Research Article
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Year 2022, , 71 - 78, 31.12.2022



  • Anco, D., & Jay, W. C. (2016). Peanut disease management. In: South Carolina pest management handbook for field crops. (pp. 184-196).
  • Apet, K. T., Sayyad, A. S., Wagh, S. S., & Chavan, P. G. (2015). Bioefficacy of Fungicides, Bioagents and Phytoextracts against Ceratocystis paradoxa, Causing Pineapple Disease of Sugarcane.
  • Asama, P., & Channya, F. K. (2018). Fungal pathogens of postharvest rot of groundnut (Arachys hypogaea L.) in Hong Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria. International Journal of Science and Research, 7(10), 303-311. 10.21275/ART20191348
  • Awurum, A. N., & Uwajimgba, J. (2013). Varietal screening and comparative toxicity of some plant extracts for control of Fusarium wilt of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Continental Journal of Agricultural Science, 7(1), 11–16.
  • Barnett, H. L., & Hunter, B.B. (1972). Illustrated genera of imperfect fungi. 3rd Edition, Burgess Publishing Co., Minneapolis. pp. 241.
  • Buck, J. W. (2004). Combinations of fungicides with phylloplane yeasts for improved control of Botrytis cinerea on geranium seedlings. Phytopathology, 94, 196- 202
  • Damicone, J. P. (2017). Foliar diseases of peanuts. Id: EPP- 7655. OSU Extension.
  • Desai, S., & Bagwan, N. B. (2005). Fungal diseases of rapeseed- mustard. In: Diseases of oilseed crops. Industrial Publishing Co., New Delhi, India. (pp. 108-149). ISBN : 8173871760
  • El-Sherbeny, S. N., El-Maghraby, O. M. O., Samia, A. S., & Ibrahim,Y.M.M.(2020). Pathogenicand/orsaprophytic fungi of wilted peanut seedling and their role in pathogenicity of peanut seeds. Journal of Basic and Applied Mycology (Egypt), 11, 99-105.
  • Encyclopedia of Food & Health. (2016). Cylindrocarpon macrocarpum, Cylindrocarpon sp., Eurotium chevalieri, Fusariella sp., Fusarium sp. From: Encyclopedia of Food and Health.
  • Fageria, U. K., Baligar, V.C., & Jones, C. (1997). Growth and mineral nutrition of field crops. (2nd Edition, 494 pp.). Marcel Derker. Frances, J., Vilardell, P., Bonaterra, A., Badosa, E. & Mantesinos, E. (2002). Combination of Pseudomonas fluorescens EPS288 and reduced fungicide dose for control of Penicillium rot during post harvest storage of pear. Acta Horticulture, 596, 883- 886.
  • Ghewande, M.P. (2009). Early and late leaf spots of groundnut and their management. (pp. 326-334). In: Integrated pests and disease management. Mukerji, R. K. G., Upadhyay, H., Chamola, B. P., & Dueby, O. P. (Eds.). APH Publishing Corporation.
  • Grahame, J. (2014). Stem and pod rot of groundnut by Athelia rolfsii. Contamination in Peanut under Terminal Drought. Agronomy, 9(8), 419.
  • Hashim, M. S., & Devi, K. S. (2003). Insecticidal action of the polyphenolic rich fraction from the stem barks of Sterlus asper on Dysdercus cingulatus. Fitoterapia, 74:670-676.
  • Hassain, M. A., Hamid, S., & Nasreen, S. (2005). Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus fertilizer on up-take and yield performance of groundnut. Research Guide Institute, 2, 45 pages. ISSN : 0368-1157
  • IPI. (International Peanut Institute). (2019). An issue of health, research and education. Albany, Georgia, USA.
  • Kannaiyan, J., & Haciwa, H.C. (1990). Economic benefits of spraying fungicides to control groundnut foliar disease in Zambia. Tropical Pest Management, 36, 21-22.
  • Kishore, G. K., Pande, S., & Podile, A. R. (2005). Management of late leaf spot of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) with chlorothalonil-tolerant isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Plant Pathology, 54(3), 401-408.
  • Kiran, Y. (2012). Integrated disease management in groundnut. Agropedia.
  • Koïta, K., M’bi Zagre, B., & Sankara, P. (2017). Aqueous plant extracts for control of groundnut leaf spot in Burkina Faso. African Crop Science Journal, 25(3), 311–319.
  • McDonald, D., Subramanyam, P., Gibbons, R.W., & Smith, D. H. (1985). Early and late leaf spots of groundnut. Information Bulletin No. 21. ICRISAT, Patancheru, AP 502324, pp: 19.
  • Muthukumar, A., Naveenkunar, R., & Venkatesh, A. (2014). Efficacy of water extracts of some mangrove plants for eco-friendly management of root rot disease of groundnut. Journal of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, 5, 243.
  • Naab, J. B., Singh, P., Boote, K. J., Jones, J.W., & Marfo, K. O. (2004). Using the CROPGRO-peanut model to quantify yield gaps of peanut in the Guinean savanna zone of Ghana. Agronomy Journal, 96, 1231-1242.
  • Naab, J. B., Tsigbey, F. K., Prasad, P. V. V., Boote, K. J., Bailey, J. E., & Brandenburg, R. L. (2005). Effects of sowing date and fungicide application on yield of early and late maturing peanut cultivars grown under rainfed conditions in Ghana. Crop Protection, 24, 325-332.
  • Ndifon E. M. (2022). Management of Globisporangium ultimum infecting groundnut and Bambara groundnut pods using diverse methods. New Countryside, 1(1), 13- 20. DOI:
  • Ndifon, E. M., Ekefan, E. J., Oluwatayo, O. J., & Okoro, J. O. (2015). Management of Fusarium oxysporium f.sp. melongenae using plant extracts in vitro in Makurdi, Nigeria. Advances in Agriculture, Sciences and Engineering Research, 5(10), 1857 – 1865.
  • Ndifon, E.M., & Lum, A.F. (2021). Assessment of White Yam Tuber Rot Disease and in vitro Management of Aspergillus niger in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. International Journal of Biosciences, 19(4), 32-40. ISSN: 2220-6655
  • Niren, M., & Nakul, C. M. (2019). Screening of different botanicals extract on two polyphagous postharvest pathogens from mango and banana. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 8(3), 4253-4256.
  • Nutsugah, S. K., Abudulai, M., Oti-Boateng, C., Brandenburg, R. L., & Jordan, D. L. (2007). Management of leaf spot diseases of peanut with fungicides and local detergents in Ghana. Plant Pathology Journal, 6, 248-253.
  • Onyishi, L. (2010). Web blotch disease of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in Nsukka. Bio-Research, 8(2), 694–696.
  • Pal, K. K., Dey, R., & Tilak, K. V. B. R. (2014). Fungal diseases of groundnut: control and future challenges. In: Future challenges in crop protection against fungal pathogens. (pp.1-29).
  • Pattee, H. E., & Young, C. Y. (1982). Peanut science and technology. American Peanut Research and Education Society Inc., Yoakum. (pp. 655-687).
  • Podile, A. R., & Kishore, G. K. (2002). Biological control of peanut diseases. In Gnanamanickam, S. S. (Eds) Biological Control of Major Crop Plant Diseases. Marcel & Dekker, New York. pp. 131–160.
  • Porter, D. M. (1993). Diseases of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). ©The American Phytopathological Society (APS).
  • Rongai, D., Pulcini, P., Pesce, B., & Milano, F. (2015). Antifungal activity of some botanical extracts on Fusarium oxysporum. Open Life Science, 10, 409–416.
  • Sangoyomi, T. E., & Alabi, O. (2016). Foliar disease assessment of groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.) varieties in forest/savanna transition agro-ecology of Osun State, Nigeria. Bowen Journal of Agriculture, 6(1).
  • Shaza, R., Shlnae, P., & Abudula, A. (2004). Location of fungi in groundnut seed. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 136(3), 663–668.
  • Soumya, S. L., & Bindu, R. N. (2012). Antifungal efficacy of Capsicum frutescens L. extracts against some prevalent fungal strains associated with groundnut storage. Journal of Agricultural Technology, 8(2), 739-750.
  • Suranjit, S., Sanatombi, D. R. K., Beenakumari, D. N. & Shashikumar, S. O. (2018). Antagonistic activities of plant extracts against the phytopathogen sclerotium rolfsii, during pre-harvest horticultural practice - a component of integrated disease management. International Journal of Current Research in Life Sciences, 7(11), 2813- 2815.
  • Subramanyam, P., Greenberg, D. C., Savary, S., & Bosc, J. P. (1991). Diseases of groundnut in West Africa and their management: Research priorities and strategies. Tropical Pest Management, 37, 259-269.
  • Tsatsia, H., & Grahame, J. (2013). Passalora personata. PaDIL - Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research under project PC/2010/090.
  • Tsigbey, F. K., Nutsugah, S. K., & Bailey, J.E. (2000). Evaluation of neem, soap and Topsin-M in groundnut leaf spots control in northern Ghana. Proceedings of the 6th Regional Groundnut Meeting for Western and Central Africa, October 5-8, 2000, Bamako, Mali. (35 pp.)
  • Tsigbey, F. K., Bailey, J.E., & Nutsugah, S. K. (2001). Managing groundnut leaf diseases in northern Ghana with fungicides, neem seed extract and local soap. Proceedings of the American Peanut Research. Education Society, July 17-20, 2001, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. (pp: 38-45).
  • Tsigbey FK, Brandenburg RL, & Clottey VA. (2004). Peanut production methods in Northern Ghana and some disease perspectives. World Geography of the Peanut Knowledge Base Website. 9 pp.
  • Vargas-Inciarte, L., Fuenmayor-Arrieta, Y., Luzardo-Méndez, M., Da Costa-Jardin, M., Vera M., Carmona, D., Homen- Pereira, M., Da Costa-Jardin, P., & San-Blas, E. (2019). Use of different Trichoderma species in cherry type tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) against Fusarium oxysporum wilt in tropical greenhouses. Agronomía Costarricense, 43(1).
  • Waliyar, F., Adomou, M., & Traore, A. (2000). Rational use of fungicide applications to maximize peanut yield under foliar disease pressure in West Africa. Plant Disease, 84, 1203- 1211.
  • Woodward, J. E., Brenneman, T. B., & Kemerait, R. C. Jr. (2013). Chemical control of peanut diseases: targeting leaves, stems, roots, and pods with foliar-applied fungicides, fungicides - showcases of integrated plant disease management from around the world. Mizuho Nita, IntechOpen, Intech open book series.
  • Zandoná, R. R., Pazdiora, P. C., Pazini, J., & Seide, E. J. (2019). Chemical and biological seed treatment and their effect on soybean development and yield. Revista Caatinga, 32(2), 559-565. 21252019v32n229rc
  • Ziezold, A. M., Hall, R., Reeleder, R. D., Proctor, J. T. A. (1998). Toxicity of Fungicides in vitro to Cylindrocarpon destructans. Journal of Ginseng Research, 22(4).

Appraisal of fungi leaf spots of groundnut (Arachis hypogea) and control of Cylindrocladium blight disease using biocontrol, botanical, and chemical measures

Year 2022, , 71 - 78, 31.12.2022


Groundnut is infected by 55 pathogens which adversely contribute to the low yield of groundnuts. Three sub-trials were conceived to proffer solutions to groundnut Cylindrocladium parasiticum disease. These sub-trials (using biocontrol, synthetic and botanical measures) were set up in vitro using completely randomized design with each treatment replicated thrice. Firstly, all biocontrol (Trichoderma) isolates showed a steady linear increase in the inhibition of the growth of the pathogen. There was no significant difference (P≤0.05) between the isolates of Trichoderma harzianum at 96 h after inoculation (HAI). Secondly, the synthetic pesticide Mancozeb® 100% significantly inhibited the pathogen more than all other synthetic chemical treatments, followed by Mancozeb 50%, Tandem® 100% and Tandem 50% (which were at par (at 144 HAI)). Thirdly, the botanical Parkia sp. 100% was significantly superior to other botanicals (192 HAI results). Likewise, Casuarina sp. 100% and Parkia sp. 50% were at par but performed better than other treatments except for Parkia sp. 100%. Inhibition by Casuarina sp. 50% was at par with Parkia sp. 50% but it was significantly superior to other treatments (except for Parkia sp. 100%, Casuarina sp. 100%, and Parkia sp. 50%). Finally, all trials showed that Mancozeb 100% performed better than other treatments.


  • Anco, D., & Jay, W. C. (2016). Peanut disease management. In: South Carolina pest management handbook for field crops. (pp. 184-196).
  • Apet, K. T., Sayyad, A. S., Wagh, S. S., & Chavan, P. G. (2015). Bioefficacy of Fungicides, Bioagents and Phytoextracts against Ceratocystis paradoxa, Causing Pineapple Disease of Sugarcane.
  • Asama, P., & Channya, F. K. (2018). Fungal pathogens of postharvest rot of groundnut (Arachys hypogaea L.) in Hong Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria. International Journal of Science and Research, 7(10), 303-311. 10.21275/ART20191348
  • Awurum, A. N., & Uwajimgba, J. (2013). Varietal screening and comparative toxicity of some plant extracts for control of Fusarium wilt of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Continental Journal of Agricultural Science, 7(1), 11–16.
  • Barnett, H. L., & Hunter, B.B. (1972). Illustrated genera of imperfect fungi. 3rd Edition, Burgess Publishing Co., Minneapolis. pp. 241.
  • Buck, J. W. (2004). Combinations of fungicides with phylloplane yeasts for improved control of Botrytis cinerea on geranium seedlings. Phytopathology, 94, 196- 202
  • Damicone, J. P. (2017). Foliar diseases of peanuts. Id: EPP- 7655. OSU Extension.
  • Desai, S., & Bagwan, N. B. (2005). Fungal diseases of rapeseed- mustard. In: Diseases of oilseed crops. Industrial Publishing Co., New Delhi, India. (pp. 108-149). ISBN : 8173871760
  • El-Sherbeny, S. N., El-Maghraby, O. M. O., Samia, A. S., & Ibrahim,Y.M.M.(2020). Pathogenicand/orsaprophytic fungi of wilted peanut seedling and their role in pathogenicity of peanut seeds. Journal of Basic and Applied Mycology (Egypt), 11, 99-105.
  • Encyclopedia of Food & Health. (2016). Cylindrocarpon macrocarpum, Cylindrocarpon sp., Eurotium chevalieri, Fusariella sp., Fusarium sp. From: Encyclopedia of Food and Health.
  • Fageria, U. K., Baligar, V.C., & Jones, C. (1997). Growth and mineral nutrition of field crops. (2nd Edition, 494 pp.). Marcel Derker. Frances, J., Vilardell, P., Bonaterra, A., Badosa, E. & Mantesinos, E. (2002). Combination of Pseudomonas fluorescens EPS288 and reduced fungicide dose for control of Penicillium rot during post harvest storage of pear. Acta Horticulture, 596, 883- 886.
  • Ghewande, M.P. (2009). Early and late leaf spots of groundnut and their management. (pp. 326-334). In: Integrated pests and disease management. Mukerji, R. K. G., Upadhyay, H., Chamola, B. P., & Dueby, O. P. (Eds.). APH Publishing Corporation.
  • Grahame, J. (2014). Stem and pod rot of groundnut by Athelia rolfsii. Contamination in Peanut under Terminal Drought. Agronomy, 9(8), 419.
  • Hashim, M. S., & Devi, K. S. (2003). Insecticidal action of the polyphenolic rich fraction from the stem barks of Sterlus asper on Dysdercus cingulatus. Fitoterapia, 74:670-676.
  • Hassain, M. A., Hamid, S., & Nasreen, S. (2005). Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus fertilizer on up-take and yield performance of groundnut. Research Guide Institute, 2, 45 pages. ISSN : 0368-1157
  • IPI. (International Peanut Institute). (2019). An issue of health, research and education. Albany, Georgia, USA.
  • Kannaiyan, J., & Haciwa, H.C. (1990). Economic benefits of spraying fungicides to control groundnut foliar disease in Zambia. Tropical Pest Management, 36, 21-22.
  • Kishore, G. K., Pande, S., & Podile, A. R. (2005). Management of late leaf spot of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) with chlorothalonil-tolerant isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Plant Pathology, 54(3), 401-408.
  • Kiran, Y. (2012). Integrated disease management in groundnut. Agropedia.
  • Koïta, K., M’bi Zagre, B., & Sankara, P. (2017). Aqueous plant extracts for control of groundnut leaf spot in Burkina Faso. African Crop Science Journal, 25(3), 311–319.
  • McDonald, D., Subramanyam, P., Gibbons, R.W., & Smith, D. H. (1985). Early and late leaf spots of groundnut. Information Bulletin No. 21. ICRISAT, Patancheru, AP 502324, pp: 19.
  • Muthukumar, A., Naveenkunar, R., & Venkatesh, A. (2014). Efficacy of water extracts of some mangrove plants for eco-friendly management of root rot disease of groundnut. Journal of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, 5, 243.
  • Naab, J. B., Singh, P., Boote, K. J., Jones, J.W., & Marfo, K. O. (2004). Using the CROPGRO-peanut model to quantify yield gaps of peanut in the Guinean savanna zone of Ghana. Agronomy Journal, 96, 1231-1242.
  • Naab, J. B., Tsigbey, F. K., Prasad, P. V. V., Boote, K. J., Bailey, J. E., & Brandenburg, R. L. (2005). Effects of sowing date and fungicide application on yield of early and late maturing peanut cultivars grown under rainfed conditions in Ghana. Crop Protection, 24, 325-332.
  • Ndifon E. M. (2022). Management of Globisporangium ultimum infecting groundnut and Bambara groundnut pods using diverse methods. New Countryside, 1(1), 13- 20. DOI:
  • Ndifon, E. M., Ekefan, E. J., Oluwatayo, O. J., & Okoro, J. O. (2015). Management of Fusarium oxysporium f.sp. melongenae using plant extracts in vitro in Makurdi, Nigeria. Advances in Agriculture, Sciences and Engineering Research, 5(10), 1857 – 1865.
  • Ndifon, E.M., & Lum, A.F. (2021). Assessment of White Yam Tuber Rot Disease and in vitro Management of Aspergillus niger in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. International Journal of Biosciences, 19(4), 32-40. ISSN: 2220-6655
  • Niren, M., & Nakul, C. M. (2019). Screening of different botanicals extract on two polyphagous postharvest pathogens from mango and banana. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 8(3), 4253-4256.
  • Nutsugah, S. K., Abudulai, M., Oti-Boateng, C., Brandenburg, R. L., & Jordan, D. L. (2007). Management of leaf spot diseases of peanut with fungicides and local detergents in Ghana. Plant Pathology Journal, 6, 248-253.
  • Onyishi, L. (2010). Web blotch disease of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) in Nsukka. Bio-Research, 8(2), 694–696.
  • Pal, K. K., Dey, R., & Tilak, K. V. B. R. (2014). Fungal diseases of groundnut: control and future challenges. In: Future challenges in crop protection against fungal pathogens. (pp.1-29).
  • Pattee, H. E., & Young, C. Y. (1982). Peanut science and technology. American Peanut Research and Education Society Inc., Yoakum. (pp. 655-687).
  • Podile, A. R., & Kishore, G. K. (2002). Biological control of peanut diseases. In Gnanamanickam, S. S. (Eds) Biological Control of Major Crop Plant Diseases. Marcel & Dekker, New York. pp. 131–160.
  • Porter, D. M. (1993). Diseases of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). ©The American Phytopathological Society (APS).
  • Rongai, D., Pulcini, P., Pesce, B., & Milano, F. (2015). Antifungal activity of some botanical extracts on Fusarium oxysporum. Open Life Science, 10, 409–416.
  • Sangoyomi, T. E., & Alabi, O. (2016). Foliar disease assessment of groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.) varieties in forest/savanna transition agro-ecology of Osun State, Nigeria. Bowen Journal of Agriculture, 6(1).
  • Shaza, R., Shlnae, P., & Abudula, A. (2004). Location of fungi in groundnut seed. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 136(3), 663–668.
  • Soumya, S. L., & Bindu, R. N. (2012). Antifungal efficacy of Capsicum frutescens L. extracts against some prevalent fungal strains associated with groundnut storage. Journal of Agricultural Technology, 8(2), 739-750.
  • Suranjit, S., Sanatombi, D. R. K., Beenakumari, D. N. & Shashikumar, S. O. (2018). Antagonistic activities of plant extracts against the phytopathogen sclerotium rolfsii, during pre-harvest horticultural practice - a component of integrated disease management. International Journal of Current Research in Life Sciences, 7(11), 2813- 2815.
  • Subramanyam, P., Greenberg, D. C., Savary, S., & Bosc, J. P. (1991). Diseases of groundnut in West Africa and their management: Research priorities and strategies. Tropical Pest Management, 37, 259-269.
  • Tsatsia, H., & Grahame, J. (2013). Passalora personata. PaDIL - Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research under project PC/2010/090.
  • Tsigbey, F. K., Nutsugah, S. K., & Bailey, J.E. (2000). Evaluation of neem, soap and Topsin-M in groundnut leaf spots control in northern Ghana. Proceedings of the 6th Regional Groundnut Meeting for Western and Central Africa, October 5-8, 2000, Bamako, Mali. (35 pp.)
  • Tsigbey, F. K., Bailey, J.E., & Nutsugah, S. K. (2001). Managing groundnut leaf diseases in northern Ghana with fungicides, neem seed extract and local soap. Proceedings of the American Peanut Research. Education Society, July 17-20, 2001, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. (pp: 38-45).
  • Tsigbey FK, Brandenburg RL, & Clottey VA. (2004). Peanut production methods in Northern Ghana and some disease perspectives. World Geography of the Peanut Knowledge Base Website. 9 pp.
  • Vargas-Inciarte, L., Fuenmayor-Arrieta, Y., Luzardo-Méndez, M., Da Costa-Jardin, M., Vera M., Carmona, D., Homen- Pereira, M., Da Costa-Jardin, P., & San-Blas, E. (2019). Use of different Trichoderma species in cherry type tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) against Fusarium oxysporum wilt in tropical greenhouses. Agronomía Costarricense, 43(1).
  • Waliyar, F., Adomou, M., & Traore, A. (2000). Rational use of fungicide applications to maximize peanut yield under foliar disease pressure in West Africa. Plant Disease, 84, 1203- 1211.
  • Woodward, J. E., Brenneman, T. B., & Kemerait, R. C. Jr. (2013). Chemical control of peanut diseases: targeting leaves, stems, roots, and pods with foliar-applied fungicides, fungicides - showcases of integrated plant disease management from around the world. Mizuho Nita, IntechOpen, Intech open book series.
  • Zandoná, R. R., Pazdiora, P. C., Pazini, J., & Seide, E. J. (2019). Chemical and biological seed treatment and their effect on soybean development and yield. Revista Caatinga, 32(2), 559-565. 21252019v32n229rc
  • Ziezold, A. M., Hall, R., Reeleder, R. D., Proctor, J. T. A. (1998). Toxicity of Fungicides in vitro to Cylindrocarpon destructans. Journal of Ginseng Research, 22(4).
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Elias Mjaika Ndifon This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Ndifon, E. M. (2022). Appraisal of fungi leaf spots of groundnut (Arachis hypogea) and control of Cylindrocladium blight disease using biocontrol, botanical, and chemical measures. Biotech Studies, 31(2), 71-78.

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