Investigation of Susceptibility of Some Apricot Cultivars to Shot-Hole (Stigmina carpophila (Lev.) M.B. Ellis) Disease Under Natural Inoculum Conditions
Year 2021,
, 51 - 56, 30.06.2021
Suat Kaymak
Yusuf Öztürk
Ayşe Uysal
Hakkı Koçal
Şeyma Reyhan Erdoğan
Shot hole, caused by Stigmina carpophila (Lev.) M.B. Ellis, is a major fungal disease for apricots and it causes serious economic loss in Turkey. To protect apricots from the various destructive effects of the shot hole disease, excessive fungicide is used, which may lead to severe damage in ecosystem. One of the most beneficial alternative ways to minimize or eradicate hazardous effects of fungicides is to use resistant/moderately resistant varieties. This study was conducted to examine the susceptibility of 9 domestic and 10 foreign (in total 19) apricot cultivars to shot-hole disease in 2014 and 2015. The cultivars were tested under natural inoculation and no fungicide was applied in the trial. Disease symptoms were observed separately on fruits and leaves. Analysis of leaves showed that cultivars named Çağataybey (32.30%), Sakıt-7 (26.30%), and Şekerpare (25.03%) had the highest levels of disease severity while cultivars named Wilson Delicious (11.41%), Ivonne Liverani (12.54%), and Borsi Rozsa (14.35%) had the lowest levels. Findings of fruit evaluations demonstrated that the highest levels of disease severity were found on cultivars named Şekerpare (50.87%), Sakıt-7 (50.15%) and Sakıt-2 (49.85%) while the lowest levels were found on cultivars named Aprikoz (17.45%), Zard (17.69%), and Hasanbey (21.28%). Statistical analysis between leaf and fruit disease severities illustrated a moderate positive correlation. However, no statistical difference was observed between leaf and fruit disease severities in ripening periods. Disease severity levels for fruits and leaves of foreign cultivars were lower than those of domestic cultivars. Determination of disease resistances of domestic-foreign apricot cultivars with high fruit quality is thought to provide a great advantage in selecting the parents to be used as a source of resistance in breeding studies.
Supporting Institution
This research was funded by General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Republic of Turkey. Also, we thank the Fruit Research Institute for their support to the study.
- Ahmadpour A., Ghosta Y., Javan Nıkkhah M., Fattahı R., Ghazanfarı K., 2011. A Study on Specıfıcıty and Host Range of
Wılsonomyces carpophılus, The Causal Agent of Shot Hole Dısease of Stone Fruıt Trees and Evaluatıon of Relatıve
Resıstance of Some Peach Cultıvars,Iranian Journal of Plant Protection, Volume 42 , Number 2, 251-259.
- Anonymous 2019. Production, trade and producer price statistics, food and agriculture organization of the United Nations. (accessed December 28, 2020).
- Asma, B.M., Karaat, F.E., Çuhacı, Ç., Doğan, A., Karaca, H., 2017. Apricot Breeding Studies and New Varieties in Turkey, Turkish Journal Of Agriculture - Food Science And Technology, 5(11): 1429-1438.
- Eppo 2004. Stone Fruits, European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization Bulletin, 34, 427–438.
- Evans, K., Frank, E., Gunnell, J. D., Shao, M. 2008. Coryneum or Shot Hole Blight. Utah Pests Fact Sheet. Utah State University Extension. [Utah]: Utah State University Extension, Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory, 3.
- Grantına-Ievına L, Stanke L., 2015. Incıdence and Severıty of Leaf and Fruıt Dıseases of Plums In Latvıa, at: .
- Ivanova H., Kalocaiova M., Bolvansky M., 2012. Shot-hole disease on Prunus persica – the morphology and biology of Stigmina carpophila. Folia oecol., 39: 21–27.
- Ilicic R., Tatjana Popovic T., Vlajic S., Ognjanov, V., 2019. Foliar pathogens of sweet and sour cherry in Serbia, Acta Agriculturae Serbica, Vol. XXIV, 48: 107-118.
- Ioana jr M., Mitre V., Buta E., Ioana Mitre I., Tripon A., Sestras R., 2015. Reactıon of Some Plum Cultıvars to Natural Infectıon wıth Taphrina pruni (Fuck.) Tul., Fusicladium pruni Ducomet and Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae Persoon Dıetel, Agriculture - Science and Practice, No. 1- 2(93-94).
- Kaymak S.,İşçi M.,Özongun Ş. ve Özgönen H., 2016. Determination of reaction levels of some apple genetic resources in Turkey to Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis (Cke.) Wint.), Bitki Koruma Bülteni, 56 (2).
- Mehlenbacher SA, Cociu V, Hough LF. 1991. Apricots. Genetic Resources of Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops. Acta Hort., 290: 66–107.
- Mıtre I., Trıpon A., Mıtre I., Mıtre V., 2015. The Response of Several Plum Cultivars to Natural Infection with Monilinia laxa, Polystigma rubrum and Stigmina carpophila, Not Sci Biol, 7(1):136-139.
- Özgönen H., Erkılıç, A. 2001. Malatya-Elazığ yöresinde kayısılarda görülen fungal hastalıkların ve yaygınlık oranlarının belirlenmesi. Türkiye IX. Fitopatoloji Kongresi (3-8 Eylül, 2001, Tekirdağ) Bildiriler, s. 669-675.
- Pauwels E. and Keulemans J. 2000. Breeding for Scab Resistance in Apple: Evaluation of Resistance in the Greenhouse and in the Field. Acta Horticulturae doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2000.525.75.
- Sarac I, 2018, Fungal Disease Factors Detected in Apricot Trees in Bingol Province, Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences 5(3): 372–374.
- Shahri M.H., Monghdam E.G., Shahri M.R.K., 2014. Evalution of Relative of Some Apricot Varities to Wilsonomyces carpophilus Causing Shot Hole Disease, Journal of Plant Protection, Volume:28, Issue:1,97-105.
- Sipahioğlu H.M., Myrta, A., Abou-Ghanem, N., Di Terlizzi, B., Savino, V., 1999. Sanitary status of stone fruit trees in East Anatolia (Turkey) with particular reference to apricot. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin, 29: 439-442.
- Townsend G. K. and Heuberger J. W. 1943. Methods for Estimating Losses Caused by Diseases in Fungicide Experiments. Plant Disease Report, 27, 340-343.
- Trandafirescu M., Indreias A., Trandafirescu I., 2011. Evaluation of Apricot Breeding Selection Resistance to Pathogen Attack, ISHS Acta Horticulturae 903: IX International Symposium on Integrating Canopy, Rootstock and Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems, 241-245.
- Yousefi A., Hajian Shahri M.H, 2014. Shot hole disease, survival and pathogenicity of the causal agent on stone fruit trees in Northeast Iran, J. Crop Prot. 3 (4): 563-571.
Bazı kayısı çeşitlerinin (Stigmina carpophila (Lev.) M.B. Ellis) yaprak delen hastalığına karşı doğal inokülasyon koşullarında duyarlılığının araştırılması
Year 2021,
, 51 - 56, 30.06.2021
Suat Kaymak
Yusuf Öztürk
Ayşe Uysal
Hakkı Koçal
Şeyma Reyhan Erdoğan
Stigmina carpophila (Lev.) M.B. Ellis'nın neden olduğu yaprak delen kayısı için önemli bir fungal hastalıktır ve Türkiye'de kayısıda ciddi ekonomik kayba neden olur. Kayısıları yaprak delen hastalığının çeşitli yıkıcı etkilerinden korumak için, ekosistemde ciddi hasara yol açabilecek aşırı fungisit kullanılmaktadır. Fungisitlerin tehlikeli etkilerini en aza indirmenin veya ortadan kaldırmanın en faydalı alternatif yollarından biri, dayanıklı / orta dayanıklı çeşitler kullanmaktır. Bu çalışma, 2014 ve 2015 yıllarında 9 yerli ve 10 yabancı (toplam 19) kayısı çeşidinin yaprak delen hastalığına karşı duyarlılığını incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çeşitler doğal inokulasyon altında test edilmiştir ve denemede fungisit kullanılmamıştır. Hastalık belirtileri meyve ve yapraklarda ayrı ayrı gözlenmiştir. Yaprak analizleri, en yüksek hastalık şiddetine Çağataybey (% 32.30), Sakıt-7 (% 26.30) ve Şekerpare (% 25.03) olarak adlandırılan çeşitler en yüksek hastalık şiddetine sahip iken, Wilson Delicious (% 11.41), Ivonne Liverani (% 12.54) ve Borsi Rozsa (% 14.35) olarak adlandırılan çeşitlerin ise en düşük seviyeye sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Meyve değerlendirmelerinden elde edilen bulgular, en yüksek hastalık şiddeti seviyelerinin Şekerpare (% 50.87), Sakıt-7 (% 50.15) ve Sakıt-2 (% 49.85) olarak adlandırılan çeşitlerde, en düşük seviyelerin ise Aprikoz (17.45 %), Zard (% 17.69) ve Hasanbey (% 21.28). Yaprak ve meyve hastalık şiddetleri arasındaki istatistiksel analizde pozitif yönlü orta düzeyde pozitif bir korelasyon göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte, olgunlaşma dönemlerinde yaprak ve meyve hastalık şiddetleri arasında istatistiksel olarak fark gözlenmemiştir. Yabancı çeşitlerin meyve ve yaprak hastalık şiddetleri, yerli çeşitlere göre daha düşüktür. Islah çalışmalarında dayanıklılık kaynağı olarak kullanılacak ebeveynlerin seçilmesinde, yüksek meyve kalitesine sahip yerli-yabancı kayısı çeşitlerinin hastalık dayanımlarının belirlenmesinin büyük bir avantaj sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.
- Ahmadpour A., Ghosta Y., Javan Nıkkhah M., Fattahı R., Ghazanfarı K., 2011. A Study on Specıfıcıty and Host Range of
Wılsonomyces carpophılus, The Causal Agent of Shot Hole Dısease of Stone Fruıt Trees and Evaluatıon of Relatıve
Resıstance of Some Peach Cultıvars,Iranian Journal of Plant Protection, Volume 42 , Number 2, 251-259.
- Anonymous 2019. Production, trade and producer price statistics, food and agriculture organization of the United Nations. (accessed December 28, 2020).
- Asma, B.M., Karaat, F.E., Çuhacı, Ç., Doğan, A., Karaca, H., 2017. Apricot Breeding Studies and New Varieties in Turkey, Turkish Journal Of Agriculture - Food Science And Technology, 5(11): 1429-1438.
- Eppo 2004. Stone Fruits, European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization Bulletin, 34, 427–438.
- Evans, K., Frank, E., Gunnell, J. D., Shao, M. 2008. Coryneum or Shot Hole Blight. Utah Pests Fact Sheet. Utah State University Extension. [Utah]: Utah State University Extension, Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory, 3.
- Grantına-Ievına L, Stanke L., 2015. Incıdence and Severıty of Leaf and Fruıt Dıseases of Plums In Latvıa, at: .
- Ivanova H., Kalocaiova M., Bolvansky M., 2012. Shot-hole disease on Prunus persica – the morphology and biology of Stigmina carpophila. Folia oecol., 39: 21–27.
- Ilicic R., Tatjana Popovic T., Vlajic S., Ognjanov, V., 2019. Foliar pathogens of sweet and sour cherry in Serbia, Acta Agriculturae Serbica, Vol. XXIV, 48: 107-118.
- Ioana jr M., Mitre V., Buta E., Ioana Mitre I., Tripon A., Sestras R., 2015. Reactıon of Some Plum Cultıvars to Natural Infectıon wıth Taphrina pruni (Fuck.) Tul., Fusicladium pruni Ducomet and Tranzschelia pruni-spinosae Persoon Dıetel, Agriculture - Science and Practice, No. 1- 2(93-94).
- Kaymak S.,İşçi M.,Özongun Ş. ve Özgönen H., 2016. Determination of reaction levels of some apple genetic resources in Turkey to Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis (Cke.) Wint.), Bitki Koruma Bülteni, 56 (2).
- Mehlenbacher SA, Cociu V, Hough LF. 1991. Apricots. Genetic Resources of Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops. Acta Hort., 290: 66–107.
- Mıtre I., Trıpon A., Mıtre I., Mıtre V., 2015. The Response of Several Plum Cultivars to Natural Infection with Monilinia laxa, Polystigma rubrum and Stigmina carpophila, Not Sci Biol, 7(1):136-139.
- Özgönen H., Erkılıç, A. 2001. Malatya-Elazığ yöresinde kayısılarda görülen fungal hastalıkların ve yaygınlık oranlarının belirlenmesi. Türkiye IX. Fitopatoloji Kongresi (3-8 Eylül, 2001, Tekirdağ) Bildiriler, s. 669-675.
- Pauwels E. and Keulemans J. 2000. Breeding for Scab Resistance in Apple: Evaluation of Resistance in the Greenhouse and in the Field. Acta Horticulturae doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2000.525.75.
- Sarac I, 2018, Fungal Disease Factors Detected in Apricot Trees in Bingol Province, Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences 5(3): 372–374.
- Shahri M.H., Monghdam E.G., Shahri M.R.K., 2014. Evalution of Relative of Some Apricot Varities to Wilsonomyces carpophilus Causing Shot Hole Disease, Journal of Plant Protection, Volume:28, Issue:1,97-105.
- Sipahioğlu H.M., Myrta, A., Abou-Ghanem, N., Di Terlizzi, B., Savino, V., 1999. Sanitary status of stone fruit trees in East Anatolia (Turkey) with particular reference to apricot. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin, 29: 439-442.
- Townsend G. K. and Heuberger J. W. 1943. Methods for Estimating Losses Caused by Diseases in Fungicide Experiments. Plant Disease Report, 27, 340-343.
- Trandafirescu M., Indreias A., Trandafirescu I., 2011. Evaluation of Apricot Breeding Selection Resistance to Pathogen Attack, ISHS Acta Horticulturae 903: IX International Symposium on Integrating Canopy, Rootstock and Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems, 241-245.
- Yousefi A., Hajian Shahri M.H, 2014. Shot hole disease, survival and pathogenicity of the causal agent on stone fruit trees in Northeast Iran, J. Crop Prot. 3 (4): 563-571.