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The effect of micro topographic features on the site selection of European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus): A case study from Tekirdağ province, Thrace Peninsula (Türkiye)

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 216 - 228


Çeşitli insan aktivitelerine bağlı olarak son yıllarda popülasyonunda ciddi bir azalma görülen Avrupa yer sincaplarının (Spermophilus citellus) habitat seçiminin bilimsel bir şekilde belirlenmesi, nesli tükenme tehlikesi altında olan bu canlının hayatta kalması açısından çok önemlidir. Sonbaharın başlarından ilkbaharın başlarına kadar uzun bir süre boyunca bireysel yuvalarında kış uykusuna yatan bu canlının habitat seçiminde etkili temel faktörlerden birisi de mikro topografya özellikleridir. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmada Avrupa yer sincaplarının yuva seçiminde mikro topografya özelliklerin etkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma, Avrupa yer sincapların Avrupa’nın en güneyindeki dağılım alanlarından birisi olan Türkiye’nin Trakya Yarımadasındaki (Türkiye Trakyası) Tekirdağ ilinden örnek bir alan üzerinden yapılmış sonuçlara göre şekillendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın temel verilerini, arazi çalışmaları sırasında insansız hava aracı (İHA) kullanılarak elde edilmiş yüksek çözünürlüklü sayısal yükselti modeli (SYM) ve orto-foto görüntüleri oluşturmaktadır. Bu veriler Ekolojik Niş Modelleme (ENM) yaklaşımıyla Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) teknikleriyle işlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda örneklem alanındaki mikro topografya özelliklerinden bakı faktörünün türün yuva tercihinde daha önemli (%56.412) olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuçları yok olma tehdidi altında bulunan türün popülasyonunun güçlendirilmesi ve habitat özelliklerinin iyileştirilmesine yönelik spesifik önlemlerin alınmasına destek olmasının yanında potansiyel ve mevcut habitatların bakımı ve korunması için yapılacak planlamalara ışık tutmaktadır. Ayrıca türün korunması için önemli alanların genişletilmesi ve gelecekteki yeniden yerleştirme veya tanıtım programlarının başarısının artırılması için kullanılabilir.


  • [1] Gür, H. (2010). Why do Anatolian ground squirrels exhibit a Bergmannian size pattern? A phylogenetic comparative analysis of geographic variation in body size. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 100(3), 695-710.
  • [2] Bennett, E.T. (1835). Citellus [sic] xanthoprymna Bennett. Observations on several Mammalia from Trebizond and Erseroum. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.
  • [3] Linnaeus, C. (1766) Mus citellus. Systema Naturae. 12th ed., 1, 80.
  • [4] Gündüz, İ., Jaarola, M., Tez C., Yeniyurt, C., Polly, P.D., & Searle, J.B. (2007). Multigenic and morphometric differentiation of ground squirrels (Spermophilus, Scuiridae, Rodentia) in Turkey, with a description of a new species. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 43(3): 916-935.
  • [5] Gür, H., & Gür, M.K. (2010). Anatolian ground squirrels (spermophilus xanthoprymnus): hibernation and geographic variation of body size in a species of old world ground squirrels. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 38(3), 247-253.
  • [6] Mitchell-Jones, A.J., Amori, G., Bogdanowicz, W., Krystufek, B., Reijnders, P.J.H., Spitzenberger, F., Stubbe, M., Thissen, J.B.M., Vohralík, V., & Zima, J. (1999). The atlas of European mammals. T & A D Poyser Natural History. London, Academic Press.
  • [7] Zaharia, G., Petrencu, L., & Baltag, E.Ş. (2016). Site selection of European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) in Eastern Romania and how they are influenced by climate, relief, and vegetation. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 40(6), 917-924.
  • [8] Davidson, A.D., Detling, J.K., & Brown, J.H. (2012). Ecological roles and conservation challenges of social, burrowing, herbivorous mammals in the world's grasslands. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 10, 477-486.
  • [9] Hegyeli, Z. (2020). Spermophilus citellus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T20472A91282380.
  • [10] Gür, H. (2013). The effects of the Late Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles on Anatolian ground squirrels: range expansion during the glacial periods? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 109(1), 19-32.
  • [11] Oruç, M.S., Mert, A., & Özdemir, İ. (2017). Eskişehir çatacık yöresinde, çevresel değişkenler kullanılarak kızılgeyik için (cervus elaphus l.) habitat uygunluğunun modellenmesi. Bilge International Journal of Science and Technology Research, 1(2), 135-142.
  • [12] Oğurlu, İ. (1997). Habitat use and food habits of brown hare (lepus Europaeus (pallas)) in a woodland. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 21(4), 381-398.
  • [13] Süel, H., Şentürk, Ö., Mert, A., Özdemir, S., & Yalçınkaya, B. (2018, July 24 to 26). Habitat suitability modeling and mapping. IMCOFE, VI. International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia, Proceedings (pp.: 536-549), Barcelona/Spain.
  • [14] Rammou D.L., Astaras, C., Migli, D., Boutsis, G., Galanaki, A., Kominos, T., & Youlatos, D. (2022). European ground squirrels at the edge: current distribution status and anticipated impact of climate on Europe’s southernmost population. Land, 11(2), 301.
  • [15] Rammou, D. L., Kavroudakis, D., & Youlatos, D. (2021). Distribution, population size, and habitat characteristics of the endangered European ground squirrel (spermophilus citellus, rodentia, mammalia) in its southernmost range. Sustainability, 13, 8411.
  • [16] Janák, M., Marhoul, P., & Matěju, J. (2013). Action Plan for the Conservation of the European ground squirrel spermophilus citellus in the European union. Brussels, Belgium, European Commission.
  • [14] Gedeon, C.I., Árvai, M., Szatmári, G., Brevik, E.C., Takáts, T., Kovács, Z.A., & Mészáros, J. (2022). Identification and counting of European souslik burrows from uav images by pixel-based image analysis and random forest classification: a simple, semi-automated, yet accurate method for estimating population size. Remote Sensing, 14, 2025.
  • [17] ESRI (2023). Basemaps for ArcGIS Pro.
  • [18] MGM (2023). Tekirdağ Meteoroloji İstasyonunun Meteorolojik Verileri (1991-2022). Tekirdağ Meteoroloji İstasyon Müdürlüğü, Tekirdağ.
  • [19] Özşahin, E., & Eroğlu, İ. (2022). Haritalar Kullanılarak Tekirdağ İlinin İklim Özelliklerinin Değerlendirilmesi: Mevcut Durum ve Gelecek Tahminler. In Ş. Yiğit, Ö. Narinç, U. Özgür & V. Alaeddinoğlu (Eds.), Toplumsal Araştırmalar-2 (Uluslararası Toplumsal Araştırmalar Kongresi Tam Metin Bildiriler Kitabı) (1st ed., pp. 68-81). Erzurum: Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayın No: 1335. Retrieved from
  • [20] Gür, M., & Şen, C. (2016). Trakya bölgesinde doğal bir merada tespit edilen baklagiller ve buğdaygiller familyalarına ait bitkilerin bazı özellikleri. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 13(1), 61-69.
  • [21] Gür, M., & Altın, M. (2015). Trakya yöresinde farklı kullanım geçmişine sahip meraların florastik kompozisyonlarının bazı özellikleri. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 30(1), 60-67.
  • [22] ESRI (2022). Sentinel-2 10m Land Use/Land Cover Timeseries Downloader (2017-2021).
  • [23] Özşahin, E., Özdeş, M., Smith, A.C., & Yang, D. (2022). Remote sensing and gıs-based suitability mapping of termite habitat in the african savanna: a case study of the lowveld in kruger national park. Land, 11, 803.
  • [24] Youlatos, D., Boutsis, Y., Pantis, J.D., & Hadjicharalambous, H. (2007). Activity patterns of european ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) in a cultivated field in Northern Greece. Mammalia, 71, 183-186.
  • [25] ESRI (2024). What is a z-score? What is a p-value?
  • [26] Gür, H. (2017). Anadolu diyagonali: bir biyocoğrafi sınırın anatomisi. Kebikeç İnsan Bilimleri İçin Kaynak Araştırmaları Dergisi, 43, 177-188.
  • [27] Van der Merwe, M., & Brown, J.S. (2008). Mapping the landscape of fear of the cape ground squirrel (xerus inauris). Journal of Mammalogy, 89(5), 1162-1169,
  • [28] Aksan, Ş., Özdemir, İ., & Oğurlu, İ. (2014). Türkiye/Gölcük Tabiat Parkı’nda bazı yabani memeli türlerinin dağılımlarının modellenmesi. Biyolojik Çeşitlilik ve Koruma, 7(1), 1-15.
  • [29] Gündüz, I., Jaarola, M., Tez, C., Yeniyurt, C., Polly, P. D., & Searle, J. B. (2007). Multigenic and morphometric differentiation of ground squirrels (Spermophilus, Scuiridae, Rodentia) in Turkey, with a description of a new species. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 43(3), 916-935.
  • [30] Říčanová, Š., Koshev, Y., Říčan, O., Ćosić, N., Ćirović, D., Sedláček, F., & Bryja, J. (2013). Multilocus phylogeography of the European ground squirrel: cryptic interglacial refugia of continental climate in Europe. Molecular Ecology, 22(16), 4256-4269.
  • [31] Van Horne, B. (2003). Conservation of ground squirrels. In: Wolff JO, Sherman PW, eds. Rodent societies: an ecological and evolutionary perspective. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • [32] Bennie, J., Hill, M.O., Baxter, R., & Huntley, B. (2006), Influence of slope and aspect on long-term vegetation change in British chalk grasslands. Journal of Ecology, 94, 355-368.
  • [33] Baltag, E.Ş., Zaharia, G., Fasolă, L., & Constantin, I. (2014). European ground squirrel (mammalia: rodentia) population from eastern romania: density, distribution and threats. European Scientific Journal, 94101.
  • [34] Ivošević, B., Valente, J., Ćosić, N., Arok, M., & Tijana, N. (2020). Assessing habitat properties of european ground squirrels with unmanned aerial vehicle imagery. British Ecological Society, Festival of Ecology (BES), online.
  • [35] Gedeon, C.I., Árvai, M., Szatmári, G., Brevik, E.C., Takáts, T., Kovács, Z.A., & Mészáros, J. (2022). Identification and counting of european souslik burrows from uav images by pixel-based image analysis and random forest classification: A Simple, Semi-Automated, yet Accurate Method for Estimating Population Size. Remote Sensing, 14, 2025.
  • [36] Tanfer, M. (2023). Biyotop haritalama ve iklim değişikliği ilişkisi. Peyzaj Araştırmaları ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 5(1), 1-8.
  • [37] Özdemir, S., Özkan, K., & Mert, A. (2020). Ekolojik bakış açısı ile iklim değişimi senaryoları. Biyolojik Çeşitlilik ve Koruma, 13(3), 361-371.
  • [38] Demirtaş, S. (2020). Estimation of the climate preference between two lineages of europe-an ground squirrel using maximum entropy modeling. Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences, 6(2), 328-341.

The effect of micro topographic features on the site selection of European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus): A case study from Tekirdag province, Thrace Peninsula (Türkiye)

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 216 - 228


The European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) is a small mammal that inhabits the grasslands of central and southeastern Europe and is adapted to the Mediterranean climate. It is a group-living, semifossorial and mostly herbivorous rodent, and is considered an ecosystem engineer and a cornerstone of rangelands due to the benefits it provides to the ecosystem. The scientific determination of the habitat selection of European ground squirrels, whose population has decreased significantly in recent years due to various human activities, is essential for the survival of this endangered species. Micro topography is one of the main factors affecting the habitat selection of this creature, which hibernates in its individual caves for a long period of time from early fall to early spring. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of micro topographic features on the nest selection of European ground squirrels. The study was shaped according to the results of a sample area in Tekirdag province in the Thracian Peninsula of Türkiye, one of the southernmost distribution areas of European ground squirrels in Europe. The main data of the study consisted of high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) and ortho-photo images obtained using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) during field studies. These data were processed with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques using an ecological niche modeling (ENM) approach. As a result of the study, it was determined that among the micro topography features in the sample area, the aspect factor was more important (56.412%) in the nest preference of the species. The results of the study shed light on the plans to be made for the maintenance and protection of potential and existing habitats, as well as supporting specific measures to be taken to strengthen the population of the species, which is under threat of extinction, and to improve habitat characteristics. It can also be used to expand areas important for the conservation of the species and improve the success of future reintroduction or introduction programs.


Çalışmaya teknik desteğinden dolayı Doç. Dr. Hüseyin SARI’ya teşekkür ederiz.


  • [1] Gür, H. (2010). Why do Anatolian ground squirrels exhibit a Bergmannian size pattern? A phylogenetic comparative analysis of geographic variation in body size. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 100(3), 695-710.
  • [2] Bennett, E.T. (1835). Citellus [sic] xanthoprymna Bennett. Observations on several Mammalia from Trebizond and Erseroum. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.
  • [3] Linnaeus, C. (1766) Mus citellus. Systema Naturae. 12th ed., 1, 80.
  • [4] Gündüz, İ., Jaarola, M., Tez C., Yeniyurt, C., Polly, P.D., & Searle, J.B. (2007). Multigenic and morphometric differentiation of ground squirrels (Spermophilus, Scuiridae, Rodentia) in Turkey, with a description of a new species. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 43(3): 916-935.
  • [5] Gür, H., & Gür, M.K. (2010). Anatolian ground squirrels (spermophilus xanthoprymnus): hibernation and geographic variation of body size in a species of old world ground squirrels. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 38(3), 247-253.
  • [6] Mitchell-Jones, A.J., Amori, G., Bogdanowicz, W., Krystufek, B., Reijnders, P.J.H., Spitzenberger, F., Stubbe, M., Thissen, J.B.M., Vohralík, V., & Zima, J. (1999). The atlas of European mammals. T & A D Poyser Natural History. London, Academic Press.
  • [7] Zaharia, G., Petrencu, L., & Baltag, E.Ş. (2016). Site selection of European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) in Eastern Romania and how they are influenced by climate, relief, and vegetation. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 40(6), 917-924.
  • [8] Davidson, A.D., Detling, J.K., & Brown, J.H. (2012). Ecological roles and conservation challenges of social, burrowing, herbivorous mammals in the world's grasslands. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 10, 477-486.
  • [9] Hegyeli, Z. (2020). Spermophilus citellus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T20472A91282380.
  • [10] Gür, H. (2013). The effects of the Late Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles on Anatolian ground squirrels: range expansion during the glacial periods? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 109(1), 19-32.
  • [11] Oruç, M.S., Mert, A., & Özdemir, İ. (2017). Eskişehir çatacık yöresinde, çevresel değişkenler kullanılarak kızılgeyik için (cervus elaphus l.) habitat uygunluğunun modellenmesi. Bilge International Journal of Science and Technology Research, 1(2), 135-142.
  • [12] Oğurlu, İ. (1997). Habitat use and food habits of brown hare (lepus Europaeus (pallas)) in a woodland. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 21(4), 381-398.
  • [13] Süel, H., Şentürk, Ö., Mert, A., Özdemir, S., & Yalçınkaya, B. (2018, July 24 to 26). Habitat suitability modeling and mapping. IMCOFE, VI. International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia, Proceedings (pp.: 536-549), Barcelona/Spain.
  • [14] Rammou D.L., Astaras, C., Migli, D., Boutsis, G., Galanaki, A., Kominos, T., & Youlatos, D. (2022). European ground squirrels at the edge: current distribution status and anticipated impact of climate on Europe’s southernmost population. Land, 11(2), 301.
  • [15] Rammou, D. L., Kavroudakis, D., & Youlatos, D. (2021). Distribution, population size, and habitat characteristics of the endangered European ground squirrel (spermophilus citellus, rodentia, mammalia) in its southernmost range. Sustainability, 13, 8411.
  • [16] Janák, M., Marhoul, P., & Matěju, J. (2013). Action Plan for the Conservation of the European ground squirrel spermophilus citellus in the European union. Brussels, Belgium, European Commission.
  • [14] Gedeon, C.I., Árvai, M., Szatmári, G., Brevik, E.C., Takáts, T., Kovács, Z.A., & Mészáros, J. (2022). Identification and counting of European souslik burrows from uav images by pixel-based image analysis and random forest classification: a simple, semi-automated, yet accurate method for estimating population size. Remote Sensing, 14, 2025.
  • [17] ESRI (2023). Basemaps for ArcGIS Pro.
  • [18] MGM (2023). Tekirdağ Meteoroloji İstasyonunun Meteorolojik Verileri (1991-2022). Tekirdağ Meteoroloji İstasyon Müdürlüğü, Tekirdağ.
  • [19] Özşahin, E., & Eroğlu, İ. (2022). Haritalar Kullanılarak Tekirdağ İlinin İklim Özelliklerinin Değerlendirilmesi: Mevcut Durum ve Gelecek Tahminler. In Ş. Yiğit, Ö. Narinç, U. Özgür & V. Alaeddinoğlu (Eds.), Toplumsal Araştırmalar-2 (Uluslararası Toplumsal Araştırmalar Kongresi Tam Metin Bildiriler Kitabı) (1st ed., pp. 68-81). Erzurum: Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayın No: 1335. Retrieved from
  • [20] Gür, M., & Şen, C. (2016). Trakya bölgesinde doğal bir merada tespit edilen baklagiller ve buğdaygiller familyalarına ait bitkilerin bazı özellikleri. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 13(1), 61-69.
  • [21] Gür, M., & Altın, M. (2015). Trakya yöresinde farklı kullanım geçmişine sahip meraların florastik kompozisyonlarının bazı özellikleri. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 30(1), 60-67.
  • [22] ESRI (2022). Sentinel-2 10m Land Use/Land Cover Timeseries Downloader (2017-2021).
  • [23] Özşahin, E., Özdeş, M., Smith, A.C., & Yang, D. (2022). Remote sensing and gıs-based suitability mapping of termite habitat in the african savanna: a case study of the lowveld in kruger national park. Land, 11, 803.
  • [24] Youlatos, D., Boutsis, Y., Pantis, J.D., & Hadjicharalambous, H. (2007). Activity patterns of european ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) in a cultivated field in Northern Greece. Mammalia, 71, 183-186.
  • [25] ESRI (2024). What is a z-score? What is a p-value?
  • [26] Gür, H. (2017). Anadolu diyagonali: bir biyocoğrafi sınırın anatomisi. Kebikeç İnsan Bilimleri İçin Kaynak Araştırmaları Dergisi, 43, 177-188.
  • [27] Van der Merwe, M., & Brown, J.S. (2008). Mapping the landscape of fear of the cape ground squirrel (xerus inauris). Journal of Mammalogy, 89(5), 1162-1169,
  • [28] Aksan, Ş., Özdemir, İ., & Oğurlu, İ. (2014). Türkiye/Gölcük Tabiat Parkı’nda bazı yabani memeli türlerinin dağılımlarının modellenmesi. Biyolojik Çeşitlilik ve Koruma, 7(1), 1-15.
  • [29] Gündüz, I., Jaarola, M., Tez, C., Yeniyurt, C., Polly, P. D., & Searle, J. B. (2007). Multigenic and morphometric differentiation of ground squirrels (Spermophilus, Scuiridae, Rodentia) in Turkey, with a description of a new species. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 43(3), 916-935.
  • [30] Říčanová, Š., Koshev, Y., Říčan, O., Ćosić, N., Ćirović, D., Sedláček, F., & Bryja, J. (2013). Multilocus phylogeography of the European ground squirrel: cryptic interglacial refugia of continental climate in Europe. Molecular Ecology, 22(16), 4256-4269.
  • [31] Van Horne, B. (2003). Conservation of ground squirrels. In: Wolff JO, Sherman PW, eds. Rodent societies: an ecological and evolutionary perspective. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • [32] Bennie, J., Hill, M.O., Baxter, R., & Huntley, B. (2006), Influence of slope and aspect on long-term vegetation change in British chalk grasslands. Journal of Ecology, 94, 355-368.
  • [33] Baltag, E.Ş., Zaharia, G., Fasolă, L., & Constantin, I. (2014). European ground squirrel (mammalia: rodentia) population from eastern romania: density, distribution and threats. European Scientific Journal, 94101.
  • [34] Ivošević, B., Valente, J., Ćosić, N., Arok, M., & Tijana, N. (2020). Assessing habitat properties of european ground squirrels with unmanned aerial vehicle imagery. British Ecological Society, Festival of Ecology (BES), online.
  • [35] Gedeon, C.I., Árvai, M., Szatmári, G., Brevik, E.C., Takáts, T., Kovács, Z.A., & Mészáros, J. (2022). Identification and counting of european souslik burrows from uav images by pixel-based image analysis and random forest classification: A Simple, Semi-Automated, yet Accurate Method for Estimating Population Size. Remote Sensing, 14, 2025.
  • [36] Tanfer, M. (2023). Biyotop haritalama ve iklim değişikliği ilişkisi. Peyzaj Araştırmaları ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 5(1), 1-8.
  • [37] Özdemir, S., Özkan, K., & Mert, A. (2020). Ekolojik bakış açısı ile iklim değişimi senaryoları. Biyolojik Çeşitlilik ve Koruma, 13(3), 361-371.
  • [38] Demirtaş, S. (2020). Estimation of the climate preference between two lineages of europe-an ground squirrel using maximum entropy modeling. Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences, 6(2), 328-341.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Vertebrate Biology, Conservation and Biodiversity
Journal Section Research Articles

Emre Özşahin 0000-0001-8169-6908

Mikayil Öztürk 0009-0009-6482-108X

Early Pub Date September 13, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date November 29, 2023
Acceptance Date February 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 17 Issue: 3


APA Özşahin, E., & Öztürk, M. (2024). The effect of micro topographic features on the site selection of European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus): A case study from Tekirdag province, Thrace Peninsula (Türkiye). Biological Diversity and Conservation, 17(3), 216-228.

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Publisher : ERSİN YÜCEL (
❖ This journal is published three numbers in a year. Printed in Eskişehir/Türkiye.
❖ All sorts of responsibilities of the articles published in this journal are belonging to the authors
Editör / Editor-In-Chief : Prof.Dr. Ersin YÜCEL,