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Çeltik Ekim Alanlarında Sorun Olan Cyperus difformis L. (Kız Otu)’ in Genetik ve Morfolojik Çeşitliliğinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2018, Volume: 58 Issue: 4, 231 - 246, 29.12.2018


Cyperus difformis L. (Kız otu) dünya
genelinde olduğu çeltik üretim alanlarında sorun olan önemli yabancı ot türlerinden
biridir. Türün morfolojik ve genetik çeşitliliğin saptanmasıyla ülkemizdeki
mevcut dayanıklılık olgusuna etkisinin belirlenmesi hedeflenen çalışma
kapsamında, çeltik ekim alanlarını temsil edecek şekilde 50 populasyon ile
çalışılmıştır. Morfolojik farklılığı saptamak için 13 farklı parametre
incelenmiştir. Analiz sonuçları populasyonlar arasında morfolojik olarak belirgin
farklılığı göstermiştir. Populasyonlar arasındaki genetik varyasyon 17
oligonükleotid primeri kullanılarak Rasgele Çoğaltılmış Polimorfik DNA analiziyle
belirlenmiştir. Average Linkage kullanılarak oluşturulan dendogram bilgilerine
göre 0.25’ lik genetik uzaklıkta çalışılan populasyonların iki ana gruba
ayrıldığı görülmüştür. Yapılan morfolojik ve moleküler analizlerde incelenen
populasyonlar arasında bazı kantitatif karakterler noktasında
farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Farklı bölgelerde yetişen populasyonlar
arasında morfolojik bakımdan göz ardı edilmeyecek düzeylerde benzerlikler
saptanırken, genetik olarak çeşitlilik daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Bu durum gen
taşınması noktasında yüksek bir potansiyeli işaret etmektedir. Saptanan olgunun
coğrafi alanlara adaptasyon, insanlar ve aletler tarafından tohumların bölgeler
arası taşınması ve yabancı ot mücadele yöntemleri içerisinde özellikle
kullanılan herbisitlere karşı yabancı ot tarafından geliştirilen
dayanıklılıktan kaynaklanabileceği kanısına varılmıştır.  Bu bağlamda C. difformis tohum hareketinin azaltılması, çeltik tohumluk
trafiğinin ve herbisit kullanımının iyi denetlenmesinin yanısıra, kültürel
yöntemler gibi alan yönetimi uygulamalarına odaklanılması gerekmektedir. Bu
noktada alınacak önlemlerin entegre mücadele stratejileri açısından önem arz
ettiği unutulmamalıdır.         


  • Abad P., Pascual B., Maroto J.V., López-Galarza S., Vicente M.J. and Alagarda J. 1998. RAPD analysis of cultivated and wild yellow nut sedge (Cyperus esculentus L.). Weed Science, 46, 318-321.
  • Arriola P.E. and Ellstrand N.C. 1996. Crop-to-weed gene flow in the genus Sorghum (Poaceae): Spontaneous interspecific hybridization between Johnsongrass, Sorghum halepense, and crop sorghum, Sorghum bicolor. American Journal of Botany, 83, 1153-1160.
  • Backhaus R., Sax H. and Wanders K. 1989. Status and perspectives of vegetation monitoring by remote sensing. Space Technology, 4, 333-338.
  • Baker J., Hidayat Asins M.J., Jose L. and Carretero O. 2007. Morphologic and isosizyme variation in barnyard grass (Echinochloa) weed species. Weed Technology, 13, 209-215.
  • Barrett S.C.H. and Seaman D.E. 1980. The weed flora of Californian rice fields. Aquatic Botany, 9, 351-376.
  • Bromham L., Woolofit M., Lee M.S.Y. and Rambaut A. 2002. Testing the relationship between morpholoical and molecular rates of change along phylogenies. Evolution, 56, 1921-30.
  • Budak H., Shearman R.C., Gaussoin R.E. and Dweikat I. 2004. Application of sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers for characterization of turfgrass species. Hort Science, 39, 955-958.
  • Claerhout S., Reheul D. and De Cauwer B. 2015. Sensitivity of Echinochloa crus-galli populations to maize herbicides: a comparison between cropping systems. Weed Science, 55, 470-481.
  • Danquah E.T., Johnson D.E., Riches C., Arnold G.M. and Karp A., 2002. Genetic diversity in Echinochloa spp. collected from different geographic origins and within rice fields in Cote d’lvoire. Weed Research, 42-5, 394.
  • Demeke T., Lynch D.R.L., Kawchuk M., Kozub G.C. and Armstrong J.D. 1996. Genetic diversity of potato determined by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis. Plant Cell Reports, 15, 662-667.
  • Dodet M., Petit R.J. and Gasquez J. 2008. Local spread of the invasive Cyperus esculentus (Cyperaceae) inferred using molecular genetic markers. Weed Research, 48, 19–27.
  • Fritsch P. and Rieseberg L.H. 1992. High outcrossing rates maintain male and hermaphrodite individuals in populations of the flowering plant Datisca glomerata. Nature, 359, 633-636.
  • Gaiotto F.A., Bramucci M. and Grattapaglia D. 1997. Estimation of outcrossing rate in a breeding population of Eucalyptus urophylla with dominant RAPD and AFLP markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 95,842–849.
  • Gjuric R. and Smith Jr.S.R. 1996. Identification of cross-pollinated and self-pollinated progeny in alfalfa through RAPD nulliplex loci analysis. Crop Science, 36, 389-393.
  • Gugerli F., Eichenberg K. and Schneller J.J. 1999. Promiscuity in populations of the cushion plant Saxifraga oppositifolia in the Swiss Alps as in enferred from random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Molecular Ecology, 8, 453-461.
  • Hill J.E., Carriere M.D., Cook J.F., Butler Y.D., Lana P.J. and Hare J. 1994. Londax® Resistance management strategies for California rice. California Weed Science Society, 46, 180-185.
  • Holm L., Plucknett D., Pancho J. and Herberger J. 1977. The World's Worst Weeds: Distribution and Biology. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 609p.
  • Işık K. 1997. Biyolojik Çeşitlilik (Biodiversity). TÜBİTAK Bilim ve Teknik Derğisi. 30 (350), 84-87.
  • Jaccard P. 1908. Nouvelles recherches surla distribution florale. Bulletin Societe Vaudoise Science Naturae, 44, 223-270.
  • Juraimi A.S., Tarif A., Kadir J., Sastroutomo S. and Napis S. 2005. Morphological and RAPD variability among Malaysian ecotypes of barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli var. crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv.). Plant Protection Quarterly, 20, 2.
  • Karn E. and Jasieniuk M. 2017. Genetic diversity and structure of Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum in California vineyards and orchards indicate potential for spread of herbicide resistance via gene flow. Evolutionary Applications, 10, 616-629.
  • Kaya-Altop E. and Mennan H. 2011. Genetic and morphologic diversity of Echinochloa crus-galli populations from different origins. Phytoparasitica, 39, 93-102.
  • Lee J., Kim C.S. and Lee I.L. 2014. Taxonomic review of the genus Echinochloa in Korea (II): Inferred from simple sequence repeats. Weed Turfgrass Science, 3, 190-195.
  • Levin D. and Kerster K. 1974. Gene flow in seed plants. Evolutinary Biology, 7, 139-220.
  • Lopez-Martinez N., Savla P.A., Finch R.P. and De Prado R. 1999. Molecular markers indicate intraspecific variation in the control of Echinochloa spp. with quinclorac. Weed Science, 47, 310-315.
  • Meekins J.F., Ballard H.E. and McCarthy B.C. 2001. Genetic variation and molecular biogeography of a North American invasive plant specıe (Alliaria petiolata, (Brassicaceae). Internations Journal of Plant Science, 1,161-169. Merotto A.Jr., Jasieniuk M. and Fischer A.J. 2009. Estimating the outcrossing rate of Cyperus difformis using resistance to ALS-inhibiting herbicides and molecular markers. Weed Research, 49, 29-36.
  • Merotto A.Jr., Jasieniuk M. and Fischer A.J. 2010. Distribution and cross-resistance patterns of als-inhibiting herbicide resistance in smallflower umbrella sedge (Cyperus difformis). Weed Science, 58 (1), 22-29.
  • Michishita Y. and Yamaguchi H. 2003. Unique forms of weeds and millets in East Asian annual Echinochloa. In: Proceedings of the 18th APWSS Conference (Manila, the Philippines, 17–21 March 2003. Proceedings of the Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society, 215-219.
  • Millan T., Osuna F., Cobos S., Torres A.M. and Cubero A.M. 1996. Using RAPDs to study phylogenetic relationships in rosa. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 92, 273-277.Nei M. 1972. Analysis of gene diversity in subdivided populations. Proceedings of National Academy of Science of the United States of America, 70, 3321-3323.
  • Nei M. and Li W.S. 1979. Mathematical model for studying genetic variation in terms of restriction, endonucleases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 76, 5269-5273.
  • Nissen S.J., Masters R.A., Lee D.J. and Rowe M.L. 1995. DNA-based markers systems to determine genetic diversity of weedy species and their application to biocontrol. Weed Science, 43, 504-513.
  • Okoli C.A.N., Shillings D.G., Smith R.L. and Bewick T.A. 1997. Genetic diversity in purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus l.) and yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.). Biological Control, 8, 111-118.
  • Önen H., Gebologlu N., Parmaksız İ. and Kaya C. 2010. Orta anadolu orijinli Polygonum cognatum Meissn. (Madımak) genotiplerinin moleküler ve agronomik özellikleri ile allelopatik potansiyellerinin belirlenmesi. TÜBİTAK Kesin Sonuç Raporu, 177s.
  • Parmaksız I., Önen H., Yıldırım A., Gümüşcü A., İpek A. and Arslan N. 2009. Türkiye doğal florasında yetişen Papaver cinsi Oxytona seksiyonuna ait gen havuzunun RAPD ve SSR teknikleriyle genetik karakterizasyonu, morfolojik ve alkaloit kompozisyonlarının kromozom sayılarıyla ilişkilendirilmesi. TÜBİTAK Kesin Sonuç Raporu,116s.
  • Ren M.X., Zhang Q.G. and Zhang D.Y. 2005. Random amplified polymorphic DNA markers reveal low genetic variation and a single dominant genotype in Eichhornia crassipes populations throughout China. Weed Research, 45, 236–244. Özer Z., Önen H., Tursun N. ve Uygur F.N. 1999. Türkiye’nin bazı önemli yabancı otları. Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, 38, 229.
  • Pujar S., Tamhankar S.A., Gupta V.S., Naik S. and Ranjekar P.K. 1999. Arbitrarly primed-PCR based diversity assessment reflects hierarchical groupings of Indian tetraploid wheat genotypes. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 99, 868-876.
  • Rajaseger G., Tan H.T.W., Turner I.M., Saw L.G. and Kumar P.P. 1997. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA variation among and within selected Ixora (Rubiaceae) populations and mutants. Annals of Botany, 84, 253-257.
  • Ren M.X., Zhang Q.G. and Zhang D.Y. 2005. Random amplified polymorphic DNA markers reveal low genetic variation and a single dominant genotype in Eichhornia crassipes populations throughout China. Weed Research, 45, 236-244.
  • Roy S., Simon J.P. and Lapointe F.J. 2000. Determination of the origin of the cold-adapted populations of baryard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli) Eastern North America total evidence approchusing RAPD-DNA and DNA sequences. Canadian Journal of Botany, 78, 1505-1513.
  • Rutledge J., Talbert R.E. and Sneller C.H. 2000. RAPD analysis of genetic variation among propane-resistant and-susceptible Echinochloa crus-galli populations in Arkansas. Weed Science, 48, 669-674.
  • Samuelsson S.B., Eriksson G. and Gustafsson L. 1997. Gustafsson P., RAPD and morphological analysis of the rare plant species Vicia pisiformis (Fabaceae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 61, 325-343.
  • Santaella J.P.R., Bastida F., Franco A.R. and De Prado R. 2006. Morphological and molecular characterization of different Echinochloa spp. and Oryza sativa populations. Journal Agriculture Food Chemistry, 54, 1166-1172.
  • Schontz D. and Rether B. 1999. Genetic variability in foxtail millet, Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv. Identification and classification of lines with RAPD markers. Plant Breeding, 118,190–192.
  • Stankiewicz M., Gadamski G. and Gawronski S.W. 2001. Genetic variation and phylogenetic relationships of triazine-resistant and triazine-susceptible biotypes of Solanum nigrum: Analysis using RAPD markers. Weed Research, 41, 287-300.
  • Sterling T.M., Thompson D.C. and Abbott L.B. 2004. Implications of invasive plan variation for weed management. Weed Technology, 18, 1319-1324.
  • Swain D.J., Nott M.J. and Trounce R.B. 1975. Competition betvveen Cyperus difformis and rice and the effect of time of weed removal. Weed Research, 15,149-152.
  • Tasrif A., Juraimi A.S., Kadir J., Sastroutomo S.S. and Napis S. 2004. Genetic diversity of Echinochloa crus-galli var. crus-galli (L.) Beauv. (Barnyardgrass: Poaceae) ecotypes in Malaysia and Indonesia as revealed by RAPD markers. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 32, 231-238.
  • Tayyar I.R., Nguyen, J.H.T. and Holt J.S. 2003. Genetic and morphological analysis of two novel nutsedge biotypes from California. Weed Science, 57, 731-739.
  • Tsuji R., Fischer A.J., Yoshino M., Roel A., Hill J.E. and Yamasue Y. 2003. Herbicide-resistant late watergrass (Echinochloa phyllopogon) similarity in morphological and amplifıed fragment length polymorphism traits. Weed Science, 51,740-747.
  • Tyndall R.W. 1983. Distribution of Cyperus difformis Cyperaceae in the Southeastern USA. Castanea, 48, 277-280.
  • Vellend M. and Geber M.A. 2005. Connections between species diversity and genetic diversity. Ecology Letters. http://www.blackwellSnergy.Ecology (Erişim tarihi: 02.04.2009).
  • Vilatersana R., Garnatje T., Susanna A. and Garcia-JacasN. 2005. Taxonomic problems in Carthamus (Asteraceae): RAPD markers and sectional classification. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 147, 375-383.
  • Yabuno T. 2001. Taxonomy and phylogeny of the genus Echinochloa. In: Natural History of Genus Echinochloa, revised edn (Eds. by Yabuno T. and Yamaguchi H.). Zennokyo Shuppan, Tokyo, 15-30 p.
  • Yamaguchi H., Umemoto S. and Masanaga Y. 1996. Studies on barnyardgrasses, especially on non-shattering form of Echinochloa oryzicola Vasing., in Yungui plateau, China. Weed Research Japan, 41, 111.
  • Ye W.H., Mu H.P., Ge C. and Ge J. 2004. Genetic structure of the invasive Chromolaena odorata in China. Weed Research, 44 (2),129-135.
Year 2018, Volume: 58 Issue: 4, 231 - 246, 29.12.2018



  • Abad P., Pascual B., Maroto J.V., López-Galarza S., Vicente M.J. and Alagarda J. 1998. RAPD analysis of cultivated and wild yellow nut sedge (Cyperus esculentus L.). Weed Science, 46, 318-321.
  • Arriola P.E. and Ellstrand N.C. 1996. Crop-to-weed gene flow in the genus Sorghum (Poaceae): Spontaneous interspecific hybridization between Johnsongrass, Sorghum halepense, and crop sorghum, Sorghum bicolor. American Journal of Botany, 83, 1153-1160.
  • Backhaus R., Sax H. and Wanders K. 1989. Status and perspectives of vegetation monitoring by remote sensing. Space Technology, 4, 333-338.
  • Baker J., Hidayat Asins M.J., Jose L. and Carretero O. 2007. Morphologic and isosizyme variation in barnyard grass (Echinochloa) weed species. Weed Technology, 13, 209-215.
  • Barrett S.C.H. and Seaman D.E. 1980. The weed flora of Californian rice fields. Aquatic Botany, 9, 351-376.
  • Bromham L., Woolofit M., Lee M.S.Y. and Rambaut A. 2002. Testing the relationship between morpholoical and molecular rates of change along phylogenies. Evolution, 56, 1921-30.
  • Budak H., Shearman R.C., Gaussoin R.E. and Dweikat I. 2004. Application of sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers for characterization of turfgrass species. Hort Science, 39, 955-958.
  • Claerhout S., Reheul D. and De Cauwer B. 2015. Sensitivity of Echinochloa crus-galli populations to maize herbicides: a comparison between cropping systems. Weed Science, 55, 470-481.
  • Danquah E.T., Johnson D.E., Riches C., Arnold G.M. and Karp A., 2002. Genetic diversity in Echinochloa spp. collected from different geographic origins and within rice fields in Cote d’lvoire. Weed Research, 42-5, 394.
  • Demeke T., Lynch D.R.L., Kawchuk M., Kozub G.C. and Armstrong J.D. 1996. Genetic diversity of potato determined by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis. Plant Cell Reports, 15, 662-667.
  • Dodet M., Petit R.J. and Gasquez J. 2008. Local spread of the invasive Cyperus esculentus (Cyperaceae) inferred using molecular genetic markers. Weed Research, 48, 19–27.
  • Fritsch P. and Rieseberg L.H. 1992. High outcrossing rates maintain male and hermaphrodite individuals in populations of the flowering plant Datisca glomerata. Nature, 359, 633-636.
  • Gaiotto F.A., Bramucci M. and Grattapaglia D. 1997. Estimation of outcrossing rate in a breeding population of Eucalyptus urophylla with dominant RAPD and AFLP markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 95,842–849.
  • Gjuric R. and Smith Jr.S.R. 1996. Identification of cross-pollinated and self-pollinated progeny in alfalfa through RAPD nulliplex loci analysis. Crop Science, 36, 389-393.
  • Gugerli F., Eichenberg K. and Schneller J.J. 1999. Promiscuity in populations of the cushion plant Saxifraga oppositifolia in the Swiss Alps as in enferred from random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Molecular Ecology, 8, 453-461.
  • Hill J.E., Carriere M.D., Cook J.F., Butler Y.D., Lana P.J. and Hare J. 1994. Londax® Resistance management strategies for California rice. California Weed Science Society, 46, 180-185.
  • Holm L., Plucknett D., Pancho J. and Herberger J. 1977. The World's Worst Weeds: Distribution and Biology. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 609p.
  • Işık K. 1997. Biyolojik Çeşitlilik (Biodiversity). TÜBİTAK Bilim ve Teknik Derğisi. 30 (350), 84-87.
  • Jaccard P. 1908. Nouvelles recherches surla distribution florale. Bulletin Societe Vaudoise Science Naturae, 44, 223-270.
  • Juraimi A.S., Tarif A., Kadir J., Sastroutomo S. and Napis S. 2005. Morphological and RAPD variability among Malaysian ecotypes of barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli var. crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv.). Plant Protection Quarterly, 20, 2.
  • Karn E. and Jasieniuk M. 2017. Genetic diversity and structure of Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum in California vineyards and orchards indicate potential for spread of herbicide resistance via gene flow. Evolutionary Applications, 10, 616-629.
  • Kaya-Altop E. and Mennan H. 2011. Genetic and morphologic diversity of Echinochloa crus-galli populations from different origins. Phytoparasitica, 39, 93-102.
  • Lee J., Kim C.S. and Lee I.L. 2014. Taxonomic review of the genus Echinochloa in Korea (II): Inferred from simple sequence repeats. Weed Turfgrass Science, 3, 190-195.
  • Levin D. and Kerster K. 1974. Gene flow in seed plants. Evolutinary Biology, 7, 139-220.
  • Lopez-Martinez N., Savla P.A., Finch R.P. and De Prado R. 1999. Molecular markers indicate intraspecific variation in the control of Echinochloa spp. with quinclorac. Weed Science, 47, 310-315.
  • Meekins J.F., Ballard H.E. and McCarthy B.C. 2001. Genetic variation and molecular biogeography of a North American invasive plant specıe (Alliaria petiolata, (Brassicaceae). Internations Journal of Plant Science, 1,161-169. Merotto A.Jr., Jasieniuk M. and Fischer A.J. 2009. Estimating the outcrossing rate of Cyperus difformis using resistance to ALS-inhibiting herbicides and molecular markers. Weed Research, 49, 29-36.
  • Merotto A.Jr., Jasieniuk M. and Fischer A.J. 2010. Distribution and cross-resistance patterns of als-inhibiting herbicide resistance in smallflower umbrella sedge (Cyperus difformis). Weed Science, 58 (1), 22-29.
  • Michishita Y. and Yamaguchi H. 2003. Unique forms of weeds and millets in East Asian annual Echinochloa. In: Proceedings of the 18th APWSS Conference (Manila, the Philippines, 17–21 March 2003. Proceedings of the Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society, 215-219.
  • Millan T., Osuna F., Cobos S., Torres A.M. and Cubero A.M. 1996. Using RAPDs to study phylogenetic relationships in rosa. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 92, 273-277.Nei M. 1972. Analysis of gene diversity in subdivided populations. Proceedings of National Academy of Science of the United States of America, 70, 3321-3323.
  • Nei M. and Li W.S. 1979. Mathematical model for studying genetic variation in terms of restriction, endonucleases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 76, 5269-5273.
  • Nissen S.J., Masters R.A., Lee D.J. and Rowe M.L. 1995. DNA-based markers systems to determine genetic diversity of weedy species and their application to biocontrol. Weed Science, 43, 504-513.
  • Okoli C.A.N., Shillings D.G., Smith R.L. and Bewick T.A. 1997. Genetic diversity in purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus l.) and yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.). Biological Control, 8, 111-118.
  • Önen H., Gebologlu N., Parmaksız İ. and Kaya C. 2010. Orta anadolu orijinli Polygonum cognatum Meissn. (Madımak) genotiplerinin moleküler ve agronomik özellikleri ile allelopatik potansiyellerinin belirlenmesi. TÜBİTAK Kesin Sonuç Raporu, 177s.
  • Parmaksız I., Önen H., Yıldırım A., Gümüşcü A., İpek A. and Arslan N. 2009. Türkiye doğal florasında yetişen Papaver cinsi Oxytona seksiyonuna ait gen havuzunun RAPD ve SSR teknikleriyle genetik karakterizasyonu, morfolojik ve alkaloit kompozisyonlarının kromozom sayılarıyla ilişkilendirilmesi. TÜBİTAK Kesin Sonuç Raporu,116s.
  • Ren M.X., Zhang Q.G. and Zhang D.Y. 2005. Random amplified polymorphic DNA markers reveal low genetic variation and a single dominant genotype in Eichhornia crassipes populations throughout China. Weed Research, 45, 236–244. Özer Z., Önen H., Tursun N. ve Uygur F.N. 1999. Türkiye’nin bazı önemli yabancı otları. Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, 38, 229.
  • Pujar S., Tamhankar S.A., Gupta V.S., Naik S. and Ranjekar P.K. 1999. Arbitrarly primed-PCR based diversity assessment reflects hierarchical groupings of Indian tetraploid wheat genotypes. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 99, 868-876.
  • Rajaseger G., Tan H.T.W., Turner I.M., Saw L.G. and Kumar P.P. 1997. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA variation among and within selected Ixora (Rubiaceae) populations and mutants. Annals of Botany, 84, 253-257.
  • Ren M.X., Zhang Q.G. and Zhang D.Y. 2005. Random amplified polymorphic DNA markers reveal low genetic variation and a single dominant genotype in Eichhornia crassipes populations throughout China. Weed Research, 45, 236-244.
  • Roy S., Simon J.P. and Lapointe F.J. 2000. Determination of the origin of the cold-adapted populations of baryard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli) Eastern North America total evidence approchusing RAPD-DNA and DNA sequences. Canadian Journal of Botany, 78, 1505-1513.
  • Rutledge J., Talbert R.E. and Sneller C.H. 2000. RAPD analysis of genetic variation among propane-resistant and-susceptible Echinochloa crus-galli populations in Arkansas. Weed Science, 48, 669-674.
  • Samuelsson S.B., Eriksson G. and Gustafsson L. 1997. Gustafsson P., RAPD and morphological analysis of the rare plant species Vicia pisiformis (Fabaceae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 61, 325-343.
  • Santaella J.P.R., Bastida F., Franco A.R. and De Prado R. 2006. Morphological and molecular characterization of different Echinochloa spp. and Oryza sativa populations. Journal Agriculture Food Chemistry, 54, 1166-1172.
  • Schontz D. and Rether B. 1999. Genetic variability in foxtail millet, Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv. Identification and classification of lines with RAPD markers. Plant Breeding, 118,190–192.
  • Stankiewicz M., Gadamski G. and Gawronski S.W. 2001. Genetic variation and phylogenetic relationships of triazine-resistant and triazine-susceptible biotypes of Solanum nigrum: Analysis using RAPD markers. Weed Research, 41, 287-300.
  • Sterling T.M., Thompson D.C. and Abbott L.B. 2004. Implications of invasive plan variation for weed management. Weed Technology, 18, 1319-1324.
  • Swain D.J., Nott M.J. and Trounce R.B. 1975. Competition betvveen Cyperus difformis and rice and the effect of time of weed removal. Weed Research, 15,149-152.
  • Tasrif A., Juraimi A.S., Kadir J., Sastroutomo S.S. and Napis S. 2004. Genetic diversity of Echinochloa crus-galli var. crus-galli (L.) Beauv. (Barnyardgrass: Poaceae) ecotypes in Malaysia and Indonesia as revealed by RAPD markers. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 32, 231-238.
  • Tayyar I.R., Nguyen, J.H.T. and Holt J.S. 2003. Genetic and morphological analysis of two novel nutsedge biotypes from California. Weed Science, 57, 731-739.
  • Tsuji R., Fischer A.J., Yoshino M., Roel A., Hill J.E. and Yamasue Y. 2003. Herbicide-resistant late watergrass (Echinochloa phyllopogon) similarity in morphological and amplifıed fragment length polymorphism traits. Weed Science, 51,740-747.
  • Tyndall R.W. 1983. Distribution of Cyperus difformis Cyperaceae in the Southeastern USA. Castanea, 48, 277-280.
  • Vellend M. and Geber M.A. 2005. Connections between species diversity and genetic diversity. Ecology Letters. http://www.blackwellSnergy.Ecology (Erişim tarihi: 02.04.2009).
  • Vilatersana R., Garnatje T., Susanna A. and Garcia-JacasN. 2005. Taxonomic problems in Carthamus (Asteraceae): RAPD markers and sectional classification. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 147, 375-383.
  • Yabuno T. 2001. Taxonomy and phylogeny of the genus Echinochloa. In: Natural History of Genus Echinochloa, revised edn (Eds. by Yabuno T. and Yamaguchi H.). Zennokyo Shuppan, Tokyo, 15-30 p.
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There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Emine Kaya Altop 0000-0002-0987-9352

Hüsrev Mennan

Publication Date December 29, 2018
Submission Date March 28, 2018
Acceptance Date May 29, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 58 Issue: 4


APA Kaya Altop, E., & Mennan, H. (2018). Çeltik Ekim Alanlarında Sorun Olan Cyperus difformis L. (Kız Otu)’ in Genetik ve Morfolojik Çeşitliliğinin Belirlenmesi. Plant Protection Bulletin, 58(4), 231-246.
AMA Kaya Altop E, Mennan H. Çeltik Ekim Alanlarında Sorun Olan Cyperus difformis L. (Kız Otu)’ in Genetik ve Morfolojik Çeşitliliğinin Belirlenmesi. Plant Protection Bulletin. December 2018;58(4):231-246. doi:10.16955/bitkorb.410419
Chicago Kaya Altop, Emine, and Hüsrev Mennan. “Çeltik Ekim Alanlarında Sorun Olan Cyperus Difformis L. (Kız Otu)’ in Genetik Ve Morfolojik Çeşitliliğinin Belirlenmesi”. Plant Protection Bulletin 58, no. 4 (December 2018): 231-46.
EndNote Kaya Altop E, Mennan H (December 1, 2018) Çeltik Ekim Alanlarında Sorun Olan Cyperus difformis L. (Kız Otu)’ in Genetik ve Morfolojik Çeşitliliğinin Belirlenmesi. Plant Protection Bulletin 58 4 231–246.
IEEE E. Kaya Altop and H. Mennan, “Çeltik Ekim Alanlarında Sorun Olan Cyperus difformis L. (Kız Otu)’ in Genetik ve Morfolojik Çeşitliliğinin Belirlenmesi”, Plant Protection Bulletin, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 231–246, 2018, doi: 10.16955/bitkorb.410419.
ISNAD Kaya Altop, Emine - Mennan, Hüsrev. “Çeltik Ekim Alanlarında Sorun Olan Cyperus Difformis L. (Kız Otu)’ in Genetik Ve Morfolojik Çeşitliliğinin Belirlenmesi”. Plant Protection Bulletin 58/4 (December 2018), 231-246.
JAMA Kaya Altop E, Mennan H. Çeltik Ekim Alanlarında Sorun Olan Cyperus difformis L. (Kız Otu)’ in Genetik ve Morfolojik Çeşitliliğinin Belirlenmesi. Plant Protection Bulletin. 2018;58:231–246.
MLA Kaya Altop, Emine and Hüsrev Mennan. “Çeltik Ekim Alanlarında Sorun Olan Cyperus Difformis L. (Kız Otu)’ in Genetik Ve Morfolojik Çeşitliliğinin Belirlenmesi”. Plant Protection Bulletin, vol. 58, no. 4, 2018, pp. 231-46, doi:10.16955/bitkorb.410419.
Vancouver Kaya Altop E, Mennan H. Çeltik Ekim Alanlarında Sorun Olan Cyperus difformis L. (Kız Otu)’ in Genetik ve Morfolojik Çeşitliliğinin Belirlenmesi. Plant Protection Bulletin. 2018;58(4):231-46.