Evaluation of fluoride ion residues in black tea after fumigation with sulfuryl fluoride
Year 2023,
, 14 - 18, 31.03.2023
Üzeyir Aktuğ
Yalçın Duydu
Sulfuryl fluoride is a colorless, odorless gas used as a fumigant against pests during the storage of durable agricultural products. It is also one of the alternatives to methyl bromide, which is banned by the Montreal Protocol. During a fumigation, the decomposition product of sulfuryl fluoride residue can also be formed in addition to the sulfuryl fluoride residue. Fluoride is actually a natural ingredient of the tea plant. However, within the growing process of the tea plant fluoride is concentrated in the old leaves when compared with the young shoots. Investigating the variation of the fluoride content in black tea before and after sulfuryl fluoride fumigation is the subject of this study. Three different brands of black teas with different fluoride concentrations purchased from local supermarkets in 2022 were fumigated with approximately 60 g/m3 of sulfuryl fluoride for 24 hours in a 1 m3 fumigation chamber. The AOAC’s recommended method for extraction of fluoride in plants (Method 975.04) was applied in this study. It was compared with the fluoride contents after fumigation in teas (41.4; 165.1 and 329.5 mg/kg, respectively). It is concluded that there is no statistically [t(7)=0,284; t(7)=0,769 and t(7)=1,419 p>0,05] significant difference in fluoride content in teas after fumigation.
Thanks to Assoc. Prof. Sait ERTÜRK for help with the fumigation of tea samples and Barcan Ilaçlama Fumigasyon Ticaret Ltd. Sti for providing the working material, sulfuryl fluoride (PROPESTGAS).
- Anonymous, 1980. ISO 1573:1980 Tea — Determination of loss in mass at 103 degrees C. Access: https://www.iso.org/standard/6167.html (date of access: 01.01.2021).
- Anonymous, 1987. Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 26, 128-136.
- Anonymous, 2016. Thermo Scientific Orion Fluoride Ion Selective Electrode. User manual.
- Anonymous, 2022. Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/1321 of 25 July 2022. Access: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32022R1321&from=EN. (date of access: 26.11.2022).
- AOAC, 1990. Official methods of analysis 975.04. Fluoride in plants. Potentiometric Methods. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, USA, pp. 51–52.
- Ashenef A., Engidawork E., 2013. Fluoride levels and its safety in tea (Camellia sinensis) and khat (Catha edulis) imported and produced in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management, 6 (2), 149-158. doi:10.4314/ejesm.v6i2.5.
- Doull J., Boekelheide K., Farishian B.G., Isaacson R.L., Klotz J.B., Kumar J.V., Webster T.F., 2006. Fluoride in drinking water: a scientific review of EPA’s standards. National Academies, Washington, 205-223.
- EFSA, 2013. Panel on dietetic products, nutrition, and allergies (NDA). Scientific opinion on dietary reference values for fluoride. EFSA Journal, 11 (8), 3332.
- EFSA, 2021, European Food Safety Authority Anastassiadou M., Bernasconi G., Brancato A., Carrasco Cabrera L., Ferreira L., Verani A. Review of the existing maximum residue levels for sulfuryl fluoride according to Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005. EFSA Journal, 19 (1), e06390.
- EPPO, 2008. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization. PM 10/4 (1). Sulfuryl fluoride fumigation of dried fruits and nuts to control various stored product insects. Access: https://www.eppo.int/RESOURCES/eppo_standards/pm10_phytosanitary_treatment. (date of access: 15.01..2022).
- Heller K.E., Eklund S.A., Burt B.A., 1997. Dental caries and dental fluorosis at varying water fluoride concentrations. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 57 (3), 136-143. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-7325.1997.tb02964.x.
- Hudaykuliyev Y., Tastekin M., Poyrazoglu E.S., Baspınar E., Velioglu Y.S., 2005. Variables affecting fluoride in Turkish black tea. Fluoride, 38 (1), 38-43.
- Jowsey J., Riggs B.L., Kelly P.J., Hoffman D.L., 1972. Effect of combined therapy with sodium fluoride, vitamin D and calcium in osteoporosis. The American Journal of Medicine, 53 (1), 43-49. doi: 10.1016/0002-9343(72)90114-3.
- Kaminsky L.S., Mahoney M.C., Leach J., Melius J., Jo Miller M., 1990. Fluoride: benefits and risks of exposure. Critical Reviews in Oral Biology & Medicine, 1 (4), 261-281. doi: 10.1177/10454411900010040501.
- Lockwood H.C., 1937. Fluorine in food products. Analyst, 62 (740), 775-784. doi: 10.1039/AN9376200775.
- Lu Y.I., Guo W.F., Yang X.Q., 2004. Fluoride content in tea and its relationship with tea quality. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52 (14), 4472-4476. doi: 10.1021/jf0308354.
- Nernst W., 1907. Experimental and theoretical applications of thermodynamics to chemistry. Nature, 77, 52. https://doi.org/10.1038/077052a0.
- Reid E., 1936. The fluorine content of some Chinese food materials. Chinese Journal of Physiology, 10, 259-271.
- Roholm K., 1937. Fluorine intoxication. A clinical hygienic study with a review of the literature and some experimental ınvestigations. H.K. Lewis dc,Co. Ltd. 136, London, 1-364.
- Shu W.S., Zhang Z.Q., Lan C.Y., Wong M.H., 2003. Fluoride and aluminium concentrations of tea plants and tea products from Sichuan Province, PR China. Chemosphere, 52 (9), 1475-1482. doi: 10.1016/S0045-6535(03)00485-5.
- Vinson J.A., 2000. Black and green tea and heart disease: a review. Biofactors, 13 (1-4), 127-132. doi: 10.1002/biof.5520130121.
- Waldbott G.L., 1963. Fluoride in food. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 12 (6), 455-462. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/12.6.455.
- Waldbott G.L., Burgstahler A.W., McKinney H.L., 1978. Fluoride in soft tissues In: Fluoridation: the great dilemma. Coronado Press, Inc. Kansas, 148-174.
Siyah çayda sülfüril florit fumigasyonu sonrası florür iyonu kalıntısının değerlendirilmesi
Year 2023,
, 14 - 18, 31.03.2023
Üzeyir Aktuğ
Yalçın Duydu
Sülfüril florit, tarım ürünlerinin depolanması sırasında zararlılara karşı fumigant olarak kullanılan renksiz, kokusuz bir gazdır. Ayrıca Montreal Protokolü ile yasaklanan Metil bromitin alternatiflerinden biridir. Fumigasyon sırasında gıdalarda Sülfüril florit kalıntısına ek olarak bozunma ürünü olan flor iyonu kalıntısı da oluşabilmektedir. Çayın doğal içeriğinde bulunan florür uzun zamandan beri bilinmektedir ve çay bitkisinin yetişme şartlarından dolayı genç sürgünlere göre yaşlı yapraklarda daha fazla bulunmaktadır. Sülfüril florit fümigasyonundan sonra siyah çaydaki florür içeriğindeki değişim bu çalışmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. 2022 yılında yerel süpermarketlerden satın alınan farklı florür konsantrasyonuna sahip üç farklı ticari markalı siyah çay örneği, 1 m3'lük fümigasyon odasında 24 saat boyunca yaklaşık 60 g/m3 Sülfüril florit ile fümigasyona tabi tutulmuştur. Bu çalışmada florür ekstraksiyonu için AOAC'ın bitkisel ürünlerde önerdiği yöntem (Metot 975.04) kullanılmıştır. Fumigasyon öncesinde sırasıyla 41.4; 165.1 ve 329.5 mg/kg olarak belirlenen florür içerikleri fumigasyon sonrası florür konsantrasyonları ile karşılaştırılmış ve istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olmadığı [t(7)=0.284; t(7)=0.769 ve t(7)=1.419 P>0.05] sonucuna varılmıştır.
- Anonymous, 1980. ISO 1573:1980 Tea — Determination of loss in mass at 103 degrees C. Access: https://www.iso.org/standard/6167.html (date of access: 01.01.2021).
- Anonymous, 1987. Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 26, 128-136.
- Anonymous, 2016. Thermo Scientific Orion Fluoride Ion Selective Electrode. User manual.
- Anonymous, 2022. Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/1321 of 25 July 2022. Access: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32022R1321&from=EN. (date of access: 26.11.2022).
- AOAC, 1990. Official methods of analysis 975.04. Fluoride in plants. Potentiometric Methods. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, USA, pp. 51–52.
- Ashenef A., Engidawork E., 2013. Fluoride levels and its safety in tea (Camellia sinensis) and khat (Catha edulis) imported and produced in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management, 6 (2), 149-158. doi:10.4314/ejesm.v6i2.5.
- Doull J., Boekelheide K., Farishian B.G., Isaacson R.L., Klotz J.B., Kumar J.V., Webster T.F., 2006. Fluoride in drinking water: a scientific review of EPA’s standards. National Academies, Washington, 205-223.
- EFSA, 2013. Panel on dietetic products, nutrition, and allergies (NDA). Scientific opinion on dietary reference values for fluoride. EFSA Journal, 11 (8), 3332.
- EFSA, 2021, European Food Safety Authority Anastassiadou M., Bernasconi G., Brancato A., Carrasco Cabrera L., Ferreira L., Verani A. Review of the existing maximum residue levels for sulfuryl fluoride according to Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005. EFSA Journal, 19 (1), e06390.
- EPPO, 2008. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization. PM 10/4 (1). Sulfuryl fluoride fumigation of dried fruits and nuts to control various stored product insects. Access: https://www.eppo.int/RESOURCES/eppo_standards/pm10_phytosanitary_treatment. (date of access: 15.01..2022).
- Heller K.E., Eklund S.A., Burt B.A., 1997. Dental caries and dental fluorosis at varying water fluoride concentrations. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 57 (3), 136-143. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-7325.1997.tb02964.x.
- Hudaykuliyev Y., Tastekin M., Poyrazoglu E.S., Baspınar E., Velioglu Y.S., 2005. Variables affecting fluoride in Turkish black tea. Fluoride, 38 (1), 38-43.
- Jowsey J., Riggs B.L., Kelly P.J., Hoffman D.L., 1972. Effect of combined therapy with sodium fluoride, vitamin D and calcium in osteoporosis. The American Journal of Medicine, 53 (1), 43-49. doi: 10.1016/0002-9343(72)90114-3.
- Kaminsky L.S., Mahoney M.C., Leach J., Melius J., Jo Miller M., 1990. Fluoride: benefits and risks of exposure. Critical Reviews in Oral Biology & Medicine, 1 (4), 261-281. doi: 10.1177/10454411900010040501.
- Lockwood H.C., 1937. Fluorine in food products. Analyst, 62 (740), 775-784. doi: 10.1039/AN9376200775.
- Lu Y.I., Guo W.F., Yang X.Q., 2004. Fluoride content in tea and its relationship with tea quality. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52 (14), 4472-4476. doi: 10.1021/jf0308354.
- Nernst W., 1907. Experimental and theoretical applications of thermodynamics to chemistry. Nature, 77, 52. https://doi.org/10.1038/077052a0.
- Reid E., 1936. The fluorine content of some Chinese food materials. Chinese Journal of Physiology, 10, 259-271.
- Roholm K., 1937. Fluorine intoxication. A clinical hygienic study with a review of the literature and some experimental ınvestigations. H.K. Lewis dc,Co. Ltd. 136, London, 1-364.
- Shu W.S., Zhang Z.Q., Lan C.Y., Wong M.H., 2003. Fluoride and aluminium concentrations of tea plants and tea products from Sichuan Province, PR China. Chemosphere, 52 (9), 1475-1482. doi: 10.1016/S0045-6535(03)00485-5.
- Vinson J.A., 2000. Black and green tea and heart disease: a review. Biofactors, 13 (1-4), 127-132. doi: 10.1002/biof.5520130121.
- Waldbott G.L., 1963. Fluoride in food. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 12 (6), 455-462. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/12.6.455.
- Waldbott G.L., Burgstahler A.W., McKinney H.L., 1978. Fluoride in soft tissues In: Fluoridation: the great dilemma. Coronado Press, Inc. Kansas, 148-174.