Endosalpingiozis, periton, subperitoneal dokular ve retroperitoneal lenf nodlarını tutan, tubal tip epitel ile
döşeli iyi huylu glandlar ile karakterize bir Müllerian sistem hastalığıdır. Endosalpingiozis, genellikle mikroskobik
incelemede tesadüfen gözlenen bir bulgudur. Olgumuz olan 45 yaşında kadın hasta, menometroraji
şikâyeti ile Jinekoloji polikliniğine başvurmuştur. Makroskopik incelemede uterus anteriorunda 9x6x3 cm
boyutlarında intramural kistik oluşum görülmüştür. Patolojik incelemede bu kitleye kistik endosalpingiozis
tanısı konulmuştur. 45 yaşında menometroraji şikâyeti ile gelen multipar bir hastada uterus parametriyumunda
kistik endosalpingiozis olgumuzu nadir olması nedeniyle sunulmuştur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Endosalpingiozis; Fallop Tüpü; Pelvik Kitle
Endosalpingiosis is a disorder of Mullerian system characterized by benign glands lined by tubal type epithelium
and involves the peritoneum, subperitoneal tissues, and retroperitoneal lymph nodes. Endosalpingiosis
is almost an incidental finding on microscopic examination. Our case, a 45-years-old female patient,
with complaint of menometrorrhagia, admitted to the Gynaecology outpatient clinic. An intramural cystic
formation sized as 9x6x3 cm on the anterior surface of the uterus has seen by macroscopic examination.
It has been diagnosed as cystic endosalpingiosis by the pathologic examination. We presented our case of
a cystic endosalpingiosis of uterine parametrium in a 45-year-old multiparous patient who presented with
complaints of menometrorrhagia because of its rarity
1. Shah A, Zangmo R, Jain K. Endosalpingiosis with concurrent endometriosis of ovary masquerading as ovarian malignancy. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2020;9(6):2595-7.
2. Yiğit S, Dere Y, Yetimalar H, Etit D. Tumor-Like Cystic Endosalpingosis in the Myometrium: A Case report and a Review of the Literature. Turk J Pathol. 2014;30(2):145-8.
3. Prentice L, Stewart A. What is endosalpingiosis? Fertil Steril. 2012;98(4):942-7.
5. Yang M, Li Y, Chen M, Chen J, Kung FT. Uterine endosalpingiosis: Case report and review of the literature. Taiwan J Obstet & Gynecol. 2019;58:324-7.
6. Kajo K, Zúbor P, Machalekova K, Plank L, Visnovský J. Tumor-like manifestation of endosalpingiosis in uterus: a case report. Pathol Res Pract. 2005;201(7):527-30.
7. Clement PB, Young RH. Endocervicosis of the urinary bladder: a report of six cases of a benign Mullerian lesion that may mimic adenocarcinoma. Am J Surg Pathol. 1992;16:533–42.
8. Çil AP, Atasoy P, Kara SA. Myometrial involvement of tumor-like cystic endosalpingiosis: a rare entity. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2008;32:106–10.
9. El-Agwany AS. Endosalpingiosis (A Rare Pathology that Mimic Others): Could it be a Precursor of Cancer. Indian J Gynecol Oncolog. 2016; 14(47):1-5.
Bozok Tıp Derg 2022;12(3):91-93
Bozok Med J 2022;12(3):91-93
Uterus parametriyum endosalpingiozis
Year 2022,
Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 91 - 93, 15.09.2022
1. Shah A, Zangmo R, Jain K. Endosalpingiosis with concurrent endometriosis of ovary masquerading as ovarian malignancy. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2020;9(6):2595-7.
2. Yiğit S, Dere Y, Yetimalar H, Etit D. Tumor-Like Cystic Endosalpingosis in the Myometrium: A Case report and a Review of the Literature. Turk J Pathol. 2014;30(2):145-8.
3. Prentice L, Stewart A. What is endosalpingiosis? Fertil Steril. 2012;98(4):942-7.
5. Yang M, Li Y, Chen M, Chen J, Kung FT. Uterine endosalpingiosis: Case report and review of the literature. Taiwan J Obstet & Gynecol. 2019;58:324-7.
6. Kajo K, Zúbor P, Machalekova K, Plank L, Visnovský J. Tumor-like manifestation of endosalpingiosis in uterus: a case report. Pathol Res Pract. 2005;201(7):527-30.
7. Clement PB, Young RH. Endocervicosis of the urinary bladder: a report of six cases of a benign Mullerian lesion that may mimic adenocarcinoma. Am J Surg Pathol. 1992;16:533–42.
8. Çil AP, Atasoy P, Kara SA. Myometrial involvement of tumor-like cystic endosalpingiosis: a rare entity. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2008;32:106–10.
9. El-Agwany AS. Endosalpingiosis (A Rare Pathology that Mimic Others): Could it be a Precursor of Cancer. Indian J Gynecol Oncolog. 2016; 14(47):1-5.
Bozok Tıp Derg 2022;12(3):91-93
Bozok Med J 2022;12(3):91-93
Uterus parametriyum endosalpingiozis
Kılınç, N. (2022). UTERUS PARAMETRİYUMUNDA KİSTİK ENDOSALPİNGİOZİS Cystic Endosalpingiosis of Uterine Parametrium. Bozok Tıp Dergisi, 12(3), 91-93.
Kılınç N. UTERUS PARAMETRİYUMUNDA KİSTİK ENDOSALPİNGİOZİS Cystic Endosalpingiosis of Uterine Parametrium. Bozok Tıp Dergisi. September 2022;12(3):91-93.
Kılınç, Nihal. “UTERUS PARAMETRİYUMUNDA KİSTİK ENDOSALPİNGİOZİS Cystic Endosalpingiosis of Uterine Parametrium”. Bozok Tıp Dergisi 12, no. 3 (September 2022): 91-93.
Kılınç N (September 1, 2022) UTERUS PARAMETRİYUMUNDA KİSTİK ENDOSALPİNGİOZİS Cystic Endosalpingiosis of Uterine Parametrium. Bozok Tıp Dergisi 12 3 91–93.
N. Kılınç, “UTERUS PARAMETRİYUMUNDA KİSTİK ENDOSALPİNGİOZİS Cystic Endosalpingiosis of Uterine Parametrium”, Bozok Tıp Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 91–93, 2022.
Kılınç, Nihal. “UTERUS PARAMETRİYUMUNDA KİSTİK ENDOSALPİNGİOZİS Cystic Endosalpingiosis of Uterine Parametrium”. Bozok Tıp Dergisi 12/3 (September 2022), 91-93.
Kılınç N. UTERUS PARAMETRİYUMUNDA KİSTİK ENDOSALPİNGİOZİS Cystic Endosalpingiosis of Uterine Parametrium. Bozok Tıp Dergisi. 2022;12:91–93.
Kılınç, Nihal. “UTERUS PARAMETRİYUMUNDA KİSTİK ENDOSALPİNGİOZİS Cystic Endosalpingiosis of Uterine Parametrium”. Bozok Tıp Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 3, 2022, pp. 91-93.
Kılınç N. UTERUS PARAMETRİYUMUNDA KİSTİK ENDOSALPİNGİOZİS Cystic Endosalpingiosis of Uterine Parametrium. Bozok Tıp Dergisi. 2022;12(3):91-3.