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Nutrigenomics - An emerging field of science and technology unrevealing inter-relationships between nutrients and human genome using modern tools such as transcriptomics, metabolomics, epigenomics and proteomics

Year 2020, Volume: 13 Issue: 3, 372 - 380, 15.12.2020


Nutrigenomics is one of the upcoming sciences that have the potential to open up new arenas towards health and disease management. Earlier generalized approach towards health and disease management was employed in the health sector in which human genetics and its respective environment was taken into account, nevertheless in this contemporary approach nutrition and its interaction with human genome holds focal position. With regards to nutrition and human genomics and their interaction two terms as nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics are employed but both of these terms are distant as well as closely related depending upon the context. According to various different research studies conducted on the subject revealed that nutrients have the potential of influencing gene and its expression. Nutrients do serve as qualifying agents that can affect the overall functioning of genes at all levels. In order to uncover the various aspects and to deepen our comprehension on the subject various different approaches-more precisely ‘OMICS’ sciences are employed. Transcriptomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics and Epigenomics greatly serve the purpose. Nutrigenomics has been anticipated as a revolutionary scientific approach that will provide us with more customized, tailor-made and individual specific approach towards health and disease management. 

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Project Number



Authors extend sincere thanks to the Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences, NUST, Islamabad from Pakistan, and Ege University as well as Hatay Mustafa Kemal University in Turkey for their full support in this and ongoing project collaborations.


  • [1] Trichopoulou, A., Yiannakouris, N., Bamia, C., Benetou, V., Trichopoulos, D., & Ordovas, J. M. (2008). Genetic predisposition, nongenetic risk factors, and coronary infarct. Arch. Intern. Med., 168, 891-896.
  • [2] Ordovas, J. M. (2007). Genetic links between diabetes mellitus and coronary atherosclerosis. Curr. Atheroscler. Rep., 9, 204-210.
  • [3] Bouchard, C., & Ordovas, J. M. (2012). Fundamentals of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics. Recent Advances in Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics, 108, 1-15.
  • [4] Fenech, M., El-Sohemy, A., Cahill, L., Ferguson, L. R., French, T. A., Tai, E. S., et al. (2011). Nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics: viewpoints on the current status and applications in nutrition research and practice. J. Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics, 4(2), 69-89.
  • [5] Boyer, S. W., Barclay, L. J., & Burrage, L. C. (2015). Inherited metabolic disorders: aspects of chronic nutrition management. Nutr. Clin. Pract., 30(4), 502-510.
  • [6] Sanchez, V. M. P., Angel, M. C., Judith, C. V., Diana, A. C., Patricia, V. C., Rafael, V. R., et al. (2008). HER-2/neu amplification detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization in touch imprint cytology in comparison with tissue sections. Ejc. Supplements, 6, 139.
  • [7] Carmen, D. C., Ana, N. I., Razvan, L., Gratiela, T., Irina, A., Mihaela, C. E., et al. (2012). Regulatory T lymphocytes in evaluation of the local protective cellular immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Romanian patients. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 17, 6862-6868.
  • [8] Sharma, P., & Dwivedi, S. (2017). Nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics: New insight in disease prevention and cure. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 32(4), 371-373.
  • [9] Ferguson, L. R., De Caterina, R., Görman, U., Allayee, H., Kohlmeier, M., Prasad, C., et al. (2016). Guide and position of the international society of nutrigenetics/nutrigenomics on personalised nutrition: Part 1 - Fields of precision nutrition. J. Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics, 9(1), 12-27.
  • [10] Kohlmeier, M., De Caterina, R., Ferguson, L. R., Görman, U., Allayee, H., Prasad, C., et al. (2016). Guide and position of the international society of nutrigenetics/nutrigenomics on personalized nutrition: Part 2 - Ethics, challenges and endeavors of precision nutrition. J. Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics, 9(1), 28-46.
  • [11] Ordovas, J. M., & Corella, D. (2004). Nutritional genomics. Annu. Rev. Genomics Hum. Genet., 5, 71-118.
  • [12] De Graaf, A. A., Freidig, A. P., De Roos, B., Jamshidi, N., Heinemann, M., Rullmann, J. A. C., et al. (2009). Nutritional systems biology modeling: from molecular mechanisms to physiology. Plos Computational Biology, 5(11), e1000554.
  • [13] Garcia-Bailo, B., Toguri, C., Eny, K. M., & El-Sohemy, A. (2009). Genetic variation in taste and its influence on food selection. Omics, 13, 69-80.
  • [14] Corbin, K. D., & Zeisel, S. H. (2012). The Nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics of the dietary requirement for choline. Recent Advances in Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics, 108, 159-177.
  • [15] Van Ommen, B., El-Sohemy, A., Hesketh, J., Kaput, J., Fenech, M., Evelo, C. T., et al. (2010). The micronutrient genomics project: a community-driven knowledge base for micronutrient research. Genes and Nutrition, 5, 285-296.
  • [16] Cornelis, M. C., El-Sohemy, A., Kabagambe, E. K., & Campos, H. (2006). Coffee, CYP1A2 genotype, and risk of myocardial infarction. Jama-Journal of the American Medical Association, 295, 1135-1141.
  • [17] Ordovas, J. M., & Corella, D. (2004). Nutritional genomics. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, 5, 71-118.
  • [18] Andersen, I. M., Tengesdal, G., Lie, B. A., Boberg, K. M., Karlsen, T. H., & Hov, J. R. (2014). Effects of coffee consumption, smoking, and hormones on risk for primary sclerosing cholangitis. Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol., 12(6), 1019-1028.
  • [19] Frazier-Wood, A. C. (2015). Dietary patterns, genes, and health: challenges and obstacles to be overcome. Curr. Nutr. Rep., 4, 82-87.
  • [20] Ferguson, J. F., Allayee, H., Gerszten, R. E., Ideraabdullah, F., Kris-Etherton, P. M., Ordovás, J. M., et al. (2016). Nutrigenomics, the microbiome, and gene-environment interactions: New directions in cardiovascular disease research, prevention, and treatment: A scientific statement from the american heart association.american heart association council on functional genomics and translational biology, council on epidemiology and prevention, and stroke Council. Circ. Cardiovasc. Genet., 9(3), 291-313.
  • [21] Ayman, Z. E., Moustafa, A. M. N., Fatma, A., Hisham, M., Mohammed, H., & Hoda, A. N. (2016). The role of nutrition related genes and nutrigenetics in understanding the pathogenesis of cancer. Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure, 115-122.
  • [22] Kicklighter, J. R., Dorner, B., Hunter, A. M., Kyle, M., Pflugh Prescott, M., Roberts, S., et al. (2017). Visioning Report 2017: A preferred path forward for the nutrition and dietetics profession. J. Acad. Nutr. Diet., 117(1), 110-27.
  • [23] García-Segura, L., Pérez-Andrade, M., & Miranda-Ríos, J. (2013). The emerging role of MicroRNAs in the regulation of gene expression by nutrients. J. Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics, 6, 16-31.
  • [24] Ramos-Lopez, O., Milagro, F. I., Allayee, H., Chmurzynska, A., Choi, M. S., Curi, R., et al. (2017). Guide for current nutrigenetic, nutrigenomic, and nutriepigenetic approaches for precision nutrition involving the prevention and management of chronic diseases associated with obesity. J. Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics, 10(1-2), 43-62.
  • [25] Sharma, U., & Rando, O. J. (2017). Metabolic inputs into the epigenome. Cell Metab., 25(3), 544-558.
  • [26] Harland, J. I. (2005). Nutrition and Genetics - Mapping Individual Health. ILSI Europe Concise Monograph.
  • [27] Koenig, D., Jimenez-Gomez, J. M., Kimura, S., Fulop, D., Chitwood, D. H., Headland, L. R., et al. (2013). Comparative transcriptomics reveals patterns of selection in domesticated and wild tomato. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 110, E2655-E2662.
  • [28] Osada, J. (2013). The use of transcriptomics to unveil the role of nutrients in Mammalian liver. ISRN Nutr., 403792.
  • [29] Ouhtit, A. (2014). Nutrigenomics: From promise to practice. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, 14(1), e1.
  • [30] Matualatupauw, Jc., & Afman, L. A. (2017). The use of transcriptomics as a tool to identify differences in the response to diet. In: Kussmann, M., & Stover, P. T. (eds.), Nutrigenomics and Proteomics in Health and Disease: Towards a Systems‐Level Understanding of Gene-Diet Interactions, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, India, pp. 1-18.
  • [31] Hine, R. J., Srivastava, S., Milner, J. A., & Ross, S. A. (2003). Nutritional links to plausible mechanisms underlying pancreatic cancer: A conference report. Pancreas, 27, 356-366.
  • [32] Kussmann, M., & Affolter, M. (2009). Proteomics at the center of nutrigenomics: Comprehensive molecular understanding of dietary health effects. Nutrition, 25, 1085-1093.
  • [33] Bragazzi, N. L. (2013). Situating nutri-ethics at the junction of nutrigenomics and nutriproteomics in postgenomics medicine. Curr. Pharmacogenomics Person Med., 2, 162-166.
  • [34] Memelink, J. (2004). Putting the opium in poppy to sleep. Nat. Biotechnol., 22, 1526-1527.
  • [35] Abulencia, A., Acosta, D., Adelman, J., Affolder, T., Akimoto, T., Albrow, M. G, et al. (2006). Search for excited and exotic muons in the mugamma decay channel in p-p collisions at sqrt s =1.96 TeV. Phys. Rev. Lett., 97, 191802.
  • [36] Lenhard, K., Bommer, G. T., Asutay, S., Schauer, R., Brabletz, T., Goke, B., et al. (2005). Analysis of promoter methylation in stool: a novel method for the detection of colorectal cancer. Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol., 3, 142-149.
  • [37] Watkins, S. M., Hammock, B. D., Newman, J. W., & German, J. B. (2001). Individual metabolism should guide agriculture toward foods for improved health and nutrition. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 74, 283-286.
  • [38] Watkins, S. M., Lin, T. Y., Davis, R. M., Ching, J. R., Depeters, E. J., Halpern, G. M., et al. (2001). Unique phospholipid metabolism in mouse heart in response to dietary docosahexaenoic or alpha-linolenic acids. Lipids, 36, 247-254.
  • [39] Baxter, A. J., Coyne, T., & Mcclintock, C. (2006). Dietary patterns and metabolic syndrome - A review of epidemiologic evidence. Asia Pac. J. Clin. Nutr., 15, 134-142.
  • [40] Astarita, G., & Langridge, J. (2013). An emerging role for metabolomics in nutrition science. J. Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics, 6, 181-200.
  • [41] Van Ommen, B., & Stierum, R. (2002). Nutrigenomics: exploiting systems biology in the nutrition and health arena. Curr. Opin. Biotechnol., 13, 517-521.
  • [42] Ferguson, J. F., & Wang, T. J. (2016). Branched-chain amino acids and cardiovascular disease: does diet matter?. Clin. Chem., 62(4), 545-547.
  • [43] Rosenfeldt, F. L., Pepe, S., Linnane, A., Nagley, P., Rowland, M., Ou, R., et al. (2002). Coenzyme Q10 protects the aging heart against stress: studies in rats, human tissues, and patients. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 959, 355-359.
  • [44] Rengaraj, V., Kannusamy, V., & Krishnan, T. (2003). Cortical removal simplified by J-cannula irrigation. J. Cataract Refract Surg., 29, 1852-1853.
  • [45] Woods, C. R. (2003). Lack of association of race/ethnicity and otitis media in the first 2 years of life. Clin. Pediatr. (Phila), 42, 687-696.
  • [46] Zmora, N., Zeevi, D., Korem, T., Segal, E., & Elinav, E. (2016). Taking it personally: Personalized utilization of the human microbiome in health and disease. Cell Host Microbe, 19(1), 12-20.
  • [47] Zeevi, D., Korem, T., Zmora, N., Israeli, D., Rothschild, D., Weinberger, A., et al. (2015). Personalized nutrition by prediction of glycemic responses. Cell, 163(5), 1079-1094.
  • [48] Korem, T., Zeevi, D., Zmora, N., Weissbrod, O., Bar, N., Lotan-Pompan, M., et al. (2017). Bread affects clinical parameters and induces gut microbiome-associated personal glycemic responses. Cell Metab., 25(6), 1243-1253.
  • [49] Dey, M. (2017). Toward a personalized approach in prebiotics research. Nutrients, 26(9), 2.
  • [50] Rothschild, D., Weissbrod, O., Barkan, E., Kurilshikov, A., Korem, T., Zeevi, D., et al. (2018). Environment dominates over host genetics in shaping human gut microbiota. Nature, 555(7695), 210-215.
  • [51] Castle, D., & Ries, N. M. (2007). Ethical, legal and social issues in nutrigenomics: the challenges of regulating service delivery and building health professional capacity. Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 622, 138-143.
  • [52] Holyday, M., Daniells, S., Bare, M., Caplan, G. A., Petocz, P., & Bolin, T. (2012). Malnutrition screening and early nutrition intervention in hospitalised patients in acute aged care: A randomised controlled trial. Journal of Nutrition Health & Aging, 16, 562-568.
  • [53] Grimaldi, Ka., Van Ommen, B., Ordovas, Jm., Parnell, Ld., Mathers, Jc., Bendik, I., et al. (2017). Proposed guidelines to evaluate scientific validity and evidence for genotype-based dietary advice. Genes Nutr., 12(1), 35.
  • [54] Sunar, S., Erturk, F. A., & Agar, G. (2019). Analysis of genomic stability and DNA damage in plants exposed to cement dust pollution using the RAPD analysis. Biological Diversity and Conservation, doi: 10.5505/biodicon.2019.69885.

Nutrigenomik - Transkriptomik, metabolomik, epigenomik ve proteomik gibi modern araçları kullanarak besinler ve insan genomu arasındaki ilişkilerin açıklığa kavuşmadığı gelişen bir bilim ve teknoloji alanı

Year 2020, Volume: 13 Issue: 3, 372 - 380, 15.12.2020


Nutrigenomik, sağlık ve hastalık yönetimine yönelik yeni alanlar açma potansiyeline sahip olan gelecek bilimlerden birisidir. İnsan genetiğinin ve ilgili ortamın dikkate alındığı sağlık sektöründe sağlık ve hastalık yönetimine daha önce genelleştirilmiş yaklaşım uygulanmış, buna rağmen bu çağdaş yaklaşımda beslenme ve insan genomu ile etkileşimi odak noktasındadır. Beslenme ve insan genomikleri ve bunların etkileşimi ile ilgili olarak, nutrigenetik ve nutrigenomik olmak üzere iki terim kullanılır, ancak bu terimlerin her ikisi de içeriğe bağlı olarak uzak ve yakından ilişkilidir. Konuyla ilgili yapılan çeşitli farklı araştırmalara göre, besin maddelerinin geni ve ekspresyonunu etkileme potansiyeli olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Besin maddeleri, tüm seviyelerde genlerin genel işleyişini etkileyebilecek nitelikli ajanlar olarak hizmet eder. Çeşitli yönleri ortaya çıkarmak ve konuyla ilgili anlayışımızı derinleştirmek için çeşitli yaklaşımlar - daha kesin olarak 'OMIK' bilimleri kullanılmaktadır. Transkriptomik, Proteomik, Metabolomik ve Epigenomik bu amaca büyük hizmet eder. Nutrigenomik, bize sağlık ve hastalık yönetimine daha özelleştirilmiş, kişiye özel ve kişiye özel yaklaşım sağlayacak devrimci bir bilimsel yaklaşım olarak öngörülmüştür.

Project Number



  • [1] Trichopoulou, A., Yiannakouris, N., Bamia, C., Benetou, V., Trichopoulos, D., & Ordovas, J. M. (2008). Genetic predisposition, nongenetic risk factors, and coronary infarct. Arch. Intern. Med., 168, 891-896.
  • [2] Ordovas, J. M. (2007). Genetic links between diabetes mellitus and coronary atherosclerosis. Curr. Atheroscler. Rep., 9, 204-210.
  • [3] Bouchard, C., & Ordovas, J. M. (2012). Fundamentals of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics. Recent Advances in Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics, 108, 1-15.
  • [4] Fenech, M., El-Sohemy, A., Cahill, L., Ferguson, L. R., French, T. A., Tai, E. S., et al. (2011). Nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics: viewpoints on the current status and applications in nutrition research and practice. J. Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics, 4(2), 69-89.
  • [5] Boyer, S. W., Barclay, L. J., & Burrage, L. C. (2015). Inherited metabolic disorders: aspects of chronic nutrition management. Nutr. Clin. Pract., 30(4), 502-510.
  • [6] Sanchez, V. M. P., Angel, M. C., Judith, C. V., Diana, A. C., Patricia, V. C., Rafael, V. R., et al. (2008). HER-2/neu amplification detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization in touch imprint cytology in comparison with tissue sections. Ejc. Supplements, 6, 139.
  • [7] Carmen, D. C., Ana, N. I., Razvan, L., Gratiela, T., Irina, A., Mihaela, C. E., et al. (2012). Regulatory T lymphocytes in evaluation of the local protective cellular immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Romanian patients. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 17, 6862-6868.
  • [8] Sharma, P., & Dwivedi, S. (2017). Nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics: New insight in disease prevention and cure. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 32(4), 371-373.
  • [9] Ferguson, L. R., De Caterina, R., Görman, U., Allayee, H., Kohlmeier, M., Prasad, C., et al. (2016). Guide and position of the international society of nutrigenetics/nutrigenomics on personalised nutrition: Part 1 - Fields of precision nutrition. J. Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics, 9(1), 12-27.
  • [10] Kohlmeier, M., De Caterina, R., Ferguson, L. R., Görman, U., Allayee, H., Prasad, C., et al. (2016). Guide and position of the international society of nutrigenetics/nutrigenomics on personalized nutrition: Part 2 - Ethics, challenges and endeavors of precision nutrition. J. Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics, 9(1), 28-46.
  • [11] Ordovas, J. M., & Corella, D. (2004). Nutritional genomics. Annu. Rev. Genomics Hum. Genet., 5, 71-118.
  • [12] De Graaf, A. A., Freidig, A. P., De Roos, B., Jamshidi, N., Heinemann, M., Rullmann, J. A. C., et al. (2009). Nutritional systems biology modeling: from molecular mechanisms to physiology. Plos Computational Biology, 5(11), e1000554.
  • [13] Garcia-Bailo, B., Toguri, C., Eny, K. M., & El-Sohemy, A. (2009). Genetic variation in taste and its influence on food selection. Omics, 13, 69-80.
  • [14] Corbin, K. D., & Zeisel, S. H. (2012). The Nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics of the dietary requirement for choline. Recent Advances in Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics, 108, 159-177.
  • [15] Van Ommen, B., El-Sohemy, A., Hesketh, J., Kaput, J., Fenech, M., Evelo, C. T., et al. (2010). The micronutrient genomics project: a community-driven knowledge base for micronutrient research. Genes and Nutrition, 5, 285-296.
  • [16] Cornelis, M. C., El-Sohemy, A., Kabagambe, E. K., & Campos, H. (2006). Coffee, CYP1A2 genotype, and risk of myocardial infarction. Jama-Journal of the American Medical Association, 295, 1135-1141.
  • [17] Ordovas, J. M., & Corella, D. (2004). Nutritional genomics. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, 5, 71-118.
  • [18] Andersen, I. M., Tengesdal, G., Lie, B. A., Boberg, K. M., Karlsen, T. H., & Hov, J. R. (2014). Effects of coffee consumption, smoking, and hormones on risk for primary sclerosing cholangitis. Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol., 12(6), 1019-1028.
  • [19] Frazier-Wood, A. C. (2015). Dietary patterns, genes, and health: challenges and obstacles to be overcome. Curr. Nutr. Rep., 4, 82-87.
  • [20] Ferguson, J. F., Allayee, H., Gerszten, R. E., Ideraabdullah, F., Kris-Etherton, P. M., Ordovás, J. M., et al. (2016). Nutrigenomics, the microbiome, and gene-environment interactions: New directions in cardiovascular disease research, prevention, and treatment: A scientific statement from the american heart association.american heart association council on functional genomics and translational biology, council on epidemiology and prevention, and stroke Council. Circ. Cardiovasc. Genet., 9(3), 291-313.
  • [21] Ayman, Z. E., Moustafa, A. M. N., Fatma, A., Hisham, M., Mohammed, H., & Hoda, A. N. (2016). The role of nutrition related genes and nutrigenetics in understanding the pathogenesis of cancer. Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure, 115-122.
  • [22] Kicklighter, J. R., Dorner, B., Hunter, A. M., Kyle, M., Pflugh Prescott, M., Roberts, S., et al. (2017). Visioning Report 2017: A preferred path forward for the nutrition and dietetics profession. J. Acad. Nutr. Diet., 117(1), 110-27.
  • [23] García-Segura, L., Pérez-Andrade, M., & Miranda-Ríos, J. (2013). The emerging role of MicroRNAs in the regulation of gene expression by nutrients. J. Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics, 6, 16-31.
  • [24] Ramos-Lopez, O., Milagro, F. I., Allayee, H., Chmurzynska, A., Choi, M. S., Curi, R., et al. (2017). Guide for current nutrigenetic, nutrigenomic, and nutriepigenetic approaches for precision nutrition involving the prevention and management of chronic diseases associated with obesity. J. Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics, 10(1-2), 43-62.
  • [25] Sharma, U., & Rando, O. J. (2017). Metabolic inputs into the epigenome. Cell Metab., 25(3), 544-558.
  • [26] Harland, J. I. (2005). Nutrition and Genetics - Mapping Individual Health. ILSI Europe Concise Monograph.
  • [27] Koenig, D., Jimenez-Gomez, J. M., Kimura, S., Fulop, D., Chitwood, D. H., Headland, L. R., et al. (2013). Comparative transcriptomics reveals patterns of selection in domesticated and wild tomato. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 110, E2655-E2662.
  • [28] Osada, J. (2013). The use of transcriptomics to unveil the role of nutrients in Mammalian liver. ISRN Nutr., 403792.
  • [29] Ouhtit, A. (2014). Nutrigenomics: From promise to practice. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, 14(1), e1.
  • [30] Matualatupauw, Jc., & Afman, L. A. (2017). The use of transcriptomics as a tool to identify differences in the response to diet. In: Kussmann, M., & Stover, P. T. (eds.), Nutrigenomics and Proteomics in Health and Disease: Towards a Systems‐Level Understanding of Gene-Diet Interactions, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, India, pp. 1-18.
  • [31] Hine, R. J., Srivastava, S., Milner, J. A., & Ross, S. A. (2003). Nutritional links to plausible mechanisms underlying pancreatic cancer: A conference report. Pancreas, 27, 356-366.
  • [32] Kussmann, M., & Affolter, M. (2009). Proteomics at the center of nutrigenomics: Comprehensive molecular understanding of dietary health effects. Nutrition, 25, 1085-1093.
  • [33] Bragazzi, N. L. (2013). Situating nutri-ethics at the junction of nutrigenomics and nutriproteomics in postgenomics medicine. Curr. Pharmacogenomics Person Med., 2, 162-166.
  • [34] Memelink, J. (2004). Putting the opium in poppy to sleep. Nat. Biotechnol., 22, 1526-1527.
  • [35] Abulencia, A., Acosta, D., Adelman, J., Affolder, T., Akimoto, T., Albrow, M. G, et al. (2006). Search for excited and exotic muons in the mugamma decay channel in p-p collisions at sqrt s =1.96 TeV. Phys. Rev. Lett., 97, 191802.
  • [36] Lenhard, K., Bommer, G. T., Asutay, S., Schauer, R., Brabletz, T., Goke, B., et al. (2005). Analysis of promoter methylation in stool: a novel method for the detection of colorectal cancer. Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol., 3, 142-149.
  • [37] Watkins, S. M., Hammock, B. D., Newman, J. W., & German, J. B. (2001). Individual metabolism should guide agriculture toward foods for improved health and nutrition. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 74, 283-286.
  • [38] Watkins, S. M., Lin, T. Y., Davis, R. M., Ching, J. R., Depeters, E. J., Halpern, G. M., et al. (2001). Unique phospholipid metabolism in mouse heart in response to dietary docosahexaenoic or alpha-linolenic acids. Lipids, 36, 247-254.
  • [39] Baxter, A. J., Coyne, T., & Mcclintock, C. (2006). Dietary patterns and metabolic syndrome - A review of epidemiologic evidence. Asia Pac. J. Clin. Nutr., 15, 134-142.
  • [40] Astarita, G., & Langridge, J. (2013). An emerging role for metabolomics in nutrition science. J. Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics, 6, 181-200.
  • [41] Van Ommen, B., & Stierum, R. (2002). Nutrigenomics: exploiting systems biology in the nutrition and health arena. Curr. Opin. Biotechnol., 13, 517-521.
  • [42] Ferguson, J. F., & Wang, T. J. (2016). Branched-chain amino acids and cardiovascular disease: does diet matter?. Clin. Chem., 62(4), 545-547.
  • [43] Rosenfeldt, F. L., Pepe, S., Linnane, A., Nagley, P., Rowland, M., Ou, R., et al. (2002). Coenzyme Q10 protects the aging heart against stress: studies in rats, human tissues, and patients. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 959, 355-359.
  • [44] Rengaraj, V., Kannusamy, V., & Krishnan, T. (2003). Cortical removal simplified by J-cannula irrigation. J. Cataract Refract Surg., 29, 1852-1853.
  • [45] Woods, C. R. (2003). Lack of association of race/ethnicity and otitis media in the first 2 years of life. Clin. Pediatr. (Phila), 42, 687-696.
  • [46] Zmora, N., Zeevi, D., Korem, T., Segal, E., & Elinav, E. (2016). Taking it personally: Personalized utilization of the human microbiome in health and disease. Cell Host Microbe, 19(1), 12-20.
  • [47] Zeevi, D., Korem, T., Zmora, N., Israeli, D., Rothschild, D., Weinberger, A., et al. (2015). Personalized nutrition by prediction of glycemic responses. Cell, 163(5), 1079-1094.
  • [48] Korem, T., Zeevi, D., Zmora, N., Weissbrod, O., Bar, N., Lotan-Pompan, M., et al. (2017). Bread affects clinical parameters and induces gut microbiome-associated personal glycemic responses. Cell Metab., 25(6), 1243-1253.
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There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Conservation and Biodiversity
Journal Section Review

Syeda Namra Hag This is me 0000-0002-6421-8119

Raffia Siddique This is me 0000-0002-6423-7539

Volkan Altay 0000-0002-3203-9191

Rabia Ejaz This is me 0000-0003-3923-3699

Tahira Karım This is me 0000-0002-2510-8152

Tayyaba Komal This is me 0000-0002-6604-0203

Ghulam Kubra This is me 0000-0003-0837-1298

Alvina Gul This is me 0000-0002-7323-1905

Volkan Altay 0000-0003-2450-6914

Münir Öztürk 0000-0002-8687-9401

Project Number -
Publication Date December 15, 2020
Submission Date May 16, 2020
Acceptance Date August 19, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 13 Issue: 3


APA Namra Hag, S., Siddique, R., Altay, V., Ejaz, R., et al. (2020). Nutrigenomics - An emerging field of science and technology unrevealing inter-relationships between nutrients and human genome using modern tools such as transcriptomics, metabolomics, epigenomics and proteomics. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 13(3), 372-380.

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❖ Biological Diversity and Conservation/ Biyolojik Çeşitlilik ve Koruma
❖ ISSN 1308-5301 Print; ISSN 1308-8084 Online
❖ Start Date Published 2008
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