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COVID-19 Pandemi Süreci ve İntrapartum Dönemde Bakım

Year 2021, , 164 - 169, 30.11.2021


Amaç: Bu çalışma, COVID-19 pandemi sürecinde intrapartum dönemde bakıma ilişkin güncel bilgilerinin gözden geçirilmesi amacıyla planlanmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışma genel bir derleme olup literatürün özetlenmesiyle yapılmıştır.
Bulgular: Şiddetli akut solunum sendromuna neden olabilen küresel bir pandemi Coronavirüs hastalığının (COVID-19) yaşamın birçok alanına olduğu gibi sağlık hizmetlerine, doğum öncesi, doğum ve doğum sonrası sürece etkileri olmuştur. Özellikle anne ve yenidoğan sağlığı hizmetleri etkilenmiş, hizmet sunumunda nicel ve nitel farklılıklar oluşmuştur. Bu nedenle COVID-19 pandemisinde intrapartum dönemde bakım ile ilgili güncel önerilerin ele alınması gerekmektedir. İntrapartum dönemdeki kadınların hastaneye başvuru zamanları, hastanede enfeksiyondan korunma, bulaşın önlenmesi, enfekte bireylerin bakım hizmetlerinden faydalanması ve yönetimin sağlanması maternal ve fetal sağlığın korunması açısından önemlidir. İntrapartum dönemde gebenin COVID-19 ile enfekte ya da şüpheli kişilerle temasının azaltılması gibi koruyucu önlemler virüsten korunmada temel yöntem olarak belirtilmektedir. İntrapartum dönemin etkin yönetilmesi gebelerin güvenli bir şekilde doğum yaptığı, yeni doğan bebeklerin ihtiyaçlarının karşılandığı güçlü ve koordineli sağlık sistemlerine bağlıdır. Bu dönemde etkin rol alan ebeler, hemşireler, kadın doğum uzmanları ve neonatologlar arasında güçlü bir iş birliği sağlanması gerekmektedir. Bu konuda oluşturulmuş Acil stratejik eylem planlarının olması, gebelerin uygun zamanda uygun bakıma erişebilmelerini sağlamaktadır.
Sonuç: İntrapartum dönemde sunulan bakım maternal ve fetal sağlığın korunması açısından önemli olup, enfeksiyonun etkin kontrol ve yönetimi, sağlık personelinin ve gebenin uygun koruyucu ekipman kullanımının sağlanması ve izolasyon önlemlerinin alınması gerekmektedir.

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  • Lai C-C, Liu YH, Wang C-Y, Wang Y-H, Hsueh S-C, Yen M-Y, et al. Asymptomatic carrier state, acute respiratory disease, and pneumonia due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): Facts and myths. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection. 2020;53(3):404-12.doi:
  • Acavut G, Pay RE, Ulubay M, Bozkurt ÖE. COVID-19 pandemisinin maternal-neonatal etkileri ve yönetimi. Türk Kadın Sağlığı ve Neonatoloji Dergisi. 2020;2(3):96-104.doi:
  • Di Mascio D, Khalil A, Saccone G, Rizzo G, Buca D, Liberati M, et al. Outcome of coronavirus spectrum infections (SARS, MERS, COVID-19) during pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American journal of obstetrics & gynecology MFM. 2020;2(2):100107.doi:
  • Dashraath P, Wong JLJ, Lim MXK, Lim LM, Li S, Biswas A, et al. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and pregnancy. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology. 2020;222(6):521-31.doi:
  • Sharma JB, Sharma E, Sharma S, Singh J. Recommendations for prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum care during COVID‐19 pandemic in India. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2020;84(5):e13336.doi:
  • Şen Aytekin M, Yılar Erkek Z, Kahraman A. COVID-19 pandemisinde gebenin, yenidoğanın ve sağlık personelinin travayda korunmasına yönelik ebelik bakımı. Ebelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2021;4(2):176-88.
  • Lin C, Chu S-M, Hsu J-F, Hsu C-C, Chang Y-L, Lien R, et al. Delivery management of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 positive mothers. Pediatrics & Neonatology. 2021.doi:
  • Kotlar B, Gerson E, Petrillo S, Langer A, Tiemeier H. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal and perinatal health: a scoping review. Reproductive Health. 2021;18(1):1-39.doi:
  • Riley T, Sully E, Ahmed Z, Biddlecom A. Estimates of the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sexual and reproductive health in low-and middle-income countries. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. 2020;46:73-6.doi:
  • Işık G, Yeşilçınar İ, Çetin Avcu S, Topaloğulu Ören ED, Evrenol Öçal S, Egelioğlu Çetişli N. COVID-19 enfeksiyonunun antenatal, intrapartum ve postpartum yönetimi. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi. 2020;5(2):93-8.
  • Royal College of Obstetricians and Gyneacologist. COVID-19 virus infection and Pregnancy. Occupational health advice for employers and pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020 [Available from:
  • Qi H, Chen M, Luo X, Liu X, Shi Y, Liu T, et al. Management of a delivery suite during the COVID-19 epidemic. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2020;250:250-2.doi:
  • Boelig RC, Lambert C, Pena JA, Stone J, Bernstein PS, Berghella V, editors. Obstetric protocols in the setting of a pandemic. Seminars in Perinatology; 2020: Elsevier.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. COVID-19 FAQs for Obstetrician-Gynecologists, Obstetrics 2021 [Available from:
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı. COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 enfeksiyonu) solunum sistemi hastalıklarının yaygın olduğu dönemde sağlık kuruluşlarında gebe takibi 2021 [Available from:
  • World Health Organization. What we know about Breastfeeding and newborn care in the context of COVID-19 2020 [Available from:
  • World Health Organization. Pregnancy and childbirth during COVID-19 2021 [Available from:
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Pregnant and Recently Pregnant People at Increased Risk for Severe Illness from COVID-19 2021 [Available from:,Effect%20on%20Pregnancy%20Outcomes,without%20COVID%2D19%20during%20pregnancy.
  • Rocca-Ihenacho L, Alonso C. Where do women birth during a pandemic? Changing perspectives on Safe Motherhood during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Global Health Science. 2020;2(e4).doi:
  • Hermann A, Fitelson EM, Bergink V. Meeting maternal mental health needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. JAMA psychiatry. 2021;78(2):123-4.doi:
  • Berghella V, Hughes B. COVID-19: Pregnancy issues and antenatal care. In: Post T, editor. UpToDate. Waltham, 2021.
  • Young BE, Ong SWX, Kalimuddin S, Low JG, Tan SY, Loh J, et al. Epidemiologic features and clinical course of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in Singapore. Jama. 2020;323(15):1488-94.doi:
  • Cheema R, Partridge E, Kair LR, Kuhn-Riordon KM, Silva AI, Bettinelli ME, et al. Protecting breastfeeding during the COVID-19 pandemic. American journal of perinatology. 2020.doi:
  • Oliveira CEdS, Moura MÁP, Dantas ALB, Gouveia MTdO, Mascarenhas VHA. Assistance for newborns in the delivery room during the COVID-19 pandemic. Acta Paulista de Enfermagem. 2021;34:1-9.doi:
  • Çevik E, Yanıkkerem E. İntrapartum dönemde kanıta dayalı uygulamalar doğrultusunda destekleyici hemşirelik bakımı. 2021. 189-203 p.

COVID-19 Pandemic Process and Care in the Intrapartum Period

Year 2021, , 164 - 169, 30.11.2021


Aim: This study was planned to review current information on care in the intrapartum period during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Material and Method: This study is a general review and made by summarizing the literature.
Results: A global pandemic Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which can cause severe acute respiratory syndrome, has had effects on health services, prenatal, natal and postnatal processes, as well as many areas of life. Especially maternal and newborn health services were affected, and quantitative and qualitative differences occurred in service delivery. Therefore, current recommendations regarding care in the intrapartum period in the COVID-19 pandemic should be addressed. It is important for women in the intrapartum period to apply to the hospital, to prevent infection in the hospital, to prevent transmission, to benefit from the care services of infected individuals and to provide management for maternal and fetal health. Protective measures such as reducing the contact of pregnant women with people infected or suspected with COVID-19 during the intrapartum period are stated as the main method of protection from the virus. Effective management of the intrapartum period depends on strong and coordinated health systems where pregnant women deliver safely and the needs of newborn babies are met. A strong cooperation should be established between midwives, nurses, obstetricians and neonatologists, who play an active role in this period. Having emergency strategic action plans created in this regard ensures that pregnant women can access appropriate care at the appropriate time.
Conclusion: The care provided during the intrapartum period is important for the protection of maternal and fetal health, and effective control and management of infection, the use of appropriate protective equipment by health personnel and pregnant women, and isolation measures are required.

Project Number



  • Lai C-C, Liu YH, Wang C-Y, Wang Y-H, Hsueh S-C, Yen M-Y, et al. Asymptomatic carrier state, acute respiratory disease, and pneumonia due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): Facts and myths. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection. 2020;53(3):404-12.doi:
  • Acavut G, Pay RE, Ulubay M, Bozkurt ÖE. COVID-19 pandemisinin maternal-neonatal etkileri ve yönetimi. Türk Kadın Sağlığı ve Neonatoloji Dergisi. 2020;2(3):96-104.doi:
  • Di Mascio D, Khalil A, Saccone G, Rizzo G, Buca D, Liberati M, et al. Outcome of coronavirus spectrum infections (SARS, MERS, COVID-19) during pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American journal of obstetrics & gynecology MFM. 2020;2(2):100107.doi:
  • Dashraath P, Wong JLJ, Lim MXK, Lim LM, Li S, Biswas A, et al. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and pregnancy. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology. 2020;222(6):521-31.doi:
  • Sharma JB, Sharma E, Sharma S, Singh J. Recommendations for prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum care during COVID‐19 pandemic in India. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2020;84(5):e13336.doi:
  • Şen Aytekin M, Yılar Erkek Z, Kahraman A. COVID-19 pandemisinde gebenin, yenidoğanın ve sağlık personelinin travayda korunmasına yönelik ebelik bakımı. Ebelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2021;4(2):176-88.
  • Lin C, Chu S-M, Hsu J-F, Hsu C-C, Chang Y-L, Lien R, et al. Delivery management of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 positive mothers. Pediatrics & Neonatology. 2021.doi:
  • Kotlar B, Gerson E, Petrillo S, Langer A, Tiemeier H. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal and perinatal health: a scoping review. Reproductive Health. 2021;18(1):1-39.doi:
  • Riley T, Sully E, Ahmed Z, Biddlecom A. Estimates of the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sexual and reproductive health in low-and middle-income countries. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. 2020;46:73-6.doi:
  • Işık G, Yeşilçınar İ, Çetin Avcu S, Topaloğulu Ören ED, Evrenol Öçal S, Egelioğlu Çetişli N. COVID-19 enfeksiyonunun antenatal, intrapartum ve postpartum yönetimi. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi. 2020;5(2):93-8.
  • Royal College of Obstetricians and Gyneacologist. COVID-19 virus infection and Pregnancy. Occupational health advice for employers and pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020 [Available from:
  • Qi H, Chen M, Luo X, Liu X, Shi Y, Liu T, et al. Management of a delivery suite during the COVID-19 epidemic. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2020;250:250-2.doi:
  • Boelig RC, Lambert C, Pena JA, Stone J, Bernstein PS, Berghella V, editors. Obstetric protocols in the setting of a pandemic. Seminars in Perinatology; 2020: Elsevier.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. COVID-19 FAQs for Obstetrician-Gynecologists, Obstetrics 2021 [Available from:
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı. COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 enfeksiyonu) solunum sistemi hastalıklarının yaygın olduğu dönemde sağlık kuruluşlarında gebe takibi 2021 [Available from:
  • World Health Organization. What we know about Breastfeeding and newborn care in the context of COVID-19 2020 [Available from:
  • World Health Organization. Pregnancy and childbirth during COVID-19 2021 [Available from:
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Pregnant and Recently Pregnant People at Increased Risk for Severe Illness from COVID-19 2021 [Available from:,Effect%20on%20Pregnancy%20Outcomes,without%20COVID%2D19%20during%20pregnancy.
  • Rocca-Ihenacho L, Alonso C. Where do women birth during a pandemic? Changing perspectives on Safe Motherhood during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Global Health Science. 2020;2(e4).doi:
  • Hermann A, Fitelson EM, Bergink V. Meeting maternal mental health needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. JAMA psychiatry. 2021;78(2):123-4.doi:
  • Berghella V, Hughes B. COVID-19: Pregnancy issues and antenatal care. In: Post T, editor. UpToDate. Waltham, 2021.
  • Young BE, Ong SWX, Kalimuddin S, Low JG, Tan SY, Loh J, et al. Epidemiologic features and clinical course of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in Singapore. Jama. 2020;323(15):1488-94.doi:
  • Cheema R, Partridge E, Kair LR, Kuhn-Riordon KM, Silva AI, Bettinelli ME, et al. Protecting breastfeeding during the COVID-19 pandemic. American journal of perinatology. 2020.doi:
  • Oliveira CEdS, Moura MÁP, Dantas ALB, Gouveia MTdO, Mascarenhas VHA. Assistance for newborns in the delivery room during the COVID-19 pandemic. Acta Paulista de Enfermagem. 2021;34:1-9.doi:
  • Çevik E, Yanıkkerem E. İntrapartum dönemde kanıta dayalı uygulamalar doğrultusunda destekleyici hemşirelik bakımı. 2021. 189-203 p.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section REVIEW

Esra Çevik 0000-0003-2798-9202

Project Number -
Publication Date November 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Çevik, E. (2021). COVID-19 Pandemi Süreci ve İntrapartum Dönemde Bakım. Balıkesir Medical Journal, 5(3), 164-169.