Research Article
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The Impacts of Climate Change on Genetic Diversity

Year 2021, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 511 - 518, 15.12.2021


In this research, the destruction caused by climate change on genetic diversity has been demonstrated with solid examples. The consequences of the destruction on the genetic levels are discussed with concrete examples. In the study, the data obtained from the results of 40 printed publications were evaluated by correlation analysis. With these data, the importance of genetic diversity, the effect of climate change on genetic diversity, the models used to determine the relationship between climate and genetic diversity, genetic losses and protection measures were evaluated. It is noteworthy that embedded methods, in which ecological models are integrated into climate models, have been used in determining the relationships between climate and genetic diversity, especially in recent years. It is firstly necessary to detect genetic losses, genetic shifts and variations, and to reveal their future projections. These projections play a decisive role in taking effective protection measures against climate change.


  • Alsos, G.J., Ehrich, D., Thuiller, W., Eidesen, B.P., Tribsch, A. , Scho¨nswetter, P., Lagaye, C., Taberlet, P. and Brochmann, C. (2012). Genetic consequences of climate change for northern plants. Proc. R. Soc. B, 279, 2042–2051 doi:10.1098/rspb.2011.2363
  • Tolunay, D. (2019). İklim Değişikliğinin Ekolojik Sistemlerdeki Yeri. İklim Değişikliği Eğitim Modülleri Serisi 5, Ankara.
  • Warren, R., and Warren, R. J. (2013). Unauthorized Immigration to the United States: Annual Estimates and Components of Change, by State, 1990 to 2010. International Migration Review, 47, 296–329.
  • Ramirez-Villegas, J., Cuesta, F., Devenish, C., Peralvo, M., Jarvis, A., Arnilla, A.C. (2014). Using species distributions models for designing conservation strategies of Tropical Andean biodiversity under climate change. Journal for Nature Conservation, 22, 391-404.
  • IIPC (2021). IPCC report: ‘Code red’ for human driven global heating, warns UN chief. Acces date 18.11.2021
  • Pärli, R., Lieberherr, E., Holderegger, R. Gugerli, F., Widmer, A., Fischer, C.M. (22021). Developing a monitoring program of genetic diversity: what do stakeholders say? Conservation Genetics, 22, 673–68
  • Demir, A (2009). Küresel iklim değişiminin biyolojik çeşitlilik ve ekosistem kaynakları üzerine etkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Çevre Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2), 37-54
  • Rizvanovic, M., Kennedy, D.J., Nogués-Bravo, D., Marske, A.K. (2019). Persistence of genetic diversity and phylogeographic structure of three New Zealand forest beetles under climate change. Diversity and Distributions, 25, 142–153 DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12834
  • Abreu-Jardim, F.P.T., Jardim, L., Ballesteros-Mejia, L., Maciel, M.N., Collevatti, G. R. (2021). Predicting impacts of global climatic change on genetic and phylogeographical diversity of a Neotropical treefrog. Diversity and Distributions, 27,1519–1535
  • Razgoura, O., Foresterc, B., Taggartd, B.T., Bekaertd, M., Justee, J., Ibáñeze, C., Puechmaillef, J.S, Novella-Fernandeza, R. , Alberdii, A., and Manelj, S. (2019). Considering adaptive genetic variation in climate change vulnerability assessment reduces species range loss projections. PNAS,116 (21), 10418–10423
  • Scheffers, R.B., De Meester, L., C. L. Bridge, L.C.T., Hoffmann, A.A., Pandolfi, M.J., Corlett, T.R., Butchart, M.H.S., Pearce-Kelly, P., Kovacs, M.K., Dudgeon, D., Pacifici,M., Rondinini, C., Foden, B.W., Martin, G.T., Mora, C., Bickford, D., Watso, M.E.J. (2016). The broad footprint of climate change from genes to biomes to people. Science, 354, aaf767 DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf7671
  • De Meester, L., Stoks, R., and Brans, I.K. (2018). Genetic adaptation as a biological buffer against climate change: Potential and limitations. Integrative Zoology, 13, 372–39
  • Thomann, M. Imbert, E.. Engstrand, C.R. Cheptou O, P (2015). Contemporary evolution of plant reproductive strategies under global change is revealed by stored seeds. J. Evol. Biol, 28, 766–778 doi: 10.1111/jeb.12603.
  • Kovach, R. P. Gharrett, A. J..Tallmon, D. A (2012). Genetic change for earlier migration timing in a pink salmon population. Proc. Biol. Sci, 279, 3870–3878. doi: 10.1098/ rspb.2012.1158; pmid: 22787027
  • Irwin, J.A. Finkel, V. Z. Müller-Karger, E. F, Troccoli Ghinaglia, L. (2015). Phytoplankton adapt to changing ocean environments. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, 112, 5762–5766 doi: 10.1073/pnas.1414752112; pmid: 25902497
  • Palumbi, S. R. Barshis, J.D. Traylor-Knowles, N. Bay, A. R. (2014). Mechanisms of reef coral resistance to future climate change. Science, 344, 895–898.
  • Taylor A.S., White, A.T., Hochachka, H.M., Ferretti, V., Curry, L.R., Lovette, I. ( 2014). Climate-mediated movement of an avian hybrid zone. Curr. Biol, 24, 671–676. doi: 10.1016/ j.cub.2014.01.06.
  • Garroway. J C., Bowman, J., Cascaden, J.T., Holloway, L.G., Mahan , G.C., J Malcolm, R.J., Msteele, A.M., Turner, G., and Wilson, J.P. (2010). Climate change induced hybridization in flying squirrels. Glob. Change Biol, 16, 113–121 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01948.x
  • Kramer, K., Degen, B., Buschbom, J., Hickler, T., Thuiller, W., Sykes, T.M., de Winter, W. (2010). Modelling exploration of the future of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) under climate change—Range, abundance, genetic diversity and adaptive response. Forest Ecology and Management, 259, 2213–2222
  • Diniz - Filho, F.A.J., Barbosa, F.O.C.A., Chaves, J.L., Souza, S.K., Dobrovolski, R., Rattis, L., Terribile, C.L, Lima-Ribeiro, S.M., de Oliveira, G., Brum, T.F., Loyola, R., &Telles, C.P.M. (2020). Overcoming the worst of both worlds: integrating climate change and habitat loss into spatial conservation planning of genetic diversity in the Brazilian Cerrado. Biodiversity and Conservation, 29,1555–1570
  • Doğan S, Özçelik, S, Dolu Ö, Erman, O. (2010). Global warming and biodiversity. İklim Değişikliği ve Çevre, 3.
  • Sękiewicz, K., Walas, L., Beridze, B, Fennane, M., Dering, M. (2020). High genetic diversity and low future habitat suitability: will Cupressusa atlantica, endemic to the High Atlas, survive under climate change? Regional Environmental Change, 20, 132:2-19
  • WWF, (2021). İklim Değişikliğinin Akdeniz’deki Etkileri; Aşırı ısınan bir denizden altı hikaye. WWF 2021 raporu.Accesdate:01.09.2021.
  • Jingfang, T., Jizhong, W., Fangli, L. , Feiha, Y. (2018).Relationships between Genetic Diversity of Vascular Plant Species and Climate Factors. J. Resour. Ecol, 9(6), 663-672 DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.
  • Wróblewska, A., and Mirski, P. (2018). From past to future: impact of climate change on range shifts and genetic diversity patterns of circumboreal plants. Reg Environ Change, 18, 409–424 DOI 10.1007/s10113-017-1208-3
  • Raza, A., Razzaq, A., Mehmood, S.S., Zou, X., Zhang, X., Lv, Y., and Xu,J. (2019). Impact of Climate Change on Crops Adaptation and Strategies to Tackle Its Outcome: A Review. Plants, 8, 34, doi:10.3390/plants8020034

The Impacts of Climate Change on Genetic Diversity

Year 2021, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 511 - 518, 15.12.2021


In this research, the destruction caused by climate change on genetic diversity has been demonstrated with solid examples. The consequences of the destruction on the genetic levels are discussed with concrete examples. In the study, the data obtained from the results of 40 printed publications were evaluated by correlation analysis. With these data, the importance of genetic diversity, the effect of climate change on genetic diversity, the models used to determine the relationship between climate and genetic diversity, genetic losses and protection measures were evaluated. It is noteworthy that embedded methods, in which ecological models are integrated into climate models, have been used in determining the relationships between climate and genetic diversity, especially in recent years. It is firstly necessary to detect genetic losses, genetic shifts and variations, and to reveal their future projections. These projections play a decisive role in taking effective protection measures against climate change.


  • Alsos, G.J., Ehrich, D., Thuiller, W., Eidesen, B.P., Tribsch, A. , Scho¨nswetter, P., Lagaye, C., Taberlet, P. and Brochmann, C. (2012). Genetic consequences of climate change for northern plants. Proc. R. Soc. B, 279, 2042–2051 doi:10.1098/rspb.2011.2363
  • Tolunay, D. (2019). İklim Değişikliğinin Ekolojik Sistemlerdeki Yeri. İklim Değişikliği Eğitim Modülleri Serisi 5, Ankara.
  • Warren, R., and Warren, R. J. (2013). Unauthorized Immigration to the United States: Annual Estimates and Components of Change, by State, 1990 to 2010. International Migration Review, 47, 296–329.
  • Ramirez-Villegas, J., Cuesta, F., Devenish, C., Peralvo, M., Jarvis, A., Arnilla, A.C. (2014). Using species distributions models for designing conservation strategies of Tropical Andean biodiversity under climate change. Journal for Nature Conservation, 22, 391-404.
  • IIPC (2021). IPCC report: ‘Code red’ for human driven global heating, warns UN chief. Acces date 18.11.2021
  • Pärli, R., Lieberherr, E., Holderegger, R. Gugerli, F., Widmer, A., Fischer, C.M. (22021). Developing a monitoring program of genetic diversity: what do stakeholders say? Conservation Genetics, 22, 673–68
  • Demir, A (2009). Küresel iklim değişiminin biyolojik çeşitlilik ve ekosistem kaynakları üzerine etkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Çevre Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2), 37-54
  • Rizvanovic, M., Kennedy, D.J., Nogués-Bravo, D., Marske, A.K. (2019). Persistence of genetic diversity and phylogeographic structure of three New Zealand forest beetles under climate change. Diversity and Distributions, 25, 142–153 DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12834
  • Abreu-Jardim, F.P.T., Jardim, L., Ballesteros-Mejia, L., Maciel, M.N., Collevatti, G. R. (2021). Predicting impacts of global climatic change on genetic and phylogeographical diversity of a Neotropical treefrog. Diversity and Distributions, 27,1519–1535
  • Razgoura, O., Foresterc, B., Taggartd, B.T., Bekaertd, M., Justee, J., Ibáñeze, C., Puechmaillef, J.S, Novella-Fernandeza, R. , Alberdii, A., and Manelj, S. (2019). Considering adaptive genetic variation in climate change vulnerability assessment reduces species range loss projections. PNAS,116 (21), 10418–10423
  • Scheffers, R.B., De Meester, L., C. L. Bridge, L.C.T., Hoffmann, A.A., Pandolfi, M.J., Corlett, T.R., Butchart, M.H.S., Pearce-Kelly, P., Kovacs, M.K., Dudgeon, D., Pacifici,M., Rondinini, C., Foden, B.W., Martin, G.T., Mora, C., Bickford, D., Watso, M.E.J. (2016). The broad footprint of climate change from genes to biomes to people. Science, 354, aaf767 DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf7671
  • De Meester, L., Stoks, R., and Brans, I.K. (2018). Genetic adaptation as a biological buffer against climate change: Potential and limitations. Integrative Zoology, 13, 372–39
  • Thomann, M. Imbert, E.. Engstrand, C.R. Cheptou O, P (2015). Contemporary evolution of plant reproductive strategies under global change is revealed by stored seeds. J. Evol. Biol, 28, 766–778 doi: 10.1111/jeb.12603.
  • Kovach, R. P. Gharrett, A. J..Tallmon, D. A (2012). Genetic change for earlier migration timing in a pink salmon population. Proc. Biol. Sci, 279, 3870–3878. doi: 10.1098/ rspb.2012.1158; pmid: 22787027
  • Irwin, J.A. Finkel, V. Z. Müller-Karger, E. F, Troccoli Ghinaglia, L. (2015). Phytoplankton adapt to changing ocean environments. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, 112, 5762–5766 doi: 10.1073/pnas.1414752112; pmid: 25902497
  • Palumbi, S. R. Barshis, J.D. Traylor-Knowles, N. Bay, A. R. (2014). Mechanisms of reef coral resistance to future climate change. Science, 344, 895–898.
  • Taylor A.S., White, A.T., Hochachka, H.M., Ferretti, V., Curry, L.R., Lovette, I. ( 2014). Climate-mediated movement of an avian hybrid zone. Curr. Biol, 24, 671–676. doi: 10.1016/ j.cub.2014.01.06.
  • Garroway. J C., Bowman, J., Cascaden, J.T., Holloway, L.G., Mahan , G.C., J Malcolm, R.J., Msteele, A.M., Turner, G., and Wilson, J.P. (2010). Climate change induced hybridization in flying squirrels. Glob. Change Biol, 16, 113–121 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01948.x
  • Kramer, K., Degen, B., Buschbom, J., Hickler, T., Thuiller, W., Sykes, T.M., de Winter, W. (2010). Modelling exploration of the future of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) under climate change—Range, abundance, genetic diversity and adaptive response. Forest Ecology and Management, 259, 2213–2222
  • Diniz - Filho, F.A.J., Barbosa, F.O.C.A., Chaves, J.L., Souza, S.K., Dobrovolski, R., Rattis, L., Terribile, C.L, Lima-Ribeiro, S.M., de Oliveira, G., Brum, T.F., Loyola, R., &Telles, C.P.M. (2020). Overcoming the worst of both worlds: integrating climate change and habitat loss into spatial conservation planning of genetic diversity in the Brazilian Cerrado. Biodiversity and Conservation, 29,1555–1570
  • Doğan S, Özçelik, S, Dolu Ö, Erman, O. (2010). Global warming and biodiversity. İklim Değişikliği ve Çevre, 3.
  • Sękiewicz, K., Walas, L., Beridze, B, Fennane, M., Dering, M. (2020). High genetic diversity and low future habitat suitability: will Cupressusa atlantica, endemic to the High Atlas, survive under climate change? Regional Environmental Change, 20, 132:2-19
  • WWF, (2021). İklim Değişikliğinin Akdeniz’deki Etkileri; Aşırı ısınan bir denizden altı hikaye. WWF 2021 raporu.Accesdate:01.09.2021.
  • Jingfang, T., Jizhong, W., Fangli, L. , Feiha, Y. (2018).Relationships between Genetic Diversity of Vascular Plant Species and Climate Factors. J. Resour. Ecol, 9(6), 663-672 DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.
  • Wróblewska, A., and Mirski, P. (2018). From past to future: impact of climate change on range shifts and genetic diversity patterns of circumboreal plants. Reg Environ Change, 18, 409–424 DOI 10.1007/s10113-017-1208-3
  • Raza, A., Razzaq, A., Mehmood, S.S., Zou, X., Zhang, X., Lv, Y., and Xu,J. (2019). Impact of Climate Change on Crops Adaptation and Strategies to Tackle Its Outcome: A Review. Plants, 8, 34, doi:10.3390/plants8020034
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Conservation and Biodiversity
Journal Section Research Article

Aynur Demir 0000-0002-7856-2789

Publication Date December 15, 2021
Submission Date December 5, 2021
Acceptance Date December 12, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 14 Issue: 3


APA Demir, A. (2021). The Impacts of Climate Change on Genetic Diversity. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 14(3), 511-518.

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