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Bitlis İlindeki Nannospalax xanthodon (Nordmann, 1840) Türünün Biyoekolojisi (Mammalia: Rodentia)

Year 2022, , 131 - 139, 24.03.2022


Bu çalışma Eylül 2020 ile Haziran 2021 tarihleri arasında Bitlis ilinden toplanan 8 Nannospalax xanthodon örneğine dayanmaktadır. Örnekler uygun habitatlarda metal boru tipi canlı yakalama kapanı kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Nannospalax xanthodon’un ekolojik, biyolojik ve taksonomik özelliklerini ortaya koymak için habitat, beslenme davranışı, kürk rengi, kıl morfolojisi, karyolojisi, bakulum özellikleri ile iç ve dış karakter ölçüleri kaydedilmiştir. Nannospalax xanthodon’da diploid kromozom sayısı (2n) 54 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Nannospalax xanthodon’da koruyucu kılların köke yakın kısmı “serrate coronal scale”, gövde kısmı “simple coronal scale” ve kıl ucu ise “erose coronal scale” tiptedir. Ayrıca bir örnekte dış parazit olarak Siphonaptera (pireler) takımına mensup bireyler tespit edilmiştir.


  • [1] Burgin C.J., Colella J.P., Kahn P.L., Upham N.S. 2018. How many species of mammals are there? Journal of Mammalogy, 99 (1):1-14.
  • [2] Savic I., Nevo E. 1990. The Spalacidae; Evolutionary history, speciation and population biology. In; Evolution of subterranean mammals at the organismal and molecular levels, (E. Nevo and A O. Reig, eds.), Alan R. Liss, New York, 129-153.
  • [3] Corbet G.B. 1978. Mammals of the Palearctic Region: A taxonomic review. British Museum of Natural History, London, 1-314.
  • [4] Gromov I.M., Baranova G.I. 1981. Catalogue of mammals in U.S.S.R. Leningrad, Nauka, 454-457.
  • [5] Corbet G.B., Hill J.E. 1991. A world list of mammalian species. 3th ed, Natural History Museum Publications, 243.
  • [6] Wilson D.E., Reeder D.M. 2005. Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 3rd ed. Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore.
  • [7] Kryštufek B., Vohralik V. 2009. Mammals of Turkey and Cyprus (Rodentia II: Cricetinae, Muridae, Spalacidae, Calomyscidae, Capromyidae, Hystricidae, Castoridae). Univerza na Primorskem, Koper.
  • [8] Kryštufek B., Ivanitskaya E., Arslan A., Arslan E., Bužan E.V. 2012. Evolutionary history of mole rats (genus Nannospalax) inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence. Biol J Linn Soc, 105: 446-455.
  • [9] Topachevskii W.A. 1969. The fauna of the USSR: Mammals, mole rats, Spalacidae. Akademija Nauka Leningrad, III (3): 1-308.
  • [10] Savic I. 1982. Familie Spalacidae Gray, 1821, Blindmause. In; Handbuch der Saugetiere Europas, Band 2/1 Rodentia, Akademishe Verlagsgesellschaft, Wiesbaden, 537-584.
  • [11] Yiğit N., Çolak E., Sözen M., Karataş A. 2006. Rodents of Türkiye. Meteksan, Ankara, 76-80.
  • [12] Sözen M., Sevindik M., Matur F. 2006. Karyological and morphological characteristics of Spalax leucodon Nordmann, 1840 (Mammalia: Rodentia) superspecies around Kastamonu Province, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 30: 205-219.
  • [13] Matur F. 2009. Batı Türkiye Nannospalax (Mammalia: Rodentia) kromozomal formlarının G ve C bantlama yöntemleriyle karşılaştırılması. Doktora Tezi, Zonguldak Karaelmas Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Zonguldak.
  • [14] Sözen M., Çolak E., Yiğit N., Özkurt Ş., Verimli R. 1999. Contributions to the karyology and taxonomy of the genus Spalax Güldenstaedt, 1770 (Mamma1ia: Rodentia) in Turkey. Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 64: 210-219.
  • [15] Nevo E., Filippucci M.G., Redi C., Simson S., Heth G., Beiles A. 1995. Karyotype and genetic evolution in speciation of subterranean mole rats of the genus Spalax in Turkey. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 54: 203-229.
  • [16] Tez C., Gündüz İ., Kefelioğlu H. 2002. New data on the distribution of 2n=38 Spalax leucodon (Nordmann, 1840) cytotype in Turkey. Israel Journal of Zoology, 48 (2): 155-159.
  • [17] Kankılıç T., Çolak R., Kankılıç T., Çolak E. 2007. On the morphology and karyology of Spalax leucodon armeniacus Mehely, 1909 (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Turkey. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 59 (1):41-46.
  • [18] Arslan A., Toyran K., Gözütok S., Yorulmaz T. 2011. C- and NOR stained karyotypes of mole rat, Nannospalax xanthodon (2n= 54) from Kırıkkale, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Biology, 655-661.
  • [19] Matur F., Çolak F., Ceylan T., Sevindik M., Sözen M. 2013. Chromosomal evolution of the genus Nannospalax (Palmer, 1903) (Rodentia, Muridae) from western Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 37: 470-487.
  • [20] Sözen M., Çolak F., Sevindik M., Ferhat M. 2013. Cytotypes of Nannospalax xanthodon (Satunin, 1898) (Rodentia: Spalacidae) from western Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 37: 462-469.
  • [21] Arslan A., Zima J., Yorulmaz T. Arslan E., 2014. A new cytotype (2n=46) of Nannospalax xanthodon from Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 60 (4): 283-287.
  • [22] Arslan A., Arısoy A., Zima J. 2014. Comparison of the Chromosome Banding Pattern in the 2n= 56 Cytotypes of Nannospalax leucodon and N. xanthodon from Turkey. The Scientific World Journal, 34: 110-117.
  • [23] Kankılıç T., Gürpınar C. 2014. Revised classification design of the Anatolian species of Nannospalax (Rodentia: Spalacidae) using RFLP analysis. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 38: 68-78.
  • [24] Sözen M., Çolak F., Sevindik M., Matur F. 2015. Two new cytotypes and additional karyological records for blind mole rats, Nannospalax xanthodon and N. ehrenbergi (Mammalia, Rodentia) in Turkey. Folia Zoology, 64 (2): 167-172.
  • [25] Kankılıç T., Arslan A., Seçkinozan Şeker P., Kankılıç T., Toyran K., Zima J. 2017. A new chromosomal race (2n=44) of Nannospalax xanthodon from Turkey (Mammalia: Rodentia). Zoology in the Middle East, 63 (3): 181-188.
  • [26] Nevo E. 1991. Evolutionary theory and processes of active speciation and adaptive radiation in subterranean mole rats, Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel. Evolutionary Biology, 25: 1-125.
  • [27] Nevo E., Filippucci M.G., Redi C., Korol A., Beiles A. 1994. Chromosomal speciation and adaptive radiation of mole rats in Asia Minor correlated with increased ecological stress. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America, 91: 8169-8164.
  • [28] Arslan A. 2013. A new live trap to catch blind mole rats (Spalax sp.). Folia Zoologica, 62 (2): 130-132.
  • [29] Mursaloğlu B. 1965. Bilimsel Araştırmalar İçin Omurgalı Numunelerinin Toplanması ve Hazırlanması. Ank. Üniv., Fen Fakültesi Yayınları, Ankara, Um. 106-Zoo.7., 1-60.
  • [30] Thomas D. 1905. Suggestions for the Nomenclature of the Cranial Lenght Measurement and of the Cheek-Teeth of Mammals. Proc. Zool. Soc.,18: 191-196.
  • [31] Day M.G. 1966. Identification of hair and feather remains in the gut and feaces of stoats and weasels. J. Zool. Lond., 15: 459-497.
  • [32] Ford C.E., Hamerton J.L. 1956. A Colchicine-Hypotonic-Citrate squash sequence for mammalian chromosomes. Stain Technology, 31: 247-251.
  • [33] Patton J.L. 1967. Choromosome studies of certain Pocket mice. Genus Perognathus (Rodentia: Heteromyidae). J. Mamm., 48 (1): 27-37.
  • [34] IUCN, 2021. (Erişim tarihi: 28.06.2021).
  • [35] Özkurt Ş.Ö., Bulut Ş. 2020. Türkiye Memelileri. Panama Yayıncılık, Ankara, 1-456.
  • [36] Arslan A., Kryštufek B., Matur F., Zima J. 2016. Review of chromosome races in blind mole rats (Spalax and Nannospalax). Folia Zool., 65 (4): 249-301.
  • [37] Aşan N., Yağcı T. 2008. Karyotype and Hair Scale Structure of Nannospalax leucodon (Nordmann, 1840) from Central Anatolia (Rodentia: Spalacidae). Turk J Zool., 32 (2008): 125-130.
  • [38] Coşkun Y. 2013. Bingöl İli Nannospalax (Körfare)’larının Morfolojik ve Karyolojik Özellikleri. III. Bingöl Sempozyumu, 17-19 Eylül 2010, Bingöl Üniversitesi Yayınları 2013, 119-128.
  • [39] Kıral E., Benli O. 1979. Orta Anadolu’nun kemirici türleri ve zarar yaptığı kültür bitkileri. Bitki koruma bülteni, 19: 191-201.
  • [40] Yüksel E., Gülkaç M.D. 1995. Kızılırmak Havzası Kayseri-Kırşehir-Nevşehir-Yozgat kesimi Spalax populasyonları üzerine sitogenetik incelemeler. TBAG-904, 1-22.
  • [41] Yağcı T. 2006. Kırıkkale İlindeki Nannospalax leucodon (Nordmann, 1840)’un Ekolojik ve Karyolojik Özellikleri (Mammalia: Rodentia). Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kırıkkale.
  • [42] Nevo E., Simson S., Heth G., Beiles A. 1992. Adaptive pacifistic behaviour in subterranean mole rats in the Sahara Desert, contrasting to the originating from polymorphic aggression in Israeli species. Behaviour, 123 (1-2): 70-76.
  • [43] Sözen M. 2005. Biological Investigation on Turkish Spalax Güldenstaedt, 1770 (Mammalia: Rodentia). G.U. Journal of Science, 18 (2): 167-181.
  • [44] Karataş A., Budak A. 2019. The mammals (Mammalia) of Yamanlar Mountain (İzmir and Manisa provinces) and their ectoparasites. Acta Biologica Turcica, 32 (1): 53-60.
  • [45] Keskin A., Selçuk A.Y., Kefelioğlu H. 2019. Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) infesting some wild animals and humans in Turkey: notes on a small collection. Acarological Studies, 1 (1): 11-15.
Year 2022, , 131 - 139, 24.03.2022



  • [1] Burgin C.J., Colella J.P., Kahn P.L., Upham N.S. 2018. How many species of mammals are there? Journal of Mammalogy, 99 (1):1-14.
  • [2] Savic I., Nevo E. 1990. The Spalacidae; Evolutionary history, speciation and population biology. In; Evolution of subterranean mammals at the organismal and molecular levels, (E. Nevo and A O. Reig, eds.), Alan R. Liss, New York, 129-153.
  • [3] Corbet G.B. 1978. Mammals of the Palearctic Region: A taxonomic review. British Museum of Natural History, London, 1-314.
  • [4] Gromov I.M., Baranova G.I. 1981. Catalogue of mammals in U.S.S.R. Leningrad, Nauka, 454-457.
  • [5] Corbet G.B., Hill J.E. 1991. A world list of mammalian species. 3th ed, Natural History Museum Publications, 243.
  • [6] Wilson D.E., Reeder D.M. 2005. Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 3rd ed. Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore.
  • [7] Kryštufek B., Vohralik V. 2009. Mammals of Turkey and Cyprus (Rodentia II: Cricetinae, Muridae, Spalacidae, Calomyscidae, Capromyidae, Hystricidae, Castoridae). Univerza na Primorskem, Koper.
  • [8] Kryštufek B., Ivanitskaya E., Arslan A., Arslan E., Bužan E.V. 2012. Evolutionary history of mole rats (genus Nannospalax) inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence. Biol J Linn Soc, 105: 446-455.
  • [9] Topachevskii W.A. 1969. The fauna of the USSR: Mammals, mole rats, Spalacidae. Akademija Nauka Leningrad, III (3): 1-308.
  • [10] Savic I. 1982. Familie Spalacidae Gray, 1821, Blindmause. In; Handbuch der Saugetiere Europas, Band 2/1 Rodentia, Akademishe Verlagsgesellschaft, Wiesbaden, 537-584.
  • [11] Yiğit N., Çolak E., Sözen M., Karataş A. 2006. Rodents of Türkiye. Meteksan, Ankara, 76-80.
  • [12] Sözen M., Sevindik M., Matur F. 2006. Karyological and morphological characteristics of Spalax leucodon Nordmann, 1840 (Mammalia: Rodentia) superspecies around Kastamonu Province, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 30: 205-219.
  • [13] Matur F. 2009. Batı Türkiye Nannospalax (Mammalia: Rodentia) kromozomal formlarının G ve C bantlama yöntemleriyle karşılaştırılması. Doktora Tezi, Zonguldak Karaelmas Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Zonguldak.
  • [14] Sözen M., Çolak E., Yiğit N., Özkurt Ş., Verimli R. 1999. Contributions to the karyology and taxonomy of the genus Spalax Güldenstaedt, 1770 (Mamma1ia: Rodentia) in Turkey. Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 64: 210-219.
  • [15] Nevo E., Filippucci M.G., Redi C., Simson S., Heth G., Beiles A. 1995. Karyotype and genetic evolution in speciation of subterranean mole rats of the genus Spalax in Turkey. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 54: 203-229.
  • [16] Tez C., Gündüz İ., Kefelioğlu H. 2002. New data on the distribution of 2n=38 Spalax leucodon (Nordmann, 1840) cytotype in Turkey. Israel Journal of Zoology, 48 (2): 155-159.
  • [17] Kankılıç T., Çolak R., Kankılıç T., Çolak E. 2007. On the morphology and karyology of Spalax leucodon armeniacus Mehely, 1909 (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Turkey. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 59 (1):41-46.
  • [18] Arslan A., Toyran K., Gözütok S., Yorulmaz T. 2011. C- and NOR stained karyotypes of mole rat, Nannospalax xanthodon (2n= 54) from Kırıkkale, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Biology, 655-661.
  • [19] Matur F., Çolak F., Ceylan T., Sevindik M., Sözen M. 2013. Chromosomal evolution of the genus Nannospalax (Palmer, 1903) (Rodentia, Muridae) from western Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 37: 470-487.
  • [20] Sözen M., Çolak F., Sevindik M., Ferhat M. 2013. Cytotypes of Nannospalax xanthodon (Satunin, 1898) (Rodentia: Spalacidae) from western Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 37: 462-469.
  • [21] Arslan A., Zima J., Yorulmaz T. Arslan E., 2014. A new cytotype (2n=46) of Nannospalax xanthodon from Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 60 (4): 283-287.
  • [22] Arslan A., Arısoy A., Zima J. 2014. Comparison of the Chromosome Banding Pattern in the 2n= 56 Cytotypes of Nannospalax leucodon and N. xanthodon from Turkey. The Scientific World Journal, 34: 110-117.
  • [23] Kankılıç T., Gürpınar C. 2014. Revised classification design of the Anatolian species of Nannospalax (Rodentia: Spalacidae) using RFLP analysis. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 38: 68-78.
  • [24] Sözen M., Çolak F., Sevindik M., Matur F. 2015. Two new cytotypes and additional karyological records for blind mole rats, Nannospalax xanthodon and N. ehrenbergi (Mammalia, Rodentia) in Turkey. Folia Zoology, 64 (2): 167-172.
  • [25] Kankılıç T., Arslan A., Seçkinozan Şeker P., Kankılıç T., Toyran K., Zima J. 2017. A new chromosomal race (2n=44) of Nannospalax xanthodon from Turkey (Mammalia: Rodentia). Zoology in the Middle East, 63 (3): 181-188.
  • [26] Nevo E. 1991. Evolutionary theory and processes of active speciation and adaptive radiation in subterranean mole rats, Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel. Evolutionary Biology, 25: 1-125.
  • [27] Nevo E., Filippucci M.G., Redi C., Korol A., Beiles A. 1994. Chromosomal speciation and adaptive radiation of mole rats in Asia Minor correlated with increased ecological stress. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America, 91: 8169-8164.
  • [28] Arslan A. 2013. A new live trap to catch blind mole rats (Spalax sp.). Folia Zoologica, 62 (2): 130-132.
  • [29] Mursaloğlu B. 1965. Bilimsel Araştırmalar İçin Omurgalı Numunelerinin Toplanması ve Hazırlanması. Ank. Üniv., Fen Fakültesi Yayınları, Ankara, Um. 106-Zoo.7., 1-60.
  • [30] Thomas D. 1905. Suggestions for the Nomenclature of the Cranial Lenght Measurement and of the Cheek-Teeth of Mammals. Proc. Zool. Soc.,18: 191-196.
  • [31] Day M.G. 1966. Identification of hair and feather remains in the gut and feaces of stoats and weasels. J. Zool. Lond., 15: 459-497.
  • [32] Ford C.E., Hamerton J.L. 1956. A Colchicine-Hypotonic-Citrate squash sequence for mammalian chromosomes. Stain Technology, 31: 247-251.
  • [33] Patton J.L. 1967. Choromosome studies of certain Pocket mice. Genus Perognathus (Rodentia: Heteromyidae). J. Mamm., 48 (1): 27-37.
  • [34] IUCN, 2021. (Erişim tarihi: 28.06.2021).
  • [35] Özkurt Ş.Ö., Bulut Ş. 2020. Türkiye Memelileri. Panama Yayıncılık, Ankara, 1-456.
  • [36] Arslan A., Kryštufek B., Matur F., Zima J. 2016. Review of chromosome races in blind mole rats (Spalax and Nannospalax). Folia Zool., 65 (4): 249-301.
  • [37] Aşan N., Yağcı T. 2008. Karyotype and Hair Scale Structure of Nannospalax leucodon (Nordmann, 1840) from Central Anatolia (Rodentia: Spalacidae). Turk J Zool., 32 (2008): 125-130.
  • [38] Coşkun Y. 2013. Bingöl İli Nannospalax (Körfare)’larının Morfolojik ve Karyolojik Özellikleri. III. Bingöl Sempozyumu, 17-19 Eylül 2010, Bingöl Üniversitesi Yayınları 2013, 119-128.
  • [39] Kıral E., Benli O. 1979. Orta Anadolu’nun kemirici türleri ve zarar yaptığı kültür bitkileri. Bitki koruma bülteni, 19: 191-201.
  • [40] Yüksel E., Gülkaç M.D. 1995. Kızılırmak Havzası Kayseri-Kırşehir-Nevşehir-Yozgat kesimi Spalax populasyonları üzerine sitogenetik incelemeler. TBAG-904, 1-22.
  • [41] Yağcı T. 2006. Kırıkkale İlindeki Nannospalax leucodon (Nordmann, 1840)’un Ekolojik ve Karyolojik Özellikleri (Mammalia: Rodentia). Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kırıkkale.
  • [42] Nevo E., Simson S., Heth G., Beiles A. 1992. Adaptive pacifistic behaviour in subterranean mole rats in the Sahara Desert, contrasting to the originating from polymorphic aggression in Israeli species. Behaviour, 123 (1-2): 70-76.
  • [43] Sözen M. 2005. Biological Investigation on Turkish Spalax Güldenstaedt, 1770 (Mammalia: Rodentia). G.U. Journal of Science, 18 (2): 167-181.
  • [44] Karataş A., Budak A. 2019. The mammals (Mammalia) of Yamanlar Mountain (İzmir and Manisa provinces) and their ectoparasites. Acta Biologica Turcica, 32 (1): 53-60.
  • [45] Keskin A., Selçuk A.Y., Kefelioğlu H. 2019. Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) infesting some wild animals and humans in Turkey: notes on a small collection. Acarological Studies, 1 (1): 11-15.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Kubilay Toyran 0000-0002-6546-0054

Elif Şengül This is me 0000-0003-3188-2408

Publication Date March 24, 2022
Submission Date September 24, 2021
Acceptance Date November 29, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


IEEE K. Toyran and E. Şengül, “Bitlis İlindeki Nannospalax xanthodon (Nordmann, 1840) Türünün Biyoekolojisi (Mammalia: Rodentia)”, Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 131–139, 2022, doi: 10.17798/bitlisfen.1000392.

Bitlis Eren University
Journal of Science Editor
Bitlis Eren University Graduate Institute
Bes Minare Mah. Ahmet Eren Bulvari, Merkez Kampus, 13000 BITLIS