Research Article
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Etriyesiz Dış Kiriş-Kolon Birleşim Bölgesi için Kesme Dayanımı Tahmini

Year 2020, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 766 - 779, 15.06.2020


türü yapıların sismik yük altında sünek davranış sergilemesi kolon-kiriş
birleşim bölgelerinin depremden kaynaklı olarak açığa çıkan reaksiyon
kuvvetlerini sağlıklı bir şekilde aktarmasına bağlıdır. Ancak yüksek kesmeye
maruz kalan birleşim bölgelerinde etriye sıklaştırması yapılırken çeşitli
sorunlarla karşılaşılmakta ve bu sebeple de etriyeler gerektiği gibi
yerleştirilememektedir. Sonuç olarak pek çok yapıda kiriş-kolon birleşim
bölgesinde yetersiz etriye miktarı sebebi ile hasarlar meydana gelmektedir. Mevcut
çalışmada, etriyesiz dış kiriş-kolon birleşim bölgelerinin kesme dayanımlarının
belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmış olan deney verileri derlenmiş ve bu verilere
bağlı olarak birleşim bölgesinin kesme dayanımına etki eden temel parametreler belirlenmiştir.
Bu parametreler: efektif birleşim bölgesi genişliği, beton silindir basınç
dayanımı, eksenel kuvvet oranı ve kiriş efektif alanının kolon efektif alanına
oranıdır. Söz konusu parametrelerden yola çıkılarak etriyesiz dış kiriş-kolon
birleşim bölgelerinin kesme dayanımını hesaplamak amacıyla bir denklem
önerilmiştir. Önerilen denklem literatürde yer alan ve aynı amaçla üretilmiş
denklemlerin sonuçları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Önerilen denklemin diğer
denklem sonuçlarına kıyasla deney sonuçları ile daha uyumlu sonuçlar verdiği


  • Eyyubov C., Şahin A., Uğur Y. 2005. Yıkıcı Depremler Süresince Betonarme Binaların Kolon-Kiriş Birleşimlerinin Davranışlarının İncelenmesi, Antalya Yöresinin İnşaat Mühendisliği Sorunları Kongresi, İmo İnşaat Mühendisleri, Odası e-kütüphane.
  • Hanson N.W., Conner H.W. 1967. Seismic Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Beam–Column Joints, Journal of Structural Division, ACSE, 93(5): 533–560.
  • Uzumeri S.M. 1977. Strength and Ductility of Cast-in-Place Beam–Column Joints. American Concrete Institute Annual Convention, Symposium on Reinforced Concrete Structures in Seismic Zones, San Francisco, 293–350.
  • Kanada K., Kondo G., Fujii S., Morita S. 1984. Relation Between Beam Bar Anchorage and Shear Resistance at Exterior Beam–Column Joints. Trans Japan Concrere Institute, 6: 433–40.
  • Sarsam K.F., Phipps M.E. 1985. The Shear Design of in Situ Reinforced Ream–Column Joints Subjected to Monotonic Loading, Magazine of Concrete Reasearch, 37(130): 16–28.
  • Hoffschild T.E., Prion H.G.L., Cherry S. 1993. Seismic Retrofit of Beam-to-Column Joints with Grouted Steel Tubes, Proceedings, Tom Paulay Symposium on Recent Development in Lateral Force Transfer in Buildings, 403-431.
  • Ortiz I. R. 1993. Strut-and-Tie Modeling of Reinforce Concrete Short Beams and Beam-Column Joints. University of West¬minster, PhD thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, London, UK.
  • Parker D. E., Bullman P. J. M. 1997. Shear Strength within Rein¬forced Concrete Beam-Column Joints, Structural Engineering, 75(4): 53-57.
  • Scott R. H., Hamill S. J. 1998. Connection Zone Strain in Reinforced Concrete Beam Column Connection., In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Oxford, UK, 65-69.
  • Wilson I. D. 1998. SIFCON Joints in Pre-cast Concrete Structures. In: Proceedings of the 8th BCA Annual Conference on Higher Education and the Concrete Industry. Southampton, UK, 227–39.
  • Clyde C., Pantelides C. P., Reaveley L. D. 2000. Performance-Based Evaluation of Exterior Reinforced Concrete Building Joints for Seismic Excitation. PEER Report 2000/ 05. Berkeley: Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California.
  • Pantelides C. P., Hansen J., Nadauld J., Reaveley L. D. 2002. Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Building Exterior Joints with Substandard Details. PEER Report 2002/ 18. Berkeley: Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California.
  • Ghobarah A., Said A. 2002. Shear Strengthening of Beam–Column Joints, Engineering Structures, 24(7): 881–8.
  • Gencoğlu M., Eren I. 2002. An Experimental Study on the Effect of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete on the Behavior of the Exterior Beam–Column Joints Subjected to Reversal Cyclic Loading. Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Science, 26: 493–502.
  • El-Amoury T., Ghobarah A. 2002. Seismic Rehabilitation of Beam–Column Joints Using GFRP Sheets, Engineering Structures, 24(11): 1397–407.
  • Tsonos A. G., Stylianidis K. 2002. Seismic Retrofit of Beam-to-Column Joints with High Strength Fiber Jackets, European Earthquake Engineering, 16: 56-72.
  • Woo S. W. 2003. Seismic Performance of RC Frames in a Low to Moderate Seismicity Region. Korea University, Department of Civil Engineering, PhD thesis, Seoul, Korea.
  • Antonopoulos, C. P., Triantafillou, T. C. 2003. Experimental Investigation of FRP Strengthened RC Beam-Column Joints, Journal of Composites for Construction, 7(1): 39-49.
  • Hwang S. J., Lee H. J., Liao T. F., Wang K. C., Tsai H. H. 2005. Role of Hoops on Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beam–Column Joints, ACI Structural Journal, 102(3): 445–53.
  • Wong H. F. 2005. Shear Strength and Seismic Performance of Non-Seismically Designed Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, PhD thesis, Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong.
  • Liu C. 2006. Seismic Behavior of Beam–Column Joint Assemblies Reinforced with Steel Fibers. University of Canterbury, Department of Civil Engineering, MSc thesis, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.
  • Sagbas G. 2007. Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Beam–Column Subassemblies. University of Toronto, Department of Civil Engineering, MSc thesis, Toronto, Kanada.
  • Salim I. B. 2007. The Influence of Concrete Strengths of the Behavior of the External Beam-Column Joints, MSc thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
  • Engindeniz M., Kahn L. F., Zureick A. H. 2008. Performance of an RC Corner Beam–Column Joint Severely Damaged under Bidirectional Loading and Rehabilitated with FRP Composites. SP-258. Farmington Hills (MI): American Concrete Institute, 19–36.
  • Karayannis C. G., Chalioris C. E., Sirkelis G. M. 2008. Local Retrofit of Exterior RC Beam-Column Joints Using Thin RC Jackets: An Experimental Study, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 37(5): 727-746.
  • Park S. 2010. Experiential and Analytical Studies on Old Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Seismically Vulnerable Beam-Column Joints, PhD dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, America.
  • Bakir P. G., Boduroğlu H. M. 2002. A New Design Equation for Predicting the Joint Shear Strength Of Monotonically Loaded Exterior Beam-Column Joints, Engineering Structures, 24(8): 1105-1117.
  • Hegger J., Sherif A., Roeser W. 2003. Nonseismic Design of Beam–Column Joints, ACI Structural Journal, 100(5): 654–64.
  • Park S., Mosalam K. M. 2012. Parameters for Shear Strength Prediction of Exterior Beam-Column Joints without Transverse Reinforcement, Engineering Structures, 36(2012): 198-209.
  • Hassan W. M., Moehle J. P. 2018. Shear Strength of Exterior and Corner Beam-Column Joints without Transverse Reinforcement, ACI Structural Journal, 115(6): 1719-1727.
  • Tsonos A. G. 2009. Performance Enhancement of R/C Building Columns and Beam-Columns Joints through Shotcrete Jacketing, Engineering Structures, 32(3): 726-740.
  • Vollum R. L., Newman J. B. 1999. Strut and Tie Models for the Analysis/Design of External Beam-Column Joints, Magazine of Concrete Research, 51(6): 415-425.
  • Deprem Bölgelerinde Yapılacak Binalar Hakkında Yönetmelik. 2007. Afet İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Deprem Araştırma Dairesi, 156s, Ankara.
  • Türkiye Bina Deprem Yönetmeliği. 2019. Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı, 395s, Ankara.
  • Recommendations for Design of Beam-Column Connections in Monolithic Reinforced Concrete Structures. 2002. ACI-ASCE Committee 352, American Concrete Institute, 37s. Farmington Hills.
  • Zhang L., Jirsa J. O. 1982. A Study of Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam–Column Joints, PMFSEL Report No. 82-1, University of Texas at Austin.
  • Barnes M., Jigoral S. 2008. Exterior Non-Ductile Beam Column Joints PEER/NEESREU Research Report, University of California, Berkeley.
  • Vecchio F. J., Collins M. P. The Modified Compression-Field Theory of Reinforced Concrete Elements Subjected to Shear, ACI Structural Journal, V. 83(2): 219-231.
  • Pantazopoulou S., Bonacci J. 1992. Consideration of Questions about Beam-Column Joints, ACI Structural Journal, 89(1): 27-37.
Year 2020, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 766 - 779, 15.06.2020



  • Eyyubov C., Şahin A., Uğur Y. 2005. Yıkıcı Depremler Süresince Betonarme Binaların Kolon-Kiriş Birleşimlerinin Davranışlarının İncelenmesi, Antalya Yöresinin İnşaat Mühendisliği Sorunları Kongresi, İmo İnşaat Mühendisleri, Odası e-kütüphane.
  • Hanson N.W., Conner H.W. 1967. Seismic Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Beam–Column Joints, Journal of Structural Division, ACSE, 93(5): 533–560.
  • Uzumeri S.M. 1977. Strength and Ductility of Cast-in-Place Beam–Column Joints. American Concrete Institute Annual Convention, Symposium on Reinforced Concrete Structures in Seismic Zones, San Francisco, 293–350.
  • Kanada K., Kondo G., Fujii S., Morita S. 1984. Relation Between Beam Bar Anchorage and Shear Resistance at Exterior Beam–Column Joints. Trans Japan Concrere Institute, 6: 433–40.
  • Sarsam K.F., Phipps M.E. 1985. The Shear Design of in Situ Reinforced Ream–Column Joints Subjected to Monotonic Loading, Magazine of Concrete Reasearch, 37(130): 16–28.
  • Hoffschild T.E., Prion H.G.L., Cherry S. 1993. Seismic Retrofit of Beam-to-Column Joints with Grouted Steel Tubes, Proceedings, Tom Paulay Symposium on Recent Development in Lateral Force Transfer in Buildings, 403-431.
  • Ortiz I. R. 1993. Strut-and-Tie Modeling of Reinforce Concrete Short Beams and Beam-Column Joints. University of West¬minster, PhD thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, London, UK.
  • Parker D. E., Bullman P. J. M. 1997. Shear Strength within Rein¬forced Concrete Beam-Column Joints, Structural Engineering, 75(4): 53-57.
  • Scott R. H., Hamill S. J. 1998. Connection Zone Strain in Reinforced Concrete Beam Column Connection., In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Oxford, UK, 65-69.
  • Wilson I. D. 1998. SIFCON Joints in Pre-cast Concrete Structures. In: Proceedings of the 8th BCA Annual Conference on Higher Education and the Concrete Industry. Southampton, UK, 227–39.
  • Clyde C., Pantelides C. P., Reaveley L. D. 2000. Performance-Based Evaluation of Exterior Reinforced Concrete Building Joints for Seismic Excitation. PEER Report 2000/ 05. Berkeley: Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California.
  • Pantelides C. P., Hansen J., Nadauld J., Reaveley L. D. 2002. Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Building Exterior Joints with Substandard Details. PEER Report 2002/ 18. Berkeley: Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California.
  • Ghobarah A., Said A. 2002. Shear Strengthening of Beam–Column Joints, Engineering Structures, 24(7): 881–8.
  • Gencoğlu M., Eren I. 2002. An Experimental Study on the Effect of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete on the Behavior of the Exterior Beam–Column Joints Subjected to Reversal Cyclic Loading. Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Science, 26: 493–502.
  • El-Amoury T., Ghobarah A. 2002. Seismic Rehabilitation of Beam–Column Joints Using GFRP Sheets, Engineering Structures, 24(11): 1397–407.
  • Tsonos A. G., Stylianidis K. 2002. Seismic Retrofit of Beam-to-Column Joints with High Strength Fiber Jackets, European Earthquake Engineering, 16: 56-72.
  • Woo S. W. 2003. Seismic Performance of RC Frames in a Low to Moderate Seismicity Region. Korea University, Department of Civil Engineering, PhD thesis, Seoul, Korea.
  • Antonopoulos, C. P., Triantafillou, T. C. 2003. Experimental Investigation of FRP Strengthened RC Beam-Column Joints, Journal of Composites for Construction, 7(1): 39-49.
  • Hwang S. J., Lee H. J., Liao T. F., Wang K. C., Tsai H. H. 2005. Role of Hoops on Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beam–Column Joints, ACI Structural Journal, 102(3): 445–53.
  • Wong H. F. 2005. Shear Strength and Seismic Performance of Non-Seismically Designed Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, PhD thesis, Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong.
  • Liu C. 2006. Seismic Behavior of Beam–Column Joint Assemblies Reinforced with Steel Fibers. University of Canterbury, Department of Civil Engineering, MSc thesis, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.
  • Sagbas G. 2007. Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Beam–Column Subassemblies. University of Toronto, Department of Civil Engineering, MSc thesis, Toronto, Kanada.
  • Salim I. B. 2007. The Influence of Concrete Strengths of the Behavior of the External Beam-Column Joints, MSc thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
  • Engindeniz M., Kahn L. F., Zureick A. H. 2008. Performance of an RC Corner Beam–Column Joint Severely Damaged under Bidirectional Loading and Rehabilitated with FRP Composites. SP-258. Farmington Hills (MI): American Concrete Institute, 19–36.
  • Karayannis C. G., Chalioris C. E., Sirkelis G. M. 2008. Local Retrofit of Exterior RC Beam-Column Joints Using Thin RC Jackets: An Experimental Study, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 37(5): 727-746.
  • Park S. 2010. Experiential and Analytical Studies on Old Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Seismically Vulnerable Beam-Column Joints, PhD dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, America.
  • Bakir P. G., Boduroğlu H. M. 2002. A New Design Equation for Predicting the Joint Shear Strength Of Monotonically Loaded Exterior Beam-Column Joints, Engineering Structures, 24(8): 1105-1117.
  • Hegger J., Sherif A., Roeser W. 2003. Nonseismic Design of Beam–Column Joints, ACI Structural Journal, 100(5): 654–64.
  • Park S., Mosalam K. M. 2012. Parameters for Shear Strength Prediction of Exterior Beam-Column Joints without Transverse Reinforcement, Engineering Structures, 36(2012): 198-209.
  • Hassan W. M., Moehle J. P. 2018. Shear Strength of Exterior and Corner Beam-Column Joints without Transverse Reinforcement, ACI Structural Journal, 115(6): 1719-1727.
  • Tsonos A. G. 2009. Performance Enhancement of R/C Building Columns and Beam-Columns Joints through Shotcrete Jacketing, Engineering Structures, 32(3): 726-740.
  • Vollum R. L., Newman J. B. 1999. Strut and Tie Models for the Analysis/Design of External Beam-Column Joints, Magazine of Concrete Research, 51(6): 415-425.
  • Deprem Bölgelerinde Yapılacak Binalar Hakkında Yönetmelik. 2007. Afet İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Deprem Araştırma Dairesi, 156s, Ankara.
  • Türkiye Bina Deprem Yönetmeliği. 2019. Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı, 395s, Ankara.
  • Recommendations for Design of Beam-Column Connections in Monolithic Reinforced Concrete Structures. 2002. ACI-ASCE Committee 352, American Concrete Institute, 37s. Farmington Hills.
  • Zhang L., Jirsa J. O. 1982. A Study of Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam–Column Joints, PMFSEL Report No. 82-1, University of Texas at Austin.
  • Barnes M., Jigoral S. 2008. Exterior Non-Ductile Beam Column Joints PEER/NEESREU Research Report, University of California, Berkeley.
  • Vecchio F. J., Collins M. P. The Modified Compression-Field Theory of Reinforced Concrete Elements Subjected to Shear, ACI Structural Journal, V. 83(2): 219-231.
  • Pantazopoulou S., Bonacci J. 1992. Consideration of Questions about Beam-Column Joints, ACI Structural Journal, 89(1): 27-37.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Eren Yağmur 0000-0001-5938-0501

Publication Date June 15, 2020
Submission Date June 26, 2019
Acceptance Date October 23, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


IEEE E. Yağmur, “Etriyesiz Dış Kiriş-Kolon Birleşim Bölgesi için Kesme Dayanımı Tahmini”, Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 766–779, 2020, doi: 10.17798/bitlisfen.582609.

Bitlis Eren University
Journal of Science Editor
Bitlis Eren University Graduate Institute
Bes Minare Mah. Ahmet Eren Bulvari, Merkez Kampus, 13000 BITLIS