Research Article
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Fruit and seed morphology of some Alyssum (Brassicaceae) taxa from Anatolia

Year 2019, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 89 - 94, 15.12.2019


The fruit and seed morphologies of five taxa (Al. desertorum Sapf., Al. linifolium Stephan ex. Willd. var.
teheranicum Bornm., Al. minus (L.) Rothm. var. minus, Al. strigosum Banks & Sol. subsp. cedrorum (Schott & Kotschy)
and Al. strigosum Banks & Sol. subsp. strigosum) belonging to Alyssum L. were investigated with scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) in order to determine the significance of fruit and seed features as taxonomic characters. This study
presents macro- and micromorphological characters, including seed shape, winged, measures, epidermal cell pattern and
fruit shape, colour, measures, trichome morphology. Three epidermal cell patterns were observed; micro-reticulate,
normal-reticulate, rugose-foveate and the same number trichome morphologies were distinguished; glabrous,
monomorphic (stellate), dimorphic (bifurcate and stellate). The results showed that the morphological characteristics of
fruit and seed could be used as criteria to distinguish taxa.


  • Gıdık, B., Önemli, F. & Cabi, E. (2016). Determination of wild plant species of Brassicaceae family in Turkish Thrace. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 9(3), 100–105.
  • Koch, M. A. & Mummenhoff, K. (2006). Evolution and phylogeny of the Brassicaceae. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 259(2–4), 81–83.
  • Khalik, K. A., Van Der Maesen, L. J. G., Koopman, W. J. M., & Van den Berg, R. G. (2002). Numerical taxonomic study of some tribes of Brassicaceae from Egypt. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 233 (3-4), 207–221.
  • Al-Shehbaz, I. A. (1987). The genera of Alysseae (Cruciferae; Brassicaceae) in the southeastern United States. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 68(2), 185–240.
  • Al-Shehbaz, I. A., Beilstein, M. A. & Kellogg, E. A. (2006). Systematics and phylogeny of the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae): an overview. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 259(2–4), 89–120.
  • Dudley, T. R. (1964a). Studies in Alyssum: near Eastern representatives and their allies, I. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 45(1), 57–100.
  • Dudley, T. R. (1964b). Synopsis of the genus Alyssum. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 45(3), 358–373.
  • Dudley, T. R. (1965). Alyssum L. In: Davis PH editor. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. 1. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 362–409.
  • Mutlu, B. (2012). Alyssum L. In: Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M., Babaç, M. T. editors. Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). İstanbul: Turkey, Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını, pp. 249–256 (in Turkish).
  • Karabacak, O., Duran, A. & Celik, M. (2016). Alyssum amasianum (Brassicaceae), a new species from North Anatolia, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 40, 402–411.
  • Heywood, V. H. (1971). Scanning Electron Microscopy: Systematic and Evolutionary Applications. London: Academic Press.
  • Murley, M. R. (1951). Seeds of the Cruciferae of northeastern North America. The American Midland Naturalist, 46, 1–81.
  • El-Naggar, S. M. (1996). Seed coat morphology of the Egyptian species of tribe Alysseae (Brassicaceae) and its taxonomic significance. Bulletin of the Faculty of Science. Assiut University, 25, 51–57.
  • Fayed, A. A. & El-Naggar, S. M. (1988). Taxonomic studies on Cruciferae in Egypt. 2 - Taxonomic significance of the seed sculpture in species of tribe Brassiceae. Tackholmia, 11, 87–95.
  • Fayed, A. A. & El-Naggar, S. M. (1996). Taxonomic studies on Cruciferae in Egypt. 4. Seed morphology and taxonomy of the Egyptian species of Lepidieae. Bulletin of the Faculty of Science. Assiut University, 25, 43–50.
  • El-Naggar, S. M. & El-Hadidi, M. N. (1998). The tribe Alysseae Hayek (Brassicaceae) in Egypt. J Union Arab Biol, 6, 501–520.
  • Hayek, A. (1925). Cruciferae in Prodromus florae peninsulae balcanicae 1. Repertorium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis, 30(1), 370–485
  • Nyárády, E. I. (1955). Alyssum L. in: Savulescu, T. (ed.), Flora republicii populare Romîne. Bucureîti, 3, 318–355.
  • Greuter, W. (1974). Note sur deux variétés grecques d’Alyssum doerfleri (Cruciferae) et sur la classification de quelques espèces vivaces de ce genre. Candollea, 29, 135–146.
  • Koul, K., Ranjna, N. & Raina, S. N. (2000). Seed Coat Microsculpturing in Brassica and Allied Genera Subtribes Brassicinae, Raphaninae, Moricandiinae). Annals of Botany, 86, 85–97.
  • El Naggar, S. M. (2005). Seed Coat Micro-Sculpturing and the Systematic of the Egyptian Brassicaceae (Magnoliopsida). Flora Mediteranea, 15, 581–598.
  • Zeng, C. L., Wang, J. B., Liu, A. H. & Wu, X. M. (2004). Seed Coat Microsculpturing Changes during Seed Development in Diploid and Amphiploid Brassica Species. Annals of Botany, 93, 555–566.
  • Stearn, W. T. (1992). Botanical Latin. David & Charles Pub, London.
  • Ančev, M. & Goranova, V. (2006). Trichome morphology of eleven genera of the tribe Alysseae (Brassicaceae) occurring in Bulgaria. Willdenowia, 36 (1), 193–204.
  • Kumar, V., Kodandaramaiah, J. & Rajan, M. V. (2012). Leaf and anatomical traits in relation to physiological characteristics in mulberry (Morus sp.) cultivars. Turkish Journal of Botany, 36, 683–689.
  • Shahi Shavvon, R., Saeidi Mehrvarz, S. & Golmohammadi, N. (2012). Evidence from micromorphology and gross morphology of the genus Loranthus (Loranthaceae) in Iran. Turkish Journal of Botany, 36, 655–666.
  • Akçin, Ö. E., Şenel, G. & Akçin, Y. (2013). Leaf epidermis morphology of some Onosma (Boraginaceae) species from Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 37, 55–64.
  • Vaughan, J. G. & Whitehouse, J. M. (1971). Seed structure and the taxonomy of the Cruciferae. Botanical Journal of Linnean Society, 64, 383–409.
  • Barthlott, W. (1981). Epidermal and seed surface characters of plants: systematic applicability and some evolutionary aspects. Nordic Journal of Botany, 1, 345–355.
  • Bona, M. (2013). Seed-coat microsculpturing of Turkish Lepidium (Brassicaceae) and its systematic application. Turkish Journal of Botany, 37(4), 662–668.
  • Gabr, D. G. (2018). Significance of Fruit and Seed Coat Morphology in Taxonomy and Identification for Some Species of Brassicaceae. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 9, 380–402.
  • Tursinbaeva, G. S. (2017). Morphology and Structure of Fruits of Some Desert Efemers of the Genus Alyssum L. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 8, 3443–3449

Anadolu’dan bazı Alyssum (Brassicaceae) taksonlarının meyve ve tohum morfolojisi

Year 2019, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 89 - 94, 15.12.2019


Alyssum L. cinsine ait olan beş taksonun (Al. desertorum Sapf., Al. linifolium Stephan ex. Willd. var.
teheranicum Bornm., Al. minus (L.) Rothm. var. minus, Al. strigosum Banks & Sol. subsp. cedrorum (Schott & Kotschy)
ve Al. strigosum Banks & Sol. subsp. strigosum) meyve ve tohum morfolojileri, taramalı electron mikroskobu (SEM) ile
incelenerek taksonomik karakter olarak önemleri belirlendi. Makro- ve mikromorfolojik karakterleri, tohum şekli, kanatı,
ölçüsü, epidermal hücre modeli ve meyve şekli, rengi, büyüklüğü, tüy morfolojisi incelendi. Üç epidermal hücre modeli;
mikro-retikulat, normal-retikulat, rugoz-foveat gözlendi ve aynı sayıda tüy morfolojisi; tek morfolojili (stellat), çift
morfolojili (bifurkat ve stellat) tespit edildi. Sonuçlar meyve ve tohumların morfolojik karakterlerinin taksonların
ayrımında kullanılabileceğini göstermiştir.


  • Gıdık, B., Önemli, F. & Cabi, E. (2016). Determination of wild plant species of Brassicaceae family in Turkish Thrace. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 9(3), 100–105.
  • Koch, M. A. & Mummenhoff, K. (2006). Evolution and phylogeny of the Brassicaceae. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 259(2–4), 81–83.
  • Khalik, K. A., Van Der Maesen, L. J. G., Koopman, W. J. M., & Van den Berg, R. G. (2002). Numerical taxonomic study of some tribes of Brassicaceae from Egypt. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 233 (3-4), 207–221.
  • Al-Shehbaz, I. A. (1987). The genera of Alysseae (Cruciferae; Brassicaceae) in the southeastern United States. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 68(2), 185–240.
  • Al-Shehbaz, I. A., Beilstein, M. A. & Kellogg, E. A. (2006). Systematics and phylogeny of the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae): an overview. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 259(2–4), 89–120.
  • Dudley, T. R. (1964a). Studies in Alyssum: near Eastern representatives and their allies, I. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 45(1), 57–100.
  • Dudley, T. R. (1964b). Synopsis of the genus Alyssum. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, 45(3), 358–373.
  • Dudley, T. R. (1965). Alyssum L. In: Davis PH editor. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. 1. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 362–409.
  • Mutlu, B. (2012). Alyssum L. In: Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M., Babaç, M. T. editors. Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). İstanbul: Turkey, Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını, pp. 249–256 (in Turkish).
  • Karabacak, O., Duran, A. & Celik, M. (2016). Alyssum amasianum (Brassicaceae), a new species from North Anatolia, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 40, 402–411.
  • Heywood, V. H. (1971). Scanning Electron Microscopy: Systematic and Evolutionary Applications. London: Academic Press.
  • Murley, M. R. (1951). Seeds of the Cruciferae of northeastern North America. The American Midland Naturalist, 46, 1–81.
  • El-Naggar, S. M. (1996). Seed coat morphology of the Egyptian species of tribe Alysseae (Brassicaceae) and its taxonomic significance. Bulletin of the Faculty of Science. Assiut University, 25, 51–57.
  • Fayed, A. A. & El-Naggar, S. M. (1988). Taxonomic studies on Cruciferae in Egypt. 2 - Taxonomic significance of the seed sculpture in species of tribe Brassiceae. Tackholmia, 11, 87–95.
  • Fayed, A. A. & El-Naggar, S. M. (1996). Taxonomic studies on Cruciferae in Egypt. 4. Seed morphology and taxonomy of the Egyptian species of Lepidieae. Bulletin of the Faculty of Science. Assiut University, 25, 43–50.
  • El-Naggar, S. M. & El-Hadidi, M. N. (1998). The tribe Alysseae Hayek (Brassicaceae) in Egypt. J Union Arab Biol, 6, 501–520.
  • Hayek, A. (1925). Cruciferae in Prodromus florae peninsulae balcanicae 1. Repertorium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis, 30(1), 370–485
  • Nyárády, E. I. (1955). Alyssum L. in: Savulescu, T. (ed.), Flora republicii populare Romîne. Bucureîti, 3, 318–355.
  • Greuter, W. (1974). Note sur deux variétés grecques d’Alyssum doerfleri (Cruciferae) et sur la classification de quelques espèces vivaces de ce genre. Candollea, 29, 135–146.
  • Koul, K., Ranjna, N. & Raina, S. N. (2000). Seed Coat Microsculpturing in Brassica and Allied Genera Subtribes Brassicinae, Raphaninae, Moricandiinae). Annals of Botany, 86, 85–97.
  • El Naggar, S. M. (2005). Seed Coat Micro-Sculpturing and the Systematic of the Egyptian Brassicaceae (Magnoliopsida). Flora Mediteranea, 15, 581–598.
  • Zeng, C. L., Wang, J. B., Liu, A. H. & Wu, X. M. (2004). Seed Coat Microsculpturing Changes during Seed Development in Diploid and Amphiploid Brassica Species. Annals of Botany, 93, 555–566.
  • Stearn, W. T. (1992). Botanical Latin. David & Charles Pub, London.
  • Ančev, M. & Goranova, V. (2006). Trichome morphology of eleven genera of the tribe Alysseae (Brassicaceae) occurring in Bulgaria. Willdenowia, 36 (1), 193–204.
  • Kumar, V., Kodandaramaiah, J. & Rajan, M. V. (2012). Leaf and anatomical traits in relation to physiological characteristics in mulberry (Morus sp.) cultivars. Turkish Journal of Botany, 36, 683–689.
  • Shahi Shavvon, R., Saeidi Mehrvarz, S. & Golmohammadi, N. (2012). Evidence from micromorphology and gross morphology of the genus Loranthus (Loranthaceae) in Iran. Turkish Journal of Botany, 36, 655–666.
  • Akçin, Ö. E., Şenel, G. & Akçin, Y. (2013). Leaf epidermis morphology of some Onosma (Boraginaceae) species from Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 37, 55–64.
  • Vaughan, J. G. & Whitehouse, J. M. (1971). Seed structure and the taxonomy of the Cruciferae. Botanical Journal of Linnean Society, 64, 383–409.
  • Barthlott, W. (1981). Epidermal and seed surface characters of plants: systematic applicability and some evolutionary aspects. Nordic Journal of Botany, 1, 345–355.
  • Bona, M. (2013). Seed-coat microsculpturing of Turkish Lepidium (Brassicaceae) and its systematic application. Turkish Journal of Botany, 37(4), 662–668.
  • Gabr, D. G. (2018). Significance of Fruit and Seed Coat Morphology in Taxonomy and Identification for Some Species of Brassicaceae. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 9, 380–402.
  • Tursinbaeva, G. S. (2017). Morphology and Structure of Fruits of Some Desert Efemers of the Genus Alyssum L. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 8, 3443–3449
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Conservation and Biodiversity
Journal Section Research Articles

Emrah Şirin

Publication Date December 15, 2019
Submission Date January 24, 2019
Acceptance Date December 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 12 Issue: 3


APA Şirin, E. (2019). Anadolu’dan bazı Alyssum (Brassicaceae) taksonlarının meyve ve tohum morfolojisi. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 12(3), 89-94.

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