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Some of ecological features and relations with reproductive success in the populations of dianthus erinaceus var. erinaceus endemic to Turkey

Year 2009, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 65 - 74, 15.12.2009


Dianthus erinaceus Boiss. var. erinaceus is an endemic living on tops of four mountains in the Aegean region of Türkiye. The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution area, the risk category according to IUCN V 3.1, the habitat features and the relations between some of these features and reproductive success Dianthus erinaceus Boiss. var. erinaceus. The number of individual is highest on Spil Dağ and lowest on Sarıkaya Tepe. The widest distribution area is on Nif Dağ. The soils supporting these populations are slightly alkaline with pH 7.1 and 7.5, nonsaline, rich in CaCO3content and poor in organic matter. Total yearly rainfall is little over 1000 mm in the study area except Sarıkaya Tepe and about 950 mm on Sarıkaya Tepe. The temperatures are below 0 0C from December to March at Spil Dağ and Nif Dağ. Plants of Nif Dağ population are bigger than other populations with bigger leaves. Number of flowers is highest in Sarıkaya Tepe population. Mean viable seed number in a flower is maximum in the individuals of Spil Dağ while this number is minumum in Sarıkaya Tepe individuals. Due to lowest mean number of viable seed in the individuals of Sarıkaya Tepe, number of viable seeds in unit is also low. There is a negative relation between annual mean temperature but positive between total annual rainfall and number of individual. A negative corralation was obtained between the amounts of K+, Fe2+, organic matter; positive with CaCO3 and P with mean plant height of populations. Mean number of flowers in a unit is positively correlated with temperature and negatively correlated with rainfall. A negative correlation was found between mean viable seeded flower number and mean viable seed number with mean plant height of populations. A positive correlation between mean viable seed number and organic matter, Fe2+, Ca2+, K+ ; but CaCO3 and P are negatively correlated


  • Bosch, M., Simon, J., Molero, J., Blanche, C. 1998. Reproductive biology, genetic variation and conservation of the rare endemic diploid Delphinium bolosii (Ranunculaceae). Biological Conservation. 86: 57-66.
  • Brussard, P. F. 1991. The role of ecology in biological conservation. Ecological Application. 1/1: 6-12.
  • Burne, H.M., Yates, C.J., Ladd, P.G. 2003. Comparative population structure and reproductive biology of the critically endangered shrub Grevillea althoferorum and two closely related more common congeners. Biological conservation. 114: 53-65.
  • Colas, B., Olivieri, I., Riba, M. 2001. Spatio-temporal variation of reproductive succes and conservation of the narrow- endemic Centaurea corymbosa (Asteraceae). Biological Conservation. 99: 375-386.
  • Davis, P. H. 1967. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol. 2, 126. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Debussche, M., Thompson, J.D. 2003. Habitat differentiation between two closely related mediterranean plant species, the endemic Cyclamen balearicum and the widespread C. repandum. Acta Oecologica. 24: 35-45.
  • Ekim, T., Koyuncu, M., Vural, M., Duman, H., Aytaç, Z., Adıgüzel, N. 2000. Red Data Book of Turkish Plants. Barışcan offset, Ankara.
  • Emberger, L. 1955. Une classification biogeographique des climats. Rec.Tav. Lab.Bot. Fac.Sc. Montpellier.
  • Ellenberg, H. 1998. Vegetation ecology of central Europe. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Erik, S.,Tarıkahya, B. 2004. Türkiye florası üzerine. Kebikeç, 17: 139-163.
  • Greuter, W. 1979. Mediterranean conservation as wieved by a plant taxonomist. Webbia. 34/1:88-99.
  • Guttmann, B.S. 1999. Biology, Population Genetics, WCB/McGraw-Hill, U.S.A, 464-478.
  • Heywood,V. H. 1979. Flowering Plants of the World, Oxford University Press, London.
  • Heywood, V.H., Iriondo, J.M. 2003. Plant conservation: old problems, new perspectives. Biological Conservation. 113: 321-335.
  • Hooftman, D.A.P., Billeter, R.C., Schmid, B., Diemer, M. 2004. Genetic effects of habitat fragmentation on common species of Swiss fen meadows. Conservation Biology. 18: 1043-1051.
  • IUCN Species Survival Commision. 2001. IUCN red list categories version 3.1, 51st meeting of the IUCN Council Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
  • Körner, C. 2001: Alpine ecosystems - In: Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. Academic Press, 133-144.
  • Marrero-Gomez, M. V., Banares-Baudet, A., Carque-Alamo, E. 2003. Plant resource conservation planning in protected natural areas: an example from the Canary Islands, Spain. Biological Conservation. 80: 269-281.
  • Mathhies, D., Brauer, I., Maibom, W., Tscharntke, T. 2004. Population size end the risk of local extinction: empirical evidence from rare plants. Oikos. 105/3: 481-488.
  • Medail, F., Verlaque, R. 1997. Ecological characteristics and rarity of endemic plants from southeast France and Corsica: implications for biodiversity conservation. Biological Conservation. 80: 269-281.
  • Menges, E. 1998. Demographic viability of populations of Silene regia, in midwestern prairies: relationships with fire management, genetic variation, geographic location, population size and isolation. Journal of Ecology. 86: 63-78.
  • Oostermeijer, J. G. B., Luijten, S. H., Křenová, Z. V., Den Nijs, H. C. M. 1998. Relationships between population and habitat characteristics and reproduction of the rare Gentiana pneumonanthe L. Conservation Biology. 12/5: 1042– 1053.
  • Schwarz, O. 1936. Die vegetationsverhaltnisse Westanatoliens. Englers Bot. Jb. 67: 297- 436.
  • Seçmen, Ö. 1982. Subalpinic vegetation of Nif mountain. E.Ü. Fac.of Scien Jour. B,1:31-40.
  • Washitani, I., Ishikama, F., Matsumura, C., Nagal, M., Nishihiro, J., Nishihiro, M.A. 2005.
  • Conservation ecology of Primula sieboldii: Synthesis of information toward the prediction of the genetic/demographic fate of a population.Plant Species Biology. 20: 3-15.
  • Watson, L.E., Uno, G.E., McCarty, N.A., Kornkven, A.B. 1994. Conservation biology of rare plant species, Ericocaulon kornickianum (Ericocaulaceae). American Journal of Botany. 81/8: 980-986.
  • Young, A.G., Brown, A.H.D., Zich, A.F. 1999. Genetic structure of fragmented populations of the endangered daisy Rutidosis leptorrhynchoi. Conservation Biology. 13: 256-265.

Türkiye endemiği Dianthus erinaceus Boiss. var. erinaceus’ un bazı ekolojik özellikleri ile üreme başarısı ilişkileri

Year 2009, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 65 - 74, 15.12.2009


Türkiye endemiği bir bitki, Dianthus erinaceus Boiss. var. erinaceus, Ege bölgesindeki 4 dağın tepelerinde yaşar. Bu çalışmanın amacı, populasyonlardaki bitkilerin yayılış alanlarını, IUCN V 3.1 göre tehlike sınıfını, habitat özeliklerini ve bu özelliklerin bazıları ile üreme başarısı arasındaki ilişkileri araştırmaktır. Birey sayısı Spil dağında en çok, Sarıkaya Tepe’de en azdır. En geniş yayılış alanı Nif dağındadır. Populasyonların toprakları, hafif alkali, pH 7.1-7.5 tuzsuz, çok kireçli, organik maddesi azdır. Toplam yıllık yağışlar ise Sarıkaya dışındakilerde 1000 mm’nin biraz üzerinde, Sarıkaya’da 950 mm civarındadır. Spil ve Nif ‘te Aralık- Mart arasında eksi yada 0 0C sıcaklıklar görülür. Nif dağı populasyonunda bitki ve yapraklar, diğer populasyonlarından daha büyüktür. Çiçek sayısı Sarıkaya Tepe populasyonunda en yüksektir. Bir çiçekte ortalama verimli tohum sayısı, Spil Dağı bireylerinde en yüksek iken, Sarıkaya bireylerinde ise en azdır. Sarıkaya bireylerinde ortalama verimli tohum sayısı çok düşük olduğundan, birimdeki olgun tohum sayısı da düşüktür. Birey sayısı ile yıllık ortalama sıcaklık arasında negatif; yıllık toplam yağış ile pozitif ilişki vardır. Populasyonların ortalama bitki boyları ile K+, Fe2+ ,organik madde miktarları arasında negatif; CaCO3, P arasında pozitif ilişki bulunmuştur. Bir birimdeki ortalama çiçek sayısı ile sıcaklık pozitif, yağış ise negatif ilişkilidir. Populasyonların ortalama bitki boyları ile ortalama canlı tohumlu çiçek sayısı ve ortalama canlı tohum sayısı arasında negetif ilişkiler bulunmuştur. Ortalama verimli tohum sayısı ile CaCO3 ve P arasında negatif korelasyon olmasına rağmen; organik madde, Fe2+,Ca2+, K+ arasında pozitif ilişki vardır


  • Bosch, M., Simon, J., Molero, J., Blanche, C. 1998. Reproductive biology, genetic variation and conservation of the rare endemic diploid Delphinium bolosii (Ranunculaceae). Biological Conservation. 86: 57-66.
  • Brussard, P. F. 1991. The role of ecology in biological conservation. Ecological Application. 1/1: 6-12.
  • Burne, H.M., Yates, C.J., Ladd, P.G. 2003. Comparative population structure and reproductive biology of the critically endangered shrub Grevillea althoferorum and two closely related more common congeners. Biological conservation. 114: 53-65.
  • Colas, B., Olivieri, I., Riba, M. 2001. Spatio-temporal variation of reproductive succes and conservation of the narrow- endemic Centaurea corymbosa (Asteraceae). Biological Conservation. 99: 375-386.
  • Davis, P. H. 1967. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol. 2, 126. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Debussche, M., Thompson, J.D. 2003. Habitat differentiation between two closely related mediterranean plant species, the endemic Cyclamen balearicum and the widespread C. repandum. Acta Oecologica. 24: 35-45.
  • Ekim, T., Koyuncu, M., Vural, M., Duman, H., Aytaç, Z., Adıgüzel, N. 2000. Red Data Book of Turkish Plants. Barışcan offset, Ankara.
  • Emberger, L. 1955. Une classification biogeographique des climats. Rec.Tav. Lab.Bot. Fac.Sc. Montpellier.
  • Ellenberg, H. 1998. Vegetation ecology of central Europe. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Erik, S.,Tarıkahya, B. 2004. Türkiye florası üzerine. Kebikeç, 17: 139-163.
  • Greuter, W. 1979. Mediterranean conservation as wieved by a plant taxonomist. Webbia. 34/1:88-99.
  • Guttmann, B.S. 1999. Biology, Population Genetics, WCB/McGraw-Hill, U.S.A, 464-478.
  • Heywood,V. H. 1979. Flowering Plants of the World, Oxford University Press, London.
  • Heywood, V.H., Iriondo, J.M. 2003. Plant conservation: old problems, new perspectives. Biological Conservation. 113: 321-335.
  • Hooftman, D.A.P., Billeter, R.C., Schmid, B., Diemer, M. 2004. Genetic effects of habitat fragmentation on common species of Swiss fen meadows. Conservation Biology. 18: 1043-1051.
  • IUCN Species Survival Commision. 2001. IUCN red list categories version 3.1, 51st meeting of the IUCN Council Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
  • Körner, C. 2001: Alpine ecosystems - In: Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. Academic Press, 133-144.
  • Marrero-Gomez, M. V., Banares-Baudet, A., Carque-Alamo, E. 2003. Plant resource conservation planning in protected natural areas: an example from the Canary Islands, Spain. Biological Conservation. 80: 269-281.
  • Mathhies, D., Brauer, I., Maibom, W., Tscharntke, T. 2004. Population size end the risk of local extinction: empirical evidence from rare plants. Oikos. 105/3: 481-488.
  • Medail, F., Verlaque, R. 1997. Ecological characteristics and rarity of endemic plants from southeast France and Corsica: implications for biodiversity conservation. Biological Conservation. 80: 269-281.
  • Menges, E. 1998. Demographic viability of populations of Silene regia, in midwestern prairies: relationships with fire management, genetic variation, geographic location, population size and isolation. Journal of Ecology. 86: 63-78.
  • Oostermeijer, J. G. B., Luijten, S. H., Křenová, Z. V., Den Nijs, H. C. M. 1998. Relationships between population and habitat characteristics and reproduction of the rare Gentiana pneumonanthe L. Conservation Biology. 12/5: 1042– 1053.
  • Schwarz, O. 1936. Die vegetationsverhaltnisse Westanatoliens. Englers Bot. Jb. 67: 297- 436.
  • Seçmen, Ö. 1982. Subalpinic vegetation of Nif mountain. E.Ü. Fac.of Scien Jour. B,1:31-40.
  • Washitani, I., Ishikama, F., Matsumura, C., Nagal, M., Nishihiro, J., Nishihiro, M.A. 2005.
  • Conservation ecology of Primula sieboldii: Synthesis of information toward the prediction of the genetic/demographic fate of a population.Plant Species Biology. 20: 3-15.
  • Watson, L.E., Uno, G.E., McCarty, N.A., Kornkven, A.B. 1994. Conservation biology of rare plant species, Ericocaulon kornickianum (Ericocaulaceae). American Journal of Botany. 81/8: 980-986.
  • Young, A.G., Brown, A.H.D., Zich, A.F. 1999. Genetic structure of fragmented populations of the endangered daisy Rutidosis leptorrhynchoi. Conservation Biology. 13: 256-265.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Murat Ersöz This is me

Özcan Seçmen This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 2 Issue: 3


APA Ersöz, M., & Seçmen, Ö. (2009). Türkiye endemiği Dianthus erinaceus Boiss. var. erinaceus’ un bazı ekolojik özellikleri ile üreme başarısı ilişkileri. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 2(3), 65-74.

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