Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 9 - 14, 15.03.2025


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the presence of kinesiophobia, risk factors, and the relationship
between kinesiophobia and pain and quality of life in people with chronic low back pain (LBP).
Material and Methods: The study was cross-sectional in design. Patients aged 18-65 years who presented
to the physical medicine and rehabilitation clinic with chronic low back pain for more than 3 months were
included in the study. Demographic data and pain duration of the patients were recorded. The pain level
was assessed using a visual analog scale (VAS), the presence of kinesiophobia using the Tampa Kinesiophobia
Scale (TKS), quality of life using the Short Form-12 (SF-12), and functional disability using the Oswestry
Disability Index (ODI).
Results: The study was conducted in 89 patients. Of the patients, 64 (71.9%) were female and 25 (28.1%)
were male. The median age was 52 (21) years. There was no correlation between age, gender, body mass
index (BMI), and TKS scores (r=0.066, p=0.536; r=-0.126, p=0.240 and r=0.131, p=0.221, respectively). We
found a moderate negative correlation between TKS score and SF-12 physical and mental scores (r=-0.372,
p<0.001; r=-0.324, p<0.001), a moderate positive correlation between TKS score and ODI (r=0.530, p <0.01),
and a weak positive correlation between TKS score and VAS score and pain duration (r=0.261, p=0.013;
r=0.230, p=0.030).
Conclusion: Patients with chronic LBP have high levels of kinesiophobia, which is associated with pain severity
and duration. High kinesiophobia scores are considered to potentially have a negative impact on quality
of life and activities of daily living.


  • 1. Andersson, G.B. Epidemiological features of chronic low-back pain. The lancet 1999; 354(9178):581-5.
  • 2. Mayalı, F.T., B. Oz, D. Gulpek, O. Yoleri, B.T. Topaloglu,H. Koçyigit. The effect of depressive emotional state on the Efficacy of Physical Therapy in Patients with Low Back Pain. Middle Black Sea Journal of Health Science 2016; 2(2):6-13.
  • 3. Al-Obaidi, S.M., B. Al-Zoabi, N. Al-Shuwaie, N. Al-Zaabie,R.M. Nelson. The influence of pain and pain-related fear and disability beliefs on walking velocity in chronic low back pain. Int J Rehabil Res. 2003; 26(2):101-8.
  • 4. Luque-Suarez, A., J. Martinez-Calderon, S. Navarro-Ledesma, J.M. Morales-Asencio, M. Meeus, F. Struyf. Kinesiophobia is associated with pain intensity and disability in chronic shoulder pain: a cross-sectional study. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2020; 43(8):791-8.
  • 5. Silva, M.C.d.M., C.R. Tottoli, K. Mascarenhas, Y.A. Marques, A.M. Toledo,R.L. Carregaro. Is kinesiophobia associated with disturbances in dynamic balance in individuals with chronic non-specific low back pain? BrJP 2022; 5:47-51.
  • 6. Vlaeyen, J.W., A.M. Kole-Snijders, A.M. Rotteveel, R. Ruesink,P.H. Heuts. The role of fear of movement/(re) injury in pain disability. J Occup Rehabil. 1995; 5:235-52.
  • 7. Yücel, B. Bel Ağrılı Hastalarda Psikiyatrik Değerlendirme. Özcan E, Ketenci A, Ankara. Nobel Kitabevi 2002; 135-43.
  • 8. Veehof, M.M., M.-J. Oskam, K.M. Schreurs,E.T. Bohlmeijer. Acceptance-based interventions for the treatment of chronic pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pain® 2011; 152(3):533-42.
  • 9. Özmen, T., R. Gündüz, H. Doğan, T. Zoroğlu,D. Acar. Kronik bel ağrılı hastalarda kinezyofobi ve yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişki. FÜ Sağ. Bil. Tıp Derg 2016; 30(1):1-4.
  • 10. Price, D.D., P.A. McGrath, A. Rafii,B. Buckingham. The validationof visual analogue scales as ratio scale measures for chronic and experimental pain. Pain 1983; 17(1):45-56.


Year 2025, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 9 - 14, 15.03.2025


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the presence of kinesiophobia, risk factors, and the relationship
between kinesiophobia and pain and quality of life in people with chronic low back pain (LBP).
Material and Methods: The study was cross-sectional in design. Patients aged 18-65 years who presented
to the physical medicine and rehabilitation clinic with chronic low back pain for more than 3 months were
included in the study. Demographic data and pain duration of the patients were recorded. The pain level
was assessed using a visual analog scale (VAS), the presence of kinesiophobia using the Tampa Kinesiophobia
Scale (TKS), quality of life using the Short Form-12 (SF-12), and functional disability using the Oswestry
Disability Index (ODI).
Results: The study was conducted in 89 patients. Of the patients, 64 (71.9%) were female and 25 (28.1%)
were male. The median age was 52 (21) years. There was no correlation between age, gender, body mass
index (BMI), and TKS scores (r=0.066, p=0.536; r=-0.126, p=0.240 and r=0.131, p=0.221, respectively). We
found a moderate negative correlation between TKS score and SF-12 physical and mental scores (r=-0.372,
p<0.001; r=-0.324, p<0.001), a moderate positive correlation between TKS score and ODI (r=0.530, p <0.01),
and a weak positive correlation between TKS score and VAS score and pain duration (r=0.261, p=0.013;
r=0.230, p=0.030).
Conclusion: Patients with chronic LBP have high levels of kinesiophobia, which is associated with pain severity
and duration. High kinesiophobia scores are considered to potentially have a negative impact on quality
of life and activities of daily living.


  • 1. Andersson, G.B. Epidemiological features of chronic low-back pain. The lancet 1999; 354(9178):581-5.
  • 2. Mayalı, F.T., B. Oz, D. Gulpek, O. Yoleri, B.T. Topaloglu,H. Koçyigit. The effect of depressive emotional state on the Efficacy of Physical Therapy in Patients with Low Back Pain. Middle Black Sea Journal of Health Science 2016; 2(2):6-13.
  • 3. Al-Obaidi, S.M., B. Al-Zoabi, N. Al-Shuwaie, N. Al-Zaabie,R.M. Nelson. The influence of pain and pain-related fear and disability beliefs on walking velocity in chronic low back pain. Int J Rehabil Res. 2003; 26(2):101-8.
  • 4. Luque-Suarez, A., J. Martinez-Calderon, S. Navarro-Ledesma, J.M. Morales-Asencio, M. Meeus, F. Struyf. Kinesiophobia is associated with pain intensity and disability in chronic shoulder pain: a cross-sectional study. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2020; 43(8):791-8.
  • 5. Silva, M.C.d.M., C.R. Tottoli, K. Mascarenhas, Y.A. Marques, A.M. Toledo,R.L. Carregaro. Is kinesiophobia associated with disturbances in dynamic balance in individuals with chronic non-specific low back pain? BrJP 2022; 5:47-51.
  • 6. Vlaeyen, J.W., A.M. Kole-Snijders, A.M. Rotteveel, R. Ruesink,P.H. Heuts. The role of fear of movement/(re) injury in pain disability. J Occup Rehabil. 1995; 5:235-52.
  • 7. Yücel, B. Bel Ağrılı Hastalarda Psikiyatrik Değerlendirme. Özcan E, Ketenci A, Ankara. Nobel Kitabevi 2002; 135-43.
  • 8. Veehof, M.M., M.-J. Oskam, K.M. Schreurs,E.T. Bohlmeijer. Acceptance-based interventions for the treatment of chronic pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pain® 2011; 152(3):533-42.
  • 9. Özmen, T., R. Gündüz, H. Doğan, T. Zoroğlu,D. Acar. Kronik bel ağrılı hastalarda kinezyofobi ve yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişki. FÜ Sağ. Bil. Tıp Derg 2016; 30(1):1-4.
  • 10. Price, D.D., P.A. McGrath, A. Rafii,B. Buckingham. The validationof visual analogue scales as ratio scale measures for chronic and experimental pain. Pain 1983; 17(1):45-56.
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences (Other)
Journal Section Original Research

Ferda Surel

Esra Şahingöz Bakırcı

Early Pub Date March 14, 2025
Publication Date March 15, 2025
Submission Date February 24, 2024
Acceptance Date February 17, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 15 Issue: 1


APA Surel, F., & Şahingöz Bakırcı, E. (2025). THE RELATIONSHIP OF KINESIOPHOBIA WITH PAIN AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN Kronik Bel Ağrısı Olan Hastalarda Kinezyofobi ile Ağrı ve Yaşam Kalitesi Arasındaki İlişki. Bozok Tıp Dergisi, 15(1), 9-14.
AMA Surel F, Şahingöz Bakırcı E. THE RELATIONSHIP OF KINESIOPHOBIA WITH PAIN AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN Kronik Bel Ağrısı Olan Hastalarda Kinezyofobi ile Ağrı ve Yaşam Kalitesi Arasındaki İlişki. Bozok Tıp Dergisi. March 2025;15(1):9-14. doi:10.16919/bozoktip.1657758
Chicago Surel, Ferda, and Esra Şahingöz Bakırcı. “THE RELATIONSHIP OF KINESIOPHOBIA WITH PAIN AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN Kronik Bel Ağrısı Olan Hastalarda Kinezyofobi Ile Ağrı Ve Yaşam Kalitesi Arasındaki İlişki”. Bozok Tıp Dergisi 15, no. 1 (March 2025): 9-14.
EndNote Surel F, Şahingöz Bakırcı E (March 1, 2025) THE RELATIONSHIP OF KINESIOPHOBIA WITH PAIN AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN Kronik Bel Ağrısı Olan Hastalarda Kinezyofobi ile Ağrı ve Yaşam Kalitesi Arasındaki İlişki. Bozok Tıp Dergisi 15 1 9–14.
IEEE F. Surel and E. Şahingöz Bakırcı, “THE RELATIONSHIP OF KINESIOPHOBIA WITH PAIN AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN Kronik Bel Ağrısı Olan Hastalarda Kinezyofobi ile Ağrı ve Yaşam Kalitesi Arasındaki İlişki”, Bozok Tıp Dergisi, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 9–14, 2025, doi: 10.16919/bozoktip.1657758.
ISNAD Surel, Ferda - Şahingöz Bakırcı, Esra. “THE RELATIONSHIP OF KINESIOPHOBIA WITH PAIN AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN Kronik Bel Ağrısı Olan Hastalarda Kinezyofobi Ile Ağrı Ve Yaşam Kalitesi Arasındaki İlişki”. Bozok Tıp Dergisi 15/1 (March 2025), 9-14.
JAMA Surel F, Şahingöz Bakırcı E. THE RELATIONSHIP OF KINESIOPHOBIA WITH PAIN AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN Kronik Bel Ağrısı Olan Hastalarda Kinezyofobi ile Ağrı ve Yaşam Kalitesi Arasındaki İlişki. Bozok Tıp Dergisi. 2025;15:9–14.
MLA Surel, Ferda and Esra Şahingöz Bakırcı. “THE RELATIONSHIP OF KINESIOPHOBIA WITH PAIN AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN Kronik Bel Ağrısı Olan Hastalarda Kinezyofobi Ile Ağrı Ve Yaşam Kalitesi Arasındaki İlişki”. Bozok Tıp Dergisi, vol. 15, no. 1, 2025, pp. 9-14, doi:10.16919/bozoktip.1657758.
Vancouver Surel F, Şahingöz Bakırcı E. THE RELATIONSHIP OF KINESIOPHOBIA WITH PAIN AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN Kronik Bel Ağrısı Olan Hastalarda Kinezyofobi ile Ağrı ve Yaşam Kalitesi Arasındaki İlişki. Bozok Tıp Dergisi. 2025;15(1):9-14.
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