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Anastomosis grouping and phylogenetic analysis of Rhizoctonia isolates on wheat in Türkiye

Year 2023, , 5 - 15, 30.06.2023


This study aims to determine the species and evaluate the genetic diversity of the pathogenic and nonpathogenic Rhizoctonia spp. and anastomosis groups (AG) from wheat plants and rhizosphere soils in Turkey. Rhizoctonia species were isolated from plants and rhizosphere soils in wheat fields in 5 provinces in the Central Anatolian Region of Türkiye. As a result of the isolations, a total of 88 multinucleate (MN) and binucleate (BN) Rhizoctonia isolates were obtained. Identifications of the isolates were determined by rDNA-ITS sequence analyses. The identified isolates belonged to MN Waitea circinata var. zeae, W. circinata var. oryzae, W. circinata var. circinata, MN Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-1, AG 2-2, AG 3, AG 4-HGII, AG 4-HGIII, AG 5, AG 8, AG 11 and BN AG A, AG DI, AG E, AG G, AG H, AG I, AG I-like and AG K. The most isolated group was W. circinata var. circinata. In the pathogenicity studies, the most virulent group was determined as R. solani AG 4. Among the binucleate isolates, groups other than R. cerealis AG DI were not found to be pathogenic. Neighbor-joining phylogenetic trees of isolates were constructed from rDNA-ITS sequences. As a result of this study, the regional distribution of MN and BN Rhizoctonia AG isolates in important wheat production areas in the Central Anatolia Region, Türkiye was determined. In addition, this study is the first comprehensive study in which the genetic diversity of Rhizoctonia AGs isolates obtained from wheat and rhizosphere soils in the region was evaluated with a molecular approach.

Supporting Institution

Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)

Project Number

Project No: TOVAG-110O622


We are grateful to Dr. Erkol Demirci (Türkiye), Dr. Francesca Cardinale (Italy), Dr. Takeshi Toda (Japan), Dr. Grzegorz Lemańczyk (Poland) and Dr. Patricia Okubara (USA), who provided us Rhizoctonia tester isolates and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for a grant (Project No: TOVAG-110O622).


  • Arslan Ü., Baykal N., 2002. Kök ve kökboğazı fungal patojenlerine karşı bazı buğday çeşitlerinin reaksiyonları ve tohum koruyucu fungusitlerin Fusarium culmorum (W.G.Sm.) Sacc.’a etkisi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 16 (1), 69-76.
  • Bandoni R.J., 1979. Safranin O as a rapid stain for fungi. Mycologia, 71 (4), 873–874.
  • Boysen M., Borja M., del Moral C., Salazar O., Rubio V., 1996. Identification at strain level of Rhizoctonia solani AG 4 direct isolates by sequence of asymmetric PCR products of the ITS regions. Current Genetics, 29 (2), 174–181.
  • Cardoso J.E., Echandi E., 1987. Biological control of Rhizoctonia root rot of snap bean with binucleate Rhizoctonia-like fungi. Plant Disease, 71 (2), 167-170.
  • Carling D.E., Kuninaga S., Brainard K.A., 2002. Hyphal anastomosis reactions, rDNA-internal transcribed spacer sequences, and virulence levels among subsets of Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis group-2 (AG-2) and AG-BI. Phytopathology, 92 (1), 43–50.
  • Chen C.S., Chuang T.Y., 1997. The anastomosis groups of binucleate Rhizoctonia in Taiwanese soils. Plant Pathology Bulletin, 6 (4), 153-162.
  • Cobos R., Martin M.T., 2008. Molecular characterization of Phaeomoniella chlamydospora isolated from grapevines in Castilla y León (Spain). Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 47 (1), 20–27.
  • Demirci E., 1998. Rhizoctonia species and anastomosis groups isolated from barley and wheat in Erzurum, Turkey. Plant Pathology, 47 (1), 10-15.
  • Dong W., Li Y., Duan C., Li X., Naito S., Conner R.L., Yang G., Li C., 2017. Identification of AG-V, a new anastomosis group of binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. from taro and ginger in Yunnan province. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 148 (4), 839-851.
  • Erper I., Ozer G., Kalendar R., Avci S., Yildirim E., Alkan M., Turkkan M., 2021. Genetic diversity and pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia spp. isolates associated with red cabbage in Samsun (Turkey). Journal of Fungi, 7 (3), 234.
  • González V., Salazar O., Julián M.C., Acero J., Portal M.A., Muñóz R., López-Córcoles H., Gómez-Acebo E., López-Fuster P., Rubio V., 2002. Ceratobasidium albasitensis. A new Rhizoctonia-like fungus isolated in Spain. Persoonia, Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi, 17 (4), 601–614.
  • González D., Cubeta M.A., Vilgalys R., 2006. Phylogenetic utility of indels within ribosomal DNA and β-tubulin sequences from fungi in the Rhizoctonia solani species complex. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 40 (2), 459–470.
  • Gutierrez P., Torres H., 1990. Biological control of Rhizoctonia solani with binucleated Rhizoctonia. Fitopatología, 25 (2), 45-50 pp.
  • Hyakumachi M., Mushika T., Ogiso Y., Toda T., Kageyama K., Tsuge T., 1998. Characterization of a new cultural type (LP) of Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2 isolated from warm-season turf grasses, and its genetic differentiation from other cultural types. Plant Pathology, 47 (1), 1–9.
  • Hyakumachi M., Priyatmojo A., Kubota M., Fukui H., 2005. New anastomosis groups, AG-T and AG-U, of binucleate Rhizoctonia causing root and stem rot of cut-flower and miniature roses. Phytopathology, 95 (7), 784–792.
  • Ichielevich-Auster M., Sneh B., Koltin Y., Barash I., 1985. Suppression of damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia species by a nonpathogenic isolate of R. solani. Phytopathology, 75 (10), 1080-1084. Juan-Abgona R.V., Katsuno N., Kageyama K., Hyakumachi M., 1996.Isolation and identification of hypovirulent Rhizoctonia spp. from soil. Plant Pathology, 45 (5), 896-904.
  • Kimura M.A., 1980. simple method for estimating evolutionary rates of base substitutions through comparative studies of nucleotide sequences. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 16 (2), 111–120.
  • Koca Y., 1999. Yüzyılın jeoekonomik gücü tahılın üretimi, ticareti ve uluslararası ilişkilere etkileri. In: Orta Anadolu’da Hububat Tarımının Sorunları ve Çözüm Yolları Sempozyumu, Ekiz, H. (Ed.), 8-11 Haziran 1999, Gürcan Ofset, Konya, 539-546 pp.
  • Kronland W.C., Stanghellini M.E., 1988. Clean slide technique for the observation of anastomosis and nuclear condition of Rhizoctonia solani. Phytopathology, 78 (6), 820–822.
  • Kumar S., Stecher G., Tamura K., 2016. MEGA7: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis version 7.0 for bigger datasets. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 33 (7), 1870–1874.
  • Kuninaga S., 1996. DNA base sequence complementary analyses. In: Sneh B., Jabaji-Hare S.H., Neate S., Dijst G. (Eds.). Rhizoctonia species: taxonomy, molecular biology, ecology, pathology and disease control. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp 73–80.
  • Kuninaga S., Carling D.E., Takenuichi T., Yokosawa R., 2000. Comparison of rDNA-ITS sequences between potato and tobacco strains in Rhizoctonia solani AG-3. Journal of General Plant Pathology, 66 (1), 2-11.
  • Kuznia R.A., Windels C.E., 1994. Rhizoctonia zeae pathogenic to spring wheat and sugarbeet seedlings. Phytopathology, 84, 1159.
  • Ma M., Tan T.K., Wong S.M., 2003. Identification and molecular phylogeny of Epulorhiza isolates from tropical orchids. Mycological Research, 107 (9), 1041–1049.
  • Mazzola M., Wong O., Cook R.J., 1996. Virulence of Rhizoctonia oryzae and R. solani AG-8 on wheat and detection of R. oryzae in plant tissue by PCR. Phytopathology, 86 (4), 354-360.
  • Meyer L., Nel L.H., Carling D.E., 1997. Anastomosis grouping and molecular genetic typing of Rhizoctonia solani causing crater disease of wheat in South Africa. Diagnosis and identification of plant pathogens. Proceedings 4th International Symposium of the European Foundation for Plant Pathology, 9-12 September 1996, 53-57, Bonn, Germany.
  • Misawa T., Kurose D., 2018. First report of binucleate Rhizoctonia AG U causing black scurf on potato tubers in Japan. New Disease Reports, 38, 24.
  • Ogoshi A., Oniki M., Araki T., Ui T., 1983. Studies on the anastomosis groups of binucleate Rhizoctonia and their perfect states. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, 61 (2), 244-260. Ogoshi A., Cook R.J., Bassett E.N., 1990. Rhizoctonia species and anastomosis groups causing root rot of wheat and barley in the Pacific Northwest. Phytopathology, 80 (9), 785-788.
  • Okubara P.A., Schroeder K.L., Patilitz T.C., 2008. Identification and quantification of Rhizoctonia solani and R. oryzae using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Phytopathology, 98 (7), 837-847.
  • Otero J.T., Ackerman J.D., Bayman P., 2002. Diversity and host specificity of endophytic Rhizoctonia-like fungi from tropical orchids. American Journal of Botany, 89 (11),1852–1858
  • Paulitz T.C., Smith J.D., Kidwell K.K., 2003. Virulence of Rhizoctonia oryzae on wheat and barley cultuvars from the Pacific Northwest. Plant Disease, 87 (1), 51-55.
  • Pope E.J., Carter D.A., 2001. Phylogenetic placement and host specificity of mycorrhizal isolates belonging to AG 6 and AG 12 in the Rhizoctonia solani species complex. Mycologia, 93 (4), 712–719.
  • Priyatmojo A., Escopalao V.E., Tangonan N.G., Pascual C.B., Suga H., Kageyama K., Hyakumachi M., 2001. Characterization of a new subgroup of Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis group 1 (AG-1-ID), causal agent of a necrotic leaf spot on coffee. Phytopathology, 91 (11), 1054-1061.
  • Roberts F.A., Sivasithamparam K., 1986. Identity and pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia spp. associated with bare patch diseases of cereals at field site in Western Australia. Europan Journal of Plant Pathology, 92 (5), 185-195.
  • Salazar O., Julian M.C., Hyakumachi M., Rubio V., 2000a. Phylogenetic grouping of cultural types of Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2 based on ribosomal ITS sequences. Mycologia, 92 (3), 505–509. doi:10.1080/00275514.2000.12061186
  • Salazar O., Julian M.C., Rubio V., 2000b. Primer based on specific rDNA-ITS sequences for PCR detection of Rhizoctonia solani, R. solani AG 2 subgroups and ecological types, and binucleate Rhizoctonia. Mycological Research, 104 (3), 281–285.
  • Schroeder K.L., Paulitz T.C., 2012. First report of a Ceratobasidium sp. causing root rot on canola in Washington State, Plant Diseases, 96 (4), 591.
  • Sharon M., Freeman S., Kuninaga S., Sneh B., 2007. Genetic diversity, anastomosis groups, and pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia spp. isolates from strawberry. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 117 (3), 247–265.
  • Sharon M., Kuninaga S., Hyakumachi M., Naito S., Sneh B., 2008. Classification of Rhizoctonia spp. using rDNA-ITS sequence analysis supports the genetic basis of the classical anastomosis grouping. Mycoscience, 49 (2), 93–114.
  • Sneh B., Jabaji-Hare S., Neate S., Dijst G., 1996. Rhizoctonia species: taxonomy, molecular biology, ecology, pathology and diseases control (1st Ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1-559.
  • Telmadarrehei T., Tajick Ghanbary M.A., Rahimian H., Rezazadeh A., Javadi M.A., 2011. Isolation and some pathologic properties of Rhizoctonia zeae from cultural soils of Golestan and Mazandaran Provinces, Iran. World Applied Sciences Journal, 14 (3), 374-377.
  • Thompson J.D., Higgins D.G., Gibson T.J., 1994. CLUSTAL W: improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence weighting, position-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice. Nucleic Acids Research, 22 (22), 4673–4680.
  • Toda T., Hyakumachi M., Suga H., Kageyama K., Tanaka A., Tani T., 1999. Differentiation of Rhizoctonia AG-D isolates from turfgrass into subgroups I and II based on rDNA and RAPD analysis. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 105, 835–846.
  • Toda T., Mushika T., Hyakumachi M., 2004. Development of specific PCR primers for the detection of Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2 LP from the leaf sheaths exhibiting large-patch symptom on zoysia grass. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 232, 67–74.
  • Tomaso-Peterson M., Trevathan L.E., 2007. Characterization of Rhizoctonia-like fungi isolated from agronomic crops and turfgrasses in Mississippi. Plant Disease, 91 (3), 260-265.
  • Townsend G.K., Heuberger J.W., 1943. Methods for estimating losses caused by diseases in fungicide experiments. Plant Disease Reporter, 27, 340-343.
  • Ünal F., Dolar F.S., 2012. First report of Rhizoctonia solani AG 8 in Turkey. Journal of Phytopathology, 160 (1), 52–54. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0434.2011.01856.x
  • Ünal F., Bayraktar H., Yıldırım A.F., Akan K., Dolar F.S., 2015. Kayseri, Kırşehir, Nevşehir ve Aksaray illeri buğday ekim alanlarındaki Rhizoctonia tür ve anastomosis gruplarının belirlenmesi. Bitki Koruma Bülteni, 55 (2), 107-122
  • White T.J., Bruns T., Lee S., Taylor J.W., 1990. Amplification and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics. In: PCR Protocols: A Guide to Methods and Applications, Innis M.A., Gelfand D.H., Sninsky J.J., White T.J. (Eds.). Academic Press, Inc., New York. pp. 315-322.
  • Xia Z.J., Li Q.X., 1989. Preliminary study on aetiology of sharp eyespot in wheat and barley in Jiangsu, China. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 19 (3), 135-139.
  • Yang Y.G., Zhao C., Guo Z.J., Wu X.H., 2015. Characterization of a new anastomosis group (AG-W) of binucleate Rhizoctonia, causal agent for potato stem canker. Plant Diseases, 99 (12), 1757-1763.
  • Zhao C., Li Y., Liu H., Li S., Han C., Wu X.A., 2019. Binucleate Rhizoctonia anastomosis group (AG-W) is the causal agent of sugar beet seedling damping-off disease in China. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 155 (1), 53–69.

Anastomosis grouping and phylogenetic analysis of Rhizoctonia isolates on wheat in Türkiye

Year 2023, , 5 - 15, 30.06.2023


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'deki buğday bitkileri ve rizosfer topraklarından patojenik ve patojenik olmayan Rhizoctonia tür ve anastomosis gruplarının (AG) türlerini belirlemek ve genetik çeşitliliklerini değerlendirmektir. Türkiye'nin Orta Anadolu Bölgesi'ndeki 5 ildeki buğday tarlalarının bitki ve rizosfer topraklarından Rhizoctonia türleri izole edilmiştir. İzolasyonlar sonucunda, toplam 88 adet çok çekirdekli (MN) ve iki çekirdekli (BN) Rhizoctonia izolatı elde edilmiştir. İzolatların teşhislerinde rDNA-ITS dizi analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır ve MN Waitea circinata var. zeae, W. circinata var. oryzae, W. circinata var. circinata, MN Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-1, AG 2-2, AG 3, AG 4-HGII, AG 4-HGIII, AG 5, AG 8, AG 11 ve BN AG A, AG DI, AG E, AG G, AG H, AG I, AG I-benzeri ve AG K'ya ait oldukları belirlenmiştir. En çok izole edilen grup W. circinata var. circinata olmuştur. Patojenite çalışmalarında, en virulent grubun R. solani AG 4 olduğu saptanmıştır. BN izolatlar arasında, R. cerealis AG DI dışındaki diğer grupların patojen olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. İzolatların rDNA-ITS dizilerinden neighbor-joining filogenetik ağaçları oluşturulmuştur. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda, Türkiye’nin Orta Anadolu Bölgesi'ndeki önemli buğday üretim alanlarında MN ve BN Rhizoctonia AG izolatlarının bölgedeki dağılımı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, bu çalışma, bölgeden elde edilen Rhizoctonia AG izolatlarının genetik çeşitliliğinin moleküler bir yaklaşımla değerlendirildiği ilk kapsamlı çalışmadır.

Project Number

Project No: TOVAG-110O622


  • Arslan Ü., Baykal N., 2002. Kök ve kökboğazı fungal patojenlerine karşı bazı buğday çeşitlerinin reaksiyonları ve tohum koruyucu fungusitlerin Fusarium culmorum (W.G.Sm.) Sacc.’a etkisi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 16 (1), 69-76.
  • Bandoni R.J., 1979. Safranin O as a rapid stain for fungi. Mycologia, 71 (4), 873–874.
  • Boysen M., Borja M., del Moral C., Salazar O., Rubio V., 1996. Identification at strain level of Rhizoctonia solani AG 4 direct isolates by sequence of asymmetric PCR products of the ITS regions. Current Genetics, 29 (2), 174–181.
  • Cardoso J.E., Echandi E., 1987. Biological control of Rhizoctonia root rot of snap bean with binucleate Rhizoctonia-like fungi. Plant Disease, 71 (2), 167-170.
  • Carling D.E., Kuninaga S., Brainard K.A., 2002. Hyphal anastomosis reactions, rDNA-internal transcribed spacer sequences, and virulence levels among subsets of Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis group-2 (AG-2) and AG-BI. Phytopathology, 92 (1), 43–50.
  • Chen C.S., Chuang T.Y., 1997. The anastomosis groups of binucleate Rhizoctonia in Taiwanese soils. Plant Pathology Bulletin, 6 (4), 153-162.
  • Cobos R., Martin M.T., 2008. Molecular characterization of Phaeomoniella chlamydospora isolated from grapevines in Castilla y León (Spain). Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 47 (1), 20–27.
  • Demirci E., 1998. Rhizoctonia species and anastomosis groups isolated from barley and wheat in Erzurum, Turkey. Plant Pathology, 47 (1), 10-15.
  • Dong W., Li Y., Duan C., Li X., Naito S., Conner R.L., Yang G., Li C., 2017. Identification of AG-V, a new anastomosis group of binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. from taro and ginger in Yunnan province. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 148 (4), 839-851.
  • Erper I., Ozer G., Kalendar R., Avci S., Yildirim E., Alkan M., Turkkan M., 2021. Genetic diversity and pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia spp. isolates associated with red cabbage in Samsun (Turkey). Journal of Fungi, 7 (3), 234.
  • González V., Salazar O., Julián M.C., Acero J., Portal M.A., Muñóz R., López-Córcoles H., Gómez-Acebo E., López-Fuster P., Rubio V., 2002. Ceratobasidium albasitensis. A new Rhizoctonia-like fungus isolated in Spain. Persoonia, Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi, 17 (4), 601–614.
  • González D., Cubeta M.A., Vilgalys R., 2006. Phylogenetic utility of indels within ribosomal DNA and β-tubulin sequences from fungi in the Rhizoctonia solani species complex. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 40 (2), 459–470.
  • Gutierrez P., Torres H., 1990. Biological control of Rhizoctonia solani with binucleated Rhizoctonia. Fitopatología, 25 (2), 45-50 pp.
  • Hyakumachi M., Mushika T., Ogiso Y., Toda T., Kageyama K., Tsuge T., 1998. Characterization of a new cultural type (LP) of Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2 isolated from warm-season turf grasses, and its genetic differentiation from other cultural types. Plant Pathology, 47 (1), 1–9.
  • Hyakumachi M., Priyatmojo A., Kubota M., Fukui H., 2005. New anastomosis groups, AG-T and AG-U, of binucleate Rhizoctonia causing root and stem rot of cut-flower and miniature roses. Phytopathology, 95 (7), 784–792.
  • Ichielevich-Auster M., Sneh B., Koltin Y., Barash I., 1985. Suppression of damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia species by a nonpathogenic isolate of R. solani. Phytopathology, 75 (10), 1080-1084. Juan-Abgona R.V., Katsuno N., Kageyama K., Hyakumachi M., 1996.Isolation and identification of hypovirulent Rhizoctonia spp. from soil. Plant Pathology, 45 (5), 896-904.
  • Kimura M.A., 1980. simple method for estimating evolutionary rates of base substitutions through comparative studies of nucleotide sequences. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 16 (2), 111–120.
  • Koca Y., 1999. Yüzyılın jeoekonomik gücü tahılın üretimi, ticareti ve uluslararası ilişkilere etkileri. In: Orta Anadolu’da Hububat Tarımının Sorunları ve Çözüm Yolları Sempozyumu, Ekiz, H. (Ed.), 8-11 Haziran 1999, Gürcan Ofset, Konya, 539-546 pp.
  • Kronland W.C., Stanghellini M.E., 1988. Clean slide technique for the observation of anastomosis and nuclear condition of Rhizoctonia solani. Phytopathology, 78 (6), 820–822.
  • Kumar S., Stecher G., Tamura K., 2016. MEGA7: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis version 7.0 for bigger datasets. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 33 (7), 1870–1874.
  • Kuninaga S., 1996. DNA base sequence complementary analyses. In: Sneh B., Jabaji-Hare S.H., Neate S., Dijst G. (Eds.). Rhizoctonia species: taxonomy, molecular biology, ecology, pathology and disease control. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp 73–80.
  • Kuninaga S., Carling D.E., Takenuichi T., Yokosawa R., 2000. Comparison of rDNA-ITS sequences between potato and tobacco strains in Rhizoctonia solani AG-3. Journal of General Plant Pathology, 66 (1), 2-11.
  • Kuznia R.A., Windels C.E., 1994. Rhizoctonia zeae pathogenic to spring wheat and sugarbeet seedlings. Phytopathology, 84, 1159.
  • Ma M., Tan T.K., Wong S.M., 2003. Identification and molecular phylogeny of Epulorhiza isolates from tropical orchids. Mycological Research, 107 (9), 1041–1049.
  • Mazzola M., Wong O., Cook R.J., 1996. Virulence of Rhizoctonia oryzae and R. solani AG-8 on wheat and detection of R. oryzae in plant tissue by PCR. Phytopathology, 86 (4), 354-360.
  • Meyer L., Nel L.H., Carling D.E., 1997. Anastomosis grouping and molecular genetic typing of Rhizoctonia solani causing crater disease of wheat in South Africa. Diagnosis and identification of plant pathogens. Proceedings 4th International Symposium of the European Foundation for Plant Pathology, 9-12 September 1996, 53-57, Bonn, Germany.
  • Misawa T., Kurose D., 2018. First report of binucleate Rhizoctonia AG U causing black scurf on potato tubers in Japan. New Disease Reports, 38, 24.
  • Ogoshi A., Oniki M., Araki T., Ui T., 1983. Studies on the anastomosis groups of binucleate Rhizoctonia and their perfect states. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, 61 (2), 244-260. Ogoshi A., Cook R.J., Bassett E.N., 1990. Rhizoctonia species and anastomosis groups causing root rot of wheat and barley in the Pacific Northwest. Phytopathology, 80 (9), 785-788.
  • Okubara P.A., Schroeder K.L., Patilitz T.C., 2008. Identification and quantification of Rhizoctonia solani and R. oryzae using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Phytopathology, 98 (7), 837-847.
  • Otero J.T., Ackerman J.D., Bayman P., 2002. Diversity and host specificity of endophytic Rhizoctonia-like fungi from tropical orchids. American Journal of Botany, 89 (11),1852–1858
  • Paulitz T.C., Smith J.D., Kidwell K.K., 2003. Virulence of Rhizoctonia oryzae on wheat and barley cultuvars from the Pacific Northwest. Plant Disease, 87 (1), 51-55.
  • Pope E.J., Carter D.A., 2001. Phylogenetic placement and host specificity of mycorrhizal isolates belonging to AG 6 and AG 12 in the Rhizoctonia solani species complex. Mycologia, 93 (4), 712–719.
  • Priyatmojo A., Escopalao V.E., Tangonan N.G., Pascual C.B., Suga H., Kageyama K., Hyakumachi M., 2001. Characterization of a new subgroup of Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis group 1 (AG-1-ID), causal agent of a necrotic leaf spot on coffee. Phytopathology, 91 (11), 1054-1061.
  • Roberts F.A., Sivasithamparam K., 1986. Identity and pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia spp. associated with bare patch diseases of cereals at field site in Western Australia. Europan Journal of Plant Pathology, 92 (5), 185-195.
  • Salazar O., Julian M.C., Hyakumachi M., Rubio V., 2000a. Phylogenetic grouping of cultural types of Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2 based on ribosomal ITS sequences. Mycologia, 92 (3), 505–509. doi:10.1080/00275514.2000.12061186
  • Salazar O., Julian M.C., Rubio V., 2000b. Primer based on specific rDNA-ITS sequences for PCR detection of Rhizoctonia solani, R. solani AG 2 subgroups and ecological types, and binucleate Rhizoctonia. Mycological Research, 104 (3), 281–285.
  • Schroeder K.L., Paulitz T.C., 2012. First report of a Ceratobasidium sp. causing root rot on canola in Washington State, Plant Diseases, 96 (4), 591.
  • Sharon M., Freeman S., Kuninaga S., Sneh B., 2007. Genetic diversity, anastomosis groups, and pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia spp. isolates from strawberry. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 117 (3), 247–265.
  • Sharon M., Kuninaga S., Hyakumachi M., Naito S., Sneh B., 2008. Classification of Rhizoctonia spp. using rDNA-ITS sequence analysis supports the genetic basis of the classical anastomosis grouping. Mycoscience, 49 (2), 93–114.
  • Sneh B., Jabaji-Hare S., Neate S., Dijst G., 1996. Rhizoctonia species: taxonomy, molecular biology, ecology, pathology and diseases control (1st Ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1-559.
  • Telmadarrehei T., Tajick Ghanbary M.A., Rahimian H., Rezazadeh A., Javadi M.A., 2011. Isolation and some pathologic properties of Rhizoctonia zeae from cultural soils of Golestan and Mazandaran Provinces, Iran. World Applied Sciences Journal, 14 (3), 374-377.
  • Thompson J.D., Higgins D.G., Gibson T.J., 1994. CLUSTAL W: improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence weighting, position-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice. Nucleic Acids Research, 22 (22), 4673–4680.
  • Toda T., Hyakumachi M., Suga H., Kageyama K., Tanaka A., Tani T., 1999. Differentiation of Rhizoctonia AG-D isolates from turfgrass into subgroups I and II based on rDNA and RAPD analysis. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 105, 835–846.
  • Toda T., Mushika T., Hyakumachi M., 2004. Development of specific PCR primers for the detection of Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2 LP from the leaf sheaths exhibiting large-patch symptom on zoysia grass. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 232, 67–74.
  • Tomaso-Peterson M., Trevathan L.E., 2007. Characterization of Rhizoctonia-like fungi isolated from agronomic crops and turfgrasses in Mississippi. Plant Disease, 91 (3), 260-265.
  • Townsend G.K., Heuberger J.W., 1943. Methods for estimating losses caused by diseases in fungicide experiments. Plant Disease Reporter, 27, 340-343.
  • Ünal F., Dolar F.S., 2012. First report of Rhizoctonia solani AG 8 in Turkey. Journal of Phytopathology, 160 (1), 52–54. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0434.2011.01856.x
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There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Phytopathology
Journal Section Makaleler

Filiz Ünal 0000-0003-4620-5397

Sara Dolar 0000-0003-1634-4046

Project Number Project No: TOVAG-110O622
Early Pub Date June 21, 2023
Publication Date June 30, 2023
Submission Date March 12, 2023
Acceptance Date May 29, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Ünal, F., & Dolar, S. (2023). Anastomosis grouping and phylogenetic analysis of Rhizoctonia isolates on wheat in Türkiye. Plant Protection Bulletin, 63(2), 5-15.
AMA Ünal F, Dolar S. Anastomosis grouping and phylogenetic analysis of Rhizoctonia isolates on wheat in Türkiye. Plant Protection Bulletin. June 2023;63(2):5-15. doi:10.16955/bitkorb.1263982
Chicago Ünal, Filiz, and Sara Dolar. “Anastomosis Grouping and Phylogenetic Analysis of Rhizoctonia Isolates on Wheat in Türkiye”. Plant Protection Bulletin 63, no. 2 (June 2023): 5-15.
EndNote Ünal F, Dolar S (June 1, 2023) Anastomosis grouping and phylogenetic analysis of Rhizoctonia isolates on wheat in Türkiye. Plant Protection Bulletin 63 2 5–15.
IEEE F. Ünal and S. Dolar, “Anastomosis grouping and phylogenetic analysis of Rhizoctonia isolates on wheat in Türkiye”, Plant Protection Bulletin, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 5–15, 2023, doi: 10.16955/bitkorb.1263982.
ISNAD Ünal, Filiz - Dolar, Sara. “Anastomosis Grouping and Phylogenetic Analysis of Rhizoctonia Isolates on Wheat in Türkiye”. Plant Protection Bulletin 63/2 (June 2023), 5-15.
JAMA Ünal F, Dolar S. Anastomosis grouping and phylogenetic analysis of Rhizoctonia isolates on wheat in Türkiye. Plant Protection Bulletin. 2023;63:5–15.
MLA Ünal, Filiz and Sara Dolar. “Anastomosis Grouping and Phylogenetic Analysis of Rhizoctonia Isolates on Wheat in Türkiye”. Plant Protection Bulletin, vol. 63, no. 2, 2023, pp. 5-15, doi:10.16955/bitkorb.1263982.
Vancouver Ünal F, Dolar S. Anastomosis grouping and phylogenetic analysis of Rhizoctonia isolates on wheat in Türkiye. Plant Protection Bulletin. 2023;63(2):5-15.