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The Basics of The Discourse “Justice for Everybody”in The Quran

Year 2014, , 117 - 138, 05.07.2015


The aim of this study, which will contribute the discussions
of worldpeace in an humble way, is to evaluate the Quranic verses
that we consider related to justice for everybody, taking into account
classical and modern approaches, especially the ones in Quran exegesis
literature. In this paper, various questions related to this matter will
be discussed: What is the content of justice? What does the Quran
mean when it says “judge among men in truth (and justice)”? Is
there any ambivalent attitude in implementing justice related to
close relatives? What does the Quran advise Muslims about the
justice demands of non-Muslims? Is it a problem if the persecuted
ones are Muslims or not? Does the Quran impose its own law upon
the ones who want to practice their own (canonical) law? Does the
Quran present all non-Muslims as a single category, or distinguish
between non-Muslims who fight against Muslims and those who
do not? Does hatred against a community legalize unjust behavior
against that community?


  • Abdullah, Muhammed ve Muhammed Junaid Nadvi. (ts.) Understanding
  • the Principles of Islamic Worldview. The Dialogue, Vol. 6. No. 3.
  • Abyârî, İbrahim b. İsmail. (h. 1405). al-Mawsuah al-Quraniyyah. Cairo:
  • Muessesetu Sicil al-Arab.
  • Bilmen, Ömer Nasuhi. (1991). Kur’an-ı Kerim’in Türkçe Meâli Âlisi ve
  • Tefsiri (The Translation of the Quran and its Comment). 8 vol. Ankara:
  • Akçağ.
  • Birsin, Mehmet. (2012). İslam Hukukunda İnsan Hakları Kuramı (The
  • Theory of Human Rights in Islamic Jurisprudence). İstanbul: Düşün.
  • Candan, Abdulcelil. (2012). Adil ve Zalim Toplumlar (Just and Oppressor
  • Societies). Kur’anî Hayat. No. 23. İstanbul.
  • Çınar, Mahmut. (2012). Adalet-Mülk İlişkisi (Justice-Property Relation).
  • Kur’anî Hayat. No. 23. İstanbul.
  • Darwaza, Izzat. (1997). al-Tafsir al-Hadith, (Tr. Trans.: Vahdettin İnce
  • and others), 7 vol. İstanbul: Ekin.
  • Ece, Hüseyin K. (2012). Merhamet ve Adalet İlişkisi (Grace and Justice
  • Relation). Kur’anî Hayat. No. 23. İstanbul.
  • Fadlullah, Muhammed Hussein. (1996). İslami Hareket İlkeler ve Sorunlar
  • I (Islamic Movement Principles and Matters I). (Tr. Trans.: Vahdettin
  • İnce), 2 vol. İstanbul: Ekin.
  • Faruqi, Ismail R. (2003). İbrahimi Dinlerin Diyaloğu (Trialogue of the
  • Abrahamic Faiths). (Tr. Trans.: Mesut Karaşahan), 2nd edition. İstanbul:
  • Pınar.
  • Firuzâbâdî, Muhammed b. Yakub. (2005). al-Qamus al-Muhît. 8th edition.
  • Beirut: Muessesetu al-Risala.
  • Hatemi, Hüseyin. (1989). Hukuk Devleti Öğretisi (The Teaching of State
  • of Law). İstanbul: İşaret.
  • Ibn Ashur, Muhammed Tahir. (1984). al-Tahrîr wa al-Tanwîr. 30 vol. Tunusia:
  • Dar al-Tunusiyya li al-Nashr.
  • Ibn Faris, Abu al-Huseyn. (1979). Mu’ jam Maqayis al-Lughah. 6 vol.
  • Beirut: Dar al-Fikr.
  • _________. (1986). Mujmal al-Lugha. 2 vol. 2nd edition. Beirut: Muessesetu
  • al-Risala.
  • Ibn Manzur, Abu al-Fadl Jamal al-Din. (h. 1414). Lisan al-Arab, 15 vol.
  • Beirut: Daru Sadr.
  • İslamoğlu, Mustafa. (2009). Hayat Kitabı Kur’an Gerekçeli Meal-Tefsir
  • (The Quran: Book of Life Reasoned Translation-Commentary). 3rd
  • edition. İstanbul: Düşün.
  • Karaman, Hayrettin. (2002). İslam’ın Işığında Günün Meseleleri (Today’s
  • Matters in the Light of Islam). Istanbul: İz.
  • _________, and others. (2007). Kur’an Yolu Türkçe Meal ve Tefsir (The
  • Quran Way Turkish Translation and Commentary). 5 vol. Ankara: DİB.
  • Khadduri, Majid. (1991). İslam’da Adalet Kavramı (The Islamic Conception
  • of Justice). (Tr. Trans.: Selahattin Ayaz), İstanbul: Yöneliş.
  • Kırbaşoğlu, M. Hayri. (2010). Ahir Zaman İlmihali (Catechism of the
  • End Times). 5th edition. Ankara: Yayınevi.
  • Mawardi, Abu al-Hasan Ali b. Muhammed. (dateless) al-Nukat wa al-Uyun.
  • vol. Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyah.
  • Mawdudi, Abu al-A’la, (1986). Tafhim al-Quran. (Tr. Trans.: Muhammed
  • Han Kayani and others), 7 vol. Istanbul: İnsan.
  • Muqatil bin Sulaiman, Abu al-Hasan. (h. 1423). Tefsiru Muqatil b. Sulaiman.
  • Beirut: Daru Ihya al-Turas.
  • Mutahhari, Murtaza. (2005). Adl-i İlahi (Divine Justice). (Tr. Trans.: Hüseyin
  • Hatemi), İstanbul: Kevser.
  • Nasafi, Mahmud Hafiz al-Deen. (1998). Tafsir al-Nasafi, 3 vol. Beirut:
  • Dar al-Kalim al-Tayyib.
  • Öztürk, Haydar. (2012). Devletin Dini Adalet Olmalıdır Ama Nasıl
  • (The Religion of the State Should Be Justice but How), Kur’anî Hayat.
  • No. 23. İstanbul.
  • Qaradawi, Yusuf. (1997). İslam Hukukunun Özellikleri ve Üstünlükleri
  • (The Features of Islamic Jurisprudence and its Superiorities). (Tr.
  • Trans.: Yusuf Işıcık and Ahmet Yaman). Istanbul.
  • Qutb, Sayyid. (1991). Fî Zilâl al-Quran. (Tr. Trans.: Mehmet Yolcu and
  • others), 10 vol. İstanbul: Dünya.
  • Rida, Muhammed Rashid. (1990). Tafsir al-Manar. 12 vol. Mısır: el-
  • Hey’etu al-Mısriyyetu al-Âmmetu li al-Kitab.
  • Sa’dî, Nasır bin Abdillah. (2000). Taysiru al-Karim al-Rahman fi Tafsiri
  • Kalam al-Mannan. Beirut: Muessesetu al-Risala.
  • Sarmış, İbrahim. (2010). Yönetim (Administration). İstanbul: Düşün.
  • Souaiaia, Ahmed E. (2008). Contesting Justice Woman Islam Law and
  • Society. the USA: State University of New York Press.
  • Tabari, Muhammed bin Jarir. (2000). Jami al-Bayan an Tawil Ay al-Quran.
  • vol. Beirut: Muessesetu al-Risala.
  • Yazır, Elmalılı Hamdi. (1979). Hak Dini Kur’an Dili (Right Religion The
  • Quran Language). 10 vol. İstanbul: Eser.
  • Zuhaylî, Wahba ibn Mustafa. (h. 1418). al-Tafsir al-Munir fi al-Aqida
  • wa al-Sharia wa al-Manhaj. 30 vol. 2nd edition. Damascus: Dar al-
  • Fikr al-Muasir.

The Basics of The Discourse “Justice for Everybody” in The Quran

Year 2014, , 117 - 138, 05.07.2015


The aim of this study, which will contribute the discussions of worldpeace in an humble way, is to evaluate the Quranic verses that we consider related to justice for everybody, taking into account classical and modern approaches, especially the ones in Quran exegesis literature. In this paper, various questions related to this matter will be discussed: What is the content of justice? What does the Quran mean when it says “judge among men in truth (and justice)”? Is there any ambivalent attitude in implementing justice related to close relatives? What does the Quran advise Muslims about the justice demands of non-Muslims? Is it a problem if the persecuted ones are Muslims or not? Does the Quran impose its own law upon the ones who want to practice their own (canonical) law? Does the Quran present all non-Muslims as a single category, or distinguish between non-Muslims who fight against Muslims and those who do not? Does hatred against a community legalize unjust behavior against that community?


  • Abdullah, Muhammed ve Muhammed Junaid Nadvi. (ts.) Understanding
  • the Principles of Islamic Worldview. The Dialogue, Vol. 6. No. 3.
  • Abyârî, İbrahim b. İsmail. (h. 1405). al-Mawsuah al-Quraniyyah. Cairo:
  • Muessesetu Sicil al-Arab.
  • Bilmen, Ömer Nasuhi. (1991). Kur’an-ı Kerim’in Türkçe Meâli Âlisi ve
  • Tefsiri (The Translation of the Quran and its Comment). 8 vol. Ankara:
  • Akçağ.
  • Birsin, Mehmet. (2012). İslam Hukukunda İnsan Hakları Kuramı (The
  • Theory of Human Rights in Islamic Jurisprudence). İstanbul: Düşün.
  • Candan, Abdulcelil. (2012). Adil ve Zalim Toplumlar (Just and Oppressor
  • Societies). Kur’anî Hayat. No. 23. İstanbul.
  • Çınar, Mahmut. (2012). Adalet-Mülk İlişkisi (Justice-Property Relation).
  • Kur’anî Hayat. No. 23. İstanbul.
  • Darwaza, Izzat. (1997). al-Tafsir al-Hadith, (Tr. Trans.: Vahdettin İnce
  • and others), 7 vol. İstanbul: Ekin.
  • Ece, Hüseyin K. (2012). Merhamet ve Adalet İlişkisi (Grace and Justice
  • Relation). Kur’anî Hayat. No. 23. İstanbul.
  • Fadlullah, Muhammed Hussein. (1996). İslami Hareket İlkeler ve Sorunlar
  • I (Islamic Movement Principles and Matters I). (Tr. Trans.: Vahdettin
  • İnce), 2 vol. İstanbul: Ekin.
  • Faruqi, Ismail R. (2003). İbrahimi Dinlerin Diyaloğu (Trialogue of the
  • Abrahamic Faiths). (Tr. Trans.: Mesut Karaşahan), 2nd edition. İstanbul:
  • Pınar.
  • Firuzâbâdî, Muhammed b. Yakub. (2005). al-Qamus al-Muhît. 8th edition.
  • Beirut: Muessesetu al-Risala.
  • Hatemi, Hüseyin. (1989). Hukuk Devleti Öğretisi (The Teaching of State
  • of Law). İstanbul: İşaret.
  • Ibn Ashur, Muhammed Tahir. (1984). al-Tahrîr wa al-Tanwîr. 30 vol. Tunusia:
  • Dar al-Tunusiyya li al-Nashr.
  • Ibn Faris, Abu al-Huseyn. (1979). Mu’ jam Maqayis al-Lughah. 6 vol.
  • Beirut: Dar al-Fikr.
  • _________. (1986). Mujmal al-Lugha. 2 vol. 2nd edition. Beirut: Muessesetu
  • al-Risala.
  • Ibn Manzur, Abu al-Fadl Jamal al-Din. (h. 1414). Lisan al-Arab, 15 vol.
  • Beirut: Daru Sadr.
  • İslamoğlu, Mustafa. (2009). Hayat Kitabı Kur’an Gerekçeli Meal-Tefsir
  • (The Quran: Book of Life Reasoned Translation-Commentary). 3rd
  • edition. İstanbul: Düşün.
  • Karaman, Hayrettin. (2002). İslam’ın Işığında Günün Meseleleri (Today’s
  • Matters in the Light of Islam). Istanbul: İz.
  • _________, and others. (2007). Kur’an Yolu Türkçe Meal ve Tefsir (The
  • Quran Way Turkish Translation and Commentary). 5 vol. Ankara: DİB.
  • Khadduri, Majid. (1991). İslam’da Adalet Kavramı (The Islamic Conception
  • of Justice). (Tr. Trans.: Selahattin Ayaz), İstanbul: Yöneliş.
  • Kırbaşoğlu, M. Hayri. (2010). Ahir Zaman İlmihali (Catechism of the
  • End Times). 5th edition. Ankara: Yayınevi.
  • Mawardi, Abu al-Hasan Ali b. Muhammed. (dateless) al-Nukat wa al-Uyun.
  • vol. Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyah.
  • Mawdudi, Abu al-A’la, (1986). Tafhim al-Quran. (Tr. Trans.: Muhammed
  • Han Kayani and others), 7 vol. Istanbul: İnsan.
  • Muqatil bin Sulaiman, Abu al-Hasan. (h. 1423). Tefsiru Muqatil b. Sulaiman.
  • Beirut: Daru Ihya al-Turas.
  • Mutahhari, Murtaza. (2005). Adl-i İlahi (Divine Justice). (Tr. Trans.: Hüseyin
  • Hatemi), İstanbul: Kevser.
  • Nasafi, Mahmud Hafiz al-Deen. (1998). Tafsir al-Nasafi, 3 vol. Beirut:
  • Dar al-Kalim al-Tayyib.
  • Öztürk, Haydar. (2012). Devletin Dini Adalet Olmalıdır Ama Nasıl
  • (The Religion of the State Should Be Justice but How), Kur’anî Hayat.
  • No. 23. İstanbul.
  • Qaradawi, Yusuf. (1997). İslam Hukukunun Özellikleri ve Üstünlükleri
  • (The Features of Islamic Jurisprudence and its Superiorities). (Tr.
  • Trans.: Yusuf Işıcık and Ahmet Yaman). Istanbul.
  • Qutb, Sayyid. (1991). Fî Zilâl al-Quran. (Tr. Trans.: Mehmet Yolcu and
  • others), 10 vol. İstanbul: Dünya.
  • Rida, Muhammed Rashid. (1990). Tafsir al-Manar. 12 vol. Mısır: el-
  • Hey’etu al-Mısriyyetu al-Âmmetu li al-Kitab.
  • Sa’dî, Nasır bin Abdillah. (2000). Taysiru al-Karim al-Rahman fi Tafsiri
  • Kalam al-Mannan. Beirut: Muessesetu al-Risala.
  • Sarmış, İbrahim. (2010). Yönetim (Administration). İstanbul: Düşün.
  • Souaiaia, Ahmed E. (2008). Contesting Justice Woman Islam Law and
  • Society. the USA: State University of New York Press.
  • Tabari, Muhammed bin Jarir. (2000). Jami al-Bayan an Tawil Ay al-Quran.
  • vol. Beirut: Muessesetu al-Risala.
  • Yazır, Elmalılı Hamdi. (1979). Hak Dini Kur’an Dili (Right Religion The
  • Quran Language). 10 vol. İstanbul: Eser.
  • Zuhaylî, Wahba ibn Mustafa. (h. 1418). al-Tafsir al-Munir fi al-Aqida
  • wa al-Sharia wa al-Manhaj. 30 vol. 2nd edition. Damascus: Dar al-
  • Fikr al-Muasir.
There are 78 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Murat Kayacan

Publication Date July 5, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Kayacan, M. (2015). The Basics of The Discourse “Justice for Everybody” in The Quran. Birey Ve Toplum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 4(2), 117-138.
AMA Kayacan M. The Basics of The Discourse “Justice for Everybody” in The Quran. Birey ve Toplum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. July 2015;4(2):117-138. doi:10.20493/bt.90442
Chicago Kayacan, Murat. “The Basics of The Discourse ‘Justice for Everybody’ in The Quran”. Birey Ve Toplum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 4, no. 2 (July 2015): 117-38.
EndNote Kayacan M (July 1, 2015) The Basics of The Discourse “Justice for Everybody” in The Quran. Birey ve Toplum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 4 2 117–138.
IEEE M. Kayacan, “The Basics of The Discourse ‘Justice for Everybody’ in The Quran”, Birey ve Toplum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 117–138, 2015, doi: 10.20493/bt.90442.
ISNAD Kayacan, Murat. “The Basics of The Discourse ‘Justice for Everybody’ in The Quran”. Birey ve Toplum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 4/2 (July 2015), 117-138.
JAMA Kayacan M. The Basics of The Discourse “Justice for Everybody” in The Quran. Birey ve Toplum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2015;4:117–138.
MLA Kayacan, Murat. “The Basics of The Discourse ‘Justice for Everybody’ in The Quran”. Birey Ve Toplum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 2, 2015, pp. 117-38, doi:10.20493/bt.90442.
Vancouver Kayacan M. The Basics of The Discourse “Justice for Everybody” in The Quran. Birey ve Toplum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2015;4(2):117-38.

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