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Cam İpliğinden Farklı Desenlerde Üretilmiş Atkılı Örme Ribana Kumaşların Fiziksel, Yapısal ve Hava Geçirgenliği Özellikleri

Year 2021, , 1590 - 1602, 31.12.2021


Bu çalışmada cam ipliğinden 1x1, 2x2, İngiliz ve balıkçı ribana desenlerinde üretilmiş atkılı örme kumaşların fiziksel, yapısal ve hava geçirgenliği özellikleri bu kumaşlarla güçlendirilmiş polimer matrisli kompozit malzeme üretimi düşünülerek mercek altına alınmıştır. 2x2 ribana deseni hem makine üzerinde hem de makineden alındıktan sonra, desen kaynaklı kumaş iç geriliminin bir neticesi olarak, ilmek sırası yönünde dramatik bir şekilde daralmıştır. Bu daralma sıkı ve sert tutumlu bir kumaş yapısı ortaya koymuştur. Diğer yandan balıkçı ribana deseninde her iki yüzde yer alan askı ilmekler, kumaş makineden alındıktan sonra, ilmek çubuklarının saat ibreleri yönünde dönüp birbiri üzerine yuvalanmalarını sağlayarak kumaş boyunu kısaltmış ve sıkı bir yapı oluşturmuştur. Sıkı bir kumaş yapısına sahip olmalarından ötürü; 2x2 ve balıkçı ribana desenleri, 1x1 ve İngiliz ribana desenlerine kıyasla daha yüksek kalınlık, alansal yoğunluk ve ilmek yoğunluğu gösterirken, daha düşük bir ilmek uzunluğu sergilemiştir. En gevşek kumaş yapısına sahip olan 1x1 ribana deseni en yüksek hava geçirgenliğini sergilerken, en sert tuşeli ve sıkı yapılı 2x2 ribana deseni en düşük hava geçirgenliğini sergilemiştir. Hava geçirgenliği ile ilmek uzunluğu arasında en güçlü pozitif korelasyon gözlemlenirken, hava geçirgenliği ile ilmek sırası sıklığı arasında en güçlü negatif korelasyon gözlemlenmiştir. Bu çalışma, kumaş sıklığını ve buna bağlı olarak hava geçirgenliğini kontrol eden örgü desen parametresi değiştirilerek fark lif hacimsel oranlarında ve çeşitli mekanik özelliklere sahip cam ipliğinden atkılı örme kumaş takviyeli kompozitlerin üretilebileceğini göstermiştir.

Supporting Institution

Gaziantep University, Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP) Birimi, Gaziantep, Turkey

Project Number



Bu çalışma Gaziantep Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi tarafından MF.YLT.18.02 nolu proje kapsamında desteklenmiştir.


  • Kane, C.D., Patil, U.J., Sudhakar, P. 2007. Studies on the Influence of Knit Structure and Stitch Length on Ring and Compact Yarn Single Jersey Fabric Properties. Textile Research Journal, 77 (8): 572-582.
  • Mikučionienė, D., Baltušnikaitė, J., Milašius, R. 2011. Influence of the number of yarns in a Loop on the flammability of knits. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 19 (6): 71-74.
  • Mikučionienė, D., Milašiūtė, L., Baltušnikaitė, J., Milašius, R. 2012. Influence of plain knits structure on flammability and air permeability. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 94 (5): 66-69.
  • Mikučionienė, D., Milašiūtė, L., Milašius, R. 2014. Influence of knits structure on flammability and comfortability. AUTEX Research Journal, 14 (4): 226-232.
  • Bivainyte, A., Mikucioniene, D. 2011. Investigation on the Air and Water Vapour Permeability of Double-Layered Weft Knitted Fabrics. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 19 (3): 69-73.
  • Ciobanu, L., Filipescu, F., 2012. Experimental Study on the Mechanic Behaviour of Weft Knitted Fabrics. Fibres & Textiles In Eastern Europe, 20 (2): 34-39.
  • Çoruh, E. 2015. Optimization of Comfort Properties of Single Jersey Knitted Fabric. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europa, 23 (4): 66-72.
  • Ciobanu, A. R., Ciobanu, L., Dumitras, C., & Sarghie, B. 2016. Comparative Analysis of the Bursting Strength of Knitted Sandwich Fabrics. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 24 (2): 95-101.
  • Uyanik, S., Değirmenci, Z., Topalbekiroğlu, M., Geyik, F. 2016. Examining the relation between the number and location of tuck stitches and bursting strength in circular knitted fabrics. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 24 (1(115)): 114-119.
  • Uyanık, S., Topalbekiroğlu, M. 2017. The effect of knit structures with tuck stitches on fabric properties and pilling resistance. Journal of the Textile Institute, 108 (9): 1584-1589.
  • İnce, M. E., Yildirim, H. 2019. Air permeability and bursting strength of weft-knitted fabrics from glass yarn. Part II: knit architecture effect. The Journal of The Textile Institute, 110 (7): 1072-1084.
  • Ciobanu, L., 2011. Development of 3D Knitted Fabrics for Advanced Composite Materials. B. Attaf (Edt.), Advances in Composite Materials - Ecodesign and Analysis, içinde (s. 161-192). InTech.
  • Gommers, B., Verpoest, I., Van Houtte, P. 1998. Analysis of knitted fabric reinforced composites: Part I. Fibre orientation distribution. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 29 (12): 1579-1588.
  • Pamuk, G., Çeken, F. 2008. Manufacturing of Weft-Knitted Fabric Reinforced Composite Materials: A Review. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 23 (7): 635-640.
  • Pandita, S. D., Falconet, D., Verpoest, I. 2002. Impact properties of weft knitted fabric reinforced composites. Composite Science and Technology, 62 (7-8): 1113-1123.
  • ASTM. (2009). ASTM D3776 Standard Test Methods for Mass Per Unit Area (Weight) of Fabric.
  • ASTM. (2015). ASTM D8007 Standard Test Method for Wale and Course Count of Weft Knitted Fabrics.
  • BS. (1988). BS 5441 British Standard Methods of Test for Knitted fabrics.
  • ASTM. (2018). ASTM D737 Standard Test Method for Air Permeability of Textile Fabrics.
  • Statistical Software | JMP Software from SAS, 2021.

Physical, Structural and Air Permeability Properties of Glass Yarn Weft Knitted Rib Fabrics from Different Patterns

Year 2021, , 1590 - 1602, 31.12.2021


In this study physical, structural and air permeability properties of weft knitted fabrics made of glass yarn with 1x1, 2x2, English and fisherman rib patterns were examined via considering the production of polymer matrix composites reinforced by these fabrics . As a result of the pattern-induced fabric internal tension, the 2x2 rib knit contracted dramatically in the course direction both while it was on the machine and after it was removed from the machine. This contraction produced a tight and firm fabric structure. On the other hand, after the fabric was taken from the machine, the tuck stitches on both sides of the fisherman rib pattern shortened the fabric length and formed a tight structure by rotating the loop bars clockwise and nesting them on each other. Due to their tight fabric structures; the 2x2 and fisherman rib patterns showed higher thickness, higher areal density, higher loop density, and lower loop length than 1x1 English rib patterns. While the 1x1 rib pattern with the loosest fabric structure exhibited the highest air permeability, the 2x2 rib pattern with the hardest touch and tight structure displayed the lowest air permeability. Although the strongest positive correlation was observed between air permeability and loop length, the strongest negative correlation was observed between air permeability and course density. This study showed that glass-yarn weft-knitted fabric reinforced composites with various fiber volume fractions and mechanical properties can be produced by changing the knit pattern parameter that controls the fabric tightness and accordingly the air permeability.

Project Number



  • Kane, C.D., Patil, U.J., Sudhakar, P. 2007. Studies on the Influence of Knit Structure and Stitch Length on Ring and Compact Yarn Single Jersey Fabric Properties. Textile Research Journal, 77 (8): 572-582.
  • Mikučionienė, D., Baltušnikaitė, J., Milašius, R. 2011. Influence of the number of yarns in a Loop on the flammability of knits. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 19 (6): 71-74.
  • Mikučionienė, D., Milašiūtė, L., Baltušnikaitė, J., Milašius, R. 2012. Influence of plain knits structure on flammability and air permeability. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 94 (5): 66-69.
  • Mikučionienė, D., Milašiūtė, L., Milašius, R. 2014. Influence of knits structure on flammability and comfortability. AUTEX Research Journal, 14 (4): 226-232.
  • Bivainyte, A., Mikucioniene, D. 2011. Investigation on the Air and Water Vapour Permeability of Double-Layered Weft Knitted Fabrics. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 19 (3): 69-73.
  • Ciobanu, L., Filipescu, F., 2012. Experimental Study on the Mechanic Behaviour of Weft Knitted Fabrics. Fibres & Textiles In Eastern Europe, 20 (2): 34-39.
  • Çoruh, E. 2015. Optimization of Comfort Properties of Single Jersey Knitted Fabric. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europa, 23 (4): 66-72.
  • Ciobanu, A. R., Ciobanu, L., Dumitras, C., & Sarghie, B. 2016. Comparative Analysis of the Bursting Strength of Knitted Sandwich Fabrics. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 24 (2): 95-101.
  • Uyanik, S., Değirmenci, Z., Topalbekiroğlu, M., Geyik, F. 2016. Examining the relation between the number and location of tuck stitches and bursting strength in circular knitted fabrics. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 24 (1(115)): 114-119.
  • Uyanık, S., Topalbekiroğlu, M. 2017. The effect of knit structures with tuck stitches on fabric properties and pilling resistance. Journal of the Textile Institute, 108 (9): 1584-1589.
  • İnce, M. E., Yildirim, H. 2019. Air permeability and bursting strength of weft-knitted fabrics from glass yarn. Part II: knit architecture effect. The Journal of The Textile Institute, 110 (7): 1072-1084.
  • Ciobanu, L., 2011. Development of 3D Knitted Fabrics for Advanced Composite Materials. B. Attaf (Edt.), Advances in Composite Materials - Ecodesign and Analysis, içinde (s. 161-192). InTech.
  • Gommers, B., Verpoest, I., Van Houtte, P. 1998. Analysis of knitted fabric reinforced composites: Part I. Fibre orientation distribution. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 29 (12): 1579-1588.
  • Pamuk, G., Çeken, F. 2008. Manufacturing of Weft-Knitted Fabric Reinforced Composite Materials: A Review. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 23 (7): 635-640.
  • Pandita, S. D., Falconet, D., Verpoest, I. 2002. Impact properties of weft knitted fabric reinforced composites. Composite Science and Technology, 62 (7-8): 1113-1123.
  • ASTM. (2009). ASTM D3776 Standard Test Methods for Mass Per Unit Area (Weight) of Fabric.
  • ASTM. (2015). ASTM D8007 Standard Test Method for Wale and Course Count of Weft Knitted Fabrics.
  • BS. (1988). BS 5441 British Standard Methods of Test for Knitted fabrics.
  • ASTM. (2018). ASTM D737 Standard Test Method for Air Permeability of Textile Fabrics.
  • Statistical Software | JMP Software from SAS, 2021.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Mehmet Erdem İnce 0000-0001-7537-9172

Kıymet Savcı Güneş

Project Number MF.YLT.18.02
Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date August 25, 2021
Acceptance Date November 15, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


IEEE M. E. İnce and K. Savcı Güneş, “Cam İpliğinden Farklı Desenlerde Üretilmiş Atkılı Örme Ribana Kumaşların Fiziksel, Yapısal ve Hava Geçirgenliği Özellikleri”, Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 1590–1602, 2021, doi: 10.17798/bitlisfen.986925.

Bitlis Eren University
Journal of Science Editor
Bitlis Eren University Graduate Institute
Bes Minare Mah. Ahmet Eren Bulvari, Merkez Kampus, 13000 BITLIS