482-485. Edagricole, Bologna.
  • Baytop, T. 1999. Türkiye’de Bitkilerle Tedavi, 304, 371. İstanbul Üniversitesi Yay. No. 3255, Ecz. Fak. Yay. No. 40, İstanbul.
  • Bonnier, G. 1959. Complete Illustree en Couleurs de France Suisse et Belgium, Tome 9, 114-117. Paris-Brüksel, Berlin.
  • Boissier, E. 1879. Diagnoses Plantarum Orientalium Novarum, Series 1-15, 50-54. Akademische Druck, Verlagsanstalt, Graz-Austria.
  • Bown, D. 1995. The Herb Society of America Encyclopedia of Herbs and Their Uses, 97, 252. Dorling Kindersley, New York.
  • Butcher, R. W. 1961. A New Illustrierted British Flora, Part 2, 323. London.
  • Clapham, A. R., Tutin, T. G. & Warburg, E. F. 1981. Excursion Flora of The British Isles, 3. Edition, 285-286. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Davis, P. H. & Leblebici, E. 1982. Calamintha Miller, In: Davis P.H. (ed.), Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands; 7:323-329. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Press.
  • Davis, P. H., Mill, R. R. & Tan, K. 1988. Calamintha Miller, In: Davis P.H. (ed.), Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands; (Suppl.) 10:207. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Press.
  • Feinbrun-Dothan, N. 1978. Flora Palaestina, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Three-Text, 150-152. Jerusalem.
  • Grieve, M. 1982. A Modern Herbal, Penguin Books, 807-808 Great Britain.
  • Duman, A. 2000. Calamintha Miller - In: Güner, A., Özhatay, N., Ekim, T. & Başer, K. H. C. (eds.), Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands (Suppl.) 11: Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Press.
  • Hayek, A. 1928. Florae Peninsulae Balcanicae, Verlag des Repertorium, 327-331. 2. Band Dahm bei Berlin.
  • Hegi, G. 1964. Illustrierte Flora Von Mitteleuropa, V. Band, IV. Teil, Angiospermae: Dicotyledones, 1187-1189. München.
  • IUCN 2001. IUCN Red List Categories Version 3.1. Prepared by the IUCN Species Survival Commission. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
  • Martin, W. K. & Douglas, H. K. 1965. The Concise British Flora in Colour, 68. Ebury Press, London.
  • Meikle, R. D. 1985. Flora of Cyprus, Bentham-Moxon Trust, 2:1254, 1279-1280. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Quezel, P. & Santa, S. 1963. Nouvelle Flora De L’algerie Et Des Regions Desertiques Meridionales, Tome 2, 807-809. Paris.
  • Rechinger, fil. K. H. 1943. Flora Aegaen, 527-530. Springer-Verlag, Wien.
  • Rechinger, K. H. 1982. Flora Iranica, 150:520-522. Akademische Druck-u Verlagsanstalt, Graz-Austria.
  • Schmeil, O. & Fitschen, J. 1960. Flora Von Deutschland, 322-323. Quelle & Meyer, Heilderberg, Germany.
  • Shishchkin, B. K. 1977. Flora of the U.S.S.R., Moscov-Leningrad, Vol. XXI, 307-313. Translated from Russian, Israel Program for Scientific Translations Jerusalem.
  • Silic, C. 1979. Monografija, rodova, Satureja L., Calamintha Miller, Micromeria Bentham, Acinos Miller, Clinopodium L., u flori Jugoslavije, 117-171. Zemalyski Muzej Bih, Sarajevo.
  • Stojanov, N., Stefanov, B. & Kitanov, B. 1967. Flora Bulgarica, Part 2, 66, 925-927. Nauka i iskustvo, Sophia.
  • Strid, A. & Tan, K. 1991. Mountain Flora of Greece, 2:127-131. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Pres.
  • Tutin, T. G., Heywood, V. H., Burges, N. A., Moore, D. M., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M. & Webb, D. A. 1972. Flora Europaea, Vol. 3, 165-167. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Viney, D. E. 1994. An Illustrated Flora of North Cyprus, 514-515. Koenigstein, Germany.
  • Webb, D. A. 1966. The Flora of European Turkey, Proc R Ir Acad 65, sect. B, 1: 56.

Türkiye Calamintha Miller Lamiaceae cinsi üzerine taksonomik ve morfolojik bir çalışma

Year 2009, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 125 - 143, 15.08.2009


Türkiye Florası’nda Calamintha Miller Lamiaceae cinsi 6’sı endemik olmak üzere 9 tür ve 13 takson ile temsil edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Calamintha cinsine ait 13 takson sistematik ve morfolojik yönden incelenmiş, birbirleriyle olan yakınlık dereceleri saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışılan taksonlar şunlardır: [Calamintha grandiflora L. Moench, C. betulifolia Boiss. & Ball, C. tauricola P. H. Davis end. , C. pamphylica Boiss. & Heldr. subsp. pamphylica, C. pamphylica subsp. davisii Quezel & Contandr. Davis end. , C. pamphylica subsp. alanyense S. Alan & A. Ocak end. , C. piperelloides Stapf end , C. sylvatica Bromf. subsp. sylvatica, C. sylvatica subsp. ascendens Jordan P. W. Ball, C. nepeta L. Savi subsp. nepeta, C. nepeta subsp. glandulosa Req. P. W. Ball, Calamintha incana Sm. Boiss., Calamintha caroli-henricana Kit Tan & Sorger]. Morfolojik çalışmalarda türlerin tanımları verilip, bitkilerin genel görünüşleri, yaprak, brakte, çiçek, kaliks, korolla ve meyve şekilleri ilave edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre Calamintha türlerinin daha geniş varyasyon sınırlarını içeren yeni ayrım anahtarı morfolojik sonuçlar bölümünde verilmiştir


  • Alan, S. & Ocak, A., 2005. Taxonomical, Morphological Anatomical and Chemical Studies on Calamintha (Lamiaceae)
  • Genus in Turkey, Doctora Thesis, Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Eskişehir.
  • Alan, S., Ocak, A. & Duman, H. 2007. Calamintha pamphylica Boiss. et Heldr. subsp. alanyense (Labiatae), a new subspecies from South Anatolia, Turkey, Annales Botanici Fennici, 44, 309-314.
  • Anzalone, B., Becherer, A., Ehrendorfer, F., Merxmüller, H., Metlescis, H., Montelgucci, G., Rasetti, F., Reichstein, T. & Sedelberg, I. 1982. Flora D’Italia, Vol. 2, 482-485. Edagricole, Bologna.
  • Baytop, T. 1999. Türkiye’de Bitkilerle Tedavi, 304, 371. İstanbul Üniversitesi Yay. No. 3255, Ecz. Fak. Yay. No. 40, İstanbul.
  • Bonnier, G. 1959. Complete Illustree en Couleurs de France Suisse et Belgium, Tome 9, 114-117. Paris-Brüksel, Berlin.
  • Boissier, E. 1879. Diagnoses Plantarum Orientalium Novarum, Series 1-15, 50-54. Akademische Druck, Verlagsanstalt, Graz-Austria.
  • Bown, D. 1995. The Herb Society of America Encyclopedia of Herbs and Their Uses, 97, 252. Dorling Kindersley, New York.
  • Butcher, R. W. 1961. A New Illustrierted British Flora, Part 2, 323. London.
  • Clapham, A. R., Tutin, T. G. & Warburg, E. F. 1981. Excursion Flora of The British Isles, 3. Edition, 285-286. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Davis, P. H. & Leblebici, E. 1982. Calamintha Miller, In: Davis P.H. (ed.), Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands; 7:323-329. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Press.
  • Davis, P. H., Mill, R. R. & Tan, K. 1988. Calamintha Miller, In: Davis P.H. (ed.), Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands; (Suppl.) 10:207. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Press.
  • Feinbrun-Dothan, N. 1978. Flora Palaestina, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Three-Text, 150-152. Jerusalem.
  • Grieve, M. 1982. A Modern Herbal, Penguin Books, 807-808 Great Britain.
  • Duman, A. 2000. Calamintha Miller - In: Güner, A., Özhatay, N., Ekim, T. & Başer, K. H. C. (eds.), Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands (Suppl.) 11: Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Press.
  • Hayek, A. 1928. Florae Peninsulae Balcanicae, Verlag des Repertorium, 327-331. 2. Band Dahm bei Berlin.
  • Hegi, G. 1964. Illustrierte Flora Von Mitteleuropa, V. Band, IV. Teil, Angiospermae: Dicotyledones, 1187-1189. München.
  • IUCN 2001. IUCN Red List Categories Version 3.1. Prepared by the IUCN Species Survival Commission. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
  • Martin, W. K. & Douglas, H. K. 1965. The Concise British Flora in Colour, 68. Ebury Press, London.
  • Meikle, R. D. 1985. Flora of Cyprus, Bentham-Moxon Trust, 2:1254, 1279-1280. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Quezel, P. & Santa, S. 1963. Nouvelle Flora De L’algerie Et Des Regions Desertiques Meridionales, Tome 2, 807-809. Paris.
  • Rechinger, fil. K. H. 1943. Flora Aegaen, 527-530. Springer-Verlag, Wien.
  • Rechinger, K. H. 1982. Flora Iranica, 150:520-522. Akademische Druck-u Verlagsanstalt, Graz-Austria.
  • Schmeil, O. & Fitschen, J. 1960. Flora Von Deutschland, 322-323. Quelle & Meyer, Heilderberg, Germany.
  • Shishchkin, B. K. 1977. Flora of the U.S.S.R., Moscov-Leningrad, Vol. XXI, 307-313. Translated from Russian, Israel Program for Scientific Translations Jerusalem.
  • Silic, C. 1979. Monografija, rodova, Satureja L., Calamintha Miller, Micromeria Bentham, Acinos Miller, Clinopodium L., u flori Jugoslavije, 117-171. Zemalyski Muzej Bih, Sarajevo.
  • Stojanov, N., Stefanov, B. & Kitanov, B. 1967. Flora Bulgarica, Part 2, 66, 925-927. Nauka i iskustvo, Sophia.
  • Strid, A. & Tan, K. 1991. Mountain Flora of Greece, 2:127-131. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Pres.
  • Tutin, T. G., Heywood, V. H., Burges, N. A., Moore, D. M., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M. & Webb, D. A. 1972. Flora Europaea, Vol. 3, 165-167. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Viney, D. E. 1994. An Illustrated Flora of North Cyprus, 514-515. Koenigstein, Germany.
  • Webb, D. A. 1966. The Flora of European Turkey, Proc R Ir Acad 65, sect. B, 1: 56.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Sevim Alan This is me

Atila Ocak This is me

Publication Date August 15, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Alan, S., & Ocak, A. (2009). Taxonomical and morphological studies on the genus Calamintha Miller Lamiaceae in Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 2(2), 125-143.

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