Research Article
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Determination of the pathotypes of Rhynchosporium commune (Zaffarona, McDonald & Linde) in some regions of Turkey

Year 2020, Volume: 60 Issue: 3, 5 - 14, 30.09.2020


Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is one of the important cereal crops grown in the vast area of the world and Turkey. This crop is the second most important cereal in Turkey grown in 2.611.940 hectares of land, and 7.000.000 tonnes of yield was produced (TUİK 2018). Barley scald caused by Rhynchosporium commune Zaffarano, McDonald, and Linde (formerly Rhynchosporium secalis (Oudem.) J.J. Davis) (Zaffarano et al. 2011) is one of the important barley diseases in Turkey (Karakaya et al. 2014). Yield losses of 10%-70% due to this pathogen have been reported (Aktaş 1984, Sheikh Jabbari 2008, Shipton et al. 1974, Zhang et al. 1992). Barley scald is controlled using chemical, agronomical, and genetic resistance measures. Introducing new sources of resistance to scald is accomplished by screening barley genotypes as well as determining the degree of pathogenic variation in R. commune populations. This method may omit the control of this fungus by chemical measures and help to implement environmentally friendly ways of disease control. Knowing pathogenic variability and obtaining barley genotypes resistant to scald can lead to the prevention of disease losses. In this study, surveys were conducted during 2012, 2013, and 2014 in different regions of Turkey, and pathotypes of R. commune in some barley growing areas of Turkey were determined.


  • Abang M. M., Baum M., Ceccarelli S., Grando S., Linde C. C., Yahyaoui A., Zhan J., McDonald B. A. 2006. Differential selection on Rhynchosporium secalis during parasitic and saprophytic phases in the barley scald disease cycle. Phytopathology 96: 1214- 1222.
  • Ali S. M., Mayfield A. H., Clare B. G. 1976. Pathogenicity of 203 isolates of Rhynchosporium secalis on 21 barley cultivars. Physiolgical Plant Pathology 9(2): 135-143.Arabi M. I. E., Jawhar M., Al- Shehadah E. 2008. Molecular and pathogenic variation identified among isolates of Rhynchosporium secalis. Syrian Journal of Plant Pathology 90 (2):179-184.
  • Arabi M. I. E., Al- Shehadah E., Jawhar M. 2009. Virulence spectrum to barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in isolates of Rhynchosporium secalis from Syrian Journal of Plant Disease Protection 116(6): 274- 277.Arabi M. I. E., Al- Shehadah E., Jawhar M. 2010. Pathogenic groups identified among isolates of Rhynchosporium secalis. Plant Pathology Journal 26(3):260- 263.
  • Araz A., Maden S. 2006. Pathogenic variation among isolates of Rhynchosporium secalis from cultivated barley growing in Central Anatolia, Turkey. Plant Pathology Journal 5(2): 244-247
  • Azamparsa M. R., Karakaya A., Mert Z., Aydın G., Peşkircioğlu H., Seçer E., Özmen D., Tutluer İ., Sağel Z. 2015a. Seedling response of two barley cultivars and gamma ray-induced advanced barley lines to Rhynchosporium commune. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştirma Enstitüsü Dergisi 24 (1):75-78.
  • Azamparsa M. R., Mert Z., Karakaya A., Sayim İ., Ergün N., Aydoğan S. 2015b. Determination of the seedling reactions of some barley cultivars and advanced barley lines to Rhynchosporium commune. Bitki Koruma Bülteni 55(3): 247-252.
  • Beigi S., Zamanizadeh H., Zare R. 2011. Pathotypic diversity of Rhynchosporium secalis isolates in five provinces of Iran. Iran Journal of Plant Pathology 47(4): 117-119.
  • Bjornstad A., Gronnerod S., Mac Key J., Tekauz J., Crossa J., Martens H. 2004. Resistance to barley scald ( Rhynchosporium secalis) in the Ethiopian donor lines “Steudelli” and “Jet”, analyzed by partial least squares regression and interval mapping. Hereditas 141: 166- 179.
  • Bouajila A., Haouas S., Fakhfakh M., Rezgui S., El Ahmed M., Yahyaoui A. 2006. Pathotypic diversity of Rhynchosporium secalis ( Oudem) in Tunisia. African Journal of Biotechnology 5 (8): 570- 579.Bouajila A., Zoghlami N., Ghorbel A., Rezgui S., Yahyaoui A. 2010. Pathotype and microsatellite analyses reveal new sources of resistance to barley scald in Tunisia. Fems Microbiology Letters 305:35- 41.Brown J. S. 1985. Pathogenic variation among isolates of Rhynchosporium secalis from cultivated barley growing in Victoria, Australia. Euphytica 34: 129- 133.
  • Ceoloni C. 1980. Race differentiation and searches for sources of resistance to Rhynchosporium secalis in barley in Italy. Euphytica 29: 547- 553.
  • El- Ahmed A. M. 1981. Seedling reaction of the 7th IBON to R. secalis in the greenhouse and source of resistance. Barley Diseases and Associated Breeding Methodology Workshop. Rabat, Morocco.
  • FAOSTAT .2015. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. http://www. FAOstat.
  • Foroughi- Wehr B., Lind V., Züchner S., Rabenstein F. 1995. Different assessment techniques of leaf blotch (Rhynchosporium secalis) in winter barley after artificial inoculation. Journal of Phytopathology 143: 553- 559.
  • Fukuyama T., Yamaji S., Nakamura H. 1998. Differentiation of virulence in Rhynchosporium secalis in the Hokuruku District and sources of resistance to the pathogen. Breeding Science 48: 23- 28.
  • Goodwin S. B., Allard R. W., Hardy S. A., Webster R. K. 1992. Hierarchical structure of pathogenic variation among Rhynchosporium secalis populations in Idaho and Oregon. Canadian Journal of Botany 70(4): 810- 817.
  • Jackson L. F.,Webster R. K. 1976. Race differentiation, distribution, and frequency of Rhynchosporium secalis in California. Phytopathology 66: 719-725.
  • Jones E. R. L., Newton A. C., Clifford B. C. 1993. Rhynchosporium of barley. Dyfed, UK: UK Cereal pathogen virulence survey, 1992, Annual Report, 24- 26.
  • Jorgensen H. J. L., Smedegaard- Petersen V. 1995. Pathogenic variation of Rhynchosporium secalis in Denmark and sources of resistance in barley. Plant Disease 79: 297- 301.
  • Karakaya A., Mert Z., Çelik Oğuz A., Azamparsa M. R., Çelik E., Akan K., Çetin L. 2014. Current status of scald and net blotch diseases of barley in Turkey. Page 31. In: Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Barley leaf Diseases, Salsomaggiore, Terme, Italy.
  • Meles K. A., Hulluka M., Abang M. M. 2004. Phenotypic diversity in Rhynchosporium secalis from Ethiopia and host response to barley scald. Plant Pathology Journal 3(1): 26- 34.
  • Reitan L., Gronnerod S., Ristad T. P., Salamati S., Skinnes H., Waugh R., Bjornstad A. 2002. Characterization of resistance genes against scald (Rhynchosporium secalis) in barley (Hordeum vulgare) lines from central Norway by means of genetic markers and pathotypes tests. Euphytica 123: 31-39.
  • Salamati S., Tronsmo A. M. 1997. Pathogenicity of Rhynchosporium secalis isolates from Norway on 30 cultivars of barley. Plant Pathology 46: 416- 424.
  • Sheikh Jabbari J. 2008. Molecular characterization of differentially expressed genes in the interaction of barley and Rhynchosporium secalis. Ph. D. Thesis. University of Adelaide, Australia. 165 pp.
  • Shipton W. A., Boyd W. J. R., Ali S. M. (1974). Scald of barley. Review Plant Pathology 53: 839- 861.
  • Sorkhilalehloo B., Tewari J. P., Turkington T. K., Capatini F. 2010. Field resistance to scald disease of barley, Rhynchosporium secalis (Ayres) Davis: Slow- Scalding. Seed And Plant Improvement Journal 26 (1): 123- 140.
  • Takeuchi K., Fukuyama T. 2009. Microsatellite fingerprinting of barley scald pathogen, Rhynchosporium secalis, from the Hokuriku and Tohoku districts in Japan and genetic resources of barley breeding for resistance to its pathogen population. Breeding Science 59: 67- 75.
  • Tekauz A. 1991. Pathogenic variation in Rhynchosporium secalis on barley in Canada. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 13: 298- 304.
  • Turkington T. K., Xi K. 2005. Differential response of barley cultivars and accessions to Rhynchosporium secalis under field conditions. Pages 50-55. In: Proccedings of the 18 th triennial North American barley researchers workshop and 4 th Canadian Barley Symposium.
  • Wallwork H., Grcic M. 2011. The use of differential isolates of Rhynchosporium secalis to identify resistance to leaf scald in barley. Australian Plant Pathology 40: 490-496.
  • Xi K., Turkington T. K., Helm J. H., Bos C. 2002. Pathogenic variation of Rhynchosporium secalis in Alberta. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 24: 176- 183.
  • Xue G., Hall R., Falk D. 1991. Pathogenic variation in Rhynchosporium secalis from Southern Ontario. Plant Disease 75: 934- 938.
  • Zadoks J. C., Cheng T. T., Konzak C. F. 1974. A decimal code for the growth stage of cereals. Weed Research 14(6): 415- 421.
  • Zaffarano P. L., McDonald B. A., Linde C. C. 2011. Two new species of Rhynchosporium. Mycologia 103 (1): 195- 202.
  • Zhang Q., Webster R. K., Crandall B. A., Jackson L. F., Saghai Maroof M. A. 1992. Race composition and pathogenicity associations of Rhynchosporium secalis in California. Phytopathology 82: 798- 803.

Türkiye’nin bazı bölgelerinde Rhynchosporium commune (Zaffarona, McDonald & Linde)’nin patotiplerinin belirlenmesi

Year 2020, Volume: 60 Issue: 3, 5 - 14, 30.09.2020


Rhynchosporium commune fungal etmeni tarafından meydana getirilen Arpa yaprak lekesi hastalığı, dünyada ve Türkiye’de arpanın önemli bir hastalığıdır. 2012, 2013 ve 2014 yıllarında Türkiye’nin değişik bölgelerinde sürveyler düzenlenmiştir. Sürvey sonucu toplanan örneklerden izolasyonlar yapılmış ve bunlardan 52 tane R. commune tek spor izolatı seçilmiştir. On yedi adet arpa ayırıcı test çeşidi üzerindeki virülenslik değerlendirmelerine bağlı olarak toplam 30 arpa yaprak lekesi patotipi belirlenmiştir. Bu patotiplerin 18 adedi Orta Anadolu Bölgesi, 14 tanesi Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi, 6 adedi Ege Bölgesi ve 1 adedi ise Karadeniz Bölgesi sürvey örneklerinden elde edilmiştir. Bu patotiplerin 20, 5, 1, 3 ve 1 adedi 20, 2, 3, 4 ve 7 izolat ile temsil edilmişlerdir. Patotiplerin hiçbiri 17 ayırıcı test çeşidi ve 2 hassas çeşit üzerine virülent olarak belirlenmemiştir. En virülent patotipler (patotipler 29 ve 30), Manisa-Kula (13-203) ve Gaziantep-Subağı (GPS71U) lokasyonlarından toplanan örneklerde, en az virülensliğe sahip patotip ise Sivas-Gemerek (GPS31) ve Sivas-Ulaş (NKT20) lokasyonlarından toplanan örneklerde belirlenmiştir (patotip 1). On yedi arpa ayırıcı test çeşidi içinde Jet ve Abyssinia 1 patotipe, Osiris, Atlas 46 ve Forrajera 3 patotipe, La Mesita ve Bey 7 patotipe, Trebi 9 patotipe, Pirate 10 patotipe, Modoc 11 patotipe, Kitchin ve Igri 12 patotipe, Armelle ve Astrix 19 patotipe, Athene 21 patotipe, Steudelli 24 patotipe ve Digger 25 patotipe hassas reaksiyon göstermişlerdir. Arpa ayırıcı test çeşitleri içinde Jet ve Abyssinia çeşitleri en dayanıklı çeşitler olarak, Digger ve Steudelli çeşitleri ise en hassas çeşitler olarak belirlenmişlerdir. Hassas kontrol çeşitleri Bülbül 89 ve Efes 3, arpa yaprak lekesi patotiplerinin %93’üne hassas reaksiyon göstermişlerdir. Türkiyenin bazı arpa üretim alanlarından elde edilen R. commune izolatlarında oldukça fazla varyasyonun olduğu görülmektedir.


  • Abang M. M., Baum M., Ceccarelli S., Grando S., Linde C. C., Yahyaoui A., Zhan J., McDonald B. A. 2006. Differential selection on Rhynchosporium secalis during parasitic and saprophytic phases in the barley scald disease cycle. Phytopathology 96: 1214- 1222.
  • Ali S. M., Mayfield A. H., Clare B. G. 1976. Pathogenicity of 203 isolates of Rhynchosporium secalis on 21 barley cultivars. Physiolgical Plant Pathology 9(2): 135-143.Arabi M. I. E., Jawhar M., Al- Shehadah E. 2008. Molecular and pathogenic variation identified among isolates of Rhynchosporium secalis. Syrian Journal of Plant Pathology 90 (2):179-184.
  • Arabi M. I. E., Al- Shehadah E., Jawhar M. 2009. Virulence spectrum to barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in isolates of Rhynchosporium secalis from Syrian Journal of Plant Disease Protection 116(6): 274- 277.Arabi M. I. E., Al- Shehadah E., Jawhar M. 2010. Pathogenic groups identified among isolates of Rhynchosporium secalis. Plant Pathology Journal 26(3):260- 263.
  • Araz A., Maden S. 2006. Pathogenic variation among isolates of Rhynchosporium secalis from cultivated barley growing in Central Anatolia, Turkey. Plant Pathology Journal 5(2): 244-247
  • Azamparsa M. R., Karakaya A., Mert Z., Aydın G., Peşkircioğlu H., Seçer E., Özmen D., Tutluer İ., Sağel Z. 2015a. Seedling response of two barley cultivars and gamma ray-induced advanced barley lines to Rhynchosporium commune. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştirma Enstitüsü Dergisi 24 (1):75-78.
  • Azamparsa M. R., Mert Z., Karakaya A., Sayim İ., Ergün N., Aydoğan S. 2015b. Determination of the seedling reactions of some barley cultivars and advanced barley lines to Rhynchosporium commune. Bitki Koruma Bülteni 55(3): 247-252.
  • Beigi S., Zamanizadeh H., Zare R. 2011. Pathotypic diversity of Rhynchosporium secalis isolates in five provinces of Iran. Iran Journal of Plant Pathology 47(4): 117-119.
  • Bjornstad A., Gronnerod S., Mac Key J., Tekauz J., Crossa J., Martens H. 2004. Resistance to barley scald ( Rhynchosporium secalis) in the Ethiopian donor lines “Steudelli” and “Jet”, analyzed by partial least squares regression and interval mapping. Hereditas 141: 166- 179.
  • Bouajila A., Haouas S., Fakhfakh M., Rezgui S., El Ahmed M., Yahyaoui A. 2006. Pathotypic diversity of Rhynchosporium secalis ( Oudem) in Tunisia. African Journal of Biotechnology 5 (8): 570- 579.Bouajila A., Zoghlami N., Ghorbel A., Rezgui S., Yahyaoui A. 2010. Pathotype and microsatellite analyses reveal new sources of resistance to barley scald in Tunisia. Fems Microbiology Letters 305:35- 41.Brown J. S. 1985. Pathogenic variation among isolates of Rhynchosporium secalis from cultivated barley growing in Victoria, Australia. Euphytica 34: 129- 133.
  • Ceoloni C. 1980. Race differentiation and searches for sources of resistance to Rhynchosporium secalis in barley in Italy. Euphytica 29: 547- 553.
  • El- Ahmed A. M. 1981. Seedling reaction of the 7th IBON to R. secalis in the greenhouse and source of resistance. Barley Diseases and Associated Breeding Methodology Workshop. Rabat, Morocco.
  • FAOSTAT .2015. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. http://www. FAOstat.
  • Foroughi- Wehr B., Lind V., Züchner S., Rabenstein F. 1995. Different assessment techniques of leaf blotch (Rhynchosporium secalis) in winter barley after artificial inoculation. Journal of Phytopathology 143: 553- 559.
  • Fukuyama T., Yamaji S., Nakamura H. 1998. Differentiation of virulence in Rhynchosporium secalis in the Hokuruku District and sources of resistance to the pathogen. Breeding Science 48: 23- 28.
  • Goodwin S. B., Allard R. W., Hardy S. A., Webster R. K. 1992. Hierarchical structure of pathogenic variation among Rhynchosporium secalis populations in Idaho and Oregon. Canadian Journal of Botany 70(4): 810- 817.
  • Jackson L. F.,Webster R. K. 1976. Race differentiation, distribution, and frequency of Rhynchosporium secalis in California. Phytopathology 66: 719-725.
  • Jones E. R. L., Newton A. C., Clifford B. C. 1993. Rhynchosporium of barley. Dyfed, UK: UK Cereal pathogen virulence survey, 1992, Annual Report, 24- 26.
  • Jorgensen H. J. L., Smedegaard- Petersen V. 1995. Pathogenic variation of Rhynchosporium secalis in Denmark and sources of resistance in barley. Plant Disease 79: 297- 301.
  • Karakaya A., Mert Z., Çelik Oğuz A., Azamparsa M. R., Çelik E., Akan K., Çetin L. 2014. Current status of scald and net blotch diseases of barley in Turkey. Page 31. In: Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Barley leaf Diseases, Salsomaggiore, Terme, Italy.
  • Meles K. A., Hulluka M., Abang M. M. 2004. Phenotypic diversity in Rhynchosporium secalis from Ethiopia and host response to barley scald. Plant Pathology Journal 3(1): 26- 34.
  • Reitan L., Gronnerod S., Ristad T. P., Salamati S., Skinnes H., Waugh R., Bjornstad A. 2002. Characterization of resistance genes against scald (Rhynchosporium secalis) in barley (Hordeum vulgare) lines from central Norway by means of genetic markers and pathotypes tests. Euphytica 123: 31-39.
  • Salamati S., Tronsmo A. M. 1997. Pathogenicity of Rhynchosporium secalis isolates from Norway on 30 cultivars of barley. Plant Pathology 46: 416- 424.
  • Sheikh Jabbari J. 2008. Molecular characterization of differentially expressed genes in the interaction of barley and Rhynchosporium secalis. Ph. D. Thesis. University of Adelaide, Australia. 165 pp.
  • Shipton W. A., Boyd W. J. R., Ali S. M. (1974). Scald of barley. Review Plant Pathology 53: 839- 861.
  • Sorkhilalehloo B., Tewari J. P., Turkington T. K., Capatini F. 2010. Field resistance to scald disease of barley, Rhynchosporium secalis (Ayres) Davis: Slow- Scalding. Seed And Plant Improvement Journal 26 (1): 123- 140.
  • Takeuchi K., Fukuyama T. 2009. Microsatellite fingerprinting of barley scald pathogen, Rhynchosporium secalis, from the Hokuriku and Tohoku districts in Japan and genetic resources of barley breeding for resistance to its pathogen population. Breeding Science 59: 67- 75.
  • Tekauz A. 1991. Pathogenic variation in Rhynchosporium secalis on barley in Canada. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 13: 298- 304.
  • Turkington T. K., Xi K. 2005. Differential response of barley cultivars and accessions to Rhynchosporium secalis under field conditions. Pages 50-55. In: Proccedings of the 18 th triennial North American barley researchers workshop and 4 th Canadian Barley Symposium.
  • Wallwork H., Grcic M. 2011. The use of differential isolates of Rhynchosporium secalis to identify resistance to leaf scald in barley. Australian Plant Pathology 40: 490-496.
  • Xi K., Turkington T. K., Helm J. H., Bos C. 2002. Pathogenic variation of Rhynchosporium secalis in Alberta. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 24: 176- 183.
  • Xue G., Hall R., Falk D. 1991. Pathogenic variation in Rhynchosporium secalis from Southern Ontario. Plant Disease 75: 934- 938.
  • Zadoks J. C., Cheng T. T., Konzak C. F. 1974. A decimal code for the growth stage of cereals. Weed Research 14(6): 415- 421.
  • Zaffarano P. L., McDonald B. A., Linde C. C. 2011. Two new species of Rhynchosporium. Mycologia 103 (1): 195- 202.
  • Zhang Q., Webster R. K., Crandall B. A., Jackson L. F., Saghai Maroof M. A. 1992. Race composition and pathogenicity associations of Rhynchosporium secalis in California. Phytopathology 82: 798- 803.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Mohammad Reza Azamparsa This is me

Aziz Karakaya

Publication Date September 30, 2020
Submission Date September 15, 2018
Acceptance Date May 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 60 Issue: 3


APA Azamparsa, M. R., & Karakaya, A. (2020). Determination of the pathotypes of Rhynchosporium commune (Zaffarona, McDonald & Linde) in some regions of Turkey. Plant Protection Bulletin, 60(3), 5-14.
AMA Azamparsa MR, Karakaya A. Determination of the pathotypes of Rhynchosporium commune (Zaffarona, McDonald & Linde) in some regions of Turkey. Plant Protection Bulletin. September 2020;60(3):5-14. doi:10.16955/bitkorb.460235
Chicago Azamparsa, Mohammad Reza, and Aziz Karakaya. “Determination of the Pathotypes of Rhynchosporium Commune (Zaffarona, McDonald & Linde) in Some Regions of Turkey”. Plant Protection Bulletin 60, no. 3 (September 2020): 5-14.
EndNote Azamparsa MR, Karakaya A (September 1, 2020) Determination of the pathotypes of Rhynchosporium commune (Zaffarona, McDonald & Linde) in some regions of Turkey. Plant Protection Bulletin 60 3 5–14.
IEEE M. R. Azamparsa and A. Karakaya, “Determination of the pathotypes of Rhynchosporium commune (Zaffarona, McDonald & Linde) in some regions of Turkey”, Plant Protection Bulletin, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 5–14, 2020, doi: 10.16955/bitkorb.460235.
ISNAD Azamparsa, Mohammad Reza - Karakaya, Aziz. “Determination of the Pathotypes of Rhynchosporium Commune (Zaffarona, McDonald & Linde) in Some Regions of Turkey”. Plant Protection Bulletin 60/3 (September 2020), 5-14.
JAMA Azamparsa MR, Karakaya A. Determination of the pathotypes of Rhynchosporium commune (Zaffarona, McDonald & Linde) in some regions of Turkey. Plant Protection Bulletin. 2020;60:5–14.
MLA Azamparsa, Mohammad Reza and Aziz Karakaya. “Determination of the Pathotypes of Rhynchosporium Commune (Zaffarona, McDonald & Linde) in Some Regions of Turkey”. Plant Protection Bulletin, vol. 60, no. 3, 2020, pp. 5-14, doi:10.16955/bitkorb.460235.
Vancouver Azamparsa MR, Karakaya A. Determination of the pathotypes of Rhynchosporium commune (Zaffarona, McDonald & Linde) in some regions of Turkey. Plant Protection Bulletin. 2020;60(3):5-14.