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Çekme Yükü Altında Gömülü Tek Tesirli Yama İle Yapıştırılarak Birleştirilmiş Kompozit Parçaların Gerilme Analizi

Year 2018, , 284 - 295, 28.12.2018


çalışmada, çekme yüküne maruz bırakılmış gömülü tek tesirli yama ile
yapıştırılarak birleştirilmiş kompozit parçaların üç boyutlu sonlu elemanlar
yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Analizlerde,  farklı oryantasyon açılı karbon/epoksi
(AS4/3501-6) kullanılarak üretilmiş kompozit parçalar ve DP410 tür yapıştırıcı
kullanılmıştır. Nümerik analizler için modeller sonlu elemanlar yöntemine
temellendirilmiş ANSYS paket programı kullanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Hasar
yükleri analizler sonuçlarına göre tespit edilmiştir. Yapıştırıcı üzerinde
oluşan von-Mises gerilmesi ve x, y ve z yönünde oluşan gerilmeler belirlenen
hasar yüklerinde elde edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, yama boyutlarının, oryantasyon
açılarının ve yapıştırıcının etkileri araştırılmıştır. Gömülü yama ile
yapıştırılarak birleştirilen kompozit parçaların hasar yükleri üzerinde en
etkili parametrenin yama boyutları olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • 1. Abdi H., Papadopoulos J., Nayeb-Hashemi H., Vaziri A. 2017. Enhanced elastic-foundation analysis of balanced single lap adhesive joints, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 72: 80–91.
  • 2. Stein N., Mardani H., Becker W. 2016. An efficient analysis model for functionally graded adhesive single lap joints, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 70: 117–125.
  • 3. Guin W. E., Wang J. 2016. Theoretical model of adhesively bonded single lap joints with functionally graded adherents, Engineering Structures, 124: 316–332.
  • 4. Moya-Sanz E. M., Ivañez I., Garcia-Castillo S. K. 2017. Effect of the geometry in the strength of single-lap adhesive joints of composite laminates under uniaxial tensile load, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 72: 23–29.
  • 5. Ribeiro T. E. A., Campilho R. D. S. G., da Silva L. F. M., Goglio L. 2016. Damage analysis of composite–aluminium adhesively-bonded single-lap joints, Composite Structures, 136, 25–33.
  • 6. Engerer J. D., Sancaktar E. 2011. The effects of partial bonding in load carrying capacity of single lap joints, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 31: 373–379.
  • 7. Tang J. H., Sridhar I., Srikanth N. 2013. Static and fatigue failure analysis of adhesively bonded thick composite single lap joints, Composites Science and Technology, 86: 18–25.
  • 8. Kim K. S., Yi Y. M., Cho G. R., Kim C. G. 2008. Failure prediction and strength improvement of uni-directional composite single lap bonded joints, Composite Structures, 82: 513–520.
  • 9. Katnam K. B., Comer A. J., Stanley W. F., Buggy M., Ellingboe A. R., Young T. M. 2011. Characterising prepreg and non-crimp-fabric composite single lap bonded joints, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 31: 679–686.
  • 10. Khalili S. M. R., Jafarkarimi M. H., Abdollahi M. A. 2009. Creep analysis of fibre reinforced adhesives in single lap joints—Experimental study, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 29: 656–661.
  • 11. Ariaee S., Tutunchi A., Kianvash A., Entezami A. A. 2014. Modeling and optimization of mechanical behavior of bonded composite–steel single lap joints by response surface methodology, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 54: 30–39.
  • 12. Reis P. N. B., Antunes F. J. V., Ferreira J. A. M. 2005. Influence of superposition length on mechanical resistance of single-lap adhesive joints, Composite Structures, 67: 125–133.
  • 13. Salih A., Aydin M. D. 2014. 3-D non-linear stress analysis on the adhesively bonded composite joint under bending moment, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 81: 149–157.
  • 14. Daniel I. M., Abot J. L. 2000. Fabrication testing and analysis of composite sandwich beams, Composites Science and Technology, 60: 2455–2463.
  • 15. Camponeschi E. T. 1990. Compression Response of Thick-Section Composite Materials, ReportDTRC-SME-90/60, David Taylor Research Center, Annapolis, USA.
  • 16. Sülü İ. Y., Temiz Ş., Aydin M. D. 2015. Layer effects of multi-layered face to face adhesively bonded composite pipes subjected to internal pressure, Academic Journal of Science, 04(3): 195–202.
  • 17. Sulu Ismail Yasin, Temiz Semsettin. 2018. Failure and stress analysis of internal pressurized composite pipes joined with sleeves, J. Adhesion Science and Technology, 32(8): 816-832.
  • 18. Ozel A., Yazici B., Akpinar S., Aydin M. D., Temiz Ş. 2014. A study on the strength of adhesively bonded joints with different adherends, Composites Part B: Engineering, 62: 167 – 174.
  • 19. Temiz S. 2006. Application of bi-adhesive in double-strap joints subjected to bending moment, J. Adhesion Science and Technology, 20: 1547–1560.
Year 2018, , 284 - 295, 28.12.2018



  • 1. Abdi H., Papadopoulos J., Nayeb-Hashemi H., Vaziri A. 2017. Enhanced elastic-foundation analysis of balanced single lap adhesive joints, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 72: 80–91.
  • 2. Stein N., Mardani H., Becker W. 2016. An efficient analysis model for functionally graded adhesive single lap joints, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 70: 117–125.
  • 3. Guin W. E., Wang J. 2016. Theoretical model of adhesively bonded single lap joints with functionally graded adherents, Engineering Structures, 124: 316–332.
  • 4. Moya-Sanz E. M., Ivañez I., Garcia-Castillo S. K. 2017. Effect of the geometry in the strength of single-lap adhesive joints of composite laminates under uniaxial tensile load, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 72: 23–29.
  • 5. Ribeiro T. E. A., Campilho R. D. S. G., da Silva L. F. M., Goglio L. 2016. Damage analysis of composite–aluminium adhesively-bonded single-lap joints, Composite Structures, 136, 25–33.
  • 6. Engerer J. D., Sancaktar E. 2011. The effects of partial bonding in load carrying capacity of single lap joints, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 31: 373–379.
  • 7. Tang J. H., Sridhar I., Srikanth N. 2013. Static and fatigue failure analysis of adhesively bonded thick composite single lap joints, Composites Science and Technology, 86: 18–25.
  • 8. Kim K. S., Yi Y. M., Cho G. R., Kim C. G. 2008. Failure prediction and strength improvement of uni-directional composite single lap bonded joints, Composite Structures, 82: 513–520.
  • 9. Katnam K. B., Comer A. J., Stanley W. F., Buggy M., Ellingboe A. R., Young T. M. 2011. Characterising prepreg and non-crimp-fabric composite single lap bonded joints, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 31: 679–686.
  • 10. Khalili S. M. R., Jafarkarimi M. H., Abdollahi M. A. 2009. Creep analysis of fibre reinforced adhesives in single lap joints—Experimental study, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 29: 656–661.
  • 11. Ariaee S., Tutunchi A., Kianvash A., Entezami A. A. 2014. Modeling and optimization of mechanical behavior of bonded composite–steel single lap joints by response surface methodology, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 54: 30–39.
  • 12. Reis P. N. B., Antunes F. J. V., Ferreira J. A. M. 2005. Influence of superposition length on mechanical resistance of single-lap adhesive joints, Composite Structures, 67: 125–133.
  • 13. Salih A., Aydin M. D. 2014. 3-D non-linear stress analysis on the adhesively bonded composite joint under bending moment, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 81: 149–157.
  • 14. Daniel I. M., Abot J. L. 2000. Fabrication testing and analysis of composite sandwich beams, Composites Science and Technology, 60: 2455–2463.
  • 15. Camponeschi E. T. 1990. Compression Response of Thick-Section Composite Materials, ReportDTRC-SME-90/60, David Taylor Research Center, Annapolis, USA.
  • 16. Sülü İ. Y., Temiz Ş., Aydin M. D. 2015. Layer effects of multi-layered face to face adhesively bonded composite pipes subjected to internal pressure, Academic Journal of Science, 04(3): 195–202.
  • 17. Sulu Ismail Yasin, Temiz Semsettin. 2018. Failure and stress analysis of internal pressurized composite pipes joined with sleeves, J. Adhesion Science and Technology, 32(8): 816-832.
  • 18. Ozel A., Yazici B., Akpinar S., Aydin M. D., Temiz Ş. 2014. A study on the strength of adhesively bonded joints with different adherends, Composites Part B: Engineering, 62: 167 – 174.
  • 19. Temiz S. 2006. Application of bi-adhesive in double-strap joints subjected to bending moment, J. Adhesion Science and Technology, 20: 1547–1560.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

İsmail Yasin Sülü

Publication Date December 28, 2018
Submission Date May 17, 2018
Acceptance Date December 19, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


IEEE İ. Y. Sülü, “Çekme Yükü Altında Gömülü Tek Tesirli Yama İle Yapıştırılarak Birleştirilmiş Kompozit Parçaların Gerilme Analizi”, Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 284–295, 2018, doi: 10.17798/bitlisfen.424429.

Bitlis Eren University
Journal of Science Editor
Bitlis Eren University Graduate Institute
Bes Minare Mah. Ahmet Eren Bulvari, Merkez Kampus, 13000 BITLIS