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The effect of cover crops on composition and diversity of weeds in an apricot orchard

Year 2021, , 10 - 19, 30.09.2021


Apricot, Turkey's exports is the important role played by fruit, the weeds are the main factors that cause problems in the apricot orchards. This study was carried out in Malatya between 2014-2016 in order to determine the effects of cover crops on the control of weeds that cause problems in these areas and also on species distribution, diversity and dominance. As annual winter cover plants in the study: Vicia villosa Roth (hairy vetch), Vicia pannonica Crantz (Hungarian vetch), V. pannonica + Triticale (V.pannonica 70% + Triticale 30%) mixture and Phacelia tanacetifolia Bentham (lacy phacelia) and Fagopyrum esculentum Moench (buckwheat) was used as a summer cover plant. Weed diversity index (H) and Simpson's dominance index (Sd) values were also calculated in the study. In addition, applications were subjected to canonical discriminant analysis. The highest value of the weed diversity index (H) in the two-year period was obtained from the weed control plots. It has been determined that perennial weeds (Convolvulus arvensis and Sorghum halepense) are the dominant species in cover plants and there are also differences between practices. It has been determined that annual weeds are generally suppressed and their diversity has decreased significantly in the plots except for F. esculentum. The results obtained from the canonical discriminant analysis showed that the highest numbers of weed species in the 1st and 2nd years were found in the weedy control plots and that the cover crops suppressed the weeds.

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Project Number



  • Akemo M.C., Regnier E.E., Bennett M.A. 2000. Weed suppression in spring-sownrye (Secale cereale) - pea (Pisum sativum) cover crop mixes. Weed Tech., 14: 545-549.
  • Blackshoaw R.R., James R.M., Ray C.D., Lyle B.A. 2001. Yellow sweeyclover, gren manure, and its resudies effectively supress weeds during fallow. Weed Science, 49:4406-413.
  • Bocianowski J., Majchrzak L. 2019. Analysis of effects of cover crop and tillage method combinations on the phenotypic traits of Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using multivariate methods. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 17(6):15267-15276.
  • Demir Z., Tursun N., Isik D. 2019. Effects of different cover crops on soil quality parameters and yield in an apricot orchard. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 21(2): 399-408.
  • Demir Z., Isik D. 2019. Effects of cover crop treatments on some soil quality parameters and yield in a kiwifruit orchard in Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28(9): 6988-6997.
  • FAO. 2018. FAO STATS. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Available online: (Accessed on 27 April 2018).
  • Fisk J.W., Hesterman O.B., Shrestha A., Kells J.J., Harwood R.R., Squire J.M., Sheaffer C.C. 2001. Weed suppression by annual legume cover crops in no-tillage corn. Agron. J. 93, 319–325.
  • Hiltbrunner J., Liedgens M., Bloch L., Stamp P., Streit B. 2007. Legume cover crops as living mulches for organic wheat: components of biomass and the control of weeds. Eur. J. Agron. 26, pp. 21-29.
  • Isik D., Kaya E., Ngouajio M., Mennan H. 2009 a. Weed suppression in organic pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) with winter cover crops. Crop Protection 28 (2009) 356–363.
  • Isik D., Kaya E., Ngouajio M., Mennan H. 2009 b. Summer cover crops for weed management and yield improvement in organic lettuce (Lactuca sativa) production. Phytoparasitica 37:193–203.
  • Isik D., Dok M., Ak K., Macit I., Demir Z., Mennan H. 2014. Use of cover crops for weed suppression in Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) in Turkey, Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences,79(2): 105-110.
  • Isik D., Turkmen G., Demir Z., Macit I. 2018. The Effects of some cover crops on yield and quality in semi dwarf apple orchards. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2): 60-74.
  • Kitis Y.E., Koloren O., Uygur F.N. 2007. Effects of mulching and cover crop on weed population in citrus orchard in Cukurova Region of Turkey. European Weed Research Society, Doorwerth, Netherlands, European Weed Research Society, 14th EWRS Symposium, Hamar, Norway, pp. 98.
  • Knezevic S.Z. 2009. Flaming: A New weed control tool in organic crops. Crop Watch, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension., archives/2009/crop17/organic_flaming.htm.
  • Koloren O. 2004. Investigation of the possibilities of using cover plants in weed control in citrus orchards. University of Cukurova, Institute of Science, Department of Plant Protection, Ph.D. thesis, pp173.
  • Kostrzewska M.K., Wanic M., Jastrzębska M. 2012. Weed infestation of a cereal-legume mixture depending on its concentration and position in a crop rotation. Acta Agrobotanic Vol. 65 (3): 99-108.
  • Kruidhof H.M., Bastiaans L., Kropff M.J. 2008. Ecological weed management by cover cropping: effects on weed growth in autumn and weed establishment in spring. Weed Res. 48, pp. 492-502.
  • Legere A., Stevenson F.C., Benoit D.L. 2005. Diversity and assembly of weed communities: contrasting response across cropping systems. Weed Research, 45, 303–315.
  • Magurran A.E. 1988. Ecological diversity and its measurement. Princeton University Press. 179 pp.
  • Magurran A.E. 2004. Measuring biological diversity. Blackwell Science Ltd., 256 pp.
  • Mennan H., Ngouajio M., Kaya E., Isik D. 2009 a. Weed management in organically grown Kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) using alternative cover cropping systems. Weed Technology 23:81–88.
  • Mennan H., Ngouajio M., Isık D., Kaya E. 2009 b. Effects of alternative winter cover cropping systems on weed suppression in organically grown tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Phytoparasitica 37 (4):385–396.
  • Ngouajio M., McGiffen Jr M.E., Hutchinson C.M. 2003. Effect of cover crop and management system on weed populations in lettuce, Crop protection 22 (2003) 57-64.
  • Pawlonka Z., Rymuza K., Starczewski K., Bombik A. 2014. Biodiversity of segetal weed communi¬ties when chlorsulfuron-based weed control is being used on continuous winter wheat. J Plant Prot Res. 54(3):300–305.
  • Peachy E., Luna J., Dick R., Sattell R. 1999. Cover cropweed suppression in annual rotations. Oregon State Unv. EM 8725.
  • Robacer M., Canali S., Kristensen H.L., Bavec F., Mlakar S.G., Jakop Mand Bavec M. 2016. Cover crops in organic field vegetable production. Scientia Horticulturae, 208: 104-110.
  • Sainju U.M., Singh P.B., Whitead W.F. 2002. Long term of tillage, cover crops and nitrogen fertilization on organic carbon and nitrogen concentrations in sandy loam soils in Georgia USA. Soil &Tillage Research 63 167-179.
  • Stopes C., Millington S. 1991. Weed control in organic farming systems. In: Proceedings of the Brighton Crop Protection Conference-Weeds, Brighton, UK, pp. 185-192.
  • Shrestha A., Knezevic S.Z., Roy R.C., Ball-Coelho B.R., Swanton C.J. 2002. Effect of tillage, cover crop and cover crop rotation on the composition of weed flora in a sandy soil. Weed Research, 42, 76–87.
  • Teasdale J.R., Brandsaeter L.O., Calegari A., Neto F.S. 2007. Cover crops and weed management. Non-chemical weed management principles, concepts and technology Edited by Mahesh K. Upadhyaya ISBN-13: 978 1 84593 290 9 © CAB International, p 48-64/239.
  • Wszelaki A.L., Doohan D.J., Alexandrou A. 2007. Weed control and crop quality in cabbage [Brassica oleracea (capitata group)] and tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum) using a propane flamer. Crop Prot. 26, pp. 134-144.

Kayısı bahçesindeki yabancı otların yoğunluğu ve çeşitliliği üzerine örtücü bitkilerin etkisi

Year 2021, , 10 - 19, 30.09.2021


Kayısı, Türkiye’nin ihracatında önemli rol oynayan meyvelerden olup, yabancı otlar ise kayısı bahçelerinde sorun yaratan temel faktörlerdendir. Bu çalışma, örtücü bitkilerin bu alanlarda sorun oluşturan yabancı otların kontrol altına alınmasını, ayrıca tür dağılımı, çeşitliliği ve baskınlığı üzerindeki etkilerini saptamak amacıyla 2014-2016 yılları arasında Malatya'da yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada tek yıllık kışlık örtücü bitkiler olarak: Vicia villosa Roth (tüylü fiğ), Vicia pannonica Crantz (Macar fiğ), V. pannonica + Triticale (V. pannonica %70 + Tritikale %30) karışımı ve Phacelia tanacetifolia Bentham (arı otu) ve yazlık örtücü bitki olarak Fagopyrum esculentum Moench (karabuğday) kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada yabancı ot çeşitliliği indeksi (H) ve Simpson'ın baskınlık indeksi (Sd) değerleri de hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca, uygulamalar, kanonical discriminant analizine tabi tutulmuştur. İki yıllık dönemde yabancı ot çeşitliliği indeksinin (H) en yüksek değeri yabancı otlu kontrol parsellerinden elde edilmiştir. Çok yıllık yabancı otların (Convolvulus arvensis ve Sorghum halepense) örtücü bitkilerde baskın türler olduğu ve uygulamalar arasında da farklılıkların bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. F. esculentum dışındaki parsellerde tek yıllık yabancı otların genel olarak bastırıldığı ve çeşitliliğinin önemli ölçüde azaldığı tespit edilmiştir. kanonical discriminant analizinden elde edilen sonuçlar, 1. ve 2. yıllarda en çok yabancı ot türünün yabancı ot kontrol parsellerinde bulunduğunu ve kaplayıcı bitkilerinin yabancı otları bastırdığını göstermiştir.

Project Number



  • Akemo M.C., Regnier E.E., Bennett M.A. 2000. Weed suppression in spring-sownrye (Secale cereale) - pea (Pisum sativum) cover crop mixes. Weed Tech., 14: 545-549.
  • Blackshoaw R.R., James R.M., Ray C.D., Lyle B.A. 2001. Yellow sweeyclover, gren manure, and its resudies effectively supress weeds during fallow. Weed Science, 49:4406-413.
  • Bocianowski J., Majchrzak L. 2019. Analysis of effects of cover crop and tillage method combinations on the phenotypic traits of Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using multivariate methods. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 17(6):15267-15276.
  • Demir Z., Tursun N., Isik D. 2019. Effects of different cover crops on soil quality parameters and yield in an apricot orchard. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 21(2): 399-408.
  • Demir Z., Isik D. 2019. Effects of cover crop treatments on some soil quality parameters and yield in a kiwifruit orchard in Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28(9): 6988-6997.
  • FAO. 2018. FAO STATS. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Available online: (Accessed on 27 April 2018).
  • Fisk J.W., Hesterman O.B., Shrestha A., Kells J.J., Harwood R.R., Squire J.M., Sheaffer C.C. 2001. Weed suppression by annual legume cover crops in no-tillage corn. Agron. J. 93, 319–325.
  • Hiltbrunner J., Liedgens M., Bloch L., Stamp P., Streit B. 2007. Legume cover crops as living mulches for organic wheat: components of biomass and the control of weeds. Eur. J. Agron. 26, pp. 21-29.
  • Isik D., Kaya E., Ngouajio M., Mennan H. 2009 a. Weed suppression in organic pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) with winter cover crops. Crop Protection 28 (2009) 356–363.
  • Isik D., Kaya E., Ngouajio M., Mennan H. 2009 b. Summer cover crops for weed management and yield improvement in organic lettuce (Lactuca sativa) production. Phytoparasitica 37:193–203.
  • Isik D., Dok M., Ak K., Macit I., Demir Z., Mennan H. 2014. Use of cover crops for weed suppression in Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) in Turkey, Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences,79(2): 105-110.
  • Isik D., Turkmen G., Demir Z., Macit I. 2018. The Effects of some cover crops on yield and quality in semi dwarf apple orchards. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2): 60-74.
  • Kitis Y.E., Koloren O., Uygur F.N. 2007. Effects of mulching and cover crop on weed population in citrus orchard in Cukurova Region of Turkey. European Weed Research Society, Doorwerth, Netherlands, European Weed Research Society, 14th EWRS Symposium, Hamar, Norway, pp. 98.
  • Knezevic S.Z. 2009. Flaming: A New weed control tool in organic crops. Crop Watch, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension., archives/2009/crop17/organic_flaming.htm.
  • Koloren O. 2004. Investigation of the possibilities of using cover plants in weed control in citrus orchards. University of Cukurova, Institute of Science, Department of Plant Protection, Ph.D. thesis, pp173.
  • Kostrzewska M.K., Wanic M., Jastrzębska M. 2012. Weed infestation of a cereal-legume mixture depending on its concentration and position in a crop rotation. Acta Agrobotanic Vol. 65 (3): 99-108.
  • Kruidhof H.M., Bastiaans L., Kropff M.J. 2008. Ecological weed management by cover cropping: effects on weed growth in autumn and weed establishment in spring. Weed Res. 48, pp. 492-502.
  • Legere A., Stevenson F.C., Benoit D.L. 2005. Diversity and assembly of weed communities: contrasting response across cropping systems. Weed Research, 45, 303–315.
  • Magurran A.E. 1988. Ecological diversity and its measurement. Princeton University Press. 179 pp.
  • Magurran A.E. 2004. Measuring biological diversity. Blackwell Science Ltd., 256 pp.
  • Mennan H., Ngouajio M., Kaya E., Isik D. 2009 a. Weed management in organically grown Kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) using alternative cover cropping systems. Weed Technology 23:81–88.
  • Mennan H., Ngouajio M., Isık D., Kaya E. 2009 b. Effects of alternative winter cover cropping systems on weed suppression in organically grown tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Phytoparasitica 37 (4):385–396.
  • Ngouajio M., McGiffen Jr M.E., Hutchinson C.M. 2003. Effect of cover crop and management system on weed populations in lettuce, Crop protection 22 (2003) 57-64.
  • Pawlonka Z., Rymuza K., Starczewski K., Bombik A. 2014. Biodiversity of segetal weed communi¬ties when chlorsulfuron-based weed control is being used on continuous winter wheat. J Plant Prot Res. 54(3):300–305.
  • Peachy E., Luna J., Dick R., Sattell R. 1999. Cover cropweed suppression in annual rotations. Oregon State Unv. EM 8725.
  • Robacer M., Canali S., Kristensen H.L., Bavec F., Mlakar S.G., Jakop Mand Bavec M. 2016. Cover crops in organic field vegetable production. Scientia Horticulturae, 208: 104-110.
  • Sainju U.M., Singh P.B., Whitead W.F. 2002. Long term of tillage, cover crops and nitrogen fertilization on organic carbon and nitrogen concentrations in sandy loam soils in Georgia USA. Soil &Tillage Research 63 167-179.
  • Stopes C., Millington S. 1991. Weed control in organic farming systems. In: Proceedings of the Brighton Crop Protection Conference-Weeds, Brighton, UK, pp. 185-192.
  • Shrestha A., Knezevic S.Z., Roy R.C., Ball-Coelho B.R., Swanton C.J. 2002. Effect of tillage, cover crop and cover crop rotation on the composition of weed flora in a sandy soil. Weed Research, 42, 76–87.
  • Teasdale J.R., Brandsaeter L.O., Calegari A., Neto F.S. 2007. Cover crops and weed management. Non-chemical weed management principles, concepts and technology Edited by Mahesh K. Upadhyaya ISBN-13: 978 1 84593 290 9 © CAB International, p 48-64/239.
  • Wszelaki A.L., Doohan D.J., Alexandrou A. 2007. Weed control and crop quality in cabbage [Brassica oleracea (capitata group)] and tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum) using a propane flamer. Crop Prot. 26, pp. 134-144.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Yücel Karaman 0000-0002-6551-7030

Doğan Işık 0000-0002-0554-2912

Nihat Tursun 0000-0002-8765-0326

Project Number 213-109
Publication Date September 30, 2021
Submission Date February 26, 2021
Acceptance Date April 25, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Karaman, Y., Işık, D., & Tursun, N. (2021). The effect of cover crops on composition and diversity of weeds in an apricot orchard. Plant Protection Bulletin, 61(3), 10-19.
AMA Karaman Y, Işık D, Tursun N. The effect of cover crops on composition and diversity of weeds in an apricot orchard. Plant Protection Bulletin. September 2021;61(3):10-19. doi:10.16955/bitkorb.887138
Chicago Karaman, Yücel, Doğan Işık, and Nihat Tursun. “The Effect of Cover Crops on Composition and Diversity of Weeds in an Apricot Orchard”. Plant Protection Bulletin 61, no. 3 (September 2021): 10-19.
EndNote Karaman Y, Işık D, Tursun N (September 1, 2021) The effect of cover crops on composition and diversity of weeds in an apricot orchard. Plant Protection Bulletin 61 3 10–19.
IEEE Y. Karaman, D. Işık, and N. Tursun, “The effect of cover crops on composition and diversity of weeds in an apricot orchard”, Plant Protection Bulletin, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 10–19, 2021, doi: 10.16955/bitkorb.887138.
ISNAD Karaman, Yücel et al. “The Effect of Cover Crops on Composition and Diversity of Weeds in an Apricot Orchard”. Plant Protection Bulletin 61/3 (September 2021), 10-19.
JAMA Karaman Y, Işık D, Tursun N. The effect of cover crops on composition and diversity of weeds in an apricot orchard. Plant Protection Bulletin. 2021;61:10–19.
MLA Karaman, Yücel et al. “The Effect of Cover Crops on Composition and Diversity of Weeds in an Apricot Orchard”. Plant Protection Bulletin, vol. 61, no. 3, 2021, pp. 10-19, doi:10.16955/bitkorb.887138.
Vancouver Karaman Y, Işık D, Tursun N. The effect of cover crops on composition and diversity of weeds in an apricot orchard. Plant Protection Bulletin. 2021;61(3):10-9.