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Doğal Oksit Arayüzey Tabakalı Zr/p-Si Schottky Diyotlarının Yüksek Frekanslarda Kapasite-Gerilim ve İletkenlik-Gerilim Karakteristiklerinin Analizi

Year 2020, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 1024 - 1030, 26.09.2020


Termal buharlaştırma yöntemiyle imal edilen Zr/SiO2/p-Si Schottky diyotların kapasite-gerilim-frekans (C-V-f) ve iletkenlik-gerilim-frekans (G-V-f) ölçümleri 500 kHz - 3 MHz aralığında 5 farklı frekansta ve oda sıcaklığında alınmıştır. 1 MHz frekans için C-V karakteristiği yardımıyla arayüzey oksit tabakasının kalınlığı 2.33 nm olarak hesaplanmıştır. Güçlü birikim bölgesindeki C ve G değerleri kullanılarak seri direncin ortalama değeri 70.5 Ω olarak elde edilmiştir. Bu diyotlar için, Hill-Coleman metodu ile hesaplanan arayüzey durum yoğunluğunun (Dit) artan frekansla azaldığı görülmüştür. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, Zr/SiO2/p-Si Schottky diyotları hızlı anahtarlama için umut vaat edicidir.


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  • Neamen D.A. 2003. Semiconductor Physics and Devices: Basic Principles, 3rded., McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • Su G.,Yang S., Li S., Butch C.J., Filimonov S.N., Ren J.-C., Liu W. 2019. Switchable Schottky Contacts: Simultaneously Enhanced Output Current and Reduced Leakage Current, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141 (4): 1628–1635.
  • Sze S.M., Kwok K.N. 2007. Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 3rd ed., John Wiley and Sons, Canada.
  • Romanov R.I.,. Zuev V. V, Fominskii V.Y., Demin M. V., Grigoriev V. V. 2010. Electrical Properties of Thin-Film Structures Formed by Pulsed Laser Deposition of Au, Ag, Cu, Pd, Pt, W, Zr Metals on n-6H-SiC Crystal, Semiconductors, 44 (9): 1192–1198.
  • Tan C.K., Abdul AzizA., HassanZ., YamF.K., LimC.W., HudeishA.Y.2006. Pinning Fermi Level of p-GaN due to Three Different (Zr, Ti and Cr) Metal Contact, Materials Science Forum, 517: 262–266.
  • Tan C.K., Abdul Aziz A., Yam F.K. 2006. Schottky Barrier Properties of Various Metal (Zr, Ti, Cr, Pt) Contact on p-GaN Revealed from I–V–T Measurement, Applied Surface Science, 252 (16): 5930–5935.
  • Yamauchi T., Zaima S., Mizuno K., Kitamura H., Koide Y., Yasuda Y. 1990. Solid Phase Reaction and Electrical Properties in Zr/Si System, Applied Physics Letters, 57 (11): 1105–1107.
  • Rajagopal Reddy V., Asha B., Choi C.-J. 2017. Schottky Barrier Parameters and Structural Properties of Rapidly Annealed Zr Schottky Electrode on p-type GaN, Journal of Semiconductors, 38 (6): 064001.
  • Michaelson H.B. 1978. Relation Between an Atomic Electronegativity Scale and the Work Function, IBM Journal of Research and Development, 22 (1): 72–80.
  • Nicollian E.H., Brews J.R. 1982. MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) Physics and Technology, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
  • Lapa H.E., Kökce A., Al-Dharob M., Orak İ., Özdemir A.F., Altındal S. 2017. Interfacial Layer Thickness Dependent Electrical Characteristics of Au/(Zn-doped PVA)/ n-4H-SiC (MPS) Structures at Room Temperature, The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 80 (1): 10101.
  • Altındal Ş., Kanbur H., Yücedağ İ., Tataroğlu A. 2008. On the Energy Distribution of İnterface States and Their Relaxation Time and Capture Cross Section Profiles in Al/SiO2/p-Si (MIS) Schottky Diodes, Microelectronic Engineering, 85 (7): 1495–1501.
  • Rhoderick E.H., Williams R.H. 1988. Metal-Semiconductor Contacts, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • Morita M., Ohmi T., Hasegawa E., Kawakami M., Ohwada M., Morita M., Ohmi T., Hasegawa E., Kawakami M., Ohwada M. 1990. Growth of Native Oxide on a SiliconSurface, Journal of Applied Physics, 68 (3): 1272–1281.
  • Gräf D., Grundner M., Schulz R., Mühlhoff L. 1990. Oxidation of HF Treated Si Wafer Surfaces in Air Oxidation of HF-treated Si Wafer Surfaces in Air, Journal of Applied Physics, 68 (10):5155–5161.
  • Graf D., BauerMayer S., Schnegg A. 1993. Influence of HF-H2O2 Treatment on Si ( 100 ) and Si ( 111 ) Surfaces, Journal of Applied Physics, 74 (3):1679–1683.
  • Çetinkara H.A., Güder H.S. 2010. On the Effects of Air-exposure-time and Time-dependency of Pb / p-Si Schottky Diodes, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 405 (21): 4480–4487.
  • Tecimer H., Uslu H., Alahmed Z.A., Yakuphanoğlu F., Altındal Ş. 2014. On the Frequency and Voltage Dependence of Admittance Characteristics of Al/PTCDA/p-Si (MPS) Type Schottky Barrier Diodes (SBDs), Composite Part B: Engineering, 57: 25–30.
  • Sharma B.L. 1984. Metal-Semiconductor Schottky Barrier Junctions and Their Applications, Plenum Press, New York and London.
  • Türüt A., Saǧlam M. 1992. Determination of the Density of Si-metal Interface States and Excess Capacitance Caused by Them, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 179 (4): 285–294.
  • Hill W.A., Coleman C.C. 1980. A Single-Frequency Approximation for Interface-State Density Determination, Solid-State Electronics, 23 (9): 987–993.

The Analysis of Capacitance-Voltage and Conductance-Voltage Characteristics of Zr/p-Si Schottky diodes with a Native Oxide Interfacial Layer at High Frequencies

Year 2020, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 1024 - 1030, 26.09.2020


Capacitance-voltage-frequency (C-V-f) and conductance-voltage-frequency (G-V-f) measurements of Zr/SiO2/p-Si Schottky diodes produced by thermal evaporation method were taken for frequencies (500 kHz- 3 MHz frequencies range) at room temperature. The thickness of the interfacial oxide layer was calculated as 2.33 nm by means of C-V characteristic for 1 MHz frequency. The average value of series resistance was obtained as 70.5 Ω by using C and G values in the strong accumulation region. For these diodes, it was observed that the interfacial state density (Dit) calculated by the Hill-Coleman method decreased with increasing frequency. According to the findings, the Zr/SiO2/p-Si Schottky diodes are promising for fast switching.


  • Rhoderick E.H. 1982. Metal-semiconductor Contacts, IEE Proc I Solid State Electron Devices, 129(1):1.
  • Neamen D.A. 2003. Semiconductor Physics and Devices: Basic Principles, 3rded., McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • Su G.,Yang S., Li S., Butch C.J., Filimonov S.N., Ren J.-C., Liu W. 2019. Switchable Schottky Contacts: Simultaneously Enhanced Output Current and Reduced Leakage Current, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141 (4): 1628–1635.
  • Sze S.M., Kwok K.N. 2007. Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 3rd ed., John Wiley and Sons, Canada.
  • Romanov R.I.,. Zuev V. V, Fominskii V.Y., Demin M. V., Grigoriev V. V. 2010. Electrical Properties of Thin-Film Structures Formed by Pulsed Laser Deposition of Au, Ag, Cu, Pd, Pt, W, Zr Metals on n-6H-SiC Crystal, Semiconductors, 44 (9): 1192–1198.
  • Tan C.K., Abdul AzizA., HassanZ., YamF.K., LimC.W., HudeishA.Y.2006. Pinning Fermi Level of p-GaN due to Three Different (Zr, Ti and Cr) Metal Contact, Materials Science Forum, 517: 262–266.
  • Tan C.K., Abdul Aziz A., Yam F.K. 2006. Schottky Barrier Properties of Various Metal (Zr, Ti, Cr, Pt) Contact on p-GaN Revealed from I–V–T Measurement, Applied Surface Science, 252 (16): 5930–5935.
  • Yamauchi T., Zaima S., Mizuno K., Kitamura H., Koide Y., Yasuda Y. 1990. Solid Phase Reaction and Electrical Properties in Zr/Si System, Applied Physics Letters, 57 (11): 1105–1107.
  • Rajagopal Reddy V., Asha B., Choi C.-J. 2017. Schottky Barrier Parameters and Structural Properties of Rapidly Annealed Zr Schottky Electrode on p-type GaN, Journal of Semiconductors, 38 (6): 064001.
  • Michaelson H.B. 1978. Relation Between an Atomic Electronegativity Scale and the Work Function, IBM Journal of Research and Development, 22 (1): 72–80.
  • Nicollian E.H., Brews J.R. 1982. MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) Physics and Technology, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
  • Lapa H.E., Kökce A., Al-Dharob M., Orak İ., Özdemir A.F., Altındal S. 2017. Interfacial Layer Thickness Dependent Electrical Characteristics of Au/(Zn-doped PVA)/ n-4H-SiC (MPS) Structures at Room Temperature, The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 80 (1): 10101.
  • Altındal Ş., Kanbur H., Yücedağ İ., Tataroğlu A. 2008. On the Energy Distribution of İnterface States and Their Relaxation Time and Capture Cross Section Profiles in Al/SiO2/p-Si (MIS) Schottky Diodes, Microelectronic Engineering, 85 (7): 1495–1501.
  • Rhoderick E.H., Williams R.H. 1988. Metal-Semiconductor Contacts, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • Morita M., Ohmi T., Hasegawa E., Kawakami M., Ohwada M., Morita M., Ohmi T., Hasegawa E., Kawakami M., Ohwada M. 1990. Growth of Native Oxide on a SiliconSurface, Journal of Applied Physics, 68 (3): 1272–1281.
  • Gräf D., Grundner M., Schulz R., Mühlhoff L. 1990. Oxidation of HF Treated Si Wafer Surfaces in Air Oxidation of HF-treated Si Wafer Surfaces in Air, Journal of Applied Physics, 68 (10):5155–5161.
  • Graf D., BauerMayer S., Schnegg A. 1993. Influence of HF-H2O2 Treatment on Si ( 100 ) and Si ( 111 ) Surfaces, Journal of Applied Physics, 74 (3):1679–1683.
  • Çetinkara H.A., Güder H.S. 2010. On the Effects of Air-exposure-time and Time-dependency of Pb / p-Si Schottky Diodes, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 405 (21): 4480–4487.
  • Tecimer H., Uslu H., Alahmed Z.A., Yakuphanoğlu F., Altındal Ş. 2014. On the Frequency and Voltage Dependence of Admittance Characteristics of Al/PTCDA/p-Si (MPS) Type Schottky Barrier Diodes (SBDs), Composite Part B: Engineering, 57: 25–30.
  • Sharma B.L. 1984. Metal-Semiconductor Schottky Barrier Junctions and Their Applications, Plenum Press, New York and London.
  • Türüt A., Saǧlam M. 1992. Determination of the Density of Si-metal Interface States and Excess Capacitance Caused by Them, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 179 (4): 285–294.
  • Hill W.A., Coleman C.C. 1980. A Single-Frequency Approximation for Interface-State Density Determination, Solid-State Electronics, 23 (9): 987–993.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Durmuş Ali Aldemir 0000-0003-4819-840X

Havva Elif Lapa 0000-0002-5706-4641

Ahmet Faruk Özdemir 0000-0001-9879-9209

Nazım Uçar 0000-0002-0936-0382

Publication Date September 26, 2020
Submission Date December 4, 2019
Acceptance Date May 11, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 9 Issue: 3


IEEE D. A. Aldemir, H. E. Lapa, A. F. Özdemir, and N. Uçar, “Doğal Oksit Arayüzey Tabakalı Zr/p-Si Schottky Diyotlarının Yüksek Frekanslarda Kapasite-Gerilim ve İletkenlik-Gerilim Karakteristiklerinin Analizi”, Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1024–1030, 2020, doi: 10.17798/bitlisfen.655179.

Bitlis Eren University
Journal of Science Editor
Bitlis Eren University Graduate Institute
Bes Minare Mah. Ahmet Eren Bulvari, Merkez Kampus, 13000 BITLIS